FUN. Another thrifty animal ia the anake. He ran always make both enda meet. The coid-wavo flag carries a black lorcnge in the center. Thia ia for bron chitia. Lore ia an old, old htory, yet few of the girla murmur “chestnut” when they hear it — Epoch. . “I get your views,” as the constable said when he levied on a stereoscopic show.— Sifting,. Family Physician -“I am afraid you have been eating too much cake and sweet stuff. Let me see your tongue.” Little girl—“Oh, you can look at it, but it wont tell.” —Springfield Republican. It ia aaid that the great, and only Bar num ia shaking handa with himaclf over tho proposed revision of the tariff. Mr. Barnum imports more roar material than ane other man in the country. —New York Sun. It is stated that Noah Webster first conceived the idea of his dictionary while on a visit to Boston. lie heard so many big words there which he did not understand that he felt the need of one. —Arte York World. “No, thank you, stranger,” said the gentleman from Dakota,as the car porter offered him the dressing room comb; “I never could play on one of them things. I ain’t what you'd call musical, an’ my moustache everlastingly tears the paper.’l A young lady in Chicago acknowl edges that she is anxious to marry an In dian chief. Ail the Indian chiefs whose names arc in the Chicago Directory have been seen, and they smile sadly, but reso lutely refuse to be interviewed. —Lowell Cittern. An old skin-flint was looking for a furnished room: “What will you charge me for th ; s one for a week?” he asked. “Three dollais.” “I’ll give you two.” “No, sir.” “Come, let me have' it for that; the days are so short now. —New York Star. Husband (exasperated)—What in the mischief did you do with the snow shovel I brought home last night? Wife— What did you expect I would do with it, John? I tied a red ribbon around the handle and put it in the parlor. —Duluth Paragrapher. An object six feet high cannot be seen at a distance of ten miles, owing to the curvature of the earth, which is said to be seven inches to the mile. Why it is that the notice, “Shut the door,” cannot be seen at a distance of ten inches has never been explained. —Omaha World. First Gentleman—“Seothat cab horsel Well, he was once the celebrated race horse !■ licet Anchor, but now he is only the cab Excelsior.” Second Gentleman— “ What on earth do they eallhim Excelsior fori” First Gentleman—“ Because he stands for hire. Ta-ta.”— Harper', Bae tr. When Does Spring Begin? In New England we call it midwinter. It is wintry out of doors, yet the season has really turned, and spring Ins set out on her travels over the land. In about a week after Christmas she lands on tho top-end of Florida and the coast of Texas, way down by the Rio Grande. The precise date at which the change comes is the 21st of December. After that day is spring. It may be cold weather all over the country cast of tho Rocky Mountains. There may lie snow ns far down south as Charleston or Mem phis, while the mountains round Chatta nooga arc white almost down to the low valleys, (still farther south the ground may bo wet, cold, and the air chilly. For nil that, it is really spring. The big star on which we live Ins be gun to change its position. It looks to ward that great star wc call the sun, in a different direction. Every shadow in the Union grows shorter at noon, day by day. The days grow slowly longer, and the sun sets every night a little more to the right ns you face the sunset. In spite of stormy wind, and snow like wool, and hoar frost scattered like morsels, the aver age tem|M'rsture slowly rises. The first buds begin to swell ’wav down in Florida, the first green grass socu appears on the coast of Texas. The fringe of green grows wider and wider. The first birds arrive on the coast a'ong the Gulf of Mexico. Then more arrive, and finding the i oasts filled up with the neats, they