o DIRECTORY- TOWN OFFICKlkS : Mayor 11. H. Huhburd. Tkeaplt.kk J. 11. Hoynl. CniKr ok I'or.irr. V. J.KInjr. Jailor Cart. Ja. Jf. Itobinaon Commission kk It. II. Hubbard, J. E. ltoyal, V. H. Htewart, J. 15. Bodenha tinner, W, II. HfeNon. COUNTY OFFICKIW: SlIKKIFF J. M. t" 1 C-1I. Clkkk ;' Scpkhiok Cocur J. S. Hizzcll. Trkapukkk J. I. ISoaman. ItKor.-TKit ok IM.HK0. F. Her rinz. (JoJ.vrv fcrnvKvoi: Arthul Lee. I'oKoNi K Ir. A. T. Cooj r. r.oAi:l ok KifCATlox MaJ. W N. Patternon, A. K. Herring and W. 15. Stewart. i'OMMiiosKiiH f'aptain ('. I'ar trick, J. '. IIu!b, J. M. Marshburn. SCl'KKINTKNOKNT OK IlKAI.TII roit County Dr. J. A. Stevens. Htaniaki kkki'EK W. K.I Sea man. SUPENINTF.XIKN"r OK CoCN'TY Fa km James Shipp. Suit. I'm. Instkixtmx Isliain I loyal. J'OriT OFFICK: (C. I. Johnson, I'-trn:ifer.) Mai! jfol.ix by rail leaves postolXee daily at K:C A. M., :nd 2:.", I'. M., respectively. Mail Kii;if via Hob Ion, Newtoii (irovo, Dunn, Iranian's X Koad, etc., leaven MX) A. M., on Mon. lays and Thursdays. Mail go ing to Fnyetteville, v. a Huntley, Blocker', etc., leaves at G:00 A. M., on fuei-days, Thursdays and Satur days. CI I UltCI IMS. Baptist, Partor, O. I'. Meek. Service.", lit ami 'M Sabbaths of each month. Prayer meeting Tues day at 7 P. M. Sunday fvhool, Sun day, :j P.M. Presbyterian Pastor, Dr. li. F. M arable, Services, 2nd and 4th Sun day's. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7 P. M. Sunday school, 0 A. M. Methodist Pastors, (!. I'. Jerome Services, (at Presbyterian and Bap tist,) 1t Sunday 11, A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday hehool (in Lodge) every Sunday at I) A. M. Prayer meeting (at Presbyterian church) Thursday night at 7 P.M. Lpiscop.-.l Hector, J. W. Turner, Services, Sunday, 11 A.M. and 1:00 P. M. Sunday school, ft P. M. Colored U.ptist Second Sunday in each month nt 11 A. M., 3 P. M. and 7 P. M. MISCELLANEOUS : K. of II. A. F. Johnson, Dicta tor, meet every third Friday night fit K o'clock. Iliram Masonic Lodge I). A. Cul brcth, Master, meets every third Fri day at 1 1 o'clock A. M. Library of ' linton Literary Asso ciation over i'0-tofiice. Librarian, W. S. Thomson. Clinton Loan Association Piesi dvnt, J. L. Mtwart; Cashier, A. F. Johnson. I tail road Depot Agent, II. IJ. Chesnutt. Telegraph Operator J. C. Holmes. Y. M. C. A. F. II. Cooper, Presi dent. Meets in Courthouse everv Friday at 7 P. M. ssw e Sujirrior Courts fur lth, (itli ami 7tli Ju dicial District. MinxiK.s (Hesldent.) 4th District, Walter Clark, of Wake. Cth " F.T. Iloykin, Sampson. 7th " J. C. Mcltca, of Cum berland county. SOLICITORS. 4th District, T. M. Argo, of Wake. Cth O. II. Allen, of Duplin, 7th " Frank McNeill.of Rich mond county. Times for Holding Courts for 1889. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge- Wake February 25th , March 25th , April 22nd, July 8th, August 2Gth, September 23d, October 21st. -Wayne March 11th, April loth, September 9th, October 14th. Harnett August Cth, Nov. 25th. Jo!.nston August 12th,Xov. 11th. HIXT1I JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Shipp. Fall Judge . Pender May Cth, September 9th. New Hanover April 15th, Sep tember 23d. Lenoir August 19th, Nov. 11th. Duplin September 2d, Nov. 25th. Sampson Feb. 25th, April 29th, October 7th, December 9th. CarteretMarch 18th, October 21. Jones March 25th, October 28th. Onslow April 1st, Nov. 4th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spri ng J udge Merri mon . Fall Judge Shipp. Anson April 29th, September 2d, November 25th. Cumberland May Gth, July 22d, Nov. 11th. Columbus April 1st, July 29th. liobesor May 29th, August 19th, September 30th. Kichmond September 18th, June 3d, December 2d. Bladen March 18th, Oct. 14th. Brunswick