THE NEWS, Chapel Hill, N. C THE NEWS W. B. THOMPSON Editor and Owner Entered at the postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C.» as second-class mail matter. Big preparations are being made now in M P Seminary, in Maryland, for a large gathering of Alumni at one lawyer, the late Isaac R Stray- the University, October 12, Uni- ho ran. It furnisihed about 20 soldi versity Day, the 128 anniversary, ere for the Confederate War, five vol- The following letter is being sent to unteed and went out with the Orange all Alumni by the Central Alumni Guards. Messrs, Thomas J Strayhorn Committee: CENTRAL ALUMNI COMMITTEE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One year Six months Three months — 11.56 .75 .40 Subscriptions must bo paid in ad vance. rCHAPEL HILL, N, C., Oct. 6, 1921 THE Dear In dred UNIVERSITY OF CAROLINA Felow Alumnus: two weeks it will be and 28 years since NORTH one hun- William In a news article issued today from the headquarters of the North Car olina Tuberculosis Association an nouncement is made that in Orange County there were 22 deaths from tuberculosis last year and that the present time there ar eight times as many active, open cases if tuberculos is, the majority of whome are taking no precautions whatever to keep from killing themselves and infecting everyone they come in contact with; because in a great many instances they are not even aware that they have tuberculosis. As a step toward correcting this condition and saving the lives uselessly sacrificed to tuber culosis the Association asks Mr Average Citizen, “How Much Do You Care?” It is pointed out that “tuberculosis is no respector of persons unless a high standard of resistance is main tained by keeping in good physical condition all the time; that tuber culosis is not as hereditary as gen erally believed that the best check on your physical condition is a thorough looking over at regular in tervals”. all of which is true and' good advice. The Association goes a step further and volunteers to send an examiner to this county who will spend as much time as required to give a thourough physical examination for tuberculosis to anyone who is suspici ous that they have tuberculosis and wishes to know positively. This service is provided by the As sociation from receipts derived from the sale of Tuberculosis Christmas seals and no charge is made for the examination. The only requirement being that someone sufficiently in- trested make the preliminary arrange- R Davie with a mason’s skill and a founders vision laid the cornerstone of the Old Efast Building. It will be one year since the alumni enlisted for the greatest single crusade in the whole history of public education. University Day last year was the trumpet day of the great crusade. University day is at hand again. Strike hands today with the local president in his immediate prepara tions for a live alumni meeting. Where unorganized, organize! Where who was made Lieut, of Co., G 27th Regiment of North Carolina troops Orin and Charles Watson, Samuel A and William H Craig, only one of the 20 now living,Mr W C Baldwin. The main part of the present building was erected in 1896, Messrs T R Cole, 0 B Cate and J H Black wood were the school committee and had it in charge, it is about 50 feet south east of the first one, on the south side of the New Hope road, Mr. W V Andrews taught the first school in this house and has taught several terms here and is held in high esteem by those who were under his care. 12 who attended school here, were in U S., World War. Two, service in the Messrs. Carl Lloyd and John Craig, died with in- disorganized, reoganize. Where well fluenza at Camp Greenleaf, Orgel- organized, better organize. Not mere ¬ thrope, Ga., Oct. 15-16, 1918 Some ly in official machinery, but also in 'of the women did a lot of war work, spirit and activity of more vital loy- j alties and larger services to meet the ' needs of the community and make the University live in the hearts of the people. On this great foundation day Alma Mater’s sons all over the world renew in brotherhood their affectionate loy alty to her life and spirit. In staunch groupings on that glad day let us as semble to her side and be unto her in the way of sewing, knitting, can vassing and gave respose to all calls made on them for our soldiers. In looking over a letter written by one of Elm Grove’s teachers and COMMISSIONER’S LAND SALE Under and by virtue of an order the Superior Court of Orange County, in the special proceeding entiled S. H. Hunt and others against Gillie Hunt and others, the undersinged commis sioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at 12:- 00 M. at the Court House door in Hillsboro. N C., on SATURDAY. 