c AWOniliiini Hlbe Car mm. VOL. J. X(). 5s. - .. THEY WILL ALL GOJOME. The Closing Hours and Incidents Connected Therewith All's Well. THE PAGES OF THE SENATE Vrnl I l..f....M,rnr i,.,7Uir.T,i Mill,; M. T,.k.n-.KvltUlir of t.,,,,,. "M. , ,.KrM.' l. ..,. ri. ,s,, In K.hUuu. W K I ,N K r I Y t MUM :.,...,.,. , ,M I'll" Semite V,;1s rail,.,! I,,,,,.,,..,. . ' i-'vi.:;:;;;..:, -;..'.. "he expiring hour., , ,.. ,;,.,.,.,, A-scmhly u, re spent I.j, i. presiding i ol.lcer,. ..r f,c fU ,r.U.,l.es signing ... ... . r.-.Mv.a,..,,. , "' r.f ,nfcf, iuuf.-nrrffvJ,!( , cons.dcrabl nics-j,,,. wa- tn I a 1 1 ii r t II I'll'. I llini'i't.. ..I' I lO'titlury jwmI a Sta'f lihrarian. 'M e It'll r' ri'pi n on voti- lor Sfali libni I hi Hih that in tin lloiii. of l:,.p. ri-M'iilativ". Sun t'onl i.f. iv, v,;. ami Horn hitm ra-l a-aiu-t him ,. I . . . kJ ...... 4 iii'-.iiaii- in riT-n.-, :, voli-saml jtfktkn u.. .... t .. : . . . ..... -i aaniM nun. Tins mini.- i . vot.'s only ra-l l..r ami ji-ain-l I tliMfltrli ,n. is n. .sary, I,, i h, any on. hy h,. ;,.. ral AsM-inhly hv a I joint majority of tin two hons.s to-wii ' ."i Villus. Ill tin yoti on pi'iiiti-nliary lirv tors thin wr'-j! volis iat in tin Setiatt ami in th IIoiim- .( vot.'.s, ,,iak "M; niTi-ssary for ai. rlfclion It was ihilariil upon t h n-ports of or th' tilhrs that thire was no flec tion. Kiel, ( Kepnhlieaii.) inoveil that the Senate declare Stanford elected any way. The President stated that the tellers' report stated otherwise, and that the journal would show to the eonlrary also. Kiee replied, "that makes no differ ence," and rimling that there was no support for his motion, he abandoned the matter. IMdlTESTS. I'addison sent up ami asked to have spread upon the journal his protest njjainst t he ratilieat ion of an act for the relief of ex-Sberill' .1. ;. Kenan, of Ihiplin county. It was so ordered. I 'arsons entered his protest against the pasa)je of the divorce billwhich was ordered spread upon the jour nal. A HOW MINOH Mill were considered and passed. The Senators lounged about the lob bies ami in the aisles conversing upon dill'erent subjects, only to be interrupt ed by -mi occasional rap of the avcl, calling attention to a message from the Utilise of Representatives transmitting a stray bill which that hotly had just passed, a fid request i ug concurrence, which was immediately disposed of. A resolution to pay extra money to live assistant enrolling clerks was .voted down. A ri.KASANT AFFAIR. Adams requested the President to vacate the chair for a few moments ami call some Senator to preside. The Lieutenant Governor called the lion. Senator from Cumberland to the chair, when Mr. Adams said : I,ientenant-iovernor Doiighton and Senators: A few days ago the members of this Senate presented to you, as our prosid ingotlicer, a testimonial of high appre ciation of the manner in which you liave graced the chair, and thecllicient and impartial manner in which you have presided over the deliberations ot this body in the dispatch of its business. Now sir, I am delegated the pleasant duty to tender you another testimonial as a mark of the esteem.respect anil hive of the little pages of this body. For them, it is my delight to present to you this handsome gold watch charm, and, for them, to say that it is their earnest wishes that the circle of your life, your usefulness and happiness iimv always grow larger. This little token Tarries ..