Wmlv ,r,l,;n. Mlr VOL. I. no. i;,. MITCHELL BACK TOTHENIHTH And the Eighth District Loses County-Wilmington's City Charter Amended. KALKIGII, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, KKBRlAKY -7, IMC. to be 'all.-.! lioN-Miile t,wtI,ii,. in "7," "'".; -.,unti,.i eitie.,tov.ri. ami township. igtnon, bill to provide a di-p.-n.arv in tl.etowr, of Hickory; corporation.. ..Moody, ,( Ha) wood, resolution in regard t., the .-!.- f ior. of a judge and -oli.-itor for t Ij criminal circuit com-jw.-ed of the counties or Uuncomhe I I !t IV'i .! llu...l.- . . . ' son, anu .Maui-on nominating H. ;. Kwart for judge' Robert S. M, all for solicitor, and Wn, --1 . H -.n a- clerk for the n,nilv 1., , J Pill o". X. was rallt-d to order by the preid-nt. p. tu. KSia a .'ji. SOME MORE RESOLUTIONS In Which M.ttrr r hj.icy t.r.t Ar Mention.. l-Young'.. Kill to ICr hartrr Kalelgh Fall l fn mn t.eril.,K xr. l.i--V rl.u. i,, "uiMlry Matter. M.NAI IK. II OIHV, I I-II IU Alt. 1'MIMXMKIi BI'MNK being the hill to arm-rid the charter of the i iiy ,f Wilmington, N. ('.. the -aine wax taken up and put on it.- second reading. Mr. Ki.e, iM char-.- of the hill, -poke in favor of the hill, eulogizing the h.-inocraf ic party of the dav-nf delfer- -on ami v a-hingtnri.and -anl he thank- 1 there Were a few hnlie.1 Il.-ino. i-jm, ,y. ;" -lll -'ins,'. hilt they w. rc few The-enute wax called to order at ll' Mr. Adams said thix w:,- thefr-t ocI.m k a. in. hy Lieut. (.oernor ir ti n... t .., ... i ...... '.I: Il.tii.rl.r .. ... IM i.ll "l llif I M rltl I I'raver by Rev. Mr. Tut tie. of cm. iral .M. 1.. church, of thin . it The journal of Monday wax partiallj read and, on motion or Mr. Mar-hall further reading wax dispen.rd with. MoilM.Nii u. i-;f..,,. Mtl-e presented ..id uii t t-t of ax follows : Met a-ey , j.et n ion from citiens of Wa-hington county concerning the Mile of Inpior ; propositions and griev-! ances. I Starhin-k, petition against the forma-, tion of anew county of High Point; propo.il ions and grievances. I HKI'KKm JLuM CoMMIIIKKH were submitted, ami I he hill took their , upon the calendar; hy the funeral party had heen preached and he wax glad it came from Mich a preacher ax the di-t ingui-hed senator from New Hanover. He re buked the Senator for hi- language when he wax a representative of a par: v who hail enter. j j. .t.u'nie tMiiiM'--niiuply to grasp upon the nf'ice. of thi- State. He -aid f I. ill Li t a a. tir.. i u.n .i I.lo .f mi ri UM-' kS 1 t .-.IJ 7" UT ill t lit' .1 FlI UIT f 1 1 1 1 I I aging the finances and we don't want to, and we do warn the ollices because we can take them. The hill pas-ed it-second and third reading-. THE ' A l.KN It AH wax taken up and the following btisi-nv-x tran-actfil : I'.ill to amend the charter of tie I HE i UIM'tl. was taken up and the folio a. re-- t rat. -acted : loll to repeal the . f arter of .belli ity and to re- haru-r th on its second reading. -Mr. Adam- submitted t tut all l.abili tiex and d.-bt. owinj; by t he pr.--eflr. corj.ioratioii fball be. .n,-' liabiiii!.-x the new orporat ion. anl all property to,w owned by the c ity -hall te,on eedtoihe riew cor p. ra t i on , a n d all Miitx jwn.jijii,' aaint the pre-ei.t corp.iratii.il hall tn imif mitx atfain-l the prrxent ,,rjM. ration, and all con. tract, nov, in rxi-tence made by th? pre.ent corporation -hall he faithful!) carried out b the new corporation. Some di-cu ion arc.-.- upon the ditSerence of opinion of lawyer a- to 'whether thi- repeal of the pre-cnt ; charter would not invalidate contract made hy th. t-itj ant horii i.-x. The amendtiiet wa. voted down, ami ! on a call of roll t he bill .a--.-il it, ond r.-adii:; acx -j:;, noe- 'A. K Ml --AOK H;ot rill. Ilul-i: OK IU HK x I. M A T 1 V K j tianriiittsnirr sundry billx pa-ed by ithat body a-kirif; ctMicurrein e bv ti e :cn:i!e. Referred to i .ttuuiittex At i'aij J: t. " Ml.l. liil! to amend the charter of the ! tow n of ireen illc, l'ilt count v, on it 1 ecoml reading wa- taken up and i pa-xed ; a e- i;, noe, u. Kill to provide fur a -pe. ial tax col lector in each town. hip in Northamp ton county wa- placed on its sti'ond : read in-. ! Mr. r-haw xent up an amendment to ' im dude IJobc-on county. The ainetid- ment wa-adopted and the hill passed i its several readings ami wa- ordered concurrence j u 12." ard two riatiot t.. !" k law i!i liU!en c.util . i r -' . 5f. t- rej-ai .haptrr law . f ":.i; VZlM. fjnth. (I ;t.. ,Arli'.u'r Ur Hi'U? hill ! 12 to au.end wln.n IW'J of ll.- ' V. Thi i the rai!ro't bSt that wa b'.t and r.O' i a t;Lti!ur for that lot b.il. Mr. "-mud skr-0 that tlie hill !m- pa-ei r'Vrr.il to t be judiciary committee. ! bat n rt 1 - ' upy tbe.atne p...;t:- ti it li : t f.re it w a Jo.t. Mr. Ilender.on m...d that th. bdi l- referred to i be committer- on rail road- ami rsilr ad oTi!i:i i-n. Mr. Turner ii;mxl to lay H e rm. t ion to refer on t be table. Motion .t. I he hill paed it. .-. f.(i readiii' at.d wa referred to the judn !iry cm iiuit tee. Mr. Younf -M.t up a r port frc:i ttie eon.