^ LOCAL AI ■ COUNIT NEWS SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF INTEREST OF TOWN AND COUNTY. CONDENSED INTO PARA ¬ GRAPHS FOR BUSY NEWS READERS. Mr and Mrs J M Cheek are visit ing relatives in Mecklenburg county. . Mr. T. B. Snipes, o f Frosty, was in town Tuesday on business. It' is $200 fine to wash an automo bile in the city of Raleigh and the rock quary pumped dry as a bone. Dr. E C Branson has returned from the University of California, where he spent the summer lecturing. Mr Fred W Morrison returned a day or so ago from a visit to his par ents' at Spencer. Cotton is on the upward move . It is around.20 cents and the prospects are. good for 25 cents before the week ends. Messrs Ralph Ward, L R Sturdi vant. and., several others of Carrboro, went on the excursion to Washing- , ton Friday. Mr and Mrs L C Patterson passed through town yesterday en route to Mebane to. attend the Four 'County Fai. Mr Patterson reported a fine rain falling in his section Tuesday night. FOR SALE: l.fine registered Du- roc hog (male) 1 brood sow, 5 shoats also some pigs. Must go regardless of price. Write, telephone or call on John R. CREEL, Chapel Hill, N C., Phone '107 B. Mr R A Eubanks and little daugh ter, Miss Lida, spent yesterday at the Mebane fair. The big - black monster began spreading and mixing concrete Tuesday afternoon afternoon, after receiving word from the State Board of Health that the water being used was 0 K for that purpose. HUH IHE COW GOMMNERS Board Met Mondayi Sept. 5. Present Chn’m Ward, Com missioners Hill and Wood! The following accounts were al lowed: Forrest & Forrest sup Co H. 56 00 D E Forrest sup C© H 7 25 Forrest & Forrest sup Co H —38 50 D C McAdams sand Co H J H Murray sup Co H- _. 8 00 6 25 W W Warren Supt, Co H sal-127 08 H G Wilson wk roads Cheeks •—4 00 Baxter Abee wk roads Cheeks __6 10 G F Crawford wk on tel line.,- 4 60 McKee Bros, wk rodas L R —_307 78 Globe'Motor Co., Oil &c J P Porter work for Co 3 37 2154 .5 85 R B Hays services Geo" Johnson _4 00 g^aMaEjMOSagaMOMHTOHSSSI 03 Eg Colds & Headache “For years we have used Black-Draught in our family, and I have never found any medicine that could take its place,” writes Mr. H. A. Stacy, of Bradyvilie, Tenn. Mr. Sta cy, who is a Rutherford County farmer, recommends Black- Draught as a medicine that should be kept in every house hold for use in the »«mpt treatment of many lit vent them from devoting into serious troubles. pt treatment of many little ills to pre- THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT “It touches the liver and does the work,” Mr. Stacy declared. “It is one of the best medicines I ever saw for a cold and headache. 4 don’t know what we would do in our family if it wasn’t for Black-Draught It has saved us many dollars ... I don’t see how any family can hardly go with out it. I know it is a reliable and splendid medicine to keep in the house. I recommend Slack-Draught highly and am never without it." At all druggists. M.^.:-************ Seashore Excursion Every Sunday FIRST DATE SUNDAY, JUNE 5, LAST DATE, SUNDAY, SEPT. 4. Wilmington and Morehead City (WHERE OCEAN BREEZES BLOW) Lowest Excursion Fares In Years Several weeks ago Raleigh people were greatly disturbed over how to drain the rock quary, but the all ab- -sorbing topic is how to fill it. Rev. B J Howard, pastdr of the Christian Church, has returned from his vacation spent in the mountoins of Western Carolina Between'150 arid 200 people at tended the baptising at H C Hogan’s pond Sunday morning. Some 12 or 13 persons were baptized, as a result of a series of meetings held at Orange church recently. Ray Bros, wk on tractor Pollard Bros dynamite . Forest Tapp, cow Co H _ . 900 14 00 50 00 D T Roberts wk roads C G —706 20 J L Evans, wk roads Eno .5 76 Dr B B Lloyd pro services, 75 00 Accept No Imitations MSiaEai^^^asMaaasgssswB Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. From Greensboro . Gibsonville _ Elon College Burlington _ Graham Mr G M Kirkland, son of Mr Thos. J. Kirkland, of the Roberson station - section, is carrier on Chapel Hill R. No. 4. Mr Albert Pritchard, better known to his Chapel Hill friends as “Shug,” came in from the West a day or two ago to visit relatives and friends. He is the same jolly good fellow as he was in days of, yore. “Shug” can cure a pretty^ good case of the blues in short order. We trust he’ll remain long enough to take the “dry grins” away from this town. W S Hunt wk rodas L R W H Cole wk roads C G A W Cole wk roads C G . __9 76 134 00 Edwards & Miller, lumber —199 14 J J Brooks John Jones, C G 105 10 . 