- i .J it t ! - f - ; K ; - i' . tl. - t ' ! . y 1 f r ! , S I r - s t- X - KLY NEWS. CHAULOTTE: Y Tne8Jarl4iIdceinbcr 14; ISC v H. .11. ALUIUCII it CO. rROPKIETOKS. it. r. Office' on Trdde-Strtelt ttji'. lluilding KATES OK fc'OBSUlillTION: $150 7j On Teur ; I'ur'Yiontiui Tm-e Month, AD V'XRTISKMJr : ' .... . ! - " ' r" - One?qasre(12 line or fof ,cach imkfrtion 1 00- -Kor wore thata two.-nonths", Vj Bjclal con laqt.fct !? rHe v;a j-.i t.?i', . . . v- Read the? interes&ng' letter4 of our The first message iof President Grant to "Congress. ) !wBicn. irejgtt cr our readers to-day, will, of course, be req:d by all, be the common topic of ...-conversation and will engross public attention for a "wetk or more. Oar limited t pace precludes any ex . tended comment upon' jt, which,"' as . all can read for. themselves, is not really necessary. - A Ve regret to say, that a a State paper it falls immea "feurably below similar, documents ht ixtofore, issued Tronitlte Chief Ex ecutive ouict The Prc:inlc;iit mskts ' a number of CTiggeslionr.d propo sitions which "are in direct contraven tion of the fundamental principles 0 ; our Federal " and State Conrtitu tious; and yet he concludes, with a promise "fo a, rigid adherence to the laws and their- strict enforcement." The whole 'message is lnt another exposition ofthe"iatform aridpurpo ses of the "bitter-ender,' or extreme radical puvtv.j We. shall-" hereafter devote more ffcne and space to a full and free veutilation of tome of "the points, aimed at and recommenda tions made- -i . ' i 1 . - . i ' f.chctoH churches, sAciciy-Zaiul kw of liberty" skill and ordeHoung popiuntion, w e sa attacks of tlie oi Ehe is second to no territory of the Bame size on th? face of the earth. Cert.cn it i tKat those who eiaigrate, u mostiuKtances regret it, yea, and that so deeply that all w4io can, are frlad enough to Vet back: .Tbis'Ritd-' ial Legislature will itot.hold pver always, and when jjood men are .re stored to power, the cau.e for all this restlessness will b removed, and we hope" to see the State spring forvyard in, an uneiampled career of prosper ity m 4 ths At the last meeting of the Agricul tural Society, W: J. Yates, - Esq. off ered the following preamble and res 'blujtion which was uiianimously adop ted : t . (- "' f - "Whereas, It is a - well establishel fact that whatever benefits the trade and besiness of a city v" t'owp, also benefits the Atrricultural interests of the surrounding country, therefore, "We see from the ."Wilmington Jvumolth&t 1'IU pieces of .property, sitnattil hi' Wihuiugton nud New Hanover county, were sold last week bj tile Sheriff fur t.it sv A dahiiig commentary truly oh the ret kkv; ex-ti-avag.mee of Radical Ltvslation.' That the taxes are oveiburdeuitig,aud ci-iihhmg out rall prosperity.. i a the State s painfully illustrated by this siiMple statement. How lohg.w;ili." it be before the Sheriffs will be knock- inir clown tne lanas 01 aeiiKuncnt tax-payers iu all the count icij? 'and how -noon will it be before v:o much' reiil est ate will be upon the market wrav, that -land 'will tio de value us to be iilmost worth- This thiufir must Mi or re- pudiafioii will not come lut le I'wtjiiipon us. Ike eu tne income 4 of tae 'State .won't pay the taxes, and what then?- To talk of the untar lii.sh'.'d escutcheon -of "t!ie State in the face of poveity and want, w ill, like Ik1 pniytrs of the wicked, avail not. We do not -like to tpe;ik of -.repudiation, neither-do we like to ixe the poor-children, of the. State V,-endi:ig tht-ir :Vy homeless nn'd breadifess to other flan"ds to?eelr that wlrich cor ruption and peculation have deprived them Lf here Thir; thing inu-:t Vtop, or. .repudiation will be tlie popular ticket! at the next election. '-?. remain free from the officers of the Govfem- rti.-(Tit. It will le a sad day for tne liberties of the people when the Press shall be made subject t.. the control of any department of the General or Stat :i Gorernment; by; "Tarnishing thoir represent atives as such in other relations and through other means. r "We shall watch this' case ' with in tcrest, ;iud shalkrefer to it .again, ' . une iu Secfy. Boutwell on Resumption. The- aiinaxed'ex'traet from theKe port of the Secretary of the Treasury gives liis views on the j subject .of the resumption of. specie , payments .: ,t U The ability of ' the country to resume specie"" payments -'-will not be due to any special legislation upon that sub-" ject, but to the condition of .its -industries 'and to its financial relations te other countries. These, : of course, 'will; Lie wor or le-s. dependent. upon the general policy of the Government. The