' ' , i '"' i.. - i i - 'i'r 1 s : ;-!v- v.-. k-'k "ky kk:k-' kv'"j -':-k -:' v!;;:,!-.;,: yy -ir ...... -. :-rr-:.J yv ' . . :iyk. 'y y': TM::;y-y ': -Ub-;; ; y;-- r :4v, J. kkkk-k k-- rkrr?' - :. k ' - V l k - ,f ' ,,- . " i 1'. . ;'. v.;;-- ff i, 'H' .- I V - - : , - : .S : , k;.,4Jff - ; -::rkk. ' UiOl.: v fr. , TERMS '"A-: : " kjk' i. ' . .1 ji . , - - r k.:k - v. - ! : 1 J - i O V E A n 'f. "V;- o n ... o f ifpvi, - 1 ' . . .. , 'f" ! ; v rik x Mil i : V --J-r k OEDiCATXOX. " vto in k sv XlNSVk r jrS" T yu ' who jx;rhap more than nny onfl' anvintercs. i n tHe reputation of our Static v"iP Fjty jf her institutions, anl in pcrp ta;itinw tin- iim ry of oViriiluff .o-1 ancestors, WJ,0 we tlic'firt-t t t t"di-ilji:s their " iiQdrie J3ce" of Iritish rule an4 dared "."',.. y 'Lid iluf te t Uic'cxoc. tiofi ojf hoij iiiijustand iniiullrHl-s - la un V vou wfro f! 4 the t kvatt-J pition you oc- 'if,'"i'f 'no.'lwie tcPi,&'' with . th' tri-. A1 ant . .- . ' .f I ' i iv;3 I'm 1 ' '!.. riMwiti oi.-panyf;I W4 (ucaniir..'v liicrioc siichu.uiiiiic t;i.-toimiicmofctiiig 1" tionj soiiic of thi- jiW tt'ort:,,lt I'fuU o oar-early nisiory. ( r - -v - 'J J. L. UAIXJER, .i-'.'H' i: H iO. 1 OF A SKRJ.KS. H w iwy w-ro tlie loves of Olara ' '. ndj Bcrtrand ! " ; ,' : 4-4 what a i volume' in a ' word an '.-'.'; -1 i '' . ' - . eaa iu a tear, . (r v; A tenth heavt-rt in a dance, a viniwiiid! in a niph, '-. Tit hVhtmirtr1 k touchy a lniireuiuia in a mo- m nti ;- .1 ' . . . . .. - V wUtconccntr jte jnjr or woe in blest or blighted ' krM ?': K i k - t'lara hitrck nnt?Bortr.iu J 'Davison were the "cliil.lrt-n i amiably, fentlenien of thoIleii tlmxr, 'wh.iiyed i' Mccklo iWrg 'v County1". N. C bfm , VtiV 1-Vtte'l Decrt ftion matfc,th6 pritish Lion ' shake Via. Iiine w?S imger anJcontemptanr 'while tha! luoTjst nsfrnal wtlhad his. foot. upon th: criiiil(flimhs oipastrate America, . i . Cl.tnr one oi :s hnq- rf tI limself 4id sister oeing;the only off- pprin linr of tle; lot nig.' ; parents. JJertraad Vi 1 rVf iTfJ T tlje 6l4 education ! t noj. country af-ford-'l, hahiggra aated t Queers MusrCUm- a coiK-rt that tirri;is)tuAted in Charlotte-Iown ; f.ir obtaininiri? an e flciUion, but her mother an ;Kngli4ladv of 'c fa.s(le.rable accorapEhilfl?nts M-hoiiiier "fatlier had married m Charleston, South i t&rutaa, took morv 'than ordinary pains, to give ' kier '.S tlih private u;ructipn that lay in hcrpow- 'er, a'3(i ciiira with ciiUtl gifts which nature, had , ' . i .i . , r ? ... , . - ' i lKstwed, with a niumc lively tcmperarnent; r was riot excelled b? irxny of the finales of the ,fay. In person' Qirjt wa'ras pretty as any of VtIie Wxom laspfc-o'W county. 1 ! r A ' '. '- I - , t - I - .-- T .' 4 1 f .UJis rnm.! was .atufi :t. i brilliant, and ith assid 1 1 : niXnr' vtjuth. T Cla a Bad h6tequaT.onnortunities iT Ilrt-'iieart was a!l no j ous it gave a perpetual punlight ' i ; I'd icjr flice : tlwse who roolc'd around t her were but tojln ' ; ' 4Vhu'n",o a,oon' 1 : ' ". : k'YYll were it fori jie? belles of motlern days, if :'l i k - thy ould carry in Heir cheeks beneath tlic trans- V ' - jijiciif sKin. tnero jctirreni oi ncaun inai iau f . '::rl'ic'lciairiii,: tlic us rougd would become an ' tiolete fashion, an ' !enny be strjeken from the . Ijsiof Sentimental d asesj .. . .; " ' t.'i 1, : " H j - k-k ' : f' y :k r- I )ertranr wassurdy young man ;not an e- fi': "r - finivte" and ;delicto prototype! of the scented k . " ' : - Ukic' .and. jH'rfume "- haired dandy" jof the-present . " dav -nt his was tbj' figure of a stout handsome i V ' 'v'jjin, such a kokii; nanas the dames of chiv I . v'. i' -- . . . ! u i "' 5 J . alridavs would - J rvc chosea for 'l' ' r- ' I- J.:'.i:. '1. .1.. ' .1 tluSr Knight ; : ; suci.a oiif, as cuu ( vauunuy viu end tne. Honor i,f dJI' m vo love, i I , r r . 1. . .11 ' 1 f wJiat. particu- ' .lar st; tlieir Iovecc nrhencd,. . Itjs sujfieient for the prcrtipprpcia: on :pf 'this story 'Soy readers to' - kn',that' wlb a dhinMlucedJo tir nbtice," lYuA v3ppssionat Ivf fund of each other.' And ' I.-'-- . 