CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. VOL. I. NO. 2. Happiness. “What didst thou say to Happiness ? I saw her at the gate." “This I said to Happiness, Thou comest all too late; Nay I I cannot let thee in. Where these graves are growing green. **le’t meet-thou thyself shall say— Thai where my dead repose Thou ehouldat hold tby revels gay. Thou ehouldst wear tho rose ? Nay! I will not let thee in, Where these graves are growing green. “Turned she round a little space, Smiled and softly raid, . 'I would even ask a place, There above thy head, To plant flowers, myrtle and rose, Making fair their last repose.' **Bo she entrance gained at last; How could I gainsay Such request ? My tears fell fast, But she won her way; And the rare, flowers Wreathed to glorious summer bowers. •‘She has won my grief from me, Wherefore, then, complain ? Made my place of graves to be Bright with hope again, And obeying each behest, Joyfully I serve my guest.” THE GOVERNOR'S WIFE. “Sikes .lire, Caleb Morton! Brought home two people to eat os out of house and home, and you in debt already up to the crown of your head, as a body might say I Weil, if ever 1 heard the like! When yon have got the roof off from over onr own heads, perhai s yon’ll be happyl We shall live to come to want through yonr doings! Now, yon jnst mark my word.!" The speaker waa a little, thick-set woman, with a haid, wrinkled face, thin, tightly shat lips, and two fierce little light Line eyes that glared with all the sharpness of an angir kawk’s glance, first upon the stout, comfort able-looking, white-headed farmer, who was shifting uneasily from one foot to the other in front of his own door, and then at the pale, Beared countenances of a delicate woman and child who Bat in the wagon from which he had jnst dismounted. Such a pleasant looking home it had been to those weary wayfarers before its mistress appeared! A square, old-fashioned farmhouse, gray with the storms of sixty yean or more; bnt with a broad, flat door stone, and an open door overhang with lilac blosaomr—a door that led straight into ths neatest of kitchens, where long rows of glistening tins, in a corner cupboard, shone like silver as the evening fire blued upward from the open hearth. Bat Mrs Horton spoiled it all. Her soar, withered, miserly visage and her sharp, hard voice made the poor woman who had come to seek her charity shud der and grow sick at heart. “Don't mind ns, sir. We will go back and sit beside the road where yon took us up,” she said, faintly, to the former. “I am not a beggar, and my child mnst never be one. Let ns go, air. We would both rather starve than stay where we are not welcome.” She reached forward to tonch the farmer on the shoulder, bnt even that effort was too much for her wasted strength. She sank forward, and wonld have fallen anker the hones’ feet if the turner, warned by a cry from the little girl, had not turned and caught her in his arms. “Well, I’m surer began Mrs. Morton, spitefully, to the child, whose great bine eyes were fixed npon her with n look of feu and dislike. “Yonr ma makes quite free for s stranger.” “For shame, Sarah,” said her hus band, severely. “At least we have enough and to spare for the present, and the future most take care of itself. w “lks are not going to perish to death -«nt here at my door when I can pre vent iL” "There’s the poorhonse for such as her,” uid Mrs. Horton, viciously. A look from her husband silenced her nt last. He bore the fainting woman indoors, end Uid her down in the spare room. “On my beet bed,” Mr*. Morton used to say, indignantly, for many n month thereafter. With his own hands the kind old man carried in a plentiful supper sod breakfast to the wanderers. And when, after that next morning’s meal, (be poor woman bade him adieu, and, with grateful tears, prayed that Ood might bleu him, he patted her on the sbonlder encouragingly, and slip ped n five-dollar bill into her hand. , "Take that, my dear, for yon and ths little one to Hve, till yon get stronger,” he said. “Now don’t cry over it, my deu, bnt keep a good heart, and keaven will send yon friends as yon journey along. Good by, little one. Will you give an old man a kiss?" “Tee, I will," uid thn child, spring CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG CO., N. C„ JULY 1, 1882. ing into bis outstretched urns, and pressing Ler lips upon his withered cheek; “and when 