1 VOL. I. X(). 21. LEGISLATIVE LAUGHTER. Proposals to Reduce Marriage Li cense Fee-And to Change the Name of Hanging Dog. MORE FILIBUSTERING II Hone-I I-,. rla--'l lit- hh'I lrl ll--ltnliitioii favoring (living Ihe Inl vrilv Appropriation to li,l,ll, H, hoola Imiiil ICiimU Uml Kiitiir, XKNATK. I I Kl V , .1 VNI H V 2U- 2lll ltV. The senate was itl Im to order at II o'clock, and was opened vv it h pr.-iv.rhy Key. .1. . Cole, of Kl-iit on Street M -f hint i-t rhiiivh. In hi- praj cr t In minister referred to Keprese'ntHl ive V il I inm. ami pra.ved that he might he ir-.ti.retl to health and usefulness. 1'HIIIONX I KK-K.N) t- .. 'I'lie following petition- ! pre sentell : Senator Amnions, 1mm citizens of Madison count v , asking for the k- t a I -lUhiiieul of a rimintil circuit court in the counties of Mudi-on an1 I'.un combe. Senator Lou by reipiest , a pel it .on for tjie r-talili-lnot iif ot' a olort-it nor mal school in Welch's creek township, in t nlunihus count y. KKi'DKlH III I llMMI I K KS. The following (till HI t lie f;i, ,. of t ll n.'v.-r-e report, and ailed on all he widower, b. J.'rlor- ri if in. n, an. I 1 1..-, l.-rk- and r.-tM, e - ... ,,. fc.-n.itet,, fc.i,,j.rt tl..- I.ill. Me ai. tlmt whet, the marriage Ji, -n-.-' iJle ;, tin,.., w,.r,. ft,,.!,. ofton wa- selling at I.", to IT, . e,lt, n-r pound; rnrn WH- solneW here ;il,ollt f I a hu-hel, an.l eerM,lj tett -ool an. eollhl gel ll(,l,e. ow Vervlhitlg Was down. l.iwn, down; cotton at cents '..mat to c ut-, pork at aln.o-t noth ing, ml he thought marriage li,-, ,e should collie .low n t oo. senator l-'ran.-k -a i.l it t h.- g.-nt It-. man from amjion , ' ,-r , vv ante.', to go into matriiiionial lite, ami .li.l not have the price, he wonM prop..-,- a col lection tor hi, - p.-, i a I benefit. Senator White, of Alamance, gave the matter a serious phase wh.-n he arjfii.-.l, with lore, t hat t h,- pre nt lee tor marriage lic.-n- whs ,-v.tortioti-ate ami ai a burd.-u-onie tax. lie clletl I lie I.,, I t h.tt popie worke.i tor liltv cent, a ila -ome tor I, ami a marriage license tee represented -i ot hard work w it h t hem. Senator- White, ,,f Alamance, and r'tlW ler proved to tie the only tlieml- the hill had, hoe.r, ami itua- a hied by a huge ma joi il y . The senate then a d , c .n rued tilllhi, , morning at 1 1 o'clock. KALKIGH, NORTH a CLEVELAND'S CAROLINA. WKDNKSDAY. .lA.M'AKV :u. i-.c.. ROTHSCHILD'S !. .! . CATHOLICS AliO KM001S f0 SHtHfcT0 Starts Currents and Eddies on Financial Question- -A Compromise Plan. the THE MESSAGE ENDORSED Ity the .v.. V mrU. llitiulwr nf i on, turrr.. No ( oiDprumlM' Thi smiuu. Hn alor Irllrr. The Mi(ar Duty in llounr. wa- read W AsiiiNoro.v, Jan. 2.. President i i;i e;it many poor leveland's financial nie-sai?e tia-aain -taried tlie eddies and current of sen timent on the financial question in the ten ate. While this has not yet cry.-tal-ied into definite a t ion, several inci dents occurred in t lie senate today which indicated general tendencies. Mr. Mander-tin t Kep. of N'eh.j pre sented h compromise plan. The sena tor eillpha-iz.ed tile need ot concession and compromise in a vigorous speech, urging senators to jive and take, in or der that some common ground tor meeting the financial emergencies mit'ht he secured. inn -l . met at In a. ni., prayer hy ev. ot I his i it v. '1 he lloiise in part and ap- w ere r ported : II i, use I'. II. i .Journal prov ed. Theif heins in, petitions l.i present, the judiciary committee reported the I'tdlowin hill-uiilavoi alil , 1:52, lor the relief of Miss Maria V. Skinner: :;M. to prevent I he adultera tion of camly : .":;.", to allow I'.erry Yan cey to draw a alary : H',, to allow the In replying, Mr. 1 eller (Hep. Colo.,, made the significant declaration that no such compromise legislation could he effected at this session of Congress. Mr. Mill ( l)em. N .Y. , presented res olutions from the New York Chamher C nulruirni b tl. U l''l fmtittf Tal o M at n. kmVIiimiI flciu, W NMi-i, Mali.. J; . TJ. W h i known ih- MaiiU' ii f..i ha !--n a 'onrf. tet!i..w mi,i i,-u, litUtK.-n. It ha- kepi 4inr n. u h ..f Kaial and relifiou :i.:ni.-tt . It. "etlleinellt WS lunch . !, .-i. 'l Tfie es-ei.i ia) fa. t t ! ,rr,,w r are t he : "III 170 Manitoba w ad:imt.-d '.. the Canadian Conf.-der i ion. It- ! rt legislature pas--d a -ih law provid ing for Trot.-staiit ami ;ttl to ' supported f. t to-,.- re spective reliioni-t. Ilu'. in ! the ;re.-nway ov ernn.ens p.,.,,-, j, aet appropriating all - Ikm. . to the support of a comiioii ,. h-ol . tein. W hen, under tin- law. the . ii of W innipeg souirht to -,1'ei h,,,.; taxes from Komau at t i, s. t h.-y i sisted payment and li.-ri'i an a, t i - . ' contest the coIit i t ut ion., I . I v "t t he a, ! contending that under th. Manitoha act en fern iii pr.,v in, i ,1 j on..! i. t mn ; t he ej i-lat lire tiad mi r ( 1 , f to lake away the rights of -pa. tie deiiomm i t iolial sch.Mtls held liv the C a t i , ,1 1 . ' - prior to federation. I h.