W SUMMER SCHOOL FOR ORANGE COUNTY TEACHERS A Summer School expressly for Orange county teachers holding cer tificates below the elementary state certificates and those desiring to teach the coming year, is in session at the University, having started Monday, Aug. Sth, and will end September 17th. It is hoped by the school authorities of the county to be able to employ only teachers holding state certificates. All in all few counties are progressing more rap idly educationally than Orange. - Necessity of the New Birth By REV. GRANT STROH Correspondence Department, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. • — . , -Ci TEXT.—Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.—John 3:3. In these words Jesus declared the most vital necessity in the world—yet overlooked, unem phasized, unheed ed. Men do not like to acknowl edge this fact of their need, their sinful state of heart. Yet the possibility of be coming a renewed soul ought to bring cheer and gladness to all. But why the ne cessity for being SALE OF REAL ESTATE On Saturday the 13th day of Aug ust, 1921, the undersigned Commis sioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door at Hillsboro, N. C. at 12 o’ clock M. the following des cribed tract of land, situated in Cheek Township, Orange County, bounded on the North by the land of G. H. Squires, on the East by the lands of J. M. Cheek, on the South by J. S. Pender, and on the West by Mrs. S. E. Brown, containing forty acres, more or less, and being the forty a- cre tract of land willed to J. J. Squir es by his father, Thomas Squires, Book H of Wills at page 425. Terms of sale, one third cash, bal ance in equal installments of six and twelve months with interest on de ferred payments at the rate of six per cent and with the privilege to the purchaser to anticipate deferred pay ments upon confirmation of sale. This the 13th day of July. 1921. S. M. GATTIS. Jr., Commissioner. EXECUTION SALE Under and by virtue of an execu tion issued by the Superior Court of Orange County in an action enti tled H. G. Kime against J M Rush to satisfy a judgement against the said J M Rush in favor of plaintiff for $442.83, the undersigned Sheriff will on Monday, the Sth Day of Sept. 1921- offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Hillsboro, N C at 12:00 M the following described lot or parcel of land: Beginning at a rock and pointers the N W corner of W B Cates tract, thence with the same S 88 E 3.86 chains to a rock. Kyler Garrett cor ner, thence with his line S 1-2 W 31.10 chains to a rock, Garrett cor ner. thence with his line N 89 W 25 chains to a rock Garrett corner, thence with his line S 1-2 E 19.86 chains to pointers, thence with the line of Julius Pendergraft, W. R. Lloyd and Jas. H. Lloyd, N 88 W 47.75 chains to a rock and pointers, thence with the line of Thos. Wilson and W. A. Clark tract, N 17 1-2 E chains to a rock and pointers on Bun Cauley line, thence with his line S 88 1-2 E 26 1-2 chains to rocks, thence N 5.35 chains to rocks, James Powell’s corner, thence with his line S 88 1-2 E 29 chains to corner in the Mountain road, thence with said road N 45 3-4 E 3 chains to pointers and rocks, thence N 3 chains to the first station, containing 231 acres more or less, being the remainder of a tract of land known as the Piney Mountain Tract. This the 23d July, 1921. L. BUNN LLOYD, Sheriff Orange County. Hezekiah, the Builder. And the rest of the acts of Heze- klah, and all his might, and how he made a pool, and a conduit, and brought water Into the city, are they not written in the book of the chron icles of the kings of Judah?—II Kings 20:20. The Pure and the Defiled. Unto the pure all things are pure; but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and- conscience is defiled. —Titus 50:15. NO DULL TIMES Andrews Cash Store Sometimes it looks like old dull times will come, but we just “Shoo” them off, get some snappy new merchan dise, and before we know.it, we forget that they were about to come. A large part of our ills are imaginary, and just now we are making things hum by showing the new novelty stuff. Great big Coin Dor percals is a craze North. Just catching fire down here, Black Blue, Red. Some dots we tell you. "born again?” I. Because “fiesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven” (I Cor. 15:50); “because the mind of the flesh is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nei- ther indeed can be: and they that are in the flesh (not ‘in the Spirit’) cannot please God” (Rom. 8:7, 8); because “the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he can not know them, because they are spir itually judged” (R. V.