^ OtdLUteJ) ^‘^^^m^ ESTABLISHED 1893. DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF THIS AND ADJOINING .COUNTIES VOL. XXVII. $1.50 A YEAB IN ADVANCE CHAPEL HILL, ORANGE COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1921. MADE IN CAROLINA DEATH OF MRS. WEIGHT, NO 43 EXPOSITION. The Charlotte Exposition Prom ises to Be A Big One. North Carolina Goods Only Incensed Citizens Pay Respects to Officials, Committee of Five Appointed. MOTHER MRS. L. R. WILSON i Dr. and Mrs. L. R. Wilson were called away Monday by a telegram announcing the death of Mr." B. V. Wright, Mrs. Wilson’s mother, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson left immediately EMLLENI1090 for Coharie, Sampson county, where , the funeral ill be held from the | One Variety Of School Ends Wright home. Mrs. Wright was one of the most Charlotte, N. C., Aug. 10.—Back of the Made-in-Carolina Exposition has been definitely thrown the full strength of three of the leading : organizations of North Carolina by j action taken within the past few; days, according to announcement to.-1 day from the executive offices here, 1 of the exposition. These organizations are the North' Carolina Association of Commercial Secretaries, and the Woman’s Club l ■ °f Charlotte, with a membership of action of each body, .the statement] ‘padded. The Charlotte Woman's Club vot-; - ed to undertake the task of organ- ; energetic and her generation intellectual women of in North Carolina. I Ano‘her Begins atChapel Hill, New Additions to Faculty -izing a great exhibit which --show the part the women will of the - Carolinas have taken in promoting the industries. The club took an option on at least LOGO, square: feet of exhibit space, which is an area as large or larger than any .other ex hibit. Mrs. Q. C. Hook, retiring president of the.North Carolina Fed- to^ration of Woman’s ' Clubs, veas ap pointed by Mrs. Eugene Reilley, pre- . feident of the local club,- as' executive in charge of assemblying this exhi- bit, in which all of the numerous wo- : men’s bodies of the two states will be cordially urged to co-operate to the end that no opportunity will be . overlooked and win for 'the women the full honor due, the part of great importance they have taken in the de velopment of the Carolina industries. ritt, N^^ ?h“thx^ « wi ^ -‘ virtun.fr an tllilt toft ; - 01 mysterious origin to sweep over the cantonm. Whiskey Probably Cause Aubrey Riley’s Rash Act, Willie Ashley Killed. A deplorable tragedy which occrred in Person last Thursday evening, of Was OUR COMMISSIONERS By way of preparation for the finish fight which the citizens of the Eastern section of Chapel Hill town- ship will make, for the location of the hard- surfaced road through their territory, a memorable meeting was held on Friday night. August fifth, at Blackwood school house. The on ly.thing lacking to make it- the equal of the ,meeting .at- the, court house, on August first was the absence of Sam Gattis and his oratory. Before her marriage to Mr. Wright she was Miss Bettie V. Herring of Wilson, a sister of Dr. Needham Herring of Wilson, and a member of a family noted for mental, ability. For years Mrs, Wright had a pre- parratory school at her country home near Qoharie. Here her nine children, with, other boys and girls Lom all over North Carolina and from many other Southern states, Were prepared" for college, and the lessons taught them in high ideals. The most successful summer school in the history of the Univer sity is a thing of the past. ' Not quite as many were enrolled this year as last, but the work done, was of a higher grade. .1090 were en rolled as against 1147-last summer. 484 of -these were studying for-- col lege credit, 606 pursued normal -and preparatory courses. 