OUR CHURCHES. Clinton 01*1*1, (Zjon.) services st 11 1 s>i. 3 1> m and ?! pm. Sunday St hjul at I pL in. Rev. J. A. Tyler, Pastor. l'xahilriiui CLureh. corner 7tb and ' ■aim- aliwti; « rvices at S p. m. and »p. n« hominy Sdiod at 10 a. in. Rev. R P. Wyche, Pastor. Si. ilk-had (P. E ) Church, Mint St.. sma« at 8 p n>. Sunday echoul at 4 in hl Rev. Quinn, Pastor. SI E Church, south Graham street, services at II a. m, 3p.m. and 8 p. ni. Sunday School al 9 a. m. Rev G. W. Price, Pastor. Fuat Baptist Church, south Church street, arivirv* at II a. m_ 3 p. m. and Sp.ni. Rev. E. Eagles, Pastor. Second Rudist Churefc, ea*,t 4lh St, services at II a. m, 3 pTm. and 8 p. m. Sunday School nil pm. Rev. 7- Hacgiiton, Pastor. SOCIETIES. G. 0.0. of O. F. —Rising Star, No. 1635*. meetn bi-weekly, Thursday night. Odd Fellows Hall. J. W. Hunter, N. G. JP. Smith, P.S. Star of Hope, So. 1,790. meets bi weekly, Tuesday night. Odd Fellows IlalL G W. Grier, N. G. T. X.Davidson. P.S. ITide of Sharon, So. 2.223, meets bi weekly, Friday night. Odd Fellows Hall. . Sandy McKee, N. G. T. J. Wellington, P.S. Masonic—Paul Drayton Lodge, No. 7. meets first and third Monday nights in aneh month. G. T. Toole, Wr Smith, Secretary. W. M. Ledge Directory. Good Samaritans, working under Grand Lodge So. 2. Reliance, So 10, meets* every Tuesday night, in Holden’s Hall, on corner of Trade and College Streets—Richard Pethel, Secretary. McPceler, So 11, meets every Monday night, in Holden's Hall— Lizzie Means Secretary. Golgotha, So 25, meets every Thursday night, in Holden’s Hall— Wm. Foster, Secretary. Silver Hill, No. 82, meets every Friday night, in Holden’s Hall— John Spencer, Secretary. Ehenezer, So. 103, meets every Wednesday night, in Holden’s Hall, —Henry lloss, Secretary. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Take the Messenger. —The fourth ia come and gone. —No rain on the fourth, to hurt, but plenty of dust. —Who says the Negro’s moral conduct is not improving ? —Yeiy good order throughout the fourth. Less than half dozen arrests. —Tell them not to hollow so loud next time,and take the Messenger. —One white man had his nose bruised by a colored gentleman, for insulting a lady, on the 4th. —The merriment and music of the 4th, continued throughout the next day, as the visitors were leav ing all day. • —The address to the firemen came off at the mint yard about 1 o'clock. Mr. S. H. Garland did credittoboth himself and his rate. —There were very large crowds at each of the festivals, on the night of the 4th, and good order prevailed at each, throughout the entire eve ning. —The 4th was pretty generally observed by the colored people around here. —There will be a corner stone laying in Greensboro on Monday, next, by the Odd Fellows, for a Bap tist Church. —Who says we are not improving, when we celebrate the 4th of July with several thousand people in the city, and hare such good ofler? —The Prohibitionists of Maine have endorsed the Republican ticket. —According to the now appor tionment, the next electoral College will contain 401 members. —The colored men of Nashville, Tcnn., want to establish a cotton factory. —Among the best and newsiest exchanges we have, is the Chicago Conservator. —The Concord Register, of June 23d, has a large picture ofCol. Chas. R. Jones, and a sketch of his life. —Hon. J. H. Smyth, of North Carolina, U. S. Minister to Liberia, sailed on the 13th of June. —They say that praying chris tion soldier, Gen. 0. O. Howard, danced at a ball at West Point, a tew weeks ago. —Just give us time and wo will show the world that the Negro is the equal of any race. Just pay your money and support the Mes senger, and the world need not wait long to see what we are doing hero. —Don’t send any more notices to the preacher to read in church, un less they are of a religious nature. Bring them to the Messenger. — Everybody reads it. —An exchange says, while a col ored man was plowing in his field the other day, down in Louisiana, he struck something which turned out to be a jar with about 810.000 in it. Be sure to see what your plow strikes. —The firemen neglected the Mes senger throughout their festivities. On account of the crowd and excite ment we excuse them; but say to parties having entertainments and desiring complimentary notices, they must give our reporter compli mentary tickets as the Samaritans did upon this occasion. Editors never have money to pay, but are generally privileged characters. They sometimes tell when a lady wears a black dress with blue trim mings. Pertonali. E. J. Sawyer, Esq., of