i i. . if i suae VOL. I. NO. ;u. HOLDING TO THE CASH. The Ladies Will Not Make a Dis- play a il ri . ri. . Exp' position. $G,000 FKOM THE MILITARY. ICrtrrni Mux the 1.4 ir i.-..- ,l ll.f .-tat.-(iintrd I l ll..tit- Umllfii With ami I'mi.ii lli M Mnrry Kill-- I h I l. r. kcr Indian . t ll'dhfia lli- !: t 4-4-i, I i 1 1 en. NKNA'I'K. MuMi.iV, M V (i II llil 1 7 I 1 1 IcvV. 'I'lii' Senate wa called In order h l.ieut .o , rm.r H. A. I mm.'!, too promptly at Id o'clock n. m. Prayer by li.-v. .1. I.. I r of the ( ' hri-t iari chun h of t his city. 'I'll- journal hi far as it related to ac tion on the election law was read at reipmst of the lemoratic Senator-, t lie further reading being di-pcii-cd with. I II K MHIINIMI Horn w i h tnkfti i in rout ine work, preM-n-latioii of pet it ions, reports from inin- nntfees anil introduction of many bill- u.,,1 n.,,.1,11;,.,,. I. ...I. I....L ii...:: .., i ' ' ...... .,,. i...,-. i.-ii -,1,1,-r , 1 ... . . . i inn to i- in ii n-n an ;n i to i.n in-: iat4- llu- rontel ol -at! in tin' tieneral ' A.siM.ihly, n port,.! fuvorahly l,y M r. , , ,:,,;.,.,, M ,.,,','V. "J "' M.ipe. rorrouitnitl.,.. , '.,,,l(,t l:,-,,,,!,! a,,."l he t hou-, ht A MKHSAHK HdiM INK IHUM: OK Ii K r- i hT' M (II III he llotlollhle in timlilie; KKSKNUiiVM jplentyol rooi material in eiih.-rol j t he-e part ie-. tran-inittinir PJ hills ami rexolut ion- M r. 1 1 o, i r, a- Hiairmati of thein-piissi-il hy tliaf hoily a-ki:iij rum nr- 1 -uraiiri' nunniii tee, -aiil he wa- nun. rt in'i' hy t Im Siial 1 mk 1 l.l.N IM K was taken up and tin follow ill hUr-i- lu-ss disposed of : Kesolution to pay iHl.tl.i;."., hurial ex pf uses of the latf I'.. I., h ram k, passed its Mv'rnl r-adi nifs and transmitted to lltill' (if Representatives, TIIK AUItlll 1.1 I I! AI IlKI'A Id M E ,N I' hill was tiikeii up on its second read ing. Mr. l'aildisoti, in rhari of the hill, said this hill reorganizes I In agricul tural department, aholishes the hoard of trustees of the A. and M. -Tollee, and puts tlu rollee under f he direct ion of the anc'ilt "iral depart meiit. It is !i bill which simply says that the party in power shall take ehare of the aj;ri eultural tlepart ineiit. It make the president of the Slate Farmer's Alli anee a iiieinher of t lie board of agricul ture. Mr. Adams raised a lepra 1 question JJm tilwlrnU'-il-Wr'ipa Tu r"-frrrs Senate a iiipmber of the bo-ml of ajrri rulture. This makes him inHiible to either one or the other of these otlices. The bill passed its second reading. Objection was made to the bill go'tip; to its third reading by Mr. Adams. Mr. I'addison moved to suspend the rules and put the bill on its third read in. if. The rules were suspended and the bill passed its third reading. Mr. Chandler moves! a suspension if the rules and put the 8TATK UI'Alill HI 1.1. upon it passage; the motion prevailed ami t he bill was read together with a substitute by the committee on mili tary affairs, which reduced the ap propriations to each company from $2aO to if I.0; also reduces the salary of Adjutant tieneral from -tf-iM) to .$:i0. Mr. Mi-Caskey opposed this bill say ing that the Constitution demands that we shall maintain a State militia force, and that if this bill passes it will be actually a dissolution of our present State guard. He said if this hill passes the State guard will be disbanded virtually, and the State will be forced to resort to the old militia system which will result in a verv expensive undertaking, and not return the satisfact ion we now have in our State guard. He opposed any ap propriation for a State encampment, but when it proposed a cutting of the already small appropriation for the support of the State guard organiza tion, he opposei the bill and would vote against it. The substitute was adopted on its second reading and on its third read ing the ayes and noes were demanded by Mr. Parsons. The substitute passed its thiru reading ayes ;$:, noes ti and was sent to the House of JJepresenta tives. Ayes-Messrs. Bellamy, Black, Brown, Candler, Carver, Dalby, Dula, Farth ing, Fortune, Hamrick. Herbert, Hoo ver, Hurley, Lindsay, Marshall, Mew borne, Moody of Haywood, Moody of Stanly, Norris, I'addison, Parsons, Sanders, Sharp, Shaw, Snipes, Star buck, Stephens, Taylor, Wall. West moreland, White of Alamance, ite of Alexander, White of Terquiaians. Wicker. XI. Xoes Messrs. Adams, Amnions, Dowd, Forbes, Fowler, (ireen, Mitchell, Jiice, Sigmon. !. Bill to create theolhc? of lumber in spector and provide for the election thereof. , it , . Mr. Forbes, in charge of the bill, ex plained the bill and spoke of the neces sity of it. It provided for compelling lumber manufactures to bring their machinery into this State and stop shipping the round logs over into Virginia to be manufactur ed The ort 11 Carolina ianu uwurt sefh his lumber on the stump, and these large lumber manufacturers cut the logs and raft them out of the State to be manufactured into lumber. Mr. Caskey was interested in the bill and hoped it would pass. Mr. Sigmon favored the bill, though it a valuable one, a good one and it ought to be passed. He had opposed the bill, but since he had examined into it he found it was just what is needed to correct an evik that now rob bed our people of many a dollar by shipping the round logs out of the State to be manufactured. A number of amendments, excluding certain counties from the provisions of the bill were offered. Mr. Candler moved to table the bill, 1.. An amendment, that bill shall not . . .. . , T ....... 