VOL. I. N().:,7. UALKIOIL NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNKSDAV, MARCH l !MC. t.t r - Mv"iv 1 FINISHING BY FILIBUSTERING.!; courts of variou changed. iVrlain . coUtiti- Wit,-x-:tl it i.. i'i,iiltiit. ou t.x bur. he. i a--.- under tl,.- i.r,.- hihitorv law-. .11, .1 iii 1 1 .n..- i ;n ... . - - - liiu n'ft aiding Il.e eipentliture of the i,. pie money It-ft the calendar r...l .1, i t, ,r i "iume oi work before t it .-nate a- nit- hour of linal Disgraceful Democratic Efforts to ,Jn w n, an r- A .nr.OSAIif. ad jour iiiiif nt Break a QuorumBut Forced to Vote By Patriots. 1 THE REFORMATORY BILL I'rtimftil by tlift lluar Tur toil n- and Turmoil Our Ihr Colil.horo l.artrr lllll The heintttf CitlrinlarClejiird I Ninety Klgtit itill JUIIIie.l mid it i i g itMtch Tld-1. i:nah-;. I I'lrsn w, .vi.utrii 12rn .Villi pY. At 10 o'clock a. m. FJyiit. Governor Doughton called th. Senate to order for, perhajM.-thc'lAst day's work at the Ueneral Assembly of I.vj.". I'raycr by JCev. Dr. N. Ii. Cobb,ol this city. TUT CAl.KMMK was taken tip for the consideration of the work undone ami A M KCI.ll. III! liKIt being a bill Mipplciucnlal to a bill en acted by this (it neral Assembly .amend ing tin? general school law of the Mate. This bill abolishes, the county sup rin tende nt and the county board of t-l li gation. McCaskey sent up an amendment pulling the appointiiifiit of a county examiner in the hands of the clerk of the superior court, in lead of tin- board of county commissioners; adopted. Mitchell mi i (I this was a iinl out r;ig ous piece of legislation for political purpose this (icncral Assembly had attempted, and was calculated toal most ruin our present admirable public school system. Adams said, apart from politics and from an educational point of view, I consider t his the most iniquitous bill I ever heard. It is calculated to Mr. President, I see there is no use of dis cussing this bill. Dowd said he could only protest against the passage of this bill. It was a death blow to the educational interests of the poor people of North Carolina. He asked, by an amendment submitted, that this law when enacted shall not apply to Mecklenburg county. Mr. 'add i son said : There was a cry ing demand for this action. Me had served on county boards of education and he knew the whole system was ab solutely worthless. He - favored the pending bill and thought it was de manded by the people. Fowler, said, when I see a fanner go tell a merchant how to conduct his business, JsP'tf that farmerd own as a fool, becane is t a' K.V ,"fw;-'" i,..V... ..-. i..iliiiiirnf. The leading edu- cators and the school teachers ot the Statedonot favor this bill, and I be lieve it will seriously cripple the s hool interests of North Carolina. The previous question was ordered and the question being on the passage .i... i.lu it third readme Mr. Ol I lit Will .. .1 ,1 Dow d demanded the call or the roll and the bill passed; ayes Uti, noes 7. Mr. Kue offered a resolution that all speeches be limited to two minutes. ''Tsrant moved to reconsider the vote bv which the divorce bill failed to pass yesterday. The motion did not pre vail. ROLL-CAI L B1LI.3 were taken up on their passage and following passed : To provi le lor water works and e ectric V1 nt t.. L-i.wt.oi? to authorize a special tax urv i-.uintv. To create a Hwwhipn Wilkes county; to new township in tsampson county. To amend t he charter ot in-Uon-balen, Southbound railroad com pany. THE NOKTII CAROLINA KAILKOAD bill came up as a special order for 11 o'clock and ;on motion of Mr. Adams was laid upon the tab e. Moody of liaywouu the bill from the table. Motion prevailed and the bill was put on its second rrndinj;. lltiover opposed the bill. White of Alamance sa d this bill nra mr at this, the last hour of the Krai Assembly, introduced by the Senator from JJaywood, was a mo pernicious one, and calcu ate to do Sreat injury to Ute peopl ;o n State. It IS & IUOHV ouii .- . i S'.FKrlfjr.."suh Carolina. arri . -d, beirt- I h.- .-!. I i.,n ,f a ciif itij-i tor f nti r, -nafr Parorn (! in iiniiii tiat ioti t if tiain- j( lloti. Tlieo. N hit, Senator from i' rjtiinati. who r i-i! 27 vote. M'tri i nhl.fK beiny tiie -e t iittt of board of liret Xtifi of the ajjrini It oral depart ro.