war exhausted the cbimtry'of its material wealth, and the States of the South were literally impoverished. A necesar' condition lor tte resump tion of specie payments was the devel opment of' the industry of the nation " both North and .South, and the conse quent accumulation of the " movable 1 products of industry to suth an extent that our everts ot eucn proaucis should be "equal sutstautialW to our imports. So long as it is necessary to pay for merchandie imported by the transfer of Government bonds. or other evidences of indebtedness to o!her tountries, so long' will it be im practicable to resume and . maintain specie payments. When die products ported' shall bo equal the products of otl.er countries impor ted there will be n.i demawd for spe- c ie for export, except ; what( may arise from the circumstance, that our .bonds held abroad are senthoUie, gold in our nvaikks, and' the proceeds expor ted in roin. Wiien 'credit of the couu try shall 'lie fully establishell in Eu rope, and thei-e -shall be io doubt either f our ability or disposition to meet our otdigationlionds lieretofore?. .Resoived, "Tljat Rnfus BaiTinger MllTaT- AV .T tilaV t. ' "VV.'lHom'a John 1.. Brown, B.. -Kooimiann and "W. It. Myers, be appointed a special Committee to proposed inducem ents ana auopt sucn measm es as tney may "deem nccessaiT to. "increafie t he. trade of the city of Charlolti On motion, "SV. J. Yaies was addetl to the committee, ' - we nearlilv approve tins move and trust the "gentlemen appoiutect will look around and. mo what can be done for our future growth ainj- prosperity. ' - TlieV: are " in '' fact, si Chamber of Commerce ' or Board " of Trade, aud as they are '.darge capita lists and property . holders can do much toward stiranlating trade and the erect ion of TacTorfesJ XTton -, tvhieh bo much 'depends. TTe are ad van tar geously situated, with' a rich back country, and now tlie centre, of railroad- communication. If -factories 1 a. . are started our prosperity, is assured; ut without some- such effort om' growth will le ueceaearily' slow and our prosperity .toubtfuL..v."We .tiust thdee .capitalists will.-dcise.sDiueJ means to reduce flie rate of interest, "which,"of itself, NvflfdQ "a' grhnt' deal to mcrease and, stimulata euteiprise and enable. the judustrious . and en ergetic to embark in, those ocenpa tionswhlce will canso money to tfow in and reinajuwilh lusv " " This is fruitful subjecVand -the ' "The Liberty of thoiPrecs'. ; AVe. learn that Judge Jmiey, says rtho "Vilmiuxtonorm, on Monday last dkectod' that notice should be sci-ved upon "William Bigrs, 'Editor of thq Tarboi-o' Siiili'r.iia; to show ean.c! why he should not be 'debarred from exercising the duties, and privi leges of an Attoniey and .Cminsellor to-day at-Tarboro', Judges liowaa d aixl. Biggs, ..aud; W. IL 'Johnston, Esj., appearing for Captain Bi4gs. The alh5rcd 0ijV11.se was 'not com- i mitted as au Attone-, but as. fui Ed itor,'nnd consisted of the "publication of an article in the local coluinhs of the Southerner, which ''the Julge seems to regard a.s ojj'trn.sive and jdi;v respectful to His Honor.-' It. is to Ik it'gretted tliat Judge . Jones' publicly tUsgractHl both lus position a&id. him self by exo.sing himself in tlie.. cars aud hotel at Weldon ih sucH a-coi'di-tion a's ti be a nuisance to his fellow travelers. and guests, and by apear ingiH atato of nlniosl niuliiy in the streets of Raleigli, before, he b3came; jealoup of his official dignity and Our Raleigh Correspondsncer :r''J . IiAlj'iuH, Dec. 4i lSC9. I Editor ,Times 'Sir: The General Assembly .will it is supposed, take a recess of about tweoty days, includ ing tli? Cniristnias holidays. . 3Iany nnimportant bills, and resolutions have Been introduced and; referred. C,, From'ttitfehiyh Sentinel. The Legislature of North Carolina. -i HOUSE OP EEPEESENTATIVES. "Y Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1 860. The" npusV met purstilant to adjourn ment ' ! - V . ' ' . SECOXD SPECTAL RDEB: - ': The hill in relation to re-endoifihg Amendments to the Kevenue Bill arei the University, of the State. " ; i -i 'v i i t j. ii -n 1 The bill, after - a Hng; debate, was introduced daih, but as there, will be " A ' . T . a general revision! of that Act alii Qn motion 'of Reynolds, (colored, Jtred 'vrill-only--be the rules were suspended and the bill peacemeai bills ofttret of industry ex 6ubstantialJy to and no'w l- :i largeL extent, held by merchnuts and bankers will be tran-' ferred to ciit;dist for' permanent in Vestment. r "V;ien this change shall have taken place the. probability of our "securities being fiit home under the influence