-iin i.-e nj;...it le to iion tru-f. e. of the A. and M. . .dlt--. a resolution that the H.u-e fi'.- elei-t ion of tni-tee- I f th- Color li.lte al.. into t A. and M. co ; .! loll tion t.n . l.-4 I. I Hit I x i j. n on. .'-st.hou-e hill, tabled; -'.x. r - by Mr. r. w-. in regard to r. .1 d fee of all tate ami county per rent, referred to . ..n uof -aiaries and fee-. 171. hoilxe h;I fo Allielot c t l ird reading.. I'.ill to amend the u-ury lav. for the protection of buihtin a i i loan a--o-iia! ion-, w as recomineiided by the ju diciary committee and advocated by Mr. Monroe. M r. .lohn-ton, of Samp-on.ay- it i hix under-landing that thi. bill grants peculiar privileges in buildinir ami loan a-six iat ion-, whirh are ijot jxr.tnt ed to other indivitluats or corporation-: he therefore moved that tie- bill be indefinitely po-t polled. placx upon the calendar; hy ."senators j . , f .,..,..1 ;ts nt to t he House lor Candler, P.lack. Marshall. Met a-ke, i ,ONV " V ,";!,ir,,rt -N;.(- " "s , ., .Iiatl. amendment ,,,ay.IUehell,t,ok,ort.HM.,Star:;-'-, rtadn,tf, ayes -J., noes o. .t-. jat. am. mluutd. Campbell (ippo-ed the motion. MH all ad- b i -k, Uice, Sini n, Merc-r. Ilurlcv. Adams, White of Alexander, l it K t'o vi miii y k in t N;i:ssKH isir.l.s, through M r. Illack, submitted a report of sundry hills properly engrossed. and thev were t ran-initted to the llolixe i Kepre-entative-x rt'iice by that hotly. IIIK COMMiri'KK x km;i.i.ki hii.i.s, through M r. Starhnck, suhmittetl a re port of sundry hills. pa-r'd both branches of t hix (Jeiieral A-xemhly, as properly enrolled, and the President IMVt notice of th" ratification of the following : An act to incorporate Wake Hank ing and Surety company. An act to incorporate tin Columbus Irainagt com piny. An act to amend chapter -77, laws of relat ing to time of holding the Superior courts of Moore county. An act lor the relief of Samuel 1. Austin, .in ex-Confederate soldier. An act to aut hori.e t he commission ers of Montgomery to sell the old jail building in the town of Troy. Joint resolution concerning immigra tion and the investment of capital in North Carolina. An act to regulate the tune tor hold i. Si SI'K IAI. tHtl.KH Hill to re-tore Mitch. Ninth Congressional t he special order for 1 pure oiin ers and employes of insane asylums to work public" roads ; ll county to the ! pa-s-d its second reading, and objee dixtrict being i turn was rai-ed to its third reading. ! o'clock noon,! I'.ill to extend t he corporate limits of M r Mr. Mel lammv and Mr vocated po-t pone ment. The bill after discussion polled indefinitely w a- I' -t- t.d t lU.f rr thi fX.t.rr, rf I iKtrlhc bil'iair.f rd.t' nal In refarxl ' !.- birthday, l be H la! i-d it ifi f?j.lu! iot to aJj'-urn in U i.if -f l.rr . t.eli 11. r x,!,lr !,?-. t.. ufrr J Mr br l.or d.l .rd tt a! oil lr- birthday .-ii ratirday a-'j- crt rt.rf 1 a bad rjr,,.r tJian u-.al. 1! J.m iiia ! tbr fi.i.iii ii .jto.i.d it i n t rr . ordrd ij a uiKlr i,.opr rrp ri. r jirrwist, a'id r d n t t-;i r be made It. UJ.o.V l.kr . u..f--d) ha '.- n Mm i.Tii x' the journal." No M r. -peak, r t bi f lur;r i f !- t. rn ' 1 l.e j.-ori f . i rot 01. 1 v a wrinu refec tion ;i p. 'i the ""p.aWer tt.l llotj. and the priio ipal Icrk f tt Holi-e Vt.o l3e t he :iper vii. n of t!i- journal dire, tly under their, hare. t.ot it i aj:raverct!e.iion nj.ui t he ineinf-rr of thibi). It happet .d that in the tit.a.lvoidah'e nb li- e of tie -peak. r. I -.-upie.l the ch.nroM the day referred to. Iriillie.il. ately aftc-r the prayro(the He. Mr. .of NeW heme, I he i li)irilill ofl committee of el. rolled bill, rrj-.rl-edthe l';tt county Und bill atid a-k..! immediate ono)erat ion t hereon. Mr. Hay , of ,Ma- on, at t.n e obje. ted, stat ing a his rea-ofl therefor, that tin re w is a taeit understanding had amor loj hu.-rf.er. the ilV nr.-. eed 1 fi r I ha that day. it being a le-al holiday. 1 .! tiirt h.lay . 'I he . hair replied that he wa- t'ot m a position to pa-in tacit u nd.-r.t atid mgxt and unb the journal of the day preceding directed an immediate ad journment of the Hoil-e, he Would pTo- , ce-d w it'i t he ord. r of bn-i nes.. The motion to confirm the report of the ommitt. e wa- put and carried. Immediately thereafter I rec.-gnied Young of Wake, who moved an imme dia'e adjournment in bom. r of tie an niversary of the birth of C.ri. II. Y.. I.ee. Th- motion prevailed and the ! House at once adjourned. i Thi-. Mr. Speaker, i- a plain, un- ivarni-hi-d statement of the fa t ax ( Rt AT KIOT III SAAAN a ril..l-l . tmm l - All a Mun.ri ! ta. ciy $8,000,000 E 1 TO SUGAR. 