-nt. .Mi- 'ak V aild tir-elt bein; teller-.. akey pl:nd in tiounti.Ttloii .1. ,. I'.iielianan. ( . II. .1 ..l.n-.ni, .1. t . I.. Ilarri-, .1. K. ( 'liatntn-rlai it and O. A. t.rn- k. To fill v.n-atn-y -aus.-d by death of Senator 1'r.iitck tin name of 11. K. K inj;. I'ar-ons rmiiii iiateil A. '. ilerry ami J no. M art i n. The ote resulted ill 21 Notes being caist for the eommittee's nominations. to iiovou u k u i.t sriiioi s irn. Mr. Hoover, by request, presenU-d the lollow ing : Hksoi.vko, 15y the senate, t lie house of representatives concurring, that the family und friends of the signer of the immortal leclarat ion of Independetiee, Willatn lliiojter, be and they are hereby authorized to nlace a marble or bronze Ifaleigh towihip, providing for re-! statue of William Hooper in the city quiring all persons who tail to pay I of Washington in statuary hall, poll tax to work th-- public road.-, mi- j lie.-olved, that the family and friends h r the provisions ol the Kalcigii J of Hon. Willie l. Mangum be and they town-hip roail law. j are hereby authorized toplaec a bronze ai.aminck vs. i 'ii a th am. "r ";ar!tle statute of this illu-trioiis i. ;n ... .. ...i.t; i. .. i .. i . I utige, lawver, siaiesman ami senator . iiiii ,-r.i am .-ii a i.-im." in-.v.II I fi : ,i t he boundaries d' tliese two rKOM THE (inVKKM)K. A special message from the t .ov. rimr was read calling tin; attent ion of the ien.-ral A-sentbly to the in.ide.nia. tf the prov isiuua made for the peniten tiary to meet absolute necessities, j Without further aid this institution ti-ibt men a crisis within a jear. His i duty wa- (tin barged with ibis com mnnientKMi of the grave fact involved, land lie left the responsibility upon the n.iuusoi metjcueral Assembly. The message was referred tu the committee on penal institutions and notice was given tlr.it tl.e committee would meet immediately after adjourn -iiieut. I KAI i:i(.It TOWN4IUP ItOAI I.AVV. A bill toauieud chapter laws of l.v.t, com rtting tiie nubile roads, ot Alamance is a t'oiti nt ies. lock law conn lv. hat- ham is not a stock law county. Sena tor White ot Alamance wished to table the bill. Senator Wicker of Chatham desired the passage of the bill. Asa compromise Mr. White proposed to prepare a substitute that will satisfy all part ies and asked that considera tion be postponed until the coming session. The bill went over but was afterward agreed upon and passed with an amendment. in th.- statuary hall, in thecapitolat w a-tiinirton. TERRIFIC RIOT AND BLOODSHED. The Fierce Struggle ForEiisteace at New Orleans Culminates in Anarchy and Murder. FIVE MEN ARE KILLED. A Well I'lao to Drive ?fKro from Work--11i IWatroa RmII f standi ns Trouble Falf-Mrl ken e irura t lrrlDK tu All t cctloo. Xkw Ohleass?. March 12 The Ihifk fog in ttTOraYIy morning j was the veil behind which desperate white levee laborers gathered, and which they penetrated with Winches- ter ri fie balls aimed at the colored non-union men nt work on the ships-. The attacks were made, at points several miles apart, just before the arrival of the police, and as a result, there are half a dozen corpses and a dozen wounded men. The police ; saw the attack but no mor arrests followed. Ihev claimed that thev GREAT SPUNK, BUT POOR JUDGMENT. i : it-million. ; -" j ; - - 1 I . ..I. . . .. -. .. ........ I ...... . i fi...... t..., f 1 1 ...,r... ii i t li r . 1 1 .- - .i r. .ii o.tii y si nt up .in t iii-mi me it i i o i . i . i v.i i "i"- u . i r. add tiie name of lion. Zebulou Uaird j of the unexpected outbreak. The day Vance. before tiie mayor had said all was The resolution was referred to t he j ,jUiet, ami the (iovcrnor saw n committee on federal relations. j r,1.,.,is for interference: but todiv. i "T u-i. t r t ' f ,v r r ; t t -i . n-' y ,. v 1 r ' - , '7 ti'f " I 1 1 K GOV tlt.NOK's MANSION. Snipes, from t he committee on pub lic buildings ami grounds, reported that the committee had examined the i Jovernor's mansion and thought that .