1 f I W 111 " fo into etieci unm ;jwiuai,j A n amp ndment nroviding that pay of inspector shall not exceed $2,000 per annum ; adopted. An amendment mac mis mw ""' no? iro int., j! i i until Oil -). Ill- hill, a- a rjt.-Ti.. ,1 w.j third read in-. ;lt,,i ,., Il( j,,,, ... ') f S. pr.-.ntatn.-. for oifiirri-n, liill to a.ji h..r..- - !)lm1-.i..ti'..r. ,, I ran-vivania int to !, a .., I.l a l.ri.J-.-, ,(a;..., .!.,, reading, :(... :;!.... W.M 'lord reading al.-mlir. I m. IV-I Imm y i, j , an,.- up the , ,.r,,.r .., r, "l' k wl. Mr. J ort urn-. , , iir..;. "! 'he lull, -hIhi,,!!,,! . (,., , , , ,. , in- in marine a ml hi.. in-ur,-,,,. ' '"'1 provide- i..r a,. -hi am,- .(.ii.m i--n, n. -r a? a alir-, ,,i t , ami i ler at . I .. ml tabli-hm-nt ,,i ;u, i ,,-,,r, im-nt. mj.ait M r. Fort n m- .-, j (, p.,. ,rt ,,t tli "a-nr,-. . Mio,:,i th- t(ll.. ,.,, '"- m. ii i in ii t, p of i u - ,.ra !,,- -iioui'i i,i- ;ik. i, I. ..hi o! v 1 1,.- t ai a- .i m.-un- oi ,,r.,:, , i mi, (l , (l, pi-opl.-. i iu- i-;:i Mi l i, ,t with i n-i,r,tiin. . ,,r, pi - , i , 1 1, j , rt , r,. Ilili.l Ii till! w i 'mii ii I o rciriilat,- 1 1 .. tie ,i4-i- n-s of iniirami Hint to iia:ii,t-- to I iii th.' -la:-, I Ol, .- Iilil llil;" """" lomjianii-- .iiiii rcli, ,,. the p'-opl.. !.,, u-.ju., ili-.-ri,,,!,,;,, j,,,,, ot lh- mmiI a-tt-rn tarilt a oc-ai i,.n. In an-w, r to a ,U' -ti.,n !, Mr. 1 oi l,.' , are on not a , amliilat,- .,r theolil-e of in-iiram-e ri,mmi--i,,mi'' , Mi I ,.r tlllie replieil that he wa- l.i l to an--Wer, im-f t he i nt roilm-t ion of t hi- tnll ty him-.. If tii-, name had h. en r : -ri -liorie'l for the u:u e. I'er-oliall v In- .... ....... .- i , 1 1 1 1 ' i I or e nan ..... . ' .. ti,,,,,.,.-.,.,! i, ,r it. 1 1 the IiiP pa- a law he ;'! ami h. , a im- ,,,,1,1 not -a u hiii I,.- in i, 'lit id. ii.. 1 1..., i . .i . .... . pee, to make a -.tat.-ment . The peml ii:"; hill was ei,iii,o-,i (, ti,,. Port ii m hill ami a hill i n t ro, m .-,1 ,y ,im-.ef in the .-hape of a n h-1 i t n! e," w hieh had heen well (lisell--.e in rolil In i 1 1 ee after having the argument of counsel representing the in-iirame companies doing business in the stale, who are divided in their support and opposi tion to t he provision o I I his hill. Many by force of circumstances are compell ed to join t he Sout h Fa-tern Tar it! A sociation vv ho prefer doing buisness ot hervvise. Mr. Moody, of Hay wood, thought the commission a ncccs.-it y.biit he thought that section '. of the hill had very ob jectionable feat ures, and hardly knew what to do. Je read the section and spoke to its ellect. The section was loo sweeping and failed to take into consideration lh.it it ss:i- iiee.---.irv to el-is-ifv tirmiertv l',,r i ii-ur,i ,o-.. ,.i.l this is "all that t'he Tarilf Association! has done, lie feared operation under J this section would prove dangerous. vi r. 1 imit-r was mainly oppo-ed to the creation of the ollice of Insur ance Commissioner. The adminis tration of our insurance laws was well done now at a cost o: ..1 a-i 4nn iiuiiui .p 1 i 1 per annum. 1 ills i new depart ment will no doubt increase the expenses at least to .f2,S(MI and tos sibly to 1 1,0(10 or .f. ",(((. Jledid not sec any necessity for t his new ollice save from a political standpoint. He nam ed 2S States that have no such ollicer and said hut 1'.) States in thel'nited States do have this ollice. lie hoped the bill will not pass. Mr. McCaskey had a high regard for the champions of this hill, but he thought the matter an experiment ami one he did not wish to support, as this was not a time to try experiments. We have an abundance id' matters to correct now which have proved poor experiments, lie feared this hill will prove a measure of crippling t he im-ur-ance business in this State in the in terests of the people. The more in surance brought into the State the greater compel it ion : the more money goes i 11 1 4 the treasury. The previous question was demanded and sustained, and the que.-tion re curred on the amendment to strikeout section '.1 of the bill. Mr. Forbes moved to lay the amend ment on the table which prevailed, and the amendment went to the table carrying the bill with it. SfKlIAI. OIIDKK being the bill to provide for collecting, arranging and displaying of women's work of North Carolina at the Cotton States exposition was taken up ap propriates .