KSMclfae VOL. I. no. ItALEKill. NOIiTII CAROLINA. SUNDAY. FEHKUAKY in. IMC. cube LOOKING TO LEGISLATION. A Day's Record By the Solons--Going for One Who Has "Ira bided" Too Freely. "MILL TAIL STATESMAN" Of ptUl Hull Kmiif nt HU Wrath in rxpvrnimirm ol ttl- count) money, am! t annual ttetnrnta.,f the , lerka of t he up-rinr court. Mr. I..wd ort.rt.l a i) amendment t but th- l-wtet bid n.ut . couflut-d i.. Hi'- lo w-pajH-r Hhirli ha U,,- Jarg.-t mhi.i title t ir iilatii.n in the count). J Mr. hula .l!-r.i an atm-mlm. r.t it,.r t lie bid In-.-t to tlit- iit-vtopn jt that will (litriltitt- in th- county Hie larg t -t number .r paper regard!!. of toiia fitl- Mil.-. nU re. Mr. Mt-u borne u.ov.d to la) the whole matter on the tbc tabic; the u,o- : (it'll to table prevailed. 2::j, hetiat bill, to furnish Jack- ! "ton county with certain volume of: Supreme court reports; Lilletl to .as '. i ond reading. 2:M, senate hill bill to allow CO III III U. it'i th 'iiralaie Hrf nrl.na Who 'llvr j -loners tf M Otil gotner V COUIlty lo .el rakn tlie M itl y"-- i, Hrl.u "''"half of the jail lot in tlie town of o.l,rui. n..r..t. ! ro : pae.l it..hir,l reatlin. -J., Senate hill, to amend the, tNAIfc. ' barter of the tow n of Sout hern Fines, h; T, rt.BHl AHV !l-31st IY. 'Moore county. taeri peeoftd and' 'Hie sftialf wan tailed to order bv (l,iri reading-: tabled Lieutenant tiovernor IC. A. i)ouirlMoii. THE LA 6ASC0tt CABLE FOR THE PACIFIC. A BegiLning Toward a OuLuec- J' "h.t..n Line freight left Hamburg Jlrfrn tion of the Western Coast With the Orient. rrnyer ny enaior rarnfi. I II v. MOKM.NU IK. i it. Petition were presented, read antl ! referred as follows : Franck, petition from cit i.ens ot ' Adams School lloit-e, liuplin eoiinty ' against incorporation ; corporations. Fortune, petition from citiens of I'levelaml eounty in relat ion to t he I n ane Any lum ; corporations. j JtKI'OKTrt or COM. Ml I i kks. i The followingSeiiatorssuhmitted re- i port troui standing commit tcs : Messrs. Westmoreland antl Marshall from committee on printing: Mr. For tune from committee on public roads. z.'.k. ei, ate bill, bill tti tipen certain waters t.f urnt in k r;und foenlry. P.y con-ent Mr. Linday intrttduced .1 bill lor I be relief of the low II ol Iteid v ille: referretl to couiinil tee on linance. 1 II r. I'.V I..VN lhli KK.Hl'MHi. FIRST STEP TO HAWAII. The Henat Aulhorlin Ihr Prrlitt lo f'onl rurt fur lh W . k - V '.! I. Will o-1 n.Oml.lNMJ -lh o.l Sr THnl t.o erniuent Telegraph I., n . Washington, Keti. Ily the .W aive vote of 2n to 2.".. the Senat Vo.'ed day to inaugurate I lie prj- t t.f lay K a cable from the Pacific coai to Hawaii. An ameiidment to tbetliph matic and consular appropriation bill was made, hing $."o.(ni for bejfin ninjr wt.rk on the catde, and authoriz ing the President to contract for the entire work, estimated to co-t ;t,oo0.. !hhi. Thi- w'as the t!r practical result coming from the iniermittent Ha waiian debate, latiur more than a year, and renewed with intensity the last week in connection with the proposed cable. The debate of the last few days has shown that the lines of division were practically the same as those heretofore ex- III I. I.H A M KIKOl.l llt.NS. istinjf on all issues oer Hawaii; ' the Kepublicaii .-enators urinf closer 'relations by cable antl ult iiuately by I II II ll4iVQt lltl !( Illl I kultll Pflf tl k f mi ii' An iwii .i in 'n"iti iiui oi 171, House lull. ;;i. Senate bill, bill tt perfect the probating of certain leeils hertofon acknowledged and registered: sent to committee on judi- iary . Ji:, Senate bill.hili lo amend section I l:i of t he 'mle i n relat ion to the sale ioisoii. Prohibits t he sale to a minor intler II years. And one making a false repn sentat ion to obtain any poison enumerated, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by tine not to exceed $50 or imprisonment not ex- feed in if tlnrtv tlavs. Add sn-iilu a I heroll.ivviiiK b.lls were presentetl, , j as a .M,is-I10lIS (lr imssei ; as a rule, contending against the . able second antl thir i readings. i ,,r " mangling alliances, w iin 211, senate bill, to authorize the loan I Hawaii. P.ut this party division I, a. I of a sum, not to exceed $1(,KHI, from ! ''ahle exceptions during the day ami Direct tax funtl. for the conn. letion of ; was emphasized in the final vote. the Confederate monument, now going j which was as follows : ip in Capitol square, under the man agement t.f the Ladies' Confederate Alonumetit Association. Mr. Moody, of Haywood, explained the bill as simply a loan anil made a strong argument in support of the bill. Mr. Hoover opposed the bill. He fa vored a tlisposit ion of the surplus of the direct tax fund now remaining 4n t he t reus ii ry to pensioning the living helpless ami crippled