1 (, ... , rit 01 ft 1 AUCA i 1- A. XICJIOLSOJ, Editor and Proprietor. Pure Democracy and White Supremacy. SatorrlpthMi rrlcr, ft.SOprr iuan. VOL. V. CLINTON, NORTH CAROLINA; &TIIUJISDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1886. NO. 2. C X. STAN. 1 V V JLLULl I" '-s... CUB CHUECUES. atETnomiTf-Riv. j,"t. kitoau., Tiwtor. 8 -nri First Hundavs, morning and night, &3 aecond Ban. day night Prayer Mating, XL are day nigh to. rRESBTTEEIAN Rar. B. F. Maiublb, Factor. Services: Second and fourth Sundays. Prayer Meeting, Wejdneaday night. BAPTIST IUrr. J. L. Bmrurr, TiMtoc. Benrioet: Third Bundaye morning and night. Prayar Meeting. Tuesday nighU. EPISCOPAL No paatae. Bandar school at 9 a. m. H. B. OIDDENS, WATCH MAKER, CLINTON, N. a Watelies m'i tH ami Onlcie-il at pri h. Clocks, Jewelry, Mimical Instrn Htwiiit: Machine ICiimird arn short notice, ami at lower t casl SUBSCRIBE FOB THE Weekly Caucasian. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper Published in this Section. ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. 1). A. NICHOJUOV, ruMishor. DEISTTISTIIY. Frank Boyettc, D. D. S., .Offer lus nervieeg to the people of Clinton Rnc vicinity. Kvcrything in the line of Dentist;) done iii l ho best ttylo. Satisfaction gnaran teed. Ofllee at Sirs. 'Dr. C. T. Murphy's FREE TRIAL! IMPOTENT MEN, Whether Yonng or Old, having impaired theli ProcreatlYO Powers By tho Tmliseretioni of Youth or Fseecne ot Maturcr Ycara, mavb quickly restored to PERFECT MANHOOD Scxxial Power 4 P-y the n&e of NKTIVTTA. ! Thonrand of eases of. Nervous Debility, mental and physical weakness, lost manhood, nervous prostration, resnlts of indiscretions, excess or any ennse, cured by ervita. No remedy ever offered ta the afflicted has met with such nnpreeedented Bnceess. It ha no eqnal for curing all forms of Nervous Wat, Exuacstio! Debility ok Di.cat. Its hene flcial effect sre immediately perceptible; in a few week afte. commencing its nse a feeling of renewed ngor and strength is apparent. It effects a p mpt and radical cure, and i th only safe and effectual remedy known for curing all forms of Nic.vod9 Demoty from any omse. It effects are permanent. No ina'.tr how aggravated yonr easo, how mny rem -dies yoa have tried, or how many doctors have failed. When the disease has bafHed the kiu ot mi auiesc pnyB'ctans, wi' i rr.eisn- Toholy and despair havn taken he pi -co of hope, and the world look bl'nk"d drear Nwrvita will inspire new life mi r. . "i' jV ly onre bo iy and m oil. lt,7 '7 ?asa n-ed bv its nse in 1S81. St-ong feif-a that it wnl cure i bveiiycre piomn' w n sen.) a trisj package on r ceip 01 vi cents lor jnustagc, rv. Marae this paper. Dr. A. 0. OL1N, 187 E. Washln?b.i St, Box 213. CIIICAOO, ILL. OWES nOLMES & SON. THE GREGORY HOUSE. GOLDSBORO, N. C. The Central Hotel of the City Strictly First Class Every Respect. in . Folite and Careful Porters. Quick and at tt ntive waiters. . Rooms Large, Airv and Comfortably Fur- nitdied. Telegraph, Ticket, Post OfUces, and lau-ge cample itoous m tne liuiiding. CARS STOP NEAR THE DOOR. Special attention given to the Dining Boom, which has been thoroughly renovated and im proved. IUtM 2 and S2.SO per Day. OWEN HOLMES & SON, aa!r wk ftgr an afek and their Htm in dacjre thea they want the ewrjr beat that ean b had. J)r. A. M. Lee A Brother keep nlr aoch ; they also eary a fall Hue of Patent Medicine, Essential Oila, Per f ornery, Tnwi-te, English Tooth Broahea, Hedidnal Whisky and Hone Powder. 0Tha prettiest girl in Sampson re marked to a doctor the other day that she knew Ln'i Backachb Plabtkb wan the beat ever made, (or It cured her poor mother's back when other planter had no effect whatever. To prove this Mr. T. J. Lee recommends it to all J oat try one. CLINTON Drug Store. DR. A. M. LEE & BRO. Drags and Chemicals, Pnre Essential Oils, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Trusses, Best English Cement Tooth Brushes, Ac. LEE'S BACKACHE rL ASTER. Pack ar he la tho bane of women from earij school-life to old age, and few females are without it for fully three-fourths of every dav i.f their life. Well, the great remedy for thi distressing complaint in I.kk's JJackache Pi.au Ikb, which scores of Clinton and hundred, of (Sampson women pronounce the best Master ever made. 7 'I his Plaster is composed of fresh ItalManiB and Utinm and pure India Itiibber, and in tho result of nix year's experience in compounding plasters, backache, weak hack, sore chest, heart and liver troubles, kidney dis eases, rheumaliHtu, and nearly all pens speed Uy cured by it. It never irritates the most sensitiue ikin, tut Booths and strengthens the parts. Try one. Prepared and Kohl only by T. J. LEE, Druggist. PURE MEDICINAL WHISKY. A pnre and wholesome m dicinal stimulant ia a desideratum greatly needed. To supply this want l'ure Iiarley Corn Whisky, four years old, is offered to the pub ic, with the guarantee of its perfect purity and wholesome ness in every particular. This liquor is the pnre extract of COUN nd P.AKLKY, and is neitheV J)niggfl. Liquored nor Watered in any instance. Hold only by Da. A. M. LKK 4 BBO., Drnggiats. LEE'S WART SPECIFIC. A certain enre for warts on horses and mules as Col. John Ashfonl, Capt. Cornelius I'ar trick, dipt. (V. Lncins I'aison, Mr. W. II. Faison, Col. Abner M. Faison a;id hundreds of others in Sampson and adjoining counties will certify. Sold only by T. J. LEE, Druggist. ' - . WORMS IN HORSES. Lee's Wokm Specific never fails to expel Warranted in worms from horse and mules. every case. Hold only by T. J. LEE, Druggist HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEllS. We offer v.nder this head the best Condition Powders in the market. Thcv are prepared by the leading Drug Mouse of the United Stati s, from the formnla of Dr. W l