THE NEWS W. B. THOMPSON Editor and Owner Entered at the postoffice at Chapel HiH, N. C., as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One yea» —- Six numihs Three months mail $1.50 .96 . .49 Stabscriptiens must be paid in ad vance. fragments of good that remains, a new creature made more in the like ness of his Creator. He had asked for success, and fail ure came; for promotion, and he was made low. He asked for strength that he might achieve; he was made weak that he might obey. He asked for health that he might do greater, things; he was given in firmity that ho might do better things. He asked for riches that he might He asked for abundance that men might seek his favor; he was given leanness that he might seek fhe fa vor of the Maker of men.- He asked the life of a ley al one that he might be comforted; the lov ed one died that he might be exalted. CHAPEL HILL. N. C., Aug. 4, 1921 HE IS MOST BLEST If, in divine economy, there be de grees of blessing, then, beyond con- trovers, he is most blest who has not been permitted; to destroy himself; who, fleeing before the relentless pur suit of his treaherous nature, is made to seek refuge in the Eternal arms. He is most blest who, looking back from the fullness of man’s allotted span, sees most illumined the dark places through which he has passed, and reflected from every cloud the kindly light of a love. He is most blest who has dreaded Father’s not been be happy; he was given poverty he might be wise. He asked for that he might enjoy life; he given trial that he might adorn that ease was life. He asked for plenty that he might be independent of men; he was given scarceness that he might be depend ent on God. He asked to rule that he might be great; he was made to serve that he might be greater. He asked for conflict that he peace. He asked for peace, and was given might be fitted for power that he might have the praise of men; he was given weakness that he might feel the need of God. BURGLAR CAUGHT Last Sunday night about nine o’ clock Mr John McCauley, on return ing home from Siler City, saw a light in his house and upon closer inspec tion. he found a colored man, by the name of Lee Edwards going from room to room searching drawers, trunks, etc., but before he could get help to surround the house, the ne gro found out he was about to be nabbed and got out. Mr. McCauley saw him plainly enough to identify him and he was arrested ' Monday, tried before his honor, Mayor Rober son, and sufficient evidence was given to hold him for the Superior Court. Several cases of persons loitering around residences at night have been reported recently and a close watch I is being kept and no doubt several more will be in the clutches of the • law soon. He asked for rest, ■ for he was growing -weary, and he was given work that in doing good he might find refreshing. He asked for all things he might enjoy life; he was given Life that he might enjoy all things. He asked for a stone and was giv en bread, for he had sought happi ness where it could not be found, and had found happiness where he had never sought it. He had received nothing that he asked for. all that he hoped for. His prayer is answered. He is not blest. —Selected. Administrator’s Notice* Having this day qualified as Admin istrator of the estate of Oscar J. Gar rett, deceased, late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within twelve months- from this date, or this notice will be pleaded tn bar of their recove ry. All persons owing said estate will please make immediate payment. This July 9th. 1921. J. H. GARRETT, Admr. of Oscar Garrett, dec’d. Roxbo ¬ ro. N. C., R. No. 5. ■“ge^s^^gas"'^ looks like old dull times will come, but we just “Shoo” them off, get some snappy new merchan dise, and before we know it, we forget that they were about to come. A large part of our ills are imaginary, and just now we-are making things hum by showing the permitted to find rest and satisfact ion in his own devices,or those of his fellowman, who has been prevented from pursuing a self-elected course of life which was leading him on to helpless disappointment; who has seen the destruction of every carnal shrine at which he worshipped, the casting down of every Godless idol; who has been chased as the hare pur sued by the hunter from every hid ing place in bush and bramble and rocky moor, until in despair he turns and arms of his pursuer. Weighed down with desperation of leaps into the the deeds of a span, on the vain aspirations of a shorter one, with doubtful gain and greed for more, he flees before re sistless Love, until one by one, he casts aside each treasured thing that chafes and hinders fight until, at last, when there is nothing more to throw away, and wearings compels a halt, torn,bleeding and desporned,he finds in his nakedness and destitution that he has been fleeing from One who would clothe him in royal purple and make him sharer in the treasures of His eternal kingdom. From a thousand baseless fabrics, from one fancied stronghold to an other he hajs been driven, to find, at last standing ground upon a founda tion from which he may never be moved. Here, holding to nothing but the hand of God, possessing nothing but the love of God, he may gratify his noblest aspirations, and in* peace and satisfaction build as high as the heavens, and as broad as the uni verse; and whatsover l\e builds will stand. He is most blest who has not been destroyed beeause of the multitude of his evils, but whose imperfections have been cast out, and of the little MY DAD’S favorite yarn. WAS THE one about. THE OLD storekeeper. WHO WAS playing checkers. IN THE hack of the stare. AMONG THE coal oil. AND THE prunes. WHEN THE. sheriff. WHO HAD just jumped his king. SAID "SI there’s a customer. WAITIN’ OUT front.” AND SI said “Sh-h-h! IF YOU’LL keep quiet. MEBBE HE’LL go away.” NOW HERE’S the big idea. WHEN A good thing. HAPPENS ALONG. 