7 i Is ' I - f K fftlto fi ttmlt Jill ! J)lXKt AliWVlPUl , lCXUaBD EVTtBY THUhlDAY MORN ING BY J D, B. XICIIOLSOX BPBftCBIKtlOW ftll ANNO.. " fl.00 SIX MoNTIIF. Ollvion.K. C..,...Nov 4 .81C ftfT Entered at the Pot Office at Clinton, X. C. as wecond cla.- mail matter I 1 M( LUATICTl.J Ki:T. Foit Hui'itEMK Coirur. Win. N II. Smith, Thomas S. Afiit:, ALii:sTLH S. Mi:im:IMon. For Coiir..v: , Chan. W. M-i;imoy, of For .Iiulr of the Superior Court JVDWIX T. lloYUIX, of Sampson. For Solicitor. ()Livi:n ii. ai.li:n', of Duplin. suri'.uiou corr.r ji ix;i:s: 3rd UWlrir. 1). (i. Connou. 4th W'Airr.u Clauk (Jth " KliWIN l'. IioYKI.V. 8tlt " . J. MoNTOOMKUY. jOlh Al.lMIONSO C. AVKUY. 12th Iami-s II. MrnuiMox, Kditor Caucasian, Denz Sir: KnowiH' that you always take a deep interest in the fi nancial condition of o:ir county and tate, I hoiie vo:i will find space for the following thoughts- The duibarrassmynt in busi r.ess matters has becoma alarm in tr; tho subject dionands the deepest Hludy of all who have the prosperity of our peopl. at heart. In five years from to day coutiuuimr in Hh present policy, our section oc th. state will le absolutely bank-rupt. Our eourso ior some time has suicidal. Xow why suicidal".' Became we are responsible in part for past iail.ir ,'s. We con sume more than we produce.We buy more than v.c sell. O ir policy is draining our county of its financial life. Xo strictly urricultiital people, and siuli we are, can afford to ouy whnt thoy can produce by the exercise of their own energy, even suppos ing ikey ran .buy cheaper than they can produce. Why? lis cause they hava ho money to buy with except that which they produce by their own la bor from the soil. If a farmer ran buy western meat for oiht cent.! while it coUs him ten c?nts t raise home-made met t, let him riise it always. Win? llecause lie can uti-iza and con vert iiito money i:i the raising of his tmat Mich producU as would be u.ielcs.i to him if cou Mimd otherwise, and furtlur moie. if wo buy meat we must pa v' f f it with cotton and cot ton almost exclusively. T.y investigation it will be found that oar imports of meat and Hour recpiire for their pay ment aboui two thir.lj of our exports iu cotton, and the r5 maiuiiu oue tbird goes for fer -tilizeirt. We are new at that pwint where we must, ia spite of ourselves, leave off the purchase of flour, meat and fertilizers to aHcb an extravagant extent, and, just in proportion as we abandon this policy and produce nt home, the articles mentioned will our prosperty be advauced. Now, tor.Edi tor, comes the iues tion, can it be done? As to flours and fertilizer undoubt dly,yes, if our people are in dustrious and prudent. As to producing our own meat -.re cm i almost every afternoon, accom onlyrelyoj future effort and I P'-ed by her mother. The in experience. Xo trial that wo terestirg stage of decM-atiou may make is likely to prov "A" beeu reached, and the im worsa thau the existing sate of portant question of ceiling-, car things. We have uudrstood, from various sources that by constant and careful attention and by keeping them shut up to tlietn selves, our hogs in almost every case will escape the cholera. More over we learn that in tliesA sections of our state where the uv Fence Law"" prevails the loss of hogs is exceedingly email, while prior, to the en- foreewfeut of th'.a law they died outby 1 whole-sale. If tAs true, it is the greatest argu ment capabl of being produced ill favor of no fence). We think your paper may ateom-. plMi for t ur people great eood by inviting correspon Whatever the truth i- let n , have it, and let every citizen CXtrcise hirf pnWeM towards ' r'lr iviiit: our ciiuity uf dn-' p.eJOll iu uusmvrs. ; l" ! wasiun(J ion lctti:::. ! (From o..r Uvular Corres. o:i- ( ,lr,,t) j Va-hinu!o'f Nc.v. 2, ISSo. ! Th-ri irondi hpi.