- j r 1 1 , . i ; i K'iV erilllielit replied to If. Is contention, that the Catholic iiiimritv pi.,-e-.e.) no rilits to separate s, hoots prior t,, 1-71, when the tir.-l pr..v in i.il lefi-la-ture legalized then,. The iple-tioli thil- l-i'caliir one ot fact : I id r did not t he Coma u at ho ik' minority legally pos-css a -eparate school system prior to Mamtoha'- , .n : federal ion? The courts of Manitoba llllh.-ld the AGENT vv His B-: course V u i'.v-. 1. tt . : . t t -j ' p' -1 '. l.fSr. i- t .. . ,n 1 4" ' . U I ' AN0T1 1 ! SNUBBING. Mi . i WILL TAKE THE -1 ir -to...li VV Ii at I .., I I,, 1 hnr I., lie l...! I. l-io ra. j ' j '. t " - II I N . I - I act .- i-7 . 1 1 vv ... I.. 1 i-i ll. I - . M I I ' I. .1 I . . M, I.. r p. rt r . v - . r v ear ..I i-- s. . ! it will, l. i : . . m )- : -f, 4 t . -..;. - -r i ' T ...- ! !hr H , a i, , im r . r l-.l ..?.- t ' . :.. . . ... ': l. I .Ml. . ! (' . -I t- . . . . 1 . r THE A: I ... I . ... 1 i .. t -I. !,... If I V k .1 r. T . . I,.' t . i f.'r . ! f r t ." : !! ! t If .-. "I- I' Hie name l. hill to enatnr r ort one, senate hill, to im- i fominissi,iM-rs ol Hyde count v .o lev v prove I lie puhhe roads of North Caro- j a special tax: to change lina; fa vnrahly. j of h'rench I'.road Company. Senator l.onjf, a petition from citi- lliey reported lavoraldy ens of havidson county torenealthe aiiienJ chapter Its law s ls:i:i merchants' purchase tax : unfa vorahly . Tnr 1'onnnitli t- ,, ;,,.,.., Hill re Also, senate hill I'.Mt, to amend chap- l,ur,',' I hat the following hills were ler laws of ,SH'.t concerning deposit i properly enrolled: to mcorporatt ol county bonds in hanks; unfavorably erl.ltor andh-r : setuite hill llll. to make marriage license fee l..(): unt'a vtirahly. Senator A hell, senate hill Isl.a reso lution to halame oil' claims on the treiisiirer's hooks; favoralily. Senator Mewliorne, senate hill !n, lor the relief of I). Fox. ex-Confederate ' soldier: unfa vorahly . .Iso. senate hill III. to repeal chap ter I ;;,. laws Isnl, with suhstitule, ami retiicjst i njr tj fj,' hill he referred to the liVmmil tee on railroads ami rail ma! uuniiiissiou. n TKIIDI'I' tk ' hi l i s. lu.-sVi I r i,iis -ind resolutions v" e inn. y nmiier. to amemi io, "I H'l'tl, i rial lliu tw a I TToriuai scnoois. 'JOt, H4nate hill. White, of Alamance, to establish the line between A lamance and Chatham counties. 22, senate hill, Black, to incorporate the town of Hurnsville, in Yancy county. JOT,, senate hill, Adams, to amend chapter 'MX, laws of WW, relative to the obstruction of certain streams in Moon county. 2(7, senate resolution, Tinwn,a reso lution relating to the appropriations to the university competing with private educational institutions. 'Lliis resolution sets forth t hat dur- l,r,i I llcl.l I I'o V er li Ille It t I tie -sil l.r. n.e of ouitnerce, strongly endorsing the:,.ourr r,.w.sed the decision. liut in r,?' V1A S ,lna,V'la, onJ'nendatioiis. j turn thi, judgment was ,,-verse.l h the Mr. Allison (Rep. Iowa), ottered h ! I,,vrial IVivv council, so that I Ir resolution asking information from the ; iliai judfr,,,,.,,, upheld the provincial secretary ol the Ireasnry as to llifLovWniiiPiil, and practicallv .-x-amount ol the gold reserve which had i terminated paro. hial s.-hooj, in been used in paying the current ex- ! Manitoba. Hut the Catholic mi nuses of the government. Inority tlid not rest here. Ih.v In. .r I,., .. .......... . T ...... ,, .nn , petitioned ttie rederal government to ... .4.... ........ .1... ... ..... . pa.-, remedial legislation which might allow the matter to he re-oii.-ned. The i ne nay , were inose lor uie i mpensa- the Wampum cotton mills of New Han- 'i'"1 1,1 the National Association of . . . . I.1 I .. ! . . .... l t over county m cnaiii;c me name nt i 1 ""isi.s, ami ior iue saie oi inter- Federal iriv erninent theretition ak o.-ionooi o.iy moiii ii i o ooisey. i o murasr m nru um tiuiiiin Supreme coiirtfor a jlltlglllent ol . ;, , Co,,w., reported hill ;' '' haveners, Know n as tile eoniiner- internrelation ami niton r.-c-iv in" t he .v.t,ior i ne reiici oi .Mary m. II inter, , neiiei oni. .hum oi me nay ; decision of that bodv that the IJ. p.tt 1 1 ! !,. 1 I m . 1 1 . 1 - . r , . i . . i : a- i . I ,e -e I,. VV t ll." I. - ll- a. . epi.-d l.v ! Lo cally aii I I-. i.' i-i Mor-i.. r ;! hi i l.-llgi I. ol 1 .ll.e ri c-i-iel,: . Ite V .it Id !,. n.'-a - '. i . I he national I, , i, U i ,y in i , b i o. i , pi lm,.i hey ar- i ;i a p. the e I , I II i; li.'ll lull I in spit.- o: 1 1.,- .mil at t ioual bank -y -t. in. t he i mine. ,d tour y.ar bond- would I ioiia 1 ha u k i ii l' - v -1 tor ! v ir. O.U pto.,, I I .t.-l -tt- ir. -;i , l.-.i.: .r.' tr f ; tola. !.;. 's ij.,. ii.,, i, t.tli -Vp. lot it. re- t l.i .- month j.i IV: .', I ! .r.i an dmt-ttt t t f e . t v i I.. i ' pr. ut.iifc. f ,.r tt r p , t tie Ii. a !,. I. M,...a t. I . I i :.