-L it their profound respect, their best vvihes. teir esteem, ati'eetion and love. The Lieutenant Governor was deeply touched, and in reply said : Surely, I am among my friends, both larire and small. I feel most sensibly thiatransaction. It fills my whole be ing with joy. From my heart, I thank thvse little page hoys for what they have seen tit to do. May each one of them grow up and become taithtul ami tieieiit men of this State. Many boys .seek the place of page in this body and iii.nuo of Kenresentat ives. It III Uir ..mi v ,-- is right and proper that the youth should thus be brought in contact w it h the representative men of the state in her legislative halls. It brings them in touch with public affairs, and is a great educator to them to become good and useful citizens. I see this present is gold but I take ' it that these little fellows are not gold bugs but that they are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver in the ratio of 1 to 1. . . ... I shall most highly appreciate this present, more so because of the source from whence it came, and the youthful impulses which give it,and may all the richest blessings of life be abundantly showered around and about these hon est, efficient, patriotic little page boys, and may each one of them grow up an ornament to the great manhood of this great State of North Carolina. The Senate took a recess till 4 o clock Afternoon Session. At 4 :30 p. m. about a dozen Senators were seated about the chamber, when an enrolling clerk entered with an armful or enrolled bills. The gavel Bounded, and the President gave notice of the ratification of a number of bills I lw.r K'O ma law. A h'Jf hour later another batch of bills came down from the enrolling de partment, were ratified, and a recess was tawen un o !. IN I eh t SeBslon. The lights were lighted for the last .. siunatp chamber for the ses- 1 f ikS. and the expiring legisla lature passed through the agonizing M.-.rtM- .flj tl:il a i-o. ..;ltir l a,-,,., two I ad f tin. . nan uraw n ali t.i n-geilicr with P-' , a.d tin-. :tlnatie w ini n w. r,. ii his i.,,. K-t Look l.,i paper. ' H. .t u,,ub N-nalor. bad pari Mri. for hi- I,,.,, ,r w)Mh , j return In. lasting thank-. I en lo-t ,.",r,r" k - l' Hi- following lolv.. That the ,,i;illk, (; Senate l.-.a. tli.-v ;.re ,.r... t , . J ';'lM.........lal,i,, and impartial " " OUT! II. II- t,.. .r .. I. .i ' ' fc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Hi- senate, ami (hat a ,,r tlll. - r-oluilnn tta- put ..,,:, j,H t ;,. .-m..,:.t. r Mart.... k lillK t,, i,ii;iniiiM,u-h ;i'in.ti ii. v .in- .-m ..r...r.o vo,-,-a;. U,a,'rt""",".V! r, "-""r- who II..- I oa mi'. 'Ilowin r : J ' ' ' I I i . I p-. i,i!i i t ih. ir A.lai.:. . l:.lai:iy, l;iark, arsi r, D. V' ,'ra"l1 ,r, ' '- H:!..,r,. k. II, , l.i .l, U.'ov.r. ll.,rl.-. I.i.i.a, MrC;tk,j I s0ii , Tarsons, i, ,., Sharp. shiw. Mar- -to,,, Pars..,,, Hi t.n. k, Wall W, I ol A lamancc. tmorilaiHl aii. I Vhit- I IlilllKSI. j Senator t'aro-r entered ,is ..ol, ,,,!. ri.t.v ajfain.l the lit of ma"i.i r-it.-. ; appointed t n (i,.u,.rili A-i-mblv : I'.r Cumberland county, h.-iau-'e h.iu i,i., ni.Kle ly m , ne one ..un in i names airreetl upon ami Mil, mill.-, 1 by him-elf and the repreM-niat ie. The prof, ( was ,r derrtl spread upon I he journal. Mew borne, tturiny a lull, addressed t he chair a nd said : Mr. President : The hour has well nitrh come when L t w oi . tin 1 1 ot us are anxious to reach those homes and mingle wilh those we love I, myself, am exceedingly an x ions to be where 1 can smell the apple blossom and see the blue birds and join m v ..... ' r -' iiwiin . lamny: nut I have determined to slav and do all that fell to my lot to per form. To-night I have been called to perform a pleasant duty. Our Secre tary isa man I have long known as a good citien and a splendid business man who, wherever you may put him, will always do his whole tfuty as he has p.-rformed the v ry a d; ous duties here. Now, in behall ol i he clerks and employees of this Senate, I present .Mr. II. K. King this watch, and asked Hint :ii . .. i . . . . i .