.1 . " : i ' x;':Jkr; ' r - i s- ; f 4- f r- i t J 7 ' ' WEEKLY MM: CHARLOTTE: Tuesdaj. November. SO, 186i. :R. H. ALDRICH & CO., !N FKOpKIETORS. j if P. WARIXtJ, Editor. Trude-Strttl UAXd OF SUB6CBIPTION: One Year - -' Oix MonUt . - Ttre JCa&tha, ' . ' " $2.50 1.60 7a- ADVERTI9E1LEX1 8 ; On Square G H o or lew), tor ch Insertion 1 j. Fur more than two. jnontha, by special con rat. at le rte Corruption. , The recent frauds .which have come to light in the Nev York Cnsfojn House, says the j Peters burg Index,' are but in keeping ' with the late disclosures about the workings of the. Gold Riug." Corruption seems to be rife in all departments of the government. True, we are no worse oft' than other nations in this respect, but 1 that is scarcelv nothing to the ,un : lortunate tax-payer. " The histor ians tell us that 'even those tire--some Greeks "seldom had sufficient . principle to resist a bribe," but this point of resemblance .between the republics of antiquity "and the great Republic of to-day is singu larly enough passed over by the comparative ethnographer : who preach unto us Grirnni'd Law. -;' !Nor will the promised advent - of "the Celestials", help us much in this respect, it we may trust the accounts give'ntisby travellers. 'Incapacity among Chinese offi cials' says a writer in Blackwood's Magazine, "is very prevalent,: but bad as this isj their corruption and corruptibility'is a still more .for midable evil. Their main science of government seems to beto give bribes to all above them and to receive bribes from all below them. In truth the government offices trdm ' Peking to. Thibet are one vast hire of peculators." Shall we i read instead of Peking and Thibet from New. York to. New Orloans ? Shall we-see some no ble mandarin installed as chief of to the other Hindoos," so would such a Celestial be to Blatchford what Blatchtord is to jthe other Custom Houss officials. Mind, we do not say that he could not and would not be eclipsed by native talent. Far be it from our patri-. otic breasls to' hazard any such narrow-minded, assertion. Shall native talent though be subjected to such risk- - We Can only pray with thegreai Roman : " . Th honor J god Seep Rjme in safetj, and the cWLrs f jus tice - , Supplied with worthy men. . . ' Municipal Rogues. In all our exchanges trom .North South, "East and West, we find accounts of municipal corruption eay3 the Norfolk Journal. .. From New York city to the little West ern town j ust incorporated,' the accounts are the same roguery, in every department of the city or village government. From the '. commercial capi'al of a million to the town of a thousand, 'everv thing is worked by uringb?' com posed Gl a tew sharp intriguers. into whose pockets goes the money collected from a people already verburdened with taxation. Mnnicipal scoundrelism seems to have grown to a degree of inag citude to which there is no parallel on the face ot the earth; .In the cities ot other lauds' there are in stances of knaverv. no doubt : but they are exceptions, not the- rule, as we find it to be the case in' the United States." Moreover, in those countries there is some chauce of a peculator being punished; iu this country there i none. . What i3 the cause of this terrible state of things ? We believe oue of the chief reasons is to be found sx the spirit of party;. . S absorb ing is this, thai each faction puts into office the most available men, instead of the most honest ones; and asjthese fellows thrust them'? selves torward into the maiage raent of every Political brganiza tioo, it natters not which sncceeds the people are plundered ' ; . Is there no hope of a change for the better? . We fear not; Iu the i er Bengalees, what the Bengalee is svmptoma are de3cribed by Captain larger citie3 the tax-payera; have given it up, and patiently, allow themselves to be robbed. : They 9ay that there ia.no use to attempt to defend themselves that all par ties are equally eager for stealing, a nd th at t liei r professions of hoq-? esty are all a sham. In thus totally surrendering they are wrong; for if the men of char acter and substance in any commu nity were to form combinations for common defeuce, we believe that something could be done to protect themselves from pillage; but as Lng as' they, allow men to be put into office to rob them, it will be done. . The Wilmington Journal says : We earnestly trust that Madame Fashion will prescribe that women shall wear something on