Confederate sol diers, or to be used for public school purposes. Mr Fortune opposed the bill and fa vored the use of the money forsclnol purposes. Mr. Attains moved to make this hill a special order for Tuesday, February 12. lsi)5. The motion prevailed antl the lull was made a special or.ler for that j lay at 12 o'clock m. j Senate bill 2I!, bill to incorporate i The Ketreat at Charlotte, N. ('., a bos- nital for the treatment of nervous ills, j e :n s, under the leral incorporation vvs of the State; passed second and I bird readings. Adjouriictttill Monday at 11 o'clock a. m. o s i tDifi 04aWltk )u WU n HMrll WatW tiwp. H. ..!,.. Feb. Vr f t Ur rt' dci- trm-r La '.aw,jrie i rmjrrl ' .tiirtit tor frt.na rirli truil Ltrh uiike. it app.-rt. r at tbia port. Tt- er. .UitM. birh nibr 1, t no verdti-. and it i ugg-t-d that be w-uUJ irw tl,- lin- of the miratns 'ea'i.er. l;e may bae 1 .a t ,n. "gif in tt.w. Other Mraiiier, wtdeb are e -pc fed here tomorrow .and it it tlnMight may bring new of La acogiie, arr the K'dpino from Hull, of the nder- -n Line; the t. Kooaris from London, of the Form?. Line; i tie ai fi ts irom LivrjMMd, of the Warren Line; Ihr L.M'l.iei from pr,irrei.o. Met., and the H'disia. of the Johnston Line. iron. Hamburg. MV 11 A K lHOiH'. Hi hmimm. Feb. '.. It ha n ; tle.liirb! here that the .?eamhip La" in-coj:iie, now overdue at New Sori., iron. Havre, u.il.t have heen .Iriven this way after a breakdown of her ma- ' cbioerv and a 'iarp lookout ha tK-en i kept for br. but no t id 1 1 1 as vet. A report this afternoon said that nothing bad oeen seen ol her and all Veels irriv illg here reported the saiue. All j the arrival here report that they en- ; countered very bad w eat her at sea. II M Y HK 1 II K -II .AM Ml. FolilsMol III, X. IL. Feb. '.. This ' afternoon Catt. Haniing, of Jerry V , Point, apt. Willis of the W illi Sand, and ( apt. Kemick, of the live Heachj THE HAND OF THE STORH. The Riven Blocking Navi gationStopping Trains. ; i a it. hool read by their title anil referretl to com mittees: Mtfwborne, bill to incor. orate the t arolina Christian College; referretl to committee on corporations. Herbert, hill to restore Mitchell .county to the Ninth judicial district : referr! to judiciary committee. Sanders, bill to prohibit the sale of cigarette at Wake Forest College; re ferred to Judiciary committee. Farthing, bill to repeal chapter 121, Jaws of IH;:, in relation to appropria tions; referretl to commit tee on linance. Marshall, bill to incorporate the Pilot Hanking and Trust Company ol pilot Mountain; referretl to committee .on banking antl currency. . Xorris, bill to incorporate the Kast ierii Carolina Christian Conference; re ferretl to committee on eorporati -ns. ,eives of absence were granted to Henntor Starbuck, Imvvil. Cook, While f Alamanrt', Samlcrs, and Mercer. TIIK, cl.K.N . . Jt 171. .senate buJ, to retiuire si teachers to be examined. This bill abolihes the statute which ir!rf X-t'XiWftTtrM .Jr-litiX.Khoro X.-rmal schotd, ( 'ullowhee school, ami .asrrrrfiil schoo I ttie riirht ft teach for three years without being examined by county superintendents. The bill paned ita lird reatling. jtil. bullae bill; ill'., aeuale bill. t. amend the .diarter tr the town of P.ili inore, liuneombe county; passed its third reading. 'ii. senate bill, substitute tor the orig inal bill to establish a criminal circuit composed of the counties of Hiincombe. Haywood, Henderson, and Ma'i on: passed its second .and third readings. 204, senate bill, bill to establish the dividing line separating 4Iamance antl (CbaXhani counties; passed secoml and third r fadings. 205, sfi?!t bill, bill to incorporate the town of Burnsville, Yancey A-ounty; passed second and third on ill 1 1 os 2(Mi, senate bill, bill to amend chap ter 301, laws 1SU3, relating to the ob struction of streams in Moore county : oassed second and third readings. ;& senate bill, bill to amend chapter ;W,law of 18VW, concerning the sell ing ofliquor in the town of Shelby. Cleveland county; passed second and third readings. 221, aenate bill, bill to repeal chap ter 08. laws of 1SS7, charter of the town ofWhittierin Swain county; passed o.wl third read in lis. 207, senate bill, bill in relation Jo he appropriation to University ; tabled. Mr. Westmoreland introduced the following restdution : .. Wiifreasi, We, as senators elected by our respective distrirts to transa. t such business as may come upon us, do fully agree that it is our duty to give our time and talents to that end; and WltKRK.iS, information conic i IIOTSK. The House met at 10 ti'clock a. in., Mr. Lusk,of Buncombe, in life chair, and was opened with prayer by Hev. J.S, Woodard, mber from Swain. The weatlu-r was bitter cold and many member were absent from their seats. Alter the