-. . associate clerks. Mr. King accepted the watch in a pleasant little speech, relating the ups and downs of a Senate clerk's duties, and closed with his heartfelt thanks to the donors. A resolution was received trom the If ouse of Kepresentat i ves I hat the f. en era 1 Assembly of North Carolina would adjourn without day at the hour of 10 :::) o'clock' p. m. The Senate concurred in the resolu tion and when t he hands of the Senate clock indicated 10::'o p.m., the travel of t he President rapped and he said: Sen ators, under the joint resolution of the two bodies, this Ceneral Assembly stands adjourned without day. I.KlilSI.ATI V K N't I KS. Among the many pleasant circum stances attending the close of t lie (Jen -eral Assembly was the presentation of an elegant gold headed cane to Prin cipal Doorkeeper by his assistants and the employees in his department. The enrolling clerk of t he Senate was also the recipient of a present in the shape of a gold headed cane as a me mrnto of kind feeling and high esteem of his assistants and other friends, iiorsi:. House met at 9:30; prayer by Rev. Dr. Branson. The reading of the j-urnal was commenced. Mr Ray moved to sus pend the reading and called for the ayes and noes on his motion. The chair said there was not a suflicient number up Mr. Ray quoted from the News and Observer in regard to the Hst vote at the night session, and asked that the journal of last night so far as it related to the last votes in the House be read. He intima ted that there was something wrong about the clerk's desk. The chair stated that the clerk did not have time to write up his jour nal in Cull last night, and that he would give him a little time. There being a pause of some length, Mr. Ray made an intimation that thure was something wrong going on be tween the chair and the clerk. SHARP LANGUAGE BETWEEN SPEAKER WALSER AND MR. RAY. The Speaker requested Mr. Ewart to take the chair. He then cme down on the lloor and defended him- ir aiminsr the insinuations ot the gentleman from Macou. He said the charge that had been made by the gentleman from Macon was unwor thv of any member of' the Hocse. The gentleman from Macon knows, and every member of this H use knows that I was doing all I could to expedite the business of this body, and that I have been doing my duty with fairness to all parties. The izen tleman makes insinuations here that he dare not make outside of this house. He insinuates, and a paper in this town charges that I am using my position to further legislation m which my party is interested, by tak ing undue advantages and denying to members their privileges on this floor. The gentlemen all know the charge or the insinuation is untrue and I denounce it as untrue. Mr. Ray asked the gentleman from Henderson to retain th chair that he (Ray) might be n terms of equal ity with the gentleman from David son. As far as my acting in a way toward the gentleman, as indecent and unbecoming a gentleman, I de nonnce the charge as false, and the man who makes it i an absolutely unqualiEed falsifier. If an attack has been made upon me, because 1 said there was something wrong eoing on around the chair, I will say that I did not intend to reflect on the r,A T nat him to divest him- ii e a.cep.e.i wim i rn nigii appreci- I der that there was no quorum devel ation oi Ins worth and elliciency, and oped by the last roll call. We could the lovt, ellection and esteem of Ins ..L,, f. " ! self of his authority as Speaker and KALK1C.H, NORTH u, n iuaii tL- hur.i. uiifuaniy thmi cay I h- not hi r.i with the 'u ' "! iij.-iu. I .J.-ny mak- iij' auy ibrcf uj.tj ttn- ' mati'i. iul-Kitty vh. n I tj,,-,,. vs tliiu wrcn' umut: n .trout-ii th- ienk-rV hair. 1 h- p-akr a.-pt.,i tb !i-, laiui. rof the prill.-nmn from Ma 'fu.. iil.I M. lCy i.tru.ti.l uhat h, fm.l haul th;tt oflu ,i v-, ami th- sJ- ak r t.-turin-.l to hi 1. au.l th Mi-iut! of the liou'f nt on. 'l!f.vote t Mi.-jitri.J th reajjuj: as .,!, to ii The j.urnai ar, I'r..v ,1. nate r-holution in favor of W . U.iVfS aMs:aiit t:roiiirit' clerk- pur on tho roll of rl,-rkN pa'S. (i "fj.i an.l thu J rt-fcii da. i'o.itiun to Apun from th- joLrt.ai ot lMl.M u-.