4 t - it . a lie .r,M e ll.ra- to t I to t tr JV, StAU Wlf U Qif tif oi j , .aoo,j;. v v-r h. . w t it ha tfrn.t.ed ! t r rtfr ti hi.' tf.r rrlta:t'U rio It.e rn.r l. te tt i!l l.r J f . r e . f tt r it y . e . ept t he art il ! I.f J . I. a bee h otj di-t ) , I trt-fe Itr Irli infantry r.:r pr.;e ar4 tt '.c-rfta 1 II uar.tf.e latter t-eit'ir .1 ln, m t.te-1 , I be f ty l a l"-n hberali o. arded j with n.ti e, that ct-rrte,: ;a!tcrji i atid t.i ife. Or. r.t--.J a an ea-Miti ' "uM le. ture lere on at I ..ii. ii. , Mrn.'w-r u( IIm- n.iei.t orOrr f, II i'-ernlaiix. a e. rrt atbotu xaiuia i !i"ti, (t eli-r t'W te aklti: Major' My.r rrfu- to jru il l if r-, I rt. t t to.id hi le. ture. "I he petition -aid that If iatter!y wa !luanl ! pek Hi. rr won). dr.or.lrr ar.d ri-t (,ot .' lr,ed t he Mr(itUt1. W beli It vv. pr.-xer.ted to the niter by a UlUI. litre of tWelte atlx- McK:rlej Ikzzlj U tit A LAE0R COMMirvSION 'o . 111. hiding the pfrn lent. two d.vl.loli. of the . l. II tr t oe corpora: i.n attorney I. ine efle. t ttiat a mavor he bad no imrr to at.ridge the right of free pe, Ii guar- j " ad alinf tf. p) meat e im tfMi Bvm. a W rMMiM t a-siw- tiM-la. aalue a-Mi I lt1K. w uHitotiK, I b. X-- Tf !Wai fur tMUr Jay w It. t4rj rtttl b!i with. Hit r. n.p;til t It St4 lttwt taiit.r up the ital -4nt .nrnlf nr.ao.ial lejj i.lat in. lb liaprtafl featJira tlrf,, a . , m j mw t-.(. ritj uri!tn. reaultiria; in lb a .x.. to ailietK I sc't'Son :;7b.dth- .,le.! "- occurred, and no memher on thi ... i i. . i. . ... I ... i ii.-.,.. .. -O a- to reduce the fees of notary pi.'i- tloor, be h" I'einocrat, wax taken up on it second reading. Mr. W hite, of Alexander, suhmittetl ' I - - . - I 1.1.... t . ! t for concur- an ainenumeni, proviueu mis act snail ; ' not go into effect until it -hall be rati- i lied by the people of Mitt hell county : at an election to be called in October, , Ix'.C); lost. I Mr. Marshall sent up an amendment to provide for Surry county to be trans ferred to .".th Congressional district: ruled out of order. The hill was vigorously opposed by Senators White, of Alexander, Mar shall and Fort une. The supporters of the hill were: Senators Black, Moody of Haywood. Farthing, Mewborne ami Candler. The bill passed its second reading ayes l'.t, iuk's 7. and went to a third read i n g and passed. t' A LK N 1 A K KK-lMKn. Kesolutiom. to authorize State Treas i urer to pay 'ii7."-,-", actual expenses of !the sub-committee on privileges and election, which visited Fdgecombe i county in :v contested election case, I passed secotitl and third readings. 1 1 1 t..r..ite : new t OW lislli l t O be nor ctuirts ot uinberlami .. ..... .,. Klax tovvnshin. in Macon count v. passed its several readings and TiTl--".rTjug-Bg " n act to protect tish in er.M.1. iii Havoood count) Resolution t.) pi) NN blackboards. K o ii i.uoi Miow t'ni.i.reen county; also, a tun to prohibit the sale of li.pior within two miles of St. Haul's Evan gelical Lutheran church and lig Meatlovv hurch. in Mitc hell county : al-o a bill to prohibit sale of liquor w ithin one mile of High Brigh ton Mountain Academy in Caldwell county; al-o bill to amend chapter 2'1, laws of 1 s'.:; ; also a bill to change ! time for holding the Superior courts of Washington. I :ire and Tyrrell coun- . t ies ; also a bill to amend chapter i?x."i, ; laws of 1'd : also a bill to change the; name ot Flm City to that of Toi-not: . bill to prohibit sale of liquor within two miles of Olivet church, in Edge-; combe county: bill to amend chapter' 174. laws of ls'.i:l; bill to prohibit sale j 'of liquor within two miles of Con-! ' way church, in Caldwell county : al-o ! bill to prohibit the sale of liquor with- ; 'in olic-nail nine oi i ut-Ker s nnnt ; l amp (iniiil in Lincoln county ; bill j for the relief of D. L. Hey nolds, late i sheriif d' l'.um uinbe county ; bill to pay i administrator of .1. It. Strayhorn f'i'i. j.a-sed llieir several readings and were I ordered enrolled for ratification. I'.ill amending charter of Kiiiston. i Lenoir county; bill to provide for ng in t.uiuorti CHiniy; tun to to emnovver tri!-U0P H -publican or lies from 1 to -j:, cents; pa-s.-d i'r s c- 1 IopuHL w ill ont row rt it. ond and third readings. I 1'"- pub . cation in the N,- and 77.S,to protect fi-h in the water- of N'ort.i river and its tributaries. Thi-; is the bill which created so much di cus-ioii ye-terday between Me---s Squires and tiallop. ytr. (iallop mov etl to amend by ex empting the waters of Currituck. M r. Squires opposed t he amendment. Mr. Peebles demanded the ayes and noes. "It was evidently the intention of the bill," he said, "to let Northern men come down tin-ream! fish with the hook and line." On the call of th roll t he amendment was lost by a vote of IU to The bill unamended then came up. Mr. Heebies demanded the ayes and noes, and the bill passed its third read ing by a Vote of 7 to .'..- a party vote. ante.-d by the ontitut ton f tre t'liit.-d -tate and ; rria. In hi ; opinion t tie .ity attorn.) aid that; t fi re could Iw-i.. di order tr tr.m'.le if t ho-e who would le i:!-ruled !) "x!atterly' r mark would li awaj from hi ! t ure. '1 he committee .tat-.! that It their de-ire to avoid I rouble Slid thai they Would ! th.ir I tl iltlelii e i ri t bat direction. They did but th. irr'Tort utterly failed. Hy 7 '.! k Mvrral huildr d lad Collect e.f. W fie ri I a 1 1 rr ) , arrived the inob had not a-xiuiei lari;e , enough proportions to cope with the' polo-,.. H) -. o'chx k a how llllg lliob of over 1..hi -urround.