iams, of England, the most distinguished Veterinary Surgeon living. They arc excellent appetizers, a gen eral alterative and t nie, and can be relied upon a a remc-ly for all disease of domestic animals. They are composed of Licorice Root, Juniper Perries, Flaxseed, Gentian, Ginger, lion and Antimony. Hold only by DR. A. M. I.EK A BRO.. Druggista. A RF.roRtErt of the Nashville I'liinn took a view of tho Apaeho captives, as they went tluouli Nashville toward Florida, and found thorn iutcrestin ,r, ii not pretty. Thore wore bucks anJ siju iws and papooses of every conceiv- ildo size atul every condition of abo riginal iilthiness. A majority of the men, however, were fino, stalwart, broad-shouldered fellows over six feet ligh, vith L:gh cheek-bones . long. black hair, and of ligi't copper col- , They were rigged out in all styles .nd modes of fantastic citizens' clothing, and seemed to have donned whatever they could lay their hands upon, while a largo number still wore tho aborigi nal buckskin leggina and gayly-color ed blankets. One strapping big buck, warm as it was, was wearing a chin chilla overcoat that must have weighed twenty pounds, and yet ho viewed things with a stolid indifference tTiut appeared cool enough for a cucumber. Some wore hats, though not a few were perfectly bareheaded. One fel low had on a battered stovepipe, and another venerable scalp-taker had a big red bandana handkerchief wrart- ped about his head. Prince Kaeamoko went to see the French soldiers at Chalons and much admired the polished breast-plates of the cuirassiers, whereupon tho com manding General gave him one of the bits of armor. The negro put it on delighted; and then hia face clondet! and tears came to ms eyes. - nat ia tho matter?" inonired tho General "Alas!" cried Karamoko, "as soon as get home my father will take this from me and wear it himself." Then the General gave him another one, and all were happy. A. B. McLLETT.ex-Supervising Archi tect of the Treasury, says that it is a mistake to estimate the olenco of the earthquake shocks in Charleston by the amount of damage done. He thinks that if 'Washington, for instance, had been subjected to the same shocks, the comparative damage would not have "been more than half, if so much. The buildings in Charleston are almost al ! together very old, the mortar aid ce ment used in their construction art from the immediate locality, and are ol of a very inferior charactei. Citowa have been known to free themselves from parasites by standing over an ant-hill and allowing the anta to destroT the troublesome vermin. -1 am a circus wag - in myself," saia the clown, as he joined the procesavon of gaudily painted chartetsoeTexas SiflmaM. ILLILEO. Elileo ! The moonlight a-mel lost arms tte val a; Tlje i-tar Ixvtrewed the aznre like an arnior' ht altered Hrah n; The air of ninht wrre qnkt a the treath of Riiken Miilx, And all yonr word were weetr th n the not' of nightingales. Illi!w T-garli ! in the gar1en thtr alone, With, yi ur figure un wl of fervor a the IVyeLc ccrved of stone, Tliere came to mo no murmur of the fountain's nni rtono So mystically, nim-ir-any mellow an your own. Yon nhb-jw re-1 low, Iliilco no low tho leaves were mute. AikI tho irlioK fait 'red brt-athlrkiily in yonr vok." vain p-anAt, A:i1 there died the distant dalliance of the Heren;td r's lute. And I h !d you in my Ikkjoih &h the husk may hold the fruit. I'lileo, I listened : I 1 Iiev d you ! In my h!i u What wi re all the worldrf above luc, ilce I foiiml vm thus in this ? Iet tin in, ru ling, reach to win nie even In aven I would misn (ira!-pin (artlnvard I would cling here, though I clung by jiiHt a Uiss! And I Raid the Mar should Blacken in their pac m through the vaM: That I lossnins nhould grow Klorless and lilies nil ughaxt, Ie yet my loyalty hIiouM fail enduring to the hist - Sovo'W'd I. It ih written. It is clkangchss as the jiast. Illileo Legardi! in the nhado your palace thrown Like the i-ovl a'nout the sin Lrer at your gilded port n -i :. A moan goes with the music that may vex tho high repose Of a heart that fades and crnniLles as the crimson of a rose. James Whitcomb Rii.ky. FOR WANT OF A NAIL BY HELEN I. r.Al NAT D. Mr. Tlilkins is a most accommodating neighbor. All lust winter, when Suuire l'rescott's family were in Europe, lie went over their house every day to sec that it was ns they left it, and took such care of the stock that the so, aire said he thought it would pay him to atm; awnv. The squire brought back some additions ' to the farm; among others a tine Guern- j sey cow Queen'Hess and her calf. The ! latter thev named Princess. The two were the admiration of the farmers far n iles around. They had more faith in this living stock thau in any to be pur chased olf a broker. When the Princess was six weeks olci. the siinrc rcl'.j-.I Ma.Jiiiklns as,-' c- was passing, and, to his astonishment made him a present of her. So along the country road, shortly after, Mr. Bilkins joyfully wended his way, leading by a rope the baby of ; Queen Bess. Sue proved to be very frolicsome and heiolsUpng', what with i her jumping, tugging and pulling, her new master had a trial indeed. j But although breathless, Mr. Bilkins ' did not lose his patience: triumph ; beamed from every line of his perspiring . face. It added to his pleasure to meet several farmer friends who, recognizing the royal beauty, asked facetiously if he was stealing the suujre 3 calf. Mr. Bil-1 kins explained, with becoming modesty, how he came to be the owner ot such a valuable bit of beef. So. although at tended with some difficulty, Mr. Bil kin's progress homcwa:d was a sort of triumphal march, with variations ac cording to the mood of the Princess. lie entered his own yard with the air of n conqueror. He ".hastened towards the