fly over and settle a little ba-k from the water. Then more fly over the first patt, aud begin to build nests further up from the south. The green w ave of grass spreads up tho Mississippi and along the const of Georgia. Os what help is it to us to know this? In the north it is winter out of doors till April. Down cellar, by the furnace, you find a potato resting, pei haps, near a damp spot on the floor. The potato knows it is Spring, and even in the dark opens its eyes and begins to grow. This brings us to a hint of the truth. The spring really begins soon after Christmas, and all plants and animals know it. Even the muskrat, asleep in the woods, begins to dream about it.— WHe-Awnk. With a great overland route across Si beria, such as the new railroad the Rus sian government proposes to build, that country will be able to dominate Very largely Asiatic commence. A Sign la tha Moos. There is, perhaps, no better known Irnar prognostic than that referred to in the old Scotch ballad of Sir Patrick Spens: •• O ever alack! my master dear. I fear a deadly storm. I saw the new moon late yestreen, Wi’ the auld moon in her arm; And if ye 1o son, maister, I fear wiir suffer harm.” Chamber*, in “The Book of Days,” says that to see “the old moon in th* arms of the new one ” is reckoned a sign of fine weather—another curious example of how saying* get twisted; but in that statement he is quite wrong. The appear ance is almost universally held to be a sign of bad weather. Two explanations have been offered to account for the prognostic, in cayh of which there is un doubtedly a measure of truth. When tho moon appears “ new ” to us, the earth would appear “ full ” to the lunar inhabi tants, if there were any; and wlmt causes the dark part of the young moon to be dimly visible is its reflection of the brilliant earth-shine. The earth, however, will not always shine with equal brilliance, even when the same amount of surface is illu minated, for obviously clouds reflect more light than either land or sea. Hence, when an unusual illumination of the night-side of the moon is apparent, it shows that the earth-shine is excep tionally strong, which in turn is an indi cation of the presence of a large amount of cloud in our atmosphere. Further, as a moment’s consideration will prove, the cloud era must lie to the west of us, the direction from which we receive most of our storm ; so that the apparition of the old moon in the arms of the new, virtually means th it there are vastcloud banks over the North Atlantic ocean which, in all probability, are drifting up to us, and will, before long, bring us “dirty” weather. lam not dis posed to go so far as Mr. John Aitken, who, in a paper recently read before the royal society of Kdinburgh, the use of the moon’s dark limb as an “ outlying signal station,” but it is satisfactory to know that this vene rable prognostic has a sound physical basis, and is worthy of respect as ever it was.— Longman's Magazine. The Origin of Leap Year. The custom observed every four ~ y» of permitting tue fairer sex to assume'thc right and prerogatives appertaining to their brothers during the remaining three is a very ancient one, according to a New* York World correspondent. When it originated is not definitely known, but a law enacted by the Parliament of Scot land in the year 128>> is doubtless the first statutory recognition of tho custom. That law was as follows: “It is statut and ordaintthat during the nine of Her Maist Blissit Mcgestie, ilk fourth year, known asLcrp, ilk maiden ladyeof baith high and low cstait shall hael berty to bespeak ye man she likes; albeit, gif he refuses to tak hir to be his wyfe, he shall be mulcted in ye smnme of ane dundis or less, as bis cstait moit be, ex cept and awts gif he can inak it appear that he is betrothit to ane ithcr woman, that he then shall be free. ’’ Much of the color blindness