reatling of the journal had proceeded some time, Mr. Sutton mov ed to dispense with further reading. Mr. Peebles said: "I object; and up on that motion 1 demand the yeas and nays." " The motion was w it htliawn, and the reatling of the journal was completed at Id :27. I'K. I I 1 I..NS AN I KKS.M.l I IONS. Only one petition was presented, antl that bv Mr. Harrelson, from citi zens of Koyal township, Columbus county. r.El'OKTS OF STANDING CtlM MITT EES. Messrs. Wooten, Bean, Bagwell and Ellis reported on several local bills which had been referred to the com miteee on corporations. Among them bills lo prohibit the sale of liquor at that one of our members has .been on trirt m Hill church in Caldwell county and a church in Mitchell county and Introld church in Sampson county. Messrs. Robinson, Ilunter.Btichanan, Cox, Winborne, Duffy, Smith, of tlate: ; Henderson ami TayU-r reportetl on bills that had boen referred to the ju diciary committee. majority and minority report were mnoe on the bill to place Mitchell county in the Xi nth congressional dis- Yeas Aldrich, Allison, Burrows, Butler, 'all, Carey, Chandler, Clark, Culloui, Davis, Dubois, Frye, tiorman, Hale, Hansborough. Hawley, Higgins, Hill, Hoar, Kyle, Lodge, .Manderson, Mitchell, tif Oregon; Morgan, Morrill, Petl'er, l'erkins, Proctor, l'latt, Sher man, Squ ire, Stewart, Teller, Washburn White anil W alcott :$i. Nays Burrows, Blackburn, Brice, 'atlery,"Coc,krel, (Jeorge, tiray, Har ris, Hutitoti, Li idsay, Jones of Ar kansas, Mc Laur.n, Martin, Mitchell of Wisconsin, Mu-pliy, Palmer, Pasct., Pettigrew, Itansoin. Ht.ach. Smith, i'urpie, Vest, Vilas ami Walsh 25. The pairs were as follows, the lirst named would have voted for the propo sition : Allen and Bates, McMillan ami Blam hard, Dolpli and Coke, Cameron and (iibstm. Slump antl Pugh. tuay tnd McPherson, Mantle antl Voorhees, iallit ger ami M lis, Wilson and Jor- dou, Jones ot Nevada, antl Daniel, Dixon antl Irby; Pritchard and Faulk- ier. ; Mr. Camden saitl his absence was ac- itlcntal and he would have voted no if present. Mr. Power was present a;nJ did no" vote. Six Democratic senators, Mor g.n, Corman Hill, Butl-r. ('all ant: U'liile voted with the 2 Republican senators, and three Populi.ts, ctin-t.-l t .it ing tin majority tor t he cable. One Republican, Sir. Pell i grew, of South Dakota, voted with the 21 Democrats against t he cable. The diplomatic antl consular ''ill wa then passed and eulogies on the late Senator Stockbridge, of Michigan, closed the day. HOUSE, The Htuse today, in committee of the whole, by a vote of .24 to '.), voted to place their individual clerks on the . , . i ... .i... . ,,r ion aiiiiiiai salary run at me imc oi f,' per month. These clerks hitherto re ceived 100 per month during the ses sion of the House. The annual attempt to strike out the appropriation for the civil service commission was made, but did not as sume a serious phase, and was defeated by a vote of 32 to 20. A joint resolution was passed to ex tent! the time for making income tax returns to April 15. At the opening of 'If session, Mr. Van Voorhees, ot New Y'ork, had read a letter whif h he had mailed to Mr. Creamer, a member of the British Par liament, replying to the latter's charge that he had treated him discourteously before the foreign affairs committee. The remainder of th day after 3 o'clock was devoted to eulogies on the late Representative Wright, or I'eiin sylvania. and a tuif that went to their aitaftc life saving station, sighted dense j w alto toped by t he ice. The Run- siati steamer, Regulti. which left Ro ton Thursday for this city, got stalled at City Island, and four tug were re quired lo bring her to the Atlantic docks in Brookly n. The steamer Salamana. a. from en. -ieuela to South Am hoy, with a cargo t.f asphalt, was ice-bound off Staten Island and forced to remain there. Th ship Fraukiston, from ( bins, on her any tia. wiw tbr '.arm cv u.eDri. I wtif i vtrtl rafl tr f tlx t - ia L.toea lire, a1 trafS t at a iat4till. Htu La. N. IVU. itMr tbr grrml billiard -f I K. 1 1- - - - AlirtttL. 1 rv("vi lra rw j. .. l i n , , m 0 nurj uadtr. VrrrLai I rati tongealmg the Waien Gorging fM4. aui.d.wttj .4 n.u,.in( iraiu llir lair, auk iiirt rnlrJi ba b-rt ttaM( rtilirrl) rut of frvwu utilr oaiiuiuiih at i.-n ftr a I Itr-v Jaya. Knn( il t-"iMttl- t-riai lltr iutuT) tar-tit ilua t. t f.ty b-luta i-rx, and f tie i!aa il a t.4 TWO MEN IN THE BIGOINO. TnlMHUkaM laMwiUM. t Hal llht-iai. Md, lrb. Hr -t- nit of Their ( .i.piii.M lH la ! lwa. uffl. Iirfw i t..ll tf n. ail it.attrr aat IXKliUVft, a Hmw .la4. rrl l-st h. I tr lialtlMMr- and I - T,. Killed I. .ft-uk. A R-r4 mlh,lU m Uu U" 1 .rib t-an. 1 Iv tt r,rru MartlaoO lh. u, I, .Ilk. . . ' la al-u bb-'krU. i.o .iritt. I.ar- it.aJ. Ntw YoMh, Feb. New ork ia highway aud by aa iuiImi, practically ier tM.ui.d. t h t av fr..m ; I""!" tr... o.ar t. la.