-: i i . i - ,e ,,j ... I,., ll, b- toa.le . nn. ii. , ! y r ! . i .1. e a I pi. ; j : . " r v . - ..: th",- tiv tie : I' l' loji tit, !' .mi,i r . iii . ' li ! f v y e.t r - i t in? i t o in a 1 1, ' ., ti ' b a n k i r"u ia t ion ion .,'ai !i,t a Ha lt, oi la r vv ord p. r , t I . t hirt v .-.;bii-h i h- i,:i in ., a I, a-. , I, ;, t. tl ttie .,!...,,! ,, j,, t,r i'..V ( I.l.i. ,t , M j- t ..rl . 1 t ..-ii tr!ii 1 1,. iildlli.;- tiltt. e. I'..-! "ii.i-t. t i.. I,. rni lit : -t f av omt. Vlljir d l.'.al 1 1., r. w i.. tr .t I, .t.I x. , , ' - ' ' .- ...... .... T' t h M.- ' -! ' V. k I : "''V . :..(. . . t . , . , ''- n.. ! t ... : !.. S t. ) ' i!.o ee '. , , . r' r. . v . '"''' ;-;:.- ' . . . j . ..a.-:.,;., I V t ! V. I 1 1 1 a w t.. r :fc'ti in t !, r-p. r1 priu!.-d pap. r that h ii ' t..'. ! t t,e a1. i li.-t . In I he s.-int, t..-dAv. r I '. in. - .. .-.m- t,..t I- ! h ,1 I !r, r I; .He - W . II "it : ti- l-i . 1 ii T.r i i.- t i.r a!t i tl,.- p. i .!,,.- !, ' I . I ! I I in,1, j. -. . .!!....,.d Ir. Ilsrr.. I . till. ' hopes to dll ol I . rr-w. th. ti vv a - . 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ! . r t !n '...ml- I -ell!. I . till.' I ! :,M r bill t o-m referred to committee on pensions: s(. to amend law s of s:i:t, re-referred to committee on pensions; 7, to amend laws of Is'.i:!, re-rcl'erred to eommittee on finance: .Si:., to incorporate Steele's Mills in Kichiuoml county, favorably, calender. NKVV Itlll.S. Mr. Keilhley inlrodiiccd a bill to amend the general school law of North Carolina: abolishes ollice of county siiperintendant ami transfers func tions of ollice to chairman of county . :.i.... ,.. I .oiiiiii,sioiieis.oiolil..sioi .i :oillll.. . ..v ,-.......i...... i i ....... i.. ! leretl Ailllllliri ,1,1, l I ,111,1 iioin. soio. i i ; changes in the present school law. ! It was ordered t hat "(K copies of the: hill be printed. :S7", to establish a new county out of ! Kichiuoml count ': referred to the connnit tec on cities, count ies, low ns, and townships. U7S, Cox, to amend the charter of the town of Jreenville, l'itt county; refer 1 red to the committee on corporations. I Also, :J7i, in relation to t he adopt ion i of hooks to be used in the public schools; referred to t he committee on education. I HSl, Abbott, to amend laws of 1S1W; ! referred to the committee on the judi ; ciary. Also, ,i2, to regulate The sale ol in to the was given to the bankruptcy bill, Mr Mitchell, ( Kep. of Oregon) ollering a substitute on the lines of the so-called iouian Catholic minority had no ground upon which to seek remedial legisla tion refused to enter! aii, Ibeir i.eti. I'orrey bankrupty hill, and Mr.l.eorge, ; The Catholies.a a la-t resort. (Den., ol Mississippi) speaking at ; app-altM to the Sujirem.- ,ouit to ll.e length in explanation ol the bill. Imperial l'rivy Council and the final A special order was invoked to-day, j judgment rendered permits a re-. p.-i,-to bring forward the hill to repeal the j j,ls, lu. itne-leiit h of a cent differential duty,: ll.l t V ear,, ill t tie lain, ii which -I, .,1,1,1 it. t attot;' I In, 1 In- lllp.-llei lo a-'cep four per ..nt. -bearing bond ad in i ni-t rat ion. I'h- il lie-1 jolt j, on! tit i' ol t illif W hell 1 he I k iiioc.-it ic part fJ& ill ii" ! pi. ee- inii-l out i no ah-elice ot !e a ho I I-I i or curt a i The sitnaijon I lemo.-ral - will t a li v e hi. rdtcd million I hil l y y inter.--is, ue, or r. j . 1 1 i i.,r? 1 he NATIONAL ARBITRATION. ing the past four years, the state has appropriated tothe university I lie sum toxicating litiuors: nd'erred of one hundred and live thousand dol- ,.onMnittee on the jmliciary. lars; that the term of the public schools j :S; paVne, to incorporate the Caro ls less than thirteen weeks, and that ! i,,a M iliiary Institute; to t he comniit he canne of public edifcation is there- j ttH. OI1 corporations. tore aunenns. i ne resolution lavors imposed by the new tariff law, on u- ; gars importetl by bounty pay ing I countries, and it was passed without j amendment by a vote of 2811 :S1. I A series of amendments: Two of- hy Mr. llevburn and Mr. Hop kins, looking to retaliation in case (iermanj refused to admit our meat products after the repeal of the differential; one by Mr. llitt, Mils), to repeal the one eighth differential on refined sugars one by Mr. Dingley (Maine), to provide that this act should not be con strued to mean that the United States surrendered the right, under treaties containing favored nation clauses, to affect bounties by the imposition' of equivalent differential duties; and one by Mr. Voorhees ( Kentucky ), to place all sugar, refined and raw, on the free list, were lost by practically strict par ty votes. The debate today was of an interesting character, and at times very spirited. It touched quite exten sively on the treasury situation and the remedies to be applied. Mr. Ding ley (Maine) made a long statement of i the receipts and expenditures, lo snow . ..... - , 11,1111,1, III 1IW." .,',1 1,M, can raise and spend for education, to I committee on corporations. the pifbhc school system with a view, 3S, Sutton, lo incorporate a Luther an church in (Juilford county. :xts, Crawford, to allow Kx-Sherilf.l J. Neal to collect back taxes. ..