$.",000 with a minority re port unfavorable by Senator White, of Alexander, Mewhorne and Hamrick. Mr. Black moved to lay the bill on the table. Mr. Bice demanded the reasling of the bill which was ordered. On the motion to table the ayes and noes were demanded and orslered, and the bill was tabled, aves i!4, noes !. SPKCIAI. ORDKR NO. Bill to supplement the school fund by a succession duty on property re ceived by device or descent of an amount of .f 1,000 and over. Mr. Lindsay looked upon this bill as one to tax the dead. He was hereto do all in his power to reduce taxal ion of the living and not by transferring the same to the dead. He thought this hill was not consistent with the Con .. M ,1... ...-....,.;.,, ,.f t.i v.iti,.n ! SlIlUllOll 4.1 OIC l-IJII.l, HMl v.". . ... I.' ", . Mr. Adams believed it a dangerous! bill. It taxes the widows and orphans of North Carolina : and that before they recover their property which will again be taxed, thus inflicting a double tax on this class of our people. It might be a good law in New York where great fortunes are readily amassed, but here. where the people are proverbially poor, it will work a great hardship. The bill on a division vote stood it ayes and 17 noes. I he President cast his vote in the negative and the bill failed to pass its second reading. STECIAL ORDER SO. 3. Bill to abolish the criminal court of New Hanover county was taken up on its third reading, and Mr. Kice sent up an amendment to strike out the amendment providing that tne salary of judge shall be paid by counties em- braceu in me en cms, , uoi'nr. Mr. Forbes sent up amendment to strike out Edgecombe county; lost. Mr. Green, an amendment that the bill shall not apply to Halifax county; l0Mr. Hoover, an amendment to strike out Vance county; lost. Mr. Fowler said he was sorry to see an effort on the T4nrt, of this Senate to blot out everv vestige of local self-goverufment "-,j . , o. r --sti i -i i . ------ - Halifax, through her SeitatoJ-rTl hese licenses only apply to natural resentatives, had asked not put Uali- kai.eich. nouth i .i it i. ti. 'i,.- . .,!!,. . I in i f ' l . ; i ..t. ilahlji to J'Ut '.li.- U!S!i into .,;5;, ar, aim mlim-nt tl.it jml- ot.rt !;,; a; j f... .:.j,.a rm r J,,.!, ,,tl rr . ..,.rt- h- wl.-n i, !! N '.s llaf,..-r i" i ... - Mr. I .IN. A pr.--.-oi 1 ' kU ; i ! . ! i r i.' ! (i.. !,,r ' r i : 1 1 1 j i H ! . ..(jr a;.,; ;, r. .-.1 int., I In- tif , riminrt III- pr- l. .11- ' j II. -1 p i. s ; r. u i ' . ii in ImI. j ii, '1 -U-! aim .!. I 1m- ,jm--t r.-. i.rr. -l ,n am.-t,.i ........ .. ' " 1 , . ik' . i i i j -1 Ki i . 1 1 1 , r i : ;.,-t . u n - J hi II t h.-n 'A. lit f., jl ! hir-l r a!- I T t iT aim-mli-il n a .-.tii ,,! ruli 11. A -1 -i :!;, k. r r. I Ml!,, . .iiia, Il.tmrn k. llero.-rt, M a-k.-v. M-w- p:, -el : a - .;. n A. J, --r-. I'.r..-s n " :u r, i iit e, ' . ran t . Hurl.-s. Mtr-t.al'l in r lie. Momlj. t;iiil. N,,r ! 1 1 a w ooii, M . .o, v, (ji I':;ii,li-,.!i, I'ar-i.n-. Ki. e. -I, t t,h, ii"I. sli:iw, .siirim. Wall. W. l more fi. ! a rhii.-k , ai,l. hit.-. ot A i.i in. ni, .-, V. hite W ., 1. r of F- r.iuiinan- N,, A'.lam-. Ih-Ila my . I mu d. Fort I'owler.. i.reen, ll,,ser. I.i ml.-a ' M it'dn-H. ander-. J aj !(,rn. Iliillor fMemliti- time f,,r hein ii i ii Lr w . rk on I he i r, en-t,oro. Norfolk ami Mid. and railroad. pa--e, n--,-v- r.il read i 11:4- ami went to the Ilmi-eof Kepre-.-ntaiiv.e- tor corn-urn m e. A r-.,,lut i,,n that no more local hill--l.all I,.- i nt null, ,-d alter the expira tion ol t he morning hour , , ue-. i : adopled. r ki:- 1N11. I-HI V I I KOI.. .vi r, 1 amii-on aro-e t o a per-onal privilege. .1, 'ple.-dioll i f lie ..aid : iin la-t Tim-day im, ruing I w.i- appro-tched by ex--heri ll .la-. Kenan with reier.-nce to a hill he ui-h"d introduced ami pa--ed, e i i him r. li.-i irom t he ,,-s -u-t;ii n.-d bv him a-- t r.-a-u r,-r ol Duplin cuntv, by t he failure of 1 he Kank of New llaii- I v,'.r I told tii 111 the(ue-tion had been an i-sue in the campaign in Duplin, and had been decided airain-t him, and that I should he compelled to oppo-e any such measure. Ik left me soon after, and later in the day my colleague told me I h;il he had consented to intro- ducethe bill "by request.' I see by relerruiglo thoenate journal of the -Mb lehrunry.that a hill for the relief I 01 e-nerin .1,1-. ii. Kenan was in tro- duced by Senator irant "by request" ! and placed upon the calendar. I was j either out of the chamber when it was j int rodueed, or else engaged, for I did i not know that the bill had been intro- dilceil. sani.'' la3' ' vvas appointed on the s.,b-co.n.ittee to visit the Cniver, ity ,,ro1 il. i:-.uu.,u).,.,.. -..1 1- i- 1... ....v. .... , numi., 1 iuii 11c - . . -- - . i that such a hill had passed the Senate and had been sent to the House with out engrossment, and that it would he considered before the committee 011 