- i. .. . . ,, , . : Ibua krpt out . ln, x-nUil.f ci the narrow, to andy ll,k 1. al...o.t a ,,,,. o ,tMllM-,lll,. 1 -t.l nl cake of i.e. The upper ha woold . t, naM., 1 1- apiiol ..I Maryland. te 4 bad were it not that a number t ! . iK.i.i.d. A fxi , ,.n . iron. tug are at work breaking Ibfi. e to 1 1 h'rr lUmt ral n,ru rr- ... ir"'n l ml ti in aittinpi. i.. . r permit the pa-ageof craft and small , r-veri. nrr..i, th- io te.imers plying in the North en 1 Kai t timtwriaod. n. the Mr.i.rn part .1 river. Tug are roiitantlv ul work tbt- ."Male. lei. raph thai . -o- clenritura way for ttie Mateii lfand Xer !.- ao.l uii.r mii,.-. at. taM ferryboat. in a an.iw drill' on t be Ib.t irgioia The tug, were at work all day break Central road at Black ak l..t... ing the ice in the F.rie Basin; '! w-! parnger gtraiu wbi.b bit t.io.l-r itoat of the Lehigh Valley were ftall j land yrsier. lav f i, rii-.:i t..r Llku.. u.l if. ( .... L'.t f..m ... I 1 . . . ....... ,.r .... . i... o,r, MWrlllicill'IWtil an. I Ihr i-irr Wrre brought b.t. k. Four rl.jflUe lit ANOTHER EXTRAVAGANCE In tie Tut cf lit Rtkrurl TrtuurT--Nfi.Ij Haifa M:l!;cn ;i Sprtl. CLERKS WHO DONT CIXEK. . a w cloud ol llioKe Well oil hasteru Puck I -laud, 't hey later maile out a bitr teamer, heading westwartl, making heavy work antl moving slow ly. 'J'bey wat.-hetl her until nightfall without being able to make her out, Iwyontt ev i tleiitly being a foreigner. OK I'Kltlltl'S I HIS I IIKK. Fikk Islam.. . Y., Feb. H. '. p. in. A steamer is reportetl '.is miles east of here. She seemed to be going alotltr at the usual speed ami should be ott Fire Island about 11 p. m. The w ind is blowing strongly from the west, and the weather is thick till shore. INCOMIHO KTKAMKRS T SKI: HER. I'iiii.airi.'iiiv, Feb.il. The Red Star line steamer Switzerland, ' apt. l)exred, from Antwerp, with ninety passengers, arrived here today Her o tti cent declared that the storm which they passed wa the worst they ever encountered. A rood lookout was kept throughout the entire v -yaire, but nuthiiir was seen of the missing French lii.er. La ast;o;ne. The Switzerland was covered with ice. Pilot Bennett, who brou;ht her up. was almost frozen stiff, having l)t'en on the bridge forty-ei;lit hours. THIS HIVI S NO imi t . Sanpy Hook, Feb. IL-.n r. m. A steamer is pa.in from t'le south She showed no signals. Having iiade no signals, .t is naturally suj.iKised thnl she is not the tiascogne. as her ( Hpt lin Would siu'lial on ! to extricate the liahle Iran. .....I.t n..t budjfe, and lour nu.rr went ...it tin int. ruing and are al.. tu. k fat. i Pmilai.i i i iiu, r eh. .. brt-- train ' are fnt in a drill 1 m-t v e 1 1 Aiooro ao.l j Walerford. 1 he Ptiilidelpbia mail j train ha tieeti lyinjr in a drift ai Hater ford lati.n ain.e 5 .. I.m k yr- lenlay allerniMUi. An riprm trail. 3 r - .1... i. : . : ... . .? way to BrtHiklyn, bad t. In- t.iwetl to j ;'",rr ' an.e ,.r,,. Staten Island, where she anchored foi "". Vugrrn .rr Udi.g fi the night. ' r,'denli the iieicblM.rb.MMl. TI.e Poltiiiiiar HI.M-ked UHh Ic. W asiiim;io., Feb. The intensely cold weather continues here, hut today its severity was somewhat m.Mlifled by Hie sunshine. 1 he thermometer at the W4sniN.n0. Feb. The II...,-. eat her Bureau at ft o'clock this morn- ) Waya and mean . ..inmittee t.-.k o, ing was degrees alnive zero. Theju,,. presi t. i.f iia bIMt ,e-g. i.i...li,.lioii a-.. I !... .... ..at .. ' II 1 . . - ..-u. w.f.M ...at me .imr w 1 1 1 I . J,e elld .d a lotiir ,l..ii I.mI.i si.uny warmer it.r in. aIM, .,, , ; t t-r-n e ..f I m tatiiit . 11 1 THE BOND MESSAGE. t'nil.r 'MllrrM I O.M I'y I ! v VA n.l Hmi l'in...illtr - t--aMloM Hawk. be fair and next 'it hours Navigation on the Potomac river for about " miles down is practically at an end, even for the big stenmers thai ply bet ween this city and Norfolk. Ya. For about fouty miles between Alex andria. Ya., and Maryland Point, the ice is gorgetl in the channel to th. height of Irom 10 to '-'O feet. It took the steamer Washington two hour t. j penetrate the ma going down to or- -.1 . . aecouiu 01 Knowing auxiei v litusl exist as 10 .he safety to his yeasel amsseiu m. , T',e Htt,Ht xrfo,k whil.,, rixrfl v. Ho,M . l-,he.l t. K.rlh. , ornil? h;lJ Sll.lw of j.