of political or financial disturbances iu Europe, will be very slight; aud when, as, ajconcuning f ct,' our exports, exclusive of stcuiities, shall be equal to our import, specie payments may be resumed without even a temporary embarrassment to, the husincFs of the 'country, y ; It will not be wise to resume specie nnvmrnt while so lartre a vart ot the Our course, it seeins to mo, is plain. Every, measure of the Government bearing Upon the "subject, should tend to appreciate the v-alne of our paper "T I 1 11 1 1 curreiu-y. it is - proiKtiiie mat some decrease1 in the vohune of paper Wil iiltimattly be necessary, and I there- fore T: s'pcctfullv . susrjre.st- that the Secretary Im clothed Iwith nuthorif to reduce the circulation . of , Unite States notes in an am'jiint not"exceed ing two millions "of dollars in anyone month. ''1 Thus will the . country be brought, gradually it rnaybe. and yvt without disaster;mto a condition when the resumption of. specie payments will be easy, 11 not unavoidable "regarded as mere suggestions to the Commit tee on Finance whose busi ness it wijll be to revise the . Revenue. Act and to whom they are all refer red,- Among the most impoi-tant tjrot56sitions that have vet , been oft- ere.,-is one byKarnette of -iPersopJ to Sell tlio State's interest in the 2s J C. RvTl., which, if properly guarded,; is-.rorthv of 'careful consideration,' bein? one of the two alternatives td relieve the people For example: say thafha bid will be taken for less than f rot y,oob,ooa to 1000,oi0 of th6 bonds, issued prior to I860, for - the interest of the State in that Road, thii3 retrieving that much of the niiblic debt, on which, otherwise the neoijle will have td bear increased taxation annually for years 1 to come; or take the othef course of out repudiation. Ji w ould be apparf. ent to-a financier tliat coupons, compounding ' the interest. and postponing -; -".the papuent froni year' to year, is eqnivolen t to, and is indirect "repudiation. Taking the different railroads, and corporations in which the State holds an interest, selliiifr tlikse for the bond -issued for 0.1. . . j cacti,, and at the 'same t ime guarding agtiijist'thc possibility of frauds by takin &d bond.C ior new., debts Hbi'rebv i'eleiVihg the- State of thb 7 . .... . . ... - . j onorous taxation which tlie nednle muct I gvace upon .the tion,) would be the better plan. I Hie uei d'u'ui hi tlje members 'beihuf fixed at the same as before, a pro tractcd. session .'mayf' be expected of lear 1 jtaie .1 -A concerning uie. compensauon School Committees was taken up The question. recuri:el upon a subf stitute ' reported by the Educatioit Committee, which was adopted. T r The bill ,then passed its. .several readiugs. ; , ' . On motion of: Mr. bunth, of Alle- ghanyf the rales were suspended and the.oul eoncermng tne iounuary lines of Alleghany anl Wilkes was taken up and passed jts several jeadings. TJie speaker, announced Mesrs. Moore, iot Chowan,. French, Sinclair, Argo,;and Jarvis, as the Special Com. of five to' manage die investigation in Committee of the Whole. Mr. Jarvis" anked to be excused from serving upon the j Committee. Eyery proposition introduceu. py v.0Q servatives, upon "this tloor lor a full and fair investigation had been voted down. .Xeading Republicans, (Sinclair and Seymour.) hart declared that, their party could not a fiord to allow Demo crats to take the lead in this matter, now he wished to give Republicans full swing1. . ' . .'' I '-.. The proceedings of the Committee of the Whole would show to any one the intention of the dominant party, not to allow certain facts, . thrown g light upon certain Railroad matters, to be brought out. , - Twelve million of bonds jiad been issued by a Republican "-'Legislature. These bonds were .placed in the hands of certain men and1 have ben,- m part 'or whole, sold in New .York. : Months upon months,- have! elapsed,- no 'infor mation, is receded ;' th i .pnople;'.wh'at has become'ot this I nionev, and. little or no work is done upon the. various Roads for which the bonds' -were is sued. J ' ' "" "". The -impoverished ,c5ndi'jion; of the people generally, '.enormous' and bur densome taxation and dayish and reck less appropriations., of money by, the Legislature, were, hist educating the s and four muJ td. repudiation. To avert such a calamity as- repudiation, . no. ; Air. otnerwioe, or bring '? di by, rexjudia- Mr. AVelch ' tl he hoped that the gentlcniah would be. 5 excused, &c. Cliarges had been madV by ' cortaiu Republicans, that the Democratic members Wore-, attempting to dodge put '.of this investigation.' ,1 pro hounce'this a vile slander. . -Tne facta are . that Republicans voted, down every "other mode " of investigation and would have the Comoiittee of the Whole.