their heads this wilder. A post ige stamp of a bonnet may Jook very pretty but it won't do for cold weather, i - x" The case ot the State vs. Charles Rea, (coi'd)' charged 'w-ith assault wish intent t ) commit a rape, was tried guiltv last Thursday ' and lound but .recommended to the of the Court. mercv t The American ' Sunday. School WoRXia.We. have received A the prospectus of a monthly journal to" be published at St. Louis, Decem ber It,- by J, NV. Mclur vre, No. 4 South Fifth Street, under super vision !of a committee, represent ins the Evamrelical denomination. Irs sphere i- the promotion of. the i i i : religious, education ot the voting- iu.the Family, Sanctuary, Sabbath. aridjDay School, Asylums, in all ! feections and denominations alike. -;'!'.. . ;-. -. ; j It will have ajessun system with expository iiotes, illustrations, i&c;, with much other matter ready 'pre-- partd Kr the use ot teachers,, par ents, aud others. " -: - . J' The Editorial ' Committee con sists jf leading. ministers "of ditier i m etit denominations. The publish er, would no doubt, gladly answer all l.-jcpiiries i SiS-auLAR Catixe Dme-VSE. A dis i ease1, new to our section": says the Bedford Sentinel, hasreceritly broken fuse to eat, and are. ineb'ned to lie down all the time. Their ' limbs seem to be partially paralysed When made to get up, they ti cmble violently. ; Soon the disease seems to settle in one leg, which seems to be almost', paralysed. .-They breathe hard and the belly is drawn up. Just before jdaeth, they-, begin to 'swell, and seem to choke up an4 die. 'De composition takes place, even in this weather, in the course of one night. Upon in examination of the? hides,. of those of which had died, the .skin j oi tue leg aileeted bv the disease was found in every instance to be entire ly, decaj-ed. Tnij. calves attacked, were eix or seven months old.- The jVashington spcial to cihuiitti L'uubner&il ' tells, tl the Cin- this little stossr.oi Colfaxif-'r .' i "As n Siecinien. vf ime of the tes timoiiV taken by the House Election Committee, in.. its invegtigatioxi in Louisan.i, it is noticed in th records that a nejji'o vitness from the lower counties, in.ausw'er to questions , by Ir. Kerr, the Democratic member, swore that he ' b.eilieted that one of the : R4pab!icin candidates .at the Presidential election was a nciiror, When a;kcd whether- it "Waa Geuemlj Grant br Speaker Coifax,.he 'replied thiit it was the . latter, and that he knew tht he, ColiaXj was a negro, from his picture." . - I- An tld uf:iu?r;in Ireland left a will beiui?athinr lo mv 'Sistr-in Mai v Dtiiinia, four : old 'Worsted Ktock- ings, wliich fihe will find under my bed t' a nephew-, two other stock ings ; to the house-keeper, "for her long and nwthfiil services, my crack-, ed earthen pitcher,, and . other lega cies of the same character - to" other persons. The legatees were in a high state of wrath, but on of 4hem having kicked down th? pitcher atJ found it toll of guineas, .the- othera examined tlie stockings and . found them s:m: .irlv.line.1..- Japane-Te Navai" STriESTS.-Two- younr Japanese, named lae Satara and MantinUero- Jiunzo. are in Wash ington. 'They will go o the Naval Academy in a few daya to receive instructions iu naval science, -agree-bly with an act of Cougrev, July 27, 18(17, giving the . Sfcf retaiv of the Navy authority to instruct a limited number of Japanese bubjects, no ex pense therefore to devolve on the United States. -Eight'', others will arrive here soon, and will be instruc ted with those nowhere. Ex. ' 'I'll Cx "AfjOAnT TTrtVi -?s.r i Cliarlstoa onSaturdjay mght, 13." said to have been a ?rand successl The Courier thinks the 'amount realized will not fall far short of f 10,000. , From the Raleigh SentineL .Tho Legislature of North Carolina- ' ; SENATE. ' - : "Wednesday, Nov. 24th. -The Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock. ! i . NOTICE OF BILLS! Ir. Stephens of a biU to cHarter a Railroad Company. Said road to run from Yanceville to Danville, Va. i Mr. Shoffner, a bill to raise a sink ing fundi to purchase North Caroli na bonds, also a bill to tax r steam Distilleries of whiskey. . ' Mr. BeaH, of a bill; concentrating Probate, Registraton oi Deeds and other instruments, also of bill rela ting to. unsold town' lots an'd other Public property. it Mr. Brogden, of a bill to protect the Sheriffs of certain Comities. - IiTTRODUCTIOX OF BILLS. By J. A. Hyniau, (col.) A bill to amend an act