-,. N kw t.iiK, Y eh. 10. pip. in. Hopes ,er u,,per deck, and had a hard tin., Sbat the White Mar? line sltamer ,.hiiir thn.u.j-li .r,,r . , f- - 1 - - - - r - I lie running of the steamers Wash- A STtAMER AFIR Z T ,w,,.a,on. under the inlluence of Intoxicate liq"r to that extent that his seaf has been vacant ftr many dayspatid his constituents thereby deppifed or proper representation wniebby law and justice they should have; therefore be it Kk.soi.vep, mat a y tbree shall be appointed to ivwtiga e Much conduct, and if t ey hnd thv truth as set f. rth, shall preter "barges in a legal manner against said member and cause him to be iroper J dealt with according f. kw "to the end that justice may be doi to hi- eonstltuents, and that such Surt shall not reflect upon this honorable btMly. (The oarty complain ed of ia not a Populist.) ri.i committee on enrolled bills sub mit ed T report that the following bill were properly enrolled and signed t,v the rtDeaker of the House, and were ratified 1 by the President of the Sen. "'ji'illto extend the time for collecting J"" . ' ..f r.Tua hill to a low a pe- a aaiitn aia wwi m iat i v - - - i. . sotroti. iienuersoii n -u Smith reported on bills to regulate the forwarding of freight by railroads; to allow the Southern railroad to change their line in Polk county without ad ditional taxation. Mr. Burnham reported the engross ment of bills and 802, to establish a convict system lor v ukcs, .umn and Swain counties and to regulate cotton-weighing in Salisbury. Bill 500, in relation to railroads giv-ijio- free passes, was reported on unfa vorably by Mr. Henderson from com mittee on railroads and railroad commission. lK'TKfinrCTIOX OF BILKS A Rough Experience With R "1 Hot Decks aud Mountainout Sea. Halifax, S., Feb. 9. The British steamer City of Wakefivld, Captain Brabyt, from Calveston, July 20, via v..uL oort Xews. January 20, for Ham burg, with a cargo of cotton oil cake and linseed meal in bags, put in here this morning with fire in the hold and damaged about the decks. The fire was first discovered Monday morning 500 miles southeast of Halifax in No. 2 hold. The decks became red hot. Jets ol steam were introduced through the hatch cover and through the stoke hold bulkhead. She was headed lor Halifax. wouitt nrjng ."inTf news oi the over due French liflUT La tJascogne, were lashed to earth when the officers of the Teutonic reportetl that they had ieii her sec a tior heard of the missing -hip. 0 Twins lil.x ked by .-.now. WasuIXg ion, Feb. 0. The high uow drifts have caused freipient blockades on the Pennsylvania lines running into the city and several hun dred laborers are at work between here ind Alexandria, Va., a stretch of track along five miles of low lands. Between Alexandria and St. Asaph Junction train No. 7 the through southern ex press, is froen in fat. It was tlue here at. 11:10 o'clock Thurs day night. The first north-bound r lorida special to reach here Mnce Thursday, a rived at S:lo p. m. many hours late. The Sea Board Line train arrived at 4 o'clock this afternoon six hours late. The Florida special, sched uled to leave at 10 :47 p. in. Thursday night, left soon after noon today. The Southern train, which left the city at 10:43 last night, was annulled on ac count of a snow blot kade north t.f lan- ville. The Commercial Traveller In It. Washington, Feb. H. The President has approved the following acts: To amend section 22 t.f the interstate commerce act, permitting the issue of "i.OOO-mi'e tickets and the carriage of additional baggage (the bill favored by the Commercial Travellers associa tion ). To regulate navigation on the great lakes and connecting rivers; for the relief of Mrs. Kat fieri tie Todd Critten den, widow of Major-General Critten den: to print additional copies of de cisions t.f the Interior Department re lating to public lands antl pensions. lie siiM-nded opinion made itself maiiif. ! imii.f diatel . I hat the htiines wa po-tMine.l until :; dock Monday. Mr. By num. Demo crat, of I iitliana. pr..poed a re.oh. Init io amend the act of l7." l make it an thoriiu the i-ue.f bond iM-arinu in terest at the rate not t ev.-i.-d .1 per t " Payable ill dd colli. hairma i Wil.n pr.-M. d a r- ..In lion less .veepilig ill it pm-..m I., up. ply filly lo I be .-out eir.pl.lted . Allied W'.'l I tie llhje I of the III. - age,and lo eiiijM.wer I be s- rflry l tf I he Trenury I.t make lb. in payable in iro'd coin. The H.-p ihli. an .piii kly aim. u .. their opKi ion lo Ix.t h pUu. Mr. !. aid: "I do not believe in Imitov ington and Norfolk will I . a uiuii ue cuauiiei o,mmi. !ingK..ld bv la.mU pav abb-all. r t l.trl No boat are running in the fbesa- I ,,.Hrs ,:,, , ....nii,,. . -,.r. peake bay, those trom Baltimore hax'- inr f , ,lt. ra.ry we .re to bav ing lN-en compelled to stop. . a Hir,,,l j,,,,,,. Ir,.:i.lir MM,n !..Ute In Srw Ku(U.l. w a tb-V eloe-d by I be brief d i-u- hath am, ai ass., reo. v. l ne ct.ai ! nni i i.ai iii .mv n.e Kepui.ii. o-. but Messrs. Br an. W hitilit;, b--b r and McM illan. of the Dein.M rat, in opposed to t he plan for tx.lld lo Ite (.ayable by stipulation in gold. Mr. Turner. ( Iem. .a. i made a m'l. u make t he tneaire a Mrial t.rtler for the time