- .The Democrats seeing that Republicans would allow nothing else, were compelled to vote for that measure.;. u . He JMr. .Welch) had introduced resolutions allowing Republicans tot A appoint the Committee to liivesttgat tiese allesred lrauds, icepuiuica; members of this House otfered amend merits which I accepted to do away witM the charge that I was aetuaw by partisan motives, and seeing ths my resolutipns would ndt be accept ed, I accepted a substitute naming 4 f. . ... - - - it 1 f li'Jm Uomiuutee, eomposea oi a majoruy dfliepublicans. This siibtitute wa reiected bv the dominant uartv.' then and not until then, did Oouservatiyes vote for the Committee of the Wholo. : lie (Mr. Welch,) thought, notwith standiug ali protestations and denials to the contrary, that th Republicnns had so acted in tliis.niat!ter as to con vince, any. reasonable j man that "if fraud did exist, this Committee would" and !vs lire question, whichrwav sustained I the amendment lost, yeas 37, r, . ... ' .. ; Mr. Sinclair, (Republican) arose to a question of privile.-e. Uo was reported in the' Sfamtari in joining Mr. French in a minority report against his own rosolutioa j ia refdrence' to raising a Com im it tee 1 to manage the investigation before the Committee ot tlie Whole. The fac t were that Mr. -French had assured him Sinclair) that he (IVeiu h) had no intention fi press his bill until the Committer ol'.t he Whole had proven a failure in idicitfng facts, .then lw (Sinclair) agreed to 'support. Mr. French's bill beeause he (;?imUit) was determined to probe this matter to. the bottom, &cr &c; , T It will be' remembered w lien tl3 debate occurred 'here, on Monday' last, the naniH ol Uolonel Lotn wusl mentmnea in a manner wnitiii iie: (Sinclair) onsidered as in'ipuguing1 jthat gentlemaii's, houesty : hie (iBin-j rlair) promptiv resented the; ilndiarm ty anu ioin ir. mram au.i llbw niutr courteoulv di-lalniUl Col I iev 1 iutention 6f"iellet ting" upon Cowan. Slrauge to say, 1 that the- .Wilmington 'V7 cafe copies the dettrito ho nil- as it Ir.'l upon. Colonel Cowan, and as' y Excludes all that was iaid v-entlemaitW vindication.- Sit. j ... Where de.J not be permitted to ferret it out .'"Mr. Durham said it j amused him J idutt he (Siticlaii) denrtiinrrd d tn seo Renuldicans sduirmiDff and Infamous and hero in i is . . - . . . t .. T 1 1 ...... 1 wriggling so. I. . ' " - After some debate, Mr. Jarvis was eXcuRodj and Mr. Malone snbstituttd in Jits place. I - By consent Mr. Robinsouintrodup- ed a resolution concerning; the act providing for a system of pubhef in struction. .'-Referred. ! " f (This resolution will be" publishd in full shortly.) Mr any i er, Uy injful- u that ti on-i 1 1 lUOSt seat Ide- cirpet- trcymg nd I'tt doin and The House then adjourned. j . I.. . 10 favo'ra- IloWmg over lor tour year months 13 preuy generally conceuc 1 jarvis) lia(p co-operated with other to be the programme of .tfefe dominant gentlemen to endeavor' to ferrett but lniy in this august body. Unable the parties who were charged with swindling- the Stata to the tune of millions in their misuse and dishonest manipulatioa.tif lier bonds. iNow that, tne -dominant party in Aiimu" the"attiactionsof the Suez this House, had determined (for so it Canal exclusion,, .the most curious seems by. tne. actions 01 s ieauerf 10 to tipe light ahead, .. . - , -; . I remain, &c, . . :; j : . ' . : ' Occasioxal. vWs.vo i,;iiv.nrin. ti 1l.fi KletitoiU-1 thwart every -Dtieasujo wuicli miiflit by European merchants, bankers, and' cieiilometciv built mapy 1 ccntu- of fraud," he as a member of the Con inanuffictUrers. ' I I' i lies before Christ's birth." ;. The Xilo- servative side of the ITnlise. .would meter has since 17'Jf not ; It been-i'ou.-.if Msited. before Is if &ime iA- not be made a partj- to such business as this. investigation far'cica The aiitic kilcareriu:j.i blocks on the. Republican party are responsible to shores of tli river, near the Trfpic the people for . these approjiriations ; community have gresnt. cbhtidence . in the ability :Vf jtheso !Ontlemeii to brui i-f-iref-jy i y ing activity to all brancJijQf ade, and. particularly 1 lnnnaiKiin an vestuacpt in- macbiuery of the capital,now locWd up in Ilanlrs or held in.;icUeue.V."" for 'th'o want ' of confid,euce. hisAis- w hat our - city . needs;ind.Te trust ' this r-omniittee willigive ifconskleralion at once. - . Yesterday w luiVafc -very pleasant. raU.Irbm -igent.Iemin vlio has just' returned from ihe..Qst,.who etated that there vpra