$1,000 judiciously expended would do the needed repairs I o t he basement ,and recommended tiie resoiui ion appropri ating that amount be adopted. Sigmon called up his ro-o'iilion ap propriating $1,000 for repairs on the (iovirnor'.s mansion, and it was adopt ed. TIIK l A I li V M KN. - Itill to incorporate "t he North Caro lina Dairynu'ii's Assttciation" was taken up ami passed its several read ings and went to enrollment. KKSOLlllON OK A l).l Of K N M KN T. Moody's resolution to adjourn sine die at 10 o'clock a. in., Wednesday, March i:i, lx'.if., whi h he proposed to change to ten o'clock p. m. March 12th. Hice moved to anient' by saying V2 o'clock noon Wednesday, March Kith, 18'J;; adopted. .. nan THE DKAU BEA1 Hll.i. 14II.I.S KAIIFIEO. Hice from thecommitteeon enrolb'd bills report-! '.is acts properly enrolled and the same were ratified by the sig nature of tit' president. A resolution paying W.- M. Iiavies, an assistant, engrossing clerk, pay from the 2Mb of .January toand includ ing 17th of February 1'.C, passed its several n-ailings. A batch of bills on the unfavorable report of t he calendar were tabled in bulk. A MKSS.VOK was sent to the House of Iie-resenta-tives notifying that body that the Sen ate calendar no longer had any work upon it for consideration. At 10:;;o the Senate took a recess till lo o'clock a. m. to-day. iiorsK. the business men ARE PKNOl'XONo IittTit; the militia is in readiness to move, an appeal to the Federal govern ment has virtually been made, and even the foreign Consuls have deci ded to join in the movement for p-aee at any price. The cause which led to the troubles have been of long .standing, and grew out of the attempt of ship agents and others interested t re duce rates. The white screw nun claim that the colored men who were given a share of the work uadei au agreement, made secret cuts ami violated the atrreemeut in order to obtain more The sorry pli o-lif Democratic Ass 1 But the wall is not las kicked hims.?i into a even scarred. a' 7 o'c hour k,and ii wa-ju-t l.- f-.r.- I !.i THE. T til MS OF PLACE. r. i . v . nn-tb. I II I IMF I ICISli It scelii.'d to have In ell totu'.l v expected, for the negroes VV'-reott levee in l.'iriTe illlii!)i-r. The poet biacks evidently believed tls.lt I liiT wa xiMicieiit force on the nv. r 1 r m' to protect them, and that prot.-ctiot Would be accorded I belli. There w-re eight negroes in tl:- harity hospital, one of th..- was i Koberi Aikin. w ho stated that lie vva i talking to t be purser of 1 he steamship ' Kngineer, .1. A. Haiti, wh.-n without 'warning a number of shot v er- r VH.t.l liraO VVI.l.ti Willi.. . I uUt- l l.rUrill ( lll H uU .1 1 to protect the keepers of inns, boarding houses, hotels and restaurants or lodg ing houses. Any one who obtains board on accommodation and jumps his bill by surreptitiously removing his l..t nrirn ru u 111 ll ! sruilt v of a inisue- meanr and punished by a line of not less than ten dollars ami "" n.on than fifty dollars, or imprisonment not less than ten days anu not moic- i The bill vvasameuucu anu i'n""" second reading, and objection being raised to its third reading it went to the third reading calendar. THIS TELLERS' REPORT .. ..f in-ti,...i of the. neace on eiecumi w. j""" ---- . was made by Mr. Fowler, and the .rig lnal lift as reported by the committee on nominations of justices of the peace was reported duly elected. OFFICIAL BONUS. I Bills fixing the maximum of all .ir., bonds, providing for offi cial bonds to be made in such insur ance and security companies as tinted Mates officials are aitoweu to bonds in and requiring the acceptance of such bonds. On motion the senate took a recess until 7 :'M odocK p. m. EVENING SESSION. AtSoVlnck the Senate resumed its l tbors Lieut. Governor Doughtoii pre siding; 18 Senators in theirseats. THE CALF.SD.Ui with its unfinished business was taken up and the rapid transit system was idoDted. The president kept up a steady-"those who favor the passage of the pending bill will nay aye; con trary, no." and two or three responses would be heard and away wouiu go me hill to enrollment. Communication between the Senate .... i.'unrull ;illlt!3 1 1 o Tin. scheme is to pay an me . lloUse ot Kepreseiu.o. ot Utl,U road fronttfw-Srtt each body jvg . .!.... it tiio aiTteen counties . ..u- the work already upon county is one oi uiem,uu V" ,.v scorn to advocate the, passage of a such measure when it was robb g rJSSr portions of