to raise revenue, by striking out iu the lt section, after the words "and shall be paid on re ceiving the license," the words "and shall in no r instance be less than ten dollars!" Referred to the Cominittee. on Finance. . . ' -7 ! By Mr. Long:' A bill to prevent the sale of sijirituous liquors within three miles of ; Silver Hill, Davidson j county, iteferred to the Committee on Proportions and Grievances. By J. H. Hyman, (col.) A Resolu tion requesting the Representatives of the State in Congress to exert themselves to secure a loan 'of one million of ldtJlors to relieve- the jjoor of -the State who are unable to pur- chase homes or lands. Laid over. THIRD READINO 'OF ETLLS. . ' Bill to continue mr diejn aud-mi1 lage of the officers and members of the' General Assembly "the same hs allowed .them the two prebeeding ses sions. . Passed yeas 1 7, naysr 15. Bill to further protect t he interests of the State in the several Railroads. "(This bill provides that the. officers, of the several Roads shall make full reports of their transactions quarter ly.) Passed yeas 2?j nays 7. Those voting in "the negative -;vere Messrs. Bellanfy, Burns, Davis, Eppes, (col. ) -Gallon ay, - (coL ) j HaliTingto'n and Moore, o '.Yancey..', v 1 SPECIAL , ORDER. ' " ' Bill to be entitled an act to investi gate the affairs of the Railroad Cpm panies hereinafter named. ' lliis bill authorizes, the Governor to uppoiiA i Commission of rive, members to make said investigation, " Such; investiga tion shall include' the! period of time since the 1st day of ;May,!. 1S68, said report to be made to the Oucernor be fore the 1st day of August,. 1870; and shall submit the" same to the j t session of tfie. General A&embli,' said Commission is empow ered to employ councu, who shall recieve compensa tion not exceeding Jice hundred dol lars, said Commission is to receive $5 per day, together with all actual ex nenses" incurred for niileae or other wise: i in going to or . from meeting 3 cf diem not to exceed 5 .per . day; and said Commission is authorized : to send for persons and paper under the summons of its CJerk or Chairman. This bpl was discussed at length. y ' "Tr "P.lirilf? TnoT-Pil if ' . 'fiii-tlir.v ! further consideration be postponed until the; 1st of December. Pending its con sideration the Senate adjourned un til to-morrow -morning at 10 o'clock.. , REPOar OF COMMITTEES.----,.. Mr. Graham,. from the Ccminittee on the Judiciary reported Ytfae fol lowing bill viz : j -j--. ' ';: '. Pill to repeal section 11- of an act to lav oi? the Homealeiid and her- sonal. property exemptions, - ratitk-d. on the 7th jof AjDriJ,! lby, - recom mends its passage. , j ; ' t ; -I -J Bill fo amend an act to -regulate proceedings in-, the partition . and sale of real and ; -personal roperty, recommends its passage. . ' v. Bill to repeal an act in relation to the Superior Court Judges. Bill to authorize ' j township -trustees to take the privy examinuiion of married women. j -. Mr. Lassiter, from th-e Committee on the Judiciary, reported adversely on the following billsj viz : A bill in relation to the payment of officers1 fees, and r, : ';': 'A bill to be entitled an act to re peal certain acts, passed at the.? ses sion Of 1SG3 and '69,'jnaking . appro-. pnations .to " Kailroad ComTauics (The latter mtroduced :by Mr -Gra- ham,):as follows f .;-j !'; . The General Assembly' tf. North Carolina do enact. j y . . ' k '.'.'See. 1. That all acts pa'ssej ! at the l st session of this .Legislature . mak- lU ung apijropriations to Railroad Coiu lw, panies, be and the same 'are. hereby panies, f repealed, r . '.'. " !' , Sec 2. That all bonds of the State wnich have bee.u issued ' under the- said acts, now in the hands of any President or other' officer of the cor porations be iinmediately returned to the Treasurer. , ' Sec,. 3. That this Legislature .will not recognize ' as valid ; the . salefdf any of the Bonds issued as aforesiiid after thia date, "; . I.. Sec. 4. That innocent rpurchaser; of bonds is-ufcd under authority of said acta, shall be entitled to the ac tual cash value paid for the same, upon prov ing , then claims against the State before the Supreme Court, a3 reqiiired by Section 11, Article IV of the Constitution, and upon ' ihe surrender of said bonds. . f Sec. 5. That all monies raided as sjeciel taxes, under the act .mention ed in section 1, be and the same are hereby appropriated-fot. the rpay ment of said claims when allowed by the Supreme Court. . See. C. That this ; act shall be' in force from and- after it ratification.. . rxrrsisHZD BrsnfEss. .' ." Bill introduced by Mr. Lassiter from the Code Commission to. inves tigate the affaira of the " Beveral Rail- road Companies, was taken up - and amended, by directing tho Superin. tendent of Public-f Works to make said investigation, second reading. I ! ! and passed j its Davis, its fnr- On motion of MrJ ther consideration was postponed at present, tne bill as lamenaea was or dered to beTprinted and made the special ordelr for i! to-morrow at j 12 o'clock.' i ''-"..