'f 1 . -' - : - ' - if they DM, in .tic. extravagant language, of the Novelist,' Live in't.ipligh't of: each i others ej ets'' 1 they liven; bc ei joyment t of, those -attractions which eae for the t.thtr ro.is(4sed. k - 1 : h -. ' " v ' '..'': v - J, v : . . k s :'t' " ItoiV' w?fa, bright sun - illuminating the sky t-abrtj'C ihe'irrflovc as tfinj'pure atmospheres they, . Lrcrilh' tl .aifcf a s nal cloud .lay like a suspend. i-it massoj-i'Mon rafer-nioi tiie honzon. it was air ulifxTerh (1 by i ictn'.V f Therj was no conceal-' iivirijtto:ttj! .n'slarv ( dnys Ayben pArViesr vvci'alfii: rtneii. Ker one aciiinied vith thciii lieW tb,jn'T:.Vndacb! other, " and, that When rrm-I at a vh$,;JM marrv', liertraiid bhi uo jalousie, ,u,v (Uara nsed ia him the pamc confidence sh; tfij in VL-.tl Vcw; Vosc nyporfashiabIc marriages , t.. ... 1 l . J J ue. iiirics- oi nceiti'a,1iwcat-1 - ' . ! en.-d tlie princ .alewcl acto. 'thft 'ltrothed.. Seihei- loves were ai, w6; .,1 n 'the begin'imp h"Ty SU,U angels might Iookdo. : ujonj and. bless : .. ';.-i . . Oli when the hoai i full of ?wctts to o'oi flowing : ' I Vhn bnt ijiii ingt I r 4 hyioerrte, I 1 ' ' .- - ckdi siH-'aKor thin. Qf "happier statea ?" ,1 To reciprocate ''ibis- unalloyed, this unichfish," . . feeling in uhos , layst0rj:nalIeciciHmplicy ' nml truth, was an jnjoymenti which in 6uf day. ,n.-fv:'be written p ne pages oi :uagazmc roiTmnce but which 'ca.n'nev.jr experienced by those hi ywhosc hearts guile 5tf worhily selfishness have bJl?iii Such wen;. !l v b ve orpl'arV and BcrtxariJ-?- J H D WAR! fk C t !a m h h j J AiiiadAVar drJf-l'jt himpelf again' War ! tlie other great theme of the world; whose author ; has Ik-en hate, whose ink has leen the heart's blool oC -Nations, t whose pencil has bt-eri the.rcar tbe swQrd, and whose red history stands recorded in the blood, washed soils of bat tle, fields, and m the desolation of Nations; .War' breaks jn upon our talc of love. . ' ' ' k I - j..k" "Oqt Colonies had suffered the oppression of the Mother Country, :untirthe burthen which when -first ,ila.id -upon, their shoulders, was a ' calf,- liad grown' "to-the full sized ox. Men legan to talk about it as no longer supportable arid began open ly todebate whether endurance had not ceased to be av-irtuc that , loyalty dictated, r wjjren nothing but j 'oppression y .Was.. : returned for. !db(fdietice'' and fealtyj to Uie brown; j 'It had arrived, to- "tins state of aggravation,; that.- when the Colonists laid in ny, complaints, the complaints were stigmatised treason ; when tlioy had asked, lor.' redress,, their "grievsinces were ''treated as- rebellious and when the" asserted their claim to be treated as citizens of equal rights with resident English. Islanders, they !were spurned as no better than it-Ions, and examples were made of them upon the public gib-j bt;t.-f: . L r :i'-k ;t . j .k, - , ; "r "Th'4 Protection of the. British Crown had been withdrawn, yet England, claiiiicd.the,4allegiancc of the Colonists '; who wcre left to the tender' mer cies of 'Governors whose arbitrary will was the supreme la wand-whose cruel-exaction were the blessings of Justicev Not pnly were they taxed without representation, but onerously an4unciual ly taxed. No matter how hard they toiled, no matter how cheerfully they had paid thfeir taxes, it brought tlicm no immunities. -f It elicited: no smile IbF approbation from" the throne, whose crowiied head, only looked on and frowned. Of U4L! XktoHfio Xfoirth Gcarolipai h4 bo&-Met. jgTr xutmt uprclentinj; despotic and orucl- Tryori in this State is but another name for tyi ranny and cruelty,'' and" the mention of it excites the apathy of every hearer. ' . . ' r Clara and Bert rand were quite young, when the ivatriofic citizens of Mecklenburg began to mani-. lest an unequivocal disposition to resist the tyrari ous'us'urpations of Governor Martin. But young as Bertr?nd was, he had been among the foremost to ratify ;by his approval, the power delegated to Col.'. Tom Polk to call a convention of the eople.- , i ; TI16 history' of the. day's proceedings of the . memorable 20th of May 1775, is too well known to most readers to require a-repetition of .the-' de-vi tails heye : A spark was struck that tlay which ! kindled , into a . blaze, that burned arid burned on, nt;i ' Tvmnnr ti-rtQ miT eto.l . ' with Expanded wings there arose ever a free jeo- . . !