great' barn, intending to fasten his uneasy prize to a post till he couid pre pare a pen, and thus transfer the strain from muscle to insensate wood. " it happened that .Mrs Bilkins was in ; the barn when he arrived, - and also; Orrin, the hired man. The latter was j examining a broken frame on whioh was stretched Mrs. BilkinV latost wk "of nrt in rags, a hooked-in mat; The Je- 1 sign was-wonderftri garland of flowers whose rosea Orrin stupidly mistook for colored cabbagesin, .the midst of which a yellow cot reposed. "j As this masterpiece was to compete ; for a prize at the next' "cattle-show," , Mrs Bifkin's hoped Orrin "oirld repair , the frame. He said he could: Indeed, j Orrin never acknowledged that anything : was beyond his ability. He had even : . i . . t. . taken the old clock to pieces when it stopped; but assurance would not put it together again without the aid of tMinrl nut. laaiirfinr-n wnnlil nnr nnt know ledge, and he was forced to wheel it to town. As he lost a part of the ma chinery on the way, it cost not a little monejk Mrs. Bilkin's faith in Orrin never recovered from that shock. That was why sue lingered, resolved that he should not get her mat -frame into a worse cond.on,"ttini why she was pres ent when her spouse made his hasty entrance. She shared his delight, declar ing she didn't kiiow when she'd seen such a beautiful bossy. "It orter be!" said Orrin, with his in imitably profound air. "It's the real Gun-sy ; wuth a big price amongst any o' them fancy farmers." ' Mr. Bilkins turned the-Trincess over to Orrin. And then occurred something that made Mrs. Bilkins always connect r v : . c , . c mfira For cnmnhnic in tho truncfnr the calf executed a new manoeuvre, got away, and plunged into the frame. There was a crash and a feminine shriek as the Princess danced off in it. When at length the garland and the pussy were handed to Mrs. Bilkins, she had given all hope of obtaining the prize. A little pen, labelled by Orrin, "Gunsy princes," now became the home of the calf. She held quite a court there, for every one who called at the farm must'see the squire's gift. Experts said she would make a most valuable cow, a prospect that greatly helped Mr. Bilkins bear with the foreigner, as daily her activi ties strengthened in the wrong direc tion. She had a chronic habit of jump ing over walls, and preferred to browse in a neighbor's garden to the finest pas ture. Almost daily Orrin cried, "That 'ere Gunsy's got out agin 1" Then, after a prolonged chase, Mr. Bilkins would appear in the kitchen, sink into the nearest chair, wipe his heated brow, and tell his wife, confi dentially, that ifhe'd "known that calf was "going ' to be such ' a pester, he "wouldn't have taken her for a gift!" When thig selfish baby was e:ght months old, Mr. Bilkins was called upon by a stock-dealer, who was passing through the town, and who asked if be would sell the calf. Tvc thought sfimctlmci I m i zht," eid Mr Biikin. ' But anxb-niy that wants that calf "a t'ot to pay for it:" 1" I if emphasis Lintel at a larje kuh. He reK-:iu-i the sentence revt r ii time before he would ive hi figures, ii naliy he ofTeitil the Prince for n-venty-live dollar. decUiin he knevf it j a lar-c mm, but ihe was a real Curnscv. The dealer departed, saving he would j hst him know in a few dnv. Vcrv soon ; i!r. Hilkrns received this brief letter: "Mh. il i.kish I accept your o'Icr. Will take ca f at 7j. F. O. B. car, Boston." Tliat 'F. O. B.'' was the subject af Mr. Iiilkins' freouent conjectures, until l he found that il meant '"Free on Board'' the ears. "Who'd a thou-ht it!" exe'aimed Mra Jjilklnv Iklnv vhtT the in vkU nous c"ir, 'VVX mum as uc w ntm taking a vere explained tob'r." Ven,'r4;jfid: with upraiAi "clnb.- He'lelt acters were be von a-troin- to run the resk o' .-ct- j tin' that "highty-tighty acro-t the city ? ; j Oirin'll have to go, arid that's au extra j evpense. ' Mr. IJilkins, having already settle 1 these points, indulged in a little tna-cii- I line sarcasm, at his wife's expense. i "He'd lo. k pretty," he said, "wouldn't he, centering through Host on hanging on tc that calf ? No. fir! that Guernsey I was going to be boxed up so she'd have : to ride as quiet as a iamb.'' Carpenter Simons was called in to es- I tiinate the cost. He wanted ten dol lars to make the box in Rhajie, and furr , nish the lumber. Mr. IJilkins labored with him, but he would take no less. "He's jest hl'-cding on us,' paid Orrin, who saw a chance to cover hini- j self with glory. "I'.l resk it but I can ! get up as good a box as Simons." So ( rrin got the job. .Mr. Bilkins ! silencing his wife's miyivings by show ing her that their hired man would thus ' save them nearly a month's wages. They now planned a rude sort of cage, ' in one end of which was a door that could be raised for the entrance of the l'i incess. Unfortunately for the plan, Mr Bil kins let ( riin do the measuring, Mrs. Bilkins bhould have attended to that heiseli. Orrin's standard for determin ing the length of the Princess was the rake handle. lie carefully marked the length with his thumb; but while fjointr from the barn to the box, somerxdy spoke to him, his thumb moved, a small circum.