m EDUCATION CONTROL ilEWWEAPONBEING ? USED AGAINST LABOR will lertirin inflpwtiid vs6onu»ferciid , financial interests Vliw; Hjg^ tioP has decided to go it&:|>Iahs regardless of all protest "p ignoring the almost unani jis1 adverse opinion of the Chi* City Oouneil/and of some of* most famous educators m irica. le executive board of the Chi Federation of Labor has ana id - the Situation in a 5,000 report submitted to the local ceiftral body, which body has au thorized* the executive board to rails money to defray the expenses public speaking campaign and fo|J the printing and distribution of ^literature. |i Sees {Sensational Menace. tne so-cauea lntemgence - tesls and other objectionable fea tures of the new system the report suftnitt$d by the executive board •' ‘ of the Chicago Federation of La b<^ hldkes rthe following, sensa tionalr charges: ?Has a. new natural laW- been' discovered which binds ea^h indi divfduajl to aplace in society «£nd •• agifrst which protest or struggle is fropeless? v Are the intelligence . testers offering something new3 - The fact ~ is that- they haVfe ■ brought ihto America the ancient \ do§rkre yof caste and ^ are - fcdtp-L - catii&rttnder the authorityrof pub lic school^ boards, precisely the same philosophy of life as governs \ the* Hindu caste system, -under which by alleged divine or natural law, the people are organized ac cording to the occupations ~ for which they are supposed to be fit ted—the merchant in the mer chant caste, the teamster in the easie of the teamster, the carpen ter 1 in the carpenters’ caste, and so oh through the long list of voca tions^.y^Thus they are challenging the * political philosophy , of .the American nation and defying the basic principles of every religion of the Western world. Do they know what they are doing? “That the intelligence test meth od of qlassification is to be used is clearly indicated' 'by* statements' made tender the ^Atifhdt,fiyjj ofiftheJ Board of Education by> represent tatives of that board to meetings of school principals. Develop ments in other cities show the i classification of pupfils into so called ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ groups,- the former of which are encouraged by ofifcial ‘counsellors’ td, go on into the high school, while the lattejc are advised by these ‘vocational counsellors’ to end their-school life at the age of "fifteen years when the average child graduates from the ‘junior high.’ • In other words, it 4s- as sumed that only those of inferior mentality will enter industry end commerce as productive workers. Thus the brand of inferiority is to be rplaepd upon all ~ productive wdrker§„ through the medium of’ prcfiaganda e7nanatii$* from -the' public schools. _:,c ■' . ■ “The , dHimate ~effect, if’ the scheme is to be carried on to its final conekisiott, willWeither to .Utterly demoralize American in WniMM xX iimrm&g upon them, or American :soeiety must be Europeanized by the 1 ac4 ceptance of distinct and more or Jess permanent -class /divisions among -tile bodice. We Hrihly be lieve, however, that when the true significance of the proposal be comes apparent to the people of the v different communities,: .the# will repudiate the whole scheme and wijft insistithat ;the children of ail classy of oitizeh& and, indeed, -the citizens themselves of, all classes, ar§ entitled to a full edi* cation, no matter what occupa tion they may follow. MudfNet Degrade Citizens. “America must prepare to do its. own work,” continues theKreport, "not ,by degrading a part of its citizens, but by steadily raising the social status of every sort of honorable employment. It is not enough - that wages be increased and the working day shortened pf thatrpurely material comforts be plage#/ within the reach of ' the people; - Min m>t live by brei^ alone, The master passion of humanity is the- desire for equality/ Ihe basic principle upon winch puV nation is funded *ecog-r nizeS;v this^rtrd^i *iia ^ candid ' lari guager > * plainly‘ , that none can misunderstand its mean ing and, purpose. For this reason and this alone, America has be come Jhe great nation of the earth. "l^tfl^yithiif rfecentjjwjjrsjtha public school system hair responded more and more to this great truth and as a result the education of all citizens has been growing apace. ' ... .. v "Now conies the effort to stem the tide of humhii progress in this eountry by overthrowing the great principle of American life within the public school system and thus, through the children of the nation, to degrade it by destroying the one vital, principle which marks our nation as different from all others—the great (principle of hu-r m^n 'equality as proclaijj^d in. the ; Amcu'ican .^Declaration 4 V Inde .pjfend^ice^ JX ’’ Clasi c"--ar-'V " MustProtOct Schools. "As American citizens, allied with each other in our trade unions, with the definite purpose of making life better and happier for all the people, we must oppose with, all the strength at our com mand the effort now being made to mutilate our public school system. "The movement to economize in public expenditures by curtail ing public education is an error so grave that it will lead to national sterility and stagnation unless it is corrected; It is based upon the utterly false assumption - that • a people 'Who have . tasted- of the higher and finer things of ;life, through eduation, will, develop a S. Wkite, President; J. White, V,-President; A. White, Sec..-Trees. Visit our new home ‘•TOE HOUSE THAT PLEASES” ar -1 - Phon62542 208-210 East Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C. NEW^SjERIES OPENED SATURDAY, JUNE 7tH Be> §ure to take shares in this series. Np better pl&n for saving your money or buying a home; LET US; TALK IT- OYER WITH YOUJ-■' * ’ « . *-■*■ L*'ey*~ %+r . MECKLENBURG BUILDING & LOXN ASSOCIATION C. H.Robinton, Pres. 38 W. Fifth St. 'A. G. Craig, Sec.-Treas. dislike for decent labor. This as sumption ^rows~ out nf-the equally false notion that1 the sort of work, in whichan individual can give ex pression to all his facfcities^ includ t ihgihh useh£3i» ^ kra ment^l s^n^k/ is in sonie highschoolsare devefepihehts‘ in |heen0r^ These syndicates jare a rich source pf: catiQiaign fundsfdr.f political fixing, ea^?ai^n-c6Hectuig syndi cates at the. expanse of the hon «st .taxpayers and the children.” & WORK BEGUN AT SPARTAN intract has been let By Soutb • Railway? Company for grading •,«conctete ^ofl#I W wft ^ built around the feast ^icte of the city of Spartan burg; :::^%''-'l'- " ' - ' The now line will eliminate .a; grade* crossing" oh. the Southern’s Columbia division at Main Street which the city of Spartanburg for years; has wished to remove. The city has agreed to pay half of the cost of construiction of the cut-off line, and at an election held recently, bonds to the amount of $250,000 were voted for this pur pose. L. C. SING r lAUNimv Ail work . i«ne by hand under % personil supemsioirs of ■ ’ L. & siWG, Pi-op: tjii Serrice It Sduth Ct\ircK St. connec