THE NEWS, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. NAME “BAYER” ON GENUINE ASPIRIN A Stafworing People Take tablets only as told in each “Bayer” package. By REV. J. H. RALSTON, D. I) .Secretary of Correspondence Dep't, Moody Bible Institute, Cnicago The “Bayer Cross” is the thumb- print of genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.” It protects you against imi tations and identifies the genuine As pirin prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Always buy an unbroken package of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” which con ¬ tains proper directions to safely relieve Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu ritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger “Bayer” packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidesrer of Salicylicacid. Perfect Health Is Yours Almost Evefy Human Ailment Is Directly Traceable to Im purities in the Blood. You should play particular heed to any indication that your blood supply is becoming sluggish, or that there is a lessening in its strong and vital force. By keeping your blood cleansed your system more easily wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to attack wherever there is an If the Blood Is Kept Pure opening. A few bottles of S. S. S., the great vegetable blood medi cine, will revitalize your blood and give you new strength aad a healthy, vigorous vitality. Every one needs it just .now t® keep the system in perfect condition. Go to your drug store and get a bottle to-day, and if you need any medi cal advice, you can obtain it with out cost by writing to Medical Di rector, Swift Specific Co., 46 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.. Many Suicides in China. China has more suicides than any other country in the world, In a single year as many as half a million cases of self-destruction have been re corded. In Finland many women are em ployed in the sawmills. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the *«* sr Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria TOOK REBUKE IN GOOD PART A SOFT, VELVETY SKIN should be the ambition of every wom an as there is nothing so attractive as a fair, smooth skin. Neither soaps nor powders can give this. Thou sands of southern women know from experience that Tetterine will quickly rid the skin of its disfiguring pimples rind blotches and give it that bright clear appearance so much admired. Tetterine is sold by druggists or sent by mail for 50c. by Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga.—Adv. TEXT. — They are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.—Isa. 29:9. In the text and context we read of a condition in the days of Isaiah I or shortly there- | after. Most of those who were guiding public opinion were, speaking words of j confidence, assur- I ing the people : that nothing dire- j ful was ahead; | while a very few. j faithful prophets, j such as Isaiah, were truthfully telling the people of coming trouble. There were confu sion, uncertainty, f^ar taking hold MODS By WHICH MAY 0811 UPB ROPER HAS ISSUED A RULING THAT ONLY THE SICK CAN SECURE A PERMIT. NO PROFITEERS ALLOWED A Permit Will Not be Issued to Any One to Purchase More Than One Pint Liquor in Calendar Month. of the masses. Is there any indication that there is similar staggering in our day? What is stable nowadays? Witness the uncertainty, unrest, agitation, so cial confusion. The holiday season that has just passed has been one of the most remarkable in the history of the country—a period of wild extrav agance, indeed, of delirium, with an utter disregard to God and religion, and to even the commonplaces of mor ality. The contentions in industrial life are more bitter than ever. One Young Man Probably Right When He Said It Would Teach Him a Lesson. 'Years ago when I was teaching in 'high school, we had considerable trou ble with the students slamming the outside doors, and we lectured them often. It was my week for hall duty when one noon a young man entered the school building and banged the tdoor. 0 was much provoked and said, '‘Young man, will you please go out again and try and see if you cannot close that door more quetly?” He looked rather surprised and said, “Yes ma’am,” and did as I asked. I said, “That was better.” He then inquired where he would find one of our teachers. To my sur prise he was not a student as I thought, but a friend making a call. I tried to apologize, but he said it would serve as a good lesson.—Ex change. The Place for 1t. “Willie!” “Yes, pop.” “Can you carry a tune?” “Certainly I can carry a tune, pop.” “Well, carry that one you’re whis tling out in the back yard and bury it.” DOING THE BEST HE COULD Question as to What Joe Was Crying “About” Was Settled in Short Order. I have a small brother, writes a Youth’s Companion subscriber, who is three years old. On one occasion he came walking slowly and quietly up to his mother and turned a very wan, pinched little face up to her. She asked him in a sympathetic voice: “What is the matter, Joe? You aren’t sick, are you?” “No, ma’am.” “Well, what is the matter?” “Nothin’, only I just feel so pitiful!” By now his feelings were so “worked up” that he began to cry. “Well, is that what makes, you cry so easily?” . “No, ma’am, that’s wh’at makes me cry so hard !” “Now, Joseph, what is mamma’s boy crying so hard about?” “I’m cryin’ ’bout as hard as I can.” And he proceeded to do so. When Love Was Blind. Sheila—If I had known what a fool you were I never should have married you. Dick—You might have guessed that when I proposed to you.