-tance in Orrin's estimation; be guessed he knew pretty near where the place was. and, re instating the mark, went confidently to work. Another small circumstance, tho nails gave out! But Orrin triumphed over the imminent prospects of waititicr while what nails. he went to the store, by using he called "butts," or parts of "Some folks 'd sink right baek'n' do rothin' 'cause their nails had gin out," said Orrin. "You've got to have some contrivance if you're going to rush things!" The box b'iing done, Mr. Bilkins pre- trip. SFVfTiai.'Cj event, A3 he had not been to Boston for years. Mrs. Tiilkins got his "stove pipe hat" down from the top of the closet. jt was four vtar3 behind the times, but after being well-polished with her el- ))0W, it covered in her eyes her husband with becoming dignity. As fa'r a8 possible,, everything was" made ieadv for the nicrht before, as Mr. Bil- kins must take an earlv 'train. Tn the mnrninrr be nri-nved himsrdf in nis best before boxing up" the calf, that he mitrht not keen her waitinrr. As it i,iUi become generally known that the VOnng Guernsey was goino- to leave town, old Deacon Grant and several of the neighbors dropped in. After a crit- ical survey of the box, the former said : "This 'ere Tl be a pretty tight squeeze, Bilkins; you'd ought to make this a grain bigger." It-was set in the middle of the barn floor, and the Princess led out. Orrin went to the front and thrust some corn through to tempt Miss Bossy to enter the rear. But she didn't like the looks of things, .and refused, firmly bracing her aristocratic hoofs. Mr. Bilkins said he thought she'd go in if pushed a little. So he and Deacon Grant attemjted it. But the calf backed suddenly, sending both into the meal-chest, and escaped to the barn-yard, where she cut up many ndw capers. "When at length she was caught, the cage proved to be, as the deacon thought, rather short; for after Orrin let down the door, and the i'nn- cess had accommodated herself to straitened circumstances, she looked something like a young camel. "I told ye so!" said the deacon. "Well, I guess she'll stand it !" said Mr. Bilkins. "It's only , two hours' line. lit a liUJiiL: lu luc utnui i , . , , f b . ; Orrin he's going to the depot. i J Got to get her acrost the city, too! " A little later Mr. Bilkins and the calf were travelling together in the freight car. Arriving at Boston, Mr. Bilkins bargained with a teamster to carry this odd freight to the Albany Station. - " This box is pretty shaky," said the j man, when they took it oil the car. air. Bilkins explained that they didn think the calf would be so heavy, as they lifted one end of the box upon the wagon ; " but just then the engine's shriek frightened the expressman's horse. He moved despite several fran tic veils' from the cage-bearers, and j down it went on the pavement, knock ing out one end. 1 he Princess began to back out, Mr. Bilkins and the team ster tried to push her in, but her royal will was aroused, she retrograded with t" .such force and rapidity that Mr. Bib ! kins was pushed violently against the . I . building, and the Guernsey was free in the streets of Boston! Away she scampered along Canal street, every teamster she passed giving an inspiring cheer. Mr. Bilkins rushed after, ploughing through the mud, ut terly indifferent to his best black suit, cne thought uppermost in his distracted mind the calf mint be delivered at the Albany depot, properly boxed. As Mr. Bilkins dashed along, in his antiquated suit, high dicky, and beaver set on the back of his head, it would have been difficult to decide which looked the wilder Mr. Bilkins or the calf. Before thev had eons many rods a large number of people joined ia the of th experimenOte special reporter race. The calf ran swiftly on without of iU Melboaree Faraert Geectbw. a pause, un il sbe met a hoiie-cer. Thi j ..Durin, a thorough inspection of the was something n : w ; tne Princess stopped j saQJ fcummocks ju. a little before twi-Bnort- . ' i light ou party only succeeded in" seeing With a glean of satisfaction in his three rabbits. The cats, oa the other eye the I have you now '." expression j hand, wee to be met with everywhere, Mr. Bilkins stretched forth loth i and sStra !e! rabbits, tovaa Btauehtercd hands to grasp her; but the Prib-css j bVesT! and others dead fofweeks, dodged him, and was upon the sidewalk w -.re come across ia a'd directima. Tho and away again. Everybody cleared catVere evidently the complete mas the track as if they thought a mad dog; tevf the, situation." The writer goes was coming. ron to express the opinion that there is The second thing that: arrested thi m, doubt whatever as Jo the-success of Princets was the brilliantly painted r :j,c ispc imenf. which is, moreover, aa figure of an Indian holding a tomahawk. 'next ensure as it i au-!saftiljMtaA Again Mr. Biikins hoped, grasped andj tanUarJ. . . - ' IT ? inEa-d, the Gncrnscy elodhjj him by taring a phort coriwr. m w . fw it cbanced that aa "old frutt lc4r waweeping around LU stand, wita bis La k toward them. Tho 1 'nii e brul.ed pat him with her i- iVMtt momcntuni; bef-TC' ha rcailje 1 whMatruck him l.ethrwphothhaadi and k-'l apainot the corner of hia fruit fctaoi, oosettin it. - ltllkin m.m, it .11 1 L-laicc, aa he pci br after his nroiertv. wLhad now turned into an alley. Ifesently he saw a new danger for thej &luable calf a jKiict man ' at the entof the passage-way, who, leholdin5 herjapproach with a Khouting crowd in purtiit, evidently took it t be a case of b 4rophobia that ought to lc etr n 'tc4. This fatt t! ashed,-in' o Mr. thai it woul.l m fcurelv descend fatallv uiv " t::e skull of the Princess, and all ti e gol loc possibilities ot her future would be i Mit'guUhcd forever, and she lie vonh only the price per pound of ordi nary veal. 'Wait: Hold on! Don't spoil the critter:'' he ehoutcd. 'i he olhcer did not hear, but braced hini'cif for the conflict. 