15, OCTOBER 1921, two certain tract of land consisting of 23 acres and 12 acres respectively in Little River Township, and being the two tracts of land allotted to Frances J. Bacon as her dower in the lands of Henderson Monk according to survey of A M Leathers made 26, November, 1894. Terms of sale, one third cash, balance in equal install ments of six and twelve months, in terest on deferred payments at the rate of 6 per cent per annum and with the privilege to purchaser to anticipate deferred payments upon confirmation of sale. This 15th September, 1921. S. M. GATTIS, JR., Commissioner. NOTICE OF SAIL Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed date was of the seventies. She said 0 f trust, executed to me by A L Carr she was teaching 12 hours a day and and ^fe, Sallie Carr, dated July 24. I have known this same teacehr to 1920, recorded in the office of the re- have 60 pupils at a time in the log the her A strength from which she builds dream of greater commonwealth. Yours in filial fellowship, Central Alumni Committee F E MISS MARY TO P GRAHAM, R RANKIN, R WILSON, PATTERSON WED ’09 ’13 ’99 school house, who had only benches to sit on. some with no backs, boys and girls of today if you could only realize your superior opportunities, and she taught all the grades and al ways had as many as 2 or more reci- ctations from each pupil every day. and all the good teachers of that day did the same thing for $20 and $25 LITTLE HISTORY OF ELM GROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT The first house was built in 1846- ’47, on a plot of land five and half miles south of Hillsboro, four-half mils south of New Hope creek, a few hundred yards east of Hillsboro and Chapel Hill road, was a log structue with rock chimney and large fire- place. Tradition says the house was con tracted to be built for $80.00. Three men in the community did the car- permonth. The selfish idea of this age, pay and less work was not in minds, the thought in their was in the words of the poet: “To serve the present age, My calling to fulfil, more their minds merit and provide aminations. Let’s address North Carolina a place for the ex- a request to the Tuberculosis As- penter work and two of them spoke to each other while at they used the third man for all course they had to have with never work, inter- each Oh, may it all my powers engage To do my Master’s will. There are three Elm Grove school rolls that we know of . may be more, 1870, ’73 and ’76, which we hope to have called at our next Home Com ing. We would like to hear the history of some of the other old districts in the county, and will appreciate a cor rection of any errors me may have sociation, Sanitarium N C, for the services of the specialist and uncover some of the work of our great foe tubrculosis and then let us support this work by a generous purchase of Tuberculosis Chrismas Seals when they are placed on sale at thanks giving. other. They did not remain in this section long, but the third man’s de- cendents are still here, proving the truth of God’s promise. Mr. John Latta taught the first in this house. The pupils from Elm Grove school have furnished many noble men and women for the various vocations in made in this. Sept. 26, 1921. N B L. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the estate of R. S. MacRae, deceased. taught state this is claims claims is to notify all persons against the estate for same with me on 15th day of Aug a having to file or be- gister of deeds of Orange County in book 61, page 225, to secure the pay ment of certain indebtedness theirin described, and default haing been made in the payment of said indebted ness, and having been requested to do so by the holder of the notes evidenc ing said indebtedness, I will sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the post office door in the town of Chapel Hill, N C, at 12 o’clock M. on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5, 1921 the following rescribed land, to wit: Lying and being in Chapel Hill Township, Orange County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Bas- well Jones, Henry Guthrie and others begining at a stake on the west side of the Merrit Mill road, on th north or Lane or Alleyway known as the Roberson driveway between prop erty owned by the Orange County Training School, and extending West ward along said driveway to a stake in Henry Guthrie’s line; thence North ward to a stake in Baswell Jone’s line; thence Eastward with Baswell Jones line to a stake on hte Merritt Mill road thence in a Southern di- I rection with the Western line of the ! Merrit Mill road to the first station, being the property on which is sit uated a two story dwelling house occupied by the parties of the firstt part and a one story building used asa storehouse by the parties of the first part Sale will be held open for ten days to receive increased blds as required STORE NEWS RIGHT PRICES QUALITY SERVICE SHOES. DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, 1 1 Just as we write October stands knocking at the door where to make your Fall purchases is now in the minds of many people. To all of our old Customers we return our sincere thanks, and to the many strangers now in our midst, and daily arriving, we extend a cordial invi tation to give us a trial. Many years of service to the best people on earth enables us to feel that we can take care of your wants, as well if not better than any store in Chapel Hill. Our stock is now larger than ever fore, carefully selected, and we meet competition, course we do not have every wanted item, but you be surprised at the many lines we do have, and it is mitted that we carry the best to be had. be- Of will ad- . THESE WORDS TELL the story.. By these, we. will succeed or fail. .No baits, no cut prices to be averaged up, just a plain fair profit, and good service is our aim.. As snappy suits as the City stores show, are on our racks, and at lower prices, Coats and Dresses that will surprise you. A new lot of Gingham dresses to arrive this week, the latest styles at lower prices, although ginghams are advancing rapidly. In shoes we lead. All of our customers say go to ANDREWS for Shoes, they are pretty and good, that is enough said. Close Out Bargains---Sure Enough Bargains. 