TUP: CAUCASIAN. THE G AU C ASIAN a4 New Job Tjrpc hve been UxI to cur Jb OffUv, fcnJ wo can now do work to ult even the tal fiui tMfoiw. OUUn n4 eraplc of tho work we hate done to the but few Lys. ofAdvertUini; rate mad known on application. irnU""K EVERY THCKHDAY, llj MARIO BUTLER, frlilor and Proprietor. Tl,i, wcrk we tflve you a neatly f,rint l iiajH-r on our NF.V PKESS AM) WITH NEW TYPE. -,,v show your appreciation by Puro ooraoy fca.d Wh.Ho SupremAoy. VOL. VII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1889. No. 30. tin: kditok's chair. MV THINGS LOOK FKuM OlJU STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Caucasian and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. The earth thrown on the C. F. V. V. extension, in McDaniels and Lisbon townships, during the month of April, at 11 cents j,cr cubic yard, amounted to over ?7,000- This money was paid ly the railroad into the state Treasury. We understand tlit-re fs about $1,000 clear profit to the State out of this amount. If this is so it is aiitj' that .vt'iy convict could not be hired out In the same way, for the IVnitentiary itself is not and. tliink, never has mi:-tabling. been, self Tomorrow, the 10th Inst., ife Confederate Memorial, or Dec oration dny. Appropriate Ex ercises will be held in numbers of places in this state and over all tho South. Thouands sleep in their (j rave.--, sacrifices to the Lost Cause, who otherwise would today be moving and po tent factors in society, business and politics; and while time has lessened our so "row, yet it has also thrown a mild halo of he roic renown around the memo ries of those whose graves we today deck with garlands and llowers. "M Quad" has completed his write up of North Carolina townsj closing w ith Charlotte. His parting shot to the farmers is: -'When the farm er of North Carolina applies himself and calls intelligence to his aid he will make money. He can't help it. He has a climate unsurpassed in the world, and the soil will respoad ten fold lor extra care given it." New l&erne Journal. "When the farmer," etc? "M Quad" seems to have overlook ed the Farmers' Alliance. That is just uie oDject or this organ ization, it calls the intelligence and experience of the many to the assistance of each member of the order. The World, that mammoth and enterprising newspaper, ap peared on April 30th as Ye World, with type and paper of one hundred yars ago. The s's were old fashioned, long style, very much like an f, with a half cross. The word the is repre sented by the old style ye. This ieat wa3 accomplished at an enormous expense and is one of the most strikiug evidences of the wonderful enterprise of this remarkable newspaper phenom ena. The issue is decidedly unique, and thousands of copies win be preserved as souveniers of the great celebration. Judge David Sckenck, Presi dent of the Guilford Battle Ground, said last Saturday that he expected to see two years from then, twenty thousand people on the ground to dedicate the monument of Gen. Greene We hope that such will be the case, and in addition other fit ting monuments will be erected by the same time, especially the one suggested by Vance, on Roa noke Islaud to mark the land ing of Raleigh's colony. Hear what the orator says: It has long been a matter of re proach that North Carolina has done fo little to pert etuate in stone her love for her sages and heroes. The day when the foot of the first Anglo Saxon was placed upon American soil is known historically, but the spot where the colony of the great and splendid lialeigh landed is un marked by a single memento. This genesis of the mightiest revolution m the history of nations, was upon North Carolina soil, yet we have left neglected both the time and place. in ine tenths of the want in this country is due to waste and laziness. . A gentleman in Maine recently offered to give one hun dred sacks of flour, or one hun area ousheis or meal, to any needy, deserving man. that did not Keep a dog, use tobacco or drink liquor. No oue was found who could accept the offer. The great reason why so many peo ple are not comfortable in life is because they are either lazy or wastf ul. Here is the secret of poverty and the reason for the absence of thrift in most of iu most of instances. Investi gate and see if this is no true. Christian Advocate. Tin: conqui:hi:i hanxi:k. My PATHKK RYAX. Furl that banner, for 'tin weary, Hound it nU-.tt 'tU drooping ilrwtry; Furl it, fold it, it U l,tT,t; For thrreV not a man to wave it. And there'll not a nvvord to nave it, And tlit re not one left to lave it In the blood that li roe j?ave it; And it foe now neorn and brave it; Furl it, hide it let it rent ! Take that banner down; 'tin tattered; lirok.n U it hhaft and shattered; And the jrallant hontn are nrattert-d Over w hom it floated hijrh. Oh ! 