-. 'f'-jj j "'' ' -u '-; On mo j ion of Mr. ! Brogden the rules; were suspended and the bill to protect t the sheriffs ' of certain counties, was taken ip. This bill suspends the collection of tax on the Wilmington & Wejdon Railroad, un til the constitutionality of said tax is ascertained. ..' ;. -: t -.;,' .1 .;;; Mr.- Jcjnes, of Wake , moved to amend so; as to extend the same priv ileges to the sheriffs of Halifax; Wan en, Fr anklin and Wake coun ties so far as taxes due by the Rs & Gaston Rj. R. Company are concern ed, iwhich was lostjl and the bill was' rejected.- ' j :'"' -'... j ..,-' : CALENDAR. ; .j- Resolution requesting the Repres entatives of iliis State in Congress to use; their influence to secure the'Loan of Xt000,p0&, to !e. appropriated in the pareliiHse of lands, to-;be divided into faring. of 20 acres each," for those who are imable to. furnish homes for. 'Ihemselvoiv ' ' ' ''M ' "A. H. alio way, ( col.) moved to amend byj iusertihg after "20 acres of land;"; vand a mule; which was Mr. Lasiter., moved, to amend. by ineitiiig tiftur 7'$li000,600' "or its 'equivalent in Public lands" wrhich prevai!ecti ana i uie resoiuiiou ? was ado:.ted;i:'v;;;;.:l, f ',f,'.;,: :,' Resolution proposing to i raise a Joint Coimittee to take into : eoh-sidei-ationj the burthens of taxation, and; to report some- measure for '! the relief of the people.- Adopted.", - :g I j ' j J SPECIAli ORDER. .1--, Reportlif the Special Committee p'rfyie was 4 alee. e Uie ' Senate ruie3 of order liie oenaie ruie3 oi oruei :n up, rmAid'd and adopted, ttjon of Mf. Sweet 100 copies On .mi opie3 was orderfed to b jv printed, for tlie use Lf the: Senate, Oniii'ot ! - on' te Senate . adjo'irlied until tofmbrrOw rat 10 o'clock. RIDAY,.Nov. called to orderj? at ie Seijatti was AO W dock , Mi llie iiA-dsOiii. presented a peti- . tion jfroni ! Col,'; Walter F. . Leak, set ting for ihl That some time in 1862. He pmchaed n couple of $1000 bonds ftorji a Director, of the W. Cl & R R. Rjjat s. premium of 5' jjerce jit: Thai said bondi were issuedZ' under au a . t-. to secure tlie completion of ;aid Jioadj the iJCth day of Feb. 1 SGI. The petitioner states further that -some timer jdoring Jthe same year he purchased jfrom the State of N. i' C, live, bonds, of: $1000 each issued under an act to Iprovide wavs and ineaiis fori supplying .the Treasury : "issued .the 20th of Decmeber 1802. He a.sks thfe Legislature, to consider this subieet, and- eive mm wnat is right i-n-he-preinises. -t REPORTS, Of COMMITTtZS, ISAi to amend ahd eo-solidaff -Ka sewal -ccts;f or' the organization . anil government ofh University, recom mending that it do f j i3dl to charter the Granville . Rail- i roalComnanwrenorted amenflmpntq jDiii to provide tor the 'funding of tile rAibiic Debti recommending that it do pa;s.3. . .. . :i '--.'. V 3111 t6rautbork ihe Commission ers.of Perquimans county to issue bonds, recommending its passage. ! Bill' to amend air act relating to fiea and fees, recommending that it 'do pas1?. ' , I ' ' . . -. ' : . ' A message was received from, the House transmitting a' joint resolutToir relating to the special tax on .brandy and tobaccol uigiiig the Representa tiv '3 qf this State in Congi-ess, to use vnir limueuee to nave saia tax re4 dueed, ilactd on'. Calendar. i lSTitODUCTIOX OM BILLS. "iy Mr. Rt'sposl: A bill requiring tli4 old iianks of the State to receive their own bills hf" 'payment of ' judg mentsDbtaiied byj said bank3, placed ou Calendar1. - j- . ' The President Tat ified an act fix ing the per diem;, and mileage of theollieers and members of the Gen eral Assembly,, the same as the two preceeding rifCssiohs. j . - ' '" ; '' Mr. Forkiier' moved .a reconsidera tion of the vpte by which an act to investigate the affairs of - the s'ev-eral l;iilro.;id Companies passed its;second reading oil yesterday. ' .The 'motion prevailed. ' j V; - '-'' y - He "then tiioved to. Vecpnsider "the vote by yhich the Governor's Com mission -to investigate was strickcji iiit, and the duty aligned to the Sui-imtendf nt " of Public .