-to-irxfending the public school term and increasing its efficiency. NKW LAWS. The committee on enrolled bills re presented the following laws as en rolled : To amend the charter of Mt. Airy To change the time of holding Har nett county February court. To change the time of holding court in Craven and Bertie counties. To amend the charter of Mt. Airy to establish a system of graded schools therein. To legalize the marriage of J. A. and M. A. Trevatt. To incorporate the Hank of Fden ton. To authorize the committee on privi leges and elections to appoint sub committees. To amend chapter 'J'tS, laws of ISfU To amend chapter 417, section 1, laws of 18!:. To amend section 1114 of the Code. i o7, Harris, hy request. 3sS, in regard to working the public ! roads in Hyde county; to t he cmnmit i tee on public roads. I 3S9, Crews, to regulate teaching in the public schools of the state; to the committee on education. Also, H'.M., to reliev e ollicers of the public roads of the state; to the com mittee on public roads. 31)1, Mr. White of Bladen, to change the name of Hanging Dog township, in the county of Cherokee, to Campbell township. This bill created a great deal of mer riment. Mr. Campbeil said the best peoule of the state lived in Hanging Dog town ship, and they were all Republicans. He protested against changing the name. The bill of Mr. Smith, of Gates, house bill 02. then came up on its third .I.... ,1... ..t.. .t. O'.... ,r 41...... . , . , , - i . , . ; .......... .1. . , ' i Oil, i oe ii citsui as niiir, iiiii iiuiii ,is i i-1 1 sic. i o 1 1 ico i i to i n i e i ne iu n . . .. - , . , . , --. , ... the giving of all the money the state f Rennard, in Kobeson county : to the ! ,a,K. OI renue, anu inat ine nrsi uuiy oi uir uiciiuiiiit o..oin.fc--'7wn. receipts of the treasury. Mr. Reed took a similar view of the situation, which was again controvert ed by Mr. Wilson, of W. Va. The at- I tempts to amend the bill by.repealing the other portions of the sugar duty were opposed by Mr. Wilson on the ground that, if the bill was loaded dow n with amendments, it would sure ly meets its doom in the Senate. A STRIKE NOT IMMINENT. Kill Chief Arthur ;i- tit Smooth S)oie Fri. lion ttn the Southern I'aellie. Ci.kvki.an i, 0.,.lan.'J i. First Cram! Chief, Thomas A. I n;rrahatn. ol t be Brotherhood of Locc, notive Kngi neers, stated that there was very little foundation in reference to the report telegraphed from Oak 'and. Cat., to day to the cliect that he engineer were preparing for a general strike on the Pacific coast. "It is true," he said. "that Mr. Arthur is on his way to the Ta jitic coa-t." Il has gone thereat t he . r.-om -t of th engineers on the Si road. We hold an agr company as to the w engineers shall be paid.t The company recently have prepared a new sched ule, which they now a-k the engineers to accept. The new -chedule. 1 be lieve, provides for some reduction in the wages of the men. Mr. Arthur has gone to California to settle the matter if possible, and there is every reason to believe that the matter will he ami cably adjusted. oil til!-, In, k. There i- a -t r.'ii'j ol - ii in ma ry r. , ,,-rl ing i! -,-!f in a ell ift to I I'll pe) :, I i. ollgfc . I he 1 I ton ioc ra, oil I he til ir '. ,'.. it. ll iretnllv co i I he s.il.J.,1 of m I hi lilruo of atl-o, I'ri.ioiiiriti I l...r 'rgat,lrall..n. W ni..i..N. .Ian. ;".i.-., m!.-rml conference wa- h.-hl at the l.t.b.n Hoi,-.- louight l iw.- ti Labor oiiiini--lou. i t arr.dl I . U right, h.nrtnan M .a on. a nd -.-v era I iim-iiiIm r. .-! 1 1..- i houst coiniiiiit n lal-or. and r. nr.- - -k4Duo' jne riilro. l.rot h. rh.HMi as- e.-lled who hiive"'. lty ' ur- on lra -e,-i,,u ol lie ot t he "-out herli v i- in party reorganization ,-.,l Ir.-.- loinae. n extra them racilic inent vv it h t !le res w hich t hi -c-ioll. I In- Southern leader, h.-liev.-. W i II ellect 1 hi- re-'lll . They -ay, with mpha-i, and d.-t .-rm i n.i' ion. that ile I'resiil.-nt ia1 elect ion in s'.m;. w h hunt a tree coinage plank in the national Democratic platform, mean- over whelm i ng defeat. I ..-ad i ng Democrat -. -imetln- rre-id.-nt's uie-,ai;e, in,i,t upoti etr;i - ion. ami threaten t deteal -ome of t In- a 1 1 ir. pj-i a t ion hill, lo accompli-h it. All d'Hlbt of the ability to llegoli lli the I per cent bond- has b.-.-li removed by Augu-t iSeluuuit .a l.'ot h-.-hi Id ag.-nt. who has been in contiilent ial inter our vv il Ii I he President for -.-veral day-. The policy of I he :id:uitii-l ra, ion i t o secure t he I, .an iu Knglaml all ot which may cxplat nV he repeal ..; l h Sherman law ! '"I am opposed to a In, ml i--u. ". -aid Senator I'rilehard lodav. "and I am al-o uualti rahly opp,, d t,, pulling the gr.-sioi.al h. t I-!,. direct lull national arhil rati. if'. " - w. re pre,,-nt : P. p. , .i- W. Arnold. ..f tl..