CHARLOTTE MESSENGER. SATURDAY, - NOV. 24, 1888. OCR CHURCHES. St. Michael's (P. E.) Chnrch, Mint St. Services at JO a. m. andSp.m. Sunday school at 4 p.m. Rev. p. p. Azarov, pastor. M. E. Church, Graham Street. Services at 3p. ni. aud Bp. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Rev. E. M. Collett, pastor. First Baptist Church, South Church St. Services at 11 a. m., 3p. m. and Bp. m. Sun day-school at 1 p. m. Rev. A. A. Posreil, pastor. Ebeneier Baptist Church, East Second St. Services at 11 a. m., 3 p. in. aud 8 p. m. Sun day-school at 1 p. m. Rev. Z. Haughton, pastor. Presbyterian Church, comer Seventh and College Sts. Services at 3p. m. aud Bp. m. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Rev. R. P. Wvche, pastor. Clinton Chapel, (A. M. E. Z.) Mint St. Ser vices at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Rev M. Slade, pastor. Little Rock, (A. M. E. Z.) ESt. Services at 11 a. m., 3p. m. and Bp. m. Rev. J. W. Thomas, pastor. Grace Church, (A. M. E. Z.) South B, be tween 3d and 4th. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. Sunday-school at 3P. M. Rev. E. C. Davidson, Pastor. ■'ey" If your paper has a blue cross mark, it will be stopped till you pay up. We cannot continue to send it to you without some money, l’leasc pay up and let us continue it to you. LOCAL. Wanted. We want a canvassing agent inj every county in the State, to solicit i subscribers for the Messbsgeb. Lib- i cral commission will be paid active agents Let us hear from every town j and county at once. Address W. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. One Thousand More. We want one thousand new sub scribers by the first of January. Let every lady and every gentlemen reader ; send us one new subscriber or send us i a list of the reading colored people j around you, with their postoffice ad dress, so we may send them a copy of; our paper. Please pay what you owo ns. Next Thursday is thanksgiving. Read onr special offers in another column. This paper is being complimented from all sides. The preachers have gone to confer ence. That means a mighty slaugh tering of chicken. Zion conference of South Carolina is in session at Chester —Bishop S. T. Junes presiding. What has become of that old ban dana that was so proudly waved bat i few weeks ago ? / Congressman H. P. Cheatham of the 2d district is a Baptist preacher and not a lawyer. The Central North Carolina Confer ence is in session at Fayetteville— Bishop J. J. Moore presiding. If your boy learns grammar, don’t give him arithmetic. “One thing at a time, and that well done.” Rev. Z Hanghton returned home from a visit of two weeks in Wilming ton last Tuesday morning. The North Carolina Conference of the A. M. E. Church is now in ses sion in Greensboro —Bishop Campbell presiding The North Carolina Conference of the Zion Methodist Church meets at Ooldsboro next Wednesday. Bishop, Thompson will preside. It is a little discouraging to be warned that the seminary project is to j be opposed, but it is s righteous out and will be carried through. Please let Smith alone. He thinks he did his duty and is solid He will get there, and perhaps sooner than is thought. Eight years ago many persons said Zion Wesley will amount to nothing. Is there not still another man in Zion who can go out and work exclusively for the girls 1 It is earnestly hoped that some steps will he taken in the Carolina Zion conferences to eoeourage a fe male seminary for Zion Church. While the conference may able to can show a willingness to do their port and sneh an institution will do much toward supporting itself. The Colored Baptist Missionary Union is in session at the First Bap tist Church. Rev. A. A. Powell is president, ad Rev. F. R. Howell, secretary. North Carolina is truly a great State for Methodism. The whites arc discussing the advisability of dividing their conference, it is too large to be well managed. There are already -r five colored Methodist conferences in North Caro lina : The M. E., A. M. E„ C. M. E.. North Carolina Zion and Central N. C. Zion. And now it seems that the prohibi tion vote in this State was actually increased from 454 to about 3,000. As Mr. Walker said, it is really a bouncing baby. To say that working for a female seminary in Zion will injure Living stone is as silly as saying presiding elders retard the work of the Chnrch. “Successful operation of one thing at a time.’ Yet it is thought in structing boys in books is not snfficient, so trades arc introduced to go along with it. “Successful operation of one thing at a time.” Does that mean if yon operate one school successfully no other is needed? What does that mean anyway? If you are educating your boys, that is nice. Let your girls grow up in ignorance, or let some one else edu cate them. "The snccessfbl operation of one thing at a time,” is the sug gestion. Poor girls; if your parents will not send yon to a mixed school yon must stay at home, or go and be brought np under other church influences and leave the chnrch of yonr first love. Hon. W. P. Canady is a native Southern man, and while he has worked his way high np in the party he deserves to go higher, and Mr. Harrison shohld look upon Col. Can ady as a representative Southern Re publican. Branson’s Agricultural Almanac for 1889, is to hand again with its pleas ant face. The book has been calcu lated for the last five years by Mr. Branson himself, and be guarantees a high degree of accuracy. Such a hand book is of great value to the families all over the State. It seems to have gone into almost every nook and corner of the State. The Charlotte Chronicle says: “ Harrison owes his election to the negroes. If they had not the ballot he would never have reached the White Honae.” We would remind the Chronicle that those New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Negroes arc wealthy, educated and in every respect the equals of the white people of this country. The Chronicle insinuates that Mr. Harrison is not legally elected because the Negro elected him. or that Mr. Harrison shonld not forget his obligations of gratitude to the Negro. Which does he mean ! Marriage at Lnmberton. Misa Martha E. Lewis and Mr. Luke R. MeQneen were united in the holy estate of matrimony at the bride’s residence on Wednesday evening, the 14th inst., by Rev. S. G. Taylor, of the A. M. E. Church. Miss Zilphia Lewis and Mr. A. A. McQueen were first bridesmaid and groomsman. “AH went merry as a marriage bell.” For Minister to Maytl. As a worthy and suitable man to represent this government at Port au Prince, we nominate that sterling and cultured young man, Edmund Loftin Thornton.»of Tarboro. N. C- Mr. Thornton » a native of this State and one of the beat educated young men in the South He is in every way creditable to the race and country, and we hope the next administration will select sneh men to fill all respon sible positions. B. L. Thornton is onr selection for the Haytien mission. M. Luke’s Sabbath School. While in Wilmington last Sunday we visited St Lake's Sabbath School. It is the largest and beat conducted Sabbath School of onr church in the school, the order may be said to bo perfect. The teachers and scholars all seemed to take much interest in the lessons which are well drawn on a blackboard by one of the scholars and explained by the pastor. The music was good and much enjoyed by us. Much of the success of this school is due to the active part taken by Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Small. The at tendance averages about 300 and the collections about $6. What school can equal this? Plans for the Seminary# It is not for us to propose the plans upon which the seminary should be established or the rules by which it should be run, but that is left for the fathers and leaders in Zion. As a be liever in the capabilities and future of our race, we feel called upon to agi tate the necessity for such an institu tion. We would simply say that in the beginning there is no need for high college curriculum or high sounding titles. All great institu tions begin small and work up. Two good, pious, well educated ladies or a well educated preacher and his wife might start such an enterprise with the backing of our great connection. Let us hear a good report in the conferences on education and let this question of a female seminary be dis cussed. Let some good lady or gen tleman be encouraged to begin the work at once. All the help needed will be forthcoming as soon as tho work is started in earnest. ADTICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, for chil dren teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diar rhcea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the child it rests the mother. Price 25c. a bottle. THE