-d Ma.oiuc ball. In; the hall wa an audiem of about 4'.( including a number of ladie. I be lectur.-r had hardly Iw-gun before brick bat. and cobble ftoie bewail to ram on t be w IlldoW I'.efore '. o'. pM k t lie mot. had grow ri to probably tw-tweeri .'!, arid l.t pie. Window after window in the hall wa cra-hed. rie. of -Kill him"" ' Imwii with Mattery !" "I ..w u w it ti the renegade !" w re heard. Chief M.-Ji.-r m tt summoned t fie mayor. 1 Ii? In -ture clo.ed at ::tt o'clock, and it wa ! apparent that it meant tl.eo-.of many live, fer t be b-et urer and I lie ami le In e t he I temocrat s as a body v tit i ng against j I'll ion Observer, charging a faUM,. at mn of the record, is so manife-ily unfair and unju-t to the Sp.-ak.-r and to the members of thi- hoii-e, that I am sure that journal will at once make the amende honorable. Mr. Monroe also aroe to a qiie-tii n of personal privilege and read the fol lowing : "M r. peaker. I wi-h to -peak for a minute or two to a quest ion id per-eiial privilege. 1 loiigla-s' gho-t. like l'.an- qiio's, will not down at our bidding. I , j,.avv lIlr lai had hoped yesterday that t'ti- iiou-e, ( A- ,.,.jiriest wax aM.ut to h ave and th whole country , had heard t he vvi, ,ji4 fri,.d.. the chief of H.ice la-f of thi- matter, b it. as I have been , .topped them and refused to allow any informed, that on ye-terday it one to g.nlown -tair-. Oul-idc. Ma"- stated that I was publicly charged ,,r ,,,r, aII,i ... W in. Garrard we're Willi Having Vol en lor me lamoii rtso- ... co.oliation The mob bl-ed at the bill. i Mr Williams of Craven introduced j TVO:., resolution to investigate the af- j fairs of the shell tish coinmis.-ion ax i follows: i Wmkkkas. Ii is a mat'er of common I notoriety that the late chief coinii'.i i sioner, W. H. Lucas, and the Hoard of Shell Fish commissioners received large j sums of money which, it is believed. were recklessly, uselessly and improp "lr' v soTamier.'J'. Sti4 .. . i WhfuEAS. 11 1s cwumoiii- ii j... -.v.. the whole matter. When the resolution was red, having no prejudice againt Poiiglits simply because he was a negro, think i ng not hing of his w ife, white or ot her- i wise, ami i nteiiui ng in no way io en- ihnr-e intermarriage between th races, and wTiin- t please the negroes in thi- Houss'jiid to remove their I prejudice agaltt iu) pnrty, my lirst j JmJ'j!-e was t--ote for the FesOitinOTT, - st inill' llf"d t t,v IS'.M, con SIIIIIS. Tiev ,-rv lo.Vlil K. AO Kit I ITl l.K .- ' of tlie tellers S tor I Of .-I'lir -. ..... iirio-reo tTiT. I'.ill to create a criminal circuit u. .ot t separk ur , ,, rraven, evv 11.1110.11 , ....,,, ..... ulHlei- tru-ti p-i- vv-.,i-m Ki ."e- I ","" ' " . ,1 Meeklent.urg, rors, m, ' ed second reading. . ,, ; ...- ! ;iiv reoresented ' -VT V. . 'I4-f7aJilS': 'V oerro amend chapter, laws 01; bea,u, ,,.,ilt:lx. , nun,ber of bills unfavoramy re- . , ,,ai x ne p.u. ... r - . , - tamiing uP: "' V"" T 1 . ., 1:11:.... .,t ..00s- ,. 1 ,.. 00 nmenumeiiL to -- - u- i he sain t' . i. i.o - i ....nfusion. Known sr mat 11 wai not ern.ng tne , . ..!!V Wake. Fot-Vvt l anl Wayne i ,. todav. ! commissioner, t.f he Worte WMWi. I and M-ntaneou,; that ' u nties and insert Vance, Warren and ; -"J"1 absolutely worthless ami unni ior ser- the f.)npriment was vvore than 00 the -k... 11. .ties. . iviie;ami . , it sounding nra anu a hum...j, s........... Mr. Merct r, one 01 o ' - ' , substitute for the bill ; llou,0 was opened with prayer by , Whkkeas, It has Ken- rept.rt., u. v , nt wishing to be mixed up 11. the til -M'W of the bounty prrrt atur. '.J cut .ff t t tw etia t u.etit .f the tar if? law. Tf .ro d ta.utit) ;;' Cte t '.nlK a tated in the aitir ? nient adftr4 ; but Mr. M it. bell (to K a l.t t-llf that it would ra Si pumui. A point of order aa tr.al afalraat the mi ndinent. but tti r-rr.aM toted it in rd.r l.y f I to 12. After that the tuani c.f lb U.unt) proHtt ion wa aured. al though effort were n.ade to ld il dow n w it h free iler an.endmerila anl other projMM.lt Ion. Iu th r.rur cf tht debate. Mr. .ornitti warned 11m -en ate that Ihi U.unty .r.MM)itiuo would add to raitiliC deflt lenrle whi- b. be -aid.wou.d reach tn.(aaiiaav ' for the I reelil ) . i r . Tlniiftl llilrl on the bounty prop.M-ito.il aboved lb ' friend .f the amendment ery and t he) carried t be amendment eaaily . Mr. I rye. .f Maine. uedd in carrying an lmp..rtard arnrndruent, providing for a retiririr it for th . re etiue marine er i r. m rder to r tire many aged .fli..r ml ltr di.e giMMl ervi. e and who now tand In t Im? way of pfoniot ion. Mr . or ma 11 1 Md. Iem. rd Mr. I'.erry (Ark. I'em.j had bnk change .f personalities ot er timta-r i n- jM-ctor, w bo had lieen driom-el by Mr. (..rman a '.itira fatorite. Mr. ol.ott al-o made a arirrr arraijcn- me'it .f timtM-r lnert.ra Mr.lloar. of Maxa huaetta. diru- inttl..i.i.fer iM.ofif ,v. itirarif mmiA p. on all lire iwii in tbecitv wa . " -y ;ent in. hut when it sounded the mob , ' ."V K . ; . . . ' derided it j to the tM.utity, but tli rn lntrrrt of Hring on vour military." s of j "'' - .... .v- .