- P.r..lh.-r7i. hi .motive lir.-ineii : D. I.. ha-e and . .. lab ii-. ..f th.- Prot I,, rl.oo.l .f Itail way rrainiiieti. and P. P. cl.irk. d th. order ..I Railway c,,mtu l..r. the railway n are all in fav..r .,1 any plan vv hu h w ill give na! ion.il ar bitral ion a fair I rial Van..,,, plans were .Iiscu,se. , otiter.-lice. tiul lio aLletlipt to .si i.J. ..ii .in , thing wa- mad.. I n. railway men will - mv-i .n tormal hearing hy I tie h.,ii-e .-..mtiiin.-. I onior, ovv . S ' , - i . . , . , r ; . , . . . ! !f . I j ... . s ,., :.. ..(.- , .1 . - - v , . - , , ; , . .... !' ' !- - ., :.r; i l . , .1 f . , i . . . . . Ml" Jr-u. .: . f . , , . .;, " J"' ' ....44 I. J.. I- ':.r I. .. ,-. , .... ,., ,,. tj. m T. .ny e, : . , ., ; , ..... j M f van.... ..: .... ... . Ikl i u 1' r1 ' " i( .. ... .1 e.v. I t l,.l I I.. . ... ,.. , , k. , It. I h. M ;, . . ,.. , , , ;,. Ite-J.! ll jl, ,. . ,. , ;. ,,, '"' .. .I' ,'. - .. ;. t t,r ,i . r 1 ' t , i l.i. i I i "' ' ' ' ' Mj I., 4 !i,id, may i g. o r i ii.. d. a ed , J A I O . , 4 ot tt.. '"""'Hi; DEAD ON A BOAT. V l.tf-lrs Itotlt liiiiml a s. I.. ,.,,. ,.n lit, t lot hla I na.l. ... s l.iio.i. Phi. .Ian. --in.. .y -".. a -mall black -l,.,.p ha il. - 'TO REAP A-GOLDEN HARVEST' leniocral ic pariv o,,t o a b-e, and fatholllb - ho'e. 1'he people hav e been dece-ivetl by D.-ino, rai ic pf,,. ion and promises, .md in th.- mt. rest ol truth ami I -I politics, amirlad ! that retribution ha- it la-t overtaken At the Kxix-nse of the t i ins. I'lmit at ions the pa i't V ". Hlitl Se.-iirities of the South. i So far a- I know. I hi- i- the domi nant -em i in-1 1 1 among i. punucaii senators. There can be no legi-lathm concerning lax collector in luauison county. To incorporate David lodge, IIS, I. 1). U. K. To incorporate the Swain Lumber and Boom ( o, To repeal chapter 102, laws of 18l:, reaiig and was discussed and dis cussed and discussed, and amended and discussed by Messrs. Ray. and Win bone, White, Peebles and Smith and others, and after being amended so as to destroy much of the original force 1 ,,f th, hill. if. nassed its third reading To amend the charter ol the I eid-j ant was ordered to be engrossed and mont bank in Jreensboro. i stM,t to the senate. 'PU, senate bill, to change the name . Another amusing scene occurred of the Pinion Detective Agency to WMen Mr. W hite called up his bill to North Slate Detective Agency, and to t.,.inge the name of Hanging Dog regulate the carrying of concealed j township in Cherokee. Mr. Campbell weaponsby members or the same :passed j ot the floor, and he was interrupted its second and third readings. j D.. Mr. White, who wanted to know 137, senate bill, to amend sect ion :5li."i2 j for wj,at ,riines they hung dogs in of the Code concerning fees collected by (jheerokee. Before Mr. Campbell could court clerks, was taken up. The amend- j answt.r satisfactorily, Mr. Julian moved inent provides that registers of deeds j to ,ay tjie j,iii on the table. Mr. Rob may collect their own fees and thus re- j j,,so called for the ayes and noes. Mr. lieve the clerks of some responsibili- (;aniphell asked that the bill go on the ties. The bill passed its second and (.aiemiar, and it was so ordered, third readings. I 40 and t!0, house bills, were passed 139, senate bill, to prohibit prize light- j over unfavorably, 41, S'.i and 97 report ing in North Carolina, was taken up. j el, OI, unfavorably, were laid on the The bill prohibits all kinds of fighting tauie for prizes or money, and prohibits bet-j Tje following bills passed second NAVAL MOVEMENTS. The Kitvlugs of Some of "l ucle Want's" Peaee-Makern. Washinotos, Jan. 29. The navy de partment has not been officially ad vised of the arrival of the Ranger and Alert at San Diego, and was consider ably surprised at the report of their arrival in view of the fact that the conimaaders of the vessels had orders not to touch in at San Diego before the :51st inst. A telegram has been sent to the commanders of the Ranger asking for explanations. It is the expecta tion now that the Ranger will be ordered at once to Bueneventura, Co lumbia, where a revolution is afoot, and the Alert will be ordered to con tinue her cruise along the west coast of Central America to watch American interests at points where conditions are disturbed. The Atlanta, on the east coast, has been ordered to remain in the vicinity of Colon until further orders, instead of proceeding, as orig inally intended-, to Carthegenia. Xk.vv Oki.f.ass. .Jan. Hon. Hector ; D. Lane, of Alabama, president of t he American Cotton C rowers Protective ! Association, has furui.-hed for publica- ; tion to the people of the State, a state ment that speculators are today s.