-W-orks, rind it, was Rgieed to: 10. v- ' ' - ' A- leas '2o n.HVij Mr.. Etlieridge mpred that the biill Jje referred to a special ' committee jo be cVunposed: of three Senators ) -Mr. ' Jones, of -i Mecklenburg jes pre"jyed his sin-prise at the, course pf ihe opposition party and of those"! iter?.onaiIy interested in the investi gation, . in attenaptmg to " avoid ji-El-arc oil a fultaml fair investi-a:tioii of this whole'matteiv he thought .that J it came v.ith' "very, bad grace from those-, who represent these roads to favor such" action, when" he .saw that the only proper course for the Senate to have pursued, would be -voted down. He favoaed the xiext beat that he . could ' get, fhat the matter hfill ha referred to the- Superinten dent cf Public Works, but, this wai riot hia choice, and if the gentlemen agpiut whom . theae charges are made are inliocent.and wish tor" clear their skirfs thejr- ahould insist, yea, detnand, a legislative investigation, and the least their friends could have done would have been to have let the bill remain in the. form it passed on yesterday. ' Something had been said in reference to the necessity of this investigation; He heard ' a promi nent membejt of the Republican par ty assert in a public speech, only a few nights ago, that the people were alarmed, there were rumors afloat and they, were almost universal that there was a misappropriation of the funds placed in the hands of certain parties to construct three Roads and that they ("the i people') demanded an investigation waa not this suffi cient evidence to induce the Senate to go into an , investigation. Then why. is this investigation pressed with -such persistency in one direc tion? If it does nothing worse it will have a direct tendency to aiouse the suspicions, of the J Public more fully against those who' are directly interested. : ' -j' ' '-; ::; Mr. Moore, of Carteret, moved to lay ihe whole subject on the table. Thejmotion was lost, j ', . Mr. Respass mp ved lBat the furth er consideration of "the bill be. post poned until the 8th of December. Though, he said, he had iio preference as to the bed the bill should sleep in, in tlie hands of the:' special Comuiit tee or through his motion. . Mr. Lindsay said he desired to make only a few. remarks Jteforb the vote was taken. There had been a jjlain and simple resolution to inves tigate the affairs of' tSnly one Road, introduced by Mr. Graham, with surprise and astom'shment he saw fit; voted down, and another similar to the li rst,l by Mr. Walker, that, was also voted down, an'd 'on ye.Hterday, b"v the uhanimitv of action in the" Senate he. thought the question had been disposed Of. not suiting the views of all the Senate but as a compromise and to-day there is a; proposition to reconsider "the action of yesterday. He regreted to thinfe- bo, ' but it looked as though thorjj were Sena tors on tho Uoor who intended to avoid a full and fair in festigation,' he was -sorry to -see such, a disposition manifested when the people of the State are alarmed in all sections! at these, rumors of corruption. Tlie Senator from I Wilkes living in some: obscure valley perhaps where' the iun don't, shine even in August more, than an hour during the day may not have heard of these charges, but nevertlieless they are made, he bojjed the reference Svodld not be m'ade.j r The motion to refer to a sjiaeial committee prevailed,- and the' Prcsi sdeht. designated ilessrs. Ethridge, Love and Respasj'aa the-committee., 1 On motion the .Senates adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I - j . .THEkbiy Nov. 2jth. I Hohse' met pui-snant, to' adjourn- ment: '' , ' EEPOKT OF COMMITTEES. ' J, H. Harris, of Wake, for Commit- tee'on Propositions and Grievances reported favorably on bill to repeal tax on tobacco. ( - .'