20 00 Jasper Smith wk roads C G — 71 75 Wm. Borland, janitor, 15 00 Brown and Lloyd supplies 15 25 Chas. Strayhorn, salary, 150 00 Chas Strayhorn Judge Ju. court20 00 limSMOTS^g^fflMfflSMSHMH^SJMMffliS&raSBMB a §8 Lv. Haw River Lv. Mebane Lv. Lv. Lv. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cates have gone to Wadesboro, where Mr Cates is principal of the High school of that city. Miss Mabel Thompson and mother, have moved to Wilson to re^de. Mr. Jacob Thomas occupies the house on Rosemary street they vacated. Messrs Wm and Henry Wheeler have returned from a three weeks visit to Wrightsville Beach, the latter spending his"time in bed with malaria Prayer services were conducted by Rev. E L Baskin at the Baptist church and by Rev. Lawrence at the Episcopal church Wednesday night for the purpose ofgpraying for rain. The services were well attended, and there wasn’t a cloud to be seen any where, by 11 o’clock flashes of light ning could be seen in the west, later a down pour of rain fell, the most we have had in a month or two. J F J F AS ST ST McAdams, salary, 133 33 McAdams, expenses, post. _6 80 Cheek, clerk to R of D of. _58 33 Latta salary __ Latta, postage, 83 33 . 230 Sturdivant, sup. road force72 22 Orange Motor Co., 21 60 J T Squires,sup. road foce, 65 22 Ordered that Commissiners meet at Mr. John Smith’s Friday week to see after road. Meet at 3 o’clock P M. T A Pearson wk on roads C H 120 00 New adv’t next week But don’t forget to get your Bread, Rolls, Calces, etc. at Hill Bakery Work on the railroad extension from Carrboro to the University is progressing rapidly. There is con siderable grading to be done yet The Thompson Construction Com pany are at work on about 16 nice residences for University faculty memebers. These new houses will' be completed soon The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Mt. Zion Baptist Association held its annual conference with the Chapel Hill Baptist Church Tuesday There were quite, a number in at tendance. We learn that the an nualmeeting of fhe Mt. Zion Asso ciation will be held .this year with Bethel Baptist Church, five miles west of Chapel Hill, some time next month. G H ay. sup. roads .9 75 Mr, Crabtree (or bearer) work._5 60 Hillsboro Power and Light Co.—20.76 13 George Laws wk on bridge 10 00 ® Standard Oil Co.. .65 34 Eugene Davis wk roads C H 43 20 Standard Oil Co.. mule Co H _200 0 Walker Bros, sup Co H 25 00 W W Smitht L B Lloyd L B Lloyd, sal. office ex. _ 4 04 _8 00 193 33 aSQSaB&3RSgOKBglSKKa3Ha@»SB£iBBSSKBEmiEBlB 1 Mr Edgar Merritt had a cataract removed from his left eye by Dr. Mc Pherson, of Durham, one day this week. The operation has proven very successful so far. Mrs. I H Blair, who has been on a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs 0 P Wimberly, returned to her home at Monroe Monday. accompanied*by her sister.’ Mis§ Hazel Wimberly, who will spend a few days. There was a marriage at Pick ard’s hotel Monday night between eleven and twelve o’clock, the con tracting parties being Mr 'F P At water and Miss Bonnie Tye. of Louisville, Ky. Rev. E L Baskin, was the officiating 'minister. A goodly number were present to ■witness the ceremony after the news leaked out the marriage was to be. The groom’s father, of By num, .was here -to witness his son’s marriage. L A c B Lloyd, for Guilford Co. 3 00 W Kenion sal. 83 34 B Lloyd for awning. 19 00 H Scott, sal. feeding prison. 220 25 Walker Bros.- sup roads .37 90 Ordered that all lumber for road; work must be white oak or post oak price to be paid $3.00 per hundred ft. Ordered that the County pay 10c per yard for surface to go on roads. Ordered that hereafter the price ^ for team and driver be $4.00 per da: Hands $1.50 per day. , Eletrical Contracting I have' located in Chapel Bill to do all KINDS OF ELECTRICAL WORK , Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Hillsboro Durham „ Morrisville Cary— Raleigh Clayton Selma Pine Level _ Princeton WILMINGTON MOREHEAD CITY. Shedule 12:40 AM. . 1:07 AM. -1:12 AM. .1:12 AM. „1:26 AM _1:38 AM. -1:52 AM. _2:14 AM. .2:48 AM. .3^0 .3:45 -4:00 -4:41 .5:10 _5:30 AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. AM. —5:44 AM. -9:45 AM. 10:50 AM. RETURN SCHEDULE Lv. Wilmington, A. C. L. Ry Wilmington and Morehead City 84.50 $4:35 $4.30 $4.25 $4.20 $4.15 $4.05 $3.90 $3.75 $3.50 $3.55 $3.30 $3.10 $2.90 $2.85 $2.75 A.C.L.RY. N.S.RY. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar. Morehead City, N. S. Ry- Goldsboro, Southern Ry Raleigh, Southern Ry Durham, Southern Ry.i—. Greensboro Southern Ry. ..7:00 ..4:40 .10:35 .12:40 -1:42 -4:00 PM. PM. PM. AM. AM. AM. Tickets limited to trains leaving Wilmington or Morehead City prior to midnight of date of sale. Tickets will not be honored on Parlor or Sleeping Cars. Baggage will not be checked on tickets sold at the above fare. Half fare for Children 5 to 11 inclusive. THROUGH FIRST CLASS COACHES TO WILMINGTON AND MOREHEAD CITY EVERY SUNDAY JOIN THE THRONG SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM A. C. L. Rwy.—N.S. I Dry. J. S. BLOODWORTH, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. ™S“ Mr, Stephen Cole, who is staying at Oteen, in Western Carolina, hop ing to improve his health, spent last week at home with • relatives and friends. Mr. Cole is looking better and apparently is on the roda to com plete recovery. / Quite a number from this part of the county are in attendance upon Orange Superior Court; which con vened at Hillsboro Monday morn ing with Judge Daniels presiding. There are several cases to come up before his honor from Chapel Hill. Lost, on New Hope Vally road be- ( Chapel Hill and Durham, August 27, suit case, with initals “C J Womble Goldston” on it. Finder will return same to Miss Bertha Douglass, West Durham, N C., R No 1, and receive reward Mr W J Dickson, of Greensboro, spent a few days with old friends in and around town last week He .left saying there was too much dust in this town to suit him. He was much surprised to see s© much going on in Chapel Hill in the way of improve ments, WE ARE GOING TO ‘HAVE A GOOD SCHOOL The News wishes to say one thing to the patrons of the Chapel Hill Graded School and to say it in time for it to be helpful to all of us. Scho®l opens Monday,' the 12th. of September. We all want a good school. We are going to have a good school. Then let us ask our selves what can* we do to help to make, it the .good school we want. One thing that seems to us, stand-s but here is this: we can start right. That means start the first day. We-can go right. That means, for one thing, go every day and on time. If your child can enter a month late and do as well as those who enter the first day, then the school board is showing poor busi ness judgement in running a nine months’ school. Last year the re cord of attendance was not what it should have- been, and irregular at tendance was the cause’ of more failures than any other one thing. Let us all eliminate this waste this year, all together. George Riley, lumber for roads C H v — —- T _ 24 09 3 Murdock Shanklin wk roads C._42 80 J W Wright wk roads C G 22 45 I Orange Motor Co., sup roads.—18 95 O C P Whitfield, sal 168 50 ® Grady Royals, sal. $ 0 $ 0 1H The Board adjourned to meet Sept ^ 12th. S3 EXECUTION SALE Under and by virtue of an execu- tion issued by the Superior- Court of Orange County in an action enti- ^ tied FI. G. Kime against J M Rush to ! § satisfy a.judgement against the said J M Rush in favor of plaintiff for I $442.83, the undersigned Sheriff will on Monday, the Sth Day of Sept. 1921- offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House at 12:00 M lot or parcel Beginning door in Hillsboro, N C the following described of land: at a rock and pointers The big black monster about which so much has been said and written, stands idle on the streets of Chapel Hill. It has been held up indefinitely and no concrete is being mixed or spread on the new raod on account of no water. The, black monster is idle much to the- regret of Chapel Hill people. . The Thompson Construction CAn- pany, who have, the Contract for all the University building, will soon begin work to erect four large dor mitories" in the University campus, these four are t© form one group on the present class Sthlectic field, and each is to house 120 students. The corner stone of te new steele dormi tory, nearing completion, will be laid on University Day, October 12th. Mr. J M Salisbury and little grand daughter. Mildred Patterson, who have been on an extended visit to Mrs Auburn Leigh, have returned to their home in New Orleans, La. Mrs Leigh accompanied. them 'as far as High Point, one day last week. NEW FORD PRICES The Strowd Motor Company an nounces another big reduction in the price of Ford cars, which was effective September 2, reducing in price these popular cars down be low the pre-war level. The factory price on Ford cars and trucks are now lower than they ’ have ever been. The war price of the run- about, without starter, was $550 and the pre-war price $345, the new price is $325 at (the factory. The government tax and freight must be added to these figures. F#r the touring car the war price was $575 and the pre-war price $360. The new price