-llinj; cotton in Liverpool for delivery cto- . her, November, Decembr 1MC at a j price equivalent to about I cents on farms in the South, for middling, or ." cents at the ports. It is not to he sup- posed that theshrewd Kumpean cotton people are aggressiv ely selling the next crop it equal to I cents unless they have excellent reasons for believing that the South w ill plant anol lu-r mon ster crop. It remains with the farmer? and merchants of the South to say whether these Kuropean speculators w ill be per mitted to reap a golden harvest at the expense of the farms, plantations ami real estate and securities of the South. without l.'epublicati :ii hard ly I h. shadow of direct ion. and there i-hop.- j 11 t ht I lit- . mini s, lie me Vlinost s, l..l ltN..I:in. '.- its liuancial art id. telegram- r.-c.-iv ,! Would -eeui to in. 1 .1. in I be - , , . -ays thai prival. 111 c r I ., i ' 1 j ua 1 1 er- lie a belief that th. A llieriea il t oil Lrr-s,. ;t 1 1 s i ( r e ..-1 i I session, will autboii.- t h-- is-u.- ..f a girld loan. I he paper add- I'bi- SCelll- lll l good to he trite." WAR NEWS FROM CHINA. THE NEW BATTLE SHIPS. V llill.se I ii;itive Ti ll, Vl'o.ll ,. I he ti i iifsi- -d,,!,,. 1 1 1 1; 1 -1 1 1 m v. Jan. A 'c -pa! I, iv- ceived here fro;,, the I.;., .ia II .-r- ot .la pa lies.- a no v operat,',g :.:aiii-! Hi,' t he 'hinc sa - t hat a -' r... torce o IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? tinir on same. 1 ne iovernor is em powered to call out the militia, if nec essary, to prevent any such righting in the State. The bill passed its second and third readings. 122, senate bill, to amend section 1,111 of the Code, for the protection of females, was re-referred to the judic iary committee. 147, tenateill, to repeal chapter 320, laws of 18!3, concerning the stock law in Pamlico county. 163, senate bill, to permit the ship ment of game from the state; passed its second and third readings. 198, house bill, for the relief of John W. M. McGregor, sheriff of Anson county; referred to the committee on finance. 101. senate bill, to reduce the mar riage license fee to f 1.50. was taken up. The bill was reported unfavorably by the committee. ' ' it .... Senator Fowler championed the bill and third readings : !, to work convicts on the public roads of McDowell county ; 94, to pro hibit the sale of liquors within two miles of Olivet church, Edgecombe county; 211, to allow trustees of ny Not Academy to make title; 119, to amend sections 3i09 and 3610 of the code so as to provtde for continuing t he publication of t lie Colonial Kecoras; 121, to correct a clerical error in sec tion 2, chapter 473, law s of 1S93; 124, to amend section 1597 of the code by ad ing "household furniture and jew elry." SECOND HEADING. The following bills passed their sec ond reading: 131, to amend the Code, section 503; 111, to allow the working of convicts on the public roads of Lincoln county; calendar. The Representative of an Evangelical Journal' Thinks Not. (Jkokoktowx, Ky., Jan. 29. About three weeks ago E. 11. Ferguson, trav eling for the Christian Advocate, Dan ville, Va., came to this city and took board at Mrs. Talbert's. Saturday morn ing his room mate rose early and left the room. Returning rn hi ur later he called for Ferguson but got no re sponse. The man lu.l swallowed the contents of ah ounce bottle of carbolic acid. A note was found in the bottle ad dressed to his employers, at Richmond, saying he did not wish to live any longer. He is still very low but the doctors think he has a chance to re cover. He has a wife and two grown children in Richmond, Va. the enemy. whih ret r.-at.-d from Yutig-'h.-ni;-hcri to t !i- imrt hvv --t without liiiiln. I- now iu I h- i, it;i: of K u-ha hit- Hon. I.arir.- n'mile r- ! thesellelllV Jlfe reported lo h .--.i,.ri the coa-l road from 1 '.n; 11 ir- Il ri-hen. The despatch adds ttat il ! j,o ltile to ctivv ti.-.'it i 1 1 r ;!;: - westward, hut the road- are ba. d i I'icu It to repair t hen,. I: i ami ten anchored inihe riv. r d! -out I. IJock l.ede. Hav itl -eel, lio s, ..1 lit. aboard, a n.-yro boanl.-.l h-r lo-dr, v . -he vv.,- ti-htlv l.H ked With h.lt.he- dovvn .did -kv-liubl- la-t.-i,.d. II. open, ,1 I he V . e a lot foil lid 1 he . .rp of a while man who had initial el ad s.-vt-ral dav-. No mark- v ioi.-n .. u,-re vi-ih!.-. the . ,.r..ti. r -;ur,v decided that the mail had tli.-.f irom natural can,.-,. I rom !, k hook- and paper-on lli- !lv. it jij. pe.irei.'io I..- I fiat ..f a man ti.m-i Nor ton, ot 'r..v id.-nc.- I!. . COTTON SEED OIL I,, U Vil.jiili.l f,, j, Kt,rr lint l ... l.ltl.- I;e4ls..tl, ll.trf.tt v-c ;n..ton. I ,., s., rM ,M oJ :h- I'r. t-nry h- n-.t-iv.-l cop,.-,.,; Jt-tt. r re. :;ti n-.fi v-4 fiom I l.srl..t.- K .i.y.x, ( luted Stale- am t.aador III ISeri.li, 1:1 ivliiil, i.e r.s-it.-s re.i.ol, ,ru f.,rt!;t- ,l,,,s. 1 ,;,er.-a-.-l duty frolu 1 to I'; laafk- i-t In. 1, Ire ! kilojrrnis.ii,!-! on iotton .--.l o,i ifpiit. d ;nt.j t.ernmny. U.c man, r. j-n, .T. eil !- tll.it lott-,1, s.t-d o;l . I,t-r lTr into tti n;j:,ulacf,ire of o.eoHi!ir;iir,:,e. n f rh'-refo-e , ome, direct until'-! it ion itti nr.tt.-i and v affect-i.'Sjurioasly the revenue ,f the 'ierniari .ir.i lilturi-ts. The nu,uui,t t cotton -e.l ,;; iiujorts) into ;er:.iii;.v f r;.:n ti..