r ' '"... . ' i i i . THE CAUCASIAN. . A Paprr-Couw, a FJ4irf M-fcifi ml New Job Tjrr hv trn aJdcd to our Job OGkfe, ami wo caa now do work U ooU tn Ihe root fta. ihleou. Call in ami to trrtai of tfco work we have doe In t& Ut Pew day. ej AdvrU4ng rsUn mk known THE UCAS 4 i i PCBUHI'KD EVERY" THURSDAY, llj XARIOX BUTLER, KHtor Hrnl 1'roprietor. X NO Tlii- week we give you a neatly j.rin t"l paiKrr on our NF;W PKESS AND WITH NEW TYPE. Suf 'how your appreciation by jfiviti;? Hubscriljers. Iuro 33emoorAC7 and Wlxlto SupretUAoy- VOL. VII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAT 2, 1889. No. 29. on application. I .. HwHnHHBMMMMMH .. : : ; : 1 s CA A ' J 1 I HH EDITOR'S CHAIR. H)W THINGS LOOK FRoM OlTIi STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Caucasian and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. "( notice that in the pro gramme of the celebration of tli- Guilford liattle Ground Company at Greensboro next Saturday that there are to be thirteen beautiful young ladies ,tll mounted and dressed in stars unl ftr!it each to represent oim of the o!ginal thirteen tates. Wo suppose tliat these young ladies are all engaged ho that they may soon, become Ci.ilrd States. The commencement at the University next June will be a centennial celebration, and pro iu'sch to bo most interesting. ( )ik; hundred years ago the char ter was granted to the Universi ty ly the Gene.al Assembly of North Carolina, and it began work with two professors and one student. Since that tune, with the exception of the time when ou; own Southland was convulsed with civil strife, the University have been one of the foremost in the South. Wilson Advance. Mr. S. D. Shattuch is was Postmarter at Choc-tow, N. Y. About April the 1st he received, a circular from Wanna maker's Clothing House asking him to act as agent for the House in his vicinity, stating that he would find it profitable to doeo Postmaster Shattuch did not tkiak it the proper thing, so be declined the agency. On April the 12th he was notified that his successor in the postofBce had been appointed. This looks bad. ence have tions It is a natural infer that many Postmasters received similar proposi- Is it possible that P. M. General Wannamaker is prosti tuting his high and important office to increase the profits of his clothing concern ? A GOOI 11 1 LI A bill to amend the Code of Crim inal Procedure relating to particular causes of challenging of jurors has passed the State Henate and is now before the Judiciary Committee of the Assembly. It provides that the formation of an opinion as to the Kuilt or innocence of a defendant, based on having read or heard read testimony relating to the crime charged, shall not be a sufficient ground for challengo for actual bias in the case of a person otherwise qualified, provided he declares on oath, to the satisfaction of the court, that such impression will not influ ence his verdict and that he can ren der an impartial verdict in accord ance with the evidence. New York World. This is a good bill and should become a law. North Carolina atid every other state in the Union should make similar re forms. The present law requir ing a man to testify that he has not formed an opinion with ref erence to some crime, is simply absurd. No intelligent citizen can read the newspapers with eut forming an opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the ciiminal. Hundreds of years ago when there were no news papers and other means of com munication were extre mely slow and uncertain, the present jury plan in criminal cases worked nicely, for ia ever? county there could be found irany of the very best and most intelli gent citizens who knew nothing of the details of a crime com nutted in another quarter. But now. a crime is committed in New York and tomorrow the tup citizens lu uaiirorma ana North Carolina have formed an pinion, men to rieidiv en- loNthis relict of a bygone age means searching the country ior twelve men the most igno rant and least capable of form ing an opinion. The question should be, "Can you render verdict according to the evi dence in spite of the opinion you may have formed?" CKATKS. How and of What they are Made. ! For the benefit of those who have not visited the Carolina Veneer Workn, wo publish the following description of the process of crate manufacturing. The gift crate is so called be cause it is not returned to the shipper, but is given to the buy er of the articles shipped in it. It is a light, cheap shipping crate, the fides and ends of which are made of poplar tim ber. This tmber,which abounds in our small branches, growing generally at the foot of a hill where the ground is woist and lull of spring water, is well known by all who are acquaint ed with our woods. Its tall, straight tai.