1024 students were from North Carolina, represent of The Democratis, some of the best and most -responsible men and women in the county elected our Board of County Commissioners, put them in charge of county affairs and our opinion is that they are good men responsible men, men of the highest standing, and do not mean to - take advantage of of any set men, regard ing county affairs. We believe they are trying as hard as any set of-com- missioners we ever had to please and do things to benefit the majority, xL. , not mearely a few. They have id be bhat - governed by the means they have to county on ^ with, they cannot rush into -road last week, . , , ,,. , u in the Allenville section, when Au brey Riley shot his wife and him self. killing instantly. Various re ports have been circulated concern- building suddenly and blindfolded, it takes time for their plans to mature, and we believe that in the end our lag the affair. No definite account can be ascertained, as there was no j one in the house at the time but the Such an exhibit will be of histo-l^ 0 small children, one three years, ricalas well as educational and artis. j a n d the other 12 months old. „ tie interest, Mrs. Hook pointed out, said that the young man worked all to because of the wide variety of pro-^ 116 morning with his father, commissioners will be found on the right side, trying to do the right thing as best they can. Some people are too ready to condemn and [reach conclusions, when things do not go to suit them. They must be cls ’ patient, investigate before condemn- J 1 ^g’ l earn to love instead of hate, as j ducts the women in former dais'S- I"P™ failing to appear"aftSthe noon 1 ”“ “"^ COme ‘° ^ that wait ' surned- full responsibility for manu- hou r, and after hearing two shots' —-^— faeture. The present day woman I about 1 or 1:30 o’clock, investigation : MR. STROWD’S GARAGE gives part of her time to the manu-. "' as blade, and both were found faeture of a great range of articles rt a * d ‘ The first eause ° f it all was of beauty and utility, including thp-Whisey. Mr. Riley had been drink- prducts of the canning and similar' in ’> and it is thought that upon his, was . ^’Pb'- art of ^:. 1---vrt-i-i. c -,p make up i‘’^ -'’^- *"& ' Tivn “““. ue- -uestroyed by fUe yestdl'- an exhibit that should prove one of | came an °‘ r y an d fifed the two fatal day afternoon between four and five the most attractive to be seiin at the shots ’ When the home was entered ; o’clock. The firemen, were on the exposition. Such articles as the old । 0ne 0 ^ ^h e children was playing rtc^ne in a few minutes after the fashioned homespun cloth and the i anm d its mother, who was in a sit> j^larm was given, but were ^andi^ process of and equipment forcing position on the floor, leaning ’capped on account of there being Ao manufacture, attract these days the ag a i ns t the bed, and the other chi^d hydrant close enough to connect a keen interest of those whose knowl-1 Playing on the bed. The funeral Was line of hose-. They managed to get j out a Ford car. with only th% top BURNED Mr. R.. U Strowd’s garage. Which Ml PnPRFR J. C. Lantus, Merchant, Pitts boro, Waylaind Robbed, Dies of Injuries in Hos- J. C. Lantus, a merchant of Pitts boro,. was waylaid and robbed while on his way home from his store Sat urday night. Felled by a blow from a four-foot cedar stick, his skull was cracked. He was rushed to a hospi tal at Sanford, suffering a hemorrh age as soon as he arrived. A piece of his skull was removed in an opera tion and he now lies in a very seri ous condition, unconscious, with lit- tie hope entertained for his recovery Mr. Lantus was accompanied from his store by a negro hired man, Vergil passed ’'son & Davis. The the rear c' Sons’ st. 1 struck, The roKi of money Mr. containing ^ie be gave me Raeford, arriving clock Sunday Leading to the the negro operator two had just * J. J.. John- he was “f'-hed a bag ■'■'''eying* at about 0 0’- but the trail Peter Rogers, a garage the negro section of the town. in No money was found but Rogers was — vvxxvoc AILOW1- 1 . edge of them consists of what they!^ 6 ^ Friday afternoon. have heard their elders say regard-. Tuseday, at Helena-, .another sad in.g the things of Civil War days. Affair took place. Willie Askeley, of suspected on account 'of other evi- mg the things of Civil War days. being partly burned off. This is the second fire Mr. Strowd has had in BRUCE CRAVEN SAYS HE HAS PLENTY OF PROOF Asheville Special to the Greensboro Daily News, Aug. 6th Mfrs: Bruee Craven, ex-grand dragon of the Ku Klux klan in North Carolina. Who Friday morning- in an interview to the Gr^ensborb Daily News sev erely denounced the Ku’ Klux Klan as a "failure land a fraud” and dis-: that place, while driving a bog wagon about a