MESSENGER FOR ONE DOLLAR. For the benefit of our readers, and in order to enlarge our circulation, we make the following OFFER: To all subscribers paying up their back dues, and to all new subscribers between this and Christmas, we will send the Messenger ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR. To any preacher, teacher, or person sending us three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) with three names besides his own, we will send the Messenger to each address one year. To clubs of five or more we will make liberal discounts, and give a premium to the getter up of the club. X4TAII subscriptions must be paid in advance, by registered letter or money order. Persons sending stamps must send only one and two ceut stamps. Address letters to W. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C. LAW DEPARTMENT Shaw University, RALEIGH, N. C., —:o: The first session will open Monday, the 26th day of November, 1888. For further information, address Rev. D*. Ti pper, President Shaw Univer sity, Raleigh, N. C., or the under signed at Fayetteville, N. C. JOHN S. LEARY. Oct. 9th, 1888. WANTED ! ! ! REIJABI.K ami ACTIVE MEN to travel for ail Established House during the summer niontlis. Those who ran furnish a home and give security preferred. Money advanced monthly to ,«y expenses. A areal ebaner for tlie right men! State age, hush nem exiavienoe, and to save time belter send name* and addrews of reference*. No atten tion paid to iseta! cauls. Never mind about Va. VIRGINIA HOUSE, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Accommodations furnished travelers at reasonable rates. Comfortable beds and rooms. House located in the central aud business part of the city. Table furnished with the best of the market. Meals at all hours. J. M. GOODE, - Proprietor. CHARLOTTE. N. C. H B KENNEDY, DEALER IN Confectioneries, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Vegeta bles, and all kinds of Country Produce. Everything kept in a well regulated Grocery Store. Fine Fruits a speci alty. No. 303 South Graham street, Charlotte, N. C. I THAT FIGHT W The Original Wins. Ca C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop'f ■ j M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Est’d ILa if 4 ?* in . tl,e S’ Court DEFEATS J. 1“• Zell in, Prop’r A. Q. Simmons Liv- KvLocl er Regulator, Est’d by Zeilin 1868. ■lm M.A. S. L. M. has for 47 years I IWL curct * Indigestion, Biliousness, 1/SSW Dyspepsia,Sick Headache,Lost wr Appetite, Souk Stomach, Etc. ; 1 ‘ A Rev. T. B. Reams, Pastor M. E. \ • siChurch, Adams, Tenn., writes: “I wt -fjhdiink I should have been dead but T for your Genuine M. A. Sim -fx mons Liver Medicine. I have MHlilOlM sometimes had to substitute |!|'l fifr# I “Zeilin’s stuff” for your Medi- I ICOIIRTsI cine * but *t don’t answer the I I P ur Pose.” IJfgOPLEI Dr. J. R. Graves, Editor The Memphis,Tenn. says: 111 received a package of your Liver k cl Medicine, and have used half of it. A V It works like a charm. I want no ■> better Liver Regulator and cer- PjR \ tainly no more of Zeilin’s mixture. THE LASSES’ FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you dcsiro to purchase a sewing machine, &3k our agent at your place for terms and prices. Ir you cannot find our agent, write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.ORANGE.MASS. Chicago - 28 union SQUARE,NX- DALLAS, _V -; s .MO. S. J. ELLIOTT & CO. WATCHMAKERS 11 JEWELERS, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. A Full Line of Cheap Watches, Clocks, Spectacles and Jewelry Specialties. 213 West Trade St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. UliM Location up Pip aotmbkts op easiness. Short-hand A Type. Writing, Telegraph; Cheapest & Best Business College in the Wor'i Highest Honor and fiold Mcrinl over ml other Collect World's Exposition lor «r Itook-keeolnr Goner*] Business Education 1 0.000 GrsiTuntr* Business. It Tosciier* emplo- •• l «’.»-! of Full lln»l Course, iocltidlsg Tuition. Rtstioi.n »n lß* sr«V shout * Abort-Hand, Ty pe-Writlu*. A Telt ernphy No Vacation. Ester Ns*. Ors-lu- ■■ S ”‘' For circulars address Ephraim W . Pri»< i' Wilbur K. Snrith* Lexington, ky. Xentiun 1 ’ PRINTING in all ita branches executed in the best man ner, at the very lowest rates. Newspaper Printing a Specialty. R. E. BLAKEY, 207 Kant Trade St.. CIIABLOTT*. N. C. QAROLINA CENTRAL R. R CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. Wilmington, N. C., June 10, 1888. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. No. 3. Nos. 5~&7 STATIONS. Daily ex. Daily ex. Tri- Sunday. Sunday, weekly. lv Raleigh, 8:05 7:15 p.m. lvWilnrgton 7:30 0:10 lv Maxton, 11:21 lv Hamlet, 12:50 p.m. 2:30 a.m. lvWadesboro 2:00 lv Charlotte 4:07 0:55 lvLincolnt’n 5:51 lv Shelby, 7:03 arliutherf’n 8:15 EASTBOUND TRAINS. No. 2. No. 4. STATIONS. Daily ex. Daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. lvßutherf’n 7:20a.m. lv Shelby 8:39 lvLincolnt’n 9:45 lvCharlotte 11:35 8:00 p.m. lvWadesboro 2:00 p.m. lv Hamlet 3:00 2:05 a.m. lv Maxton. 4:13 arWilm’gton 7:50 8:20 ar Raleigh, 7:15 9:00 Trains Nos. 1. and 2 make close connection at Wadesboro with trains to and from Che raw, Florence, Charleston and the South. 6 Trains No. 1,2, 3 and 4 make close connec tion at Hamlet with trains to and from Raleigh and Norfolk. Through sleeping cars between Wilming ton and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take train No. 1 for Statesville and stations on the W. N. C. R. R. and points west. Take traing Nos. 1 and 2 for Cheraw, Flo rence, Charleston, Savannah and Florida. Take train No. 3 for Spartanburg, Green ville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. Also for Asheville via Charlotte and Spartanburg. No. 2 connects at Wilmington with Sea coast train for Wrightsville. Also with At lantic Coast Line North and South. No. 4 connects with W. and W. northbound train. Also seacoast train for Wrightsville, Steamer Sylvan Grove for Carolina Beach and Steamer Passjort for Smithville. Local Freight Nos. 5 and 6 daily between Wilmington and Laurinburg. Local Freight Nos. 7 and 8 daily between Charlotte and Laurinburg. Local Freight Nos. 9 and 10 tri-weekly be tween Charlotte and Rutherfordton. Nos. 5, 6,7, 8,9 and 10 will not take passengers. L. C. JONES, Superintendent" F. W. CLARK, General Passenger Agt. CAPE FEAR AND YADKIN VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY. Taking effect Monday, June 11th, 1888. Trails Moving North. Passenger Freight and and Mail. Passenger Lv Bennettsville 0:00 a m 1:15 pm Ar Maxton, 7:05 3:10 Lv Maxton, 7:15 3:35 Ar Fayetteville, 9:00 7:15 Lv Fayetteville, 9:15 10:00 a m Ar Sanford 11:15 1:40 pm Lv Sanford, 11:27 2:30 Ar Greensboro, 2:30 pm 7:25 Lv Greensboro, 3:00 p m 10:15 a m Ar Mt. Airy, 7:15 pm 5:15 pm Pass, and Mail No. I—dinner at Greensboro. Trains Moving South. Lv Mt. Airy, 5:00 pm 10:15 am Ar Greensboro, 9:25 5:40 p n Lv Greensboro, 10:05 am 7:45 a m Ar Sanford, 1:35 p m 2:00 p m Lv Sanford, 1:55 2:30 p in Ar Fayetteville, 4:00 5:50 Lv Fayetteville, 4:15 6:25 a m Ar Maxton, 6:15 9:50 Lv Maxton, 6:25 10:15 A r Bennettsville 7:30 12:15 pm Pass. & V NEWSPAPERS, In which MIL advertisementsarolustrt-ttfW'.-'.*’ -aA* '- •* va cd nt half price. Bf*' * b 5,472 VILLAGE NEWS-^£“iA > 4 /,&& PAPERS, in which adver tisementsare inserted for ~ ? 42.15 a lino nnd appear In , he whole lot—one naif of * all the American Weeklies Book sent to any address for THIRTY CENTP GRANITE I RON WAR E. A V f n broiling* baking, BOILING, PRESERVING. I C LIGHT * HANDSOME, I Q WHOLESOME, DURABLE. Tho Best Ware Made for the Kitchen. Manufactured only by the StlouisStampingCo.St.Louis For Sale by all Stove, Hardware and House Furnishing Dealers. Cook Book nnd Price Ll»t Free on Application. Be Sure to Mention thi* Paper. ATTENTION TEACHERS! WHITE NORMAL SCHOOL, Lumber ton, X. C., will begin its thirteenth session for six months on Monday, April 9,1888. Having been educated in a New England Normal School, and having had sixteen years experience in the school-room, the Principal is prepared to do much for those who arc seeking a school where they may be aided during the summer Thorough drills given daily in all the branches re quired to ho taught in the Public Schools, and written examinations on practical questions given weekly. For particulars, send for circulars to D. P. ALLEN, Lumberton, N. C. ASK FOR m THE SELF-THREADIN'; ELDREiii «B” In it are com- dHHi# bined the tin- ;*j(r», est mechanic- tw al skill . » him O and practical | elements, im'lflKjßWfl V.i \ all known f *4l W vantages that make a sew. iViiis ing machine desirable to sell or use. ft„.. V* KLDREDCE MFC CO factory and Wholotalc Ofiea, 35’Mit:, ’ll, 90S Wat Kiah Arc., t'hlonqo. 39 Brand turret, -Y,w V.»*.