The Weekip C AUCA ( OOPKK Ac M( MOLSON, Editor. Pure Democracy and White Supremacy. VOL. VI. CLINTON, NORTH CAROI4nA, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1888. XO. 17. STAN. i LEE'S In North Carolina's ninny clime. Their wou'l'ront Tirtuea, fadeless still. Exert an influence anblima in miniMering to human And many pang along our way Leo's I'lastcr dolh allay. Yon can enra a bad can of Backache quick er with one of Lee'a planter than by any oflmr application, and aft r the bacbach is eared, yon can utiJl wrr the plater withoora for for a month, or longer. Thia planter ia a jrrrat dlaoorery. and it ia hard to flud any pain ormr&m thttt-.miU not rieM to it. JPn-parad ulj by r. 3, 1XE, rrnggwtr - Wreraons need medicine only when they are sick and their Urea in danger-, then they want the very lent that can be had. Dr. A. II. Le & Brother ke?p only iiuch; they alisocrry a full line of Tatent Medicines Esaentlal Oils, Perfumery, Trtmum, EtiKlinh Tooth ilrnahcii, Medicinal Whittkry, Honte and i"at tl f Powder, and the best remedies for all dis eaws and ailment of Homes, Mules, Cattle, HogR, Poultry, cto. CLINTON Drug Store, DR. A. M. LEE & BRO. Drugs and Chemicals, Pure Ei-fsoritinl Oila, I'aU'tit Mrdiciiics, Porfmnerv, Trusses, .cht English Coimnt Tooth IJriifihcN, Ac. LEE'S BACKACHE PLASTER. Tiiwhaclie m tun huiio l women irom early rlurol lifo to old ninl few females are wit limit it for fully tlncc fmirtlin of every day of tlic ir life. We'll, 1 1 1 kitiiI remedy for thin dint reunion rotnplaint ih I.kk'h Ha ka iif 1' Tf.n, wlii h h us of Clinton nod bundii'il of titoiinoii wmiu n pifiiioHii'-e tho Lent J'laiiicr rver made. Thix I'liiHter in eomjioHed of frcHh llalnarim nrnl (iiuim and pure India Kubber, and in tho result of ten yenm' ;xrieiie; in compouiidiiix lastei'!i. liiiekaehe, weak back, sorei eheHt, heart aini liu-r troubles, kidney dm enH, rheumatism, and n arly all pairi::ied lly cured by it. It never iiiituten the nioHt ensitive skin, but rooI'k and KtreiiKtliens the parts. Try one. l'repared and nold only by T. J. LEE, DniKKint. PURE MEDICINAL WHISKEY. A pure and wholcaome medicinal stimulant in desideratum greatly needed. To supply thia want Pure Barley Corn Whiskey, four years old, Is offered to the public, with the guarantee of Its perfect purity and wholcsonie neits in every particular. This liquor is the pnre extract of COHN and BAULKY, and is neither Drugged, Liquored nor Watered in any instance. Hold only ny Da. A. M. LEE & BRO., Druggists. LEE'S "WART SPECIFIC. A certain cure for warts on horses and mules as Col. John Ash ford, Cnpt. Cornelius Par trick, Capt. W. Lucius luison, Mr. W. II. Faiaon, Col. Abncr M. Faisonaiid hundreds of others in Sampson and adjoining counties will oii tify. Bold only by T. J. LEE, Druggist. WORMS IS HORSES. Lfe'b Worm Sr-ECinc never fails to expel woru s from horsca and mules. Warranted in every cane. Sold only by J. LEE, Druggist. HORSE AM) CATTLE POWDERS. We offer under thin head the best Condition rwders in the niiiiket. Th- y are j repared by the leading Drug House of the Uni to States, from the formula of Dr. Wil'iams, of England, the most distinguished Veteiinary Surgeon living. They are excellent appetizer, a gen eral alterative mid tonic, and can be relied npon as a remedy for nil diseases of domestic niir.als. Tliey are compost d of Licorice Itoot, Juniper Berries, Flassced, Gentian, Ginger, Iron and Antimnnv. Sold onlv by Da. J. 31. LEA A BItO , Druggists. NICHOLSON & COOl'KIi, Aitorneys i Law AND SEAL ESTATE AGENTS, CLINTON, N. C. Will practice) in finuipson nntl sur ronmling Counties. Special attention to the Purchase unci Sale of Ileal Estate. PiHties desiring to buy ov Boll laud or town property in Sampson and Duplin Counties are re spectfully requested to correspond with us. Special attention given to the settle ment of estates. DR. HOLLIDAY'S IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pnro Dmgs, Eest Proprietary Medi cines, Toilet Articles, Seeds, and every thing kept iu well equipped Drag S:o:es. DR. R. H. HOLUDAY, COR. FAYETTEVIILE & M'KOY STS. , CLINTON, N. C. ID JUNTI STRY FRAKK BOYETTE, D.D.S., Oilers Ii is porviees to the people of Clin ton anil vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office on Main St., iu Atkins' Riiildin; OUR JOB PRINTING Cannot Be Excelled Sergeant Jasper at Fort Moultrie. Vhen Charleston built for tbo Briton's sport The spongy, hardy palmetto fort, And the ship with their topsails taut and thin Hrrtne1 over the tar at break of day, Gun end swivel and rulverin Shouting their murderous roundelay! When the blwiiiig hot immured for good. Time after time, in the soft, sly wood. A ventiirou shell, from tho Morelands