thisState which 1 as htdnuu lO COIioi" tin -.. Sea ed to the Senators to vote this bil PFS"l.e protection of girl, and the promotion chastitj; g fhe judicial TJ being Secout reaa.ng, tQ U)e third reading. i.ip ril.F.NDAR , ...i nt o lnree number of bills tlvl.a f0r concurrence or I !ne clerki for enrollment or for ratifica- uanv worthless measures and ob Ve&Sbl W1U were laid upon the ta ble. PEOQT JESKIN9 COMPAST. This bill is to incorporate a lumber company n Wilmington by the above name; Much mirth was provoked by peculiarity of the name and after a little fun, the bill passed its several readings. THE CALENDAR lpo-islation asrain pro - - r? - . ' . - . mail schedule, anu i- their names, tne rms of the superior THE CALEM -j-iul legisla t inai fr,"r,.-wl-.the work already upon to c . rvr "jwr- Tn f w re the working caie.i J ne . a 1 . . . t 111! I . k - maininii nours oi -j- bl spent principally in the rat.bcat.on ot Dins. THE PEN1TE i l lAKi. Adams, from the conmnittee on penal .-i.-.J en uiiltTPI a Ulll 1 1 hi tv i . . ltlSlHUlUMin, Juu. - - iioiuut . ..idltioiialanprnpriatH.. ' -"i ".',f sissst aim went iu tatives for concurren..c. OFFICIAL. BUaira- rrl... Kill In ridil tion to county official bonds as set forth in our morning re oomis'a a snecial order. P05 said Ltbe title of the bill should be clianled to a bill -to permit paupers to handle the public in ids. Fie hoped the bill would pass It would be a manuiacxuriug u au.. wouiu : material. It Sad1 said, a very important measure as !,au . man. woman and chi 1 T n Sorth Carolina It is the most tniiuiii-. ,iniiitons measure nerillClOUS ao --1 . . presented to a North Carolinian, and as a political measure to nianufac anu a f . .n.m . iift honed ture iiemocrwit j nai 'j,,. the bill wouiu pass. , ' measure and as a North C.rolim.n he did not wih to see any " enacted in to law. . . Rice, in detence oi as a just measure, and was only cal culated and intended to nermit a poor man to hold office and make bond r 1 . 1 t T IV 11 I 11 LIIL fc V. Moouy oi jj-uj - ,w ,.rhiVh was ordered. vious question, , . and the bill passed its second reading on a roll call ayes , The ruies were suspended and the bill passed its third reading. SHELL FISH INSPECTOR. The hour of the special order having House opened with prayer by liev. j. L. Smith. The reading of the jour nal was suspended. A resolution to pay I. N. Creen, con testant, $1(10 for expenses in contest passed several readings. PERSONAL I'll VI I.E. ;ES. Kay rose to :i question of personal privilege and spoke as follows : "Some days ago 1 madesome remarks in this House concerning- Rev. Mr. ( 'ohhw-1w.r.H,ti''male. and Fiiow In .1..'.. - - . - . . . . as public a manner withdraw the said ottensive language, r ien mni. . ferent times he had done me great in justice in his reports of the proceed ings of the House, mil any cnarge unc tolore made by me against him that he knowingly and intentionally mis represented lue or any one else 1 here by withdraw." "The House then took up the COl'STV OFFICERS BOND BILL. A bill to repeal chapter :?i5, laws of ISM. The bill allows county officers to bond in security companies, anil fixes the bonds of sheriffs at the amount which hard passed through their bands the previous year. The bill was advo cated by French and White and op nosed bv Peebles and Winborne. French called the previous question. Lee offered to amend iy excepting Haywood and Peebles by excepting Northampton. Amendments were also offered to ex cept Currituck, Transylvania, (iatcs, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Lincoln, Martin and Halifax. These amendments were all voted down. . , , .. l..il hv nddinsr. nrovided t ne commissioners shall not accept a bond from anv company that has not depos ed a bond of $15,000 with the Secre tary of State, and is recommended by him as a solvent company. The vote on Hay's amendment was 2:? to 41. The amenumetu was iosi. The bill was then voted on ana passeu second reading. : '11,; nut ttrovides first, that the pen- alt v of the several bonds required to . . . . u1i.iltU'P be given oy omcers i nrj.vv... counties shall be by the sheriff for the collection and settlement of Staite taxes according to law, a sum not exceeding the amount of taxes assessed upon the county for State purposes in previous years." Second, for the collection and Settlement of county and other local taxes according to law in counties having no county treasurer, a ...... ,.