-.:. . v ' -i h ple, The Piiojxix of Lieektv! I, i - A'fi'W days after tlte 20th of jMay, Bertrand sat vvith 6lara under a siipurb , holly, whose aged evj- eigreen. boughs had for ; nearly la century shaded i thc summit of a teautiful romantic knoll, on a higli, bluff bank of the Catawba. Emm this knoll which was about two hundred and fifty, feet above the raver level, and near what is now known as Mountain Island, there was a charming prospect: For. iiifcs . down the river, its surpefliine course could Ik traced untir it iost itscll behind jsome curveid bluff, then again it ; would . appear like a vast r lirror set in a frame work of emerald, while far in thd' distance, Tt looked, like a silvered; ribbon carelesslythrown upon the green carti. Sincethat time, down the sloping sides of the eminence sOi'ne pns and .pther growth have sprung up ob structing the view, and rendering it - less lovely than St" then AVas,'but it is even: nbw a place of comihanding brJautv, and with some labor bestow- e-d in; felling the timber- next to "the-river, would make a delightful spot Tpr a summer-residence. 1 Often on that knoll had Clara and. Bertrand sat toget lor bciieath.'the picturesquo hollyj on a ruae scat, -and 'would! awhile breathe, into each stone others ear the 'ardent.-recital' of affecon, and' awhile enjoy the beauty of the' scenery: Some times thcunaffrightcd deer would in full view go to-the river, -bathe himstlf in : its pcllucid r- Crosi inver nnd rlnsb iin1 lh stoor brinks of the'ipposifc side, flinging;. ,3w ' proudly hi 1.11 , s antlered head--the in -ith.jts long straight neck! stn almost 'motionless in' some shaded covej such a king among the fish asiJiipiter's storUT among the, frog?:; largo ; flocks of t water Cwl I float undisturbed upon y the bos )m' of the no ble t jst ream, while high above, would shriek the largij fisix hawk, the most graceful 'sailing of all .birds.' '.-' y - ' ; - ? "H. : ..'. , lti was familiarity, with such scenes ns this that had jQ share in malting Bertrand so determined a foe jo oppression ) among ' them he had' dnmk in deeply, as. fronr'a puru fiAmti the love of liberty. It lejpked to luni a land pf freedom and its " slvy cleajVing lulls'" yore, the sacret"altars upon w hich he sworo with iore than a Ilanhibal's sinccrity eternal rcsisiance to ino oppressor. - ;iie could not rwcivo ho a distant King,-, through a deputed 4 fegi.ir i nVhr , a ..if i kfTi " : m'L jiVllnJSCrr3Vi execution of the Rpjrulalofs. ,: VW. W, KLv, jq.t 0f c:iv;rkUef ';iui-c2-jj L-iU-.hiijr tool in the shape of a despicable governor had a right .to manacle a sovereign people and exact from them' what their positipn did not warrant, and this too 'when the people were unwilling, for any return o)L protection .or safety they had yet received, to delegate to their rulers the irbitrary power exer cised oyer them. ', '!-' -' 1 "-' . 1. ;. . '-.:';. . This evening was an epoch in theiives of Clira and Bertrand and their, loves, were connected with ;in rrtrwrK in Rnrtfi'a mnmn!i"s' nnf lr imnnrtfint" upon the destiny of the world", fur more so, than thntkrAnthnn Wnrl (iloonf m's unorftho Roman and Eirvptian' fortunes. ! Bertrand 'bent fbndlv over Claraahd explained the nature of a paper ,.i,:u f, a; x .aa : reading.;. There, was no 'newspaper m the County kt thatearly Aiy, afid no't offise communica-W?Wp tion with Mecklenburg ; hut printed cards , with the latest news of any importance sometimes found a. I . 