-or.! in r.L'ar.l li-, ' called up nd table,. Ml.J'eeblis iutroilueid a bili fur tile i, 1 ft of Jno. A. Silt W. by fivi'tijr hn.'i a ieeond-class pension. The bil, he stati-d whs a Mibhlitute for n bill lrl betwtfu the House and the Sen n't. TLe bill passed us seeordatid thinl rt ailiiiys. lit .solution to pay J. W. l'rown, nioiht Ur clerk, fluo iur t-x'ra viork! was iiitroiliiet il bv Mr l. a.:., Phillips moved to amend by alliiiir - -'.T I ItWIIIU.'IMI un name ot ti. P. llauM-r. Young, by adilin; each for the laborers. A iio iiduienrs ami bill were all tabled. Senate bill, to repeal sections (i, Sf !, 1, 11 and VI, laws of 1 fct!:5, in re gard to the town of .Monroe, whs ta bled, hsll to create a new township iu Forsythe; to establish stock law fence between Chatham and Ala mance, amendment of Senate con- .... 4,. i! t i i . ' 1 esiaousn line Ottweetij 1 A U,!UM ' fllul Chatham called up j ! ' n,,il tue table and passed second i ! ami third reading. The Senate '.amend merits to t he divon... I.ill ct n curred in. KI.KCTIOX oe STATU I.II'.UAKIAK. I "i j wouoi- nif ust oj dead Mr. hwart placed in nomination j and missing is: .loseph Wel.by, Mr. F. I). Stanford, of Yadkin conn- j driver of the wagon; Lorenz Iin ty, the first assistant clerk of the j iuo, Pete Jacobiny, Anti nio i,, ', it-Hous-e. Messrs McCall and Hunter j to, Stanzile Yittano, Francisco 'aft acted as tellers on the part of the'eetto. House, and the roll call developed j The other five suspects ha 1 been 4S votes for Stanford. ! released fro,.. .... . i...r .! i. Mr. Pefairles raised the noint f nr- , . : - - i - only adjourn for want of a quorum. or have the House polled to s e if a quorum is present. He moved to adjourn till 2 o'clock. The chair r u let i mar me ro l ca. ua not vi 11.1a. 1 ii ..I.. ,ntl tv- merely au eiec tion. This provoked several inuuir-1 les ana questions auout a quorum, which were brought to au tnd by "message from the Senate" and the Speaker proceeded to sign the en rolled bills which were brought in by the messenger. NEW OFFICERS VOTED FOR. Mr. Hileman from the committee to nominate directors for the peni tentiary made the following nomi nations: DIRECTORS OF THE PENITENTIARY. 1st district, T. E. McCaskey; 2nd, J. B. T. Hoover; 3rd, Mayer Hahn; 4th, J. E. Bryan; 5th, J. A. Cheek; 0th, H. 0. Dockery, 7th, II. B. Parks, Sth, Ed. P. Wakefield, 9th, R. L. Heibert. Four Republicans and five Populists. The roll was called and ."0 votes were cast in the House for, and 2 against the nominees, a quorum not voting. SHELL FISH COMMISSION FRAUDS. ihe joint special committee, ?.p- pointed to investigate the charges of i i ii i fraud in the shed fish commission aiid matters pertaining thereto, re - ported though Mr. Ewart that they had not found time to enter into a full investigation, and recommended the appointment of a sub-committee to act during the recess of the Gen- eral Assembly, and report to the State treasurer whatever they may find due the State. CANING MR. LUSK. Mr. Winborne, Demociat, rose to a question of privilege. he had been -deputed by the judi ciary committee, of which Mr. Lusk was chairman, to present to him a gold headed cane as a token of the re gard in which Mr. Lusk was held by that eommittee for his faithfulness, punctuality, fairness as a presiding officer and his arduous duties which he had so faithfully performed. Mr. tiT i : i i .: .t. . t : ....v 4... U rZ ?"rV: .til XiU.sn, aiiu oiaicu iuai A-i i . Lusk was sick and confined to his room at the hotel, he would present the cane to Mr. French for him. Mr. French made a graceful re spouse as he accepted the cane in Mr. Lusk s behalt. TRIED TO PUT THEM ON RECORD. Mr. Peebles called up the resolu tion introduced by him in the early part of the session, requesting our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence to se cure the passage of a bill for the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, and for the repeal of the tax on State banks of issue. Mr Hile man saw the point, and moved to substitute the money plank of the Populist platform, which he sent for ward. Mr. French said that while the Populists and Republicans were co operating together on State issues, there were differences amng them on matters of national politics. He did not