-ks, usually free from snarly knots, its soft, easi ly cut wood and beautiful color render it one of the most desi rable of woods for the manufac ture of this particular crate. 1 he poplar block is first put nto a tank or steam box, where t is boiled or steamed sufficient y for the bark loslip off as easi y as a boy would slip the bark rom a sourwood withe when he sap is up. The steaming also tottens the timber so that t will cut easily, which is the main object of the steaming. It is then placed in a veneer ma chine. The machine is thrown into geer by a clutch or friction wheel. The log goes to revolv ing and is slowly cut into sever al continuous sheets, the width of which sheets is the length of a bheet for the gift crate. These sheets are peeled off of the log by the knife just as you would peel off the bark and sue uni formly one-fifth of an inch thick. These sheets are taken now to he chopping knife, which is a machine so arranged that by means of a ratchet-lever will cut one width, from one half inch up to twelve inches wide. In this case the chopping knife cuts these sheets into strips two and tbree-quarter inches wide, as these strips fall from the ma chine they are taken out and dried in the open air. They are then carried to the forms, which are simply places so made that these slats have only to be laid n them properly and nailed or acked together, and a side or a crate is made, as the case may be. These sides or enas are hen taken to another form, which is the exact shape and size of the inside of a crate, and are placed around it, being held to their proper position by a clamp.The workman then puts on the corners or pieces of tin which securely bind or hold the cornersv It is then taken off the forms and it now goes to a table where a bottom is put in and a top is put on. The crate is now ready for use, or at least it is ready to receive the baskets of fruits or vegetables and be shipped. The standard crate is made just as the gift crate is. The timber only i3 heavier, being sawed instead of cut on the ve neer machine, and the fasten ings are heavier and stronger, so mat the standard crate is much more durable and strong er than the gift crate, and is either returned to the shipper, or he gets a large part of its first cost returned to him. Abdallah. the Sheek of ihe Persians, who was noted for his wisdom in many things, once gave some advice to his court iers about choosing a wife. ''Let her be a woman whosa eyes turn not away when ycu speak to her and whose nose hath no tenden cy upward, foi the first is owner of deceit, the second of bad tem per ; but above all, look you to her lips. Choose no woman whose lips drop at the corners. for your life will be a perpetual mourning time, nor yet should they curve too much upward, for that demotes frivolity. Be ware of the under lip that roll- eth outward, for that woman hath more desire than con science, boiect lor a wite one whose lips are straight not thin, for she is a shrew, but with just the fullness necessary to perfect symmetry." TRIED TO 'PREVENT IT. Senator Vance was among President Harrison's callers one day last week, and seeing his weary, care-worn look, said he simply called to pay his respects and inform the President that he was sorry to see him in such a position, and assure him that he did everything in his power to keep him out of it. The President appreciated the hu mor of the remark, and return ed Lis thanks to the North: Car olina Senator for his good in tentions. Wilson Advance. HUCKLEBERRIES. WHY NOT CROP IN LIKE MANAGE THE A MJS IN ESS MANNER ? The New Jersey Plan. For The Caucasian. Now that there has been en- acted by our last Legislature a law which, if properly enforced, will protect the owner of huck leberries in their right, would it not be decidedly to their in terest to tako this berry, which is so rapidly coming to the front as a valuable market berry in this section, and treat it as though it was a crop to which the owners of the bushes had all rights and privileges ? 