corporation that morning. In company with the representative irom iMipmi, 1 appear- ! ed before this committee and I exilian. ed how it had passed the Sen-j an- 111 my ausence, anu entered niy protest against its passage, lo my surprise, I learned later that the com- mn tee nan decided to report the hill favorably, and was informed by a mem ber of t he committee t hat a member of the House met a member of the com mittee, had voted with the committee to report the bill favorably, the vote standing tlve to live without his vote. I am informed that the hill was taken up at the nights session of the House immediatcl v iinun it- nsspmh- ! ling, and before one-half of the mem bers had taken their -eats it vvas put through its several readings, and im mediately thereafter was taken to i he j oilice of the enrolling clerk, enrolled ! at once, and brought into the ; Senate chamber and the approval of the committee on enrolled hills 1 I obtained, but for some re.t--n the ! Speaker refused to sign it. :i. . the bill was lit'.ally reconsidered mi the Jloi.se, and referred to the coirmnH on pmp ositioiis and grievances. I If.l'J ,1-- CtU l ,,1 lll I i--...---li,,- . , i ..- r ' i, tract Irom a letter from I hipnti , o in- i ...... . i .. . .- i- .... .... ty : 'I see that a bill to reli. c .la.- , ' ' ' Ken. 'in ev-sheritl' !i.-is i,:i--i d volir llln IllU'i llil U A ML 1 UU U lit " II i j .lUlfml roiiiiutlii .ii nl.w.f I. .. 1 . ... a . one uay .1 was 11 . possi uie ior i nt com-. iMmtH. Mr. HamricK moved to lay tlu I m would lile a check or oo wi h the 'ai'' 1 v ' " " n.ittee to make the visit 111 less than j bin the table-and it was tabled. Secretary of State to make 'g..l I.i, t.wii of ti..- head vuih, I t 1 , " .--, ni.. 1 , ,t-iii,-)iir,i 1 uiii u. amemi t lie riiarlotte Street j promi-e to prove the fellow a liar. I'Uiich d or.n.g.- Id-. --.in- Jii...-, iw 11 111 11 1111 111 v irttji 11 1 1 ni i Ml' U 1! ;'H u ir 0. ,m i.n t r . .1 1 i . . . ...1 1 1 t 1 - . . . . . - 1.1. .1.11. .. . 1 r 1 - body. I would like to sav Hat your: Bill to amend t he charter of theAt and' Senator (.rant's election was di-; 'a,lt''' aml North Carolina railroad recti v attributed to this bank trouble: 'r-ipany, making each share of stock ami it is not asking too much of vou ; entitled to one vote in all meetings of to obtain the nature of that hill, and I stockholders and t he Stat" proxy shall hive it stoooeii in the house until thev can get the facts. Your 411 ma- j ani1. ' ('a' of vacancy the vacancy to 1 Besolution in regard to .Jo-jab Turn-jorit"- elected you and Grant, and I i be tilled by the State treasurerand pro- er with r- port ot committee wa- jia---- think those that elected you should be consulted." Mr. President, it would be an out rage on the people of Duplin county to pass this bill, and if in order I move to recall the bill from the House. rhe motion could not be entertained j because the bill was out of the rea-h of the Senate. The Senate took a recess to S o'clock ) -r Ksening Session. The senate was called to order at s o'clock by the president. THE CALENDAR was taken up and the following busi noss transacted : Bill to incorporate the Bank of Tar horo, passed several readings; bill for the relief of .James W. Humphreys, an ex -Confederate soldier, places his nam; on the pension roll; bill to repeal charter of Kill Quick, Edgecombe county; bill to incorporate United Bap tist institute. Alp-cnnder eonntv hill to invalidate an election held in Mitch- 1 for concurrence in a house amendment, ell countv on railroad bonds; bill to , Amendment concurred in and bill or change the county line between Ma- j ?rd enrolled. con and Graham counties; bill toestab- j Bill to incorporate the Tennessee lish the line between Tennessee and River Improvement company passed North Carolina; bill to appoint cotton j third reading; bill to amend charter of weigher tor Wake county; bill to amend charter of Golusboro passed third readings. SI'ECIAL ORDER being a bill to protect the oyster in-j the protection of cattle and otherVani dustry was taken up at 8:15 as ; mals in Cumberland county passed its a special order. The bill re-! third reading. f quires oyster dredgers to register) Mr. Fortune moved to reconsider the and receive a license therefor; all ; vote by which the bill to invalidate an net-iiwu ureugers io oe a resiueui oi this State for at least twelve months, oyster beds, and prevents dredging be cakoli.vv.tpksiiay. march :.. i-.o. ! -ti i! t t hrilf) !(! j' t t.f j . t, j-ar. I ti- t'ili ipplj-- t,. iiv ;, I 'irr, 'art-r-i su-! I'ltiiu, . liM-r.Jrriiijf u I'm!i ..u;i t ! foil pn-l it -w. ..ml r. Mr. Mrw-n.r Jul tu t J,i . ; t,r -., - tn-' .tU- h pp--tl i- r. : . j. I if t) !--r t-.t t iii. It v . ' . r . ... to i p--r Ti a a ho mi. V 1j t ! , - t-r filii(i ii' t !. i. . al'ie to !mj a !r.-!'- tM t. M r. ( rr , .