-n.tr- the leaders shouted. I " To hell witli 1 111-111 : theyt an't av i slilt..ri . . ... . . . , i .... i l'.r ..nlr i.f f fi.fti..r t Iim 9iir.lt IHI BW J ...... . "-. . . " . .a....-. , ..... " . . formed in two single hue and charged the mob with fixed bayonets in hope of breaking it. Tht: mob was -boved back slowly but refused to break, and oc- -o,r-sllv rucWwrre thrown at the and that I did not deny it. ami ,.,. IMli:.. n,,,i b.M.iid t t heir ..rder. a-the paper, this morning are f nil of di-p.-r-e. The military alarm, eiev - it. I wi-h to make a brief statement ul ali lir,. ,.,N j,, ti(r,.itv i - - r .H.rrici it ..oiiui v i- L- from t ie lllliu ,N- ll a Iiovei i .!.. rraior. ....... .1:. ...ul . . 1 - ir..vl.-r ontioset ISIIII .11.111.. - . ! k .f.t.v. - r . Ninth district. to create additional expense- v I 1 1 t imir from the K. A. Aiken from the CtLOKKI A. l"t M 1 this bill a He said ! Rev. Mr. Woodard, ! from Swain county. ,,,u' 1 After the reading Inttie tiall the audience' was fttill enned up. soni of the women were crvinr and those who tetitured to ... . . . . glance at the risk .01 a uroken nea j vote.1 againot the ugar bKjnty c-a IIm fflnal vote in the Senate, when a einfl vote won ii iiave retained l Im bonty. wa a bindinjr obligation Louisiana, and it prerlude4 br from corning here and rlalming a bounty that their rerreeotatle had re jected. It had been aaid IxruUlana wa willing to jieia her uooniy in or dertoftrike 4n tb manufadu rr irt t hit Vb7. iaVfaJ- too aerinua a aUtement Bffint tM . ..d sa. the mob found riothinir to en- .- filiation". - ....... . . -. - . , Representative ; tne a;d steamer Lilly, which was oni niatur at tne final count. I lid not vote t rorace them nal had COLLEGE. the that at 1- v message was ordered sent to llot.se of Reyresentatiyes . urn at - persona, to tin :K;w' o,, 1 M C.dle-e of trKsfees for the A. and M. t die-e lie colored race, ami 1 nai t m t . , S'had appointed Senators Mito. e ad Starbi.t-k F fr.cn t IH root to he was pledged to economy and that it ; yr Ttirm.r was a fact that litigation was oti t p Iie vas Us wax.i ,-1 1 .,1 these addi-liri of the proceetieu a toon remarKeu mat ting to the readin he voiild move that ... tn..tflte for S7..iot) was bought for a when :i little bov I rea! with I vi..r-.eneral f:affertT who in in jour- j cmsiderably less amount by those pur- j j beautiful story t.f ;eneral t rbarge of the diocee, in the absence w hile rh isino- her in behalf of the Mate, aim ; ,.-aii1:,,t( , nulling off his hat ami , f iji.M,r, Ijrcker, nllrrMra a portion said steamer Lnlv the credit of the State of . . 1 nan u 1 tin - 1 iu in 1 1.11. t ionil et.'urt with ekpeiisesof judge, i urtlwT reading of the same be solicitor, clerks and other o u-crs 1 te ; pensed wlth was opposed to such legisiat.tu. .t.. ... ( petitiosp. .;V11.1' : hecanse they did Uhe liquor la y: .u p ' vVC " " ; grave and sermu ot thai ctrnnt... tM-v :id i change of lines ueiween .-v-o . Miiu.-il court. nut itiev -'u ; v lulu.. ai:.,!,! QoraiTisr ov a noi want t.. ", They wanted s Watauga eounues: 'iu "'. o - ; ih reflecting upon the oinciai not want to pay . changing tounty lines between Ashe der oa -.hv fai,, w. II. ..riminal circuit creaiett m . - - Hooker, petition ot cm- v . . , t ,nde f tUi;. Keogb from the Fifth drs- , ,mvugh Uens of iSort county regarding , ale ; "!" riLol for'ucl;; ... mmitt eeportedluUtvernor, without action on his istrivt, being ... - 1,. ' ,,,, do all in his power to , 1 ne Ma.. , - . .... nn , bi i part ; and. . . (T-re.ii iiKtnv i"iu' - - as no j Whkrkas, Thus. M. Holt, late Cov. r- j bovjni,,rofoumll v to a negro. hcaue. f t,e int.h. in?: f ! nor of the State, has publicly stated ( j, ne did not care to be outdone "Tbis mai lat the j thal he endorsed a note for over ''..'-hi , jjj,,.,,, by a imple old negro. vnur , burd ' in behalf of the State in payment for j onlt,wnat , the same-pint, I felt that ng jise;rac i i.i ateiimer I.illv.the said 1 box. M. 1 .,,.... ... this hoii-e.and in ......duct lie state. Ilut whatever therraaoo, ImiU iana had l erelf abolinlied th bonty by her ! in the Snat, and ! boo Id not complain of thla abolition now. Mr. Hoar went Into a tariff ph and declared that if tb ajraVtb .. .. ... . ! other end of the Capitol, and tb aac man sia tery, in .e, -r.n (Ujrr rfjd f Ul atrnu (Mr. irch no harm. on are bring ...,...,,.,.. i,..i tt.-ir ar f.r two veara. eon your religion byyt.uri ; -. .t..n to 3 rent ter coimut i nere ioiukiii.. l.l.lw M I .1 . .. ... ...1 ... . ft . - ' 1 . . n llltr Miu I,.. ,,c,rr..e 111 II11X llllr, liu cum llll Here lOIIIKUk. II ll no-v .i . . .1 i ... . as 1 ur ii - - ... - . . . . . . 