—London An swers. The only effective way to convince a contrary man that he is wrong is to agree with him. A short horse is soon curried—if he isn’t a kicker. 1 Coffee Prices Are Up But T^ere Jy Wb Pazse In .Price Of Instant POSTUM Try this delicious table drink, of coffee-like flavor in place of your next pound of coffee^ Note the satisfaction., not only to purse but 'to health., and you’ll I continue to drinks this delightful family beverage. “ZZiere's a .Reason!* Made by Postum Cereal Company Battle Creek. Michigan. strike follows another in rapid suc cession. In the moral sphere we find that there is an increase in profan ity, desecration 'of the Lord’s day and sensuality—all of this notwith standing the formal destruction of the liquor traffic. As a rule churches are empty or sparsely attended, or, where the congregations are large, the peo ple are attracted to them for the same reason that they attend the “movies” —entertainment; there being, of course, some exceptions. Orthodox churches fraternize freely with liber al and skeptical churches, because they are not sufficiently consecrated to maintain the truth at sacrifice to themselves, yet' fear to give up all forms of religion. The world is stag gering—and why? Men Are Blind. The first of the reasons for similar conditions in Israel assigned in our context is that the people were blind* They did not see. They had so per sistently declined to see, that God had taken away from them the power to see. The blindness of today is chief ly spiritual. Men will not look at the truth. Many in Christian churches to day are not informed on what is in the Bible, simply because they will not open their eyes to see. They have been taught to believe certain things, and when anything different is present ed, their prejudice prevents investiga tion. While declining to go over to the ranks of the rejectors of the truth openly, they withdraw from active Christian work and sink into the mass of the non-churchgoing world. Man says, “I am not learned.” Is it true that today we have a condition of ignorance as to religious- truth? In vestigate the so-called purveyors of truth of today. They are either ig norant of the truth, or, being informed of the truth, are false to it. Do the preachers know the truth? Or, if they know, the truth, are they so degenerate as to conceal it? Ignorance of the truths of the Christian religion is the underlying cause of the success of re ligious fads of the day. The knowl edge of the truth is a bulwark against error. It is not sufficient for a man to say, “I am not learned;” he ought to be learned. The prophet says that it is because the leaders of the people are blind and ignorant. “The prophets and your rulers and seers hath he covered.” The true prophet, the good leader, God has taken away; but unfortunately there are those who pose in their places, and they are blind leaders of the blind. The seers of today are mere guessers at the truth, giving out but the “pre cepts of men.” Washington.—Methods by which in toxicating liquors may be obtained for medical purposes and detailed regu lations governing their sale were made public by the bureau of inter nal revenue. Announcement also was made that the bureau had compiled a system of permits providing a definite and fixed channel through which all intoxicat ing liquors must move, and by which hereafter the government will know the location of every gallon of distill ed liquor within the nation’s boun daries, except that stored in private homes. In setting forth the ways in which liquor may be procured, Commissioner Roper took occasion to issue a warn ing against profiteering in its sale. The commissioner declared that ex orbitant charges for liquor for medici nal purposes “certainly place the dis pensers thereof in the class with pro fiteers and they will be investigated.” Mr. Roper also announced that all liquor seized under federal law prior to last October 28, unless claimed un der the 60-day ruling, would be sold by order of the court under the juris diction of which it is held. It must be sold, however, to a holder of a per mit. Both the physician who prescribes and the ’ pharmacist who sells liquor, the regulations provide, must have a permit. MEXICANS MAKE PRISONERS OF TWO AMERICAN AVIATORS McAllen, Texas.—Two army avia tors, Lieutenant E. F. Davis, and G. E. Grimes, carrying a military mes sage from Fort Brown, Texas, to Nogales, Ariz , were forced to make a landing in Mexico, 30 miles south of Zapata, Texas, and are being held by Mexicans. COL. GRAVES ADDRESSES THE FORESTRY CONGRESS. New Orleans.—Acquisition by the government of extensive additional areas of forest lands to be handled permanently in the Interests of the public was the feature of a proposed new forestry policy lor the nation ad vocated by Colonel H. S. Graves, chief of the United States Forest service, before the day’s session of the South ern Forestry congress here. THE WOOL MARKET NOW FAST APPROACHING PRE-WAR BASIS. New York.