200 pairs of Ladies’, Men’s and Childrens’. Oxfords,, in small sizes to close at any old price, $4.50 to $8.00 grades in the lot, $1.98 to $2.98.. .Sizes 3 to 4 1-2 a. bargain, for small feet. 1 1 TAILORED SUITS—M. MOSES’ LINE. Roy the Wizard Tailor will be here October 6, 7, 8,10, with the best line he has ever had at greatly reduced prices. Come see the line. GOOD THINGS TO E^T. If it is to be had, we have it, Give us that October acct, and see if you are not pleased. Country Produce Head quarters. and FOR SALE: A new kiln of brick, just burned. Apply to Luther Ed wards, Chapel Hill, N C This 4th Hay df October, 1921, W S Roberson, ?,tg-d—Mons,d c„ W S ROBERSON, Thustee. life, 29 that we know of h school and it is furnishing four good ones, w. Mis x , Mattie Blackwood^ Gilbert Craig and Charlie Da Weak TAKE 4ahurt decays and value. concrete— ■ S F@R SALE: 3 good young work mules; 1 young mare, gnod qualities; two 2 harse wagons and harness to match;; see or write Luther Edwards, Chapel Hill, N C. Was “After the birth of my baby I had a back-set,” writes Mrs. Mattie Cross white, of Glade Spring, Va. “I was very ill; thought I was going to die. I was so weak 1 couldn’t raise my head to get a drink of water. 1 took . . . medicine, yet I didn’t get any better. 1 was constipated and very weak, getting worse and worse. IsentforCardui.” one college president, Dr S B Turren- tine, five ministers of the gospel, Revs. D I Craig,D D., of Reidsville, Presbyterian, S B Turrentine, of Greensboro, Methodist, W A Smith, of Charlotte, Baptist, J D Williams, of Liberty, M P., the late A P Gar- . rett, of Cairo, Ill., and Jesse Minnis. CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic "I found after one bot tle of Cardui I was im proving,” adds Mrs. Crosswhite. “Six bot tles of Cardui and ... I was cured, yes, I can say they were a God-send to me. 1 believe I would have died, had it not been for Cardui.” Cardui has been found beneficial in many thousands of other cases of womanly trou bles. If you feel the need of a godd, strengthen ing tonic, why not try 5Cardui? It may be just what you need. Druggists Lx.xJ .will be plead in bar their recovery. All persons owing the estate will pay same at onee to the undersigned. This the loth day of August 1921. D. C K MACRAE. Executor of R. S. MacRae, deceased. Address. Chapel Hill. N. C. Paint is the best and cheapest insurance—it deterioration, protects your home against the saves you costly repairs and adds to its appearance Whether your property be wood, brick, stucco or Save the Surface and You Save All” with Varnishes—Stains—Enamels The cost of painting is small compared with thejprotection it affords, butyou must buy a paint that will give you longest service at lowest cost per year. Pee Gee Mastic Paint for home exteriors, is a strictly pure paint, guaranteed to be absolutely free from adulturants. It contains a high percentage of ZINC ground in genuine linseed oil, withstands all weather conditions and has greatest covering capacity. There is a Pee Gee Product for every Paint and Varnish purpose, backed by more than fifty years of reputation. Peaslee*Gaulbert Co., Inc., Mfgrs., Louisville, Ky. Visit this stars and let us advise with you regarding your paint requirements* Ask for Free Paint Books and Color Cards. Open 7 P. M., Close 7 P. M. Attorneys- A t-La w JOHN W. GRAHAM ALEX H. GRAHAM Prompt attention to all Civil Criminal Business. Office on Churton Street HILLSBORO, and - N. C. DR. WM. LYNCH Dentist Office new Roberson Building. Chapel HI1, N. C. 3 M a ^ GATTIS & GATTIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW HILLSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Samuel M. Gattis & Samuel M. Gat- j tis, Jr., have formed a partnership under the above name for practice of law and will attend to all civil bu- siness entrusted to them. Samuel M. Gattis, Jr. will also tend to criminal business. at- HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it— cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure any other disease. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the mucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and re storing normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. HZWZWZMSMZMSM®MZWgMZM!EMEK!ZtM. MZMZNZMZMZ^ZHZMZNZHZMZMZMZKZHZMZHZMZMZMZMZMZMZHZ * M Z N THE UNIVERSAt GA® NEW PRICES (F. 0. B. DETROIT) Chassis Runabout Touring Car Truck Chassis Coupe Sedan $325 $355 $445 H' I N Z W Z M Z N Z H Z Ki Z II Z II E H 1 z H Z § Z 5 MM* M•••••••••••••••••••••••€ £ NZiiziiwmzHSiwm^^ $660 „ .These are the lowest prises of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motpr Company. „ .Orders are coming in fast, so place, yours, promptly to insure early delivery - M * K' Z' M' 8' K 1 Z' H 1 z: K© z© K© 3 ! 55 II 3 1 M Z M Z NI g8 H 111 E. A. BROWN, CHAPE!. HJLL STROWD MOTOR COMPANY, CMXMXMXHSKXKZM2HKMXMX, Z > z IS " SI

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