that is be coming quite common is raid to be caused by the use of tobacco, w hich, be ing a narcotic, benumbs the nerves. Sometimes tlic victim loses sight alto gether. But is is noticeable, rays the Graphic , that the old smokers are the fastidious about the co'ors which tho tabacconists give their cigars. Beautiful woman, from whence came thy bloom. , Thv beaming eye. thy features fair? Whit kindly hand on thee war laid— Endowing thee with lieauty rare? “ ’Twas not ever thus,” the dame replied, ‘‘Once pale this face, these features I gild. The ‘Favorite Prescription’ of Dr. Pierce Wrought the woiideious change which you behold.” Sixteen counties in Michigan, all that have thus far vote! under tin local option law, have given majorities in favor of prohibition. When Catarrh lias strong hold on th • system Taylor's Ihfcpitul Cure. Uftl B way New York, reaches, by means of the Nebuli zer, the very seat of the trouble. The best cough medicine is Pino's Cure f< r Consumption. Hold everywhere. 25c. /For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. Medical and ncbntiflf rkill has at larf rolvM fhr Problem of the lotig Df-eded iiicdirlne for the tier vow, debilitated, and the aged, by combiui'ig tlse beet nerve tonic*. OHeqr and One*, with other efb c. tlve retnedien. which, fWtltwr gently but efTWntilly on th« kidneye. liver and bowel*, mriw »«>*•, restore strength an 1 n*m-w vitality, This medicine la (■ ■(.Rines £iS r Y, *• Qmjiound It fills a place heretofore nnoempied. and martra a new era tn the treatment mt nervon* tioiiblcs. Overwork. anxiety. lay the foundation off nervona pmstrattou sod fsaakne**. and nieriHim has shown that the usual twmedio* do not mend the strain and i-sralj at* of the nervous system tUrommendMl by profamonsl and boriaeif men. •had for circulars. . Price Si ,00. *"M by dm#viat«. Wells, hichardson «. co., Prot* io*r, HUMJrfPTON vt The jubilee memorial to Queen Victoria in favor of prohibiting the sale of liquor on Sunday has just lieen lmnded in. It was signed by l.liW.Wts women, and is said to be the largest over twe-ient*t. *3OO Reword. If you suffer from dull heavy headache, ob struction of the nasal passages, discharges fall ing from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; if the eyes ait' weak, watery, and in flamed; and there is ringing in the tars, dei filess, hacking or coughing to dear the throat, ex | >cc to ration of offensive matter, to get hep with seal** from ulcers; the voice be inir changed and having a nasal twang, the breath offensive; smell and taste impaired; experience a sensation of dizziness, with men tal depression, a hacking cough, and general debility, then vou are suffering from chronic nasal catarrh. Only a few of the above named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case at. one timo, or in one stage of the disease. Thousands of cases annually, with out manifesting half of the alxive symptoms, result in consumption, and end in tlte grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and dangerous, less understood or more unsuc ceesfully trea’ed by phvsicians, The manu facturers of Dr. Sage’s Cutarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, #so*) reward for a case of ca tirdi which they cannot cure. The Remedy is s* ?ld by druggists at only 50 cents. An amendment to tho Jowa prohibitory law, adowing liquors to besold for medicinal, mechanical, scieiitifi.; and sacramental pur pns y by only a limited number of regularly appointed government agent*, has been in tro* luced into the lowa legislature. ‘‘Golden at morning, silver at noon, and lead at night,” is the old saying alKiut eating oranges. But there is something that is right ly named Golden, and can be taken with Is-petit at any hour or the day. This is Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth its weight in gold to any one suffering with scrofulous affections, impuri'ies of the blood, or disease of the liver and lungs. It is unfuiiiug. Bydiuggists. The last aud the present Congresses are said to l*» the most sober houses that have ever blessed our nation. Blit the rule pro hibiting the s ile of intoxicant* within the limits of the Capitol grounds, p issed in 1837, und amended in 18C7 by adding a penalty for violation, has never been enforced. RHEUMATISM. T he Case Stated.