deck. Struck the patriot rtaft. and snapped It quite. Neat ia the middle, without one fleck, be'.jht. But 'Wl Uam Jasper saw from his post. And, his young blood seething, still as a ghost, Straight through the perilous fire lea pel down, Leaped down, and back, by a leopard spring, The smoke in his eyea, erect and brown, A. 11 in the beat of a fcwallow's wing. And he'd close, Hose, ns be climbed alo ip, The banner sacrist and overthrown; And ipiick, with that Mondy hand of his, Notching it.t hxipt on his ramrod bare, With a "So, my beauty!" arid one frank ki-is, Filing it again to the glad, free air! Thou tho friendly tides turned clean about, An 1 slipiied from und-r the frigates stout, And 8ir Peter Parker's crippled fleet, With its disembarking, bewildered crew. (J roped and fumbled, and got its fet, And reeded off into the w-as anew. Tis tho edd tulo; how ours sat down At duk in their fair, beleaguered town, We feal their valor, repeat their vows; We k"op their memories east ami west; We sing their praiso through tha happy house; Hut of Sergennt Jnspr. who knows the rest) Who risks it! Peace to hi ashes cold The Carolinian grasses fold! To the fond Uy heart, in its little hour Symliol and vision of loyalty, Homage! The root whereof ho was flowoi Hears hundreds, happily, such as he. ijct emperors sleep in their gorgeous fain" For us, forever, some quiet name, In which no armorer's skill is Versed, To mock ot history's calendar. And once through ita ordered pigo burst Liko a headlong, glorious August star! Louise I. Ouiney in Boston Tost. to Fate of John Ramsay, M. D, BY TV. H. S. ATKINSON. I am a physician. I have made a life long study of tho human brain, and may, perhaps, ba pardoned if I say that my opinions upon diseases of tho mind now carry considerable weight among members of tha profession. It is only a week or two sinca I wa called to a large asylum for the insane iu Northern Ohio to examine a case which baffled th3 skill of the local doctor?. Alter disposing of tint matter I took an unprofessional stroll through the insti tution in company with my old friend, the superintendent. The asylum over which I now made a tour of inspection w is a most beautiful build ing, resembling in its appoint ments the homes of the wealthy and opulent. Wo wandered through room nfter room and along successive halls and corridors where men and women in every stago of insanity passed the time in various harmless amusomcnts, or were restlessly confined ia tho cars of ward ers and nurses. Of all tho misfortunes to which humanity is heir, this loss of reason is, to my mind, tho saddest by far; and, though I might be expected to have grown hardened by long years of familiarity with all phases of weak in tellect, I never cca;e to feel devoutly thankful for that greatest of all benefits conferred upon men by r. beneficent Cre ntor a sound brain. We had passed through the greater part of tho enormous institution and wero approaching that portion of the building set apart for the rcsilenco of the superintending physician my friend, Dr. Habcrshon. Taking from hia pocket a key, Dr. Hatcrsh.on In serted it in the keyhole of a door. Bo fore turning it, he looked at me in a strange manner and said: "If you were not an old med., Hartly, an I as familiar with strange cases as I am my self, I should warn you to keep your countenance and betray no surprise on entering hero. And I speak, anyhow, so as to be on tho safe side." So say ing he turned the key in tho lock and opened the door. We quietly entered a very neat but plainly furnished room, and I confess that, although I have witnessed queer, weird, wild and. oft times blood-curdling sights, I never felt so startled in all my life as I did at that moment The room was not by any means dark, for it was well lighted by a large window running all along one side, but placed above the reach of a man, even though he should stand upon a chair; yet at the farther end of tho room I noticed a student's lamp burniug over a plain pine-wood table, upon which rested a human skull and some writing paper. Seated at this table, pencil in hand, was a man about the same age as myself and Dr. Ilabershon (40 years) gazing intently upon the skull. What startled me so severely was tho fact that when I had last seen that man more than fifteen years since I had seen him iu exactly such a position, with precisely similar surroundings. And yet, what a dif ference! Then he had just graduated at the head of hij class from our col lege, and was looked upon as one of the most promising young physicians in the country now, he was a helpless maniac ! "Ramsay?" I involuntarily queried, only partially , believing my own eye- onnoadea. "You need "Woa't-reply. -. it is Ha will .sit at that Uhlo I akttll tlBtil flavbraak and thca he will throw himself upon hU j b:d and sleep uotl'. noon. J hat the you know, and Poor old Ramsay ; deal, you know, waj he unl to do, humor him all I can. I owo him a good H-j'rtly. You remember all about itf "Yen I remember the tory, though I had a'moit forgotten it." Ittmsay, Hibcrho3 and myself were nil students together ia Philadelphia. We were in ths same classes in college and jointly occupied the same suite of room. Furthermore we were all mak ing a specialty of studying the human materially differed from each other wti tint Ramsay knew more than we two fellows together. True, Rnmiay w&, in regard to hii theories and speculations, what many people would call a "crank" but then succsssful cranks are esteemed to be gcniuies, and certainly Rsmsay was, in my judgment, quite as near tho one as the other. Wo three follows all fitted in the same social set, and although Loth Ram say and Hibershon knew good and beautiful fcirls by the score, the fates decreed that they should fall in love with tho same young lady. And yet, strange cnoticrh, they never displayed bail feeling toward each other, nor ever sought to make tin lady's position an unpleasant one on account of the rivalry. It seemed to me, an onlooker, as though there was a tacit understanding between O them, that no undue influence should be brought into play, but that, knowing how both loved and admired her, the object of their admiration and esteem should be left quietly to choose between them. (J race Thorncy croft was a most beau tiful and estimable girl and, though I have been an old bachelor all my days, I do not wonder that any man should have sought her for hi) wife. Ono day Grace, with her father, mother and a brother, were down to Atlantic City, where they took a sail boat and went out. A sudden squall overtaking them tho frail pleasure boat was upset and Graco was tho only mem ber of tho party who escaped with her life. She was picked up in a fainting condition and tenderly cared for, but that her mind was shattered she was insane. All that wealth, combined with skill, could do was done for Grace, but it availed nothing and tho physicians and friends at last gave up the case as hopeless. Hiberihon was himself al most crazy with grief and could not bear to go near tho poor girl. As for Ramsay, ho shut himself up in his den a small, barely furnished room whsro he was in the habit of pursuing his studies and experiments. There was a determined expression on the fellow's face and when I looked in on him (which was seldom) he was always busy with his papers and books sometimes engaged in dissecting the brains of dogs and other animals, and onco examining a human brain. He seldom spoke or even so much as remarked my presence, though once he said in an excited tone: "I shall cure her, Hartly it shall bo done at any cost." So for day3 and weeks he sat ovor that bare pine tablo gazing at the skull in front of him ever and anon rapidly penciling diagram of tho human brain and of tho nervous system. Late one evening I was sitting with Ilabershon when there came a rap at the door and Rinnay entered. Ho was very quiet, but knowing him as well as I did I could tell he had something beyond the ordinary on his mind. ' Boys," ho said, "I think I have found what I have been searching for I think I can cure Grace. I say think, because, after all, it is only a theory of mine and mny utterly fail, but I think not. Perhaps you Bay I ab.ou.ld not theorizo and exnerinnnt on a woman whom, as you know, I Iovj. Well, it won't do any harm tD her and it may do her all possible good. To-morrow morning I shall try to do thj work." Then turning mora particularly to Ilabershon, he continued: "Ed., you and I both love Gracs Thorneycroft, Now, in tho presence of Hirtly, here, I want you to promise me that, whatever the consequences of my operation, you will care for Grace as long as sho lives. and. if necessary, care for me. too." i 1 think neithor Ilabershon or myself understood tho purport of theso words, when tiny wero spoken, though their meaning was clear enough later on. However, Ilabershon gave the request ed promise and we parted for the nii-lit. The next day, in the forenoon, Ram say, in the presence of the two physi cians who had been ia charge of Grace, began his operations. I was. an inter ested observer from a distant part of the room, but Habcrihon could not be induced to be present. Ramsay told the older doctors that if his theory proved perfectly successful in practice he would be able to give his method of cure in writing for tho benefit of the medical world at present, ha said that it was utterly impossible for him