CHARLOTTE MESSENGER VOL. I. NO. 4. “Ik* Witt of Hod,” A!j "in Ike twinkling of in eve" Will «sn* >h*t wondrous mystery, 'That wondrousotiange, when the "molts! Mast put on immortality. ” The martyred Christians felt the truth And knowledge of the higher state, And with God's pesos it strengthened thorn To boar the toners of their hits. Oh 1 if the creature hid no hope Os nobler life beyond the earth, Then would tbs manuscripts wf faith, WritMa in blood, be nothing worth. Gs all tbs treasures to be had And sought tram out a world of strife, Uaith's greatest, surest, lasting gain, Tho gift of feltb —dawn of new life. Oh. woaMa't thou conquer all the world And hoar a oasgtre gnat with thes V Ko monarch wears a grander crown Than given is to purity. Al the Redeemer's etwee, iu feaih Ob tee* 1 aad leave thy leed of strife j la the power of love confide, Believe—this is eternal life. THE DONATION PARTY. It was tho emeuiag of the donation yarly at the Rev. Simeon Slide's. Ak GrovebtU they had rot many excitements, aad, to the simple vil liSers, this donation party eras aa thrill ing aa event as the ol arity hall would be to a Mow York belie or a Court pree extitioa to a London debutante. Jesnse Smith had retrimmed her white muslin drees with apple-green ribbon, and even Aunt Betsey had washed and ironed the French cambric dress which constituted the cream of her wardrobe, and basted fresh lace trillings into the neck and sleeves; while the Squire himself, blacking bis hoots on the kitchen porch, congratu lated himself, in a complacent sort of way, on the contents of the box-wagon, which stood out under the shade of the old apple-tree. '* it everybody takes as creditable a load to the parson's as that," said the tspiiro, "1 guess they won’t starve there. A bam, a bag o’ mixed chicken feed, a fiikin o’ first-class butter, six dressed fowls, a bushel o' russet apples aad a loaf of plum cake, made after Grandmother Field’s Revolutionary re ceipt, and, besides all that ” ''Good gracious, pa!” said Jessie, Who was tucking away her curls under the strings of ber split-straw gipsy hat, "how are Aunt Bess and 1 ever going to ride with all that load >” “Well,” said the Squire, with an oleaginous little chuckle, '• you’ll have to contrive it somehow. One of you can sit on the butter firkin aud sort o’ steady it, and there's plenty o' room for the other along o’ me on the seat and hold the plum cake on your lap. And, cornin' back, 1 ain’t noways disturbed but that you'll get plenty of beaux. Gals always do. The moon will be at its full, and Peter Peck and Hiram Jeilifer is both to be there, and ” “Don't talk nonsense, pat" said Jessie, laughing and looking provok ingly pretty just as Aunt Betsey, glanc ing over her shoulder into the glass, saw the reflection of her own face, and mghed softly. Ah, the sad, sad difference between eighteen aad thirty I " I was pretty, too, when I wss a firl. ' said Aunt Betsey to herself, "and don't *■ oppose I am positively ill- I voting now But the dimples are gone, aad the roses and the smooth velvets curve* of cheek and chin ; and thou at* incipient crowa’-feet around my eye* and a wrinkle on my. forehead, and, when I go to parties, I am left to sit among toe old ladies by the wall." Bnt Hiss Betsey Field did not speak out thews words; she only said: ''There'll be plenty of room, Jessie. I shall go on to the parsonage at once, and help Mrs. Slide get ready for the evening. She needs some one to assist ker, with her sickly daughter and all tboac little children.” '-So hind and thoughtful of you. Aunt Bom H said Jessie, with a kiss. ‘But you're si wavs thoughtful. You’re the darlingest little old maid that ever was.” So Betaey Field set out to walk down the sunny, grass carpeted lawn, while JsMte leisurely finished her toilet and I inaed fresh roses into ber belt. Refer Peck, who lived pp on a com fortable farm on the mountain, had ahot a deer in the woods—like Nimrod of old, he was a mighty hunter on the fare cf the earth- and prepared a quarter of venaaon, neatly wrapped in a linen cloth, for hie abare of the dona tion; and old lira Peek, hia grand mother, had fished a jar of apple sancs cut ot the cellar, and dressed some t< nder spring chickens. "I'm peat going to church myself,” said Granny Peea, "but I always was caetobrlievein the dlaesmination of tha Gospel, to I don't grudge the chickeaa aad the apple-saes. Be aura CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG CO., N. C., JULY 15, 1882. you? cariy ’em careful, Peter, and—” "Qranny!’’ suddenly burst in the honest yonng giant, who was tying his cravat before the glass with laborious fingers, "how many years is it sinoe grant her courted you?” “Good land o’ Goshen I" said Granny Peck, “what is the boy talkin’ about ?” “Because I want to know what he said,” said Peter, reddening to the very roots of his hair. "I’m a-goin' courtin’ myself, granny, and I hain't had no ex perience, and I don’t know how to go to work,” “Well I never I" said Granny Peqk. "Try to remember, there's a good soul I” urged Peter, ooaxingly. "It’s so long ago,” said Granny Peek, with a sympathetic moisture beginning o suffuse her bleared eyeballs. ‘-Times is changed now—” "But human natur' is human natur,’ just the same,”said Peter. "How was it, granny ?” ■ - "He took me out a tidin’,” said the old lady, assisting her [memory with a goodly pinch of rose-soented snuff, "Thst’s it ezaeklv,” said Peter. "I’ve harnessed up Bed Robin, and washed off the buggy wagon, and I oalculato to ask her to ride home with me from the donation party." "Ana it was a dreadful mooashiny night—" reflectively added the old lady. "Moon’s at the full.” exultantly mut tered Peter. “I b’lievo there’s a fate in it ?” "And he set up close to me, and squeezed my band with the hand he wasn't u-drivin’ with, and he said I was the prettiest gal he'd ever seen, and could 1 be contented to come and live at Hawk’s Farm. And I said I didn’t exaotly know, but be might ask father. And we was married the next fall. Ah, deary me, deary me 1 how long ago all that seemsi” "It sounds easy enough," said Peter, despondently. “Bnt I’d rather clear off a whole patch o’ hickory woods.” "Don't be afraid, Peter," said the old lady, laying a kindly hand on his shoulder. "If she’s a gal wuth havin’, she 11 know you’re a good lad. And I’ll bet a cookey she’ll say ’Yes.’” "I only wish I could think so, gran ny," said Peter, with a sigh. “Is it Kate Lanney," said Mrs. Peck, “or Mary Eleley?’ "'Tain’t neither one," gaid Peter, sheepishly. “It’s Jessie Field I" "Lind o’maesy I” said Granny Peck, elevating ner withered hands. "What on airtu is a pretty pink-and-white piece of china like her to do in a wild place like this?” "She's as smart as a steel-trap,” said Peter. “Don’t yon worry, granny I Once I get her here, you’ll see that she’ll be all right!" So Peter piled his venison, and chickens, and jar of apple-sauce into the baok of the roomy old buggy, and drove away to the donation party, as full of hopes and fears as any yonng girl. And when ho saw Hiram Jellifer, the village store-olerk, enter, all redolent of pomatum and oologne, in a oitv-cut suit of clothes, and hair brushed to a peak over his forehead, his heart sank within him. "I hain't no chance at all,” be thought. "Jessie, ’ whispered Aunt Betsey to her niece, as they were clearing* the dining-room for the games whioh fol lowed npon the old-fashioned supper, “do take a little notice of poor Peter Peck I See how his eyes are* following yon. And yon have hardly been decent ly polite to him I” "Peter Peck, indeed 1” said Jessie, radiant in the consciousness of being the prettiest girl in the room, “I couldn't possibly be bothered with him, Annt Bess; none of your backwoodsmen for me I Yon can go and talk with him yourself, if you please I” Bnt Aunt Betsey, shyer than any child, shrank, blusning, away. “No,” said she, “I couldn't do that. I—l am so little acquainted with himl ’ Half an hour afterward, Peter Peek, unable to make np bis mind to ask pretty Jessie to allow him to take her home with Red Robin and the boggy, sidled up to the squire. "Squire,” mid he, jerking the words ont with an effort, "can I take Miss Field homer "Much obleeged, I’m surer said the squire. “I hid the box-wagon here; bnt I don't mind riding home alone, if so be aa you’d like oompany.” Peter drew a long breath. "It's as good as settled now,” mid he to himself. His heart beat high when, in the misty moonlight, a slight figure came ont. nnder Squire Field's esoort, all mnflled, shawled and veiled, against