- Jan v nth, 1883. Messrs. George C. O.sgood & Co., druggists, Lowell, Mass., wrote to the undersigned as follows: “Mr. Lewis Dennis, No. 136 Moody street, wishes to recommend St. Jacobs Oil, and desires especially to say that: “Own Roiun.son, of Grantville, Mass., a boy of 12 years, came to his house in the rummer of I*Bl walking on crutches, his h’ff lc4 being bent at the knee for over two months, and could not Is? lientback. Mr. ' Dennis had some St. Jacobs Oil in the house, and gave it to him to rub on his knee. In six davs he had no use for hi* crutches, and went home well without them, as he has been ever since.” Corroborative and Conclusive Testimony. —Lowell. Mass., July I**7. —Gentlemen: Mr. Lewis Dennis has just called upon me, i :i’:d informs me that the hoy < >rin Robinson, who was a poor cripple on crutch***, and was cured by St. Jacobs Oil in 1881; the cure has remained permanent. The young man has been ami is now at work at manual lalior; tho case certainly proves the efficacy of St. Jacobs Oil.—Dr. Gico. C. Osoood, M. D. Sold by Druggietn and Dealer» F.t'cryxchcre. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimoro. Met. Tli** Gr«*iit Solo 11 :i union ini Accordin'*. You can learn *•> plav it in oil” hour. St nt prepaid S >l> V1..11*1 outfit price ser.Hl. V good nnt! r liable Accordion for s UIO. Send stamp* for eat nt •gilt*. Mindcal Merchandise, .'*o Host !ttli St. New York M>fp/ Will Color One to Four Pounds Os Dress Goods, j F °J* Garments, > Ifj Yarns, Rags, etc. J cent?. A Child can use them! Hie PUREST, STRONGEST and FASTEST of .ill Dyes. Warranted to Dye the most goods, and five the best colors. Unequalled for Feather*, Rib bons, and all Fancy Dyeing. 33 leading colors. They also moke the Best and Cheapest WRITING INK \ ONE QUART LAUNDRY blue; IO Cents. Directions for Coloring Photographs and a colored Cabinet Photo, as sample, sent for loeents. Ask druggist for Hook and Sample Card, or write WELLS.JHCHARDSON & CO., Burlington,Vt. Y r Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles. USB DIAMOND PAINTS. v.old. Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only IO Cent*. Will Save .lloui*jr« Wr Time. Pain TriiuM * ■ Had w ill CPI* Y. CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Applviiahii iwt*>**u' li ms-tri I 1 My Hr.”*., ”T. Greenwich St. N Y (PCI* M * «••*. mm>*»*i«m woruj ft JO. VItSS JNw® Lines not m.der ih* liorse's fact. Writ® Ww Brewster Belli Holder iWi.. Holly. Mt<*t EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work (or Young and Midd.e-Agod Men. I)|f |» tty tttr I’I.AIIOIM All l . MI CA I. IN-TITI t>.. Ku. » U illriM. I. *».. HooKim. I»la«e. WM* M. I'AII Kl I*. ill. I». I 4»*|M«|lt'll* Pliv»t*’lan MofM dotii one mil i**n op*. •out. it ir ..I** upon Jlmou* an I I'lirM .tl HetMliiy I'reoMlurc IMO'IIMO. K>liiiMi*l.-.l V«u*lilr, lu.|*Aire*) * iic**r sml lni|Mir*t*»*» **f ih<* lil**oi. «n*l Uu* unuilit mi i’r’ei • oi»».*<pieMt t n*r. <»n U'liilnnn in p»-m. # ii*«'«iidi*l ••m’.o.i* il Bin mi!, fnil Slit- WNrrMi.l*-d th*' lH**»i popular ttiN'lh'st • realise t>*i»ll«lu-d in |lo M linn Mil (imv* Poe* only *1 I7 mail i*o*i p A | l •u l .••Miffs •••! Is • plsin wmirr. Illuafr Uim t*t*M/*/e/rev if you sc ml now. Address** •■**>**». .N«*#l-' tki" Itet/err. • DI Cl C C Rwawttsris! 