-r h.o! i..t i: !ri-i!i. ( . , Jrrf rrf in any m .iI'.t i. . r ' . . , ; , . ow n iiiilso .';t'. ! -Ir. ' at:' -- it ,t . poLin' ' I - j a '. I -I: . t: i:; .....-,' that II. i- w a- a iii.-a-'.rr , ll;!rr! .1 the r .hi,-! at. t.r .: :.; ami wouhl te aai nt t;,.- l; !. Mr. I'sr-.n-. in , har'r of t ..- -.! thought that ..pp.. !.!; - '. t h.- f ii'.t ui.l-rHi.! ,t. i :i t ' I .', i.s ai:no-t p.irai ii ! ! J- ., -t. r .:i.i-,-T I hi- ti..n. ami he ..!-i -!, .i.-.l, I., r-et Its tl.e i!.iiii.t'.- tl,.-:i ,! hi .-i !,- t- te w hi a -t 1-1 : ' i - no market i . ,r ,s -! .-r-. I'm not hurt t he -ma, j ,.s -r t i;.-;,.re t he l-- ,! ia th. n-s-. r. i . .1 ' ! . r- hi , W . .i l,er;m-n. a .i n i : i i ,l 1 4 -1 r i in l-.:i-;rn ':,r,;na w I. a -apac:t) I a 1,. .ill i 1: .1 a f !.,.j,t-. ;ii- a ' m. ,-t en ' : r I , -:i I il l s M r liosv , hat I ; I he bill MeW lioriie roil and t h no, - .I,, on il 5 i , 1 r i -e.idi:; ! -mandi-d hill (ail !, II iul I I 111 1 til Mm vs a- resu im charter ! I and a hi!! t. rep Newton . n v cunty : ;in a,-t 11. i ion.-i- ,, to .-int hori' Mclmw--II ! he -III.! build a m-w jail and to ,- y a I a x pa - M il I hi i d read i 11 z. a v - : o; bill to authorize ( . r.-.-n -h n 'I' I I I -tie bond- lo e-iai,!i-!i anei.-. trie liiii and mot 01 power, pas.-ed 1 hi r! leadii.g: ayes ol', noes II; bill lel.il i lit.' to I lie iiuildiii- a jail in A lexainh r c(,i, n: y by special taxation pa--e,l third readiuc; ay es .;. 11 o ; hi ! 1 I ,, i ncoi pi, rat the Koatiodc Kailway and Kri le;,. ( om pans par--, ,1 its .-evi iiil reading-: hill to. -ecu re better drainairc in lor-ytb county. pa-sel third reading; hill in relation to tru-tee- of t !,-? graded -chool at i old -boro. pa--ed t iiird re.nl ing: hill to amend charter o I the tow n ot a :i lord, pa--ed t bird n-ad inir: ave ol, noes o : Iii 1 1 toallow commi-r-iom-r-of Sampson county to levy a -.iiecial tax. pas.-ed third reading: ayes! I. ime-ii; bill to incorporate thetowil .l Ather tim, pas-ed .several re.nlinpi; hiJF to amend t he charier of t he tow 11 of M ax- ton, Kobeson county, secood read i ng j a VI.H :W, i,es n, and took it- place on ! third reading calendar ; hilt to amend j t u. charter of the town oltUoneshoro pas-ed third reading, ayes Js, noe-(: hill to incorporate W i life' on-S;r!eni Sotitbbend Kailroad, i:U8ed third reaning: 1,111 10 incorporai i.eimoni , Caston county, passed severtf readings; ; bill to amend the charter ofgie town ot j Xewherne was, on iiiotionf-T.id 011 the j i -l hie hill to I'e I'll 1 .-i I . :i In i I I i, ir i n I ..1:.. 111 a ..- I - i m" r 1, r , i, 1 .. . --------- -rj-y . ,n iu .P(,ii rt'TII nift ' 1- ' rr-i - i - : r,. j.'T77. r.Tit. , readings; hill to authorize comiiiis- ; sioners of Mecklenburg county to change the site of the county court house and tor other j purposes, passed third read- ling; hill to confer jurisdh tiou to' ntobate deed- in cert.-iin M.-.-k lenhiirg county, passed third reading: bill to amend Corolina Savings hank. ,m,se, third read in"; hill to amend the Charlotte Cas third readiii". company; passed it s ; i Bill to provide a dispensary for the' town of Hickory, as a solution of the liquor que-t inn the town is now d ry 1 and this is a proposition to tr a little) of the wet the hill ia.--ed its second j reading and Mr. Hoover objected j to the bill oing to its third read- I ling. Mr. Sigmon asked him to ! withdraw his object ion for the preach- !.r-.. r.. oil 1., 4',. ,.i' .1.:. 1:11 'ci... v.. , i , i.isoi .,i tins mil, i lie rules were suspended and the bill passed its third reading; bill to change the corporate limits of the town of Weldnn. Halifax county, pas-ed third reading; bill to amend charter of W il mington and Sout hern Kailroad com pany, passed third reading; bill for re!:ef of A. F. Bird, late treasurer of IF- rnett county, passed third reading; biH to locate the dividing lie-' between the counties of A.-heand Wilkes passed thirst reading: bill to aid t he North Carolina instiiu tion for the deaf and dumb -.ml the il.! - .l l , , ., . . blindut loileigh, N.( . annrotiriating .u.,. , . , ?- 1 . - -.t.ooo n,r auiiii innai nuiming ami lor rejiairing t he present buihlings, passed -1.: .. 1 ... .1 : .. . ' tn , i i i i-au i ii g. I le elected by this (ieneral Assembi v. vides for eight directors on the part of the State to represent the Slata tJ-ock to be appointed by the -rotate proxie. The b.ll passed its second reading and went to third reading: calendar. Bill to protect deer in Mitchell coun- l.v parsed its several readins L l--"lution to pay Mr. Mitchell $100 in a contested case, passed its several read in gs. Mr. Bice introduced a reso'ution in structing the ergeant-at-arms to ex - elude all persons from the lobbies for I, . 1 r ti ' 1 the remainder of this session, unless 11 o . .t i 1 inviteil by a senator or the President. Thi, n.sf i, .. ,...u- t.. ,...,.,.k.. ..1- .1... . ...v.....- . 