in' LittloV Rock; 'Ar kansas, fif tHoirr.tid iniigitiU'frdni' : Noi ajiSuIh Crpl -and, perhaps 'Virgiaiia'who haVe j-nent thF aUand-cftn gei'ho firrtlir: Jfe -j a as uihu) as can ma Re i:v- ur- rangeiaents re returning. - x;;Wo are fully uweseil.ith ."tKse facts, and would ur, upon the3 dis satisfieM :o'f lliis seytioli to ponder themJ;well before they' make the"- aL tcmpt to moveiTake North Carolina; all in alLand there- ii no better State, not only to live" in but; to make mo ney in. ""Iler'lan-d u:e hot 'hj fresh and (cjtale.v outA hat whtn the variety of her jiriklaiT'tions and the facilities to market1 are considered, to say nothing of the salubrity of Jier climate, Ler nuneral wealth, ;her the respect due the Bench of - the' State; V"e have generally noticed that tlrOTf'J tidies wlio have sliown theniselVesi. cfficially"" and', pcesoualiy worth v. of, it, notwithstanding ;iheir political charal-ter and'stnding, have id ways receiveTl frriithe ' Press and the people of tilts'' -State ; the respect due their position...!! tlits Judge has jshown- his uu worthiness, officially aud pei-feouAlly,. he will find that he can riot" compel respect, cither by serving notices iipon Aftin."neysy'or aftempt- m' to retram- the -freedom of the The 'tjuestion presented by this case iti one of great importance, invoi- iug jiqt oidy jjersonal rights', but th-e j liberty of the Press. Siucoihe te) taken bytha SupreitM C'onrt -in the now .famous "contempt' case," their"' example, has been aped by lesser t JudgH throughout .the. State. , Put nonej before this have" gone so far as i to- att-mpt fo 1 assail tlie - freedom - of tlie PresV. The Supreme, Court.-as- J sum&tl to puiiioh certain attorneys, as; olticers of the courts for au fdleged bffehise oomnfittcd hy them 'as such.) Rut here Judge Jones goes out of his 1 way. to punish an attorney,; whose al-j lt-gi4 gilcnso was committed in anoth er andntirely different and separate capacity. lie -assumes- lo rektraki the frcedofn of the Press by attempt ing topuhish-an editor fn his'cjiaiac-; ter a? an attorney of his court. . ;We chailjook for the issue- with much in-j. tere;t, us dou!.tkTs3 will evtry-tritizen of North Carolina. Our people have submitted with good "grace to the ty-1 raimis aaid proscriptions of Congress 5 they, are paying iho -tajaes assessed nndcr corrupt and nieal legislation; theyt Have done, and are doing, mucli lopromoto the general, .welfare, but they: will ' regard any intingement upon ilib freedom of the Press as i blow at their own freedom. They will demand that this "great bulwark A Oooi SxoirA ,Tliis happened at a Utica retaviraut. A luau entered the otlier day and called for rt dinner? Hisordei-s were of the mtst clabo- '' ! .rate character, and fairly! staT"ered the resources of veveu! a' Uiica restau rant keepel. " lie lingered long at the table, and finally wound up with a bottle. ot wme. lheu lighting a cigar he had orderecj leisurely sami teretl up tp the counter 'and . said -to the ""proprietor : . :'-"Very-fine dinner, 1 'A ' J 1 cuarge- ir 10 me, j "Rut I don't know pi-oprictoiv indignanny. ."Of course you don't.' If you had, you wouldn't of let me had ihc din ner.- - - ' ; - j.- - - . :X . "Pay for the dinner," I say ! ' "And I say I emit. Haven't the blunt." L ... :.' :. "I'll see about that," said the pro7 priet or, . so; view-hat furious -.at ; the "bUk-" Then ho siiatched a revolver put of a drawer und leaped oxc'i' the counter, epi taring tue man,, exclaim ing as lie pointer I it at his head, "2s ow see if you'll get away withtlnit landlord"; just haven(t got a you," said the dinner, .vnriiout paying ior ' it you scoundrel.' j , " ' - f ' '; "What is', that you hold in your hand.'?'' said : the - getter, away j with free diiinefs, drawing back; - ' ' - "That; sir, is a revolver, sir." "Oh; that's a revolver, is it! I don't care a d for a i e! vclver, I thought it was a stomach pump.'" ". .. -,'; A , skull .of immense proportions, with horns attached, was recently-" discovered on the Merced River, in Mariposa county, Cal. The horns are ; round, smooth, isymmefrical, hol low at the bae. and permanent, The teelU aie-tight on each sidcU; uni teir constifcuting a solid row; . The first five are rather, eharply senated and the last three molars axe . consid erably ilal tened for. gi iudiiig. The head and horns weigh together 3-0 pounds: The. horns .measure! five feet four , ruches in length, anl 28 inches iu circumferences, .f"; - New York house keeper ,aa-e mr favor of introducing the ' Swiss law, which provides milkmen who water their milk with 18 months' imprison-; ment . i " 1 1! -i r the these