11l r Ltd UUliy Writ® (A'lAl/OOli:, Anns j i firaham Sun o«.,rSJlca 4k If Haferrn from Cansuraptfon, Scro'itla, Bronchiti*, and General T )ebility will try Hc<-»tt’b EMULHiowof CoJ L lrer Oil with llypophoKphifceH, they will find Immedi ate relief and perminate benefit. The Medi cal ITofewtion un:ver*ally declare it a remedy of the gr«>atest value and very palatable. Reed: “I have used Scott’s Emulsion in sev eral cases of Scrofula and Debility in Chil dren. Result* most gratifying. My little patients t*keit with pleasure.”—W. A. Hul- EEitT, M. D., Salisbury, 111. Itching Pile*. Symptomn— Moisture; intense Itching and stinging; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and uleera*e, Incoming very sore. Swaynb’s Ointment stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many cases removes the tumors. Equally efficacious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Phil adelphia Sent by mall for 50 cts. Also sold by druggists. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Thomp son’s Eye-water. Druggists soil at2sc. per 1 Kittle Cannunipllon Surelf Cured, To the Editor;—Please in for n your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely u«e thousands of hopeless cases have l*«n permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy frks to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. O. address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. M. D.. 181 Pcatl St.. N. Y. DR. KILMER’S |py SYMPTOMS AND CONDITIONS ft*l ■* -1.. Vk'lll .1 SYMPTOMS AND CONDITIONS Thla UvMfdy Will Kcllev* and Cure. II Vnnr heart thumps after sudden etfort,skips I lUUr tK*ats or flutters, if you have heart disease, faint spells, fit* or spasms, II Vnu feel ns though water was gathering IT I Ull m ound the heart, or have heart dropsy, il Vnu have Vertigo, dizzy attacks, ringing in II I Ull ears, disposed to nervous prostration, ap|KJpl<’.vy, sliou-k or sudden death, II V«.i have Neuralgia, Numbness in arms or il I Ull limbs, darting pains like Rheumatism. Ocean-Weed curesand prevents going to heart I’rrpared at IMaprnarr. TO WEALTH,” *«*t Free. Blighwßii. X* I* M 3»nVdiiiiKT*. PHICJR SI,OO. - I ytoxrtr. Aimts Wanted, Nk M J%MI lut articles in th*’ I sample Free IgallVAdili'm JA V nnoxsttN.Detroit.MtcK GOLD »■ wt>rth ssm P*r Ih. PetUV* Ej* salve to worth IUMIL but to Bold *4 g>c. a boxey lUtlUt >Aur RTTIIT. Rook-kaeping,renmanßhlp.Anthmrtlr., tumC Kl».*rthan«l,«tc.,taoroaglil/ Uuiglit bv mail. Clr culars free. UKIAtrS l OttM}*, 4*T UmUi Si., BaWat* M. T. h. n. 1;.-1 Or YIP AM WAR nnd their Wlflowto mCAIwAn WMII ivnslons n - *w for y*»u all. Ad ■VI dri*BH E. 11. lie Inton A Co., Washlugton.D.O. INVALIDS’ HOTEL HD SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 663 Mils St., Buffalo, H. T. OTJR FIELD OF SUCCESS. The treatment of Disease* of NASAL IHROAT tbo ' 1 r Passage* and EungM, such nAOHLy IIMUAI chroll | e catarrh ill the Head, AUn EaryngltlN, Hrouchilis, Asthma, ■ n u and Consumption, both through I IIHC cnrrc*|»ondt*nce and at our Institutions, Llinn UIvLAOLO, constitute* an important specialty. We publish three wpnrato books on Nnsul, Throat and Lung Diseases, which give much valuable in formation, viz: (1) A Treatise on Consumption, laryngitis and Bronchitis; price, post-paid, ten cents. (2) A Treatise on Asthma, or Phthisic, giving new and successful treatment; price. iw»st paid. ten cents. (3) A Treatise on Chroulc Catarrh in the licud; price, post-paid, two cents. Dyspepsia, “Elver Complaint,” Oh lIISFASFS OF stlnate Con*tlpatlou, Chronic lllar 1.0 ur rhea> Tape-worms, and kindred affections, (liprcTinU ur*- among those chronic disease's in tin* sue- UIULOIIUN. ccssful treatment of which our siieeialist* have attained great sueows. Our Complete Treatise on Diseases of the Digestive Organs will he sent to any address on receipt of ten cents in postage stamps. ""‘"if i"”l HKIGHT’M DISEASE, DIABETES, ami IinMFY kindred maladies, have bw-n very largely treated. and cures effected in thousands of cases which niOCKCt had been pronounced beyond hope. These dis- UIOL3OLO, cases