is $355. Similar reduc tions are made on the other types. The announcement of these reduc tions by Henry Ford, was a big surprise to the country, as at the* higher prices Ford cars were selling like hot cakes. The Strowd Motor Company is keeping up with its al lotment of cars and then some. Send me your repair work, Let me figure on your new installa tions. Service is my specialty. .All-work done quickly and guaran teed, No job too small or too large. Charges reasonable. F. B. WALSER Electrical Contractor C. T. Young Machine Shop AND GARAGE, WEST MAIN STBEET‘ CHAPEL HILL. N. C. Automobile Repairs, Machinery Repairs, Oils, Auto Parts, Acetylene Welding, etc. Hava just completed and equipped a large Garage '■with the machinery and am ready to do all work on sLort notice. . i ’ My Oils are the best grades and at prices as. low as they can he sold. GASOLINE always on band. V ilkcon be fixed to you any time of night Phone 220 Next to Postoffice. f®SEmS»®®H?s3!S^®WlS®!®WSp®gBMmMMfflI the N W corner of W B Cates tract, thence with the same S 88 E 3.86 chains to a rock. Kyler Garrett cor ner, thence with his line S 1-2 W 31.10 chains to a rock, Garrett cor- chains to a rock Garrett corner, thence with hjs line S 1-2 E 19.86 chains to pointers, thence with the line of Julius Pendergraft, W. R. Lloyd and Jas. H. Lloyd, N 88 W 47.75 chains to a rock and pointers, thence with the line of Thos. Wilson and W. A. Clark tract, N 17 1-2 E chains t© a rock and pointers on Bun Cauley line, thence with his line S 88 1-2 E 26 1-2 chains to rocks, thence N 5.35 chains to rocks, James Powell’s corner, thence with his line S 88 1-2 E 29 chains to corner in the Mountain road, thence with said road N 45 3-4 E 3 chains to pointers and rocks, thence' N 8 chains to the first station, containing 231 acres more or less, being the remainder of a tract of land known as the Piney- Mountain Tract. This the 23d July, 1921. L. BUNN LLOYD, Sheriff Orange County.' FOR SALE: A new kiln of brick, just burned. Apply to Luther Ed wards, Chapel Hill, N € FOR SALE: 100 acres of four miles west of Carrboro, situated on State Highway residence and cut-houses, good land, good road, pas- tures and well watered. Apply to H. R. Lloyd, R. 3, Chapel Hill, N G If YOUR blood tells a tale of depletion and run-down condition, MAKE it tell a. tale of health and ths joy of life; by the use of Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup; which purifies and vitalizes the Blood, regulates the Liver, keeps the Bowels open and tones up the whole system. Sold by your druggist. Mri. Jennie Parker, of Sas- teetlah, says sick 13 years. Had numb spells, my feet and hands cold, pain in my left side; not able' to do any thing. I tried several doc- tors. One said I had heart trouble and was liable io drop dead any time. So I quit doctors”and began tak ing ‘DR. THACHER’S LIVER AND 'BLOOD SYRUP? It has cured me —I am well now and able to do all of my work. My weight is now 145 pounds.” THACHER MEDICINE CO. W. A. LLOYD, CARRBORO, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the estate of R. S. MacRae, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the claims for same with fore the 15th day of or this notice will be their recovery. All estate to file me on, .or be- August 1922. plead in bar of persons owing Administrator’s Notice* Having this day qualified as Admiai- istrator of the estate of Oscar J. Gar rett, deceased, late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recove- It is very interesting to.observe enthu siastic savers. We watch them as they come regularly to the bank to make their deposits. There is on their faces the smile that is peculiar to winners. Thei rglory is not alone in the amount they save: they know that it is not always easy to save and are proud to have suc- ceeded. And then there is the 'fascination of growth! Only those who have really sav ed know the pleasure of watching a sav ings account grow. ; A growing savings account is something to be proud off The Bank of Carrboro . Ward,Ch’mn of the Board A. P. Lloyd G tBZBK&^pSKBE the estate will pay saune at once to the undersigned. This the 15th day of August 19^1. I>, ft. MACRAE. Executor of R. S. MacRae, deceased. Address. Chapel Hill. N. C. ry. All persons will please make This July 9th. owing sai’d estate immediate payment. 1921. J. H. GARRETT, Admr. of Oscar Garrett, dee’d. Roxbo ro. N. C., R. No. 5. HI^DBRCO^^ Removes earA’s ajid, callouses• Stop^ali paifi. Ei^i#^CQnjf«$ t^ 1 the feet. Makes, walking,easy. 1 S.centS at Druggists or bVmai0

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