1 would like to ask the own ers of the huckleberry -bushes wherein lay the economy or sense in allowing a valuable market crop to be gathered in the slip shod way which has prevailed heretofore? What sane man would allow fom, Dick and Harry, even for stated price per quart, to fro into his strawberry patch and pick here and there and every where that suited their fancy, or where the berries hatmened to be thickest or ripest, and then, after they had rambled and trampled all over th patch, take what they had gathered to some little coun ry town or store and there disposed of them for whatever they might bring, and then, maybe or maybe not, pay over to the owners of the lan I lis stipend for the fruit. Now the plan pursued by those in the State of New Jer sey who own huckleberries is different and far more business- ike. They buy their crates and baskets and have the berries picked and put direct from the bush into the berry basket. They have large trays into which these baskets are put, and from these trays thev are put direct into the crates and are ready to go to market. They pay so much for the picking and look after the fruit to see hat it is sound and and in good shape. By this plan the Jersey berry, though inferior to ours, brings a higher average price. Now, I would suggest that the owners of the huckleberry bush es take this rapidly developing business into their own hands and gee all there is in it for themselves and those who pick them. As It is conducted at present the only one who is very mate rially bsnefitted is the middle man who buys from the picker. The owners of the bushes can buy crates and have them pick ed just as easily as he can his strawberries or beans. Try it. J. L. Clute. LUMBERTON STATION, ALA., April 2oth, 1889. Maeion Butler, Esq., Clinton, N. C. Dear Sir You published a few weeks ago the death of Je thro D. Oates of Mobile, Ala., on the i 1th of March ultimo. A few days preceding his death the firm (Turner & Oates) had the misfortune to lose their ex tensive planiug mills, with grist and shingle mills, at this place, entailing a loss of $8,000 to $10, 000 with $3,500 insurance, and on tne lam instant nre again appeared in their premises here, and swept away their large saw mills, with over two million feet of lumber, effecting a loss of over $30,000, with about $8,000 insurance. 'Tis sad, 'tis true, but Mr. Oates being a native Sampson man his numerous re latives and friends will doubt less feel interested to hear such pven if it is bad news. Your county man and friend, (myself) having been called on by the surviving partner to leavo his home and come at once to Mobile to assist them in the management of their business, arrived to see the smoking ruins with thousands of dollars worth of shapless machinery, etc., is now engaged in collecting to gether the debris, with their rail road and logging apparatus, con taining oxen, carts, locomotive and about 2,000 logs, to be sold, or taken to theilarge saw mills in Mobile. . Vegetation is far in advance here to sweet Sampson. They are shiping Irish potatoes, cab bage, strawberries and other vegetables to the western mar kets. I reart with interest The Cau casian which my people occa sionally send me. The Farmers' Alliance is boom ing in this State, with Mississip pi, Georgia and Florida. Sampson. A pair ards. of tightstwo drunk- ALPHABETICAL, FAKE. "Have you got anything here beginning with "k" that's good to eat?" inquired a new custom er at a well-known local delica cy market last Tuesday. "How will pickled kidneys answer?" replied the clerk, after a moment's thought "First-rate. Give mc a dozen cans. The kitten's life is saved," exclaimed the strange patron with enthusiasm. I told my wife," he continued, "that if I failed to send home a kangaroo, dead or alive, before 2 o'clock, I should expect to find the kitten served up for supper in the latest Chicago style. But your happy thought saves her. "You see we all got tired of eating the same things day af ter day, and so last month we agreed that during December we would eat up (or rather down) the alphabet, taking one letter a day, with bread, potatoes, tea and coffee thrown in a staples. So on December 1st we inaugu rated the dietary system with a bill of fare consisting of apples in many forms, apricots pickled, aspaiagus, almonds and the sta ples. The next day's menu was beef, beets, beans, biscuits, but termilk, bacon and bonbons. The following day we feasted on chicken, codfish ball3, clams, celery, cucumbers (50 cents each crabs, cheese, cake, crackers, crullers, carrots, canned cur rants, canned cherries, citrons, cider, catsup and candy. "And it has gone on. The fifth day would have been a fast day had it not been for eggs, but we made an Easter of it Yesterday we dined, breakfasted and supped chiefly on jellies. To-day your kidney suggestion