1 am a great large woman, I’ll pay yon back for being so kind to my poor mother. Why, she would hate died if you hadn’t taken her in last night. And then I should have died, tool” Tears were in the farmer’s eyes as he stood looking after his late gnests; bnt his heart was warm with the conscious ness of a good aotion performed, and a benefit conferred. “You might as well hang a sign out, and my that we keep a tavern for every straggler that comes along,” remarked Mrs. Morton, from the door, “I do wish, Caleb, you’d stop doing so. You won’t end till we are both in the poor honse, and then you’ll be easy!” “If I am to go to the poor-house for helping a starving woman and child, go 1 must, Ssrab,” said her husband, quietly. “And go you will, mark my word,” replied Mrs. Morton, in a fury, shutting the house-door with a bang, that made ever ymilkpan and cup and ameer ring and rattle again. • «•••* Ten years passed on. And it began to looks prif Mrs. Morton had only been too true as prophet when she foretold ruin for her husband and the alms house for them both. In ap evil day, Caleb Morton signed a note for a poor and struggling neigh bor, who died jnst as the time of pay ment drew near. Nothing was left, exoept a scanty pro vision for the widow and orphans. Caleb would have starved before claiming that from them, even if he could do so legally. Their homestead, already mortgaged, mnst go to pay the debt, and he was ten years olderj broken down by bard work, and beaten down jnst now by his wife’s tongue, which never ceased re peating, “Didn’t I tell you so?" till his poor heart was fit to break. “I did wrong. I see it now. I’m sorry for it. But do not blame me so, Sarah,” he said, sadly. “God knows I meant to do right, and to do my best for yon. And I'll go to the city and see this rich man that holds the note. He is a lawyer, and they've jnst made him Governor of this State. He don’t seed the money, and maybe he will agree to some arrangement, so I can pay it off by degrees and not sell onr home.” “That’s the first sensible word you’ve Raid about the business," cried Mrs Morton. And she bestirred herself so effectu ally to get him off at once, that by ten o'clock the next morning he was ring ing at the door of the beautiful city mansion in which the new-made Gov ernor had jnst taken up his residence. He was admitted by a servant, who was rushing ont on an errand in hot hnste. The household staff was not yet or ganized. There was no one in the hall to receive him. He wandered on, wondering at the tall, marble pillars and the floor of tessellated marbel till be eameto the Gothic library where the Governor was sitting, in company with his beantiful six-month's bride. The old man glanoed at the rich car pet, the velvet and rosewood chairs, the tall vases, the gilded pictures upon the walls, through the half opened door. Then hia eyes fell npon a portrait that hung in the place of honor above the fireplace, and he stood still. A sweet, pale tpiritucllc face, with waving, silvery hair brushed back from the forehead, and a look of peaceful benediction beaming from the large blue eyes. “I onght to know her well,” mused the old man. “And I know now—it is the poor lady who oame to onr house, one evening, with the pretty little ohild. It looks as it all their troubles must be over, if they live in a honse like this.” In the library, at the same moment, a pair of beautiful blue eyes were lifted to that portrait, uid tears dimmed their light—tears that the lipa of a lover husband soon kissed away. “If the picture makes you ead, Lucy, it must be moved to one of the upper rooms,” said the Governor. ‘H never wish too aee a elond npon your face again.” “No eloud will ever oome there through yon, George,” replied his yonhg wife. “I am not nnhappy when I look nt her, and I like to nave the picture there, because it is in this room that we shall be es tenest together. I waa only thinking how sad it was that she oould not have lived to share with ns this beautiful home.” “Yonr mother did not ears to live longer, Lucy,” said the Governor, after a pause. “Bhe told me so herself, after ■he had found yonr Uncle Eustaoe, and panoadad him to do justice to yon be fore he-’died. She remained until she saw yon my wife, and. knew, how tender ly 1 wonld care for yon. Then I think she waa really glad to go. Her heart was in your lather’* grave,” “Yes; and then she suffered