-,....iiir th amount of sucn not rAiii'"p - - . county ad other local taxes lor the a county treasurer, a sum not exceed inr .) per cent, of such county and other local taxes lor tne previous It also permits county omcers io ji'. bonds in security companies as rail road officials and employees. The passage of the bill was made a ..a,t.,i th. Democrats made every effort to defeat it on both second and third readings. When the motion was made to suspend the rules and put it on its second reading, there were cries of "call the m .,ii tha roll." Ellis and Mc- run - tellers and the roll call re- suited in 64 ayes and 22 no l The i.: i .tin or .-as fiau tutu uic llltru icaui.-e, .. - lin-tl at him and h.-t'tirt- In- . i.nl.l ti : :t U work, and graduatlly ! a move h- CliOWl) THE WHITE MAN OIK. The white associations then severed all ties with the blacks and refused to work with them, or for the men who employed them. The white longshoremen joined the screwmu in this. Since then the steamship lines have been gradualiy going over to the negroes. Lately tho white screwmen pit .rce-jji - jiiJWtr-ttrey - nra hot work until the white trouble was ad-' Several more lines then toox j WAS sltol FIVE 'I IMF'S. Purser I'.ain wa s,..t at tin- am. lino, lie imiiK-diately ran on har: the V esst'l VV hi le the lirgro fell V lifp' he vv as shot. Mavor Fitpal rick said that. ;is th trouhlevvas over, there s.-.-m.-d t. b- I no need to order out tin militia, and tiial to have ac.-t-d.-d to t he demands d HOW BIG MEN LIVE. lustea. oeverai iuo.o miro mvu n..-.. ... TI.. I . on negro labor trom necessuy. i ue s .Minir-it in iimi.iie inmr i--..n whites hna'ly determined to j M..n-y iixttini it-i..re .lusti.-. RETALIATE ON THE STEVEPORES j (Juicaoo, Mar. 1-. Fo-ir .f t he offi- by offering to reduce rates and dtal ! ( (.rs t the Kvaiisttm National Hank with tHe ships direct. The ships in I were indicted for alleged emit z.lc haste accepted the offer, but the j ment of funds of t he bank today. I he agents stood by the stevedores. The ; indicted officers are presoh-nt HI, i i r .,r th-m tho charged with the embe..l.-ni.-nt of .lo,- latter offered to pa,y more than he 1 (rt.sj(ent inn, charged w.th screwmen asKeu, uui tuc .r.u u ,ni.,zit.im.i f 7.ri; ra-lio-r With them. lhei .,..,: , i,rcrt., u-ith i-mtiezlemetit tf director Paul, charged with embezzleineiit of $:,.'4. The bank failed May 1s,1n".i;j. Welis is sail to be in Pennsylvania. I'.kook field, Mo., Mar. 1-J. The offi cers of the bank of F.rookti.-ld, w hi.h closed its doors early in January, are miller srr.'.t. 'l'ltcv art' rhariTftl with receiving deposits when they knew the hank was in a failing-niiditin. wifnaed to dp.ll with them ncrents offered to oav the screwmen their wages and place the stevedres over them as superintendents, but the serewmen again decliufd. Then the stevedores began importing col ored screwmen from Galveston, and the whites, growing desperate, broke loose in riot. The dead are: Wm. Campbell, col ored, serewman, shot at 1 hillip street; Jules C. Carrabe, shot in front of the Lyon's clothing stoic: unknown, shot in vicinity of Crom well Line; unknown negro in same vi cinity, not yet identified; Leonard Lallard, colored, scalesman, shot over right eye. Two negroes, names iin- j J)r t rvt davs ago I leputy heri ll H i vm kn.twn, jumped into the river and it is , brutailv murdered at this place believed were drowneu. i by several Italian coal miners. After The work of j)0im,ii t he deputies head inloa pulp. RiuTixo and Bi.oisnED jtj,e body was hidden and was not bean this morningat 7 tt'clock. After j found until jesterday morning. Win n (j o'clock last evening, though there a general alarm was given bloodhound was intense excitement along the levee ! were put upon the murderers trail, arid and though many drunken men were! in a short time the well trained oog present, there were noticed ot vn-i succeeded in running uow n iour mm-h lence. wlni acknowledged naviiiiT miuiueo the crime, and earn ei.oeav or i i blame it on the other. The feeling titer mitu-rs and citl.