-L iuttsl Mates d'ir:t,r the l-t let. months etiziven a- Ictf-i.-", iltint, of th- a ; ! t In order not t jiiU-rf ere will, fie -oji- ind.j-try. the i'overtiinei.t r-coii,e;i.i, thn! tt,e d it y on if.tTou -m ,-, U..- .i- ii.,t-ira;;l or ot l.erw.s.- rn.d. led uiit.t ;.,rr! l,lf ti.se, I- red-ae 1 from i ', : 1 1 ., r k m I loll ol t he j OH. ,J ( .iatt iiiiIk, l 1 -1. t . vtf,,.! . ..n-id.-r. d a- it,.:, .,, ,, It . Ill.g ..I Vl.-M. ... a- f. lJ .M. t. l.erj .,, ..,,, rr( W ahit,fto t,rff , I 1 .... 1 v..ni.i. 11 . -r. . ,nl I. .. .-.,. at.- in i,.- M, u. ,t.-,,j.,i to... .-.... , . .. , . 1 .. .,.,,i.,t ,.0 10 1 j, -,,fo.., -id. I ., . .,1 . - ; , , , ha". Iron, If . . ., . , ,,,, , pl. -t-, dl-pute, .) 1 . . . I'""''"" -."..- srt.:ti.4l,..i4 ,,f rom. i.t .. ? 1 ,:., 14- . . I.. II,., ,j t t lot: ,1,- , ,, j,f , t I led ! v t h- t r. ," , ... it. t t he I. , r 1 . t 1 ! 1 . ; , , ll.lt te. I I.. t ,j. I I I I it re 1 . ?,. . ,( . , ( pret.lt loll ! I J,e t e., t . h h r n t,.t . 1 , 1 , Ian-. i r w 1.1. f , 4 . r.11-. d. ;u' 1 1..- .. lion to . u.ii .1,,., ; . l-iol, - o I lt.lt I fe.,( . , 1, .re ;t ,.f K it j,. r P 1 1;: '.. it1.., ,1 t h. .,, i.ii. :t 11. t 1 . ! W . - VV 1. 1- I. I14 . - 'm . 11 ; '. . v 1i;ii:.-Iv i'r-..l ! 1 ri-. ! t ,.,. 1.. ! t . . .- 1 'I Im .1,1, 1- t. it .1 ' he I 'rf. . 1 1 !!. in i-fr , I'ol I kt 1 1 pr,. o-l,.-. I.. i - " I' II, pi. ' t- art.ttrti ':' to a 1 1 t r a I -. ... M,t f 'he 1 t-a It vv 1 U p.r, Ic t ! , t h- d. vv it I, ..- 1 v 1 .-1 vv,:!, f - oo. II. v -i- V .. w ' I i.. ! t 1. . I.i'l I t, of t V . , . -h.,.:l ii. llll' lie I, V, J.. ,, ! rrn r v vv h, "ll-p'tl '. t.,1 'r.-ntv .: Ml'lll .11. pell ! he Ik .tfixr d .lk': m-t 1 f. - pi ..... . -.iI V propt.-e.J T I. t. ar! ,'rn ion . nn 1 ,t that t h-' ual fli 1 'a 1, .1. iiii'ton. oi, f '..or t' i. .jUe-l. ,1 Jl,,- I ,)te! -t4t. io:i. it - rv . , j, arj,. 1 nai 01; i-e.r . fu-.-d it 1. iiti-ii,,. i'n-i.,ii .,t y t tt if, -, ,.. tf.e ' i'. - ro-j j r .'. t . at. n..'a l I . I Vu l;,at. r 1 1 .tdert..) o-" I If. W .f . li ,oti. I r- .''.it-rTi.iit t;t r"'"f: and - t vv a- ' iv r- S iv 1 hat tl he II, .-re-( 1 f, i ca t- . He a '1 1, on r.- en,. Mill of ,.. i f The Coat ofWhh-h AVill l.e 1 4,000.000 A Hard Fight Espeeteil liver the Ainiro- ; priatiuii. Washinutox, Jan. 21. The friends of the , "New Navy" expect to have a hard tiht in ! House to secure the nassatre of that part of i fho annrnnrintmn liill i,rnvidiiii for three : Vf ..... i - n -. . new battleships and twelve torpedo boats. ! miles They will have the weight of Secretary Her-; and it 1 . li! .1 1 .1. 1 ... . . I i- . .1 - t Dens recomuieimauon 'leuiim uiem, nui , .v 1 eiera hi 1 rom in-- coiu'iiaii'ter j thedepleted condition of the treasury will !t ,,. s md .1 ajia ties,, army announce- be the chief argument used to block the th.ir a hin.-e- 1 .iriiiv.- irin l.i. rkitit plan. Chairman layers, ot the "Ppropna- , , , , ,v Wt.- , W)M r ,,..rt- tha' tion committee, has announced that he will l . - ,, ' , .,- . . tight the attempt to build new ships, and i 1,1 n'"' n",,,t "-"'" ihaf harbor his position upon the hill wil insure for ; i.umhcr- warship-.; irunhoat-. and him the cx-operationof the ultra-economists : 1 1 torpedo boats. The hole which wa. of the House. The merubers of the naval J kiun-ked iu the bottom of th.-i hin.-.-e committe find encouragement in the state-; battleship ( fietiir Vmn. wh.-n ,he wa mentmade by Representive Wilson in his ; f,,undered .lias h.-n tilled with cement, recent speech that the revenue vvi 1 soon ( , , , , b, fi , , exceed expenditures, ana the hoiteful assur- t .... . ... . 1- J aacesof the President's message to the effect j -,,ns- , . ,)e -pairs to the tai- uen. that a deficit is not to be feared. the Chinese double screw armor I ! crui-er, arc incomplete, and the Kang- LAWLESSNESS REBUKED. Ichi ,,H ,l" &in' -nit Kalnat (iit'i. lk noli. Ohio. Ja.i. S-.J. o.-v ot -ke-it ...Il the irras-' t.im. .vas -:,.- i:; , i ;;,.;i plea- ' ourl t...(li ' - ;' '?. aiie.-d lo ij - u Ilar.r.o:, 1 r..;vi.-v on thiriy-nine pr.jm.s-or iote-. Jo-epb t it-re was al-o i,a.:n. ! .s ol..- o! the de!elid.itil. lotey ait .:efi jitircha-ed U.e X'irrriandie rt- lurant from the pi-i.itilli and gnv. note-. Senatorial Vote. Dover. IM . Jan. rZJ. Five yA'.t were takt-i today in the Tinted .-jtattvs .senator.! w r tiout cltaiire. ..t 1 . I- Ir. r- d 1 1 '.x 'v . ' r u , : irit.-r.- I- a! a lie.- v. I" Ji." ii.;te. i .4 V " t r - .it'T i.l. I i'll.- I. d.p..u;..tl .Ml-; a !j i-t-d i-, - - . poll t!-e Wtloje. I t- . Jt ;it rii.it.-i.t , ,f . I r,. r to Vf, t'-t 1 ..: r -. . 1. 1 .., ' ! U,de fne.Jlatt- llj -di.tK.n hi e 11, t f,f whir-ti - ' 'i.pjj. :'.. - Jc'4j'l - It-.' re to il an I -.it . -I :t.r V4- lie. I- r ' 'he I' v ' t;y report.,.. r. d .