-eu'.atio i jn t now iii regard t the i-ou:-j l.n.ius oin ain.-i. l,UA!Oil of the Fiftieth Coj;jIV.,. ( . (tM.f iu;lu.,ia ,t,v U. s. lal 'I her in Kleat d verity ot , ;ii Ui.i. o aitfu.lc-i t- iW iIoi.i:n.iK opinion, of ciMite, u to wiiic'i j i'ms. i Mr DiiLe it ijj.-ite ilie IT. S. party wili have a mjtnty. A- ! !' .i rv.i -c, an.l c can ut.ia'.u 1'aicut i!on. S. S Cox .Slid.- tneie v i ! i i. J.- .'.im- I'.uu tii'-u n-ino'o lV'n be inawy hoJe ill th Mou.-e- V.-a-.mnxo.v. -i:J .WaW.i I.vav.i,.,'. Tho places of many proiuiiiftnt I u ''; tt ,l ii'-:ibil: y ic; " ii oil uiil lie ilih'd by now ones. I '.II t. S.li:1 1 1 il Ivfiil.'.i ll.ilil n llu! Deinoerats u!l havo at ha-t I twenty l.ve majority. '1 l.ey have such a l-ire majority in ;,, the I'Tesent House that it i.s not be'ievcd it c;m be overco::io unb'ss apithy wVall prevail to a much urwater extent in the Deinocratic than in the Re publican districts. Tho boldest d'Rlaratiou of tlie present c;!mpaiu'u was made by IJlaine iu a recent speech ui Lnwistown, M.:ii:e, whieli was in efFeet tirit tho Kep.iliians would repeal tliH Civil Sc-rviee. law and at once turn out every ' Democrat iu the service of the Covenunent. Civil Serv m.iissio!ier Ooerly. taking Iilaiuj to task, said that having es.deavi rod to make himself acceptable lo the teiffperance people, the l iuoritu' ruu an i every sh ide of religious opinion, he now scos to commend him self to that portion of the Dem ocracy opposed to Civil Service system, in order to make his calling and eb-ction sure. In the campaign of IS S 4 he promis ed to purify politics by in troduclmr the very system which he now deprecates s ntroH.ir'y, if the poople would boner him with llieir votes. Mr vrj ii-fy remarked t.vat it Was the boldest statement Ulaiiie had made so far, and showed his swi veelliku procii viCicm. A trunt!?man from New York, leader of the Democratic partv irt that city .who was nere dur in t lie week, was tpeahin of the President's natural anxiety in regard lo the wiccess of tlie party in Xew York this fall. He has L'eu on trial for eighteen months and he thinks the people of the State which put him where he ds will expivss their opinion of the Administra tion and its methods ac the polls this fall. He .btPeves they aie with him. but ho does ..ot know it certainly, and that rentiers him anxious as to the result. Yes, continu. d he, Cleveland's present term is ex perimental. Hut if the Demo iiiu's carry the next general election they are in for twenty live i eTtra of power, and nothing can stop them. . . - .t tt . I h journal of the House of Uepreseutatives for the fir.