1X...1S-T. l.OSi. Itesolution concerning the Virginia Dare Association, with a view of se-ur- I ing the location of the Industrial and j Art Scool to b-j established by that as- ' sociation at JCaleigh, N. (,., asking o.ir s ongressmen to use means to this end. all honorable Bill to prohibit dutch net fishiug in ! Pamlico and Tar rivers was taken ud Greensboro Iiassed third ruariirv.-r A motion to nili.anrn ,..,f,l - 1 down. ' Bil to amend Edgeconib countv road law passed second readins: bill for ; election held in Mitchell countv on j railroad bonds was laid nno,, tu i,m0 vv u,iuo n.is laiu uimmi me . The Senate refused to reconsider is . . . 1 vou-c. - 1 Adjourned to 10 o'clock a. m. today J 1 a j .Ml, IJIMV UWUtll I I l.t I I II II II I III r III ' MP! li'M i ' I ' 1 I lir IM . I I, Mill 1 ii I f s t' J 1 1 T .'. I " r ll! .j. p.p. r- . r r ! . A -I.. :m,.-I I' i i - f , !e I. !. VI. , ').. rp 1 ; - '.i'.niii Nl , ' I i i u : t., I i I r V lit. pr. s o la i,: ..n 1 1 .1 v r: !. !, h'-fi.- a i.d l.rtg.-: r:i', - t.. -pe. Ii4i m.irv . 1 .-n-e- of ; I 1 . .m-r- 1 1 1 . i y I r UN. I. 1 -. . ,,. I, ' -..y . . rre: :. .. pr. !.:!,;! 1 ; l' on r.iiiroin1- in ..r:h I.i-".. 1 1 i iT t; i 1 1 -. of Uli.ii, I "'ill - i.' r : 1 1 1 1 ! -i.i " ; lie. ill re r,r- in lias w. ...I , om ty . : i 1 iii . 1 1 1 1 , r r i .1 1 . . , I7 r.. the ,. . pr .-: p; a- 1 . . .'1 r' i t r, !l : II!-. 1 nw l .r. -h!. r- a.'alli-t Iran,!' t ! i - .u : prop, rt : III' t i.. .1 i.e I he town ' I M 1 1 1 .1 r r i - li.-:, 1 Im In! -. T w , , or t hrer ot 1 . r hi ! ! - w r.- 1 r il'it'fii iliirii (;r iiioriiin' -. 4 . r t a1 t -r t he regii i.ir tie r I, I 111,' hour ep:.- .! ami hy univ. r-:il . 01-. i,f wt-r, r-l.-r,',-l to 1 1..- appropriate cm mil ! -. sM'iin 1: 1 iiiM.wi 1 las 11 1 1.1 v v 1 1 1 1.. .Mr. V. liii.-m-. K, pi.'.lii .in, ,,( 1 ras. ,i ar,e to a point ot order n a iiim in ici:l ion i n t he A she 1 1 ie 1 it n o Mar, I. '.'ml, I -'.,, w hi- h read a- t,.,i., .v - : . a--u me t bat the A -lev 1 1 ie !.'-'-i-t-r i -t i 1 1 t he -eek. r alter I ru t h l ha t il ha- ever been ami that it will be "lad to iearn that Kepre-ent at 1 v e U il I ia m, on I he i h:i riot te 1 Hi-. rv 1 r - i I -min-ton Me--eiiiri r Ii-t ot voter- lr th. I oii-.i--;ii! iouriiiii.1,1 . 1- m.t d, al ( ,ou -, 1 1 m a v tie he 11 pet h. a- v t-ri I v (lie r etllloriloe- loo i..i,..:. ,:. , I he V- liam-on the li-t i- a Kepubli.-aii in good ami regular stamliiii;. K. I'.. t,v name, from ( raven county. Thi- Wil liams, to further identify him to the esteemed hut ignorant Kei-ti r. ran ;l Democrat for mayor..' ..w p.. r,. -,.Veral years ago hut b- was d. leaTed and t hereupon became a Republican-! f,,r ,,im e onl v." . t . . ... it ai, .,- .,.4.1 i..r in-i-n n ieiii- the article was a Yankee from State of M ichigaii. Hll I S n 1 111 111 s- ,;k.. To amend t he 1 barter of Mo. k-v.illc pas.-ed third reading. To incorporate t he town of Swans- lioro pa-sed. V ol e ','.! t o ( -en! to the Senate without engros-metit. 7 ."", to establish graded school in t In tow n of a-hington, Keaulort count v. passed third reading. To authorize cnmini-sioii.T- of Mitchell county to levy a special lax passed third reading by a vote- of so to . rJ7, to amend charter of the town (, I.i ti'-ol nt ,,11 passed bv a vote of so to o. l.-', to amend charter of Fa-t.-rn Band of Cherokee-, pa-sed over alter discussion. K;;7, to incorporate the town of Van demerr, in I'amlico county. pa-s-d it ihird reading ayes loj, m.e-o. . To enable county of I'.dk to i--ue bonds, pa-sed it- third reading by vote of :is to o. .!7d, to a.-nend an act pa-si-d at the present ses-imi in reference lohuiio i ng a bridge. KASIK.HN IVSANK lloslllM.. H'72, for man.i ei,:ii . e of l.a-t-rn Ilospila! and a special appropriation for additional buildings f.,r temai. . This hill appropriates for !.."., .jo,n mi ; f,,r 1 --'-, :;7,-",'0; for female depart ment, ivi.",, .41o,noo: f.,r Is'..',. .7,Vhi: total. .'.i.,,(H!ti; pa--ed it- third reading. ( OI'M Y UnV'KRNMKN 1. i.Jl, senate, toamend 1 liapt.-r of ml,, relut i ng to count y government, made special order for tomorrow at II Y -k. 417, senate resolution, to reimbur-e the sub-committee f,r visiting in- tne asvlum at (.oldsboro -f l7.-"'-. their m-l- i ual ex pen-es ; pa-sed t he lioi;-.-. ed over To charter Sun-hine In-tilu'e Kiitherford countv: pas-ed -econtj ainl third readings. To regulate weighing and s llitig of l,nl...l ,'i,tti,ri ... 4 ..1-. ..-.I 4 I ... ftp. : county, pas-ed second and third n ad- i in in ilki.vc, asi loan associations. A substitute for ss, 11J2 and mi I -lint -alt hill- th-it h:iv.. I.....r i nt r... I I I,,, fhU ,,:,.,.. P-iM.rfll .v ,. 11,1111 jinin mi souiiiii I rr ui I lit III i e 17.,,. i.,.lfu .. . . ... iiiisl enate with a recommendation 1 .4,... ;. a,, ,,, . , .. , . . . !that 11 ," l'a- Aft on-iderabl.- : ...i ..;.. ........: r ..... discussion the bill was returned to the calendar Bill to relieve Miss Ha-kitt, a school teacher in Bladen by refunding h.