know himself where he would stand on national questions two years hence. He moved to indefi nitely postpone both the resolution and the substitute. The motion was carried. The bill to print captions of all the laws passed by this legislature was then taken up and passed its several readings. Continued on fourth page. CAKOUNA. TIIUiSlUY. MARCH II. IMC. THE ITALIAN MASSACRE. InttriutieLai CoiLpIi cations Prob able Protest oi the Italian Leeition. MiqtTn MTV AT ilAhhLL MEN AT A JAIL ef-l .,l, Uml -,.,... I. .,,. '"I" I l.t-lr I a. M .. Urn hll- nl- itn- IijIbjj In .rr-t As;...,,- H,,rr Vntl HiKjir I u ii n, I. Al.-fcM-.fi,.. "oi.. Mar, 1, I.: - The Unit, ii Stnt, s may L an i - tertian, Jiml i-oinphcation on n.titd as the rehuit ( ! il,.. i leuee iit re i .r uii'tit, in which live ltalwui-, ... ait 'iu-eti to be ut nat ui tli..-d, were iili.ii. Alter the atta- k on ti . wayof. paityei.iiy la.-t nH,i'iir, ,ie seribfd in the Associated dt-s- pa' chert la-t nijht, all wa-i -. mpar.i- tiveh jni. t, until oon alter uj Ab mt the i s, v n r -ii.'ht ui.-u w.-ai tug maks, knocked at t .e d-,..r ol ti.," ;u ; i .. i. . ... i . .. . . . . j.in wnrie leneno iatni;o, io nh : a"tr"l ' the other Italians with caving struck the bhiws tl.at kiln, I Hixson on Sunday, and the Italian bounded in tho waon at'a k -er eontiu'd. In answer to a j o-.tioi, th ,nt.n said '.Mall. y the .-.j-i :tl". wanted to enter. As soon as the door was opened, the g;i.ttl found iru,!s in their facts. Past of the masktt m.-n went to the ceil where the two Italians wen nfined it tul in.. .... 4 ... I a li "P"1 1,11 s'"" i"ei'h ,no!ier rece ved tour ,,r live bullets. no instantly, but ti e other '1tV(' h short time iu t;reat agony, So ti ace has vet been found of if... three Italians who were taken trom ; the wagon, though they were killed, ! K..,-...,.l ., .1 l. T-l i: , arose. Some fears were eut ' itairtd at Rouse last night that the Italians, who outnumbered the Americans antl other nationalities, might rise up and attack their neighbors in re venge. Nothing of the sort hap pened, however, nor is it much an- iitr. . , ,l. j.-jj.nt il. j.jj.ii is .-m wi tense that should an uprising occur, the Italians would be evtermiro.te.l Later The bodies of the tlnee missing Italians have been tYund at some distance from town. It is there fore certain that the live men held for the murder of Pixson hnve all been assassinated. Wash I m; ton. March 13 Marquis Imperioli, first secretary of the Ital ian legation, called at the State De partment this morning, and directed the attention of the officials to the news from Walsenburg, Colo., of the assassination of four Italians, lie asked that the good cilices of the State Department be used immedi ately to prevent the killing of any it L' .4-' 111. LAIItaixi-.m . . .. c . -' ,-ii rer w ho supposed to have sailed t r. -in Acting Secretary ot State 1 hi, at : avana,( ut.a.for V.-ra Cm. :u d that the instance of the Daiian It gation t he detect iy. s beli.-vcl t h, y were.-i.,-. in this city, has telegraphed the (J jv-; on his tracks. Ihe pinkt'rton pe.,p!. ernor of Colorado for an explanation i admitted that the Associated I'n - Oi--of the killing of the Italians at 'a" patches telling ot t he cani nr.- gave t In- senburg. NEGROES CAN'T WORK. i A,,1 lf"1,,e steitl T,,, Wi!I he s,M,t l'euitetitiary Olt Trmpura! till More,: i j New Orleans, La-, March 13. j The levee, the scene of yesterday's - rioting, presents a peaceful nspict j today. Where yesterday crowds of j excitt d workmen arrr."d with all j kim's of weapons patrolled the river front, nothing was to be seen but squads of policemen discussing the affair of yesterday at d it probable outcome. The police did not wait until actual :Yiooting began before they took aclsn as w as the case yes terday morning. Iheir experience yesterday was one never to hi for gotten. Word was sent to all pte- cinct commanders last night to have i.: p. 4'., f ..,t .1 ...