-st session of the present Congress lias just been issued, and it is exactly one half larger than ever before. It was ho bulky that it had to be bound iu two parts of sixt-eu hundred pajrs each, Somo heroic remedy is needed f r the bloated Con gressional Kecord, and it has been suested that C-nurress adopt a rule that no man shn.ll mike a speech from manuscript. That would take out the worst tarsh which now seeks a harbor within the official chronicle Mrs. Cleveland is emp'ovir-g the present autumn days in overseeing the improvements and repairs upon their country house. Stio drives out there pets, and draperies is under c-ju-si deration. Simo the purchase of his little farm the President ha been nun! interested in agri cultural matters. 1J intends to sow twenty acres in clover, and an orchard of New York ! pippin trees ia to be set tnrf cpout n aa" i Grape vne arbors are bein ; ded to the place, and several ! cows of fifio breed and other blooded stock are to be Stabled on the premitMa. Mr. Cleveland Lta ben advised thai a man of In -j lull habit. dong so xuuch nieiiUl work, nei eoinethink' more invigorating thau riding out for an hour Mr two. 80 1 is anxious, to do fining of the granger work hifnse.f this f !.' -ni..The farm is o far from the r..a1 .h.it a ia,ser by Wjul t huve to rt'uu the ;reiui!i!'. with . . , .. .... I .. . , . . ( without h.-ii.r Wit'.ched. I'lw I'ifcMident u iil imd a K'at -il if comfort i!t ', u arief tJ,e l,u; of the uav lr. over, and lie i , ,tf for Lo is wwkilw lih. iu oCl-f. i " 1, T " ' T il " ' AV2ATS. 1 UAl'fc I U ' ' .ililKS. AXllCol'V a -,t:. Hint vo iiiar.i! Aui:na:: ' n is oi.tiiiij l'..li'i.t. i- ivtcr tn're to ti;- i ir ips h.im.il iisfiisvifiiN ui. l t J.ivi-iini!, a (1 ofiii iuls f In IT (). , : . .. I4 j , mi K-liuiait-. to M.i.j.i ti.ti.is ii. i ..iii lovd Stale or couaty, write t; C. A. SXOW ct CO., I 11.. i ftt ia.tMHo.u-, no-4 W'asiiingtjn, I). C scm-::uv.:. Thi! St.-aMU! l!nl)on leaves (Hear Uun at G a. in. evry j Monday aad Thursday for j Wilmington and retuin- Tue.s- j days ami Fr id.i; s I). J. HlacT:, Caitain. tf. Sep. 7th 1S3G- 1 wish to sell my plantation on South river aoj noin the lands of I);'. Willie ?.iurphry, contaiuiiicr al ut three l.a'adied acre, abo it tit' y acres clear 1. The above lands will I e sold on reasona! le terms for one part cash the ball&uce on time. Uj chard Hiiin, Ciear Iliui, X. C. xorici:. All persons who are owin me for Guano and whose notes have been carried over, i'mui la.t year, are requested to ca il and make payment by the first day of Xov next, if the wish to save cost. Longer indul'e-ico, cannot be given. 1 iiie.ui what I say. Oct. IS, i.li36 L. C Hubbard, Clint"!; :T. c. HEW HEM Tfl.?A.rMCU8R0s II AVI X GPU 11C1I A S E I T II F interest of (Tapt. C. pAiiTUiC in theGnocEKY rusiiiess,respect- iu:ty annouue to tL;e oiucusio- ... ..... mers ot tLe tioue ana tlie puo- i 1 1. 1., t lie, that they are tully; prepared to sell goods as cheap and on as , at REASON All LE If-riilS as any IIOL'SE in town, and hope by STil ICT ATT EXT JON to business and fair pealing to L merit a liberal sharVoi tbe pub lic patronage. , A lull line of Groceries and Hardware -will always be kept i;i Stock, and will be sold to CASH CUSTOM mis at t'le veuy lowest prices. Goods exchanged for all kinds of country produce. TJive us a trial, is all we ask. T. H. PARTIUCX & BZQ. June 24th. 188. NOTICE. . On the 8th day'of Xor. 1386. I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest btdd-ir for cash at the iourt Mo;ie door in Clinton. X. C, at twelvA o'clock, in. Tne following. Four barrells of corn whiskey containing about OS gallons.