year, when his barn, and sev- was thrown from it. piaffed under Oral -out houses were destryed. The the wagon and instantly killed. He ’ fire yesterday is supposd to have had driven up on an embankment 'been caused by some one burning which caused the overturning of the trash nearby. Everything being SO wagon. Wh%n friends reached hi>i, 'dry. there having been no rain W was dead. He whs a well known 'fall in this immediate vicinity, to citizen of Helena, and had many ! amount to anything , in over two tin- months, Mr. . Strowd’s large family connections. He married. Thb. funeral Wednesday. was was dence-. He was placed in jail and is being held to await the outcome of Mr Lantuss’ injuries. Parties searched for the money all day Sunday. Two years ago to the night, Mr Lantus was knocked down and robbed within 10 steps of the same place the assault and robbery occurred last Saturday night. He had the habit of carrying much money on his person. 1 V neld itouring car escaped, it happened to be up town. DEATH OF MR. HANCOCK banded the rder in this state, said | VETERANS REUNION -AT today that he had overlooked the DURHAM -ALJG. poiht on which he is now being pres- ———— sed by the klan to the effect that he ! T^ railroads will give reduced -has r&ver been grand dragon and rates to the reunion rtf the North has no authority -to disband the Carolina division, United Canfeder- . Mr. Graven sa'ys that he has ^ e Veterans, to hi’ held in Durham ih his possession -plenty of proof of 'August 2^-'2’5, according to Gen. ^is authority; that he has a -idtfer James I. Merts, cornmanfcg the 23-25 GROSS NEGLIGENCE W PART OF SOME ONE kW from the king kteagle at Raleigh | North Carolina divisions The; rate authorizing him to organize rthe! w ill be ^wo^rits per mile -each way. klans and other documentary proof General!. -Metts has issued an order Mr. Craven >n further dehuncia- : ex P la ^ h S i n - tion Of the Ku Klux Klan 'says that' of the $10 collected from each mem- te $4 goes to the kcal organizer, $1 to the -state organizer -and $5 to to Atlanat. for the rehnon. detail arrangements It follows: Referring to general order No It was rumored hers today that I Jialeigh Jias the oily active klan in state and that the Greensboro -Wan - tas never ' its charter. TO DISCONTINUE ROAD WORK to wish to anaomme to the peonb-ai -the -county that for thepresesitat , least,! will be farced to discontinue all road work in the county, except ; that done by the county forces. It ■ will be necessary for these forces to concentrate upon the most impor tant roadds in order to get them in ■ shape for the winter. There is not enough money available to justify the maintainanee of the county for- ce and permit of individual work at - the same time, as has been, the cus- ; fem in the past. I regret that this ; change is necessary; but feel that : greater results can be ' obtained with I the, limited amount of . funds avail able, by working it all put with the county force and equipment. j /This announcement is made after p consultation with the Board of Com s missioners and with thea/advice. ■ - ■ rt. rt wHirtmD y /Rort f I:- , Supt. Orange County.. 26 fin -'regard to the reunion of the North /Carolina division, united Con federate Veterans, to be held inDur- kath, August 23-25: Beg to state that it is necessary to secure the names, regiment and.- company of all the veterans upon arrival of trains automobiles or otherwise; that au tomobiles will be at the station on arrival of every train and take the veterans to Trinity College, where they Will register their names and be assigned quarters and badges. Those arriving by automobile, etc., will travel to the college where they will be assigned quarters and bad ges. Commanders of camps will -furnish the committee,' with a full list I of the members attending the reun- ; ion. I “I am advised by the railroad au- ’ thorities that, the rate of transpor- i tation will be two cents ’per mile each j way. It will be necessary for each veteran to have a railroad certificate to secure the reduced rate. These ■certificates will be furnished through: the commanding generals to the commanders of camps, which ’have been sent torthem;, anddtrust none of the-old veterans'will'fail to receive them.” Tuesday night