-:.. i. lut-ii iviir .u nuui ai uayiigfii . ttiis corning. Consequently the po- j lice were on hand in large numbers to pevtnt a repetition of yes'erday'si affair. There was a heavv fog thi morning hauging over the river, and . the impres- sum mat me rioters would again take advantage of this fact and commit deeds of violence. lint this .1.-1 A 11 belief did not pm out for the simple i hne tean.r: 'oute from Rilt. reason that not a negro put in an ap ' Iuore l? N -r-Olk, on s-pL I'J, I .!, pearance on the levee. Every col- ri whose family has t-ihce mourn ored man, whose business calls hini;td h in as dead, was found today at to the river front took a day off and the home of his brother, in (i.ve ns very sensibly kept at home. The 1 boro, N. C. u reported to Ik- a various agents whom have up to yes- mental wreck. terday been working negro screw- j - men told their men to remain at j A Te isoat sunk nn,i the ui tdn home until they were sent for. At a1 , iroud. meeting, the agents held last night,; New York, Mar. l-'J. -The tig tbey decided, in view of the unset-1 boat X. 1. Starbuck, ('aid. li-au- 1.1 ololo rf F.;.r- It-,. 1,1 l. I . .1 ! 1 1- -IT . . . . ucvi aiaic ui aiiaiij, u uuiu uc oauiuow, was s'.iuK on iier It l'4it policy to attempt to work their col- ored labor Gov. Foster received a number of thi"r atrPTifnTcl V.!- snip agents ana reiterated nis asser- tion that, hft wrmld ma 1 ft f 'J 1 n nan nri and quiet at all hazards. lie, how- ever, advised the agents not to at - tempt to work their colored laborers. believing that the negroes kept off the scene for 24 hours, the fighting spirit of the rioters would die of in animation. The Governor also re ceived information that the military were many of them at their armories and could be moved in a moment's notice. Gov. Foster said that he did not anticipate any more trouble. Washington, March 13 Weather indications for iNorth Carolina: Showers, west wimds, and decidedly colder Thursday night. THE ECLIPSE IH NORTH V ft mA ? VP:" t i , i ' 1 , ; , 0 What Hunting (irnvcr ;iv while .lMniiin North State. WHISKEY IS A WINNER. Tlir r-r of Hit- Itij; Ti.i.t I1. 1... I'm nl I lit rat iu.il ton. Si'i: i ni ; 1 1 1 i ii. III.. March I.:. - Ii, 1 1. State Senate fodaj eiia1or ..!.. II .(,'-whi-key Iru-t re-oiui imi can.e up , ;. special order. The resolution re.it,--that l he wh'ikcy, lru-1 is condi.-i.d eonlrary to the laws ol tin Stale. that it was decided l y (he Ma:.- courts. Th,. rcsoiui i.,n ai-o prov .led that at tent i..n to the senate I..-.: .- I-" . ' !j.jrMt i . . . i - l nited Stales circuit court at hi ao. that curt being at present . onilud ii t he business nf t he trust through a re ceiver. Senator nmiluiii spoke at i tt . length. gi ing the historx of lU- w In key I ru-t cases in both tie s.aleaid I . S. courts, senator l; rry n pli. ,. it was not proper for the legislature to attack t be judiciary of tie- Mate, resolution wa.s defeated, .j to TAYLOR. THE DEFAULTER, II, ; IU'nrtf-il Hs Il:iinu I'.o n A not.. I f.nl t NottiiiiK lo tii.ite Known. Cine t.t, March LI. (ulicials of ; Pinkertnn tletectiye agency hae il ; claretl today that they have r-eei,d no information from tln-ir men regard I ing the reported arrest in Mexico t V. W. lay h,r, the missing ex-trea-u- correct alllM-es of the net ect j v who are al ter t he man, and il was aj p.trt-nt t he oitiiials b. 1 ie e.l the st T . Piki:i:k. S. II.. March I:!. .t. ernor she'd, n admit: -urprised to -c, I h it h - would not 1,. W. Y . '1 a lor !! i. ri to Picrr soon, rln- (.iisi-riini- il.-chn.-. however, to give anything detinue, other State ..nicer give , r-.! n,-e j., the re j ort of Taylor- cap! i. re tcit know not hing detinite. rr-tt.i ar h :.i.I I ..ni-ioii. (HA LLEtTON, S ( '., M ilch LJ.-Th' north-b-juiid fiasoenger train from Charleston to Florence on the iirt.-wtf-.tern railroad had a henl-end c -1-lision with a fr ight train at B. t. r.ear.3. 