—The wool market is rapidly approaching a normal, pre-war basis, and manufacturers’ demands for raw wool will be met in full soon, ac cording to Arthur Williams, federal food administrator, who conferred with representatives of the American Woolen association here. WILSON RENEWS APPEAL FOR FOOD RELIEF CREDITS Washington. — Through Secretary Glass, President Wilson renewed the appeal to congress to grant credits of $150,000,000 for Poland, Austria and Armenia to alleviate conditions which threaten “moral and material chaos” in those countries. Secretary Glass presented the pres ident’s letter to the house ways and means committee without comment and the committee deferred considera tion of it. There was no Indication when the committee would act finally on the request of Mr. Glass that the credits be authorized. What Is the Remedy? Let the leaders and the people open their eyes to the truth. “But where are we to find the truth?” one asks. There is just one answer: We are to find that truth inthe Bible. We do not have any hesitation in saying that we should stand on the old Book. The Catholic church broke down af ter many centuries of trial, and Prot estantism came to the front; but now Protestantism is breaking down. The church has lost its grip, and its present movement to rehabilitate it self by such efforts as the raising of vast sums of money and by scientific investigation and organization is doomed to failure. God in these movements is largely forgotten, what ever may be the protestations to the contrary. GLASS WRITES ADVISING THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY Washington.—On the eve of his tak ing leave of the president’s official family, and, simultaneosly, on his taking his seat as a member of the United States senate, Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass, writes Sena tor J. W .Mapp, of tie Virginia Gen eral Assembly, advocating the rati fication of the Susan B. Anthony amendment now before that body. Secretary Glass points out the wis dom of granting wonran suffrage. Christianity. Christianity did not come from heaven to be the amusement of an idle hour, or the food of mere imag ination; to be “as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and playeth well upon an instrument.” It is intended to be the guide and companion of all our hours—the seri ous occupation of our whole exist ence.—Bishop Jebb. NEW HEAD OF TREASURY A NATIVE OF NORTH CAROLINA Washington.—David Franklin Hosu- ton, of St. Louis, Mo, who has been secretary of agriculture since March, 1913, who was named as secretary of thetreasury, was born in Monroe, N. C., February 17, 1861'. He graduated from South Carolina College in 1887, received his A. M. degree from Har vard in 1892. and was honored with the LL.D degree by Tulane University n 1903. He was elected chan/; ''llor of Washington Universe y in 1908. ^» WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight-Kept Right UNITED letter a hearty meal, you’ll avoid that stuffy feeling if you chew a stick of Other benefits: to teeth, breath, appetite, nerves. That’s a good deal to get for 5 cents! A War Child. “Tommy, shall I never teach you that it isn’t right to throw hand gre nades at your elders?”—Sondage NTsse,. Stockholm. Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills contain nothing but vegetable ingredients, which act gently as a tonic and purgative. AdV. The wrong road never led to the right place.—Kardac, Count of Ger- say. I Farms in Lancaster County,Pa. The richest county in America. Has led all others for fifty years. No. 654—89 acres, good 8-room house, bank barn, silo, large implement shed, spring house, hog pen, corn crib; near school, church and railroad. Acet ylene lights in house. Price |T,000. No. 678—127 acres, large house and barn, with, growing crops, 11 cows, 4 mules. Only 59,250. Send for list. O. H. Shenk, Lan caster, Pa. Wanted—Agents every where to represent us locally, spare time. Liberal commission to right party. oN experience necessary. Must be honest, reliable, acquainted. Particulars, Southland Marble & Granite Co.,Marietta,Ga. The Right Way in all cases of DISTEMPER, PINKEYE INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC. of all horses, brood mares, colts and stallions is to “SPOHN THEM” on the tongue or in the feed with SPOHSTS DISTEMPER COMPOUND Give the remedy to all of them. It actj| on the blood and glands. It routs the disease by expelling the germs. It wards off the trouble, no matter how they are “exposed.” A few drops a day prevent those exposed from contract ing disease. Contains nothing injuri ous. Sold by druggists, harness deal ers or by the manufacturers. 60 cents and $1.1 R per bottle. AGENTS WANT ED. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOSHEN, IND. Kills Germs —Is a Tonic To Those Who Raise Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry FER-SUL IS AN ENTIRELY NEW ODORLESS DISINFECTANT, DEODOR IZER AND ANTISEPTIC. FER-SUL has two marked characteristics. One: DESTROYS DISEASE GERMS—the other; RESTORES HEALTH. 1 IT CURES—WHITE DIARRHOEA, GAPES, ROUP. CHICKEN POX (SORE HEAD) AND CANKER IN POULTRY AND NUMBERLESS DISEASES IN QUADRUPEDS. Has done wonderful work in arresting the ravages of Hog Cholera. The constant use of FER-SUL is the very best Live Stock Insurance you can buy. Valuable for coagulating and stopping the flow of blood. NOW SOLD BY People’s Drug Store, Salisbury, N. C. Darling & Bonnoitt, Darlington, S. C. Mitchell’s Drug Store, Sumter, S. C. Murray Drug Store, Columbia, S. C. Kirkland Distributing Co., Columbia. S. C. The Geer Drug Co., Spartanburg and Charleston, S. C. Gordon Mdse. Co., Greenville, S. C. The Wohltmann Co., Charleston, S. C. We want a dealer in every town. If there is none in your locality, write to us direct for information and for free booklets on treatment of all diseases of cattle, poultry and hogs. Ninety cents in postage stamps will bring you a 12 oz. bottle of FER-SUI, by parcel post. WESTMORELAND CHEMICAL * COLOR COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. for MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. ^^ ^^^