'Ihe Princess M-cined to reason that retreat was cut oil by the crowd, and with a valor worthy ot herself, charged at the enemy in front. !She was too quick for him; his war like attitude Middenly collapsed ; for a few seconds he seemed to le riding the calf backwards, wid e the crowd roared with laughter, then he fell to the ground. At the end of the alley was a large pro ision sto-e. Kather than enter the noisy street, the Princess ran in there, making straight for the opposite door, which was then wide open. Sic avoided instinctively the rows of baskets fur customers, containinir meat. vegetables, butter and eggs, and might have got out without damaging any thiujT if an old lady who'was leaving had not dosed the do r after her. Little did the good dame think, as she walked slowly homeward, after order ing the dinner, what a whirlwind she let loose in the t(uiet shop by just shut ingtLc door. For it threw the Guernsey into a panic of fright; the whirled about to retrace her steps, heard her pursuers, and became almostj frantic. Her hoofs stamped choice butter, and crushed several parcels of egs, to the horror of the provision deale., who kept snouting : 'Somebody's got to pay for this!" This ended the race of the Princess, for Mr Bilkins veiy soon secured her, and was trying to explain matters satis factorily to the bespattered policeman. "What does this mean, sir?" asked tho officer. "We can't have calves running loose in the streets of Boston!'' "I hadn't no idea she'd get loose. Why, we boxed her up ourselves, Onin tfaat's my hired man and me. Calc'- g fr nnn"here in Boston to carry acpi and n the cars hadn't tooted ana n r . nnii if stti ted, the horse and upset the box, and there'd been better nails 'stead o' Orrin's bitts, we. wouldn't a 4een here. I wouldn't ha$. it happen for a five-dollar bill!" "Five dollars!" said the "store keeper, "j want that for the damage done hdre!" ' " fl can't be responsible for what the critter's, done." r'lt's jour calf, isn't it ?" answered the store keeper. "Course you're re sponsible, but I'll figure the thing down fine; I don't want to make anything out of; you." 1 f tie hastily estimated the cost aijhreo dd'ars and ninety-four cents. 51V. Bii kit was paying this when tho fruit vender appeared, breathless and angry. fDot beast smashed mine whole pees nef t Somepody's dot to pay for dis; mut have five dollar!'--' Tjlr. .Bilkins finally settled with- him for .three dollars: and "also cave the po- hcijraan two dollars, which so mollified tlu't worthy, that he assisted in getting thM calf .into the expressman's hands ! ag fin. - - '.Fhen is he was secured by a strong rope, Mr. Bilkins wiped his heated brow and prepared to consult his ancient sil ver' watch. It was gone, lost in his gnat run! He told the bystanders, mournfully, that he would n t have taken ! fiftV dollars for it, as it was his grand lataurs "What kind of a watch was it ?" in ouired the officer. "It mav be handed in. I'll take your sffdrcss, and let you kntfw if it does turwiip." ."I'll be leeged7knd je shan't lot e nothing,'- said AlilU; ins', fervently. "Well, it had a large sit?d '-atLrcr case; wa an English pinch-back; had one o' them ring-chains and ornamunt. Well, good-by, mends, one and all.-' Ir." Tiilkins lode away. He was not seen by any of hisv acquaintances fr two days. . Thj iserf at his own farm, a wiser nstfTP'Ey'Thas.iraHous expe riences ho ; had passed through. Thi rapidly acquired knowledge had cost ij?Hkresthe-wntcli7lhirty-rour dol lars and "; eighteen cents,' he brought home out of the seventy-five dollars, but forty-five dollars and eighty two peats.- - - y" "I can put my finger on the weak spot In the whole thing," he told Or- nn. "We started wrong. - It was thase butts f your'n: It don't do to use poor nails. -The nest time we sell a ' ? '-- iVTf -- . " s ... calf, I propose to. have a regular man make the box, and have no more meas uring with rake-handles!"' Youth's RabbiKiir.iig in Australia. The experi-nent of turning cats loose in Australia to destroy tiie swarms of rabbits is reported to have proved emi neutly successful. In one of ihe worst infested districts of Victoria 200 cats bought at Is. a head, inclosed for a time in a limited snacc by means of .wire net ting, fed on rabbits and afterward turned loose in bakches, food having been still supplied ia a rough building for any cat which might not at once support themselves by hunting, Not a single cat v known to have found its way to v f-C r.r't fr nal iitA n 1 oa f V r roan 1 the Sunday mm. Utf. ph. T!.M;i: o Tin nmK ll :0 Or TIIK t ITY. The Fr la 4 Af alt Oa All a. Dr. Talmage dlscounod to a prrat throng, & usual, Sunday, his text bving: "And the street of th city hall be fu4 of hoys aud girN piaying in the ticvt thereof." Zuiharia, viii: . Printing preast-s and prophets ore now chiclly busy in describing the condition of the present tint ; but will it not I healthful this iiioraiug for all Christian worker, and all men and women lw rw trying ak UwwUjL? cr and there are thousands of them acre if wc look forwa'd to th? time when our cities shall be completely revolutionized by the Gospel of the Son of God. and ull sin and all sorrow aud all suffering sha'l forever be done aw ay, '.md the stret ts of the city shall be lull of boys and girls, playing in the strecs thereof f The kingdoms of this wor'.d me going to tx? come the kingdoms of our Ixrd Jesus ChrUt. There is a great difference' whether you are toiling on toward a le feat, or toiling on toward a victory. Now. in the glorio.is time spoken of in my text, aud which wid come just as yon are there and I nm here in that time there will be larger tiuam i:il pros perities in all the citie-. People have a morbid idea about the miUenni im. as thou-h when it comes we will do noth ing but give ourselves up to ps:i!m sing ing, und, all so. iety being purified these will be no hilarity, and as all business will be purified there will be no enter prise. My friends, there is no founda tion in common sense or in the Bible for such an absurd anticipation. Where not one :or;une is maae tiieic will lie a hun dred fortunes made. You know that confidence between man and man is the found a ion of all successful business. Now, when all dishonesty is gone and