. i Mr. Dixon" for Comjiiittee on Sala-. rie'a and Fees!, favorably, with amende ment, on bill compensating, school Committee men irives them "1, in stead of $2, a; day, while on duty, re ferred to (Jommittee on .Education was then taken up. j .The resolution i ff roads, bonds intrdJcced by Jit.' "VVelcb. '. --:' fi j- , : j The question was on the substitute of Mr. Ellis, which had been accepted by Mr. Welch. "r a ' ' ... ''Harris pf Wake : offered 'ag a 3ub--stitute of the whole, the bill; infro- uuceu mio oenaie yesxeraav uy Liir. lassiter, on the same subject Mr. Durham said-he was -in fivor of Mr. "Ellis' f substitute, because it of named a. committee, a majority wnom could not be bough. If same course i was TJiimiei- as in the last' investigating committee, it -vvduld simply amount to a whitewashing af- fair, and he would move to lay j the whole Tn after nn th tibli Tia rlt.A- pie believe, that corruption in its vilest form exists in .the management of the bond, and demands that; his Legislature shall appoint a commit tee of irreproachable character to) in. vestigale the matter thoroughly. He favored. the substitute ' of Mr. Ellik because it looked toward an horiea inyestigationy the ptheT did not -lie. was opposed to . which . these ' -white washing! committees; :c. s i ij; . jot. uurnam saia ne was;satisne a fair investigation was not going to be'-'allowed ; the prrdsition .of Mr Ellis was making members wince. It was to be presumed that the Gover rr.or WQuui oe satisned with the, men elected. bv Directors of, his -'.'own-ari- poinfment ; therefore' he Wan-uot the m an to appoint the committee.- jlle thought therB'were members "od. the floor who would move heaven and earth to 'prevent the' inve3tigatioi of these alleged frauds. If Mr. Ellis's proposition be defeated'anv comiiiiti- f ee that may be raised would simply anair. Mr. Pou next took the floor anjl while arguing against the' substitute, a message ; was received from thie Senate informing Ihe .House of he passage of a bill to further, protect the interest of the State, m ceitam Railroads and to require accounta bility on the part of tneir officers, Mr. Pou resumed his remarks and favbred.the idea ; of an ' examination bv the House in the' Committee of the whole r I Mr. Malone: skid : -.-P- I call attention to this substitute-f the first stetion creates a commission yes, a "cpmmisaipn---an office, this i3 inl keeping with the, past conduct of this Legislature, that is create of fices Another, section gives them instructions to report by AugVisi 1870. Will this meet) the anxitus demand of a distressed people, ca ll ing for intestigation. into the con duct of our agents ? Those who in .gocnl faith ask for an jinvestigationt wish it done now we "ivant rui aelay -we want to know before f wo close this session. Another (section Rites i the committee a clerk at fire dollars per day. I; . . '..V: ,. mere are otner oDjections to .tnin substitute, and I do not think ' that five men can be found in this House to jyots for, the creation" of a magnifi cent ' office with perpetual existence equal at least to the Commission: Mrj Speaker, we want no more offi cesbut we want more good faith in the1 conduct of those entrusted tvith the; dtwtiny of North Carolina. " I ' ! After some further debate, . Isham Sweat (col.) arose, and said, that $1,500,000 had been appointed to ; Road in his section which he believed would never ber built.. i "(" !';, He was ojjposed to Harris' sub stitute aid somewhat opposed to Mr. EllisV because he thought that wh j?n matters pertaining to the Stafe's in terest ' involving millions ' of J dollars, wai being exariuned that the .entire l-epresentation should have, a hand in it1- ' : - -"-- ' i ' He had at first favored Mr: Ellas' proposition," but , now thought the idea of Mr; Pon a better one. He agreed with Mr. Durham that a fair investigation conld not le had by a committee appointed ! Under the old mode: . ; " s ", ; ' . -! Mr. Ladin moved to. postpone and make thy matter ' special for Tuesday -next, -s -! v j- Mr. Welch said be had bfiefed his resolution iir the best spirt and liot influenced by : any partisan- motive and the cry of Party ! Party j! wasf a "most flimsey pretext to. defeat inves tigation. Republicans were ! making the matter a party measure, fr . they would liavaa majority in both branch es of the Tjrtpo.-sedcoinniittee. They had a majority in both branches ofl this Legislature and they Were re sponsibly for therfo appropriation. The. Governor wascharged-' with complicity -with the rUing," h.e (Mr. Welch)' tQd not believe tho chaiJgd yet it was openly charged, aud the jo .fore he" (the Governor) . could, not with delicacy appoint-the committee. ' Mr, -Welch.theu proceeded to. give a sketch of the'matteia Tertamihgto thie construction of r the . 