—I Cor. 2:14). 1. The natural man has no taste for heavenly things. Have you heard the legend of the swan? The swan came from the skies and Invited the heron to soar upward. He pictured the beauty of the clouds, the glories of the stars, •charming landscapes, flowing streams. The heron asked, “Are there any snails there?” Not for all these pure glories would he leave the mud and snails. He laid no taste for them. The natural man asks, “Are there any picture shows up there? Any football games up there?” 2. The natural man canot enter the kingdom of heaven. “Ye must be born again.” This sole condition is the hinge upon which the door into the kingdom opens and closes. What would a person do in heaven with an unre newed nature? He could not possibly enjoy it. In the brightness of light the. dead- In "which w double- cross a master mind TALK ABOUT dime novels. AND THREW away his codflu THEY SENT Jim down. AND WHEN he sent. TO TEXAS to investigate. SOME OIL wells there. WHICH THEY might buy. IF JIM said O.K. AND HE was to report. BY WIRE in secret code. NOW—ENTER the villain. A SLIPPERY crook. GOT WIND of it AND TRAILED Jim down. COPIED OFF his code. AND BRIBED a boob. IN THE telegraph branch. SO THE crook could get. EARLIEST word. AND CORNER stock. THE FINAL dope. HE FOILED the villain. THE MESSAGE just said. "CHESTERFIELD." AND HIS directors knew. THAT ALL was Well. WITH THOSE oil wells. FOR OIL men know. THAT "CHESTERFIELD" means. "THEY SATISFY." Y OU’LL know you’ve "struck it rich” when you discover Chesterfields. You’ll say "they satisfy.” A wonderful blend— the pick of Turkish and Do mestic tobaccos—put together in the Chesterfield way — that’s why "they satisfy.” And the Chesterfield copied! Did yoi Che^ WORK a hold-up. AND IT LOOKED like easy coir . f* ot wise. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. Wl^hueedno love for their society. In every way one would feel out of place there, as at a wedding feast with out a wedding garment. If you do not. enjoy tlie praising of God here, how could you there? If you have nothing in common with the saints here and do not enjoy spiritual things, neither will you in that upper world. But it is quite useless to speak of these things; for unless you be born again you cannot see the kingdom of God—even here and now. “Ye must.” There are no exceptions. II. Because mere morality is not suf ficient. We can understand why a mur derer would be excluded, but why a respected man like Nicodemus? Nico demus was a moral man. But morality has to do only with conduct. It applies only to the outer life. It has to do only with our relations to our fellows, while religion concerns, primarily, our rela tion to God, though it also embraces our relations to our fellows. III. The new birth is a universal necessity. 1. Scientists now well know that only life can produce life. Nothing be comes alive, unless life is imparted to it. Furthermore, no subject can rise into the kingdom above it s^ve by means of a new life imparted to it by that higher -life—L e., except by-being born from above. The dead soil cannot of itself grow into a beautiful, stately pine tree. But. the life of the tree may lay hold of the $oil and assimilate it into itself, there by giving it a higher life. The vege table kingdom cannot enter th^inl- rhal kingdom except through animal life imparted to it. 2. The same holds true if. we ascend from the huinan life into the divine life. Life from above must be impart ed to our natural life before we can enter or even see the spiritual king dom. The kingdom of God is not en- tered by natural nfen, but by spiritual, lience Ilie necessity of a spiritual birth. A gr^at, great change is necessary for every man l^bre he is ready to enter the. kingdom of God. Some power must make us over in/o something different from what we are^hy nature. As the natural birth was necessary to produce the life of “the body with all its facul ties, so die spiritual birth is necessary fo the life of the soul. Christ is the only man who has come down out of heaven, and who has again ascended into heaven. If any •ther is t# enter, it must be through him. “And as Moses lifted up the ser pent in the wilderness, even so must the Son ef man be lifted up: that who soever believeth in bin should not per is)! but have eternal life.” By faith in Christ we are united to Christ, and thus Hie ewn life is Im parted to us. We may not fully under stand the mystery, jySt we know what It is. Tike fact baa been fully demon strated. As we’ derived our old—the human—nature fram Adam by natural birth, so it is by fix* new birth tWgt we receive a new nature from tiu^eeond A^m. the man Christ Jesus. CWAMETTES You’ll get somewhere with a pipe and P. A.! Start fresh all over again at the beginning! Get a WRh Ged's Likeness. Ap i^v r" I Will buh'oltl thy fnoe Prince Albert is sold in toppy red bugs, tidy red this, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynold* Tobacco Co. Win* teaJSaIo®, pipe!