-Mts in ... iMHNi.iiiv, M.ir- h 1:'. - : r.-u 1 fli..- It. got lu'l.lis l (VV'.-fl Ml!.l-(.f I ll .I l p.i ll :i lid lu-tr I'. I.'.v i: Ion i. lh- I. ru.s '' id.- v ;ii.- (i' l. .out i ti!-d l.tw.-.-ti I 1 1 t ai.d .l.i j , a 1 1 are i.o vv k now o a Ititi- r-l.tt . J .o il.. --. A- til. I. rtt.H..i in ,i;t. . il. . i.il .-IT' !-. I li-v at.- as l..li..v - . I ir-t --'In.- tr.atv l..vv.-.ti . I . j . : . and t liitiH Las i . a- i I.. . i-t t. r- a-oti ol t h- vv .ir. hut ..it tli- r.in-vv I ! y .. . the ii. w tr.iiv vviii .r.ii.t .fap.in . -trn t.-rrilori.il jori-d i l ion ov.r t..na. Lot ti. hilt, r uiitr) will utri.d t tl.e extra i.rritotial jt.ri-.li. i o ii -l. 1 ---1 1 1 . r 1 h.-.d in .l:t.:i'i. . olid I ln-- ,V I It Im- li.. t Ion o .l.t..ti,. -- I. rr.l..rv .tt th-io.it.i.iii.i of .-i.i. I'.i.l to.- Ii.iud ,.i I ortu - ; ( hi i, j.o--. tt Iviogoil in. 1..1-1. will he permanent I v . . o-. lo.l.tpci. 'I hirtl 'I In- .1 a pa i i s- will, b v 1 1 .-.it . b'- granted I In- rig I.t I ... out i ton- II..- m . u..it i..it l l..rt A rt bur and W -i Hsi- Wi,the two great nav ai -I . f i 'urUi "1 he l.i!ius oi hitiH. tltii h..r-ai i- a l. p-itd.-ti. y ( h r-. l..ili tn-for.-ver r.-lnquishi-d and h.r-. -liati h. -lie forth be iud.-H tid. -nt. lilt Ii The . as( itid.-iiitiit v t.. ! paol bt i It i h i will not v. 1 -'" .o""', O'M in gold. I he lor. goi ng t. rm give a iiwniT of Ilt-VV feat tires W hi. lit tie .able l.ljor- luat ioti 1 1'oiti Peniii and I okio l.a- it..! tlltls far indi.:ited. I he p:.rpo- 1. "1 to extend .hlp.'llie-e territory oil th- iii. tin laud, but to online it loth it- I v i ng islatid of Foriiio-, aur. s il.e . ou-!usioii .f a p.-a.'e without l.urope- .111 Itlterveltt ioti. I he lliailileliai.ee ol Japan's extra territorial juri-.n-1 o.u in i hina, v bib- t he hitt.-r on nt rv -ur renders a -iu.ilar jurisdiction, h av -( hina as the mill oriental .otiiitrv LAM'JS CLTTtK s,TASU AtOOf. II.. Hull aft thw II llalc a II 1 Hrr hi. tt. ! I Hnt. slllilltlltlltif lo the outer iuri-!l I loll. TEN CENTS A YEAR. MURDER, LYNCHING AND RIOT. Italian Asasin Kuii I.n Itjr l'.D.o.l lloun.ls A l"irfal t'rili Krt.l. V alsenbcko, olo.. March 1J. Iw Fv..rvthinr was renorted unlet when there rame a message that a dozen men had been killed m trout ot the Jack iau Deen Kliieu i" iiont. mi ine uavn- j among uihci m. .v.- on Square, and that a terrible riot ;jeiieral grew to fever beat, ami a-th. . Tl. Lt . ........ t...W,.r t.,,ri-ln.il liiimla . .. ii: .1 n.llnrr Kir Q V.ttft OI passed us i niru ieuu mo "J " ayes oo, noes o. The tellers of the house and senate reported the list of magistrates agreed on yesterday as elected by both houses, Burnham called up his resolution to i li.i nnCPS .-i.fK) each extra, whicD tVAr, w tost after it was ne satu uav , , , , - . .1,.. natc TJacwell ob amenueu in ; , ,- i...i Tha nnker saiu me uui jecieu. i -r-"-, tnkpn from the heen stolen oi ii" - ; . ucl:.. lcF and in SUCh clerk's room any . . ... cases he had heretofore permitted bills substituted in their places, BILL TO AMEND CHARTER OF ATLAIC tvn N. C. RAILROAD. This bill proposed to change the management of the road. French who bad Shaft- of this bill, announced that it wa! politic! measure, which the gentlemen on ttje oiuer suc jagomze. Gm;th ftf stanly ith ot uaies, Aajt"-"" Monroe made speeches against ttr measure. Continnedon fourtiij)age.l auff 1 in nrnorrpss. 1 lie notice were l sn,oJ-a'.- - f - --- i once hustled into tiie patrol wagoss which were at the stations and were hurried away to the scene o?TBT rou ble. They had barely lejt when Ser geant Richard Walsh, in comm ind of the precinct, beard A VOLLEY OF SHOTS from the direction of the levee in front of the station. He rushed to the scene and among the freight cars on the le vee between Phillip and First street he found a crowd of negroes surround- in their wounded companion, vv iin bis body was removed the sergeant and a squad of officers went up the levee :;nd . .....I. ..f o-.o ....... ........ I tOUnu a IllOO ot n ui ini nn Winchester ritles and other guns. Four negroes were shot and one Carribean L-;iio.l The trouble occurred on the levee at the landingof Harrison line of steamship opposite the Jackson Square. . . f i. : i . - : i . . .1 111 lite log which inevatieu, a MOBS OF 100 ARMED MEN got through the guards of the police, and opened fire on the negroes who were at worn, iney neu in terror, some jumping into the river. Those who ran across the levee in the direc tion of the Square were subjected to a ii i i. ..... i deadly voiiey. ine snots seeuieu to come from doorways, windows, galler- . 1 il . T .. 1. . i. ies anu me Mreet. ajooiv wiieretney would, negroes saw pistols and heard the reports as the revolvers were dis charged. Each man then ran in a dif ferent direction and the POOR DEVILS SEEMED PAKIC STRICKEN. Those in the crowd of whites who were not armeu wuu revolvers picneo up stones and other weanons and attacks. I the negroes. Even the most venture- enmf of tne macks could not srnnil ttiw and tney nea. ter many minutes tne firing continued on the river front, and the police 6eemed powerless to make any move against the murderers. . The time for the shooting seemed to have been fixed, for the hour just pre ceding the beginning of the working .1 wr A a a lioual Oitnr. tliA c-fr... ..I.... 1 UA Jf UOUQ. 1. 1. 1 IJq cue BICTCUUICS I and longshoremen commence working prisoners w ere being marched to jail a mob made a rush for them, and before the sheriff and his deputies could raise a hard to protect thru., the bodies of the four Italians a mi another man were riddled with bulb-ts. At this juncture a general riot started. One hundred or more Italian-, seeing their countrymen lying around d-ad. became frenzied, swearing they will have vengeance before morning, l.oth factions began arming tbeiiiseh -. and at last accounts were expected to come together at any moment. DENOUNCED ROMAN CATHOLICISM 1 Uv 1 lu lt f a Ml y ( ml I'air 1. ----l.k late. It. -I Uil. in. .'. Mar. tt ll A strange torv i developed bv tile pardoll IroMi the Joliet Mate prison of Harry ! .!. w ho wa- s rv log a Ioiirt.-euj.-ar sen tence t. r a robber committed m J -'.. Mcele wa the -on ol a prominent fam ily of i'orisin.nih, hio He itih.-nle.! a f'ii.iht f.. tune, tujt lost all h:- moo.-v on ii..-r;..e. He . .iiiie to hicag. in svi peptiile..- and d.-.j.. rat-, and -'ol-a H;r of itv . .-tit - ..nd-l atid -1. For tl.e iM)- i " III ll. It l.ew:--eft-'te!ic,-'l to 11 V.-.ir- in .toilet. .-11" telle-' ;.l b II ..lloosl forgotten, b4t the severi'V oltle- -.-titCltce a-p!ed before l.ov. AUgeid. re-oitllig III 1 pardoii aft r t h- pn-o:i.-r had-i rve.j six vears for hi- sixty cent th-lt, ex piating hi- rime at the rate ot P cents a year. A I'.a.l tlif. W At i .N, U i., March Ii. A de.tri -live tire occurred at thi pla- ttii inoriiiiig. loiring it- progr ix jm r--oti- w re injur d on- tatall;. Tin fir" started at ." a. in., in the re tr f th l;tiildi:ig o; cii.ied a- a t.otiotl -tore It M rs. M. I it v re H!il sj.reaJ lth wajs. d.-t roving two bl'k-. Thre w. a rritie explo-iott r.--u!tii,g Iron. L t air igniting, . au-ii g th- wall- to fall and Tuh a immb.-r of p.upjc. The I..--. - rang" from 'o -. and iri'lude trade-rii-n of all kind-. l b" !! -i n.-- H.rlio;i of th pra tically wip. d nut. mi. . I II., M nr. ti I I I'ff a t : ' ! ...-in ill In- Vt !..! J.. I. ere I... .1 i'"l t- tl.e !!. ) !. M- ot tl.r.. i.t- iii pri. I I.. -. tt in nt aur- I anv I hing li on the t.ar. ot .fit.;. :.r ii.anji a ii" 'lit li. ,Oo.t at loi.a a. t.t i.ji vi. lli a rt..li tlat t.M-i. t-.lli tl.e .r. th and tlx ln.. K) tfoli. 1 he ". til -r I ii li V! e , at. l.l ,. I be f..l. jj . . t 1 1..- mark. t. I I..- ;..v 1 1. to. nt . r.p r Mrt wa at tl,. i,..tt. to ..t the t..,ife-r. ..r thirij l.v- pa- Hi.' ni'li .i rat.t.-. f - uia t ton aii..i.g ..l l.- r it ir in tie 1 r adr i loth. aio ... t.t ol m beat 1 1.- r r-" tt.-.iid In- thalt!at -at . r.p al ill in Lr-t I arn. i hand-. !.a-t ear at tl.t I .ii..- it hj. It I ,.'" Im.-IwU r "4 t vv li.'b. tmi f.gurt . atnr- out l.i-t night making t r---rvr on!) 7 . i"."m t.ii.h.d-or I'vl 'f oi.t. I.vrr) l..l wanted wb.al. II Jt.-ritiga vv-re alt-.. rind r-adil that t. it th.- tn.trk. t .ii. kl) r li.ii..l.-l l "h wl.oearl) in ll-l) lr"l t Iw-tttt I" t lie g..v rnn.rtit llgur- fin a!l -wing around t. ! lo t in I l-ir i;i.M.rtui. and !