tiamed. w bicb wa carried. THE VICTORIOUS JAPS. in the vicinity of this port presented a desolate appearance at sunset to-night. A great mass of ice lines the shores for miles and it is almost impossible to launch a boat. An unknown twt masted schooner anchored near Bish op's light this atternooti, but at 3 o'clock a large body of moving ice went down upon the vessel causing her anchor chains to part. 1 he schooner set signals of distress in the Tiny Hit ai.k Thnw f hiaw iiiw rigging, but the Chatham life-avinjr CartHrriaitiraiaaii. station was unable to reach her with a Wamiinotom. Feb. .. The e. reiarv boat tm account of t lie. ice. At dark of the navv has received the following she was drifting helplessly in the di- from Admiral Cr-nterf dated b.-, rectioii of Handkerchief shoals. j r'oo. Fel.ruarv 7: Rotnuke'a Worm Sfwll. j - The .lpaliee hive taken Mreio. KoASt.KK, Va, Feb. ". The weather ! W';!i,j;i"M Vi "' hr.-e vr.--U itt still very cold here, notwithstanding ' Vf . ""r ',,,k - ttie mercurv went up nearly 2T. degrees i ,a . r. ru'rl-'-- I f barlr-i..i. ttnlay. The thermometer now Maud i ,oda u'r ,,M Pn"-- a..itiiik' II above. The south-M,und vestibule. ! d'"-e-d per..ns at Tung how. Norfolk and Western train. lias not passed through Koanoke for forty-! eight hours. The street t ars Wgan run- Af.,IlttK ,,... ..r rM ... Iling ai i tmii, utmK uee , ueu up n, Trlt IK,,Ur.. snow and the intense cold weather for ! the past few days. There Is consider-, .Ta( KstiNVll.l.i;, Fla., Feb. !. The able ttamage done throughout the city i fre-.irjg weath r cntinaa. Thr by water and steam pipes bursting, ; mercury a I!l Kt aunrise ihi- . a a . a ami ttie wearner n nen me -everesi ; morning and Z at II o'clock. Tb sjiell ever exper.enceti in mis section j Dn.Ji(.tion of thf weather lo.re.n ,. that freezing weather will continue n4ni ii.ii.m - ai. 4 tt..Ut r r t 14 lu k t . Ma W aMi..:..k. H. Ot F,b J Ttm Ju.it .ttt'o b S' tJ l-.tJ t-ri Mji t' r, d rtatrxl I) Itntiab rU latura. mm ul rd today tt tk D.I nwlliomnnltrr. tu u taaa tak u n l I Im irprri..i la PlChl t.a t.. miltrf t O'tT. otl brt Tt. ' rvbt" th rotti lull trr-. athn mill Im out of m job afirr Mint. 4 h. tatuf ti rb tur. t'bairu.au W.lM.a a4 t Ijigtit that tbf r.auuittr ta til 1 tw lTt m tr-M.lutjoO in I. n iti tka I'lt idrtit' !.-.. tueida.-a. I ! "be "ru kM." a.r trotif ! Holiday. V il.nV Lut r-a! irr.J. 1 uioral gruf trgar.l Xt.f luage aa ' t.u l. ot. . hraptaay, bya)..t pull 1 1 tf b r -. ail il.T) tu Cng ra !S ra y It lr flr.tiNty atd -bl da lioilfier- th l'r-ld-Qt. Uitba bankmpt 1rrury aarirar ;t lli the fare, I be IJoum ttnlay av I ropti.it d half a tat luu doiiara for ltk but- during tUf varatioa f t'.Lgr-. Krpre.rotativra ar -iltbd, UL.Ier raialiriaT law. to iapiy rl. tirai i.'Qrr at liaj au..ntb dur.ba ' M-Ma .f I'uukiim. Tb a. ti- ti ..f tb. llouiM tuday atitbwr- f the mploy mr-tit of rlv ka .y the . atl the a nit ttiMiruaaliuu. It a (ui vl. tit to a irifl of tltal pmt UMitiili t- :Hai iif . ika aUn C.a- la Ii.. m !.. n. It ti.akea a IfTeieie. of tuatly half a n.illi..a 1'PI- III public 4 M-tidilura It la ! pin e i p.y f..r 1-iun ratir p im. lllhr-.li trv-l ia - lu i lately t-.N kadd. A l.oak i M.it, t.tu tllti- lottioriota on ibt-Noul rib Itil ay atd Kal.-td ir Kiu-. but rttr"ed ttbeial a tl at t ia c ly a Hi.ailuli.y Ao.-iiif tie ti..-tH.und North - I'tudii ti ti ber vim ri o jr 'Liver itli .ld i.u (fiiplaui f tiie Haaa- mI p-i.r, are 'A M -! mn '. L I. I'd. y, . f lfh P. it. ; C. X. l .f lit-, ii.b- in, nn! J. J4, " e, .f s to A ttiaa ltirt. aoru- tituw to u.oi roar. Tb- '.t. u ni ia ;r.xeu tr.-m b lo .hot-, at.d fol o:t g tic tl an ia tLe appi L ltlMa ' f iiatua t'--. Mm.V !.'Ii f iii rai d an.1 a'ar vi.ti at trp rt d in the city tbia f'-ri.Hn. TL a tuaiit.n im appall ing. J It. II. FRGM THE UNIVERSITY. t v. THE FREEZE IN FLORIDA. i iM r Th following new - . . . . number 51 were then introuueeu . i . d hich nad been blowing l. McKenzie, to amend section j the gout, Wi,rked arund to 871 of the Code; judiciary. i . northwestand developed hurricane OH'. French, to amenu setiion Mountainous seas swept fore the Code; judiciary. . ' and aft for forty-eight hours. A deck ?5, French, to incorporate Masonic ggo ced , broke adrift and 'p...r.t eornoration: corporations. ... u .i.,uKn..t thprfk. The ii...K.v x , Orient U1U HlUCll uaumft - 634, French, to incorporate r,ent , bridre adder was swept away, her Lodge of Masons; corporation guard rails twisted, her steam pipe 635. French, to pay certain colored 6 ,. ul her hatcn tar. . ... .....! ThP flrn e-ained headway that day, but bills ivacninSw " . th - t d when "til UIIUCl vva-a - - county ' bill to extend charter of the IlirrKon, Franklin and South Atlan c luXad Company; bill to j allow bar tv to