iuen they must of Cancer, The ancient- Esrvpt-ihus they. were responsible, tor ii-lnult ittb malic tlie rise,and tall -of bonds in the. ' hands .of the' Nile,' and to show when to avert charcred . with . fraud an -an hnmdat ion. The island on which f accountjto'the people as best thcv'ca'n. it stands 1s uninhabited ; but, strange ' Takini; into consideration all these to say," is almost a paradise, gloiious facts and the declaration of the Re with trooLml .beaut v. iA -French nublican leaders unon this tloor. tlfat J W I. ! .11 . ' . T ' company proposes! fo take along two' that party . would and must conduct .balophs," the prosppfctus or-the com-j this investigation to suit their party pany saying,' witi ft heir usual nation-r al wit : "lhe forty .-centimes have looked down nxuj ns hiig enougli ; let us-mount into (he sky and con-' tehjpliite' them." This same compaj views, therefore, lie-(Mr.' J.) would de cline any connection witli, the affair. Mr. Seymour, denied the- remarks attr-buted to him by Mr. Jarvis'. Air. JJurham said Jie.Jiau heard the hi- will take people on ! ballooning i gentleman the 'remarks. .The Re- expeditions above ' the.'vPyramids, thus." savinfr the troublesome, "ascent and the cry of "back-sheesh." The PitosrECT.- A Washiufifton let ter hi the Baltimore Sun of Monday savs: : ,3 ... ; i . . - The admission- of the three South ern States," Virginia, Mis.'-.issippi, and Texas,-may cause some little heated discussion, but there is suir an .over whelming j peipoiulerancej of : judg ment in favor of the reception of the Senators and Representatives from Virginia that there is no , reasonable publicans . , naii-votea aown every. measure looking towards an investi gation of these frauds', i)roprosed h' lJemocrats." The Committee bf tlie Whofe was a Republican measure, ' proposed by a Republican, (Mr. Pou ) The jyonservatives' had to. vote for tius Committee of the Whole or noth ing; the dominant party 'would al low nothing else.. Aow the action of cer tain Republicans, sustained by their party, plainlv indicated an intention not to allow a fair investigation even in the Committee of the Whele. If tliA Commi ttee llflil hepn .nlLirtit tit ground for expecting dej (y fin that proceed j to New -Yoi L astounding case; and . the opmioii 3s very disclosures could havl been made. but the .Republican - party- voted it down. Mr. Ellis, proposition was well delmeU in admissioji of- favor the of SiiBnediate coiljnfessiohal delegation from Mississippi and Texr, flls0. voted down by the, sme party as :as soon as they shaU spresent tfow a? the gentlemen fr. ia Craven, theinselye properlyuahfled ' (Mr.. Seymoiu,! and Robeson, (Mr." . itiut a yery small number ot xem- SENATE ... i Friday, Deev 10,'. ,1869. Tiro Senate was called to order o'clock. . . r -. - ' ' - j ' .', KEVOETS OV COMMITTEES. ,; , The following bills were reported back froUi Committees, with hie endorsements, to wit: Bill to( legalize certain o'ifieial; acts of the Chairmau ot the .ouits. Bill" to provide forthe payment. -of the interest on the bonds of the'Stat Land to create a siuking fund for re trieving the same. . I ', . - Mr. Sweet from the "Couiinittee 011, the Judiciary reported back the ' b 11 to authorize 'the Committee pt. Inves tigation to enforce t,he attendance of xwitne'sses, recommending its passage. Alter considerable argument, tue- bill passed its; .final reading. - Yeas' J4, nays o. -, ' fxTUODUCTIOX OF BILLS. Ry Mr. Robbins : A bill to prmy'de fur ttv Utin mmKern f the Itiounced it as Mich: patdsny develops itself iu, -Ihe, reputation of our hohet a tnea it should be frowned kicked over the State I nes. 'f .""Regular busiuess resumed. .j ; ' The 'question rei;urred on tlie t-u-ititate of alio Finance Coinnt ttee. j The sulstanotrot thi j-'ub: titute . i that it is the intention of thd ! consti tution to. limit the. ( combined taxes, both general and .special, 'for Statu and county purposes, to -S-j on the ik11. and forbids tho latins.' a greater tax than that, aud t.m es re- at I funding to the co'uqtif s, the excess of that amount already colletteif j S The b.lf thoh pissed tin iscceutl reading, yeas aav.o.' ' The bill then ; passed third reading under a suj'nRi(n of t he rulef 7j ' Various bi Is Were ieVfii led litun late County the Jiciary Committoc and iplaced; r on the, culei.aar. . ! I ; Tlie'annnal report of. the .Superin tendent of Pubi c Works' vn4 'receiv ed and ordered'to,be pritite'd.' -The House then, adjoin ned. A UwAso l)KEb One of the h1.!. est exploits pt its kind that ias ro centlv been chronicled, wns u eo'mp lished bv an u iknoua thief at (the! Bank ot Commerceicorrier Nassau and Cetjar streets,. a 1 P. M. A Ion-flonT mejciaut'preaeiitod.' hiinsclf !ft the desk pf the paying teller of the bank with a draft for 5M,0oy.