1 a . A f ' ' a. 1 1" 1 their way to Charlotte and t other public places where they Vould be read to crowds that collect ed "at stated times for. the purpose of hparirig what was going on' in the big world,' without theboun darios of their retired back woods..1 These card would be frequently again cojpied in manuscript 4nd thus their intelligence jmore widely dissemK jtnc Jlated. j On the 1 9th of May the day previous to the ratication" of the Declaration, during! thee rly proceedings of the tUonvention, a handbill rec eiv ed by express was read, announcing the Batt of Lexington which had taken place that day a m uth previous. -Bertrand had taken the following dpy of a part of the handbill, j .y J ,'. V " OCT- "FREEMEN TO THE RALLY I: ! "Yesterday bv a Packet direct from Bosjton which made;a. prosperous and quick trip, we have the, following . extraordinary : and alarmmgJntolli gericc.! A battle j has actually been fought e-. tween tha Continental ists. and Armed JiritishS)il-' dicrs. On ithe lDth ultimo, at Lexington, tis bloody I engagement ' took place. It. apneaVs that military stores had been collected at this piacfc some 18 miles from: Boston and that Gene'ral Gage" j determining Itotake or,. destroy themad 1 fttL nlMTt " 1 1 - -iVl wL- ri'ni intirJrrit!riir n -fin- but thn Pmvineinls "sn'ted their annrnnrhruf some, 70 men collvcted by 2 o'clock who. aiis? 1js- ml nrd assembled: aeaui bv dav imht 14.0 cTAtArr the stores and bcihs shot 'nponw.4.or t4- ;r were kill'"1 JirUiUjaAJ hei -T lias aid of Major PitCairn meeting wiu.ore j suionj man iney. aniicipaieu ami oeing.iiera-,y : : .t 1 . 1 ; ' ,r:5ii. i - T"i i. jTzri driven Irom their position proceeded on to L4n cordj wherc they committed sundry deprep rela tions, destroying a quantity of-flour &c. Bc.:Bg warmly repulsed he re,, they returned to Lexifg where they were joined by" 900 fresh troops 'abd two cannon under Lord Percy. They Provincial in the jnean time had rallied in stronger nura-. bers buf without assuming any regular jb'der-.fif defence or attack. A very varm cngagcmciT. now ! took place, the Regulars exhibiting miica coolness : aul excellent discii)line : but the caiisc of our country triuhiphcd . over 'discipline, order,! numbers-vand superior officers. Not more than 400 of the: Provincials were at any one time-en gaged against 1700 Of well drilled Regulars but I they, fought with a bravery worthy of their cairj and jdrove the enemy off . to,. Boston. ... Gnat 'exijj .:..:J.in :t . T 1 .1 ' cueijiviu Pruwtus cii. i,om.iu urn m uiu cuumr tl surrPunalIlr. At this mace the excitement is iri- tense.; but ne violent and: open 'demonstrations t feeling 'are lnade.'j Evcrii man tho,..slwuldbrus up his firelock and be in readiness for any cmeil gencv. Ciiahlestox, May 13 17751 " : . -:'. . . I ' . '- 'I , " That is a spirit I admire Clara said Ber-! ' J j i ' .... - ":i . , . ! : . - i . ? .. I trarid the militia of Lexington.: have noblv'sas' tained ! themselves, L, Th'ey have! shewn what aj strong jarm nerved by, rights can accomplish. J Like I the first important i move on a chess board which ;deckles the ; game to the mover of' it, so it we elo get. into a-war 1 with England, Lcxihgtori has insured us successj"! j. - . V War Bertrand-reitired Clara? I hope, thcrd will be no war." V k - . j Yes 'perhaps so. It is too bad dear Clara that we should ignomlniously bear the yokq o" Foreign oppression when we ; might be. free. 4 .Look at this grand scenery, this broad stream beside 'which the Thames would appear insignifi cant.' -Yoii mountains in the tiistrfrice, and all the varied prospect ' before us ; I tell you' oppression 1S the - bane w hich 'poisons our enjoyment and takes from us the delight ' w;c might otherwise cx pcrience in enjoying our beautiful country. W cannot' walk ovcrkthese ; grouijdsrwith tlie sanie firmness, that elastic Jtread, that proud conscious!, ness of being dxalted ; in the scale of being, that wo could if the galling restraint wliicli make oui existence; a servitudkwere removell."; . : You nvty exaggerrvtc the case Bertrand ; thj? eloquent addresses you heard in Charlotte tlie othl er day, have jiorhaps excid you and madethinf4 ajvpear much worse than thy really are. ; 1 trusit that such is . the casej and that you may yet. bb 'happy j under a continuance of , the Mother ernment.7 ; '"" : -: ' ' " . ' . ' . ! V "No, no Clara, never! Tryon can never be forgotten The kph-its of the 'six men that he strung up like rebels and outlaws near Hillsbor ough j hover, around us, and whisjxr to us ven geance, vengeance : and no kindly star in tlie heavens, as you have read in annals of supersti tion, surely no such star beams above the head pf the oelious tyrant.", .