to in telligently explain his idea. However, he guaranteed that the attempt would bo perfectly harmless to tho patient and tho doctors stood by ready to pre vent any undue or dangerous experi ment. For myself, I have not the least idea to this day just what the means T. t a". were wmcn uamsay empioyea io pro- duco th. Ian thf 1 1 with all the experience which I lu gained with fifteen yeara practice. Ramsay first of all admiiistered draught to Grace Thorneycroft, wh was seated in a recliamg moments later he made a in an artery in the patient' which movement he folio ing a similar incision in own left arm. The then connected by ver tube. Fadn tapped her he: 4 ialww aM Tea minutes perceptible di. vri IVO iUUUlUUtllk and a gleam of V be forcing its way poor girl but, Strang far-away look was settli say I Another ten minute Thorneycroft recognized the room, includiag myself, Ramsay was led away from the pewly conscious girl, a raving maniac! As I have before remarked, I have no explanation to offer I can only chron icle bare facts. Ramsay was a iraa of genius, surely, though iu the one act of his life in which he proved that genius, ho partially failed; and, in that by losing his mind he was unablo to give his theories to the world, his irenius will never benefit posterity. Ilabershon married Grace Thorney croft two years later, and thev have al ways taken the best of caro of the man who saved a woman's reason at the ex pense of his own. Detroit Fre Press. The First Razor. The earliest reference to shaving is found in Genesis xii: 14, whure we icad that Joseph, on being summoned before the king shaved himself. Thero are several directions as to s'aaving in Levitticus, and the practice is alluded to in many other parts of scripturo. Egypt is the only country meitioned ia the Bible where shaving was practiced. In all other countries such nn act would have been ignominious. Herolotus men tions that the Egyptians allcwed their beards to grow when in motrning. So particular were thoTi5 -o shaving at subject of reproach and ridicule, and whenever they intended to convey the idea of a man of low condition and slovenly habits the artists represented him with a beard. Unlike the Romans of a later age, the Egyptians did not confine the privilege of shaving to free citizens, but obliged their slaves to shave both beard acd head. The priests also shaved the head. Shaving the head became cus tomary among tho Romans about 360 B. C. According to Plinv, Scipio Afri- canus was the first Roman who shaved daily. In France the custom of shav ing arose when Louis XIII. came to the throne young and beardless. The Anglo-Saxons wore their beard3 until, at the conquest, they were compelled to follow the example of tho Normans, who shaved. From the time of Ed ward in. to unaries l. beards were universally worn. In Charles II.'s reign the mustache and whiskers only were worn, and soon after this the prac tice of shaving became general through out Europe. The revival of the custom of wearing the beard dates from the time of the Crimea, 1854-55. Penman's Journal. A Successful Crusade. Every afternoon, between five i an under-sized man with decided air boards a cable car at Washington south. Probably not or five of his fellow him as the hero against the Citj Chicago grows ' tlon ot yesterdt of to-day. Thisl the City railwaj dozen years ago, p (cars in which passengi passes through a slot ioti lines, Fhk, single-handed,1 sade against the bobtail only when the cars were remo did he go about it? He simply refused to pay his fare except to a conductor. The drivers on the lino came to know him ana ceased jingling tneir ueiis for his fare. He used to enter a car and offer to pay the fares of all the passen gers to a conductor. The result was many a carload of people were hauled free. Fisk found a few nervy followers; tho newspapers took up the battle, the public joined in, and the result wa3 tho complete subjugation of the company and the removal of the obnoxious ve hicles. The fight, it is said, cost the company hundreds of thousands in lest fare and cars left on their hands, which they were obliged to sell at prices away below their cost Chicago News. When a New Centnry Begins. eh The confusion in the question whether the year 1900 is a part of the niaiteenth or of the twentieth century arisos prob ably from the comparison of the ago of a man with the years of the century. We do not call a child one year old till he has lived a year, aad we cal him ten, for instance, all through his, eleventh year. But tho year one began with tho dayNo.l, and we call it the year one ud to and including the. -365th day So the year from 1 to ,100 comprise tho fl- V and - the se'igKktnrf ids with Jr