'jWestern DiNisrpn of tliej Western er. C;:R. R. Srotuthsttindiiig the millions ajjpro-priatc-d, money could not be had jto, pay the lkboreTs ' 'and that unless 'money was forthcoming, work must. Stop. , 1 : '-.r'-' '. . Mr. est move; to adjQuru. Lost. Tue question, recuxivd upon Air. Laflin's motion to postpone until" Tuesday... - . . H The vea? . and . nav being .called .the motion was rejected by u. .vot.e-. of yea 1, nays 90. ', , " '-'. w ..':";.. . . 'jrr..binchar favored the-substitute and opposed Mr." ElhV-measure. J After some furthur debate Mr. Pou' moved to' la'v the' whole matter oh the table jn order that he might have an opportunity of introducing . a- re solution to :make..tho. invest iation, in committee of the whole; , The mb-" tion was rejectedby a jVote of yeas 21,; 'naysVCC' : (Here innumerable, points of order weie discussed, and a host of motions to adjourn made and rejected:) 1. ' ..; ; - . v Mr. Welch'i callod the. -previoui qnestion. The . call : , was -aus tain id and the question recurred upon tne sub 3tituta l)ifrd by Harris" of Wak? (colored.) : .The yeas and navS b'eiiig 1 The' question recurred to the adojp-: tioii of Mr. Ellis "propositdn. : The veas end nay being coiled resulted in the following votei Yeas 41 naire'j ii'J. : ' f ' . 1 - Mi-. Pou' offered a resolution, that iue uouse, on and after Tuesday next at 2 o'clock,' whT resolve- itself into the, Committee jof the 'who!?, eacii day, toT' examine thete alleged irauas: i . , - .- .f, . I Pending the consideration of the resolution the' House adjourned. ' ' ; '-j NdVEJIEEfiCthJ lSGa House; met pursuant to ourn- Trii!t : I : P.reii r i-Tti jvn tTi t o. Ry M-r. Jarvis : A resolution dp- r c an uig that aii election tthall be held fO members' of I tho . Legislature, oh the first Thursda-v in Auiriist. 1870 I tV. W. Price, YcjL) moved to refer to the Committee on . Privileges and ejection s.c . .-.';: . . . i iur. iaruam luoveu . to suspen ine ruies ana .aaopt at; once. 1 ' j i Tlie yeas and, nays were called and tlie motion to." suspend prevailed by the following vote : Teaa ' 52, nays "tL. !'.:'!"... I ! : -J . J he question recurred upon ' the motion to refer, j.',1 ; ' '- j'J.v.; i Mr. Durham I said lie. hoped i no reference .would hot be Wade.1 .' but tltat lhei resolution would be I at once radopted, as-the sfentiinents of: this it 1 . ... .1 ' :. 1 .Liegisiauire, &.c. A ' ' I "' ' Mr. Pon favored "a reference, j had not formed !an opinion One He wav or the other. .;!!' : rj The motion.to icfer, "' after tnte little debate, prevailed by tKe folio w- vote : Yeas C2, pays 32. ; . . : ,8rf;cLa. oiujeu, Jlie. jL-esohition rcque5tin''Con- gress to remove; iolitical dlsibiliti in this State was takenj up." ' ; ' Mr. . Jarvis oftWedl a f;ubtitute, that oiir Senators be instructed', to do I all in. their - power tbj! have disa bilities of all in this State removed, and the test 'oath repealed, and to 1 requfefct our Pepresentatiyss in Con- jO'esaj to co-operate to 'the same end, and instructing the Governors to for ward to our Senators .and Represeu-J tatives, copies of tne. resolutions. Mr. Malone urged the adoption of the substitute in - a few aDnronriate remarks, whicli we - should - like .to giv4 iu full but our limited space forbids. ; .' I ' Learv, colored, favored the" origi nal resolution. - . i :'i '- Mr. Jarvis sustained the I substi tute in a speech pi some length. . He dwelt especially upon the uec-e3aity and justice of a" repeal , of the - tei:t oatn. . ' - . . ; . "The queition.WH3 announced on ihe substitute, v when Mr- Durham I demanded the j'eas and nays,f which Were Ordered and resulted veaj 65 nays 21. ';J: . Mir Pou movei to amend bv we- fixing" to the substitute just adopted, ii . . . . ' .1.1. xt. . - 1 - 1 ne preamoie oi.me original resolu tions, jvlnchv wa3 . adopted m after amending by inserting "political and J ciyir before 4V-qualiiy." . 4 1 The question waff thfn put on the ' adopfion cf the resolution, and re sulted; yeas CO, nays 15..- f -1 In voting against the resolution ai .' 