- , ' : j "But IJcrtrand arc wc not h?ppy. Is thbr? anything tp prevent ' our! spending the days allot ted to lis by providence .quietly and nleasjintlv. hiinv in each other arid'eninyin the rk ?X IXTJiSmr iSSi t :: ri-irn .Vou (To not n rr nrec;' been 'mixing with the rougher elements of sbcie! tv. rut oi uryorvs crueuy you are aware, 441 you know that the MOTHER COUNTRY turns a deaf ear to all .of our -.complaints and ear- tt j entreaties for redress. Besides, w nge our. Governors they only send icri they one man tpj rivet the. chains which ins .predecessor had thought and fettered us with. -: FprflJryi5h. thoy have civon us Martin a Ceasar Borgia for a Ne ro. tia he not attempted to prevent me asseiu- W? Provincial Congress at Newbern? rj Llfei bo not dissolve the; 4ast Legislature in-four 7? '.!foK,.,ny;:.-irapoi:tant business COuId l)C. done I When the Congress did . at last Assemble, lis iiad to do so in open-violation 01 mo .: ' -I . k ' i '. ' ' 1 a. I arbitrary Wf1 r-UdMaiu " TjT- : .not exaggerate, andhbugh you . -secure m person,. aia enjoy -our- ijoy our- j 1 Ci.l V'f K -III I Tit TI III I II T i MN'lf! V. VI ipider entangles his victim, the meshes of slavery' j1 V U r - v h 1 - 1 -r 1 re oeing wrougiu arouim us, uim u w vj uu uoi j'-reak thj'm apart soon, wc-' wHl ' find owjselves . af Lr a wiile likethe fly tro much wea'kencdjo ilosclyj CranijKJd jo make even an eilbrt." - You do not think any thing serious will come pf it do you ? Dp- you have ahy apprehensions hat blood will) ber shed? . - -!. - --! ' f- ": . ' !'-..: Serioussaid Bertrand, warming with his - mbject Yes 4 seriousNClara and 'that - blood wilx1 je'.s.Hcd. ' I Tne Regulars, will try) to rctrieyp their icharactcr from the disgrace of tlieir retreat from . jConcord, and the ijiame of their defeai at IiCxing-' j kon : That wilb-.contiiaue disturbances , at- the jNorth J: 4t the Convention 111 Charlotte j just held, the cry was raised in which we all joined, " Let ?us be Independent. ' Let us declare our indepen fderice and defend it with; our lives an forttnacs !" That independence., vas declared. To .give up our; position now, would be to ddcla re i:i advance that we have, not the spirit to, deiend it. And. the Hnamcs of Brevard, Kennon, Polk, Balch Gtahani Hand Davidson, names which should hereafter live J jn history,! would bnly'bccome by-words pf reproach jj "coiuiiely.. No Clara dear, we L-in'iiot ,ref I- -' -: cede ; and I fear the crisis is approaching which 1 1 will determine ' our freedom, r draw the cord oi laylu,oiuid-us sso tJghtly as,to plaod it beyond f it-J . iJ'c. v.-..:.tn. .,-..ib :i,)-- her head .and gazed fondly -in .the J. c toar ,Jdr,wpfl liet.lrjh.t huifg like tiny3dew drops Upert their long 'si'lSjqn lashes': she brushed it away and lean tawayj and lean- rtrand:5 shoulder 'silence. ; : ;y ed her head confidingly upon Bertrand for some moments the two sat in The on purple hal which hung like rich. tapestry across the glowing wvi : aaaci uucu uu-iu loiiiuiuw giiuueur through fthc cloven hills, andcthe whippoorwili whistled plaintively frOm-its snug Covert. tj 'yds; a Ijeautiftit evening, and for the" first tii ie hi tlieir lives when at that sjot," Bertrand and Clar allow-;! ed the gorgeous sunset, the tlicincoff poets; and the admiration : of painters, to pass unnoticed . They arc so and slowly , walked towards the house hvr father's residence being about a half mild d;s tant.. i . : - . ;kk'.' ' But why that tear? y " t I (Concluded in ovr nrxt.) I u n h t n i) i .' "Virtue in itself coinmcnda its happincjsaj y M Of every outward bbjeetiort in The tpllowing beautiful piece, Hoiii jeof the most talented writers in the New I must be appreciated by erery reader who adiaikes a style at iOnce glowing and hig'hly deeenptive. -lid. Jieraetd ;Nest.J BY REV.