began h tha la i chitr-jew f 1 bU i IMS 1 yr v. 1 k A i, .If It Itha X id, I 1 to fin , VwwyOohn I a i jnd six, Si f0&S uy vuy- M 1 isso' vzes Si. -a V leir v a 8 A NORWEGIAN SPORT. The National Pastime of the Sturdy Norseman is "Ski." Binding on the MSkts," He Glides Down the Mountains. Ski- running U l 0 the Norwegian -WUM-batlls to Sh, America, or '; rj Britoi-tt. jMrtlonal 1 J "V. ' ana sBOwaoai to 1 u Cmadaa. Broken bVhillf, and crosae by valley, the Norwegian fatherland when wrapped n its winter mantel of deep snow presentt difficulties to trav elers requiring extraordinary means to surmount Heavily drifted, the roads become wcll-nizh impassable to horses for long periods, and thon the only means of communication from farm house to farm-house and hamlet to ham let is pedestrian. In this strait tho sturdy Norseman binds upon his legs his long fleet "ski" and flies easily and gracefully over tho drifts and shoots like lightning down the hills and steep mount tin sides, and out of stern neces sity has learned to draw a vigorous amusement. The history of the "ski" is the history of the wonderful people who uso it as a Lir.hright. Norse mythology is full of it, and some of the most stirring pas;ages in Norwegian his tory draw their romance from tho bold and daring feats of hardy "ski" runners. The "ski," pronounced softly and de fiantly "sh"," familiar and dear to tho runner as his sweetheart oftentiin?s, is a long and narrow strip of wood, often pine, better of hard wood, made with a curling nose to override the snow, and bearing near its centre a strap and rest Tho length varios according to the strength of tha runner and the pur pose of the ".ski, " seldom exceeding ten feet, however. For mountain and denso forest traveling they are made shorter and for military manoeuvres. when worn by soldiers, are of unequal length to facUitstfl - turninof rAodilv Generally they present only the wood en surface to the snow, but some times, especially when designed for travel where many hills are to be as cended, their bottoms are covered with deer hide, the hair pointing backward, and acting as a secure anchor against retrogression. They solve the problem of walking on the snow on tho sime principle as the more clumsy and slower plaited snowshoe familiar in American forests, by dividing the weight of the wearer over a large sur face. The American snowshoe is also in U3e in Norway, but, as was remarked Ly an expert runner, "it is too slow for men, and we give it to old women and put it on horses." The feats of speed and dexterity per formed on their "skis" by expert run ners are wonderful. On a level surface they move as fast as a good hone, but it is coming down hill that they show their mcttlo. Curving gracefully over the crest, as the slopo grows steeper they gather speed liko lightning, until, with full headway, they shoot through the air with the speed of a railroad train, fairly taking away the breath of the daring runner with tho rapid motion. A well authenticated account is current in Norway that one Finnish woman, a very expert runner, ono day tried tho descent of a peculiarly steep mountain side, and attained such fearful speed that when those who awaited her at the end of her bird-like flight received her, she stood bolt upright on her "skis," dead, the breath literally ravished from her lip by her rapid descent The "hop" is tho most dVfoult and danger-. Laf h many f TWTTun- ner. . in uesceautaguiu, wmu and small precipice are often met with, and over these the care ful and the timid runners simply slide, but expert and venturesome runners augmcat ,Mhe danger and the excitement 1 at tha same time by leaping into the air just at the verge of the cliff, landing far beyond the point where the sliding runner would alight In the races and games with tho "skis," a "hop" is gen erally made by building up a cliff with nnv t aomn convenient Doint of the declivity, and this is made high accord inr to the. skill and dirins of the run ners. One moment on the earth, a sudden spring, and away he flies through the air, 50, 70, 100 feet, enough of a fall, one would think to break every bone in his sturdy body, but landing safely and gracefully and shooting away on his coursx As a national pastime "ski" running has attracted the widest attention in Norway, tho royal family lending the cnthu-iaBm of their presence to the yearly carnival. Ia this country it is only recently coming into notice, and Minneapolis is entitled to the meed of having been tho home of the first "skP club ever organized in America Min neapolis Journal. The Cost of a House. People who are going to build may like to know that "a three-thousand-dollar house" is ono that the architectu ral paper says can be built for $2,850.