-r ii.i.mfor schoid check on the broken bank of New Hanover: pa--ed second and third readings. and third readings, To incoriMirate the town of IJamur Bandolph countv; passed second read- 1 ing. lo provide for local assessment in aid of public schools in Burn,ville,! Yancey county; passed third reading is to" ' 43, to amend charter of the town of ' Plymouth -.passed third reading by a; vote of 92 to 0. 1213, to improve public roads of 1 T 1 .1 .1. ..... . .. liOCHUIgliaill t"JUUlV inU WOrK tile (same by taxation ; passed third read ing by a vote of H3 to U. To incorporate Carolina Military Institute in Washington; passeii sec - A 1 .K:.l ..-.t:... uiiu auu iioiu irauni To prohibit the sale of liquors in the town of Aurora; passed second and third readings. 632, to amend section 212 of the Code in regard to costs in pauper suits; naSRei seennd and third VM.iin.r r Continnedon fourth page. (,. 4 uii'iii44L' a t .in .-ai -- th. ! a ; ? - I V, . , t ! K . :t v4 . r t- M.-i.t U. .. : n.. 1 , ,1 tlh.Il I t. ami .' t s I ! li- 1 .h i. W the h. - . . ( til I . a .t . I... t .. t 1 o a : . . , tiiony . i 1.1 -1 1 v ! it,j; thi . , S . I , ! . g p ! II. .1 a a i - ie l, I !l.. ! , hi .-holt till.,- J:t- I tl.e d..o ..f !l. "ii!." iiig room wt- throvsii vnii J.i. ainl a 1. 1. im r i Miia.i tnl-i. 11 in 01. k 1, t :!.' , ti- t m at.oat it . w h, 1 t them-, i V4 s to it , v ami pa ..... f, i, is ;.;';. Ijff.'U'ii .1. I ll addlt loll !.. t he ill, -ne.il n .a tiv-s id th t,i ni., 1 h.-t .- s.i. jt.-i.t at the en, m-.n v ai.d hi 1 1 kta -1 a I. ui S" intimati I ; .. mi-. lb.- hi nl.-".- ,:!:, g gowii w a - a hc-iv y iv ! y satin 1 1... ,.. --., 1 . , -1 4 i trimmed w H h p.'-.ut Afg. ninr, laee, winch wastw.-:' i:i.. :.! a'. ! i.l rate .ami h. .nititut p.-i'tiii. Th hkitt lits -4t tight v ii4rih ' bins jf . ..,t ' - 1 . 1 The l,i idal veil was r.n- !! down the back in -l,- f..!i ami .u tastetiid atlhe 1 rati by 4. rang.- I. ..- SolllS. Ti.r pri !.'- w 1 h -play -I "Hi h libiary table on a ...vi-r .dh vl h.avy r-d v.-lv. t. Am mg Um 1 r -t ninl tii"st -.i-tiy was a i.r.it sh'lp'il I ioi.'-l,. In the ..-nt. 1 wa t lie rare ai d w or!d f a mo-.is t L y diamond mit tniu 1 - I by -! v 11 .m inotids, 4-.i h 1 if w ii i-h i- large jiough tu b"' Wortl H- Jt S.IIg'e ht.l-e. "I la 1 f was the gilt of Mi-s Helen ;.lild. Mr. ainl Mr.-. ., i4- .1. ;..u'. 1 pies tit wa- a coli.u sup.-tl, p.-fcil- cou-it:ng of ti n st rand -. -a-h p. -mi being the m' nl a go. d -i.,l.-i4 Ti;e .-tri'xSs i-r. io.--. .1 by bar- ..1 platinutii, h !'Kt;g i-iws of br,.l . :it white di.ioioiid.-, tin d i v nii ; g t Li penr!- it.? 1 ten -,uipa! t n- t.t.-. in the entire collar th.-te wa-. -:v fi. t -tvvoiliam i:.ds ;.t:d - 'i p. ar!-. Mr. Krai.k '.u iid pit .-1 1 ,a chain .f 1 I. imj r il::..in'i:i !,, w hi'!i ri, . -.1 l. w.o a itj 1 l's i- 1 he i,. ek ah Mlt tl. r 4.nTw;iied a.-. .1 brae. 1. 1 wr:-i. Mi.Ii ' Aar,l (ioa'.d g-ve !a-g. tit or 1l.4-.ter d diatm,:!.!'-, eh 1; end oi 1 ! 1 t? e in??-i ir.g ribbon h-tv;.:.' ;ii??-ii:.g ribbon ha a s ip. t ii Id . and a s :i tn - '-! p lik ili.mioni. The Miifj li t!i.s!ie pre-'- 'ltd M i , " ti-l a --p-rb .V ti-i Uhiq-ie mckia' :iig top-rs of pe-f!. .-a h ftring of ui.ich In s 1. . - t . siiTere-?, :;i !i a v : i g 1 1. -l ii.g .l to H 11 ri t' ;a!r ami ?;;. 'in r to M tti- Aiit-i'ift,-. At on- .,r ttle Iieek !'- s..-e ;j fi tig t h- !: V4- t 4l:d- A .as a n agnKi'M-nt aq :ar.- i-tr.e: rv'-i ol i-jo-dl'-j l.4-a:;ty. -'jiroun !.! Ly t i uty to'jr itiiMionds. TL:- :- an heirlooin ":ti ti e !; Cast.-'.iai..- tai.j.iv and caiiid .-i.iy pa-s to the iMrd ,t . . Atioth r ptesi.-tit by the 2darq i - 1. M-iDiiitar ffi.arm.',,; t ;-.;i"s, l'Th nil y and snpphire. ' unt -lean le (.K.-ttllane pr. --Lt was a diamor.'l hat pin of . ding beaut)- of dt.-ign. Kal.I 4n litillrr). Ks' xv ii.j.k. Tenn.. March 4.- t'.A leetor K--ary, of the s-t-.nd T'tm-s-s-e district, has recti v-l a rep rt 4,t the q'lickfst raid on an illicit di- 1 1 - liliery -v-r made in this State. O.i tlK 2vb he was informe-l .,f tb- l,.-a ;. , a ..lf.,m.h;rie-ti!1 ltl t ... county. He t-jephon.-d W.I-.I'ark. ! 'ipuxy e Jiieeior at 1'ani.ridge, who 4 .1. . . .. . -. .1 wtnt t! tll'i I-Iife and deatmye-I the outfit. The still was a new oue with a capacity of seveuty-fiv- gallons Its ovens'had never ma.lu a run Whil,. Denutv Park was ri..,rr,;, t i P111. 1 ark as 5V,urn,IJK J?Lrf 'V V'"? ,h,S V.P-R' f "oi4Fy, though not fatally m - j j The w M!er I'.rly. . Gram. Forks N. D., March 4 frt. r. ,- . , . . j pu-"i party oi .ortti Uakota ! Wl11 merged into the new silver ' rt.