- an.e lira ) l.i)rr. I here w a- additional ileti.ent Jif i ng 1 1.. hi I l.o.ir. I. ot the market jjot w. ak during il.e la-t I. n mnnilra and .-t . I Ir-.u. the ..nit.g. opinion vnrj ws.b Jv a-to i he d.-v l".j.itieiit to il., rr'-w . GEL WHIZZ! llir.r iiuMtl al la I Ik l an.l ll.. ll- UUI llw Will II. I.. I. f ki M'.v. N. V.. Mar. fi M - 1 l.llnrl da - --!.. o of the in vet igat .ti into tat llol-e e (H-tidlti.rea Ul.d T ."stip-riiiiendeiii l ord wa r-uin-d t .ay. ;..k-keper Murphv wa re. atl-1 and fli.tnH a i.tui.lx-r of t-ntriea .t l.--k-. arei -. tiair. barged to I. . .ii Ahl-tt. Jr.. and delivered t. 'IT lir.-ii.lwa), N. V.. the t,. National t -tuk. J. r ) t 'lt) lid Ida riatf rrl-d.-t.ci-. il.e Ot. her hoV. t lie- it iii- to have lrt--ii paid li) tlir t 1 In v in. Jud.-d I wo 1 1 de-k and two : - de.k-. a- wejj tort) -five j ard f vV id'.u -arjet. Mi.rphj tt-ii li'd A . 'iifV il'l.ll't t be "st ! 1 111 f. Jea'bt-r cou. h f.r r..mj.tr!l-r llrprri-l.eiui.-r'p !:. e, who b had l--li p4 for t w Aii item .f -eu de-k- for I f g... no r ..lli e wa- hargel to "late at f t a It, tl:- o-t l-llig III. Muab't I'lar 4). ..ti Miit. . '.. My 12. M)r l.-aa . reti-e. to iu li-rn to t!i- Mar'iiit IUtil to i-ritirt in the op-ra lioui iit-xl -ufida)', hold-ttigthith- rn-ert mld ! lol a tioti.f the utidiiy ob-rtc rd i-i;ajc-, a an ad:mioti fr would t h:irge.. -unitt-r. li nad fVr f.r tin- Mindty rTe.rt. TIt i- uiij. h kicking among 1 1 Jnpltf ( "..itimbia. it) i" A NEW CONGRESSIONAL CONTEST. A OrorgU r.lrdl.iu lu ! Tril .k1" A ruuiil of Chart; of I ra.t.l Atlanta, 'Ja., Mar-h Th rsitrn&tion of J. t. f. Iia-k. a ttaalt It a Cllll. I..M. Man li 12. Tim- t-.m-. r- r.-p'.rted l.t night a hiving --u i i roltt-ioti oil I'n-a. h) ll-ad -r tin ,Mi-eti ga. from Hamburg, and llf i adoxtoti, (ri-Ti ntyrftia. Iron Ii Ion. I hi- '!. xt.ri w unk. but all lnar1 wrr !. Tl alotn wa- htnl at New 4 a-ll-. Knglatid, in .); regi ! ered l.l'rj ton tirt atid wa- 2-1 fe-t long, XJ." feel t-aiu and .' ;.l ft d-ep. niif l:allr4a Cm Ua-t Tr ! i iiii.iv, March 12. Kiotin wa in prgr-- to-day tw-tr-fi lb v. hit and oore.l Iat.rer on Of I V ee . The whit tlK.k iMOion. Y Mr j - v. - . i - . ; -IV ' S of C nouncin olic church and its mad, wi.om ..eA a.u 4..,4 , tfc- 1t he referred as-ltiat man, l ojie i.eotiie in iaM-i- uon aiu cumw.Hj ia- Mlfph .... a K XI." lie .said of Democ ratic Chair- district. Black Peered on the hScfLU man . r mce ui iue reium, u. iu. we,UK , jIy a(.t evening. 'I hf rrrrtrtion tn- alongtl.6 ;A'ghny Tn " h",'" ' 'har"i on b lb Mitss-Le bas resD- dered him at ifi Uard of trade wa hear that he was in con-ui anon wiui ei and tve ce u un OVfcr nded ly reprr-ntativ ron in three Koman Catholic j and . ommercial, financial and railroad Hr- tothese men : -Denounce these orders. . ' . . . , . , . s."'" n ,he 1X1. br -s:A "ssl: t churcti. . j J -North who i mt i nt-retHl in tlw In closing his speech, Mr pat.gler j growth and pr.-M.rity of th South i. tookfrom his desk a small llag,wl.ich. Ar c.oi.c to Kll,h. J Lnllrv. fll, to the North. he waived triumphantly until called . Atlanta, a.. March 12-A fom-! and fl- to LimM-if." to order by Speaker alden. j mitt4, froni tbe legislature of Mass- . He then m-' on th iwue fTZ Sachusetts which was appointed to '. day, and advised against frerAa t : i ! .t .1. j v:l i i a urM! inifortunf than war KaAt- t T-nrvi i . 5. m Mrcn i . i.t-c jkiuire-i l s 1 1 iuh oouim uuu vu cti una o--e " iv X A 1 . I. - ' - T " C-l- " J - A 1 I? ......I Imo vt-m tvnonil . 1 ! . t V. a 4 .aI..m . . . . . .kv. wayauu dcu uitcuw... . w. ..... ove" in the sum of $1,(KW each by Cm- missioner Kinneorew on a cnarge oi interfering with U. S. w itnesses. They are said to have assaulted Weldon ami .Tamoa Collins Thursday men ini Ocone county, when they were ing from Atbens, wnere me badbeM ed tor nncu reia making a tour of the Atlanta cotton : Kirii awiu i- factories, tamed northward this af- j ,T.AJSTA, Gt, Marrb ternoon. From Atlanta the commit-1 HawkinaviMe ycaterd" tee have gone to Augusta wlire tney j Murdoc ripkin, a will examine tbe greatest factories hot and killed, . , i . r i I i i. r" -'.a '1 benee taey win go io Vaar- m at f.? I leign ana oinerpomisin CM ipCured,