- The money was only paid to li m, nrul lie stepped: .to a desk not far from tlt door and- General Assembly, 'and a bill to pro-, , n to C(ml it . K icfi bank note vide for the-registration ot tlie voter, as he exaiuined it ,,H lf,ia on thp of the feta. r Referred t the Com- liitlo to tJ., lbft of where ho w;i, niiiirt? wo x i iviiert-rf ujiu Jiernuij:.- standing. He had thus diKoeV of "V r n when some one tapped .him on nr liOQucki I Iit. Thai ianare I A ocanl rtl I . . . . ' - c.-.lT ..-: ni- . , J , the nht to act 1 S55, creatingbne million; of preferred stock; in N. C. : Rail road r referred Committeo -on Judiciary.; ' '. . ; srixr.tL OKDKK. y I'esolnt'ph authorizing .the ' Gov ernor to remove President,-of N, the Directorship of said Road, on mo tion of Mr. Rob bin s was laid on; the fable yeai 27, nays 7. Nays. f Mossrs, -.Bellamy, BurnsL Colgrpve;, Davis.'Etheride, '-Galloway,' colore!, urht Miotdder. lie firned. and beheld a well dressed and gentleman--.ly looking personage who politely ini1 formod htm that ho' 'had dropped a banknote, poijitingto the something! on the lloov, and then -paif'ed 011 V-' Win.; A. '. Smith, The merrhar-jrtoppecl, and picked tip C. Railroad, froni I whatho found to be a -fifty cent stamp.'! He was about to proceed in counting hia money, when he was struck" aghast at the discovery that the bills bo had'; laid at his left- hand side hu'l di. wp peared. In a moment the truth burnt and Moore, of Xacey. i '.. upon hira. He turned,,bnt the htrdn- j On motion, the Seuate adjourned, j ger bad disappeared ; he. went to two i , . j j door, but it was.too lato "to e:ift.h tho . culprit. "-'Nothing' remained dor hiin but to report the. case to the (uh e HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, - 1 Fkidav, Deci 10, 1 SCa. The House assembletl at the usu'a" hour. . ' ' ' . .. . - .. ''. . ULLS AX1 EESOI.CTIOXS. By Mr' Vestal i A resolutiin aise a joint committee to call on the Treasurer and ascertain facts in "re- card to the disposition of Stata liomls to which he proceeded to do. iMectiyca I have had the case in.. hand, buC ihero 1 is little hope .that the and;! adroit robber will bo caucht'" AV II Times. ' . ' U - " . " : A QueeriWedditifT. Rev. D.. a Methodist -.Milliliter st:t- iasued by him to Railroad companies, j tiohed at leadville some years Jago, ' Src. 'lhe resolution lies oyer(. . one evehnifcr. received a note i.tatiior By Mr, Malone : "A resolutiJh for that a cunole lii-mc iu tho .'-.nbiiibs i U'. '1 . 1.?.' t A 1 t 111 useieci ruuiujuiee 10 lusiMni iuo -n-U"- OI lue Clly Uehireu TO be UUliecl ditov s report. Adjourned. 1 the bonds' of inatiimopy, and re .uiuiRiu uij juuii luiumson, ltjuesiea uis services ai ;i ociocK- in colored, the rules were suspended arid bthe morhiii'r. At' tlie i:nn r tiuio ocrhts adhere to the Pendleton idea' t4xf payment of the debt in u'i eenbacks. j i I 1 ji. , - 1 - 1 - if anaranere is uot . niucn prospect 01 any one. accruing, mmseii ior repudi ation. j :.. ' ' ' ' i There'is ; .'searcdy a"; doubt that a law will be passvid to relieve all per- isons uowj idincpjalificd in franchise and: from holding ofhee, as "provided in the fourteenth ' amendment. Such, at . least,- is the . almost -unanimous upjpuou iji fuviuwim t lust iiav o ceiitly anited." , re- Wuo's Got th e Beitok A yonng lady told the following story to a married woman.-.. bhe of - course told her liusbaud, and he told the re porter.. (VA ywiiig man of this city at tended a selett tratheriuef of a few female, acquaintaiices at the residence of a 3roung 1 fdy friend recently, and while, there accidentally discovered that he had lost one of his sleeve-butr tons. But its wh-i-eabouts . he . could no discover. .They hunted ,and huni- . .1 ' ' 1 1 1 '"' . 1 eo,; put - tne missing ;eieeve-riut'on was no wljere tobe found. . The' party separated about midniknt and the youug Jady friend, retired with, a chum- to her room and began the proceessof disrobing. As the dress was opened the sleeve-button fell; to! the; tloor, J its jingle ; being almost1 drowned in a suppressed-shriek. 4 ;.. ,; Jndianopoits Mirror.. James H Harris, of North Caroli na, was elected Chairman of the Col ored People's Labor Convention' in AVasJiinpton., " ; , V j . Sinclair,) had declared that the Re-, p'ublieaus ctuld ; hot .afford to allow Democrats to lead in -' this inveetisa- tion, they (the" Democrats) proposed to have nothinj? to do with the matter and let ' ReuuhUcans manage the whole matter. ; . - . -',' . He hoped the gentleman from Ty reli (Jarvis) would )e excused. - Mr. 