saves us from starvation, while to-morrov we will grow fat on liver, lamb, lobster, lettuce, etc. A queer thing about our new food departure is the number of things it has led us to put in our mouths which we never thought of before." Buffalo Express. GLADSTONE'S OPINION. No man of sense and candor will dispute Mr. Gladstone's great abilities and accomplish ments. He is indeed a vtry marvellous man. He is the greatest financial Chancellor that Englaud has had since Wil- iam Pitt. Some time ago a well- known Chicago lawyer, Col. Jno. Atkinson, who is tainted with the Protection virus, was m Eng land and had an interview with Mr. Gladstone. Upon his return to his own country Mr. Atkinsou gave an account of what occur red. ' He says the great states man expressed surprise at the hold Protection seemed to have in this country. He asked why was this? Mr. Atkinson repli ed: "The main argument was that free trade would cripple our in dustries, deprive us of our horn 9 market, and compel us in com peting with Europe to reduce wages to the star dard of Eu rope." "Do you Know," said ne, "that by and through free trade wages have advanced in Eng land?" He asked if Mr. Gladstone thought that Free Trade would increase wages in the United States ? The reply was: "I think so. As long as Amer ica maintains protection Eng land will be the foremost of commercial nations, but when America adopts free trade we must take a second place. You may say this is arguing against England's interest Not so. England would gain immensely by free trade in America, but America would gain still more. You must promise me," he said, "to get rid of your protective notions." Wil. Star. "INACCURATE AND MIS- LEADING." Mr. Cleveland has written a letter to Mr. Edward A. Oldham, editor of the Charleston World, relative to the interview at Goldsboro. He says: "You ask me to say whether or not it is correct. I shall content myself in this case with hereby saving that the report of the interview contained in the clipping is very inaccurate and misleading." Wil. Star. KEEP IN PRINT. A Reflector reader came into the office and while talking up on different topics casually re marked: "What has become of some of the men' whose names I used to see in your advertising columns ?" Well, this don't need any comment, except that the business man who does a faw weeks advertising and thinks he has done enough for a life time can judge how the regular read er looks npon him. Greenville Reflector. M0DERX GHOST STORY. A CHARMING YOUNG MAI J)EN SEARCHES FOR A GHOST IN THE AT TIC. the Din Rajs Candle She Per with Horror j of Her 1 ff iM I Mas !" A SURPRISE. THEY PROCEED TOGETHER. The Light f Their Cud) Falls a Tall White Fimre HORRORS AGAIN I with a tihostir Fare from which Dark Eyes Beam Coals! Like I am decidedly tired of being "chief cook and bottle washer," as it were, and I am determined to put an end to this ridiculous and most uncomfortable state of affairs, thinks Inez Cather ton, as she brings the brush down on her luxuriant hair with an emphatic bang. It is after eleven, and high time that Miss Inez was think ing of her beauty sleep; but her thoughts are too busily occupied with her trials and tribulations to admit of rest. Mr. Catherton lias a mine in B , which he has come to superintend himself ; and" he has brought his wife and daugh ter with him, as they would not bear of his coming alone. Un fortunately they have rented a house which, although undenia bly picturesque, if said to be haunted, and in consequence of its reputation they have found it impossible to procure a ser vant. At the end of a week hey are heartily tired of doing heir own work, and are begin- niug to lose all relish for their meals. It is no wonder that Inez has resolved to see what she can do to better matters. "If I wander over this house between eleven and twelve eve ry nignt, surely mat will oe proof enough for any of these foolish girls that it is not haun ted; for there never was a ghost that did not appear somewhere around midnight," thinks Inez, as she rises and lights a candle on her bureau. "Yes. 1 will do it ! Aud after wo or three nights of conscien ious search I will go after that silly Kate Mahony, who is such a good cook, and I know she will hesitate no longer about coming. Her eyes fall upon the mirror before her, as she speaks, and she smiles. Let us hope that it will be the spirit of a young man that you encounter, Miss Inez," she continues, with a augh, "for, if I do say it, you certainly have chosen,or chanced npon, a very becoming costume, and