-WIXCIIESTEE IEYNOLDS. Beauty -oppressed by WearinCvSs, but sttchgth encd by Love, '.watching at the Midnight hour J She was a young : wlfej-richly and neatly ai tired, anT gifted with natural attractions of person fJe as Art I vainly sought to. rival. She was a r - '- . -. -, . , ' - i - " -J, r ... vounc who, ana me nojes ana joys mat sancu- ficd her womanhood erel in their ( nlayrbloom wiioso tuii-uagiauw, .cjiuaiuu lai.acii genuc breath that heaved her snowy ,bosom. ' "-'' ' She was a ouhg-wif whose ejes. of cloudiest' luafro rnvf'd nvnr an flprrnnf nnfii-trnnnt nf m-1i1i ! she was the .sole occupant, with that-JrestiessYairj which denotes earnest and 'fond ahtipipatioh pf a pleasure which has been UnreaspnabH delayed, j CJ. t.-.r o .,.,,..1 .,.;V. l...:.U.. ...U, I y luutv. wimu Mm uwMj.wuusu gilded bindings glittered in the lamp light, with one hand upon'the pae of an open volbine, while the pther toyed with?. a jet black curl' of her luxu riant hair ;witlf head thrown slightly back, the slender neck of spotless white fully . rev'ealed, and the lull bosom :thrillin'gvith the firepf ex pectancy,) the 3'oung wife glanced over thepart- mon't. ;- ."r ,y:. -' " ' ' y ' . - . i . y : . Three, months-hpw quickly the time had sped ! she hadxbeen mistress of the splendor she sur yeved. fhrcc months had she revelled Jm the light of expanding afiecfion, tenderness, adoration, elevated and glorffied by the Bridal Tie. 'And the sunshine other soup hid remained unclouded;' the tikes of her.'love had swept smooth by on through j verdant val ley s unopposed by those nioun.-. mystic realnu y, ,,y'; - j - f Iheiff wer .manv.' w ho envied J CI er .m-jny. w no envit u i,in.L.uicoin f von sun sank be-hind- a small mountain distant 1 revealed in the'' Kerhfof'the. Mi&r!elt Tninnr?n.t th opposite shore, tinging its summit with a there mingles. with anyair cfMlitiablekonAu trfa o, and gilding with g'oldenliued the clouds look of recognition, J and . dVen of -aiToctiail aicli J over affirmed that shD was undeserving, fori' iod had blessed her withfa nature to be.lovedf ;.cr ever. the light of its presence weilt. -- The Husbund was absent later than usuis Could business have detained lam. so Ion ga( lie always closed .his store at nine o'clock. pleasure have clcfamcd him. - Thcisourcf greatest 'jlcrtc-:jre was at ho;iie; . let heca: $o,'j ,vi;lh something -of impatience ahd; rant 'j of appichsnsion-1- '' '.J''.;- ' :r i-';. jt Beauty .oppressed by Veariness, brit 'ttprfh by Love, watched and waited at thjo, 4id- is . Without, the . heavy notes ofa gathcrikiri- ' pest broke, harshly ironi driAing cb ijs.' All oth er sounds were nuslie3 in tlie shdowv iktk4t. . .occasional-fnf along, eager Ho M il, e 1, : y -k . - j c. k'i ! labh of Necessity to -seme, ekn of wretcned i'ce ; or y 1 .crimev. : -'T-'y-.y '.";' -y . - ;-. ' i : To the young Wifij's ca came the echd sf a footstep from thet marble threshop.;! Thcr tune; the sound of" a bolt forced. from its socket and the; lieavy depr swung -lipon jts hingcjsi Ttore was: a sotrnd,1 slightly varied, yet well r cmc jeer ed J hi the broad hall, tls the door svung bac vkh a' crashy -; l.k y-'.-:. 'VV-' I--i '1 Vk." The husband had come f and the Wife'fiy to me' t Iiim with lier welcome, with the storf oi her .weariness and-her apprehensions,-. with her gentle inquiry and her tender rebuke ' '-;'! ' - i ; J. . : . The parlor door is ,oiened for his entrance . but the -young Wife starts back, with a'jhsappojitcd, an iangry, and a teixifijed look. . ! ' I I -ii .The Husbdnd is not , there;! k t k" A Form is there in the broad hallthe jforn of a rnan--tottering '-to and -fro with ii strange and. silly: air. !; But the Husband who left. ha ytung ..wife. a fev.f ho'ursbefore was nowhere to be isen. : -' Arid. yet! the outlines of the Form; and tie j fea tures are j strangely farniliar.- Thpre' istlrell reinembeix3d .'garb and- most icefxpiiedb Is jt f all mysteries' ;lher is the identical ring thd.y;ung Wiiciicstowed a month before the pawning jf her Bridal rDayi- But .still the Form; could nofj tliki of the Husband; for:hc-:had never met lw t ' .vith, the Idiotic stare thq trembling nerveless thrt f-aitxifLsiiiipc?0 -oTviJ-wtrnttTOWr. she now LeheldV 1 Who can explain the mystery that ery tliatlurks'ar-unl j this strange' Form I jtWho &y5 him'tliel-M i:re,l : :, the garb, the 'ring of the oneibolbved ? ' N, f 'Z A. ruArp siimifix'tiw I kf irri Lii . eal . res,' j rests on' the youni' Wife. , . 