ur** readily diagnosticated. »»r determined, by chondral analysis of the urine without a personal examination of patients, who ran, therefore, f morally bo *urce**fully treated at tlielr home*. ho study and practice of chemical analysis and microscopical examination of the urine In our consideration of casca, with reference to correct diagnosis. In which our institution long ago became famous, has naturally led to a very extensive practice in diseases of the urinary orguns. These diseases should be treated only by a special-* hAHTIfIN I ,Kt thoroughly familiar with them, and who is coin ununun. | to uncertain tin- exact condition and stage of advancement which the disease lias made (which can only bo ascertained by a careful chemical an<! micro scoplcal examination of the urine), for medicine* which are curative in one stage or condition do jumittve injury in others. Being In constant receipt of numerous inquiries for a complete work on the nature and curability of these maladies, written in a Style to he easily understood. we have published a large, lllus trated Treatise on these diseases, which will be sent to any ad dress on receipt of ten cents in itostage stamps. A. ...r. HFLAMItIATION OF THE READ- Bladder ir**® a \ T ? K »■ adder, . « ravel. Enlarged Prostate Gland, niQFACFQ Retention of Vlrlne, and kindred affee- UIOLAouO. tinns, may Is? Included among those In the cure of which our s|M*elalists have achieved extraor dinary success. These are fully treated of In our Illustrated Pamphlet on Urinary Diseases. Bent by mail for 10 eta. in stamps. ICTnmniar I *?TH»n , riIFS AMD I’RINAKV Fill. oTRICTURE. I ▼f , EAA. Hundreds of (wav* of the worst form of strictures. many of them greatly ngir*H\ ab d by the careless use of Instrument* 1n the hands of incTjsTlenocd physician* and surgeons, causing false tMissag***. urinary nstuire, snd other mmnlicntlnn*. annually consult us for relief and cure. That no ease of this class Is too difficult for the skill of our specialists Is proved bv cure* reported In our lllits tratiHl treatise on these maladies, to which we refer with pride. To Intrust this class of eases to physicians of small experience, ia a dangerous proceeding. Many a man haa been mined fr» r life bv so doing, while thousands annually loae their lives through unskillful treatment, Bend particulars of your ease and hr rents In stamps for a lirgr Illustrated trastls* oonuinlnp u*’ •ssUnrntak, Makes the Weak Strong If you feel tired, weak, worn out or run down from hard work, by impoverished condition of the blood, or low itnto of the ejrstem, you should take Rood’s Hnruparllla. The i>eoiiliar toning, purifying and vitalizing *|ualUlee of thla zucoeazful medicine are noon felt throughout the entire zys tem, expelling dlzcium and giving quick, healthy action to every organ. It tone* the stomach, creates an appetite, and rouse* the liver and kidneys. Thousands who have taken It with benefit, testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla " makes the weak strong.” Hood’s Sarsaparilla **l havo taken not quite a bottle of Hood’s Bars* parllla, and must say It Is one of the best medicine* for giving an appetite, purifying the bio**! and regu lating the digestive organs, that I ever heard of. It did me a great deal of good.”—Mrs. N. A. Bta*L*y, Canostota, N. Y. "I took Hood's Barsapnrllla for loss of appetite, dyspepsia and general languor. It did mo a vast amount of good, and 1 h ive no hesitancy In recom mending It.”—J. W. WiLLxroBD, Quincy, lIL Hood’s Sarsaparilla BoM br all druxslrtJi. t!; «l* f'T *3. rr.pmd oaljr ; Rolrl by all *1; ijl lYPinrail ml, by 0.1. HOOD ft CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. by C. L HOOD ft CO., Apotbi-carlcs. laiweU, Man. IQO Poses One Pollar 1 IQO Doses One Dollar BALSAM Tl!?