tax; bm to printing and binaing, i - THE CALKNDAK RESl'MKD. senate bill, to amend chapter 55, -prWatelawn of 188t relating to the Tharterof the to Mi of Spring Hope, Vash county, extending the corporate limits io a to include its cemetery; oaatfed its seconu a.." 22H. aeoate bill, to amend section 2017 Work of the Flame. WiNsiPKu, Manitoba, Feb. 9. A Morden special says : 1. Kilgore's dry goods store, ti. V. McLaren's tlrug store, Sparling's grocery store. Forest's jewelry store, Heiman & Co.'s liipior store, and the ( t.mmercial hotel have been burned, and desperate efforts are being made to save the remainder of the business section. Losses and ori gin of the fire are unknown at present. un'il Sunday night. of the State. Mopl Fartorlaa at Danvllla. r . .... 1 I 1, .j '.' 1 ... I v ii.i.r:, n., rro. n. iiie weaiii- ti, i a l. . '.?.. i ... I 1 he Wat informed or&nee irrower , er lias iieti. ...ooera. i uKiiere since iasi , , t ...Mat ix.i. r.. :.'. i iuikiki iurii n , iiarria. tii i mia iu. jroar vinofjg Citra, aaya that nmety-fiv p.r ..ot. he ktudent, profeuora ol alumni. night. The sun shone brightly to-day and there was a little thawing. There ,... l ..r l4..U( ata.iHm . M. '. A. HIMlg. -. ial i ... rr.nl-iMr lo t aiM-aaiao IIAMI III I I, IVIi. IjmI fall a c inimittef an )'p.int--.1 hy the College V. M. ". A. Uicou ider thr advivabilttj of enlearinf o isur- a loiI.i'ng. It a-tii l-t Ut delay action until af-r th- Var jii mefiiiia. which ha lalrr-ady ln-rn rrng-l. S fiitctaaf u me ihir pe-tiny it tikknit g tLe rrliioua -eiitiment f the College mrnunit y hat nuh a Un now ay-inn ft alible. At the reift-Ur buainM nirv-tin; of ltie A ( iatioti laat TueasJaf night, th-i- mii.ittte rejKirted in fafor of i-gimi?iga cauraaa at one-. hich ree rt Kt tifiaiiilji ij' ayi(J. I be C'lKinitt liotitr to taia at have been no northern mails here since ! f th crop is killed, and that rjeit j nch a Luilding it grt-ativ u-ejl at Thursday night. The tobacco bui- j year' crop will not r-aeh KXMNjtl thia Coivr-rritT VtnraVt.t i,. 1 ir;iowd moved to lay the b, II on lhe Uble; the motion to table pre- " i ;enate bill, to require boards of out tv commissioners to let by con X tto the lowest bidder among the tra,t rented in their counties, im,!! t .metiers; education. 636, Henderson, to change section 212 of the Code; judiciary. 637, Henderson, to change section 740. of the Code; judiciary. 638, Henderson, to extend the time to organize the Wilkes County Bank; banks and banking. 639, Ray, to amenti secuoi. Code in regard to protecting u.., interests. nf tun. Yates, to aut norize . - Richmond county to levy a special tax, "Walker, resolutions protesting against the financial policy of the National Government; federal rela- U 642 Turner, to put a maimed soldier of Mitchell county, on the pension list, Pe"43,"honias, to authorize the com missioners of Jackson county to levy a special u f t p. 644, Robinson, for the reliefofg:Lgj; Oontimied on fourth page. , iriiar paulines cnaieu on. ........... Uenningway was injured by rolling logs. Seas flooded the cabin and fore castle and engineer's berths. The water went down into the hold. Meanwhile the lire spread forward among the cotton. The hurricane con- tinued up to vveunesuay uigui. iimij tons of coal on the deck was washed ott' Communication fore and aft was very dangerous. A seaman named Coil refused duty and inci ed others to mutiny. He was placed in iron. The carpenter and boatswain were c.. ! ne-irlvsil ffocated in their berths bv gas penetrating the forecastle from the burning cotton. The City of Wake field is docked, but will shortly haul into the stream. She has not yet been opened and steam jets are still playing into her hold. The Weather Today. Washington. Feb. 9.-The weather indica tions for North and South Carol ma for today are- Fair and warmer; northwest winds. TICKINGS FROM THE WIRE. Flasaai f Mini from all 0ar the World. Petersburg. Va., Feb. 9. F.x-Mavor T. J. Jarratt died uddenlv last night. He was years old. For many years l e was a prorai net merchant and for six vears, from to 1X91, he was collector of cu toms at this port. Washington, Feb. 9. The United steam ship Bennington has arrived at Acapulco, Mexico. Admiral Meade, with the North Atlantic squadron, has sailed from St. Thomas for Santa Cruz. The Monterey has arrived at Mare Island. Sandy Hook, N. J..Feb. 9.