'J'he pasaeuger engine am) ceyeral freight cars were ImdU wrecked. The tireman of the ra-- eucer t ngine was budlv cut ! t li ex press messenger knt ekid tl, a n at ti , i - , UrUtSd.. AOLe Ol tie DlStliger- pr(1 ;:,. i Thptnin , .....L after a ehort delav. ' 7 I ' A Sui'pese.l lit ul Mmi I'ounil. pETKli.-bl l;;, Ya., M ir. 1'i 1 t M. Ntwcctule, the groxury imr chant of this city, who uus suppos,.) to have fallen overlioard from a . Hver, at 10.45 a. m. bv the s cearu- shiP ntCa' f. the 'aJd ,;,ie Tuo s-opiaiu auw ucn oi uenien were tU t - . , , . i iuiumu iuiu me ruer ai.i ra-I to ! 6v,im or tneir lives- A11 pick- i ttl UP Dy eurrounuiug tugs, but vapi. nranuow s conuiuon was 60 se rious that all efforts to resuscitatr h;m were futile acd he died at the barge office. The S'arbuck wa3 passing a line to the Seneca at the time of the accident. n tt l i . Dover, Del, Mir. 13 Five bal lots werg.. taken today for a 17. S. Senator without reanlf F.mh Killof was as follows: Higgins s- d- dicks 6 ; Massev 4 WVcott 6 t 4 o:'- ' s , ' - uuuci, s?eventy-nve cailO have thus far beeu taken. - A LP.IKJ BIG TIME. ' ,",' t ..tlln6 I.Va.lj .,r 1 1 r l( I I. I ! II. Ills'..,. '"vi i a. a. T. hti , Mai. h I : i ii -I . N Fi t. n and i i n A . P. S'i au. oj the nati -nnl ..n,i.i- s:..t: o CI, i. katnaiiga Paik, d In ,m d .iti tit Ii ii-, a -i je in.-,., ,,j , ,,,, t t tilt- la 111 her o -oli,n. re thi- ' 1 . .1 111 'If! n g. iiim in ,( . ,., ces-ar. n par t ion s f . r ,.. .1 . .1 , . . - ...... a . ... ir --rrM r"TTl T..-X" lull. i ulVitt.n -tatt d that t.ot ) -s than oi l- hlltidud thou-aiid i lS.,s Vkouhi be bete. Pi. M -lent C). v. Jat.d t. com t:g Ullb s- s li:.,l'.,..! t a V It, ei-b nt k t ps hi,,, j Wicl i, go.ti Ve -Plesidt tit S'. V. I, -oil ai d ail the ue inbejs of th.. . t ,,re e. lining. as vm II as , fi -sals ihe arn hi d navy. The ci.v. rn,,r- of i..-,,!y nil the states and their stalls hav- i.ot, li d the con. mis ,,,. rs that II. v an- . ri . . i liu.t;. j Y.f.1 l.t r Ml I'.e -i t In-. . w i;c.v i n is to i.e. n r 1. i i-. .-..r dit;g Iii staps'i, sf neatly n'.;ir bt u 1 1 i f f i , .'ii i.;n. CI altaiiooga will bt gin at :,' to make pn parati 'tis oi, a in ,-t t. n slVe scale, and ;11 take care J t ei yboi y. Tin- lailro.ols v. ill m ik a one et nt a mii rate. THE DREAD HYDROPHOBI I!h I . i V i 1 1 ins i ii In,, lititr- l!i.i,.i. .. i .1 ( on. i M l..yt I,,, v , , , . , , . ,j .A M i I leir. Phii.m-m.i Ht.y. Mart h .; -Thrt e b. s si: tV. ti'g !r..in !,y di op.i. t. ot.e of .. in was tit.l to a i -ir at. ,'i ri- :. " t g- rs o: th I', nt.'vl van: iinin I'i- r.ia i j r r, V. hidi ! tlir-.l.gh t'is ;v at noon, on vav to i . P i-teur ll.-titl.te 'I, Nt-W Yo'l;. Tt.t i,t,t. t- t n.:t s Ht : V. 'ili.. Da j.. .j ' ar-; his ..:1 i. .1. 1 ,. Ji.tv.. it.ol ." y -a-s. ; nd Ati'br- n, : gt 1 ais, au thr ' oj wt.om - ,!e in ( "t r.t y, llki r co.inty, Wert bitten by a ri!,-l i g 1" a., at 1 n ..lar' ti 4. The boys .rc in chaig-d J'r. Taylor, ptomiiit nt phy.-i :an lr"tn hick, onvilie. uho U.'.d a n- omiiie. !, V.,' a le;..,rtr th'it the ca-es ere the worst he hxd everm-t wih in his prae'i..... The li-ea?c- iia.- mad.- in .r- prtgr s in he r-j.i. of .lotinnit- llivis Ti an my of the other-, and has evt i v -, n t- leni of h Vi:ioti.bia. He ;ts t.t.l . . K-.v.n I a u s -eat by mean- ropes ns .e sTi-tr.s at t li- doctors HIii a others who approach him. A Mi.im I I irll.t- loi,t)- nn I I'm tttiii.t, Neu YoI:k. March 13. -Mn. W'tu . Van'Jerbilt and h-r dughter C.,ns;e!o. sailed for Liverpool fnlav ou the While Star Jim r. TiiC i.ic The looking was u;a3 at ? pier anl in a name other that, her own. She will return, it is said, i,, the early .