*«o|ten» I for Consumytion raved I pmuHumumnm^L esse 4 DTO Al B .The BKST Couch Medl wonrt chronic eases. Uutuualed for Catarrhal throat ■ Cine IS PISO 8 CURE FOR alfsctfbns, foul breath, offen«4ve odors, sore throat, B PoviiirMPTinN <’hilflr#»n diphtheria, cold In tha head, ask for “Roush os ■ DONSITM FT ION. Lllliaren Catabru •* Me. Drug. K. 8. Wuz, Jersey City, N. J. ■ t&ke It Without Objection. YOUNG I ,iyalldrUSi;iS “ B - “*■ /\ Y- SJ long ** you can, its- ■ / J(A lA> .\ vent tendency lowrln- Jb|, W /l"iwkl**s or ageing of tbs EfuPtoRCA J "kin by umng CURIS WHERE All £ISE lAHS. r EA . URE „ t i LE ?,!!; WwW&fc '•* S^S , 'SSSSS“ I S? ni Gr«*t tnglishGout iml 'I Blair SrlllS, Rh '“"y>^ ReSS | CURE FITS! ifr -j cu y , I. J. ■ wW■ ■ ™ ■ ■ ■ When 1 say curs I do not mean merely to stop UHS lor a time and then have them return again. I mean a _, ____ radical cure. 1 have raid” the diseeao of FITS, hPILr OCCnO GIVEN AIVa V. A p’*V Mixed or FALLING SICKNESS a lifelong r lower See*l**(s>>klndK), with PaKK's ear rent my remedy to cure the won*’ casre. Ileoaaaa wMNF VFI/tSU Ooide, II for 2 Stamps Kv ethers have failed is uoresem f**r not now leoetviog • eiy dower lover d’Ught* d Tell all your friends. cure. Send at once for » treatise and a Free B»Ule O. W. I’akk. Fannettsiiurg, Pa. as my infallible r**me*!y. Give Kspmes aud Poet Ofiee. Ursend at once. Tills notice will not ap pea regain. ffiTtol. ROOT. M. C.. 183 Pewrl St. Now Vsrk. 1 A ‘H4WH*W , I“H’W The man who hai* lnv**stwl from three MJA M e off* r the man win* wants service to five dollars in a ltubber Coat, and ("<* style) a garment tliat will keep at his first half hours experience In AM A ■■■ ■■■ l»m dry in t*< hardest "t*Tiii. It is « storm finds to his sorrow that it Is wMkM Lg I calk’d T'dVKK'S FIMI I'.LANH hanlly u better protection than a inos- WW ■ ••BLICKER," a name familiar tv every qalto netting, not only feels chagrined m w m Cow-boy all over the land. With them at being so badly taken in, but also ■ ■■■SR ■ the only perfect Wind and WatHMSsf feels If he d«*e» not look exactly like Ulu Coat Is “Tower's Fidi Brand Slicker." Ask lor tha M FISH BRAND** Slickkr I Ik I W and take no oUn-r. Ifycur siorehes prr docs not have the KtsiißßAKU.sendfordescrlptivecatalogue. A. J.Tovkii, A)Himioons Rnstnn. Epileptic C’onvulslons. or Fits, Pa. NtHvOUS raljsls, or I’al-y, I.o* n motor Ataxia, n St. Vitus’s Dunce, Insomnia, «>r inabilttv (||CFJLQCO t 4» sleep, ami threatened insanity. Nervous uiukftufeo. Debility, and every variety of nervous affee. tlon, are treated by our specialist* tor these dis eßS**s with unusual succeas. Bee numerous case* rcfMtrttvl in «»ur different illustrated pamphlet* on nervous disease*, any one of which will be sent for ten cents in poster stami**. when rctpicst lor them is aceomixuiH-il with a statement of a case for <-onsult«- tion, so that we may know which one of our Treatbiiw to m n«i. We have a B|K*cial Department, drvnhd UISFASFS DF r/rltisttv/g to tlie tnutm. nt of Dimvisc* of wiuLHDLii ur Women. Every ease consulting our s|*L‘ialists, Ufnyry whether l»y letter or in fs teon, is given the TfUELn. most earelul and considerate attention. Im p< i mot cases (and we get tew which liave not sln-ady bufll. d the skill of all the home physicians) hate the N m tit of a lull ('ouncil of skilled *|M-ci*lists. Itoom* for ladn* in the Invalids* Hotel and Burgicui Institute an- \ery private. Sw<t b’li cents in Htani|i* for our Complete Treatise on Distasts of Women, illustruti-d with wcnml-cu!