so, in that dreadful time after his death, when we bad no money and no home,” re plied his wife, with tears in her voice, though none fell from her eyes. “Yon can never imagine how she was humili ated and beaten down into the very dust Ono night—oh, how well I re member it—she would oertainly have died, if it had not been for a kind old farmer who took us to his house, al though his cross wife objected, and ac tually called my mother a pauper in her anger. Borne dßy, when you are not very busy, George, I wish you would go with me to see that kind old man, and thank him in my mother’s name.” . “Very well, my dear. Now will yon go with me to give your orders about the furnishing of the upper rooms?” They went ont into the hall. There stood tne farmer, turning his hat about in his hands, and looking like a man dazed. “Why hear is my friend—my mother's friend!” exclaimed the Governor's wife, dropping her husband’s arm, and run ning up to the old man with both hands outstretched to greet him. “Don’t yon remember me, sir? lam the little girl you sheltered in your pleasant home. If you had not been so good to us, I might hav9 lost my mother then.” I remember, miss—ma’am,” stammer ed the farmer, turning crimson all over his honest face. “And did you come to see me? Or my husband?” asked Luoy, with a proud, fond glance at the Governor. “It was him, ma’am—the gentleman that holds the note and the mortgage on our hoine. It has been foreclosed, and I must lose it now to pay this debt. I wouldn’t have dared to come here, ma’am, on suoh an errand, only it is life and death to me and to my wife. We are getting old now, and I haven’t saved anything, and I don’t know where we conld find another home. ’ If more time eonld be given me, 1 conld pay off the note and the mortgage by degrees. But I cannot do it new. If lam pressed for it, the home must go.” “How came you to sign a note for an other man, when your own property was encumbered?” asked the Governor, as his wife drew the papers from the hands of the farmer, and placed them in his own. “I suppose I oughtn’t to have done it —that’s a fact, Bir. Bnt, yon see, Neigh bor Bussell and I were boys at school together, and he was a poor struggling man, with a lot of little children. There was only Sarah ar.d me at the old home stead, and I thought we could risk it better than he conld. If he had,’lived, he wonld have paid me baek, honest, every oent. Bat what could be done if the Lord saw fit to take him? It is all unfortunate, but I acted for what I thought was best at the time.” “George, for my mother’s sake, you will not let him lose the home that he has risked to help another,” said the Governor’s wife imploringly. He smiled, and then they both tnrned and looked at the portrait, that seemed to follow them all with its sweet sad eyes. “This business is in the hands of my country agent, and I knew nothing of it until now,” he observed. “Make your old friend stay and take an early dinner with us, Lucy, and I will settle this affair." * * • ft * 4 At eight o’elook that evening Caleb Morton reached his farm, an altered and a happy man. Never had the old place seemed bo dear to him aa now, and he gazed aronnd the fertile fields, and at the old eqnare gray honse, as we only gaze at the things that we love, when they have been nearly lost to up, and then, by a mercifnl interposition of Providence re stored. Hia wife met him at the door, eager faced and Bbarp of tongue as ever. “It is the enp of cold water that the Bible speaks of—it is the blessing that follows after the giving,” said the old man solemnly, as he finished the story of his day. “The note was destroyed by the Governor’s wife, the mortgage is canceled, and this is onr home onoe more, free from the leant incumbrance of debt. Nut if I had refused shelter to that poor lady and her obild ten years ago, where should we be this night?” “Where, indeed?" thought Mrs. Mor ton, silenced fpr onoe in her self-ap proving life. Now, if you happen to go there, Mm. Morton will show you with great pride the best room and the best bed—“on which Governor Gerald’s wife's mother slept the night that she staid with us— she and the pretty little girl, who la now Governor Gerald’s wife.” Arrangements have been made to hold the next rennion of the Army of Weet Virginia at Parkersburg on the 19th, 20th and 21st of September. The gov ernment will be applied to for the use