all double dealing is gone, and all un fairness is gone, there will be complete confidence betwienman and man. Does not that imply larger business, ricln r opulence, grander architecture, finer equipage, grander and more magnificent prosperity i You know that business is injured by the infamous stock gamblers and by the godless speculators. You know that the worst foe of business in Brooklyn and New York, and in every city, is crime, individual and official crime. Now when (iod shall purify the commercial code, when God shall thun der down the last fraudulent establish ment, when God shall put the keys of business in the hands of hone-t men, what will that imply? The purification of business and more bu iness and grander business. It is a logical se quence. When that day comes and I am not talking about some guesswork, I urn not dealing in an abstraction, but there is a GoiTandttiat lie ever present ed us this Bible-m that time in our cities all grievous taxation will be gone. Now business men are taxed for every thing city tax, county tax, State tax, Lmted States tax, license tax, manufac turing tax -taxes, taxes, taxes. A, business man must make a small fortune to pay his taxes. e have to pay the ard of all the villians in our peniten tiaries. We have to support the orphans of those who plunged into their graves from beastly indulgence. We have to suppoit all the machinery of city gov ernment, which is vast and expensive just in proportion as the criminal pro clivities are vast and extensive. Who pay for the station houses? Who pay tor the criminal courts? The tax pay ers. Ana 1 say tovou Kepublicans and you Democrats, who are sometimes fat tening on tlu public spoils, while jou are doing nothing for the public well fare, that if you do not lessen taxes, and do not let the peop.e up all over this land we will after a while for-n a party anti excessive taxation, anti rum, anti monopoly, anti abomination, and you who are living in luxury now at the public crib, you shall not have as much as the wages of a street sweeper. -Sow i in that time, that time which is coming j in all our cities, the time of prosperil y ; spoken of iu my t&xt, we will not have ! to support criminals, for there will be : no ciunlna s. irtue will take the place . of vice. No more large sums of money voted for city improvements, which monevs often before they reach the im provements go down into the pockets of those who vo'ed them. No more im panneling of juries to try arson und mur acr andtheft and slander and bh.ckmail. Criminal courts abolished. Police stations abo ished. Almshouses abolished. h, what prosperity that will make for all the citie; and for all the world. In that time spoken of in my text the churches of Jesus Christ wiil be more numerous and they will be exerting a mightier influence for God. Now, churches are sometimes envious of each other i:d1 demoninations collide with ea h other nd even ministers of religion sometimes foct'ot their bonds of b otherhood. In the time of which I speak there will be just as much difference of opinion as there is now, but no acerbity, no hyper criticism, no exclusiveness Why the churches of our cities could not hold one-fourth of " the population. The churches that 'arc 'built, only a few of them are fully occupied and the average audience iu America to-day is less than four hundred. But in the glorious time of w hich I speak the e will be vaster churches and they will all be thronged With Worshippers. Oh, w hat e nthusias tic songs they will sing! Oh! wh:;t ear nest prayers they will offer. Oh, what ieiniom they will preach fn ourcbi-s now for the most part wiia. i- called a fashionable church is a place to which j peop'e come after very careful attention j to toilet, and they sit down for a while j ia a pew where they want plenty of : room, nobody beside them, and then if ' they have any time left from the th k ing of the stoie or the studying of the apparel of the person seated before them they listen to a sermon wan-anted t l it , no min's s'ns, or to music the tune of ' which nobody knows, and then, after an hour and a half of yawning, they go home lefre-hed I We nil feci better af-! ter we have had a good sleep : hy, the music in many of the churches is a mockery. I have not a cultivated ear , or a cultivated voice, but no Talau can do my singing for ine auy more than he j can do my praying for inc. I iike ar j tistic music. 1 thiak the dollar r five . dollars I Dav to hear soinee.ueen of song is a good investment, but when on the Sabbath we ate assembled ia icliglLus convocation, and the hy ma is given out and the-angels of God step from their throne o catch the music t n their wirlgs do not let us drive them back by indifference. ; I have been in c)ai:ch where vast sums of money were paid fT the muaic, andlt , was ei)ui-ite. and it was artiatiotS the very last ioint and "'--.-. t :al! er have ti c ouit reaVia o' a ImkUwooI Met !.! Ut camp rr.cetip;. Ixt one of thrae arti)i- njthitl have sometime hoard u.g ia churvh arrive ia ILaten. a id Low rtx a it wou'.d !ou' bttidc ono of ti.e grcit d noUies of the redeem I. Why, if ore of hoe opursUie airs that sometimes jrea up fro-n a church should got three hours' tsrt it vioiilJ bo ovetlakea and passed bv the ho;nna of Su-iday chd ehildren. : hen, in that time I am peaking ef, alt the haunts of impiity will lw broken up: all city iniquities will b b,v.ihl aud abolished. You say by the prr of cdtnati'n. It wilt not be dono la that wav. You say by humanitarian effort, it will not bo done in thtt way. I wi'.l tell fou how it will be done, br kL iwmf l tbcwGtMfMd 'J- lb &fajat toL In that day what municipal gov ernments. Now I know there la a great diffctence between municipal govern ment. But in many of the cithayou just go down and