1 DON’T LEAVE it to George. TO GRAB the gravy. F’RINSTANCE IF. YOU HEAR of a smoke. OR READ about a smoke. THAT REALLY does more. >** THAN PLEASE the taster THERE ARE no hooks on you. THERE’S NO law against^ YOUR STEPPING up. WITH THE other live on.©3d AND SAYING right out- IN A loud, clear voice- "GIMME A pack of. THOSE CIGARETTES* THAT SATISFY."* Y OU’LL say you never tested such flavor, such mild but full-bodied tobacco goodness. You’re right, too, because they don’t make other cigarettes like Chesterfields. The Chesterfield, blend can't be copied. Have you seen the neut AIR? TIGHT tins of 50? Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. OW 5 Was Very ■ Weak “After the birth of my baby I had a back-set,” writes Mrs. Mattie Cross white, of Glade Spring, Va. “I was very ill; thought I was going to die. I was so weak 1 couldn’t raise my head to get a drink of water. I feoff. . . medicine, yet I didn't get any better. I was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. I sent for Cardui.” TAKE “I found after one bot tle of Cardui I was im proving/’ adds Mrs. Crosswhite. “Six bot tles of Cardui and ... I was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. 1 believe I would have died, had it not been for Cardui." Cardui has been found beneficial in many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel the need of a good, strengthen ing tonic, why not try Cardui? It may be Just what you need. T eat’s OUR IDEA in making CAMELS—the OysIdy Cigarette. Why, just buy Camels and look at the package! It’s the best packing science has devised to keep cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste. Heavy paper outside—secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seMI the pack age and keep it air-tight. And note this! There’s nothing flashy about the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga- retty aftertaste. Camels are made for men who think for them selves. AU Druggists R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. new novelty stuff. Great big Coin craze North. Just catching fire Blue, Red. Some dots we tell you. Organdies Flaxons and THEN Dot percals is a down here, Black Organdies Again The Organdy craze is still on, Flaxon and plain Or gandy styles just coming in. A CLEAN UP SALE ALL ODDS AND ENDS Without trying to create any sensation and fool the people, we are going to offer all odds and ends in every thing at prices that will please even a “TIGHTWAD” Just drop in, look around you might find something that would suit you at a very low price. Many shoe odds, on hand price cuts no figure, See them, and if they suit you make an offer. Look at the tables they will have some great values. Pay Up Week Gee Just Think Of It, Pay Up Week Other Towns have pay up week, why not Chapel Hill? We have been very kind to our trade for quite a while, now our creditors say if we want Fall supplies we must pay up, this means you must pay up. So August 1 toAu- gust 5 is pay up week, be men a"nd women, treat us as you would like to be treated, and the wrinkles will pass away and hair will grow on our old mans head. Right Prices Best Grade Of Goods, First Class Service- Open 7 P. M., Close 7 P. M. Attorneys - At-Law JOHN W. GRAHAM ALEX IL GRAHAM Prompt attention to all Civil Criminal Business. Office or. Churton Street HILLSBORO, and - N. C. GATTIS & GATTIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW HILLSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Samuel M. Gattis & Samuel M. Gat tis, Jr., have formed a partnership under the above name for practice DR. WM. LYNCH Dentist Office new Roberson Building. Chapel HU, N. C. of law and will attend to all civil bu siness entrusted to them. Samuel M. Gattis, Jr. will also at- ; tend to criminal business. ?«? HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it— cure Catarrh or-Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure any other disease. BALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. E. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. M®^MraMKeHSfeM!O33MS;M;SiSE>a®MSRI®ra. j$g^®M®B®MSK!W®^EJ^^KK®ra®GgS^MSH®raW3KI3Sfi038B®HSK^S3l^ 1 • a;|5jBS}HB8M8HaHSSBS UaSHSHMSHSSSBBBMSflBHSHSHSSIgHXiSBaEHSHgtiaflSSiaBailSaSa J g 111 ii| IS 8# sg™ Mg® THE UNIVERSA “THE FORD TOURING CAR” Here is the greatest motor ear in the world, Great be cause there is more of it in use than of any other car in the world. Great beeause that in our demand for a mil lion and a quarter Ford-cars this year fully 50 per cent of that demandis for the Touring Car. Surely every Ford touring car is a car of great service. You see ft whereever you go, day or night shine or rain summer or winter—the ever faithful Ford Touring Car is deliver ing service and satisfaction, pleasure and economy,in a larger measure than falls to the lot of any other one piece of mechanism in fhe world. We can now deliver Ford Cars to^you with reasonable promptness. Leave your orders without delay, if you would be wise. The prudent man carries his umbrella when it is dry, because any fool can carry one when it rains! / Never forget that right hand to every Ford Touring Car is that ever-dependable and universal “Ford After Service.” Here we are,with the genuine made Ford parts, Ford mechanics, and Ford equipment, to give service to Ford car instantly, so that your car is never out of commission. K BiS pSMigKlSKSMffiKISlig^^ig^raSKISKI^SM^SfiSSIHSraSKSBaSKgKSMIBEgHESMK^&ragKIEKSKa^gijgggjjgijgggg^lg _ 2®rt&®®®©®®-0©®©®©@®©©®©c$®.®®®®®®®®®®®®*®®®®®®®®®®® { $ € ®® ®®®®®®®B®©®®®®®#W®ie®ee®®e H § ISgfiKllSM®lj3gra:EK®IMg81^a8MgteEH^^KEfieS,H3Mg!ffl®MSI&&K)^^^EM®l8®IM&raEW8MgM^£BgsH3:HS:i3sM£M3gjg STROWD MOTOR COMPANY,