-One copper scill, 4.5 gall. capacity; Picity: two caps.- two wonns:0:ie SitUn painpf 1(J lb3i coppePf tin & iron piping: Oae shovel; Oe axe v-b. IOOU. W. TI. Yarborouh. 1 Collector 4 Dist. XC.? I t "Feck's .Sux"! MILWAUKEE. r;Kfirif3M W. Pi;ciC. K' ITOUi ANi PRop;:j;;ru:i. i-arl'hi.v r.- -Miie n- . cotnlry l.-l.iy, . ui.oyt a ; - . r iu it 4.v :.!u. -i;-"' iu"- f i ioi. u v..;..- m . i. n Hear in nil'i I t"iat h; m- J ' a l:a . , . .arl i'. o a , a iV'lv. .'"-y " l'IT(."K S Sl'N will ii, .lul u tm i I't lifii-ct i. m.41.1 l oi.tc, ainl ic.j AiJlix-.- .s:;..i.. rui.i. - .'.i,ii.;lj.-r ... 3o - S-ibsrit... for t!.' ( ":.UCa.-ia ' only I .Zi ;i j ssr. I'i:ms un J f r:i .i- T v : ' m 1 : i or .,.r- Ir TMnn To rorresi-'ii;! vth the i r ..-it . .. vmdersi.'Mo 1. I will vs-it iitiv po:nf in eonv.niti: r..ieh of the I-iMr."ad.fi:?" am wilJIuir to taTce : i-i ;i! r'(iuf' a m u k.-r once ' J d-.livwred at 'he JJiiilNvid. VV ' irice va.ie ff.,Hi to?". OO ...civ;.!-- t.. ... i ..... . ' ' ' nv onl.T, 'rha' or vnM!i iei't ?it the; po- ofii". t Clinton, will r. - ccjv ro:np '. 1 tion. i: v C Y !,rrr. s s s s s s s ssssssssssss For Fiftv Years the Blood Poison ana Years. felVt ,s-i n E.i a a: Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to all who apply. It should he carefully read by everybody. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. SSSSSSSSSSSS G T ? t Would announce jto his jf.,,ny Friend-" aifd C ist. t:n3W, that lie. is da.ily receiving Ms large and complete Stock of-1 Fajl and Winter Good-. Ki.vii - purchas-ed them in pretoii, he is prepared o sell them at prices to suit the t:ai3S. A:c!ir-:s Papains in Laiij s, Di:i s:s Goops, Piece Gools Hats, Calico us, ,Trm oc up) aud . lull line , t Xotious. also a full line ut Gijoceuies; Ti.v, Ware. Haud Ware, Willow ARE, Ci;oci:ei;y, Glass Ware, and mdny other articles too tedious to iMontion. 1.anking - lny friends for their past patromge, by fair dealing I Lope to MEIMT A CONTINUAXCE CF I If K SAME. f ' f'OMF. WD SF.r. MP. AT MY : havo?ra;ue rec3:ve f )i vo.r moTipy ( c are now receiving our GENERAL STOCK Of Fall and "Winter Goods-, onsisting of G Dry Goods and Groceries, Cloth ng Hats Shoes etc. o which we will sell as low as-the lowest for CASH! .- Give us a call and be convinced, i r- . . " 'ir ' ''LilTAKIXG Ucpartinont in i . & i "inches. COFJrTrXS and CASXKTs V.ri hand n,r n i j ' - . ;. ! at the t-horteat nouce,at prices to suit the Umes Our customers upd tu public I ,.1 -, , ' . , .. - I -j - i 5'j uos ana meap bargains: man school. W USA W. X C 1 a iaranu N'Ihx! for iwtli MV . n , , ! j -vnan-iis exceptn nilly ill. tillli 1 : Hue. itt.-trurtion iriven in atiy A.tt,.rt t s , . oepartniiii .iired. rail term opens Atii.r.Oth. Corre?pond'iice Ticited, ddress the I'rlnciils at W.m:sa-v, Diij.lin Co., X. C. ,, I lo an nvewn' from nn- btiL'rv between Clinton jind tti r 1 iuil j on on th. Taylor's "n"- uvu .n pt r.-on inniinu it will I !v' ie !-., ve il ;i t tlie Cuue tsi to o'lir W'.u :o- ((!. orcat Remedv for 1 k3 Skin Diseases. - i-J tf?m It never )m Fails! OLD STAXD AXD Vftft Ail T rf coxniilete in all it to order gate rally will fiad at fur store : ! PHOTOGRAPHS. j I will say to my Jrionds and 1 the publiJ Hut I am prejared to t'.i all kind.