look around the i:y 11 a'd, and just look where the pohti inns are and see to what a sensual, lesoftcd, loathsome, accursed crew city jvdttira for the most j.ait has lnv n abandoned, and tec them standing all day long around some of the City 1.' alls pi kin their teeth and waiting for some crumbs of emolument to fall at their feet. Wln ui- those drunken women taken to the police station, and then, of course, thrust into prison i What will be done with the grog shops that male t! em drunk! Nothing What wiil be done with that gambler who last night took the young in m's $.V0 i Nothing. What will they do with th.it man who broke through and destroyed the purity of a Christian hoaie with an adroitness and a perfidy that beat the strategy of hell, flinging a shri-. king soul into bottomless perdition ' Nothing. What will they do with tho-e men who induced a young man to take sums of money Irom his emplovers which young man came to nn officer of this church and frantically asked what he must do? Nothing. No mercy for small criminals. If n man steals $10 send him to Bawiioiid street Jail. If a usau steal ff'.'OU.oiii) kt him g.-t to Can ada. We punish people because they do not steal enough! How is it with the trials in the court r. oms of thi-i country ? "What are they doing with these Coney Island gamblers I Where is the genius iu the American court room that caii arrest, try and condemn such scoundrels I Before the iiial is over, in some way, somehow, nobody knows exactly, but one of the jurors has had given to him a pair of gold specta cles, through which he sees things in a different light. Punish the small crim inals by all means, but I have sometimes thought it might lie a good thing if the o.ticers of the law would turn out of the prison some of the ten cent offenders and the ten dollar desperadoes and petty criminals and put in their places some of these monsters of iniquity, who ride span, going 60 swiftly that iioncst men have to leap to get out of the way of being run over. Oh, what damnable schemes even professors of religion are sometimes engaged in, until the Lord puts the finger of retribution in the col lar of the robe of hypocrisy and rips it clean to the bottom. But, rny fiiendi, all these wrongs are going to be riglitcd. A Glass Mountain. ITALF A Mli.E I.o: lot) TO 200 :o AND VATtVINO FKOM H.Ef IN 111.1' llT. One of the forthcoming reports of tho Geological Survey of the lovernment, will contain a paper by Prof. Joseph P. hidings upon an obsidean cliff in Yel lowstone jjftfik. This cliff is nn eleva tion half a mile long by from l."0 to -0J feet high, the material of which, Prof, hidings says, " is as good a glass as auy artificially manufactured." Its coh.:s and structure not only make it highly Interesting to the visitor, but furnish to the .scientific inwstigator phenomena of importance. The ciiff pieents part of a section of a surface flowof obsidian, which poured down aii'noient slope from the plateau lying cast. It is im- ossible to determine what the original thickness of thi i How was. The dense glass which now forms its lower portion is from 75 to 100 feet thick, -while the porous and pumi; eous upper portion has suffered Irom ages of jerosian and glacial action. " . A remarkulje feature of the cliff is the development of prismatic columns, which form its fouthern extremity. These are of shining black obsidian, ri-ing from the talus slope, and arc from fifty to sixty feet in heijht, with diam eters varying from two to four feet The co'or of the material of this cliff is for the most part ,et black, but mii'-h of it is mottled and streaked with blight brownish red and various shades of 1 brown, from dark "to light vellowish, purplish, and olive green The brilliant lustre of the rock and the strong con trasts of colors with the black aie vc y striking. In places the glass in the pro cess of cooling has been brrtken into small angular pieces, which have !een again cemented by the later flow, pro ducing many colored and beautiful breccia. In some places the materid shows a tine sa'in lustre, while in others a deep golden sheen is noticeable, which, under the lens, le-o.ves itself icto thin beamsof red and yellow light. Through the black and ltd glass arc scattered dull bluish gray patches and bands, nn 1 round gray and pink mas-es, the effect of which is to stid further vary the ao-pc-arancc furl 1 e.iuty of the ro;.K, and make it tin- iii i-t c ni i uo.is and char ade! i.stic variety of volcanic lava kuowii. Each Iitctived a I.svjii. A young recruit recently enlistcl nt Camp Hanco k. near Athinti. while the co.ntry was threatening war with .Mexico, and he intended to make a good soldier. One clay he was on guarl duty and wrja slowlv sti pping along when an officer .-.pproached." After the usual sa lute the officer id : "Let me see your gun."' "iho raw reCTuit ha::del over his Siu iugfield rit'e and a pleased expres sion stole over his face. As the Oicer received the gun he said in a tone oi dectest disgust: "You're a tine soldier! You'vo given up your gun, end now what are you ijo- mg to do;" i 'ihe voun Atlantim tsirned pale, and vet far all rtii-l u I'uriwxc s I would ; rcacliing for his hip jiockct, drew a big ! six shooter and, prepoiiug for busineea, sid in a voice that cou'.d not L-e mis - ; underateod : ; "(iimrnc that gun or I'll blow a hole j through y ou in a' palr'r minutes!" The oliict-r instantly decided not to ; monkey any further with the raWJecruit, lad the guu was promptly surrendered. Atlanta tb'Uii t on. . ' tur. iitE i'tLx run. trK PHT..TM t Bs4l I r"i- it- IVlrtsti Fr lYrJ For the t;rt tim In thre w fowl r. nth the im mtw-rs, a they a-nhlel in l'aradiM Halt. f..nJ tr on th hint d r. There was -onailerall K-iilatioa m ti the identity f tb dcaM-d. but n-jonewas irrtata uatkl Pr tl.i-r Garvlnrr a'c and said: "My frvns, it lccoi.c tuT painful !ivty to announce de death ol lbruddrf Aibutu Kingdom, an l.onorary Diem-l-r n.;diu in Kentucky, h' pasl from dis aiith away !' Wednesday night a:t-r a brief i!lue. He ta heat at lc annual Ir-cxhun two y'a's aa won dc tut prize in our game by jum t.iu," scIk.u feil hik-h. 1 doau' mv dat 1vtfwi.te ATvnnti w tlft tt - men who brr lived, but I kr?w Jat he was fair to tiud.t.m, aa' dat's satin' a h ap for any m?n. In dec da a of Ly 1 oi risy. theft, specula! i n, arwn an' murder dc itinn who keeps Tar of .'ails on' Mandv has got t be a Ixtter man daumoa' people ,iti hiui credit fur ! preacher w bo had charge of Ibuddrr Arbutuses funeral kinder h'tsmatol dat, while de deceased was in' a puifrini t hristian, de angrl ha.', fc'.n Llm rrrdU in llci.bcn fur a !;oc .