-uinm-r for the season at New port. The V.tr.dt rbilts took five maids and one man -t-vant. and had or r half a hutidred pieces of luggag?. Atlanta, Ca., Mareh 13 Ti. 01c Midway church in Libert v eoi.n- tp. the most ancient bouse cf w..r dero-r of Rev. Iiargesn Swoje,r ship in the South, having been built r ved at the home of hi father. m lt.2. is the set tie to.lv t.f th D'3,d annual re-union of the" Midway ""o'-i.i, au ur;au;auD wnufc luis- .i. . " " i'ririu4ic win utsioricai assocciations of the venerable ttrue- ture N'groesnow own the build - ing. Ft. W rth, Texas, March 13 The Ttxr s serai-Centenuial Exposi tion yeMt rday elected the following officers: President, II. C. HolWaT: Vice- President, Heien R. Williams; Direc- tor General, B. Ii. Paddock: Secre- "IIIIOIU-, Wlltl taiy, Glen Walker; Treasjrer, J. W. r Tkestoi N. J., March 13. The PuH1,.ean as5!emb1ymea in confer- ence this morning decided bv a vote nf .W trt i- .ca ,u ...r.. ciary bill over the governor's veto. '..r i:rs. CAROLINA. - (jII(.-s lu the OM THE IMCOME TAX. It. ..t. lta,.ks II,. ( ,( ... rttit...ta l,.ta. W mi!.,1,.v, Mr. h I I Th. r : o. th.t tolrtl thr Suprt-ruf ' O'li.'.fct tuptrity ttiy It. I ir Mr. .!.. pt. . Cb.,tw tulm tht- t I...,, g ntg-itu. t,t fcgttii.-i thf iu- ."" JUi-4.-rrT.1'7rtTT'' Jilting lt h euie M.iliii.. -;..n ' t bt-foff it- etturt ft,r M'OI'I rtl p;t has -nttft so inuth iiitt rt this ,i ti t tin- validity of tl.o i 'O. I' 1" liol l . to tht th ,'llt 'Ui- it d lioU L, f ..fr l;t it n, l.t h. Mr ' h litt JHg-.li,. ut . ltgt-y tt-. nni al Hlid N-gHl. Miid l,f tt.u Im ttay t-.l tl- f nt t hut he had o ., r'.ud 1 l.sii,..,,. gt-iKrnl it-run k -ttrdnyat.d Uid,.jttd tht with hi ilitrodiieti- ti l:po-t ,,ff h- t,nl i hi i,. i f, ttth ci.tlnt. himlf t f t -tlliltl.,,1 un. I th.- pit -titatioti of tt.t b (. points. Mr. Choa'e 'tbU fldej llit no i . har.ge f. r the Mir rend, r by Ihf th!-n.f the J ow r ttn-.-K t- tuti,-.t iinpfs's aiiA a ih g-Lrrl gr erniin iit h-l i.t-c. s-aniy eom-, ,!.,! tht- ptott t tion t.f ni tii-n iu thfir tqu;tlity bt f.,:e the , mid tb no'. ui.ifoi ii. it y tuu-t U ol t-ri t-L Fat therinore, he &ss, ,,,.) i1,,,, rub hud b u tct x withtoit n t t tiou by '!, ft lit fill triff f-t. .'Jr. .latot- While h-r t.kl if t ie i,l frvh' ( . of iit, ruj toalI lijt d.f'rt.y all .-e to- tp tii. Ml. Cht.H'e ll.t.ugtit nt. and h a..-. dis-entt-d frni a Migget lo tht a ti.l:-tetif w. tiil- in tmiug mm I !i: r r,t t grt . of wraith. Ther a 1 G'-vi-r b a per .on a I "li-tinrtion hi the tanf! It nt .'I iV,rk when Mr. Chat-f a':-r h vn g M-b-a t! re-hour t d iv artl f..riy ti.inote vrt-rdyt r. 4. 1 t-d Imp roraiit.ti. if La4l, Um i'., tt-It a reip..i.sbihty io t Lt ra ii as h- i.ai ti v r fa in any ,th t rt -ss,. an.l iievr xprtl Io ft- again, ar .l lt 1 rot L-li v that any ni'-mbet ,f u, -ourt La i Trr -at in a ..en or tLat any f ih.-in wotiM -v-r live lonjr -nouirh ht ar t i f more vital ronM- 'ItiiXJ'-. t' the ! o:l f fhi n.'ititrv .i : . .w 1 to-.i jt .lion iuvtdve.1. wan kl,t.ll,i.r we .-..nJ.I re.'y upon thr guaranty giT en U, by the falh-r in th constitu tion, at.tt under which the nation Lad far in iti history prop-rJ. If it was 1 1 ue. an ha 1 ix en a-rerted, that h de, i,in advtrMs to the law wa lii nb;? ft, causi an army of aev-nty iilii'Ti to march thi way. "to mi al.-. ut it.' then it ai all th tuor imirtaiit to lh future welfare of th- country (hit ths court ahould if it has the power to decide bocL q'letitit.L. and if it find that it La. tuat it chouM exer-iM; it to put a fctop to auch legia'ation. At. Kttipul CatrMl. Hawcsvili.k. Ky.f March 13. El I'uiLain, the -M-ap-d lunatic tour- Tijouiah Pulliam. at It vill. l&sr night, in the rnuht of pooling rain. ouiiirM! an ao fxuavuieu mailt -;n . i... i i v . -j- , uir, ? uau urtu nuiuic ii ior almost a week without firing it food Tcday a pose of citizens and officers sut rounded the houae and be was captured, Loul1 hand and foot and brought to thi city. I'nk liok-krer'a MatVId. CoLUMiiU. S. C.t March 13. A Purwell hyramm, aged '2(1, book- I.... . .1 I- S. . . . i TIC . ,.r . "- "V. r mrougn me couat were perfectly straight. There was some doubt as to whether the i killing was suicide or iJtnt.L ! inn '. iuo- ua u & uuiiuiir. nil ac l. v r; ' .i .iT .1. r ! was a straddle between. th two. (! 4 tortures oi lis nnai uibboiu.u . s. M I,. .

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