between 3 and 9 o’- ‘-clock there came near being a seri ous accident on Rosemary street. A Mr. Tillman and his sister, of near town, were in .a buggy and the first thing they knew of a -five or six foot ditch inthe middle of the street, was when their .horse fell into it, throw ing them over the "spatter board to , the ground. It was in deed fortu- [ nate for them that they escaped with no broken .bones, 'only receiving a few bruises, besides being badly frightened. The horse also came out lucky. The ditch was dug dur ing the day in order to lay a line of pipe to connect with the water line in the street to run water to the new buildings on the Tankersley lot. There was no light on the banks of the ditch, nothing to- indicate danger at that particular spot, and some one is responsible for such a neglect. Possibly the town officials did not know the ditch was open, as it i^ Said, no permit had been granted by them for opening the ditch in the street. There would possibly be an other story to tell had some citizen and his family gone that street his automobile that night. ,: Th® meeting was- well : atitonded-irt' iw trassed les s than the les-: and feeling ran' high as- they rehear ! rtrtrt; 6 ^ books - Dr - Robert seds their wrongs and injustice P rrald ™t of the through the...course of- the ’-whole: fight. A committee of five was ap^' yointed to Represent; the - community in continuing the fight and all pre sent voted unanimously to share the responsibility arid costs in whatever measures are necessary to cartyrthe matter to a successful conclusion.^ - The following resolution was pas sed giving the matter definite shape: “We hereby agree that we will continue the fight for dur rights in the matter of the location of the ling 93 . counties. * Practically /alf ide- ’ nominations were represented. proposed roads of carryour that has hard surfaced road and other types, that we will claims to every tribunal a right to hear them. We also pledge that we will share the responsibility aad divide the costs,of of the same.” This resolution was adopted unani mously and the following committee was appointed to carry out its in tent Alexander Freeland. L. A. Ho gan, Geo. A. Johnston, J. R. Whit field. and Cv H. Weaver. The climax of the meeting was reached in the unanimous .adoption by a rising vote of the following re solution. which was : gned by a num ber of men. all vot s and tax-pay ers, and ordered sexu to Chairman C/jGLissiOt ? ' • ' - . ; “We, citizens of the Eastern sec tion of Chapel Hill township, wish to publicly denounce the methods em ployed and the treatment accorded us by our board of commissioners and county attorney in all matters pertaining to the location of the hard surfaced road from Chapel Hill to Hillsboro* We feel that we have never had a fair show and we hold them responsible for the fact that wehave not. We denounce them and their course in the whole matter. “We demand of the board of com missioners that they immedately dis charge A. H. Graham, as county at torney. In the event'of their re fusal, we solemnly pledge that we J We very much regret the dea^h of Mr. Cleveland Hancock, which occur red Sunday at the home of his par ents, Mr and Mrs J M Hancock, on the Raleigh road. Mr-Hancock was brought home about six weeks ago from a hospital in Charleston, S C.. where he had been under treatment for sometime for leakage of- the heart. He was aged 42 years.The remains were buried in the Chapel Hill cemetery Monday afternoon with Masonic honors. For. the past fifteen years he had been a citizen of South Carolina, at Allendale, where he was a successful business man. He was greatly esteemed by his many friends in the two . Caro linas. NATE HARVEY IN LIMBO in The Multitude of His Mercies. Tor the Lord will not cast off for- ' ever: but though he cause grief, yet i will he, have compassion according to the multitude of his. mercies. For he I doth . not afflict willingly nor' grieve the children of men—Lamentations 3:31-33. Word of Lord Was Precious. And the child Samuel ministered ! unto the Lord before Eli. And the i word rf the Lord was precious in : those days; there was no open vision. | yI..^aLuu.el,. 