1 . rxiuii'i. Holt having no autnoritv 10 pte u. , . ingi-lative halls ot tins country, , witll nothing rjul conuemnainn. ' ti fiml tolr tknUkrij. ,,..r have for deca.le tM-en pulling 0.1 t ne.r . j.jead with you 10 o.-per-n fionmft. divided, th ot beiag merous charges nature, suppirieti and testimony un- upon the oihcial ave for decade. Wn pulln.g oir their . j.jd with you to dii-r and go fion divided, atxto my ideals, that it was not too ,1(l: j., ot render it r.eea.ary n th. f,rlirim,.n UU-U for me t d-.it mine mce to : ht.d bbnid here t hi night. t.r.Hluced trior t If bv -o doing I have unwit- ( part pebnatu tri tri di tli- trU!Stetf BII,s itbopvcep. by Senators: e4tahiish a his:"' Herbert, nil 1 to ltahaia, Li- .ohtKd in the t.J a biU rniiigtheSeluof Labor , tat, stu,; agricu turt. r,ice the expen- lVuldison. mi. . - - - .. believed . . - . 1. ,. ivunpri 1 economize and save not K(i interest which bad been reter- ; Ui;ViVe S;iid Thomas M. Holt, then! expenses aiul ,,nK ' . he would red to them. Gov ernor, would have removed the said IH.ed these t-ourts e yy q j attent on to (flU.e ha,j ntth,.- n't Vo,te -:)r- a bill calculated! a mistake in recording his vole on the ; j , Wn the maker of the note him like it wa"iltaofb'VunU,vment a ! resolutions which pa-sed- on Moi da j : aui f(jr the r Luiy. to givesome one 0 'W, but j lle ,tated thatlte was absent from the r d job. Me nl,?;i',tlwVv to hint. He House when the voie wa iao, . Whkkeas, The good nane ot ine ; that it looked thai w. y , , did not vote at ail. . . J .:..: rate. as well as the said Thomas M.; hat inn 1 1 . t. i r tin"l v compared I musnasx to i.ee ami Wa-hington. the one 'the noblest figure that ever xtood in t he foreground t.f a nation's hi-tory." the other. 'the grand est figure that ever she.1 luxtre upt.n a ; lost cause' ob. shades of thehenesof I viiev Forsre and Gettysburg, I h!? for bointy en ........ -.t . .. ff Iia av nr . r . a b 1 1, mm . il.l ki..iI .li.fti.k I . . .1 iew 01 .,o-e ... Ur..j art. ad it waa afreet 10 the vicar-general by the hand and left, j " m 4;. J but the majority fdood rtiH. ! Tl;r ,ote wa then taken on tb Jnd Four . ompan.es.f Krdi were then . . u.unty amendment banked at.ut the dt-.r of the hall w . h . J' , ,J b-ninty of tiWJ'W. V Ur.oiit waTree., to. 3; oa,.. lt II. ' aIII- " f it II. ' I I x. - , - e-. r l-i licemen and the mayor, there w a a . " pardon if I have sinned against tne , ,wi f ruin t he mob, nut ti.e niiuiary.i r : .... . f .1... ,u.i.,lu .if iti X . l : l..v..fiula rioalieit St ti.tck in ' elixe 01 propnei. mr -..-j rnij;iiis (. . noiaK. WHi!kot,;. Feb. y.-Th Hoaa own part v, not onlv in thix state but in aJj directions. lattery wa place.1 in ' adopted a pe lal order today nndr others I can only plead that my action tj,e centre .f the military and headed hirh the day, until :30.wt gTnl -nrai' from a generous impul-e in a )V a detachment of mounted police and ; t,e r.emmittee on labor. and U-mrrow 1 nureard patriotic heart, and I can but ; w"jtj, f,M.t tedir e 011 the sides, the four . ill te given to tle committee on tlC 1 .; , . .. ... ., i... ,1... .v,.;t,.. . :. f.,.i-- .n.ui Ki.bM m1 k i.i,;i,iiniri ind rr.Kitid. Mt of the irii none. 111a. i..-iiim. .- coiimaii i ,.tlnia.. ......-- ...... . .. . . .... M - . - Pardon-; 01. . , v..rth t : ovxter intercxistt ; nl. , t to bear iina:tib antl tlienex. - - n , . oolirtr ylete ine ' judiciary. "':Habill o Vrohibit tl;- ? jioia'1"." wi,,, three nines o. ..s. ,n ia, of Whih;y ' Washington county ; Mr. I Chapel ,KlnlT:" ul' grievances. origina t.roiMMt'.a";i,rest.bill to declare ihad req 1 Forbes (by req u- aiui Wafee f denounceu 1 ue u... - - , The act for reguiauuS ...e ..wv..... .. Lucas and their associate iuj.isticeto he peo ue 5Urprised ! of books for public sc uH.is was report-; th? s,iaH be Mr. ra'W'ninauif k.mwn: and, ' at the speech of the enatt ti .fied : new bilis. ! Whf.reas, The oyster lrulu-try hav- ion (-nr. n criminal! i.....;., to incornorate l'eacn-, ;n(r fallen into a state t intK-uous ue- i....-- iii. ikitui uv.'i r - - . d - i -- .... 11 . ... n w-v . ... tna i.irierM nniK were i 4 ,,oM.Kir 1 1 te f ul v i uiormeu n - s. , ir in ui .t ' . ,e.ir rancor and hate engendered by jeers, man hed to the l'ulaki Iloue, ! time wa occupied in tbermtideranon discussion shall have uieu anu .tnmnt'. ' ir Hoover), ne e of the A?r.t, - ' .ithat New Hanover neeueu a ... . ..... u? Uo nn. . o agriculture. nrovide and protect , t,(Urt and wameu t .... --- ,a u - . - - I iro- .. ... ciii.) Mt'CK leti uui ii. s...v - - - - . rev enue a . . v .. .Vn, -)?. SJr t bear the expenses of ; orJt.red illted ; nw. 1 opkins This criminal circuit "... . . iha exnensCS. Ill me m VV 1 1 1 tl 1 V ur i v . t . iVres" of reform and economy he w - a . .- . 