the ohill, fresh air of the autumn evening. And not until they were safe out on the high road, at Red Robin's best trot, did he credit his extraordinary good lock in tlms securing a Mc a-tete with the belle es the evening. "It's s nice, shiny evening,’’ mid he, sheepishly. "Very," answered a soft voice. "I hope I don’t crowd you?” ha hazarded. “Oh, not in the least!” responded his companion. And then followed an appalling si lence, broken at last by the vehement accents of the yonng farmer. "It ain’t no use my skirmishin’ round like this!” said he. "It’s got to be said, and the sooner fmy it the better, because it’s a-ohokin’ of me all the while! I love you, Miss Field! I can’t live, nohow, without you) There, it’s all out now!” "Oh, Mr. peek!” faltered Miss Field. "Do you s’pose,'’ said honest Peter, with a dim remembrance of his grand mother’s lemon, “you could be happy at Hawk’s Farm?” "Oh, Mr. Peck!” " Bnt say yes or no!” pleaded Peter. "Will you be my wife, Miss Field?” And the word which floated upon Peter's ears, through the veils and wraps whieh he was now valoronsly hugging close np to him, was "Yesl” "I never was so happy in all my life!” said Peter, rapturously. "Nor I,” whispered the voice behind the veil. And then Peter took courage to kiss her, and then Red Robin shied at a tree-stamp, and then, all too soon, ap peared Squire Field’s square, red house behind the apple-trees. And Peter helped his fiancet ont as tenderly as if she were a bar of solid gold and he a miser. And up dashed Mr. Hiram Jenifer’s varnished side box road wagon, and turning around, Peter Peck saw springing from it Jessie Field. Was it withcraft? Nothing of the sort; for there, dose to him, smiling and blnshing in the moonlight, with her veil thrown aside, was Miss Betsey. And it was Miss Betsey to whom he had proposed, and Miss Betsey who had ac cepted him. Peter Peck gave a convulsive grasp for breath. What was he to do ? Shonld he tell Miss Betaey that it was all a mistake—that he Lad taken her for her niece ? or shonld he— But at that instant he caught a fleet ing glimpse of Jessie's radiant lace turned up to Jenifer's, and it was like a revelation to him. “Hang it all!” groaned Peter to him self; "that other fellow has been ahead of me I Audi don't care a copper cent— she’s only a feather-headed little coquet, after all, and Miss Betsey is worth two of her, and I ain’t so very yonng myself, and there never was a Peek yet that didn't stick by a thing when once he'd said it.” "So, taking Miss Betsey’s arm tender ly nnder his own, he proceeded valiant ly into the house to ask the squire's consent and blessing. As for Jessie, she lingered long nnder the trees in the moonlight, talking with Mr. Jellifer; and when, at last, she came np stairs to the room which annt and nieoe shared together, Bhe looked earn estly at her companion. "Annt Bess,” said she, "what is the matter? Why do yon look so happy ?” ‘ Because Mr. Peck has asked me to marry him,” replied Aunt Bess, softly, "and I have answered him yes.” "Well, if that isn’t strange!” cried Jessie, squeezing and kissing her still youthful annt. "And I have engaged myself to Hiram Jellifer. Oh, Aunt Bess, what a sweet, blight, happy world this is!" "It is—it is !” answered Annt Bess; and then strange to say, they both cried. Granny Peok was sitting np, by her candle and fire, when at last Peter came home. "Well, Peter,” said she, “what luck?" “It's all right, granny!” said Peter. "I’ve asked her. and she has consented, and I'm to bring her neie in three months.” Granny Peok looked doubtfully around. “Well,” said she. "I'm glad you’ve anoeeeded, Peter. But I'm a little afeard all these home-spun things won’t be fine enough for Miss Jessie Field.” "Jessie I" echoed Peter, with an ex cellent imitation of surprise. “It ain’t Jessie at all. Jessie is going to marry that Jellifer fellow. It's Miss Bessie Field, the aqnire’a sister, aa I’ve Dro posed to/* "Well, I never !’’ said Granny Feck. "How could I have been so mistook?” "I’m sore I don’t know,” said Peter, stolidly. Heleh Fobbebt Qbaves. An odd toilet, made for a lady in Newport, is a blaok and gold brocaded foulard silk, with plaited flounoea edged with buttercup yellow lace, headed by a band of black velvet, put on bias of the goods. The short tunio, with fuU Buckingham puffs over the hips, ia tnmmed to correspond, and the Oamar go bodice baa a deep collar and wide turnover cuffs of black velvet, edged with yellow laoe. A Tuscan straw bonnet in the Langtry shape, trimmed over the crown with slots of wide blaok velvet ribbon and inside sritb a tiny wreath of roses, and a black and gold foulard parasol, trimmed with yellow lace, are en suite. FOR THE FAIR SEX. Fashion Notes. Shepherds’ plaids are popular. Lonisine silks in shepherds' plaicL designs are in demand. Shepherds’ plaids Lave come out in blaok and white, navy blue and white, end seal-brown and whitei Large fichus of mull are embroidered in Irish point designs, having one edge mneh wider wrought than the other. Venetian lace three inohes wide forms a flat border for neokerohiefs of light silk. The scalloped edges are turned upward. Tailor-made suits of shepherds’ plaid black and white twilled wool make very popular spring and snmmer travel ing dresses. Patent leather shoes are favorites for wear at the seaside, because' they are not affected by moistnre and are easily cleaned of dost. Stripes have yielded to plaids in the making of the entire costnme, and; plaids, in combinations, are in greater favor than striped staffs. A gray linen dress, with sweet peas painted upon it, and with the same flowers on hat and parasol, was the toilet worn by a Frenoh marquise at the Grand Prix. Ivory-white surah dresses for summer evening parties have the skirt covered with flounoes of Venetian embroidery, imitating the designs of old point lacs. Lace mitts reappear. Blaok mitts for ladies and dark red for children are most fashionable. The Margnerite mitts of closely-woven silk are most serviceable. The tight-fitting habit basano of Pekin, or. in other words, of satin and velvet stripe alternating, is still a gar ment that meets with mnch favor, many ladies not caring for the "independent” jacket of moire, while those of brocade, whether of silk or velvet, have been literally “dono to death.” The Pekin fabrio, if not new, has never become so commonly worn, and has also the indubitable merit of wearing ad mirably. The Dressmaker's Place. Inhere is the dressmaker who leads one into extravagances which, at the time, appear absolute necessities, bnt which have the advantage at least of resulting in " things of beauty ; ” and there is her opposite, in whose Lands one becomes an economist, and learns tho secret of making gowns ont of scraps; there ia the slattern who never finishes off her seams—whose dresses hang by a thread, so to speak, bnt whose disposition is obliging—and there is her sister workman, who knows everybody’s affairs and tells them, who repeats the makeshifts of her last cus tomer, and who, you are confident, will carry a strict aooount of yonr own short comings to her next. Perhaps it is nd wonder that, living in such an atmos phere of fashion and frivolity, the dressmaker sometimes becomes pos sessed with an exaggerated idea of the importance of fine clothing, especially when she knows that the subject holds such a prominent place in the minds and conversation of people who ongbt to be devoted to more ambitions things, who are not obliged to earn their daily bread by concentrating their thoughts npon it—people who can dismiss the matter from their minds, or delegate it to another at pleasure. Unless she takes special care to develop'herself in other direction, in her honrs of recrea tion, she endangers the vitality of her intellectual life. Because one is a dressmaker, shall she not speak the shibboletu of the cultured woman ?. Shall nothing but frills and furbelows be expeoted of her ? Shall Bhe not think of other soienoes than those of shirring and plaiting and stitching.