3X C will proceed in a legal way to ^ ast f . The University is a. state institu- Carolina School is one of the sons, , ^ that functions continuously. Sir., Isaac Wright, a proinmentuwrt o:r by We «"» one Vartety of school yer of Wilmington, another; another ends ’ another begins. - The Univer son ‘Mr,- Vaiden Wright of Laurel Slty summer sch ° 01 closed Friday Miss., is a successful- civil engineer’ the 5th ‘ and the Oran s e "aunty s » m - Dr. John Wright of the firm of Lew- mer sch00 ‘ be s an Monda y. the 8 th- is, Battle and Wright, of Raleigh the classes 9? the school being carri- is one of the State's well knort ed 0n 111 h^ 6 Peabody Building, and a specialists, while the oldest son Mr ' d °™ lt “ r y ° n ^ -campus being used William Wright is a successful far- 88 Iivin g'rooms for the thirty teach- mer of Sampson county, and one of ’ ^ ' vll ° make up the student body of the men who has helped make the , county go forward, * Mrs. Wright’s * daughters, all of whom contributed to the cause of education as teachers the school. Announeementof additions to the faculty have' been made as follows: are Mr. L. R. Wilson, of Chapel Hill Mrs. H, B. Smith, of New Bern, Mrs George Thomas of New York, and Homer Hoyt, Ph. D. professor of economics, as assocate Harold F. Janda, C. E. , assistant professor of highway engineering, Robert H. the late Mrs. A. A. Kent of Lenoir j Wettach - LL - B - assistant,professor Death came suddenly' to Mrs'i 0f law ' and John H ' Bradley > Jr - A - Wright, after only a few hours’ ill'l 1919 Pr ofe s sor Hoyt has been profes ness, while she was visiting her 3 ° r ° f - eonomics in Delaware College daughter, Mrs. Smith in New Bern Mr ' Janda ’ assistant Professor of ei- Not only her own children but men !” 1 engineering at the University of and women all over North' Carolina ! Cmeinnatl > and Mr - Wettach and Mr. ; Bradley took theri degrees, the in w^om she had taught in their youth rise up and call her blessed. LUCY COBB IN MEMORiaM, ROBERT Tt - .of The Chana' -/ ‘ - j.uc and irieUa, ... : Strange MacRae. His long life of active service made him thoroughly acquainted with the spirit and the traditions of the Church and of this Parish, and furnished him with the grounds of well matured opinions. He was therefore a wise counselor in the de liberations of the Vestry. In the Parish and in the communi ty at large he was well known as a move him from as many of the three offices which he now holds as is pos sibles. ‘‘As tax-payers, we protest every cent of money that has ever been paid to A. H. Graham as county at torney, he holding the office in vio lation of the constitution of the state. “We denounce Chairman Ward for promises broken and pledges violat ed. “We denounce Commissioner John Nate, Harvey, colored, was. tried before his honor, Mayor Roberson. Tuesday, charged with retailing, or having more liquor than the law al lowed him. The evidence was so pointed that Nate was required put up a $500 bond for his appearance at Orange. Superior Court. When Chief Long and deputies went to search the premises, Nate began to lesson the quantity of the fire-water by throwing several bottles away, but they found the broken ; vessels. , Nathan, is an old offender and the suppostion is that he will law and the other as bachelor of arts, at Harvard this year. Resignations accepted at the meet ing of the committee of the board of trustees this week in Ralegh were German. CARRBORO NEWS Mr J E Clark will move his stock of groceries to Carrboro this week. He will occupy one of the Markham store houses. Miss Maley Bogar, stenographer for the Durham Life Insurance Co.. Raleigh, is on a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs W H Bogar. Mr E W Neville, reprsentative of staunch churchman, a courteous and , , i ■ theNorfolk Division of the Standard agreeable companion, a kind and faithful friend, a 'public-spirited ci tizen, and an efficient' government official. He was Universally esteemed and beloved. The example of such a life will remain as a permanent blessing to the community and an incentive to good living. WM. CAIN, I. H. MANNING, WALTER D. TOY. Chapel Hill, N. C., July 27. 