'tin hard for u to fold it; Hard to think there' none to hold it; Hard that thone who onr unrolled it Now muxt fold it with a nih. Furl that banner! furl itttadly! Once ten thomand hailed it jrladly And ten thousand wildly madly, Swore it hhould forever wave; Swore that foeuian'fi ftword nhould never Heart like tin ir entwined di..ever, Till that flap ohould flout forever O'er their freedom or their grave ! Furl it! for the hand that granped it, And the heart that fondly elxed it, Cold and dead are lying low; And that banner it i trailing ! While around it ound the wailing Of it jH-ojde in their woe. For, though eonipiered, they adore it ! Love the eold, (lead hand tfiat bore it ! Weep for ihoxn who fell before it ! Pardon those who trailed and tore it ! Hut, oh! how wildly they deplore it, Now who furl and fold it so. Furl that banner ! True 'tis gory, Yet 'ti wreathed around with glory, And 'twilt live in nong anil story. Though it fold are in the dust; For it fame on brightest page, Penned by poets and by sages, Hiall go sounding down the ages Furl its folds though now we must. Furl that banner softly, slowly ! Treat it gently it is holy For it, droops above tne dead. Toueh it not unfold it never, Let it droop there, furled forever. For it's people' hopes are dead ! "AT CLINTON." Under theabove caption Mr, John McLaurin, Treasurer of of the Wilmington Presbytery, ,s the following kind words for Clinton and its citizens ne leading eaitonai ot ins pa- "I T 11 1 f er, the Presbyterian, of April ho 17th: At no point within the limits of vVilmington Presoytery could the representatives of its churches expsct to receive higher social enjoyment, or more generous hospitality than in Clinton, and at no place could they rind their expectations more ully realized. To this, those who attended the me ,ting of the Presby tery that convened in that beaulilul town last week will heartily sub scribe; and this does no disparage ment to the lavish hospitably always and everywhere extended to the Presbytery in itsj visits to its church es. Clinton has the reputation afar not only for the beauty of its sur roundings, but lor its social refine ment and free-hearted cordiality and it has well sustained it It has been thought a restful place, and to our mind thi9 is no detraction from its charms; yet to those who think otherwise it is to be said that there are evidences of posh and enterprise. New buildings are to be seen, or buildings in course of erection, and Clinton can boast of the possession of a factory for making of our native woods crates and baskets to earry forth our luscious lruts and tooth' some berries to less favored climes The factory is, we are told, the only one of the kind, souta of Petersburg devoted to this special business. To man, we are indebted to a thorough survey 01 me premises, out we are not ttxpuciwi iu uewn ineiu jicre, m- . A. J. .1 A 1L 1 , Il tere sting as they were. Mr. A. F. Johnson is the proprietor. The weather during the session of Presbytery was simply charming, and, we may be allowed to say it meekly, the ladies were the same And now as to the Presbytery: It met in the Presbyterian church, smau, out ueat ana comtortaDie, on Wednesday evening the 10th nist Inclosing we refer to the fact present to our mind d aring much of this writing that Rev. Dr. Luther McKinnon, formerly one of thejmost prominent members of Wilmington Presbytery and beloved - pastor of the church at Goldsboro, now re sides in Clinton and and had his heart with the brethren, though be cause ol a most serious physical affliction he could not be with them. It was sad to meet Dr. McKinnon, whom we had known from early youth, under circumstances ofsach distress, yet encouraging ana even helpful to see the cheertulneas with which he had resigned himself to the will of the Father, and to note the interest he takes in all that Is do ing for the pleasure and for the wel fare of those both near and far. May the God of all grace sustain him, and the comforting presence of the spirit of Christ abide and continue with hiui. THE XEWSPAPEIl IN SCHOOL. Never use for school purposes auy but the cleanest style of a newspaper. Teach pupils al ways to avoid reading accounts of murd ers, suicides, accidents, unless of public natures, gossip Let your use of the newspapers be such as to teach pupils how importaut things they may dis cover therein. Do not use the newspaper merely as a spelling or reading lesson, use it to maer nify the best in it, and to estab- lish habits of using it for the best in it.-.