Bcnnetts ville, S. C., was with us two days this week. Miss Mary Hayes was to leave us yesterday for the country where she will “teach the young idea how to shoot.” Rev. W. A. Sinclair of the Knights of Wise Men, Nashville, Tcnn., stop ped in our city on Tuesday. He was on hia way from tho Press con vention. Among the excursionists we were pleased to meet J. T. Rafra, of Dar lington and Rev. W. H. Smith of Co lumbia, S. C. Miss Georgio Williams and Sallie Hall have returned home from their visit to Monroe. • Mrs. J. H. Davis and Miss Hattie Johnson of Wilmington are spend ing a few weeks in our city the guests of Mrs Carrie Thompson. Col. Ham Jones delivered the sil ver trumpet to the Neptunes in a neat little speech. We regret to learn that Rev. G. B. Fanner of Newbern keeps in bad health. Misses Bottie Archibald and Em ma Johnson were over to see friends on the 4th. Prof. Wallace, of Atlanta, the mu sic teacher, was in the city this week to see how his boys are get ting,on with the horns. In the brass band from Columbia there was the father and three sons; the Wallace family. Rev. Joseph C. Prica is expected home some time in July or August. Hon. O. H. Dockoy and Mr. W. A Guthrie, candidate for Judge in the 4th Distriot were in the city -on Thursday, Accidents During ths Week. While out riding with a lady friend, on Thursday afternoon, La ban Williams was thrown from his horse and killed. Henry Knox, a colored boy,about 12 years old, was murdered in Mon roe by somo unknown party, and stuck in a post-hole, head down ward. As the train was leaving Salem for Greensboro, on the Fourth,some person fired a pistol, the ball went through one man’s hand and struck another in tho breast, killing him instantly. All colored. The Firemen. Our city was given up on the 4th to tho firemen. Those living near the public square wero waked early in the morning by the sound of the drum and horn. On the 3rd, about 3} o’clock, a spqpial train arrived from Columbia with tho Enterprise company, of that city, accompanied by ono of tho best brass bands in tho South. They were not expected at that hour, heitce they were not met by our firemen, but were conducted to the hall of the Neptunes where they were all well provided for. The Capo Fear company, of Wil mington, wero met at the C. C. de pot on the morning of the 4th, and conducted to the hall of the Nep tunes and provided for. This com pany brought a brass band also. Tho procession was formed in front of the First Presbyterian Church in the following order, by Chief Marshal James Pethel, and Capt. Mack Taylor, of the Nep tune : Charlotte Band, Neptune, No. 3, with Engine, Columbia Band, Enterprise, No. 1, with Engine, Capo Fear Band, Cape Fear Company, No. 3, of Wil mington, Carriages. Tho procession marchod through the principal streets, and were re viewed by the Mayor and Chief of Fire Department. The contest for the silver trum pet came off about 4) o’clock. The distance run was 250 yards. Thou sands of people thronged the streets to witness tho very exciting con test. The prize was won by the Neptune’s and presented by Col. Ham Jones, and received by Mr. J. T. Schenck, in very neat little speeches. The Enterprise company left us on Wednesday after 2 o’clock. The Cape Fear left tho same evening at 8 o’clock. The firemen’s festival was a grand affair, and all seemed to have had fun enough for one day. Soberness and good behavior was the order of tho day. Samaritan Anniversary. The Good Samaritans under the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge No. 2, turned out on the 4th to celebrate the anniversary of Silver Hill Lodge. They marched through some of the principal streets to Zion Methodist Church, where they wore addressed by their Grand Secretary, Mr. Cal vin S. Brown, of Salisbury. His ad dress was a masterly effort, as he is a fair specimen of a born orator, baying the ability to write a good speech and say it with effect. The order turned out in large numbers, but hearers outside of tho order were few, both on account of the excitement and racing up town, and a misunderstanding as to when the speaking would be. The speak ing came off at 3 o’clock, sharp, which caused us to miss a part of it as we were expecting to hear it at 5 o’clock. After the speech the or der returned through several of the principal streets, to their hull, to prepare for the festival at night. The festival was at Oates' Hall, which was densely packed 'till a late hour. Everything w#s perfectly orderly, and the festival a grand