- of tilctur work in CM style. the intantansons procrs only.; Negative." preserved and dupli- -i I- cate - Can le obtained at any f tt... f.kll ; i Utae. Call ami se uie. rrirr! to fult the time. neglectfully." J. E. Jackson, ' Cnt. 1 4th, l,o ti. 1 yr. CAULTON 1I0TUL VV A 11 6 A NV, X. C. j Tl.rf- Prt irietor of th above Hotel would rei ectluily ii.vite j i his t i-ie:ios and tin public to .rive him a call He iruaranteeh .satibtacUou ii. all the departments. KJ-Terms reasonable. II. J. CARLTON, Proprietor. 3 aison Hotel. Tirn - r. Midl.iu i X Clh-.m-h Under the management nl j,,,,,,;, ....m, X. C Daily Mrs. K. Pryan, formerly of t..V(vpt S.md.y. .VI 1. .l,a:ri GoMsb.uo, X. C. This Hotel ha:; SmithHold, X. C. 7.(t) P. lh-- , , . turning leaves S nithllchl, X C recently been repair.d and is . . v :io. V- .d. arrive G ilujbo.-o, X. now full v epiippedin all of it , departments. Pooms neat and pr L:i , ) s u! h will Stop clean and well ventilated. Hoard only at Wilson, Gold.iboro nd by tli3 day or month at reas- n , :'J10,ili- able price s The public is en j Tiain Xo 17 makes close eou-vitt-d to caP whvu iu Faison. . nection at Weldon for all poii.is May 27th, HZ- tf. j Xorlh daily. All rail via b'ich- Mrs. K. T ryan Film ' WiLliIa cnu liu.i;tred yards ol the Depot. Lr.rue and coni nodions rooms, polite servants, aii'l talil j supplied with tin !vt ia taj hi ukot. T;rius reaxoaalj'u:. Try I'.-.e Cnaibt-i laud House whuit yon i-oiik- to tlie L'iiy. (. I). II. KI.Lb lio:iii t ir. .!. '; I:. .If !':ivelt-v;lli- X. C THS W0E1D IS A'DAHSSaOHS PLACE-HO OKE GAS LME . Then why hot live, while you are living? Complete your hap- nesj" by buyinir of the undersigned. I Kant be undersold. Call at my MAMMOTH STORE, where you can find every thing ycu want in CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, r.OQTS. SIIOEHA' - and GENTS? FURNISHING GOODS. I have bought a larger and CHEAPER Stock, than ever before' and mv goods MUST 13E SOLD according to th HARD TIME' CHEAP FOR CASH. Llemember I am Agnt for the Falcon, Pearl and Eclipse Shirts V slock of Ciothing. Shoes and Hats need special mention. I i, ve bought a big b'onanza. A big lot of Sample Surra and 500 i Sam : le Hats. I Yours for good Goods at the ' " Coud eud Schedule. TI1AIN3 OtNG NUTtl. ; fhitrtl April 2U.t X.K j N. '. i i ... - r 1 1 M. I i X I ! mvr TrlMu 4.vr.M; 1. U l-n 4 US I'.M. 6 M I il Arrive tJ.Muo 4 51 id w I Arrive Whttiu7ton T M 9 51 I.M THAINS GOING NOUTll X . 47, t N'a. 4V i iri.. i;..:Mh.h i: .v. il .. : i . -.iJ ... I i' ! M . 1 M t Arrive i: U M m.u ! .'. I Airive Tarlx.il 4 .o P. M- la:ivc Ta it ! ti .".il A. M. Amvc U c! t-1. 2 lii. M. 2 4i A. M. Train ojt Scotlaiid N-ck 1. Iload leaves Halifax for Scotland Xl k jt ). 1 M. !b- turiniirf te.ive M-oiiumi aitj. ui ! .i0 A M., Uil except Sunday. Tiain leaves Tar'ooro, X, C via Albermarle c lialei'h ll. il Daily e.cet t cuud iy, ihi !'. M. Sunday .a0. 1 M. arri.e. V:i liaiistoa, X. C. S.M. I'. M.. tUi. 1 M. Ilctuni'.::- leaves Wil- liam.-tou. X. ' , IViMy ec jt Su.idiv, s :.. A M, tiMdav !.o A. M, A: . Vi' Tar'woro, X. (.'