-Warren Winthrop, in School Teacher. "Old Mr. Skinner is a charitable man, isn't he ?" very Oh yes ; oi course. Jtsut u he ever casts his bread upon the waters he expects it to come back a sardine sandwich." CENTENNIAL ORATIONS. CI1AUNCEY M. DEPEWAND EX-PRESIDENT CLEVE LAND TALK. Chauncey M. Depew's Address at the Sub-Treasury--Cleveland Grows Eloquent at the Banquet. "We stand to-day upon the di viding line between the first and second century or Constitution al Government. There are no clouds over-head and no convul sions under our feet. We rever ently return thanks to Almighty God for the past and with confi dent and hopeful promise march upon sure ground towards the future The simple facts of these hundred years paralyze the imagination, and we contem plate the vast accumulations of the century with awe and pride. Our population has grown from four to sixty-five millions. Its centre, moving westward 500 miles since J 89, is eloquent with the founding of cities and the birth of States. New settle ments clearing the forests and subduing the prairies, and add ing four millions to the few thousands of farms which were the support of Washington's Republic, create one of the great granaries of the world and open exbaustless reservoirs of Na tional wealth. "The infant industries, which the first act of our first Admin istration sought to encourage, now give remunerative employ ment to more people than in habited the Republic at the be ginning of Washington's Presi dency. The grand total of their annual output of 7,000,000,000 in value place the United States firsf among the manufacturing countries of the earth. One half the total mileage of all the railroads, and one-quarter of all the telegraph lines of the world within our borders, testify to the volume, variety and value of an internal commerce which makes these States, if need be, independent and self-support- ing. These uunarea years oi development under favoring po litical conditions have brought the sum of our National wealth to a figure which has passed the results of a thousand years for the mothpr land, herself, other wise the richest of modern em pires. "During this generation, a civil war or unequalled inagniiuae caused the expenditure and lops of eight thousand millions of dollars, and killed 600,000 and permanently disabled over a million young men, and yet tbd impetuous progress of the North and the marvellous industrial development of the new and free South have obliterated the evi dences ot destruction ana maoe the war a memory, ami nave stimulated production uuui our i- 1J -1 1 .! . il annual surplus nearly equals that of England, France and Germany combined. The teem ing millions of Asia till the pa tient soil, and work the shuttle and loom as their fathers have done for ages ; modern Europe has felt the influence and receiv ed the benefit of the incalcula ble multiplication of force by inventive genius since the Na poleonic wars ; and yet, only two hundred and sixty-nine years after the little band of Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, our people numbering less than one fifteenth of the inhabitants of the globe, do one-third of its mining, one-fourth of its manu facturing, one-tif th of its agri culture, and own one-sixth of its wealth. This realism of material pros perity, surpassing the wildest creations of the romancers who have astonished aud delighted mankind, would be full of dan ger for the present and menace for the future if the virtue, in- telligence anl independence of the people were not equal to the wise regulation of its abuses. But following the growth and power of the great factors .whose aggregation of capital made pos sible the tremendous pace of the settlement of our National do main, the building of our great cities and the opening of the lines of communication which have unified our country and created our resources, have come National and State legislation and supervision. Twenty mil lions a vast majority of our people oi intelligent age ac- knowledging the authority of their several churches, twelve millions of children in the com mon schools, 345 univessities and colleges for the higher edu cation of men and 200 for wo men, 450 institutions of learn ing for science, law, medicine and theology, are the despair of the scoffer and the demagogue, and the firm support of civiliza tion and liberty. Steam and electricity have changed tbe commerce not ouly, they have revolutionized also thtj governments of the world. They have given totheprea its power and brought ill races and nationalities into touch and sym pathy. They have tested and ars trying the strength f all systems to stand the strain and conform to the conditions which follow the germinating influen ces of American democracy. At the time of the inauguration of Washington seven rojal fami lies ruled as many kingdoms in Italy, but six of thtm have seen their thrones overturned aud their countries disappear fiom the map of Europe. Most of the Kings, Princes, Dukes and Margraves of Germany, who reigned despotically and sold their soldiers for foreign service have passed into history, a nd their heirs have neither prerog atives nor domain. Spam has gone through many violent changes and the permanency of her present government seems to depend upon the feeble life of an infant Prince. 