success. We wish them a return of many such anniversaries. G. U. 0. OF 0. F. OF AMERICA. Relief Fund Bureau. To the Lodges and Households and to all the Branches of the Order in General. GREETING: Brethren, in accordance with the proposition from Prido of Jefferson Lodge No. 1679, of New Orleans, La., for the organization a Relief Fund Burenu, and the same was approved of and adopted by the A. M. C., held at Richmond, Va., Octo ber, 1880, and the S. C. of M., was duly charged and empowered to or ganize and put in operation. We therefore respectfully and ear nestly call your attention to tho im portance and benefit of tho same. And wo do hereby officially inform you that at the Quarterly Session of the S. C. of M., held January 9th, 1882, after due and careful consider ation, duly organized and put into immediate operation the Relief Fund Bureau (as adopted by tho A. M. C., of 1880) under tho direct care and supervision of tho S. C. of M., by the election of a President, Secrotary and Board of Directors, composed of the entire S. C. of M. Brethren of the Lodges and Sisters of the House hold, the plants simple, comprehen sive and within the reach of all. There is no A and B class, but all are equal. Ist. All tho members of the Or der, including the Sisters of the Household of Ruth, are constituted members of the Relief Fund on the payment ot One Dollar each, and on payment of an annual tax of Twon ty-flve Cents each, said tax to bo paid in January of each year, and an assessment of Ten Cents against every contributing member of the Relief Fund Bureau on tho death of a member entitled to the relief. 2nd. The P. S. of each Lodge and the W. S. of each Household of Ruth shall keep a book, and register therein the names and amounts paid by the members into the Relief Fund Bureau, and it shall be the du ty of the P. S. and W. S. to furnish to the Secretary of the Bureau on the first of each month, a copy of the names and the amounts paid to tho Relief Fund. 3rd. On the death of a financial member of the Order who has con tributed regularly to the Relief Fund, it shall be the duty of the P. S. and W. S. of the Household to send a certificate of the fact to the Secretary of the Bureau, signed by the six principal officers of ihe Lodge, stating the time of death, and also a certificate from the attending phy sician stating the cause of death. When tho papers are in due form and satisfactory, the Secretary shall transmit to the person or persons authorized to receive it, the amount of One Thousand Dollars, or such amount as the membership of the Bureau will admit of, as per taxa tion. Members writing to the Sec retary of tho Bureau for informa tion will please enclose P. O. stamp. Please send all monies per P. O. Order or Registered letter. Mem bers of the Lodges and Household may send money and application di rect to tho Secretary of the Bureau, as per form. We trust that the members will send in their applications forthwith, and thereby make stronger the bonds of our Order, and socure a lib eral and universal benefit to your widows and orphans and the be reaved of the Order in general. For further regulations and infor mation, see page 127 of A. M. C. Minutes of 1880. Respectfully submitted in F. •L. and T. Wm. M. T. Forrester, Pres. W. C. H. Curtis, See’y. D. B. Bowser, Wm. H. Hill, J. P. Jones, B. F. Gross, S. W. Chask, A. K. Manning, Directors. Please address all communica tions for tho Bureau to W. C. H. CURTIS, P. O. Box No. 36, Brook lyn, E. D., N. Y. Egypt. Mr. J. C. McCoan, in his “Egypt as It Is,” states that the population ot Egypt proper, which includes a strip of coun try 1,000 miles long and 350 miles wide between the Mediterranean Sea and the first cataract of the Nile, is 5,500,000- made up of settled Arabs or Fellaheen 4,500,000, Bedouins 300,000, Turks 10,- 000, Costs, (or descendants of ancient Egyptians) 500,000, Abyssinians 3,000, Nubians and Soudanis (slaves) 40,000, Jews 20,000, Rajah Greeks 20,000, Sy rians 7,000, Armenians 10,000, various foreigners 60,000. Other authorities make the European population 68,000. The Uellabeen are a patient and pacific race, and have had their share of op pression. The Turkish element was introduced in 1517, when Sultan Selim dethroned the Mamelouk Booghite dy nasty and made Egypt at Ottoman pro vince. The real Egyptian element is in the Cost population, who are Christians of the old Monophysite sect.condemned as heretical by the Council of Cfaalcs don in the sixth century. These peo ple are intelligent, but avaricious and