- 37; costs $3,100, according to mo ar chitects estimate ; ia worth $3, 700, the caroenter says, to build; increases in ex- Twiise .to $4,800 during the process of erection, Vnd makes I-jou draw your check for $5, 85& 2S before you "more is d I tJowBilor Edoaattoa. . Tfe WiU Aalnal Traaet. "There is scarcely anything going oa in tha trade this yesr," recently ob served Mr. F. J. Thorn ps db, who U perhaps the largest wild animal dealer ia the United States and who reside la New York. "You see, this year," he continued, is the preiKIeaUal year, and like theatrical butinea our trade U seriously affected. Ia off years circus and other shows pat in their heaviest work, whita la ,n Uka thli the coita trymea, wh-afi0T s holiday, la a r '-the g. -ff to a t - j war amxiialaUl! every aia oi may, r- v greatest wer axp?rleaci. I a Then there we hundreds of circtHss, big and uttle, and various side snows, which patrolled tha country from ocean to ocean. Out ia tha. wost, too, mny of the small shows had gambling at tachments, which helped materially to rako ia the money. A proprietor of one of these thought no'hing of paying $1000 for any animal which happened to strike his fancy. "But many of these parties made money so fast that they shortly closed up business and quit. Then came tho financial crash of 1873, and the fctagna tioa of every kind of business, and the failures of most of these circus and showmen remaining. The i th? new mi who came into the biuimss di I not havo much money, nnd could not afford to buy large numbers of animals or very valuable specimens. So it has been ever since, with a consequent stagnation in animal trade. Another thing which has affected tlu bu-iness a good deal is the growing scarcity of certain kinds of wild ani mals, and the closing of some of the depots for their collection aad ex portation Nubia nnd upper Ejypt, for example, for a long time were the great headquarters for the supp'.y of gi raffes, elephants, hippopotami, and the double-horned rhinoceri, with manj other wild animals, tut since the troubles there, subsequent to tho death of Gen. Gordon at Khartoum, absolutely iiuimug"uas wva tecLtvuu nuui lias re gion, which is now barred, for an in definite period by the impending Italo Abyssinian war. And then agaia tho depot in Sou'h Africa re beginuing to closo because the hunters havo to go such immense distances before they can reach the lairs of tho wild animals, hun dreds of miles from their former hauat. The cause of this is tho extermination o' all kinds by the BO-called sportsmen, who pour into that regiou liko they did into the United States whon the buf faloes roved tho plains.'' New York Sun. A Man With a Silver Hand. Daniel Goodwin of Weymouth, Mass., has a German silver hand, and, not withstanding the fact that there are no fingers on it, ho is able to keep pace at his trade that of carpentcring--with those blessed with the customary num ber of digits. An injury to Mr. Good win's own hand necessitated its ampu tation. It was not until he ha I invent ed a substitute, which he hoped would enable him to support himself and family, that he would consent to have it amputated. His scheme consists of a socket, reaching half way to the elbow, into which socket tho stump is placed, and at the Other end of which a hole is drilled with a thread cut. The con trivance is a great success. Mr. Good win has a surprisingly large number of useful tools that fit into this tappod hole, and he can drive nails all day wifh a nammer mrs is uciu ia piace dj check out sct&we the aocket ' h f of his pockeia with ., his left hand, . -.Jtri. .. - .... - screws it into f he socket, and proceeds to business. Boston Herald. Warming the ShlTering Toor. In many cities on the Continent in days of exlremo cold, the municipal governments, from a fund previously set opart for the purpose, place at inter vals among the crowded neighborhoods of the poor largo iron braziers, which are kept filled day and night with hot coals. They are circular upright reccp- . .... - r t i :.. tacies, aoout ine size oj a uarrci, wim an open top and with hole pierced in tho sides for tho purpoic of a draught. They are placed upon the pavement near the sidewalk at the corners of ttrccts, where crowds may collect about them with the least obstruction to traffic. During tho bitter 'col J weather crowds of half frozen people huddle about these braziers. Boston Advertiser. An Expensive Rrqnest. A Philadelphia lawyer was appointed solicitor for a certain business house in that city. At the end "of the year ho was asked to send in his account, which he did, by lumping everything, simple saying, "So and So, Dr. to Professional