-8:25 p.m. The Hainbunr-Amencan line steamship. Pattria. which passed out qnarantine at 5:52 this afternoon, bound for Hamburg, is ae round or disabled near Palestine Shoal. She dis plays the signal lights, "vessel not under control " A Postmaater Absruu.t'. Washisgton, Feb. 9. The Postoffice De partment was notified today that ht post master at Tarpon Springe, Fla., had ab sconded. The money order books of the office have not been written up since hvt fall and a considerable shortage is indicated. Postoffice Inspector Tate, of the Chattanooga uiviaioii, ia iunmiig an investigation. ; . On Hundred and Four Yaara Old. Savannah. Feb. 9. Miss Mary Mclntire, probably the oldest woman in Georgia, died at the home of the Little ?isters of the Poor today. She was lOt years old, and to a month ago had full possession of her facul ties. She came to Savannah seventy-fire years ago. ness, Danville's leading industry, has ! boxes agaiuat been at a stanu-stm on account ot trie ; harsh weather. No leaf tobacco is be-! ing marketed and the factories are i idle. six Maa Luat OAT Loaf I aland. Eastport, I. I Feb. 9. All of the! crew of eight of the unknown three- ! masted schooner ashore near Lone Hill : Life-saving station are lost except twin men, who are still in the rigging. On ; account of the high sea running the! surf boats of the life-saving crew can- j not be launched, and there seems to be j no hoiie for the two men. They hail . bold of the shot line that bad been i i.UW.IMJ boxes year. TV. 4. A.rlv l- ro l.l . . I. . . .a'"l,'-'.Mv--riiirB, i . . - stra-t.-rrv r.r. an. I f..., ! ! 'XkalOtia reOffit K.l I'AII b the pine apple plants are d-at roved. hHd; no Vmrt! uiUMe for rehioua laat tm f.lar. a-KM .....I i - - iiuurnn can theentir. KVh'" " - Pt,; no pW The atrererate lona tively estimated at t n lars. ! eonaerva- njillion dol- The C KILLED HIS WIFE. avr a Jealoaa Na.kaad. Maajr Varda and Mvrd- r Danville, Va.t Feb. U - Jacob Modlin. who kepa m small irrcerv sent aboard, but were unable tti haul it store in Nealis, went home a'xiut in" a . t a w. 10:.0ttnight in a fit of j-alouay fterrlealee Boaad la Mirhlg-an. , . j l:h. it; - r . c- w 'n. . ; shot and killed hia wife, Jeaaie FbV LmiNiiTON, Mich Feb. . The tug . f,wli; 1. . i , . Thompson and steamer F. & I. M i i i r i D1M accnaed herC No. 4. which started out to relieve the j 'nelity, and two week, ago bonfcrht imprisoned car ferries of Manistee, i a Ptol. and showing it to hit wife were forced ing owing to man. of No. 1, came ashore over the ice made up; ad while eating aipper at jnanistee tooay. lie says me coal j the quarrel broke out afresh and supjdy of his steamer is completely ex- j ModUn fired three ahots. twoof which hausted, but there i, enough lumber on ook tffect aodor fchoBlder hUdl) board to enable the .engineer to keepTTi. j- j things warm. Only one boi er i being! 'V ,,man dl"d n, minute, fired. The steamer is safe ani tlitwe i Mnllin wav ArrestciU. - now in jail on board are comfortable. -mtfa, Hible claaaeA. committer me-tii iri f n other phaaeeof the Aa nciation work. Such a building will gite dignity to the work of tbr V. M. C. A. and inctvat iu porer for good mar y fold. A BANKER SHQT AT R a Maa U. Crtrnart Ma. n R. faafaV Maa aWak I. .a Cla.ka- Pa FKAK41K-0. Feb it W.tli.m DoUavrdf a awalator. ahot at L W. net! pre,ld-nt of the Neravta m, iauai 'wgua lot laifa avaa car lerries ui jaaiusiee. 7 . " ' "" j .-a . to abandon the undertak- threatened her life. T-niirht when rCaltfotrua atrt. aear i heavy ice. apt-Acker-; he went hom they qaarelled, then i I9 areoue-. The shot did not cum a no ine man tten aiuat bima-If in the head, ic flic tin a wound which will probably result fatally. It ia underatood the shoot K.,Waf fa -7 wb. grieTsnce uuuana oaa against Hellmao be- Fralt Traea Killed la Georgia. Atlanta, Oa., Feb. 9. Advices from i Marshallville, in the heart of the! peach belt, are to the effect that the ! I . and has confessed tnat he did the eu ' Tada hank had rafuaed ..hooting. ;o cash eheeka for him. A r.al A S re. Chic Aio, Feb. 9. Tlie fashionable young buds have been killed and that i fiat building at 659, I,a Salle avenue, the growers are uneasy about the cou- I lo ,ire ,.nu afternobn. Several people sequences of tnt' freeze of the rmn. wrre senouaiy nun. Augusta tw- though they are Tiot, yet known t' be serious. A Freh tart la Maw Tark. LtossT. Febl 9. A second bliz zard began at 6 o'clock. this eveniug aud within a couple of hours it was snowing and blowing harder than at torat, maid of Mr. Leopold I'roskauer, was prouaoiy fatal ly injured by jump ing from a second story window, and Mr. Kufus Chapin. an invalid, was in jured while being carried from her apartment. The building was itcu Pd hy about forty families. Lo $25,- Kaw rlvrra A aviated. pABKtkapCkt. W. Va . Pb.i Judge Jackson, in the U. 8. eonrt. has appointed the Hon. WB. A. Obley, of Charletnwnt W. Va.t and Rohrt A. I). Wilhatiks, f Chicaro. receires fcr the Hicks 8io-k Car Co, of ''btcago. under bonds of t tuuuueaeh. Th cauae of the ap pointment of receivers is a suit by R. J. Whitney against th- 8totk Cay Co. concerning patents in use. r lS&&nfoi annual Btatements