'Moore, 'of . Chowan, insisted that Democrats were responsible - for the committee ot the WJiole being raiseu, .-. -. . -.- - - f.- Mr. Sinclair explained his position in the matter. - . , - .- Mr. Argo, i hoped the gentleman woul'd. be' excuse!, and proceeded to state the position ot matters . in. the same way as Lid Messrs.. Durham' and Jarvis.- He for good:- reasons. would not decline eervumr ;upou. the Committee. '.. - : .:- ; - - Mr. Jarvis : said the Republican party was on trial tnd he wav in iavorof giving tlie- party an oppor tunity, ot defendinir- itself. lie appointed on a Committee raised to consider a propos tion ot the gentle man from JNew.Hanaver and he ask ed to be excused," and; the gentleman desires not to allow him to-be excn- ed, but desired to.compel him to ail in defence .of .the Republican party. He was told he., could .participate iu the investigation, and .ask any , ques tion he pleased. : Bui questions were, not allowed . to be answered. The Treasurer was asked to whom the in terest on the bonds had been pai 1. He stood before the House for an hour and the question' was never an swered. . , 1 ' . lis bill, which declared -.all., poll tix he went to. the house designated and above S- illegal, was taken up. The entered, Hy. . iinjuiivd of ' .a yfiing-: questi.n-being on the Finance Com- I lady who' was bu.sv :wiit,hiiif' ttahis. : mi ttee's substitute,': ' - - J . -j i 'there Ayaa a couplq- iLcin .wiv.hiug ; Hams, ot irankhu, opposed tliot to be iuarrieiL' 'T.'ain the lady," , substitute and declared the present j slid she, blushing." "John will be ill in :. moment. lhe mniij,tcr was j surpiised to see 110 preparations, and 1 stejped to the door to -view the. kux rounding?;.' Two men were hard at measure, be- j work grinding, s'cy then 111 the aiu,- .1 . ! I 1 it...' ...I. . . ... 1 . . 1 ". il .. fJohn," was tendiuj;a tow and calf. '. The. young 'lady- came. to t lie - door pretty soon, and shouterf "John (sub system cf taxation oppressive; upon the people.1 ' . ! . , "! " illitinason .acccp ed Jhe etitute. -.;.. . - - : -: i Mr. Pou fav6red , the cause it was put carrying ouc tli exr press declaration of the Co ifetitution. Mr. Malone t opposed the act be cause it was an attempt to make the 1 Legislature const ue the Conetitu t i. 1. 1 . . -' - J . ' tion ra question which comes ia the province of the Judiciary.. The policy of the act, he thought ,,wa8 Vbud(L it creates contusionthe oupreine Court has decided that special tax for spec ial purposes may exceed the equation. Air. JJurhani offered an ' amend ment, ,that. the State and County .taies ConiPiaetl (both general and. Special snau never . nereatter exceed 'J pn, jscJUU in value of the Uxabie property 01 me ciaie -'Ljcihn, hurn up, the pi eachci i s here!" Messrs. Seymour,. Downing, Eenjryj Justice,. Stilley, Sinclair, aad Viest opposed the amendment in 7 remarks more or ICss lengthy. ' 7 ' Mr. 'nodnett "favored ?:'it,r because pledges wete given by." the Republi cans that the poll tax should not ex ceed $2, and the same pledjre Jaa given that" propertr -tax should 'not' exceed b$ on the Slop worth:' Thse' pledges had eiecifred the 'adoption of the Constitution ; but they hud leen broken in regaid to property. i j k. Air. .Alooro, ot Chowan, opposed the amendment and favored the substitute, and made quite a lenithy speech in its favor. - j Mr. Seymour, called the previous. John leaned the feuc- and rushed to the house?, the.giri wiped her, hands aix her appou, and after joining hands, j. said, they were icady. 4The - minister ; proceeded, and had just got through questioning the yo.ug man wh h the bid lady rushed into the roonii iout- . ingr John, John, you didn't- turn thor. cow away--from that calf!" ilr . IctJ, go lus sweetheart's hand justautly, j aad rushed into the barn yaid, -put ; th old cow through the bars, 'and ; then returned to the hoir.c;' agaui took his position, r v. hen the l alance t Of the ceremony was gone through . ' with.-'Ili miitlsfer weht cn his', way, John Went to t he hay field, aad the youmr la.tv resumed j her dim yashing. fbr-feif; Pa, tt'jtrfh'can. J Werit Vimiuia has some fall, f'onk ii the neighborhood of Lowkburg. livinr within a half a mile from eat h other, whose respect iv.e he i'lhts" will exceea 11111 01 imy othM-.. s,ction. Tlie first, -twenty yearn old; is C feet 2. inches hifili; the secbnd.f nineteen ' years old, is G feet 5. inches, and the third, between fourteen and fifteen yearn old, is G feet 2 niches high, i 4 I . .

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