Services, $2000. The manager was a great stickler for form, ar.d seut back the account, asking for an itemized statement The lawyer did as requested, and at the bottom tarked on the follow- inrr: "To ureuarins itemized btate- o ment, $100." After a murmur of horror and astonishment it was paid. Indignant. aaa-ia C Oi vat ' After church: Spoggs Was it not disgraceful, the way in which Siaiggs snored ia church to-day? V - ' ' StuggsI should think it -aa, Why, ha weka as allnp. - , ... - . , ' ftoataera Rice FleU Ia former times tha cuHiratioa was coeflaed mostly to th sea Minis, aad tha low shore lands of tha mU of Booth Carolina and Georgia. Mora re cant y Louidaa aad several other southern state i have produced large quantities of ri makiag rice culture oaa of the most important iadustries of tha south. Yet tha annua! ronsutnptios of riee ia tha United States it reported at nearly double tha prod uctioa. Uoe oj the greatest troubiee of the cultivator jieo 1 tha bl-aGul at- rda. i la tho epriag.a?f 0 tBllmtrmrflu 4 f. V and destruciiva, aad it is a narer-faia, time of great anxiety to the rice grower. Many lirds are fond of rice, but the chief marsul?r is tha rlce-blrd" or "bololink" of the totth. These winged "anarchists" do not visit tha field by scores or hundreds only, but by thou sands and by innumerable multitude. Sometimes whole fields are destroyed, bringing to tho rice-planter a "crop of discouragements" instead of a crop of lice. During ths time the rice-bird are so numerous, hundreds of loyi and men are employed, called "bird-niinder," who alarm tho bird by discharging fiie arms, and in various way strive to keep the birds from th(! field. Bird-trapping and netting and egg destroying are resorted to without apparently diminishing the numbers, ind with about as much visible benefit is a fence might bo in keeping weeds from a garden. In the "Annual Report of Agriculture" it i stated that the tnnual loss occasioned from bird aggregates $2,000,000. One largo rice-grower says: "We em ploy about one hundred 'bird-minders,' who &hoot from three to five kegs of powder daily, of twenty-five pounds ach; add to this shot and cap, and you will have some idea whet these birds cost one planter." Independent A RHnd Man'a Ingenuity. "Will you please set my watch right ami toil me wnnt tuo uam h uww k has run down?" The speaker was blind and he handed nancsome goiu sicm-wiaaer io nis friend. The friend put the watch right, told the time and then handed it back to his blind friend, saying, "Of what use is a watch to you? How can you tell tho time?' "You havo just set the watch at a quarter to two," said the blind man, snd now it is fu'.ly wound up. If I wish to know what the timo is this evening I mall rewind the watch and count each of tho clicks as I tura the key. There ue forty-fivo clicks, for example. Now I have found that nine clicks correspond :o 100 minutes, so that if there are forty five clicks it will mean that eight hours and twenty minutes havo elapsed ince the time tho watch was set, mak ing the time five minutes past 10 o'clock. I always remember what tho time was when I wound it up last, and so by a ittlo care and ca'culation can always me very near what the time is." New York Mail and Express. Petroleum as a Medicine. Dr. Blache states that a refiner of petroleum having been prohibited by a prefect tho distribution of petroleum in nedicinal doses, the fact led to anJn quiry being made as to its allcg'ed utility ia affections of the chest the petroleum from Pennsylvania and Vir ginia being that fir st experimented with. Dr.? Blache states, as the xeiulVj?- etioa and the par oxysms of coughing, and in simple bron chitis rapid amelioration has been ob tained; its employment ia phthisis has been continued for too short a time, as, yet, to allow of any opinion being de livered as to its efficacy, beyond the fact that it dimmlshJs expectoration, which also loses its purulent character. The petroleum is popularly taken in doses of a teaspoonful before each meal, and, after the first day, any nausea which it may excite in some persons disappears. I Bill Nye's Cow For Sale. Owing to ill health, says Bill Nye, the humorist I will sell at my residence in town 20, range 18, west, according to government survey, one pluihed -rasp berry colored co. agel 8 years. She is a good milkstcr and not afraid of cars or anything else. She is a cow of undaunted courage and gives milk . fre quently. To a man who does not fear death ia any form she would be a great boon. She is very much attached to her home at present by means of a trace chain but she will be sold to anyone who will agree to treat her right Sin u one-fourth .short horn and three- fourths hyena. I