., 1 ' . ,:- :- A-M mund, and Oaiiy except aunoay via Hay Line. T va i 1 1 s m a lies c lose co n n ec t i o t ; for all points Xorth via Uich inond and Washington: All Trains run solid between Wilmington and Wpsliiugtou, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. J. IKENLY., JOHN F PiVlSL, Sup't Trans. General Sup'l T. M. EMiitisox, GenT PasjfPHg.u Agent. IT MM. lowest prices. M. HanSteiii. Tlllil MAILT XX HOUSE, fay etti;yiu.i.e, X. CL, . CoMiplete In all ltepartmcnU r-anl iH?r iUy, J1.2 lU r" 75. Tho travel in; public r. pctfully Invited to stop w,tu me. SitUfactlon tuar4ut-i.j, Jna . Martin, l'ror. WEEK'S READING FR rORSIX GOOD rMll;i$ PtmM ti.w,, 4 IW ki.J k' , t im Umtit, Mliw k t : U r-EariT!nTst:.ui!:.i:. Ths "Atlanta Conslili!;1 11r.w :.Ui;oRois wnutns -cm i.r t tie rniHw.i t... T . I'.'iii. lui, l.aalr-, - I ... ll lluttarhwl.t, 4 MC.;..t, 4 " A Wt4 4 UWcM "4 i ;i .. iitr. u.di Uiul Ii I . to rcmi ton n trwuiH iir A44r . I tik i ..).-,, n ihji. 'V i r ; .0 v-v cavO y i: T!il rir1' !r, rrnl'iii I !- n f -d I i . u . r , I i i.i. . .. J Iw, tntr 1.111. S.-, m.., 4 ..tut !l in mi ii n! ii i. ; rv iiii.ly v i im ..- ..f U X.I litey on 1 l.lv.-r. It i in-, i.. f.r I'S.p j . :'..ar li Woun U, .. ' ill! ii i I ' ; r I .il !: n '!' l,i-i Hi. i i i :.f . I J'iri' t.'r ( r . . .ii.-. II ns-lc-lii' Ktt.l j.r!.-.r i i'.it- Muodi fMi..n!i 111" I -. :.. i f I '. 1 1 n mi -! I i.a.g.m. i, i.r. l.tti.'ir'w i n. T- i;.. I ... I i,, i 1 i.r 2i-.erml(rti I ".,, I i..lf tulr , X At U. of i.nt r. j', i , U I ui i i.., in.. t Til.- p ) a al-.vc Ir V. ti.a- l ' I rifcn .1 ri- I 1 1 ui' i.'i ii..H-t . i . I,. . t , . r. jm I; If UUOl taBl.AL ill. Hi-Tllikmi, 1 pb- 'Kiv' I 'o'l-i vy i' ri ii V riH''iTnr. . '..:. - - . . ..(.-,. O1 n t i l trt'T li vn l ... nr. lj--. ... O ..H-H!, VU - . . l- ; Si I' -t I I ii . r. . .... ,j i , ,, i , i , i i I N'itJITtl 10 A ' ! .. Of I f .1 . C 4 .In ...n ni.. rr .i.i ih,ii( i I i' . im.. if Ii . , i.,.,,' :,, ' pj. . , ii,. 1- .. It ruuii:iici. fa t.i-iao.i. .... 11 i I'.m 1,'i nt 'f r. I ! F '1 iiir.r ilitn Ci" N, iu'."! 1 (!.. f 'J r.l'tl 1 m1ie.li. i I " I :i ic. 1 htr i f..r. u ' ',i-ii:. Trinl' ii' . ' n"Ci)i. 11 lUvfcfltl.r. I..IT i; 1 I iiil.a Kl;.l., .'nn.df. 1 n ... i 1 ) .rniny rl mhr lr.irn ...ii,' . . Ainri.t In. r. Iioti j mill i.u r-nt'. .;'i'.. I ul... r.m;i'in oli.iii' 1 fii: en .! iOiql rhart . I'd1 1,,,., , ii run lit f'". r ti-rficud .u i N J .,i irii nn f: . 1 u fl.".r" ' t hi 1 . J onur.i. ill Ii. til fwntvl j Xi' 1 L..IT ti.ll-Iil. . 'A-'!rV- M . Si TO, n..-. rj As.:r'' ":" . "I i.rudjia A-v -.I-- ini..-i..r....,a Mia f.. "'' THE CHICAGO GOTTAGS' ORGARi dT.i'a.'if IMMHIt-irktA ri.i'in, a i iuu tjour.g eui yi ..i u. . Tuts o-iejl"t CT -noa rP'; unti il fnr ch , jii4v!Hjf o? ti Hi.u. , . c rfc iu.'!), irt;.fj ,, !i i.i ui li. iJ f-..v.nT'm:.tt )i, xkkir.M f.. n, tl. - u tlr i,fwinra.iil t.n4 d j iniir oiv-n t- c btueu- a, kiUM, sot vO. j CVUKIXKU, VIM 7HH ?OPUM t'ri'.ruit.oq Ecoln And Piano S'ecU, Cit2lc" aud Pt it IaMa, u tppUcttUu, t' ciiceo k:. yraF5 p. u. K I to Hr!?z--4.i ii t.-et ?f vr i"V. .I:.vrtTt, !rKl tip Ui3-. rs."ula ! 'I blt.Jr, 1 vlle f.cr eJ";.,v. Xrrt W I iiy ftBtr, IT ytriia. wS , e Mlnrf '.f fegltstl -ik!b-" I i'j;t-ir urn. lir$ I"lul t' rev l vrr '.. t li "Jti!se3 J TT ri"- if : S.I '.a'jy1' '." a"1 t:.-;K -'-'".'S""" .on ' h f:ie irrt&ty . i .". vii. ;hj i.; !i, - t.H. a -.h .! . .r-tnie 'U-" ftV-' v . t v ;-j7.ti -,';- !.! I . .v: .-fi-. -f : '.. yj Sept 23 ;.;) THE KJlG CLCTHILR and HATTEK. j?. A. EEHIiXILL 6c Cos