— [Harper’s Bazar. The Casting Out of the Bones. At a recent meeting of the Ross County (Ohio) Medical Society, all the physicians present were pnzzled to the verge of stupefaction by the mysterious affliction of a woman, who considerately offered herself for examination. One of the doctors, who had previously attended her, explained that, npon several oooasions, he had removed from a wound in her hand numerona pieces of bone withont apparently diminishing the supply. A similar operation was then performed in the presence of tbe ■ooiety. In the general amazement which followed, one of the members retained sufficient sense to suggest a microscopical examination of the bones whioh bad been removed under their eyes. This simple test proved that they were chicken bones, whereupon the woman, seeing that the game was up, confessed that she had placed thorn where they were found. She retnsed. however, to say what motive had influ enced her to undergo the consequent pain and inoonvenieuce. W. C. SMITH.. P.Qblisber. IIE US OF INTEREST. Os the 30,000,000 acres of land iu Mississippi less than 5,000,000 is nnder cultivation. It is estimated that the ootton-worm destroys $15,000,000 of the cotton crop every year. Three hundred and fifty-eight railway accidents occurred in Belgium in 1880. Os these 131 were due to collisions. There are over 500,000 Frenoh Cana dians in the New England states, and the number is constantly increasing. Os the Oanadian-Pacifio railroad 500 miles will be laid this snmmer. From Montreal to the Pacific ocean the dis tance is 2,850 miles. Thirteen hundred and fifty-two miles of railroad were constructed iu the Southern States during the five months from January 1 to Jnne 1. A rich deposit of kaolin has been discovered in Maoon connty, Ala. The material is indispensable In the manu facture of fire-briok. The cultivation of mnshrooms is a paying branch of gardening in France, where this esculent is consumed every year to the value of $1,800,000. Professor C. V. Riley has deposited iu the national museum at Washington his collection of insects, comprising 150,000 speoimens and 30,000 species. W. S. Ladd; a Portland (Oregon) banker, has given $20,000 to bnild a reform school in that State, and he will pay all expenses connected with tha school. The Derby costnme is the new English dress for ladies. It is made of dark bine moslin, with a white piqne or linen vest, and a masculine bine jacket fastened by a single button at the throat; HUMOROUS. When a professor distributes hia circulars he has a pupil in his eye. A Philadelphia counterfeiter named “Gopher Bill” has been arrested, and an exchange thinks the anthorities adopted the course suggested by his name. A six-year old was seated in a barber’s chair. "Well, my little man,” said the barber, "how wonld yon like yonr hair ent?” “Oh, like papa’s with a little ronnd hole at the top. One of the United States consuls iu Italy began a magazine article twenty five years ago, with this glowing state ment : "Julias Caesar was a consul; Napoleon Bonaparte was consul; and so was I.” Life's pleasures ; "Ami hurting you badly ?” asked a Boston dentist of a lady whose teeth he was fixing and who was smiting horrible groans. "Oh, not in the least, bnt I love to groan," was the reply. Did he steal the dog? “Yes, Judge,” said the prisoner, “I admit that my tronsers were tangled in the dog’s teeth and that I dragged the animal away, bnt if yon dan call that stealing a dog no man on earth is safe from committing orime. “Dcn’t carry a million sovereigns in your pockets for fifteen years. In that time, we are told, they will lose in weight, by wear and tear, one-half of one per cent., or abont $25,000, and this sum is an important item at the present price of things. > WORDS OF WISDOM. Those are the most honorable who are the most useful. Inordinate demands should be met with bold denials. A beautifnl woman is a queen before whose sceptre men bow. Our deeds determine us as much as we detertuine our deeds. In the interchange ot thought use no eoin but gold and silver. Gold is either the fortune or the ruin of mankind, according to its use. It is no point of wisdom In a man to beat his brains about anything impos sible. Duties and rights are inseparable one cannot be delegated without the other. As too leng retirement weakens the mind, so too mnch company dissi pates it. Trees in the forest may be barren, bnt trees in the garden shonld be fruitful. The prompt performance of duty in the past is the best pledge for t a tare faithfulness. It is the care of a very great part of mankind to oonceal their indigenoe from the rest. A stern discipline pervales all nature, whioh is a little cruel that it may be very kind. Despair and postponement are sow ardioe and defeat. Men are born ta succeed, not to faiL