Remember—it’s the cloth in your overalls that gives the wear! The only way to tell that the OVERALLS and COVERALLS you buy are made of gen uine Stifel’s Indigo — the strong, last-long, fast-color cloth that positively will not break in the print — is to for this * - - j _ on the back of the cloth in- eide the garments. Dealers everywhere sell garments of Stifei Indigo. We are makers of the cloth only. J. L. STIFEL & SONS ' Indigo Dyers and Printers' Wheeling, W. Va. 260 Church St. Quite Catty. “Why don’t Mrs. Glipping and Mrs. Twobble speak any more?” “Oh, they had a little spat and Mrs. Twobble insinuated that Mr. Glipping was squirrel food—you know that slang word, ‘nut.’ ” “Well! Well! She surely didn’t come right out and say that?” “No, but she advised Mrs. Glipping to keep a close watch on Mr. Glipping when she took him for a stroll -through the park.—Birmingham Age- BT^ald. GREEN’S AUGUST FLOWER. Constipation invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green’s August Flower which is a gentle laxa tive, regulates digestion both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. It is a sovereign remedy used in many thousands of households all over the civilized world for more than half a century by those who have suffered with indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal pitation, constipation and other in testinal troubles. Sold by druggists . and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, , take no substitute.—Adv. Or a Hive of Bees. Suggestion for propaganda by mov ing pictures: Show film of a colony ©f ants, industry script. for the fincouragemeut of by example.—Boston Tran- THE NEWS, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. IMPROVED UNIEOEM INTERNATIONAL Weak and Miserable ? Does the least exertion tire you out? Feel “blue” and worried and have daily backache, lameness, headache, dizziness and,.kidney irregularities? Sick kidneys are often to blame for this unhappy state. You must act quickly to pre vent more serious trouble. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills, the remedy recommend ed everywhere by grateful users. Ask your neighbor! A North Carolina Case Mrs. S. W. Beat- ^Rk tie, 807 E. Ninth St., SiwSaiooL LESSON (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D., Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1920, Western Newspaper Union) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 8 Charlotte, N. C., - ■'' / m lure pibaStory” the present time Doan’s Kidney Pills . for a severe back- ^ache from which I ^suffered for years ^and coudn’t find ^anything that M would give me re- iWlief. I saw Doan’s v|Kidney Pills ad- r^vert 586 ^ and got ^some and used them. They entire- ly cured me. I am in good health at and give Doan’s all the credit for this.” Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Boz DOAN’S ^^ FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. S iam „ well! &-your g chickens land stock k' well?" ^ a » ^ ^7/ , nof- r ^ive them BeeDee Stock & Poultry Medicine The old reliable BLACK-DRAUGHT for Stock and poultry Ask your merchant! Merchants: ask your jobbery salesmen about Be@ $99! SEND FOR THE BOOK OF in 0 101 BEST SONGS § —containing more than 100 favorite se- lections for home, school and meeting. Words and music complete; heavy paper cov^r; postage prepaid. Send 10c. now, coin or stamps. Department W Richmond, Virginia “The House That Made Richmond Musical” ? J: For 35c When you buy Yager’s Lini ment you get splendid value 1 . The large 35 cent bottle contains twice aa much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. Try it for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers—price 35 cents. The Large Bottle GERS _.N1MENT RELIEVESPAIN A GILBERT BROS. & CO, Baltimore, Md. BAD BREATH Many person imagine that Woi ms or Tape worm cannot be gotten rid of entirely. Those who have used “Dead Shot”—Dr. Often Caused by Acid-Stomach Peery’s Vermifuge, know that they can. Adv. Use your mind as a storehouse, but not as a junkhouse. Sure Relief >^ --vAB'em^m - INDISESWOM ^CENTS^r ^ 6 Bell-ans A I Hof water A Sure Relief B E LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION R H 0 ATI S M . Lunwago or Gout? Take RFJ EUMAf TDE to remove the cause and drive the poison irom the system. fa. Baily ^ S^n, Wholesale Kiiribaton L Balu more, Md. How can anyone with a sour, gassy stomach, who is constantly belching, has heartburn and suffers from indigestion have anything but a bad breath? All of these stomach disorders mean just one thing— Acid-Stomach. EATONIC, the wonderful new stomach remedy in pleasant tasting tablet form that you eat like a bit of candy, brings quick relief from these stomach miseries. EATON IC sweetens the breath because it makes the stomach sweet, cool and comfortable. Try it for that nasty taste, congested throat and “heady feeling” after too much smoking. If neglected, Acid-Stomach may cause you a lot of serious trouble. It leads to ner vousness, headaches, insomnia, melancholia, rheumatism, sciatica, heart trouble, ulcer and cancer of the stomach. It makes its millions of victims weak and miserable, listless, lacking In energy, all tired out. It often brings about chronic invalidism, pre mature old age, a shortening of one’s days. You need the help that EATONIC can give you if you are not feeling aa strong and well as you should. You will be surprised to see how much better you will feel just as soon as you begin taking this wonderful stomach remedy. Get a big 50 cent box from your druggist today. He will return your money if you are not satisfied. FATONIC W ( FOR YOUR ACID-STOMACH) For CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA & PNEUMONIA Mothers should keen a jar of Brame’s Vapo- mentha Salve convenient. When Croup, Influ enza or Pneumonia threatens this delightful salve rubbed well into the throat, chest and under the arms, will relieve the choking, break congestion and promote restful sleep. « WILL MOT 5TA1H THE CLOTHES Brame Drug Co N. Wilkesboro, CnHcura Soap । Is,Ideal for- The Complexion Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. For Irritated Throats take a tried and tested remedy—one that acts promptly and effectively and contains no opiates. You get that remedy by asking for PISO’S PETER AT LYDDA AND JOPPA. LESSON TEXT—Acts 9:32-43. GOLDEN TEXT—The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.—James 5:15. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL — Luke 5: 17-26; 8:40-56. PRIMARY TOPIC—What a Kind Wom an Did. JUNIOR TOPIC—What Peter Did at Lydda and Joppa. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC—The Beauty and Influence of an Un selfish Life. In order to grasp the significance of this lesson, we should recall the con dition .which prevailed in the church as suggested in verse 31. Three char acteristics are outstanding: I. Freedom From Persecution. Saul, the ringleader of the persecut ing forces, had just recently been con verted, thereby disorganizing their forces, allowing the church to enjoy a breathing spell. This period of rest did not result in its growing lazy, in different, worldly, and forgetful of God, but in growth in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. 2. Spiritual Growth and Develop ment. The real meaning of the word “edi fied” is “builded up.” This does not mean merely that the members were being instructed and comforted, but that strenuous efforts on the part of the individual members, as well as the body as a whole, were being made for the advancement of the divine life. The word “edify” contains the meta phor of some grand building or struc ture. As suggested by another, this metaphor involves (1) a foundation. This is Jesus Christ—no other dare be laid (I Cor. 3:12-16). (2) A contin uous progress. This means that a Christian’s activities are purposeful and that the work he undertakes moves forward with the proper prog ress. (3) Persistent effort. This means that the present day’s work be gins the foundation upon which to morrow’s work must be built. Thus day by day his life is being raised higher and higher, as each separate round of material is being laid by strenuous efforts. (4) A completion. Finally the work is done, the build ing is completed, the top stone is brought forth and placed. 3. Outward Growth. Building up within the church causes the whole work to be admired and respected by those without, in ducing them to come and identify themselves with the cause. There can be no forward movement without un less there be a correponding move ment within. Our lesson today is the record of two stupendous miracles. They are the greatest signs wrought since the day of Christ. The dreadful malady of palsy is vanquished, and a corpse is retenanted by the departed soul. The occurrence here of this miracle is in keeping with the movements of the church at this time. The Lord had promised these signs as they went forth with the gospel message. They were given as encouragements to the ’ disciples, to convince them that the gospel did not lose any of its power by being spread, but rather that its power increased. As the church goes everywhere preaching the Word there will be a corresponding manifestation of power. I. The Healing of Eneas (vv. 32-35). This man’s needy condition appealed to Peter, just as men today should ap peal to us in their semi-dead state. Like his Master, Peter could not re fuse the needed help. In this he did not direct attention to himself, but confidently appealed to the power in the name of Christ: “Jesus Christ healeth thee.” The man jvho had kept his bed for eight long years imme diately arose and made his bed. When the Lord heals it is done instantly. Peter wisely kept this miracle from being the end by making it the means to the end. That end was the preach ing of the gospel. This brought most gratifying results, for “all that dwelt In Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.” II. The Raising of Dorcas (vv. 36- 43). I This woman was full of good works ; and alms-deeds which she did, not talked of doing. She was a practical Christian woman of the kind that gets down to the practical way of showing her love by doing deeds of helpful ness. Her death was a real loss, as was evidenced by the mourning of those who had been helped. When this good woman fell sick and died the disciples sent for Peter. Peter put them all forth. At his command her soul came back to live in her body. This again caused them to believe on the Lord. Read the Bible and Think. “It is a good plan to read a book of the Bible through rapidly at a sit ting in a shady garden, or on a cliff looking over the sea; then to close the book and think.”—Church Family Newspaper. Transformed Into New Man. As iron put into the fire loseth its rust and becometh clearly red hot, so he that wholly turneth himself unto God puts off all slothfulness, and is transformed into a new man.—Thomas a Kempis. from your fertilizer will be greater if you use ROYSTER’S TRADEMARK } REGISTERED The Fertilizer That Made Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio Pessimistic. “It is all over but the shouting,” said the politician to his friend the night before election, “and, between you and me, our side won’t have to attend to that.”—Boston Transcript. Cruel Intimation. He—I suppose you think I couldn’t make my wife happy? She—No, but you could your widow. RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and % oz. of glycerine. Apply to the hair twice a week until it becomes the desired shade. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very little cost. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and will make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not co’or the scalp, is not sticky or greasy, and does not rub off.—Adv. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS', as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influ enced by constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh. It is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is what produces such won derful results in catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. KING PIN CHEWING The tastiest tobacco you ever tasted. Mirth is a paying investment—be cause its stock is never watered with tears of regret. If Adam had eaten the apple first he probably would have decided that Eve dared him to do it. FRECKLES POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. Berry’ll Freckle Ointment—-Your druggist or by mail, 65c. Free book. Dr. C. H. Berry Co., 2975 Michigan Avenue. Chicago* W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 6--1920. LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE G ET a package today. No tice the flavor—the whole- some taste of Kentucky Burley tobacco. Why do so many “regular men” buy Lucky Strike cigarettes? They buy them for the special flavor of the toasted Burley tobacco. There’s the big reason—it’s toasted, and real Burley. Make Lucky Strike your cigarette.