41 T Ilr 1)111. in ia"t ... - ..onntv W3S r Fowler sain j . rinallyinthebill sted its name ' in the bill and It; I I I 1 - c . ! UVtit . . , r lilt" i m ii." - . - ..tan mn. - !uca l i r .ma lll.l It V x-" ... I T , I1H M 1 Ii CaV. '. V iir llP . Ill 1V71IV l v - - - ' I .I'll - . thi been forgotten, thae the fenerous im-, pulse that actuated im. may in me mv-terious and unseen way continue to'soften and bless the lives of men." lPKMNfi FOK WoMFN. f.ill to nrovide for the appointment present condition i of women ax notarie- public was alyo- - . e ' I llllL' .1 J" " l...i in 111 . ld nKt'U . V ... ' V t. O.v , . 1 - ': .o.rnoses; i-ouinmircv" , , ir and with all her ,rinnled Confederate somier: 5et forotnr i. : vaKe - -- pxnen,ive thin?. V "f. n, to nrohibit the sale of liquors in ticesol u 7 j : - restore i.eo.fe.- . Wean ""7': ... . .i..nlni.t to "' Xh t.,.-nhin. Cumberland , MarxlVi L;; ' n. a,-- 12 ior.'to protect tish in Turner i bln for u.e be in -' ;... ; OIIt cf WOrk a ' ; "tViver and .Mingo creek, in Cum- ! er Mitchell. ;, . .... i uTies. scheme to give -oo- , t ee to nrevent .f tlxb : uxii .to- ,,..,., ' t. There was no neeu - ner ianu i-oun i j . y r tection of n . t)) establish , Job. I here wa ulJ vote , - Bi East Fork creek in Ha ller in mpn cou ,.:0rlImnai - r - inflicting on i d - unty : 12y, Lawrence, for reUet .rr.dea ... :n ro reoeai co.tk'tv. , ocjmsi tut o.... -- sird i 'V .. . ... . :-.-;..t Vo v in Martin:, -:,". .,itr. Alsoao.o - - . nh,rter ot ' tH- ceonle what tney uau - -jot scuoo. front of the entrance, presented hayo- w.re tbe enfoit rd by tte L nited htatea ii . . - i - . l . , te... --,nx- r . 9IIHII- i-iTiiii 1 1 v tm v ' ......... it. ..a ..M a .mI ttm m mm m mm i mm t jt .a... -(i-T,T"iai t-- i r . ii i i j -r trni rui fii .11 irr .-liiii".. '" - - - r . a t. twi iai iiri wrk a i raeii uiai. - i-iiiii . ym .ua ,w - mm w v -. aw - . . . r tor i i h uiiu'i i v - i inn av - v - , , . i - o . . a r i ur i - a.i vi UC:i. i" "v " f I - , i . . XI. i n mn-ii- II W A til 1 1 111- A . . - . t 1 . -i;:.i. i-on k'ili v. for cissoiviug , ted there! ore te u , .i, --.,. . r:t . V larire rtetaenment .i ponce wa in. lfie irtiriuin i Till ii i'V'--"-'-- t , x- . . r - ...i..r Ti.e- r- --'ii , i n I , . .-, . as . ... ,v j,, certain cases : , uFi,,i vED. iiv tne noiise o. .0-1.111.0. ... at the hotel to miard mm over nigr.i. not agami in empio rtrnr v eVa der. relating to fishins Uentatives. the Senate concurring, j wanted the aye- ana n--- u-" - , Kverv dnr of th bot-1 wa bm ked and objection w. met hy Mr. a.' - ' ' - t . . . -1- At ' n..niit crr 1 r reH'i irii .1. 1 1 1 1 11. .a r a . . ; i -iennoernon river; nunier. io . That a select comnnuee. .0 ',.,- ... , iu..o .- Mr guarded. At Ma-onic nan 1 i.e t , m iwun, a no jminieq twi idtitppernou r.tt , iii.t. passed its econd reading. Mr. , . . . n,.rd...i....t.tHit,.th. i 1 . . . . . . . . 1 .11 1 .1 r nil lot- 1 1 1 -1 ... 1 1 run -.r ,iun aim in, i.i'. m . .. ... , . 1 1 .j s x .-il r 1 1 ha nr. i T iiiai ii- . mm . . . - . - - - lit 11 . auic? . ... s s - . . . x. v. . t ,0,1 in i.i.Ip 1 rie Tit 11 i'i"fu . . - e -. . . ! V.z;.. -..;..i.,i to l.iv off Diiblic roaa . hf. nnno nted bv tne rrwuum m n.c, Dnai. ...-... --- fllP Mrs. latterv. and to prefeni xur- rt. aJ far ai tiiir, aa ' ."I. r-:. C-'Tr.kn. Watauga county ; 1204. senate and Speaker of the House re- its third reading oy av e o . .0 , .... d4ni4 ,t prry. Fi..dinf . inroriK.ratM y. ... nt-Biti'v tte tne ia is ; enaie 0111 -,"-- .. . n. 1. ....- ...a o,. m.i. : a, f .tt.tt n.mrit r.r n . --r " t jn m m m a " f a " m w followed bv hundred. Mattery wa ftnd paage oi u.e 0111 providing ior so buried in the midst .f the military . b.,ard of conciliation and arbitration that the mob could not see him. The ' ( lu rJtp4. conciliation faile.) ) to medrat mob had gt.t aii.'ng them that any a- ! and ette differeneea between com moo xault would Imj promptly met w it t. Lul- ; carrier- and their employee, jet. Th hill wa rriiiri-d by Mr. IHnf . At the hotel attout i haI gathered. ' jj on the ground that th derra of ri.- mliiiirv no.de a olid n.a in the arbitral which, by ita termi r.mpiaie, tml fee. Thla Mcf'leary. of thattl m terxa t.f tba membera of aa a i sneetively. forth in me ; amble and all otn-r niauers ... relation to the oy-ter inau-iry. ittw shall have iow- ! uwi". . - . TS.:. , .... to send for persons anu papers, anu 1 anu Mr. 1 jj c.tmJmrnithj as in courts oi law. tltiru reauings. y-' and shall, before the adjournment of j bill was explained by ni.dar. Also a v - ; charter 01 the peop e What iney . - - 01 t Newton C.n ,.,wnshipL. Ae aTked that Mecklenburg be o a bri in McPowe 1 cou new . tow n- i f ; faVor ne that the fur- '" i stricken out o. - - ' I .inlTl.lTl tl. I llx out r thercous ue ; from Mecklen. the name o eU im ?j:Um. heard, and he Dixon, to amend laws of 1 to authorize the con hridsre across lrenl river ; - 1 . . .-t irtai jir. ridiin j "- foregoing pre- ; protection otovvne r;nn a 4.