—and forget every smoke experience you ever had that spilled the beans! For a jimmy pipe, packed brimful with Prince Albert, will trim any degree of smokejoy you ever registered! It’s a revelation! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can’t bite your tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can’t smoke a pipe! We tell you that you can—and just have the time of your life on every fire-up—if you play Prince Albert for packing! What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! Gee—but you’ll have a lot of fun rolling ’em with Prince Albert; and, it’s a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! Fringe Albert the national joy smoke Organdies Flaxons and THEN Organdies Again The Organdy craze is still on, Flaxon and plain Or gandy styles just coming in. A CLEAN UP SALE ALL ODDS AND ENDS Without trying to create any sensation and fool the people, we are going to offer all odds and ends in every thing at prices that will please even a “TIGHTWAD” Just drop in, look around you might find something that would suit you at a very low price. Many shoe odds, on hand price cuts no figure, See them, and if they suit you make an offer. Look at the tables they will have some great values. Pay Up Week Gee Just Think Of It, Pay Up Week Other Towns have pay up week, why not Chapel Hill? We have been very kind to our trade for quite a while, now our creditors say if we want Fall supplies we must pay up, this means you must pay up. So August 1 toAu- gust 5 is pay up week, be men and women, treat us as you would like to be treated, and the wrinkles will pass away and hair will grow on our old mans head. Right Prizes Best Grade Of Goods, First Class Service- *AMtews CasirSture Cor*- H Open 7 P. M., Close 7 P. M. g^ggig^ M8»»^^ Attorneys-At-Law JOHN W. GRAHAM ALEX H. GRAHAM Prompt attention to all Civil Criminal Business. Office on Churton Street HILESBORO, and - N. C. DR. WM. LYNCH Dentist Office new Roberson Building. Chapel Hil, N. C. GATTIS & GATTIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW HILLSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Samuel M. Gattis & Samuel M. Gat- ’ tis, Jr., have formed a partnership under the above name for practice of law and will attend to all civil bu siness entrusted to them. Samuel M. Gattis, Jr. will also at- i tend to criminal business. HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it— cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure any other disease. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. - M®®WWWWH»WWW.WW*»«' "^ ^,„„«-.„n C ^nBtraui t raruiRPtiacPM«fPAa'8'M'u’a!l"S>MfeM‘®iiSffiB9®*!!SBiaE!!flKaaKMS!MJEMS0aigB3SSl X 5? H eaSSSHSHBHSMSHSHSHS I§I THE UNIVERSAL “THE FORD TOURING CAR” Here is the greatest motor ear in the world, Great be cause there is more of it in use than of any other car in the world. Great because that in our demand for a mil lion and a quarter Ford cars this year fully 50 per cent of that demand'is for the Touring Car. Surely every Ford touring car is a car of great service. _ You see it whereever you go, day or night shine or rain summer or winter—the ever faithful Ford Touring Car is deliver ing service and satisfaction, pleasure and economy,in a larger measure than falls to the lot of any other one piece of mechanism in the world. We can now deliver Ford Cars to you with reasonable promptness. Leave your orders without delay, if you would be wise. The prudent man carries his umbrella when it is dry, because any fool can carry one when it rains! „ , . Never forget that right hand to every Ford Touring Car is that ever-dependable and universal “Ford After Service.” Here we are,with the genuine made Ford parts, Ford mechanics, and Ford equipment, to give service to Ford car instantly, so that your car is never out of commission. STROWD MOTOR COMPANY, ts^-’““”’"S^^^ L «, 5 . K «».- .. ! WHWIW"*W»’«»« I “*'^^ exh its