-?is.ay arkshuns, an' dat he wouldn't le rhuckil asy into the siaiiie 1 in as ho thlrr, bur clar nn rhi! 1 -.tellers. 1 shall take do liberty, tin b- half of dis club, to send bit pieachct itiiiiiev to buy Meif a pair of fctnga butcs lur .vii-.t-T wear. 11c hits the bull's eye plumb center, lie an nounced iu hit fun- ra oraahun dat Bruddi-r Arbutus hud dc-uttleas rece ixed ervdit fur 1. S piir' treat in nt of h s family. 'J. Stick'tn' t dc troof a hen he could hev made u.onev bv lin' :t. .liudiu' his own blrness fur lifty huig y'ars. 4. Mrivin' f.ir jcee lietwecn all men, nn' dnin' ns he would le tlone by. His tongue was free Irom lies, an' his hands from c-Ttupshun. While lu died widout hc iu' jined de i hurch, he had 111 cvl up to ull de p'ials which go ti inuke a Christian man, an' dc ideah dat he is to be sot off wi l a lot of thieves, murderers an' blacklegs is sunthin' 1 an't believe in. 'i i;lal to hev found one preacher who :v de lclief dat lo I.awd hasn't divided do world into only two classes tic purfessing Chriatiaus, who nm to be whooped straight into lleabcn. an' lie nn purfossing, wh.i am to be whooped straight into tie odder places widout refer ace as to ncual character. De money will be tookcu from tie trea-uty n.V e hf.'-ged up on da cash book to buildin' an' repairs, an' de Secretary w ill ej to it dat de butes jO off to morrow by express. If tic pre m her belongs to any erthodox churc h he will cirtiniy ie exptlicd fur heresy, an' he 11 need de botes to hunt rabbits au' look fur a j. b." ni:CIUM.KDED. W iC iCMmrtr..m,. m it. .ill i ,fn and iiske.l to come forward to the i re idi nt's desk, and wheu he had com plied Brother Gardner said: "Bruddcr Smith, what sort ejf a mashec ne am dat you v'ar on your we-t." "I tot's a che stnut belt, sah?" "When you start out o sell chestnuts you ring dat bell, eh! ' "No, sah. I ring ic hell when any body g'ts off nn old jot e." oh, I sec. What elveck docs it hev on de odder pussonf'' ' I I doan' know, suh." "What elleck doei '.: hev on you?'' Judas Ca s;ir shifted mound uneasily but didn't reply. "Bruddcr Smith, ' continued the Preside nt, "a pussoa - ho nrn fool 'null to pin one of dose 'hi igs to his west doan' know un old jo'0 from n new one!. Dat class of pussoiu -..i octy 'chest n ut " au' 'rats!' to give de b-'ance of de wur d an idt ah dat ley am mnart, nm really deonly c lass widout li.:ins 'mil tokee p "cm straight in dc roud You walk o'icr totlat winder an' drup clat bell into do ilh y, nn' do sooner to? git de ideahtlat vo l d:in' know inosc'r all le rest ed dc Will Id put together dc better it will bo fur you.'' HOW TO INDOUSE A CHECK. a I.llllf A it v Ire filvrn by a Hank t'lrrk an Ike Nulijrrl. Very few otherwise intelligent and educated people understand how to properly indorse u bank check payable to their order, nn l few realize; ihc in convenience they cause by placing tln-ir in .orsemcnt in an awkward po-iti"ii An observance of the following rulei will enable anybody to place their big nature in the projit-r place: 1. Write acrosi the back - not length wise. 2. The top of the back is the left end of the fa c. :i. To deposit a cheek, write "For de posit," and below this your name. A clerk not having the power of attorney to stun fir indorse checks, can dejjo''t his linn's check -i by writing on the top of the bwk, "For deposit only to credit of 1" und below this write his own na:i:c. 4. Simply writing your name e n the back of a check rignilies that it haa passed through hands and ia pay able to beater. 5. Always indorse a check as it ap pears on the f i'c. For inst.m' c, if the check is payable o 'G Lead;" if to "Geo. Head'" .iido-s. "Geo. Head;" if to "George F. li'ea'.." indrve "George F. I'ead.'' Ii th'. fpelling of the name on the face of t'.;chcek js wrong, in dorse first just us th! face appears, and Ih.Io.v th; proper ay. For instance, if the check is iMT'iile on the faee to "Gorge. Keade,'' indorse "ieor-e Heade," and bc'.ow t! U indoraement write what it ahould have been "George Bead." ii. h yo n wish .c make the check payable to sou e i-ari-icular person, write JjPav to order ol ." AU straiver presenting check for payment niut be id?ntificJ by someone known to the bank. His Heme rrsi Broken Up. A manVras arrested for jumping from a ferryboat at Chatou into tbejfceine to commit suicide, and when taken, before tLe police related this storji " I am not a miserable pauper as you might think. I have money on me (saowin? a po.ket book with 00.f. ia, notes, still wet, in it; I lived for twenty years in the I too Ciou'.ler. bat the bcuisc has be;n taken for iniprovemenU and pulled down. My existcn-e has eince been broken tip. A I my habits have leen deranged.- Life ha--t I x-co me a burden to me, and I re solved to die." The man's "tioire is now a lunatic asyhim. - 1 : j i i j j : Hon?Es eat oat meals. - 1 4 , j issBj, r t ' V ; t w s v i rii mm

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