1 ranee, our ancient friend, with repea1 and bloody revolutions, has tri ed the government of Bourbon and Convention, of Directory and Consulate, of Empire and Citizen King, of hereditary Sov ereign and Republic, of Empire, and again Republic. The Ilaps burg and the Hohenzollcrn, af ter convulsions which have rock ed the foundations ef their thrones, have been coiopelled to concede constitutions to their people and to divide with them the arbitrary power wielded so autocratically and brilliantly by Maria Theresa and Frederick the Great, The royal will of George the Third could crowd the American colonies into re bellion, and wage war upon them until they were lost to his king dom, but the authority ot the Crown has devolved upon min isters who hold office subject to the approval of the representa tives of the people, and the equal powers of the House ot Lords have become vested in the Commons, leaving to the Peers only the shadow of their aucient privileges. But to-day the American people, after all the dazling developments of the ceutury, are still happily living under the Government of Wash ington. The Constitution during all that period has been amend ed only upon the lines laid down in the original instrument and in conformity with the recorded opinions of the Fathers. The first great addition was the in corporation of a Bill of Rights, and the last the imbedding into the Constitution of the immor tal principle of the Declaration of Independence of the equali ty of all men before the law. No crisis has been too perilous for its powers, no evolution too rapia for its adaptation, and no expansion beyond its easy grasp I T . - - . hA administration. it nas as similated diverse nationalities with warring traditions, cus toms, conditions and languages, imbued them with its spirit and won their passionate loyalty and love The flower of the youth of the nations of Jontmental Ji.u- r i p rope are conscripted iroro pro: ductive industries and drilling in eamns. Vast armies stand in battle array along tbe iratiers, and a Kaisers whim pr a flints- ter's mistake may precipitate the most destructive war ot modern times. Both monarchi- cal and republican governments a.re seeking safety m tlie repres- sion and suppression ot opposi tion and criticism. Th volca nic forces of democratic aspira tion and socialistic revolt are rapidly increasing and threaten peace and security. We turn from these gathering storms to the British Isles and find their people in the throes of a politi- cal crisis involving the form and aubatance of their Government, and tneir statesmen far from confident that the enirancnisen and unprepared masses will wisaly use their power. But for us no army exhausts our resources nor consumes our youth. Our navy must needs increase in order mat tne pro- tecting flag may follow the ex- pandmg commerce, which is to succesiuiiy compete in an tne markets of the world. . The sun of our destiny is still rising, and its rays illumine vast Territories as yet unrccupied and undevel oped, and which are to be the happy homes of millions of peo ple. The questions which affect the powers of government and the expansion or limitation of the authority of the Federal Constitution are so completely settled and m unanimously ap proved that our political divi sions produce ouly the healthy antagonism of parties which is necessary for the preservation of liberty. Our . institutions furnish the full equipment of shield and spear for the battles of freedom and absolute protec tion against every danger which threatens the welfare of the people will always be found in the intelligence which appreci ates their value and the courage and morality with which their powers are exercised. The spirit of Washington fills the Execu tive offloe. Presidents may nt rise to the full measure of his greatness, but they must not fall below his standard of public duty and obligation. His life and character, conscientiously studied and thoroughly under stood by coming generations. will be for them a libaral edu cation for private life and pub lic station, for citizenship and patriotism, for love and devo tion to the Union and Liberty. With their inspiring past and splendid present the people of these United States, heirs of a hundred years marvellously rich in all which adds to the glory and greatness of a nation, with an abiding trust in the stability and elasticity of their Constitu tion and an abounding faith in themselves, hail the coming cen tury with hope and ioy." AT THE BANQUET AND THE TOAST. George William Curtis gave the following toast : Our People of the United States: Ex-President Cleveland of the United States Not a mob nor an oligarchy, nor a class: but the great force of American pa triotism, conscience, intelli gence, energy and industry, nie onlv sure foundation of States, the sole hope of the Republic, of which George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are the trust types in Americau history. Ex -President Cleveland re sponded as follows: "The men tion of a people mn,y well sug gest sober and impressive re flections. The subiect was not beneath the Divine thought when the promise wis given to the children of Israel, "I will take vou to me for a people and I will be to you a god." This idea of Divine Relationship to a people is also recognised in the fervent utterance, 'Yea, happy is that people whose God is the Lord.' "Wherever human govern ment has been administered in tyranny, in despotism on in op pression there has neen round among the governed