7 $ f t x ne iwo stanu gaznig upon eacn otner, spp rat- ed:by,ihe threshold-cf the parlor door; ' ha'passcdlthe. lips' bfeithery There' is ; fjseU icubticftook dn'the oneliand, ald"t!i surprised il:-indnantinquiry on tlie ptli lut the young W ife 's ' bosom thero is.a thVdi g of wild n lid unknown emotions" . h'ch chaiiVtlic - ppvpr of if.teranQe,. and cpngeial tlic w arm tdls'Of joyj Th'ere isa tremor like that of some sfir:tual agpny, w hich pervade?, the slonderV beautiltj ex pectant being ; she sinks' back into lierfeljaiT; andji.whili?: her jew elled fingers; are pressed q-ihs"t' hcivpail fair fa.ee, she calls mxin'the nr.nie"oT.Uod in broiccn prayer.: j ,: ; ; " , 1 " fe. y .Thefstrangd man tho Form who prpVited himself there j at; tlio Midnight; hour st.-j red with -an.' unsteady step, within the' elegant pa or ; and, sinking efcwn upon dsifa in a distant fe?t:bf 1 the room, still dircctea that IcoivPfiiiinlcd Ersme, nition and Iover toward the b'catUifjilfcijvpl , Whb. -k ki- Ana bVrijjsthus on the I f ing 1 w Hoi.ii. siiiu wmie iiitji vounfT rw. . r. t :,' . . xy y JJ :p : SiylA S i 70 ony-ra -strange and shadowy suusuiBtv in from the broad wall, skipped lightly ;6ver the ;ori goous carpet On tiie j.arlor floor, aid tlifen dis solved in a disnlal mist, that thrc'atcxied tfja-otin- guish the Midnight Lamp, j Tlie face of tilt blanched, at thelj view of this singular and 'jarful phenomenon, , and the young Wife prayed f ore ardently, though her tones were more brokp: ml more rife, with pain. Finally the Mist gathered deeper and ida 'ter ocnmd taa suppuanr, it gatnered tnero,': irJn; ery emarter of the magnificent apartiiieaL sooii became again jembodiedii Sbaje.; 'itH'rtk .1.-4 T'L if JS-.'..,.;-l'-: L'-: nant in' mifen; Cruel! in practiJck ; ' k'i This, Shape, or rather: this Curse for he M ig-. vas nothing less--pcrched -upon the inarbls "i-rjarel '' i- . i ' t :" .1 . - '' F I i piece, lmmeuiateiy aopve ane young y i:ev;i-tn thd frpm this elevation surveyed the pair .be-iowSf'h' pair .1 7 a singularly cold and! malicious: smile.; ; 1 - The Form of the! Husband was there : birfuhat the young Wife had loved, and wadded ivaypjos. trate and invisible!!;. Manhood, Nobility, Hhtfrtu ality these were hidden by the Power of Rm, And in their places avere. revealed .Folly, t)crra- dation, and Lust J f -y : .y ' ' Sq the, Husband was "not there.1 y AndLn the fear that .he might aever return might neef ap pear again, the Wife bowed beneath her ago iy arid prayed.- - .:; :;' .-,'" j; i-r-f-Vi ll ''-h -This. was the first blow that .the bcaufifiil am ple; jof hopes had received the first blow, aimejlat her wedded liberty. ; - .. ' ,, "k f -k J L J ':, The Curse who sat upon the , marble m xi.le- tQtrftiwaa , j ria'tes steps every whfre-i-that is ever portliCd a t... c .... iri .... .. . . - .. - -': ; lh'u!d la f his tat mt. ' ord tflft , ;on- hkof Jrt : 1 i 1 1 . forms rjfj s i.uiaig w 'ics, groaning at., Tkijj thus the' Njgl4jvroowiy,yreariiy; lippc.;J away. ') k;:- ! 1 .;;., ff , x I m; though the Morning, nt jup .ne .nvueiKu vcvU Withfa blaze of unpeakabl.gloryy in,thd km :in realm of souls tlicre was one .uuri in -tne shadow, : Vihlv " rnyv. vcars'were recorded-in the volum I r 1--L: ' ;ikvr&rs had traced t ie deep, linos of t tho bri-htjautiful (brow of fcockd sorrow oil i nrfi't.incoliiJj . 'J '1 - U - - n f; e sic had seen iicr itrsiiANra ? purine aJrthia.t'.iie,s.ja , . , .... i . J i y . s ( , r ... -Knii.rj 'srinietimes onlyiit- but seldd-i ojny a K W;.ri--. r; - v - t . v 1 , i t- . H n,,f li s- fiirm was lo . hcrotlcn Mhat Form al which Shn, ,e ; ?Bruj , IfrtMJya . -,a-V ov ! .. a . ' - J--, ' ,. . ' ' f. r ; . k irlhp., Ji : : i- ' ' . . . -'. : . i i- '" ;r?t!ie;!?i:;v':4the "jLc-ve ; ,hl tlroatness tluit ;,-: iadk,,I-;ij,;aaLT I v i 1 i,. i;.lniHfl and truster lovt, v.;;:e ii i.tf woio. '': "' . ... .a .! ! '- LL i- -.'l- thflW-'. divine qualiUcs ; - 5 b4k. . ; ..k ! ;: )k;'f: ; ''.-.': A:d cven-tl rait ecasor.s when the Husband v- J!, .k,k; -n'ii i';i'f,:r Form lie had becajwont bi hM.