-,- V II e. , . t. .. . party. . li. Standish, attorney general under the late Populist State i - - . - ., -. . .. ctuuiioisiraTion, is auinority tor this declaration. He inttmates'that thin course of action has been agreed on . ij. : -b.vv.vU i bJ tbe Naders in conference and de- clares that the rank and file of the . par'y is in favor of the move. "'lit l I I'. I V. HAS PASSED ' INTO HISTORY AM- KYI KYLoI-V LAUGHS. II I - ' - - - ' K - I K.I . . .1 It-. ,..,, -4 Ifc, .4 I - K. t. 4 4 - - I . J I I I R , t !.r . f t t I .. . .: M 1 i I t II II ti. . N 4. - . . I J .1. 1..!. r 1, I S s . I I. I a- pr i 1 r. ' V.i !r II .! ! 4 .1 I i . r r . !.!.. I I l. l ". . r . 1 p. 1 ... ... 1 - 1 S t. . H I" 4s I. Mr ir. 11 tf t t . 11.. t !.. ! f. t '.I ;.. .1 t i- t h 1 i.k. 1 1. ... .1 tili- 1,10:1 . i.t !r ... il . . an t M !.-!.. r 1 ... 1 1 . t h. . i,i.. n i, t., .4!t ..ti ! - Ff. .;.. lit pp al. .1 at 'I.. !-r. "II,. . .11 i.it I. . f n si!, .t ' l't l i.t.' -141-1 Mr. .-r t..-. t ! I I..1 lh. ! t. Mi that t t.-r ..f 4, .,( ' .i tl .0 ! t. r. -i . I n! -t i.i .-- 1 li. 1,.. 'i.flli.f . e ..I I- 1, t .. it il a 1,-1 I..- I . t..! f t o -1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 ' , . . 1 1 . t,, . .1 . r ..it ll-f.N .. I I . I ,(..,. I'r. -1'1 lit . M I..4 I. a t 4...V4 t .4.r. ..- a tie'. U- k 1h.4I.1- I I.. t 4 .-n t I. l I ss . ,1 , 1 II I, ' l'.; Is- I'.r l.altll.- s rl t. It,.- 1 I --. .- -aid ". iiat ..f-. lie t,o,-r , a at riv-d, tl -I I... 4 e.-. Ill lie- 11. a : I. it l.3- ot tl.r- ,.J ii..i. 1 t . ri.uii-.l and i n i . I 1 1 v mm w ii i. ii 1 1 , ha V 1 a 1 1 -. , . ..-.J 1 4 . .tiTe Ot-1 . h.-lli' ..t- l..--rt aiirp l t. 1 ' M ; 4 ! tin.- i 1. 1 . !. .J ih -1 1,. . 1 or fc- a i, i iii-. ii lik., -.nt. r- l,i. r,t.. !. r. -i.-n it i.,,i l.i l,j i, rii.,n ! tfw I-Tin- .ii It.. -it app-.i nl ii.. i,i . al:-l t.iir ha.-- l- ii i :.,. .- t I,, t 1- ,ai.l J. il h." V. ill, M... 1.,, ,f j),.. -,.1 if,., -r.-jt !..it. ii,i tie lvj...lal.t l e ,.;( ,,,,, t ),- .. .t d ..i.gr- p- I.i 1 1., domam 4.f l,-i ,t . ; ..i,y ritiiain t. mak- :! . i il ..iiiioiiii. lo.'i.l that H e -i.at- -:.4ti.l- ad joui !.-.! Mill,. .i.t ,!-, " ll" H St.. W -iii.ii., Mar. 4 - t i.. -.44 to day all.-ra . ..i.t ;ih...ii . -..-... ,,f - hour-, int. rrupt .-! t$ an a.o.nai r-- I !3.g above th- ptt.. 4.-r- ..A.Td and tl,.. "fcird .,ii.'r.-- had p:i--l . t - 1, 4 -1 . r y . ' b !, hiding iiiifiiii. A.r- in lln- mm nr .f i n,ti -i. I .' l.--t l.elitg r.-s nl.-.J. II. r-.- l.ii.'.n -I t ha t, J. - t , 1 1..-- p. -4 k.-r who 1 n-'i i.iy .1:114. Ir-.m m ii..-ii.l- r t.f 1 1,.- mijority. a t!.-r-. t.--lay . Mr. aiiie.ii, of llliiioi-. iti a r" cr.i-1i, - 5 ll l.e.iriflg t -t I'll.l,) to t t,.- I,!gl apj r. i 1' ion in vile. I, tl.r pr.cluig .!h .r w a b- ld t.y Uf II. -j.ul.li. ai. . i: r t;.. Mr. Vu-.,4, ,,t u,.. ir. g.1,1.4. r -poi,,'.-.j 1 ,1 ( nail ! I !, rna .r.'y..i!.d Mr. iin.".i,. l kai,i,ir. Pl - i.l .'lg tl."' P..J.I.!l-t. O.IH.-.J in th.. pr - -:on- ..Jtha,ik?ortli.-'.iiri i-. kitidm -- .t.-T,do hy th- -J- akrr. ll ll,.- kindiy -, iiTiii.eiita wr j la :iP-J, ;i i,d wlr.-n Mr. ri; ri,l,-. ! n.-incn ',. r.ti.rn I.i- 1 hm.k- and 1 li . .-r l.i-pnrtiKgw. rI, t h- l',M.i'.-ll;(,, W s III. kill'. ' K'j.r. -.-iitai jv " -aid h , ' I I.i i ll.- i.'irge-l ..i.grc 'I at -r a-in- oi..lll4 He- t lute. I -1 1.- - .f.1 I ll oi ;.V. ii,.-n,t,.-r-. Im--i 1. - ;i. 1 -i.-gat-4-. 1 J. - g.-tii ! iii.-n r.' r.-j.r-, --rnt t ie .i,.-... I r j.i --iit uli il. hr . : Iho.igh- and . piniofi in ,n J.jtTTa .f l! - grand. -r .. .Mry utL r t - iin. "1 h.- pr.- :.t -- .4 pa, nt f th- t,air '.d h 1 that in mixing t hit t p, ...... ,f ),. I,.,! ... l,..m th f jf-ri-Ml. ..j -v.-ry 4.1,.- of hi- pr.-jM-4-4--M.r-4 lia-i 11.4 , .... T .r ------- --- .-..,- . l ilt i',' i b-nt to t he 4,t;i. ..f -"M-akrr. That h- I. a- Ih .-ti .-tiab;... in any iiK-a-iir t li- lim rge u,. ,imi-n ut Ibi- ..ni.. -witli -at i-fi t ion i- n,.t largely .Iu. to your kind ne... ,, y,,r . ..utid-Hrit i..n( tu y ..i.r . ..n-Tai.i l.lp. - hate t-t, it, in iiiiit iinj.4ii-ly , lnr-r, -r-hp-. than any i .i,gr- in tb- l:i-t..ry .f th. t.vrrnniit. l,av- I-4 ?i -urr.iiTide.l i,y I;lb. .iltie- anl trial-, but I am -ur- I ran ay. r..t only for tin- lMly in tl... aggrrgat-, but for .-ach memtM-r of it, that Iiw-v4-r ? may lia lail-d, wbatev4-r .ur tM.rt . i.i:.;iigi in a v r. w- fir. ai ..r.lir.ir t.. . "-r rn.-i ii,' ti,..,, t-ndavoreU tu . .. " --' , '," ' for thr bt iriur- . , American M-ojdr. n""Yi !..'" i mtuT ."r , ' "? about lo return ' -xtend my heartfelt thank ' " thl " J ' r.-mite.l w.tb ,u family and Li. frirnd , 'x pke m Hin tviiM." , tA,wi Au6 nt.r4, , j,p,lu , 'T l-" anmji.rrd th ap- , n.ltltlliet4t Of Mes-ra -If-.r..r. Il-.. j .rat, of Texas Hitt. ItVbubi cat i of : lllim.is.and himwif . I . . V T-V i ."'"""laiiu niiu-fii lunaer itie reo- - ! lution adopted Uft night ) at members of the monetary commi-Mon. The in- pointiueuts were hailed witk uiore ap-plati-e. Teii th? end came. The hand of the clock Hinted to 12. -I now declare the third session A the Fifty-third Congres," aid heaiJ jonrnd without day." - J A

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