perfidious. Many of them were em ployed in the government offices at Cairo, but Arab! Bey discharged them when he came into power last year. The Motive for Interference in Egypt. Baltimore Sun. A large portion of the American press afflicts itself in contemplating what it calls the “wickedness” of En gland and France “in interfering in Egypt to secure the payment of loans,” the bonds of which are in the hands of a few great capitalists, and the pro ceeds of which were squandered upon objects in which the Egyptians had no concern. But what are the facts? The main object of the present interfer ence. as of the institution of the joint control by Beaconsfield in 1870, is polit ical rather than financial. It is absurd, therefore, to protest that the Egyptians are being ground down in order “to minister to the greed of international loan-mongers.” But. putting out of view the necessity England is under of looking after the great water-way to India and the interest in all North Af rican questions which the possession of Algiers, Tunis and part of Central Af rica gives to France, it is worth while to recall the financial facts of Egypt’s history within the last half-dozen yean. Ismail, the former Khedive, borrowed money unstintedly at very high rates of interest from European Tenders, mainly French financiers, and part of the funds so obtained he spent in build ing railroads and other works, Which to-day make a good return for the capi tal invested in them; the rest he squan dered. The failure of the Khedive to pay interest on his debt brought with it, beside the establishment of the Anglo-French financial control, what Gen. Mahone would call a “readjust ment” of the Egyptian debt.. The sum total was reduced and the interest on te remainder was cut down to four or five* per cent, per annum. Not withstanding this “scaling,” Egyptian securities, after England and France took charge of Egyptian finances, im proved in value and passed for the most part out of the hands of the French capitalists, who had up to this time been the principal holders, into the keeping of English investors. But, as said before, it was not theories of bond holders that led Lord Beaconsfield to consent to the Anglo-French control. In bis day, as now, it was held that a bad financial administration of Egypt would probably lead to internal trou bles, followed by intervention on the part of Turkey or some other power, and it was to institute financial reforms that would prevent the recurrence ot political complications that the joint control was established. In this the control has proved a success, and has greatly ameliorated the condition of the Egyptian peasantry. The laDd in Egypt Is owned by the State, and the reut is paid as a tax. Under the old re gime the amount of the tax was con tinually being altered, the collectors were usually corrupt and extorted extra sums for the benefit of their own pock ets, and, to add to the embarrassment of the taxpayer, the tax was levied at the beginning of the year, before the farmers had gotten in their crops. The consequence was that the local usurers extorted 30 or 40 per cent on loans made for payment of taxes. All this the control has changed for the better, so that the fellah is not to-day over taxed. When land subject to the State tax sells for from sls to S2O per acre, it is plain that the burden upon it cannot be considered excessive. The Loudon Truth holds that the Egyptian farmer, in view of the excellence of his soil, its annual fertilization by the Nile, and the small proportion of his earnings exacted under the system established by the Anglo-French control, is “far less heavily taxed and far better off than an English farmer holding the same acreage.” The Tkreatealag Outlook at Alezaa dria. London, July 5.— A despatch from Alexandria says: Admiral Seymour complained to the Governor of Alexan dria regarding the placing of two large guns in position threatening the fleets, and the explanations offered were deemed unsatisfactory. Admiral Sey moursubeequently intimated that if the works were not stopped he would promptly take measures to stop them. A News despatch from Alexandria con firms the above and says if Admiral Seymour’s intimation remains unheed ed decisive action will be taken direct ly- The correspondent of the News at Berlin says the English and French ad mirals at Alexandria have asked their governments to authorize the bombard ment of the forte unless the works are ■topped. _ It ia said that the evictions of Irish tenants average one thousand per week.