-c, U Ihci fee i'gony of rcTect.on, bccise Ul.y !clbre hcrj in living colors. heVl-J ekjnly. Umako ti.ei yirt-:e iuit; ?.ad';v.'on J i ' ' ' her i):or;i; w ti-.'ie'd by tiiejr removal. : ; .lv.;d ll-l ti '.. 1 i td hnujlicd l)r during all this "rfii'-J 'it bnt ciatinunlly on the ft?.. maVbie. n.rt ntie-.soce,; .ino.u. (. "v., ."VT "f1y; i kkw.vk h-JA T -rrrltuinw the marrv-tintcid f-'. I . I t - I, . ' !. 1 1 J ' r ... j . i . i . ' . . '7.:.. .-. n ni riiifij rii i -. 1 f p-, .t ' .1, 7 3! , P " 1 1 . -. 1 ,. . u . in y .. d!Jdlcr li'rkborn hilcr iSilu anjl trcinblitig-arn iklvi.i t',iM ..w'l..-;ii '.'Mmtivb jtailing by 4 ho ; !ia ita.'ji. i. - ' i 4 v J - I 7 j a-' jr w ft'-. viiVc Tlicn shc; prayed 1 notes of L-iT Iv y i : i !. .. !: ' Meavtv. tlfa't it.s.';;:5'tr,c Jvtlc -ti tiny hiight bo brighter thnitH! n-.-t;uMg lip:; tr.v.vhcii it KickentHU and the cold w ing of Cui'tfiuicil 'ril-t Ju'l.-'Ct' kiih llcathw'.d l :-!;(; ubt hat its blight and geilri around the gulf of her. tie! spiri.i ;.'.-it stm Iirire i SI ii sorrows i - ' The Curse ini!'in 1 t ill 'hi it iintuoVrable ma-; lignity. Lt Hi :thcr! bitter drug in the cup' of her ;.it:f !" :, I ' . :-.! ' 1 . "-. - .: When, at Ikt,' in iviv oa'.Vx.-IIcu hertoay, fatcwell 1- r ii ag.-iificei;t --' part 'icnt,' tlic Curso follows :lie" lot'Utcv' t.ioiV -?'lVbMo abode,'; and. l fAc lied yijytfu ' a ri : L! I' mi dy ! ri-ry lca m j ' w hem jfcc'uIJ ;mai:ife'fct Li. -xelh'Jiy- hy itigbt arid by J:fk;4:-.k ;r.V:?4'.f kV ?' Nine year? and . it is :Miduidt again. ' In A snjali. ugly :-roor,-' Fvjantily. fur!nfihcti.'an4 imper ikiiflkliteVi, tolling -with ix nccjrlb pvrr a piece ot i irlicO i wliicli r.-Pi -yli a . thej:coi:vta,nt dripping Oi jicart' -tiJoii'1,. bo ..'?'! i.ijid' t.:i)i!iciitcd the bfier 'o'filife ready, to eij-ii J i:: ,ti rn.ty. recktt behold ClarnXniklu,! ':; :- . ' r ,:;. - -'.. j-,-..'!. . 1 1 js the ; saddest sp t'acle vpu would wish to be' hoM '. ttt fitv- M i'doiht liour: r thyr $ h 1 1 deli-M h rec black-c vod br, Ik to tarf a gi oen' above their win f;'.u,.rtioir spurn sare iwaj w ith.G odk ' ! KUt-'iVii" falcai'e- ! 2r4etni.tlie Form i-ithcrc- c tjieypreserlfi'o e. Tit A: Cuksk.' -' '.!' .'. r Tl r lure are? Wnv.y'.stcris.w itbont' -fboinV :frdiM.th'e. bjhg. dark , pd ' t; ' ,y ' .. -. u-ffial: load. .a. b tlfi niis- Cfkk'oOifii .The. dKr is thrust- r'udeiy it'po I rrtpd! v annr. i.icli, the1 irl nd two dark tWn dn- - 1. 1 ' n I - 1.1 !- . 4. . ; teanUjito-' M'i'ikijtho noorUUxj .i'crtu'of the nlV'V "'- I - .I.!' 1 i -i : - litQ - orin is1 mangled : aii d lilr:dy,'frcj:;h from some terrible brail ; bjild kou im see that life W - ... . - - .if V : . : sorrow.! u I . one lays .'aside her ncfdle and , f : 1 I if ii, andjluyels, bylie ik -takep tl'e blooi d. in h4riir be iitls pyer t:j. s rii breast and fiiM Oilu There -1:H( win Net; .t leoyi;r.: . .- ij ias a.' mere f. Tyyeite:!- icf.;Yor.' he 'j0 1 I'lpati oiijiiir-iianeo ; in .one i ? " i - oiie guh o: jjuisu..'. ji;x-UI', WliUI,(.:tl'ir.:.4 rhr-'-vi-:- .1. . ! ! '. I,;-',:; yy... ';:.-. : ! i,rT upu' Kjre-t-l lin ,ri! f l-o hah 1 ' tUd vcetneddi ahemoryr ofaotr .vyssho .receW-J back tU ack tho loisg-Iusi llibnnd agi; ifctVU hhu but to" rei' i -lure ver. . : v.;:s: ll.y lasf ll.b, a " s f;k.- "' Prooi.Ii m 'i .-f'fkkkx-PridntiPoit' ind lady ' and ( I 5. uiiu a iOV oe CI u.rO oj hlvo ibqeu irkdei fiIilij ei'n$bri y-Oiklbb-liiini,,kl ehiidpi.'ia iChiVlMivJ it ho 'C hi id ri 'i -'Ar 4 ,V-iJ j. : y y ' r'' i so-a life , ikmberf j ' ' v iyyu jjf "Yirniiiia' al kty'kt kMk.liJ ' Tb-.TiU-:.- n:: . - rT vr . ' a.- r i r - st r l'f iod's iyow PaIpr inUio v.-;-:, Jim kl kn:;iS'i--M- 4.-of i, 1 iveV?ru, r, t,P hk .)n cr, yv ith a list of. irej r. j . . - , . ii t . i Vokniscsi to - Ik.'; one if4loy !f wfiHtiLl -bid '..VRliblo io'urnals h in iho iJvl'.ji !-:; y,vfk ' I ' rouiitry. J" If "thorr W a:plo? mm ra cnr'Ii .vi.iflL .hnli''- I, cinjiot e "' wjjar:.i r,i.v xxii'th fi!.".. ' ' "f 11,1 yuurmg, it i.4 ihn 4aK.lar.il . ; V I i I - , PT-t i. " II: ilk- i. pur i i- ' ! ... i n. v'- , u.-?f: o aud perveric ' i: i r urpewc-a of -li; y . .-. .;',; i ' -y . ,:.. " . 1 ; ? i - ' i a rik- ; k:k ,kf;r -4f Si VI-