-; iarrely dwindled away. Mm. Slattery , York, prolWed arin't wlt ltenn- ammais a-aiii-i tir.v .o- v.. - - -n & rarria later and .Hbe haty ronideration of tb bill, unlawfully n'.Pondinb' then.. 1 he h m wittot diti.ioo. -A Jr'nd and! brought to hotel. Mr. Slattery i , A bill wat al-o paed to provide for eu . i.nua rkfd for a lecture to women t-mor- the publication of the bulletin of th , , r r . t row atiernon anu riaii. j e irpiriinriii u. iuii. ... ... P.ill to nrevent the working of female rov . .c-., ...... ... . . - r ... tiirk Am rrt k n 1 fwrniirriiw iimui. j ii -? .mini ru muiiuurr rieWifctvu kru ikiv - . . 1. w f ami UIT fi Til Mr ------- " " . ... . ' : this Assembly, reptn ute rem Vlutr. r- ----- made to-night that they win be , in 3W7. investigation, unless omerwise oruer-i i-onv.. .-1- . - driven froati thecity to-morrow. j The remainder ot tne cay waa ov- 1 Toted to eulogies on tue in ana paiHie ; aerrirea of the lata RebreaeDUUv xM; 1210. : ed and shall make such recommenda- tabled struction ; tion a5 in it5 judgment are necessary Bill to protect bird- fro ver:mi.if e correction of abuses, punish- 1st to November htb .1 nm February Mecklenburg, Wilson counties THE LEXINGTON TRAGEDY. 1214. Mitchell, to tnjrd readin uperior court to ap- j . ......Mshii' towns a.o. ei,a:ige fortune, u. tion. c ie.ei- , burg may ue ,ne till 11 130 j jn-bni by taction : Karl, to t,ref.ore.me Wednesday, February ; 1"r)W clerk of Sup county l; or relief of J. 1 "f;'e"d' ! o. the bill went over. point cotton weighers m Franklin; Grant. l)ii hl, unty , reltrreu 2 10O; ana me t incorporate Currituck eS-heritl of 1 1 message tkom the - indGamden Railroad Company ; 1216, to oaie""". :n t ,ecUre oene. Starbiu-K. - , t.orsyth counuw, iojrinu' ealender. Varthinf? -t.ii.ru. ... ll.u.v-, trrteVallCes. v!1l mnrO- wtin andtllC rrCMo.. j. . l-'-JO, AOOOlL IO uaiaic " v..-. . tion and grieva b,U to pro- red in, anu 1 - tellers at the 1-- , pAmiiro county a lawful fence .XKln fcf-r ?t ion J . nHr. TEwart, to amend barter of Salu Tiur InatllUllou:. Ti,ant ofcharuao. -- s-- . . a I T mm- . . I - 1 m W 1 oni-t .k-mT-5I ll I MP ' l 11111 f I III lr 1 AlIU Honker to nuse , nocKow iuu t.cra ment ot onenuer-? a.. ---- , - .v; rn.nra ! fio.!o'Jer Lnntv lawful fence: 1212, I:..... nrosnerity of the oyster in-1 passed second and third readings , .Z: , nf k:- llSJr ; .r t. Bill t extend tr.e provisions , 1.4 nn. iti auitruu ia -j v w - " ltti cji vi i.. , . t ii wlWk nnhlic roads of Rock-; The resolution raed its second ana Mecnenot i IVnt,of Illiooia. BILLS THAT PASSKD THIRD READING. irg road law to Asne gpcui to the Caccaa.1 Watauga counties pa--a srvonu u ; - v. c i thira reauings. 1 Resolution providing for joint com tTD.path y of My Citla All Qlel ; the I yyaler "Will B 0ernor Som Iy. and c. -i ..v. i-.z-i.Tftft. . Feb. 2C Hun 3.0O9 Wrtai f W TaWfcr Chileto!I, Si. Feb. 58- Tb p- haa aeited tn lice debartment ! . ma t : - r-. . - third readings. i ... of -itin:, of DaTidson and ad- . , " J "JT ".V . "'V- 'i-t court to aDDoint ctton weigners n , t9b!ed.the election law having ai-; .V""; ..'..iw fc-.n h 1 unaer ine iipn-ary wf Franklin county : hill to prevent fish- 01 Lieu ready pas-ed. hot contra baa4 conaifned --j .... .Anii Baxter riaa ii.i i n uiii3 i; - r-v. v- w ... amend chapter V7- ...,t;. ! tn'nK . i mn luim irauiu.-. and almost instantly killed bJ 1 to p4rtiea in Charleaton. CapUi ?r Shemwell yesterday. Lvery-, mrrt! arreated and tb aebooner i, quiet, and the citizen, will ;ronfiteL The value of tb liquor. to re-enact time for! idtnira reau.nK-. ; defend the prisoner and -ee tha he , ''-,.7 Resolution by Mr. Hunter, appoint- V Xo threat, of iTrxh- lZeJ ini? February i. th. as the time to go - v.,. rvu,rr ,mM ..Tt Mk ! waa f300. .n ng ea.at.. er; education. for the pay- Public school teachers m ment of Puu" . education. .,H s-.ri..n t . ..... i .!. l ti Z are Iiearu. V.Mir. come-, urn m , . . i into me e.r. tion j - - i . . . - : 1 1 . . . ;.- k;m ... r.rrn certain old rec- ! Y" riV.-VT." . .unrl tinn 616. i sa. na ln lr, wl" "u,: " Krw u.ouj , ... . - Dili o.v " '"""I i w 7(-- 1 interest . r J4ui- 1 - . a . t in. oul .n Riineoinhe and Henderson; senate , . . ; , th words -incoikpetency of testi- i ' eJal chanter 523. laws of 13: counsel ueeu striking PTVieVen7tethen went into executive y: 1H. Bryan, to col- oros to u- - n ! PpH.t. a, well as Republican .are ..A-:5'.,e-.n unomination sent in by . ; f" . ( hatham; 1223, Bryan,! Mr. " .ILr. in ! Pvinff bond to ure oi ..bragging on the fair and impartial session " v... id.. - . . i-r,; oi nersonai urnm-sc uu ;io.ouvu. , j... .h,, nenu hit ui a uuutt.., -! . v.v n.. t ' acr. - , .,c.rtrprnor. . , ...!in regard to appropriation to L ni-, "IP- iTnevJe .K.sf dtr.rin? i urin' 1 .pe , 5" . . n;nct way in which Hon. Z. . Walser. of rurso.nt to adjoarnment tb. sen.ie ; .o...u ollbe'Code. in reg.rd ti dff ndnt 9 -. - - Tl ADie . . NaHriLLalenn,ren.zv---t-' mittee ;p pointed by the iegtiaiar v iaet irate charrea of fraud in con nection with the election for fwernor in Not ember laU befw" woek tAsr' A aub-committee U .iuiof In Banrj aw twa'l AAA over the lower body eoant y twe tin v Tbey predict he n. '"BrJ . " ? " some day. wl" "PJ t -