1921. Oil Co., we learn lead the entire di vision in the sale of oil, gasoline and all, the past month. W G Fields will run mill and lumber yard at ange Lumber Plant. Miss McDonald, who a plaining the old Or ¬ was for a long time the nurse here, was called to the bedside of her father last Wednesday, near Sanford and he died on Friday, aged about 85 years. NARROW ESCAPE While blasting on the railroad in Mrs. W quite, sick Mr and dren. and H Parker, who has is much improved. Mrs Studivant and been Mrs W. Hill for the unfairness of his titude and question the reasons his violent partizanship, “We particularly resent his mark that he is “tired of seeing come to our own county seat to spend some time away- from. Chapel Hill after court. ' : - Another “likker” was that of Wm. He had his in jugs under small boxes, case this week. at- for re us” ask for our rights We wish to serve no tice on him that when it pleases us to come we will come and that interloper from Randolph county or any other county may safely stand in our way. JOHN T. JOHNSTON Burnett, colored, and: bottles- h,id such as are gen- erally seen about lots. One . was turned Up, a gallon jug was found/ I another frad ^several' ; botri^ under ^ and while the officer, was lexanfini^g I the last And: some' Brie slipped up be- rear of S. F. Long and W. H. Ray’s residences, one day last week, a ten pound rock went through the top of Mr. Ray’s house and fell on a child Sunday in the A Number Lakeview last Frank Partin, chil- spent Mt. Pleasant section from here went to Sunday. lying on a bed. The child was hit , on its thigh, and it is said, if struck buying lumber - Mr D S Smith with Messrs An drews and Lloyd were in Sanford and surrounding country this week on the head it would have been kill ed. Mrs Lennie Hearn is spending, th® week with her parents, Mr and Mra James Clark in Chatham county. IS YOUR HEO WOUALLY SUPPIN6? IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Notice of Summons. NORTH CAROLINA. ORANGE COUNTY' Kerr White, Admr. of Ben White, vs. Mary White and Frank White. To Frank White: You will take notice that an action has this day been commenced against you entitled as above in the Superior Court of Orange County -for the pur pose of selling the real estate of the aid Ben White to pay the debtte of said.estate returnable on the. '26th day of August, 1921, at the office f the Clerk of the Superior . Court of Orange County. N. C. 'Ydu will further take notice that you will appear and answer or demurt to . the W^M^ ^^ ^ zte ^W herein Ont of before.the f're^rh rtart 'thereof by the -relief den^nd^d inythe .complaWi.wfrl bekgrqnu^l. . £ ’1 ^Witnfe-my hand, this" the" '26tll hind and either struck ^.^j^ed,4^. ^ f .^. the jug and broke it. Burnett "was ' CfiAS,' STRAYHORN, C. S. C. the jug and broke it. put under a $50 bond. Burnett was Interesting ExjwrfeMt rf a Texas Lady Who DecJara That 81*^ Wwa Kaew^Alwai Carini Bay Woald Bo'Sparai Seth Skise® and Wary* Navasota, Texas»*M&tS»-:W Pecten, Ing account.of how she recovered her strength, having realized fiftil she was actually losing her healths "Health is the greatest tiling in the world, and: whan you feel tel gradually dipping away from you, yen certainly sit up andAake notice. That is what I did some tirtie ago when I found myself in a very nervous, rsn-deton condition of health. I wits so tired aad felt so lifeless I could hardly goat all. "I was Just no account for work. 1 would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before I felt like I cbuld lift it to the shelf. In this condition, of course, to do even my housework was a task almost im- posslbteto accomplish. I “I was .. . nervous and easily, upset I couldn’t rest weB at night and was *«i fast ttteless. “I ticard of Cardui and after resdtog-J decMel I bad some female troabM.n* was puffing me dowu. 1 seat far Carded and began it. . . “Ina very short while after I began •« Cardui Hattie Treaimast I saw aa im provement aad it wasn't tong until I was all right-good appetite, splendid rest, and Kruell stronger so that I easily did it& house work. "Liter 1 took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic. I can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for it more women knew, if would save a great deal of wary tad sickness.” The e irthasiastic praise of thenstads of other women who have found Cwiltil helpful should convince you tftat ft If worth trying. All druggists sell ft. :