-. i.,f i..... . -une and will p-..t.a'.J, ,.r.,;.,Irf u.x .,.i. .j.iv-no:, vJij. 1, no . f ura-Aiiig raj.idiv t cri-j- nas nee;, ri-i j 1- fio otii.ide inft-rlerej,. fin o 1 I 1 1 leliif f .f led. a c. I . f 1 tb.re ui I l.:tt:e U xk, Ark . Jan 2 - In aeira'e I "1, pa'utie i,r ,,1 t.ria ..... . . . .1 . - - - .lf.ii'tt r.t.B ,. ,,...,.....r.l. , .1. . 11...,,...... . 0,.- o, o,e iivujtj 01 mt- ,efi-..aiure ,,r -'i'-noii in a .r. -.,.,rt lay the t.al.oliio; for 1'iiiTe.i States Sena'or r--u;ted as follows Senate lU-rrv. d-nt.. ic Tishhack, deru., 3 Iteinuiel." rep . 1 lloui iWry. ."kJ. Kishtack. 11. r'arks. pop . 'I. The election of IJerry will t de re-l in Joii.t ses-ion at noon tomorrow. ."line. (Continued on 4th page.) FAIR'S WILL STOLEN. A Precious Document Involving -!.-000,000 Gone NoboUy Knows Where. San Fbanci8CO. Jan. 29. The will of the late James G. Fair was stolen from, the clerk's office in court today and there is no clue to the thief. The discovery was made but half an hour before the usual time for closing the office. In place of the precious document was a lot of worthless paper which had been carefully folded and inserted in the enyelope, in an attempt to delay the dis covery as lone as possible. The will involves an estate worth 120,000,000. Governor O'Ferrall Charged With Not Co-Operating With the Courts to Prevent Vice and Crime. Warhintgx, Jan. 29. Judge D.M. Chiches ter, of the Alexander and Fairfax circuit lrginia, in nis cnarge to tne grand jury at the opening of the semi-annual term of his court, had much to say concerning the law lessness prevailing in the neighborhood of Jackson City and the Alexandria Island and St. Asaph race tracks. The judge openly criticised the failure of Governor O' Ferrail and Sheriff Veich, of Alexandria county, for alleged failure to co-operate with the court in the suppression of crime and vice in this neighborhood, which, he said, was the most lawless in the State of Virginia. The judge criticised the law. recently passed by the legislrature, permitting the sale of liquor at these race tracks. In conclusion he com mended the matter to the earnest and cere ful attention of the jury, instructing them as to their powers and "insisting that they should do something to clear Jackson City, St. Asaph and Kosslyn of their present character. None Hut Official n. Colon, Jan. '".I. A decree Las been iued .ro!iihitin the publication or transmission .al-.,,.U Mill ii.,, Urt. llonuur... Minister. ;unl ranudv ,, KMu,,!,,.. ..r Y.d,,r . ... .. t ot aiivtiniikT nut tiiTu il tin. of tt rv..t , ' icariv -liow ll.-t :,. .. in the re;.nhlic of Colomb.a. tatid a,, j,, raM. ,)f ' ?A "! im t The Iiriti.-h wan-hip. I'elican. La., sai M. ' flict. Thr fave in.iirl i T ,," '""' and pcohality of tlielnited ute .Tuiaer i the , JJaf SJi . ""I1.1"" r. J Atlanta leaving tLia tort is causinir ruucii t 1 ' VU "l .U,, Ir "untrin t j MRS. U. S. GRANT j ltet-eivt-s Couft-tleratt- Veterans in Atlanta j Cordial Hand lntkts. ! Atlanta. ta.. .Ian. Js. 1 lien- w: :i anxictv anions ttie lorei-rn lot.ulation - n ( ri . : .1 t . siriKiiiii M-ene in tne parlors in ine Hotel Arairon when .Mr-. I . S. (.rant. who route sration federate i.t t .i : . oni s.tiuiris t-i e imrouuceu lo .Mrs. ' t. . - .r -j ii iy Hanville. Va., Jan. M. A snow storm l,..fl.n A-rrua. Salvador . . . 1 a 11.11 1 anal ll wa. ' A ltls New Ctto Mill. tl ll t ar. I a.. . .. inat mi anv .mestlor. . f-injc all, rtral iwri.T I i n. . . I tllilfu.l a -.vfn tm had stopped over here a day en ',JiU,","a- - V v -August anu " any iiiva-ion. Tl.- to. r forida. received a larre dele- "1 H ( r iliu" i .:.: i" " " Vr and from ttie r niton ounty Con- : miii a, Ht, in Aii-r. ..mv si- 1 ' ,.T.T l" . tl -r Veterans Association. The ' -vili be comment! at " " TZPi.-i7m . I Mniir Oiitral .. ? i ... s. i t .unerii anisin a Ij.-artiit- . i . rs, and late caiul'idate ' which M-t,in hT' uia' w.t liJ oV .;., .wi continued up to p. in . and abont ( .eor-ia and t.. each t incL fell on tLe L Sq of f clock. four street Grant by tien. Clement A. Evans. .,n- i of Lee's hrijradiers for governor of she gave a cordial hand-shake and kindly word. After the ftriual tion there wa-a free and e change of compliments and rt A- V . H V 1 V V.T.C4ia9 I 11V. 1 Vt-; 'trw - . wife of the trreat Federal eommander. i i t"u"K " P.,ecf ol.I?ir. ' i imiMi lannn-f inn an,i my -vi - a. A & a - UHnrs twwMAaa j r . IIU iUt. I J If ?5 IV Ior j linking rapidly Inform the Herman ad . ! miralty. German warship Stein " Madrid. Jan. u 1 1.. . ... . SliaTX.YMr AT a ' eai-i ventii ocem! an.l the imnminir m, tlf Ultin Indar Kni..f:... u.e . vu, ; m - . .ii 1 4 .MltJlQIN tlTitirv rt-cep- uoiiiu trsms on the several railriuiU -r .i. 5 from iVtrui l'itrn trio.-i .. -.. ' r": asy time. negOtiled betaeen I'nrfn ... i lTlZ . n.iniH AH . ; ! , "Jinit that the t market 7ori'orto l ,i II.J Athens, Jan. 2. lxttle was found at was Canada an.l nm iu i-.T. . urn Mrs. Grant left Jacksonville. this afternoon minister tA foric ..T ' . ,. . . rnrwrr J4orel. re- jihed prorniMng to confer tke mJZrnU s

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