* and colored plat« s (MO |wges>. HERNIA ißrsach), or KI PTI HI , D o lIAUIuAL UURt mutter of how long standing, or of w *« , n is promptly and perDiaiientl) rurrd by OF nIIPTIIRF ol,r sJ h<| mlim*, %« lilt out Ike kutte and wi iiwiiunb. without dependence upon Irowse*. Abundant references. Bend ten eents for our Illustrated Tn*atise. I*II.EM, FINTI'IijE, and otlar dit-use* nffuting the lower iMiwels, are treated witii womhi ful sueciss. The worst ctux s of |>ile tumors, are |*ermanently cured in liftcen to twenty dsva. Send ti n o uts lor Illustrut.d Tn-atise. ui rilf Organic weakness, nervous debility, piematurs ■HI decline of the manly pow» in, involuntary tuna*. • as Impaired memory, menial anxiety, atwemv- ..f ■CM wil|-|H»wer. no lanenoly. weak hack, and all affec inkn. tions arising from t«>nthful indistretion* and r. Hi clout, solitary practices, are nistdily. thmoughiy and permanently cured. We, many years ago. iwtaldislud a Bpedal D« |Hirtm«nt for the treatment or the*** diH'ttses, under the management of some of skillful pb> Hi' iun* and surgeon* on our Stuff, in otd4*r that all who apply to us might weave all tin- ad\antag«-s of a full Councii of the imiM experi< ne«d siHiialists. Mfr (lrrm w ‘* nff, * r 1,0 *P«>*"ffy for d* voting so much VTL Urrtn attention to this ticgkdcd class of ds-wnew. U . believing that no condition of Iniinaruty is NO APOI OCY bM ' wretched to merit the symiatth) and , _ ww best service# of th«“ noble profession to Which we Is-long. Why any uadioml man. • intent on doing good and ailcvtntlng suffering, should shun such eases, we cannot imagine. Why an> «»«•• should coigndor I it otherwise than most honorable to cun* the worst nw* of these diseases, we cannot understand ; and yet of all the ottw r nmladks which afflict mankind there is prot«hly none about which physician* In general practice know so little. We shall. , th«*rrfore, continue, as hmtoftiC*. U> tnst with our last <*»■». I sideratlon. sympathy, and skill, nil applicants who aw suffenuj , from any of th«se delicate diseawa. Pugg ft it ttaiir Moat of th*s«> essis ran t«c treatid by us when vUntu IT lIUML at n distare«* ns well as if here in person. A Complete Treatise fin pngrat on these delicate disease* sent vAlftl, tn jilntn snrvVrf w, trrurf front •>lmrrrotUm, on receipt of only ten e»*nta. In rtamp*. for postage. All WatenH>nfs mad** snd secret* eonAded to us will be held to he mctrtUy c»nJkirnUal All letters of Inquiry, or of consultation, should be addressed to WOlirt DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. H*. Main ««., -rrrAi.o, Tg At this season, as spring appmachew. a good relia ble tonic aud purlfl* r 1» needexl by uveryhndy. Hoofl’s Sarsaparilla Is peculiarly adapted f»*r this purpose and becomes more popular every year. I Try it this spring. "When I t**ok Hood's Sana parllla that heaviness In my stomach left; the *lullne*s In my he id and the , gloomy, despondent feeling I b*ga n 1 to get stronger, my blood gained better circulation, i the coldness In my hands an* l feet left me and my i kidneys do not bother me as before."-!!. W. Hull, Attorney at Law, MUleraburg, G. Health and Strength **A year ago I suffeml from Indigestion, had terri ble headache•, verv little appetite; In fact, seemed completely broken down. On taking Hood’s Kama , j axilla I began to improve, and now I have a good appetite, and my health Is excellent compare*! t*» what It was. lam l»etter In spirits, am not troubled , with c*»|*l feet or hands, and am entirely cure*! of in ; digestion.”—Umax Max*WO. Newburgh. Orange ■ County, N. Y. N. B.—Be sure to get only A PLEASANT REMEDIAL fIOME. FULL STAFF OF EXPERIENCED PHYSICIANS i SURGEONS. Many CHRONIC HiSFASF.H »ac* ccstofully Treated witliont a Personal CouHultation. otitoin our knowlc<lgo of the patient's *iis f' eos*’ by the application, to the practice of medicine, of well-established principk'S of modern science. Tho most ample resources for treating ling*’ring or chronic diseases, and the greatest skill, arc thus plueed within the easy reach of invaluls, however distant they may reside. Writs and describe your symptoms, inclosing ten ccntl In stami»g, and a eonipk'te treatise, on your par ticular diM’ase, will be sent you, with our opin ion as to its nature and curability.

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