it would be a pity to waste it on a woman ghost." She is right. A lovely pic ture is reflected as she stands with her soft hair falling in waves below her waist, her cheeks flushed with xcitement and her bright, brown eyes shin ing from beneath a tangled mass of curls half on and half off her forehead. She has on a trailing whits cashmere gown, that half defines the pretty curves of her rounded figure. On he feet are soft, red felt slippers. "Farewell," she adds, with a little nod directed at the mirror. and now for the attic !" Taking up her candle she starts for the door. She glides noislessly through the hall and up the broad staircase which leads to the garret, a big, barn like room with trunks.boxes.dis- carded pictures, broken chairs, tumble-down sofas and all the usual paraphernalia of an attic scattered around. Upon this scene enters Inex, psering in the dusky corners where her light does not penetrate. Slowly, carefully, she advances, her can die held well in front of her, vainly endeavoring to keep her eyes in all four corners at once, in spite of her disbelief in ?pir itual manifestations. A board creeks. She starts violently, dropping a goodly amount of candle-grease on her hand. Then, realizing it is only a board, s&e smiles at her cow ardice and proceed3 on her way to a flight of steps at the furth er end of the attic, which leads to the tower. Softly, for her slippers make not the faintest sound, she mounts the stairs. She has been 1 mm -a up mem peiore. . it is good sized, square room, with a dor mer window at one end. It was I evidently a sitting room at one I time, and as such is furnished 1 quits nicely. Inex, f.tanding on the top step, pushes open the door aud, hold ing her candle high above her head, bends anxiously forward and intently gazes into the room. Her eyes at first, naturally, seek the window, through which a sickly moon peeps and casts a faint semblance of light. Then a slight movement brings her eyes suddenly a little to the left, and lighted by the dim ray of her candle she perceives with horror a man. She had not barcainsd for a burgKr and she is paralized with fear. She makes not the faint est attempt to move," while the young man, for he is young and apparently (the candle gives but a fluctuating light) good-looking, is as motionless as she. He w as lounging on the sofa, but started up as she appeared, and now, leaning forward, half standing, with one hand grasp ing the arm of the sofa and the other shading his eyes from the light flashed suddenly in his face, he is staring with all his might at the fair separation. For fully two minutes do they gaze at each olher with distend ed eyes, aud no sound breaks the intense stillness that sur rounds them. Then a frank smile lights the young man's face and with a slightly embar rassed air he advances a step and says : "I beg pardon. I quite thought, until 1 caught sight of your red slippers, that you were the ghost." Inez breathes a relieved sigh and the color returns to her cheeks as she becomes convinc ed, by his gentlemanly manner, that she is mistaken in her sus picions of the young man's char acter. Let me explain my presence," he resumes, as he strikes a match and lights the gas. "I am afraid I have startled you awfully. I had heard the old place was haunted, and although I knew, of course, that it was all nonsense, still there must be some reason for these mysteri ous noises, etc. So I persuaded the gardener, who has known me ever since I was a boy, to let me occupy the tower every night until I discovered the cause. This is my second night here; and do not find it particularlvi ively, as from eleven or a little after I remain in darkness so that the spirits will not be frightened away." Inez laughs, as she begins to rather enjoy the situation, and, with a little glance at him, de murely asks: "And you really thought I was the ghost?" "Well," he answers, "for the moment I certainly was a little startled. You were all in the regulation white, your faoe was collorless, and you looked misty and unreal enough to deceive any one. But when I caught sight of your red slippers I was brought to my senses." "And ho x did you ever get there? And why did you not let us know what you were doing in our behalf ?" asks Inez. "The gardener suggested my using the outside staircase, which eads irom the old kitchen-gar den to this room, on the princi ple, I suppose, that 'where ignor ance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.' He evidently was not aware you had heard your house was haunted." "I suppose not," she returns; "we do not speak of it at aU, but treat the subject with the coa tempt it deserves. However, I privately determined that I would come up here some night, and by so doing prove how ut terly without foundation these reports are, Er I suppose you have had no manifestations, as it were?" "Not a sign I" gloomily. She laughs, and a short pause ensues. "I must go," she says, finally. "It is so late."