yearning for a freer condition and the as sertion of man's nobility. These are but tne laitermg Fteps oi m m . m nil i A human nature in the direction of tbe freedom which is its birth right,and they presage the strug gle of men to become a free peo ple and thus reach the plane o their highest and best aspira tions. In this relation and in their cry for freedom, it maybe truly said, the voice of the peo ple is the voice of God. "Tie influence of these reflec tions is upon me as I speak of thote who after darkness and doubt and struggle, burst forth in the bright , light of indepen dence and liberty and be same our people free, determined and confident challenging the wondur ot the universe, pro- claiming the dignity of man in voking the aid and favor of Al mighty God. In sublime faith and rugged strength, our fathers cried out to the world. We, the people of the United States, in order o form a more perfect union .establish justice and se- cure he blessinsrs of liberty to onrselvea and our nosteritv: d ordain and establish this Con'sti- tutiori for the United States of America.' Tbu3 our people in a day assumed a place among the nations of the earth. "One hundred years have passed- Wc have announced and approved to the world our mission and made our destiny secure. 1 will not tameiy recite our achievements. They are written on everv va.se of kiatnrv. nnd the monuments of nnr all about us. e point to the scattered graves of many thou sands of our people who have bravely died in defense of our National safety and perpetuity, mutely bearing testimony to their love of countrv. and to an invincible" living host standing ready to t-nforce our National rights and protect onr land- "The enthusiasm which marks the celebration of the centen nial of the inauguration of their first Chief Magistrate shows the popular appreciation of the value of the office which m omr plan of government stands above all others for the sovereignty of the people, and is the repository of Their trust, burely such a people can be safely trusted with their free government, and there need be no fear that they have lost the qualities which fit them to be its custodians. If they should wander, they will return to duty in good time. If they should be misled, they will discover the true landmarks none too late for safety, and If they should even be corrupted, they will ppeedily be fouui seeking with peace offerings their country' holy altar. "Let us thou have an abiding faith in our people. Let petu lance and discontent with popu lar action disappear before the truth that in uny and all circum stances the will of the people, however it may be exercised, 1 the law of our National existence the arbiter absolute and un changeable by which we must abide." CIIXTKNNIAL POKM. BT JOHN O. WiOTTTEK. Itatd at tbe OntennUl Celebration, 3uth, 1S89. April The Vow f WtKfciigUi. The aword was shtlied in April's aun Lay jrreen the li!d by Freedom won; And several gections, weary of debate. Joined hand at lat and were United State. How felt th land in every part The strong throb of a Xation'n heart. As iU preat leader pave, with reverent awe, Jim iJicujje 10 union, i.iuerty ana I -aw j 1 hat pledge the li.avt nn above him heard, That vow the uleep of centnrea Htirred; In world-wide wonder listening people bent i urir guse on r reeaom great exiHTtment. Could it succeed t Of honor sold And hoiea deceived all historv told. Above the wrecks that strewed the mournful past, Was the long dream of ages true at last t Thank (iod the people's choice wan Just, The one man equal to his trust, lse beyond lore, and withont weakness gooa, Calm in the strength ot flawless rectitude. His rule of justiee, order, peace. Made possible the world's release; Taught prince and surf that power is but a trust, And rule.alone, which serves the ruled, i just. That Freedom generous is,but strong. In hate of fraud and selfish wrong, Pretense that turns her holy truths to lies. And lawlses license masking in her quite, Land of his love ! with one glad voice Let thy trreat sisterhood reloiee: A century s suns o'er thee have risen and set. auu uou dc praisea, we are one nation yet. And still, we trust, the years to be Shall prove his hope was destinv, Leaving our flag with all its added stars Unrent by faction and unstained by wars ! Lo ! where with patient toil he nursed And trained tbe new set plant at itrst, The widening branches of a stately tree Stretch from the sunrise to the sunset sea. And in its broad and sheltering shade, Sitting with none to make afraid. Were e now silent, through each mighty ii mo, The winds of heaven would sing the praise oi mm. Our first and best ! his ashes lie Beneath his own Virginian sky. Forgive, f oraret, O true and lust and brave. The storm that swept across thy sacred grave! 