will also throw ic double barrelled shot gun which goes with her. In May she generally goes away somewhere for a week or two, and returns witi a talL red calf with loag. wabby legs. Her name is Rose, ani prefer to sell her to a non-resident The New Universal Language. "I love, thou lovest, she loves," in Volapuk, the new universal language, is T-nfoK lofous. lofof." and "They will bava been loved" ia "Pulofom. "The knowledge of one's self is the best foundation of all Tirtues' i, In Vol apnk, "Itisavam eblaem stabia gndikin -.v. '.irr ftfMrtiik inoaiiclr a4 Urvtrtaa. Sat a rW tibia ate evlU, 81 ant! too, Far UfMwl a wloklmg rirme ftx-t ami aboaw. "Ar U t-d, -I wl and prj 1 rrr bar?? aw ai Uwy VnntWr praaaata tm tWtr way. !auai m oV fayly ammim &mj4a auig. Glancing pwr4 lew! ttteeaaUe Urlaa and atreaift - W'oaM thai I wwa UmV U a. U.?y,"aWGrtebs, soar h i 2TV. a a -"" From the easUa wai Moved, a&S kr. Wharton." said fair OrteMi " k . Whom tlx tnvfel ao, th b WouUat thca prince or Ciadrtrh bP " DMrka awr with nty Crrtcbwi Uy my aiU Iu lb cot if thou wilt graft It" IU refdlwl. "Yet," aha whljni,uttiio,eoinmall" Turn b abpTKxt fold baud On Uie blttahing maiden band. M.J. Adams in Cutumnt IIIXOKULM. A hotel call-boy never take aflrODt when the clerk yell "Front 1" The English language sound odd Io . . i.t in a iorcigncr, as wnen one says, i i como by-and-by to buy a bicycle." TL man who make your knuckl snap And nay, "I'm glad U nwrt J cm," Is very frequently a chap Who'll readily forgrt you. jsj Did vou ever see a doctor kick banana peel oft the sidewalk, or tell an acquaintance that ho was sitting In a draught? New Jersey swain (calling oa h girl) What makes tho housj ahake ao, darling? Girl Its pop, up stain: He' got the fever 'n ague agio. In a play recently produced in Tarli there were twenty horses oa the stage. "Yes," he said, "I began life an, farmer's lmv. and to-dsv I am worth came io in ena wuuoui a ursv-o. isy - i A lauudry which stands in thesbadol of an east-side church, PufTalo, beal ) i J. the appropriate legend on its sign boar' I ' "Cleanliness i next to Godliness." i ( millions." "To what do you attributed M yoursucrcs?'' "To getting away from the tarra as soon as i couiu. A book agent trlod to sell a Pithburg woman a volume entitled "Tha Art of Speech" yes ter lay, but sho cast such a withering look upon him that the wretch slunk away in shame. A sportsman is a man who spends all day awsy from his buslnci , $2 for pow der nnd shot, and comes home at night tired, hungry and ugly, dragging a a fourteen cent rabbit by the ears." There is a general feeling of content ment among the Chioeso laundrjmea over the trade of 1897. Some of them havo saved up $75 and are going back to China to live in ease and luxury all their life. We know of no picture more keenly portragant of human anguish aad thl awful consciousness of imminent disaster--' than that of a dignified man with mouth full of baked beans trying to press a aneeza. - "-,'':'' A scientist says: "li the I flattened out the sea JrJJea deep all o X Timid Yonng 8uu6t,, , consent of papa) : Aad now you, sir, whether-ah -whether y- daughter has any domestic accomplis'j mentt Pana f sarcastically): let, su, she sometimes knits her brows. "It is pretty blue up at the house,,, said Mr. Twinsy, mournfully; 'Trego! a cold, my wife's got a cold, baby a got the measles, aad ray eldest daught rs got a piano. Which is the wa vejt park to sleep mf' Omaha mother "Where is Mr. Jflse- fellow r Lovely daughter (sittin g alone) "Gone home." "Home! It's only t o'clock." "Yes he" asked me to--tc marry him, and --and I said no,' and and be went right off-boo! hoo! hoo! "How is this, my son, you write and -.ell me that you're up and dressed every morning in time to see the sun rise, while the president informs me that you lie in bed till 0 o'clock and afterP "Well, you see, father, the sua rises till noon out here" Charming youeg hostess: 'Why, Major, you are not going so soon?' Major (who prides himself on being one of those fine old-xchool fellows who ciu say a neat thing without knowing it): "Soon? Madame, it may seem soon to yoa ; but it sesms to mo I havo been here a lifetime.' "I saw you looking on at the tobog-. gau slide in tha baseball park on Ifcs west side yesterday, said Brown to the Chinaman who had just brought ia his laundry. "What do you think of to bogganing. John!" "W-b-i-s-hl Wa'.kee backec milecP said the China man. It's tt stranzeEt thing, tnethink, . That a maiden crimp and prinks Till aba wins ber beatt-idoal of tba l4a. And than dotsct eara a snap -.j - II be aaas her in a wrap , Andawerwlpait alippera of try t i J A vv f a- f

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