- "Oh, don't go," impulsively. iiut mez nas come to a sense of the hour, and, ignoring his plea, says with dignity: "I b:d you good-night. I hope you will succeed in your search and will let us know the result." And she turns to leave. "But are you going to give it up?"heaslis. "Certainly. One person is enough to pursue a phantom, I think," "Yes; but you must be so in terested. I will vacate and leave the field clearf or you." "un, nor witn suspicious haste. "I would not think of spoiling your fun." then their eyes meet and each breaks invo a broad smile at the absurity of it Inez turns again towards the door. "Do you know," he says, "I was thinking, when you came in, that in a book one would move that big ward-robs and find a hollow panel, and hidden treasures or the ghost himself concealed behind." Inez regards it with Interest. "Shall I move it and explore?" he asks. She hesitates. "No," reloe Untly, I must go." "But think," ay this wily youth, "if wo actually did find the cause of all this super tition regarding the place!" A moment's pause, and then her spirit of adventure wins the day. "Well, I do not suppose it will take more thtn tffew min utes," she say, putting 'down her candle. They approach the old ward rode and he endeavors to move It. "It is going to be a harder task than I imagined," he says. He exerts his utmost strength, and at last it rolls slowly aside and discloses a life-!ze oil painting. Simply a portrait of beautiful young girl In a quaint, old-tashioned, black velvet droAj. She i seated in a big arm-chair, her head resting against the back, and looking sadly, seriously, into space. "Was ever anything so levely seen inreal life?" exclaims Inez at last, with a sigh. "She is the girl whose spirit haunts the house," she adds hastily, as he catches the young man's expres sion, which, though respectful, is answer enough. "I am quite certain of that. Poor thing! she does not look happy. I sup pose she was lu love with some one and he did not have enough money, so she took a richer man." Her companion is decidedly amused. "Do you suppose, he asks, "that lovely, ethereal crea ture ever thought of money? More probably her lover was killed, or her pa and his pa were enemies er ;apuiet, you know, -what's in a name' and all that." "Well, I am sure she wa nut such a forward young damsel as Juliet, who made all the ar rangements for her weddimr and only stopped short of asking Roilgo how much he would set tle on her." "Sensible girl! She was up to snuff.' " "Yes; but think of Juliet be ing up to snuff'! But come!" she adds briskly', "let's move the picture and find that hidden staircase." Well, really! you seem rath er certain of it," he rejoins, as he pushes the picture alontra ittle way, thereby disclosing a portiere of heavy, dark tapestry. "ByJoyer he exclaims; and Inez looks rather startled as she stoutly asserts she is sure there nothing further to dicover. "Have you ever received a hor rid big packare wrapped up in innumerable papers, and got all excited undoing it, aud then come to the thinest article that ever was seen ? That's the wa v t will bo now, probably. We will move the portierie, and see nothing." But she does no t look all confident of seeing "noth ing," although she starts for ward and qufcklj dashe3 the portiere aside. A closed door confronts them. 'Well, this ia that 'horrid big package with innumerable wrap Rings,' and no mistake!" says the young man, "And now for the door." "Oh, wait a minute !" uegs Inez. "No, don't!" she adds quickly; "the less time we have we have to think, the better." He turns the knob, opens the door, and a steep, narrow flight of stairs is disclosad. "A secret case, as I'm a sin ner!" he ejaculates excitedly, and somewhat like a gleeful school-boy. "une would minK you we:e glad," reproachfully says Inez, who has recoiled with a fright ened exclamation at this last surprise. "Not if you are sorry," he an swers earnestly. "And indeed you look pale again. Let us give up the search." "No, no!" answers Inez, who has quite recovered. '-I am de lighted!" she continues, as she takes up her candle. "Take this and light