9 One people now, all doubt leyond, His name shall be our Union-bond: We lift our hands to heaven, and here and now. Take on our lips the old Centennial vow. . Then let the sovereign millions, where Our banner floats in sun and air. From the warm paim-lands to Alaska's cold, Kepeat witu us the pledge a century old ! A REAL UNION. There was no more pleasing and significant feature of the great celebration just conclu ded than the splendid popular reception given to the troops from tho Southern Slates last Tuesday. It was more than hospitable it was friendly. It was more than cordial it was enthusiastic. Upon several occasions since the close of tho war the "blue and the gray"have mingled in civic celebrations, tiut never before have large bodies of Southern troops marched in company with tho militia of the North, each detachment headed bj the Governor of its state, and representing at once the local independence of the - State and the oneness and su premacy of tho Union. It was a happy thought to have the columns from the different states march in the order of the admission of the states into the Uuion, This felicitous arrange ment bridged over the period of the war and took the minds of the participants in and specta tors of the pageant back to the original and indissoluble com pact. The "more perfect the Union who?e foundation was one of th9 chief purposes of the Cons titution is surely realized. It has been welded in the fierce heat of war and tempered in the fires of anew and larger pa triotism. When the people and the soldier are thus united, pol iticians will find little encour aerement in attempts to sow discord. N. Y. World. The museum cf the ArUngton- Gregoxy Hotel in this city, un der the never tiring push of tbe genial proprietor of this popu lar hotel, Mr. Will Hunter, is rapidly growing to repletness and gaining, as it well deserves, a reputation second to none in the State. It is impossible to keep up with the "latest add! tions. Every day brings in some new and rare curiosity to the already innumerable collec tion. Mr. Hunter is thinking of devoting an entire room to his crowing collection. Golds boro Argus. VANCE'S SPEECH AT THE GUILFORD BATTLE GROUND CELEBRATION. Thousands Present-Several Other Speeches-The 13 Toung Ladies. " 1 " On the 25th dayof Mrch 1781 j General Greene and Lord Corn-: wall is fought the Battle of Guil ford Courthouse about, five miles froru Greensboro. This turning battle of the great Kev- olutionary struggle was celebra ted on the site of the battle lat Saturday. A large parade, with eight military companies, xeza headed by thirteen young ladies dressed in the stars and stripes. Seuator Vance, the orator of the day, ww followed by Gov.JFowle, Justices Smith, Sheperd and Da- iris, Auditor Sauderlin and oth ers. V e are sorry that we can t give Vance's speech in full, but it would make four or five col umns in our paper, so we select the following extracts: Mv Fellow Citizens: "From time immemorial that portion of the hum in racee which has left any record of its actions. has indulged the practice of com memorating the notable events of its history. The method by which tbis was done was a good test of their civilization. In Genesis, it is recorded that Ja cob took the stone upon which his head had rented, whilst tho the wondrous vision waa dis played to him of the angels as cending and descend ing.and erec ted it as a memorial pillar. .1- gam, when tne iord appearad to Jacob when he came out of Padan aram and blessed him and removed the promises which had been made unto A- braham, Jacob set up a pillar of stone In the placo as a memori al, and called it Bethel. Twelve stones were likewise set up in commemoration of of the cross ing of the river Jordan by the tribes dry shod. The sacred record is full of this method of perpetuating the memory of noted events by the priests, prophets and pc ople of the Jews. The Assyrians and Egyptians did likewise but in more elab orate manner. In fact the on ly record by which we trace the history of the East is by deci phering the inscriptions upon their monuments and memorial structures. So enduring as monuments are the great pyra mids that mankind lias almost forgotten the pnrpose for which they were erected and by whom. They have actually outlastwd all knowledge or traditioiu;oii- cerning them. The Greeks ex celled all others perhaps in the number and artistie excellence of their commemorating stones. Not only all great eveits, but all their great men were thus commended to the attention of posterity, by the erection of temples and statues, which h ave never yet been surpassed, if indeed, they have been eq.ua! led. The Romans copied their custom and their art in this re gard. To this day thev remind us of the genius and glory of Greece. In very truth, The silent pillar, lone aud gray, Claims kindred with their sacred diiy. Much of the profoyndest learn ing of modern times has been devoted to thesa exhibitions of Greek art and the Egyptology of the Nile. Thus the progress of art is traced, from the rude unhewn stone of Jacon lo the exquisitely chiseled and propo r tioned column of the Athenian Acropolis, and the wondrous structures of Egypt. THEIR WOBKS DO FOLLOW TUEM After all that can be done with marble or granite, the t uest monument b"' which the