of a supply of army tents, and the rail road* are expected to fix excursion rate* POPULAR SCIENCE. Itsbbits are not poisoned by bella ponna or stramonium. A piece of iron is appreciably heated iD being magnetised. It requires 2,000 blooms to yield one drachm of ottar of roses. The silk-spinning spiders, epeiridse, inhabit the hottest countries. Threads of glass are made that can be tied iu knots and woven into cloth, The right lung of a human body is generally two onnees heavier than the left one. In India eucalyptus wood is used for the Bleepers of railroads, because it de fies the insects and climate, A device for extinguishing kerosene lamps has recently been patented, whioh consists of a shut-off for the air supply, and works automatically if the lamp is overturned, thus preventing ths risk of explosion. The Longest Span of Wire in the world is used for a telegraph in India, over the river Kistnah, between Bezo rah and Sectanagrum. It is more than 6,000 feet long, and is strstohed be tween two hills, each of which is 1,200 feet high, A Discovery of fossil human remains has been made in Brazil by Dr. Lund, near Ague Santa, Province of Minas Geraes, where an osseous breccia has been found containing human debris closely associated with the remains o! extinct Bpecies. A Swiss Watchmaker ha* made a wutoh whioh he claims will run several years withont winding. A box contain ing two of his watches intrusted to the authorities of Vonvry on January 19th, 1879, has just been opened, and the watches were found going. English microscopists have given va rious facts showing that human subjects have been in many cases infected with filaria, a much-dreaded worm parasite, by mosqnitoes. These parasites breed in conntless numbers iu the human body, usually invading the circulation in the evening, increasing till midnight, and then retiring to other parts of the system. A Skull of heroic size and singular formation has been discovered among the relics of the mould-builders in the Bed River Valley. In a mound, sixty feet in diameter and twelve feet high, were found the bones of abont a dozen men and women, mixed with the bones of various animals. The sknll in ques tion was the only perfeot one, and near it were fonnd some abnormally large body bones. The man who was evidently a giant. A thorough investi gation of the mound and its contents will be made by the Minnesota Histori cal Society. Beene at a Bull-Fight. A terrible accident occurred on a Sunday, at a bull-fight at Arles, in the South of France. The bulls were prin cipally Spanish, and very savage. A spectator named Louis Bony, aged sixty, having accidently tumbled within the barricades, was immediately pursued by one of the bulls. The poor old man conld not rnn very fast, and in a few seconds the bnll had tossed him high into the air, and, letting him (all to the gronnd with a dull thud, the furious animal gored him with his horns. An indescribable scene of exoitement ensued. The bull was secured, and the man carried in a shocking state to the hospital. Immediately after this the Commissary and tho Enb-Prefect or dered the spectacle to be stopped; bnt this measure provoked each an out burst of protestation from the specta tors that after an hour of free fighting and tumult within the arena, during which the cashier’s office was unsuccess fully stormed, the Commissary and Bub-Prefect were actually compelled to order the continuation of the perform ance. France’s Egg Production. France is now noted for its produc tion of eggs. The >,rop is told ohiefly in England. The number of egg* sent from France to England daring the first quarter of this year was 190,922,- 610, valued at $3,004,264 Since 1856 the price has risen from 14 to 22 oent* a dozen. Fifteen or sixteen eggs are sent annually from France to England for every head of population. Besides this, France raised twenty eggs for every inhabitant of her own. or in all the ronnd number of 1,500,000,000 eggs, rained, with the poultry product, at £110,000,000. The Frenchman need* no patent incubator. With refuse from the horse stable and a barrel, he will hatoh ohicks by the barrel. To fatten fowls for the market, he doe* not wait for them to appease their own appe tites. On a revolving contrivanoe are placed the fowls. As the machine revolve* slowly a tube enters the bird’* Meek, and by foree-pump ths crop i* Hied. The bird has no choice. It I must eat and grow fat. f. C. SMITH. Mister. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Cape Colony exported last year $22,- 500,000 worth of diamonds. The number of books and magazine* pnblished in Germany dnring the year 1881 waa 16,191. Floral jewelry in tinted silver, wittt diamond dewdrops sparkling on leaves end flowers, grows in favor constantly. Two sons of Garibaldi’s daughter Theresita, wife of General Canzio, are named Abraham Lincoln and John Brown. Some lives are like a foot-print on the hard rook, enduring forever; and some are like a foot-print in the sand, to be erased by the coming tide. It is said that over 150,000,000 acres of the public land have been donated to railroad companies, which is about one sixteenth part of the total area. Fortress Monroe is the largest single fortification in the world. The fortifi cations at Gibraltar cover more ground, bnt they constitute seven distinct forts, while Fortress Monroe is one and com plete. There are two ways of being happy. We may either diminish onr wants or augment onr means. The result is the same; and it is for each man to decide for himself and to do that which may happen to be the easier. Every duty brings one peculiar de light, every denial its appropriate com pensation, every thought its recom pense, every love its elysinm, every oross its crown; pay goes with perfor mances, as effeot with cause. Meanness over-reaches itself; vice vitiates whoever indulges in it. Heryy Morley, who knows the history of English literature • well, says that n certain average of popular culture and a eertain proportion of literary reputa tions hare never failed to be represented by some mind of extraordinary power, and as that average and proportion have now been reached or exceeded he ex pects a great genius to arise very soon. Don’t all speak at. once. Near Pringmar, lowa, a laborer and his family who had exhausted all their provisions and had no money to get more, knelt in prayer while the man of the house, asked divine assistance. After his prayer, and on opening his eyes, he glanced ont of the window, saw a wolf to whioh he gave chase, and, following her to her den, killed her and six children. The bonnty was two dol lars a head, and the Pringmar laborer tells the story as an instanoe of the power of prayer. HUMOROUS. Summer board—The eirous-seat. One of the trunk-toesers—Jamba Head-line for the report of a club banquet—A staffed olnb. ' The front door mat is always ready to sorape a new acquaintance. The boy who wanted a situation at the poulterer’s was a brave lad. He was ready for the hen oounter. “Does poultry pay?” said a stranger of a city dealer. “Os oonrse,” was the reply, “even the -little chickens shell out.” Prize fights are becoming very frequent. This may be called a revival of the old style of pound parties. “Angelina”—No, we do not think it wonld bo practicable to feed the live stock on an ocean steamer in the trongh of the sea. Victor Hugo says his intellect “grows strong>: t with age, and does not rest," and the same thing might be said of ar. oid ch '»». “Pa,” aoked little Johnny, “ what does mv Sunday school teacher mean by say ing that I mnst have inherited my had temper?" “Bhe meant, Johnny, that yon are yonr mother’s own hoy.” v Things one would wish to have ex pressed differently ; Musical maiden— “l hope lam not boring yon, playing so mnoh ?” Enamored youth— ‘ *Oll, no I Pray go on I I—l’d so muoh sooner hear yon play than talk I” The peculiar costume of the dweller in Arizona is thn* described by a “ten der-foot :” “In ordinary weather he wears a belt with pistols in it When it grows ehilly he puts on another belt with pistols in it, and when it becomes really cold he then throws a Winchester rifle over his shoulders.” A Monarch’s Freaks. King Lonis of Bavaria, whose wild eccentricities have been goaaiped abont for years, is said to have a holy horror of big books. If a quarto oatcheh his fancy he at onoe orders it printed in octavo form, and woe to the printer if he dares to strike off more than one copy. The latest freak of the king has set the Bavarian court in a rage. He took a liking for n eertain hotel employe, sent for him late at wight, decorated him with a diamond breastpin and ring, and gave him a position in the palace which is usually only won after growing gray in the royal service.

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