the way, and don't dare to malign my well-known courageous character." Nothing loath, he descends a few titeps. in obedience to her wish, and then, turning, gives her hij hand and helps her down. They are obliged to go very slowly, for, besides being steep, there are many turns, and one is in constant danger of fall ing. "Are we'hever coming to the end?" asks Inez at last. "It does not look much like it." he answers with a laugh. A miuute or two more of steady descending, and then Inez turns her ankle; stumbles, and but for bis support would have fallen. The shock has pushed him down two or three step?, just around the turn, and standing below them, at the bottom of the stairs, (Continued on the Fourth Page. HOW TO 1ICILD Vl A TOWS. Itul that will Turf th lUtM ml Make an End to Croaking. The Manufacturers' Record ha often been asked how to build up towns, ani it ha, published many gtvd plans. To those It adds the following good palnU from tho Time. Register, which suggested them to its reader a how to develop Salem, Virginia: Now, them, let us pull togeth er to build up Salem. Talk about It. Write about It. Help to Improve It, Beautify the streets. Patronize Its morrhants. Advertise in its paper. Pay yrsur tax without gruia bling. Be courteous to atrangrt tint coma among you. Never let an opportunity to speak a good word about it pass. Remember that - every dollar you invest in permanent Im provements Is that much money at interest. Don't "kick" against any pro posed k necessary improvement because it Is not njar your own dcor, or for fear your taxes will be raised 15 cents. To these .the Manufacturers Record would add, support your local paper first and liberally, and then spend money In adver tising in the best mediums to draw men and money from else where. But bo sure that your home paper has a healthy, well fed look, with its sides bulging out with good "ads." Baltimore Manufacturers' Record. HOW HORSES ARE MADE 1 1 ALKY. It is almost always the fault of a man and not of the horse If on becomes balky. These sug g.ct!ons from the National Stuckman on that subject are worth reading and remember ing. It eays if a horse shows signs of stubborness or contrari ness, ju3t get toad yourself, and you can rest assured you are fix ed for the rest of the day as long as you want to keep it up. Horses, like men, are generally set in their ways, and when a horse, with only moderate, sense, gets into trouble with a man, with only moderate sense, the two generally have a "monkey and parrot time" from morning till night, Well bred horses are seldom stubborn and unruly, and in this respect there is a striking analogy between horses and men. Hor.ios docile, obe dient and tractable in the hands of one man, are vicious and un ruly in the hands of another. The reason is, the one knows hor to manage themthe other does not. Bad dispositions are generally the result of bad handling. A few slaps and jerks, accompanied by a little sharp talk or a few fierce yells, gets the most gentle horse clear beside himself and ready to worry and fret the remainder of the day. The more quiet and steady you keep your horses the better it will be for them, your self and all concerned. UK KUIti: AXI LKT TIIK KI- ITOIt KNOW ABOUT IT. The Wilmington Messenger clips the following from the Ilutbcrfordlou Banner: Don't forget the poor editor when you have a news item. If your wile wnlps you, let us know of it aud will set it right before the public. If you have company, tel' us if you are not ashamed of the v. si tors. If a youngster arrives at your home begging U,t raiment, buy a quar ter's w.irt'u of cigars and come around, and if you are a cash gulrscribe-' we will furnish a name for him or her, as the cir cumstances will permit; and if you have a social gathering oia few of you:-f ri nds; bring around a big cake. sven o eiglii pies and a ham. not necessarily to eat, but as i gunrautee of good faith. We I'.icntioti tlinse little things, for wo want news and will have it. An irnpudtnt fellow says, "Show me all. the dresses a wo man has worn la the course of her life and I will write her bi ography from them." At a Montana weddiru: Jus tice "Arise ! Grab hands ! Hitched! Six dollars. Cash up; no trust!" A matter of some proposing to a two pound widow. weight , hundred All heirs are Interesting, but the most interesting is thetoil-lion-alre. A touching sight A dtnall boy investigating a newly painted door. - i if ! - ' i 1 I : i i i : '1 i t i f i ; ?, I ! ? : -7 ... r

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