mem ory of any event can be perpet uated is to be found in the re suits. It rarely happens that an event in a people's histo. y is worth the perpetuating in stone which is not already everlasting ly embalmed in the hearts of the people. What monument required to keep' alive the mem ory of the man who invented the mariners compas by which the trackless paths of the sea are made as familiar to com merce as our Inter-State hhrh- ays? What stone is necessary to the inventor of the art of printing; when all science and literature daily, unconsciously hymn his praise? Wh.it shaft is needed by the inventor of the f team engine, when the whole earth is full of the works, which magnify him ? or to tbe discov er of the cotton gin by which the world is clothed ? Does the memory of the great physi- clans wbose genius ha- mitiga ted human suffering depend up on a pile of stones ? Or do the great lawyers to whom acumen we are Indebted for the chlf liberties nf the people need our care ? For themselves no; but for ourslves, to f how our grati tude and appreciation, to remind us we, too, can make our live aubl ime yea. Their great a chievements are their moni menU, for, verily, their work do follow them and any nhafts wo may erect are rather ours thin thelra. They testify not so much of their deeds, as of what lives in our hearts. Phil osophy of Ihia la found In the explanation of the wise and wit ty Cato, the Censsr, who said that he had rather have the stranger ask why he had no statue, than to ask why he had one. In tbe walls of St. Paul, Is inserted a tablet ou whloh is written the name of Sir Chris topher Wren, its architect, with tho words underneath "Lector se iconuraentum requlris, clr cumspice." The Imposing struc ture reaching upward with all its lines of beauty and streugth, was his monument! THE roUIfP.VriON OF AUEUICAX LtUEKTY. Should tho inquiry be made, what was done at his pot in 1731? and where is the monu ment of results to commemorate it, the mswer might well be made In the single word, "Cir cuinspice." Beyond question the foundation of Atnericiu lib erty was laid on this spot, on that noted day in March, 1781. A brief and philosophical con sideration or the military situ ation of thaso colonies, and of tho events which immediately preceded and followed the strug gle here, will satisfy any one that the importance of that day's work is not over-rated by this statement." Then briefly but graphically re lating and describing the lead ing events of that momcntoin compaigr of Ixrd Cornwall Is from Charleston to Greensboro, the Senator asks what UUu mon ument our patriotic. MoMur$ of '7u erected for Uxmsclcc t "What then was their work? What is the monument which they that day erected to them selves as seen iu the result? Suppose an intelligent stranger were here and he were told to search for that monument by looking around, what would he see ? He would behold a free and independent commonwealth, which for more than a hundred years has enjoyed the blessings of liberty and which has ad vanced steadily without retro gression or anarchy in all tho paths of prosperity and civiliza tion. With lift v thousand square miles of territory containing thirty-lwo millions of acres, of which at least twenty-nine mil lions are arable and two thou sand square miles of which are inland seis, this area extends . east and west for six hundred miles in length with an average breath ef a hundred and forty. In it is found a general eleva tion from tide water to the mountain tops of six thousand feet, giving tho varieties of cli mate which aro to be found within twenty degrees of lati tude north and nouth. The va riety of productions are abund attly commensurate with theo varietiej of soil and climate. Her forests have always been remarkable, and still are, for their trreat extent and value,and. the treasure.' within her bosom have barely begin to bo explor ed and exjKied. Not to mention smaller tre i n , this area is tra versed by threj thousand miles of wato courses ot the dignity of fiver, furnish ing In their gradual fall from Um western highlands into the sea, water power sufficient to turn all the machine: y of the world, This happily lcdtd lmd, at on:e profltable,jleasAnt and pictures que, containing ail the bestgif ts of (iod to his creatures, Is the home ;f the children of the men who made it free and es tablished its institutions and laws with a view lo the happi ness of its people. So well did they build that after ino.e than a century of trial no flaw has been found in the structure, m weakening, no evidence of de cay. BUT WHERE W OUH MONUMENT? I have said that the fruit of their labors constituted the true monument of our ancestors; that for themselves no other ws needed, but that others were needed fof us. That for our own sakes we should celebrate and erect shafts in order to dem onstrate what was in our own hearts. It has long been a mat ter of reproach that Ncrth Car olina has done so little to per- Continued oa the Fourth rage.J

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