'amended Mr. Durham said that thif 1 preamble not only said "iMjlitical' ! but absolute "civil eqnahiy." . H ' wishel to know; if gentleniHi,l-d not - recognize marriage as a "civu" relal j tijin, and that in. voting fr thre- j lution and preamble, gentlemen ill J commit themselves to tlie recognition ' ! of tho validity of such civil relation. Further, that ho would; not stultify himself by saying that the time ' had j now come for the removol of. disaj- : ,i bhities," for that would imply thmt the'v should not have been' itn)vtil long ago. . " ; : - nESOLUTlOS.i Tlie follomnq are lh lteLUdlun tip callutg a Convention vf4he j-.f jo ; form a Uohxitlution r thr :Stjtr.rU- introduced info the, Jfoutv t ' A hi tnon.i, It); Mr. Mufonf, of (JalduHi, i: Wuerf.4, It is the opinion of this General Assembly that the . pnWnt. Constitution of the- State in not odr qjiately aLipted to the tnio inud -tion of the-rjeopl of the StatJr f ZSorth Carolina ; nor to th rxUi in t state of the; cotuniy ; and wlu-reai, no movement tndin to tha Vfoi iiiaj fioj of a .diflertijit -, Constitution eliould be tolerated except "in tlin except pVj )aceable and legal nodo eHlbliHhil bS' law, and reoJnuzed ty pitce- dents, therefore ' :' Resolvkd-t. (TJie.- Sehl:te coniur. riug) that tho people of the . Sta,tH of Korth Carolina be,' and tlley aie hereby ordered" to meet, in Convcn Uon, at the City of Raleigh- oh the 5th day of April, ' lt70t fr the pu jjose of forcjing A; Contitution bf the State,- to b.i ' submitted tit ilib people rfor ratification, ; j ;-; JU.mjhxd 2. That aid Conventicn ishairi'onsist of v. iiuiubcr ff dele gates. equal. to tlie : joint number i: members of . both ifousift cf thif General Ase'tmblv '. til which. 4hes were tintitled by tbe lav.-, ptior, to Hue year 13ob' ; id be. choCen bv the. electom of th St State, now tntitUd t Vpti for members 1 of the . Geheral "Asieiublv. ; . . Kfzolcrd .3: That the Governor is hereby directed within twenty -daya from the. ratification of this- Itespluj-' tioD to issue writs of cltcticn to'th ShcrifiVof the various counties of the State., commanding thtm tb'opeu and hold an elfcttioh'for said delei gatea at tle. several precincts and to.be held andconducted in all resj pects as by the law in existence prior to the year 18ty ; that each Senator rial District and Representative Disj- . tiict respectively shall be entitled to a delegate in said Convention . ; ii ' Ketohed, H I Tliat . ani; Elector . ehgible to a seat in this Gtneial .As sembly shall be. ehgible Wla sjeatj .in this Convention,: provided, that said Election' shall be held It least' fiftt-ta day.3 before the , oth "day. of April, -; Ttfi e TfVy ac 1 1 1 1 1 e 's co n d u ct vrc-' a'tba a deal of talk iti Koiue.' fhc; Pope wa -much, depressed for ?f v- eral days afcer the hews cametut his-IJoliuor seem-i- inorJ i')h j'ml The . Council Half j arningcm M divert hi tfi"Ugh:s. a li.tlu in-iu'-yhat ; ' just bo to him, hov.cypi. ' and tAervRomari"C,ath.lic, a" 'sir rowtul affair. . . , n.t. u.xtr.-u. jxixii .went inta 11 .unwaukee bank, a few davti;4idf;ii. and coolly drew a cheek for 10,000,--': ((00, Ginning the name of C. Vaficr-: bilt. He s-iidheudbronhtth De troit and Melwauke'e railroad. Ref.U' counting out thelnohey the teller, las is- the custom there mjidii some iuqui rie, and ft)und Mr. VandiMliilt'u sK u lunatic. 1 ne money was withhi 1 d bu mat account. - ,'! The rasfor bvan f rft which ihe " oil.ii made, -ii becoming an ifn T'ortant industry in . lVn y count v: Cnl. One momiuent 'dcillr ved at Ms warehouso 1.000 LnJi- 1 els in one.duv. Imvirur A3 , biiJiel. It vibld moii. bnf.I itn the aero. than : 'wheat. A surgeon of Paris lately oxhibittd to. a friend one of h ix instruments, the handle of which w,v carved in 1oiie. "Do you know. ho asked, "of Uit this bridle is made?" "Of ivpry. 1 1 supKje-; "Xo.M said the' doctor, while tear-i almost choked, hi voice;.; "it Lj the tliigh-bon of my poor kuuti yjim iiumiieu neau.ot. horsps were stolwi -bvJ Indians from- tlie f t 1 1 1 ranches and btation.- - aluii" -Canou creek Montana, in three days. .A .PP'r.i K'ko,.on the Pacilfc Railr'iid,6peaki ?f the apathv . k' , the highway '"robber, no ,oiagv having been perpefratcd !t"7iliem ir. the last three day.. I T.he vounir man v. ho pjlth - 'I'hi lonely since ray. mother diV.l ''i'n't io juuiy now. jiia latber has married, una ma stepmother makea jt lively tuuuHJur nun. .- .-, TTie game of bilhards inuit be coix dncied to 8elf-control, for . a - gocid player cannot fail to Pbcktt aiAf- rront. , . - A late tire tu -ew 11amt".sbire cauied a iJKighboriug' row of apj'k trees t bud and bios j 11,, : I"-; ' " " ' ' mm' ' - 1 '"'-- '- Dr. Owley,. uf;Eanstfi Citvi'V re ceiitiy performed the operation of iembving the erdire colIai-boVie. Uatnc 13 said to be most Hbiin dant in St. Joe..- principal varieties are seven pp, poker, ifaro, i:eno ana praine cnickcn. it J.ITA 2l 4: 55

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