April 8th, September 9th. Moore April 15th, August 12th, October 21st. QULSIOH OF PURE COD LIVER OIL &m HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So 4lfgaUd that It mi t taken, dlgeated, and Mitmllated by th most altiT stomach, hn tba plain ell cannot n tolarntd and by the con. notation ofth oil with tha hypopho pblte ia mach mora efficacious. EemarUWe as a fesh producer. Persons gib rapidly while tiling Its SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relief and cue of CONSUMPTION, 6CR0FULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMRONIO COUCHS. Tk grtat remedy for Consumptian, and Wasting in Children. Sold j itf Lruggttti. 1VT17N who are wcak Ktrvouaand 111 1L Li DcVllilnted. who tire Buffering from the cfiecta of early evil habits,the results of ignorance or folly, will find in PRAXIS' SPECIFIC a positive and per manent cure lor Neavous Debil'tyertk mal weakness, involuntary vital losses, etc. Cures guaranteed. Sutid six cente in 8 tamps lor Tears' Treatise on diseas eg of man; their cse and cure. J. S.. PEAKS, Churclr Street.. Kasbyille. Teun. FOB DYSPEPSIA Cse Brown's Iron Bitters. Physician recommend it. All dealers keep tt. l.O0 per bottle. Genuine has trade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. V (Continued from lt Pfljre.l pctuate In stone her Iota fur her sages anl heroes. The day when the foot of. the tint Anglo-Saxon was placed upon American soil is known histori cally, but the spot where t.yj colony of the freat and splen did Raleigh landed is unmarked by a single memento. Thi gen esis of the mightiest revelation in the history qt nations, was upon North Carolina soil, yet wi have left neglected bth th time and place. , The men of the Mecklenburg Declaration have an yet n coinniemo.ation Cross Creek and Moore's Creek art yet wijitout a lone. Ui battle of the Regulators, where the first blood was shed for ieil liberty in America Is unmarked and undignified to the traveller. Davie and Davidson and Shel by, Severe, Cleveland, McDow ell, Lilllnglon, Hirnett, Moore, all sleep in yraves hallowed by patriotism, but unknown save only to private affectum. We do not even sufficiently gm.u the traditions of their reputa tion, but leave incompetent or partial histo ians to slur iheir deeds or scandilize their mem ories, lliis criminal negligence continues to this day. T! I KICK IS HOPE YE T. Rut there i hope lor North Carolina yet. Sixteeu years be- ore the b.rth of our bavior theie was born in the forests of Germauy a child who was call ed Arminius; or as the German the German Deasauts loved to term him, Herrman, p ince of Cheusci. He conceived the idea of delivering his country from the Romans, then in the zenith of their power Not iar from the time when our Savior was teaching on the sho es of the Gallilee and healing the sick, this patriotic German decoyed a Roman Army into the moras Hrfs of his native country and siaugtered it with saeh an over whelming slaughter as tender ed it impossible for the great Augustus ever again to recon quer his country. Nineteen hun dred years thereafter the - Ger man people erected a statue m his honor. Flis example de monstrates that there is grati tude in mankind, (hough tl6 proof was undoubtedly slow in coming. 1 trust that the peo ple of North Carolina will not wait so long to do honor to those who served them and died for them in their hour of need. The 'Women Praise B. B. B. The suffering of women certainly awakens the sympathy of every true philanthropist. Their best friend, however, is 1$. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for proofs. II. L. Cassidy, Kennesaw, Ga., writes: "Three bottles or JJ. B. B. cured my wife of scrofula." Mrs. It. M. Laws, Zalaba, Fla., writes: "I have never used anything to equal B. B. B." Mrs. C. II. Gay, Boeky Mount, N. C, writes: Not a day for 15 years was I free from headache. B. B. B. entirely relieved me. Ifeel like an other person." Jas. W. Lancaster, Ilawkinsville, Ga., writes: "My wife Was in bad health for eight years. - Five doc tors and many patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. cured her." Miss S. Tnmlinson, Atlanta Ga., says: "For years I have suffered with rheumatism, caused by kiJney trouble and indigestion. I also was feeble and nervous. B. B. B. re lieved me at once, although several other medicines had failed." Kev. J. M. ltichardson, Clarkstou, Ark., writes: "My wife suffered twelve years with rheumatism and female complaint. A lady member of my chuich had been cured by B. B. B. She persuaded my wife to try it, who now says there is nothing like B. B. B., as it quickly gave her relief." m m STltAY BITS OF L.IF1S, As Pictured by the Press. Even a small barber may be called a strapping fellow. The careless servant ia a great piece maker in the household. "Riches take unto themselves wings and fly away,", said the teacher. "What kind of riches is meant?" And the smart boy said he "reckoned they must be ostriches." Ro.seleaf : "This is the very day to ask papa's consent, Ar thur." Arthur: "Why? Is he in a good humor?" Bertha: "No, he's fi ant'c over my dress maker's bill, and will let you take m i olf his hands at once." I oseyboy : "Ah, there you are kissing your poodle ajjain, Mifs Travis. Why can't you distrib ute your favors ?" Miss Travis (archly): "because, Mr. 'o.sey- boy, there is such a difference in puppiep." luiilington Free Press. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than al! other diseases put together, and until the last le v years v s supposed to be in curable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur able. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional care on the market. It is tak en internally in doses, from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly upon the blood and mucus surface of thesystem. They offer one hun dred dollars for a case it fails to cure. Send - for circulars and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., xoieuo, unio. B"Sold by druggists at 75 cents. IIOL Si:iIOLI NOTES. If silt ! sprinkled aioi:nd the tbeediesof a ca pat w hen on the florti, it will keep away moths. Silk must never be ironed, aa the heat take all life out of it, and makes it seem stringy and flabby; but If you wish to press out old bits of silk and r.bbon fo fancy worii, use an Ir-Mi onlj inoJerately hot and place" ti thicknesses of papa.- Let ween that and the silk. North Caro lina Farmer. To cure a felon, Gila tumbler with equal parts of tine salt and ice; mix well. Sink the uger in the ci-iitre and all-w it to re main unt 1 it is neriv frozen and numb, then whhdiaw if, and when sen.-atiou is r stored re new the operation four r fire times, when it will belound the disease will be destroyed. This must be douo bnforo puss is formed. "A New Nork physic an says excess ve gnm chewing ruins the eyesight, makes the lace wrinkled, and bnngs on chron ic dysprpnia." Is not this enough to make make girls qui tit.'.' (jive More Thought to Dm. Too often does life degenerate into mere animal existence Home is obliterated or becomes simply a place whe e a man and a woman and an indefinite number of children eat and sleep. This condit on is by no means a necessary accompani ment of farm Ffe, and while I would not hold the wife and mothe.' wholry responsible, it exists, I do affl: m that a wo man of tact and sense can do much towards p eventing it. The home is the woman's realm, and she can make it largely what she pleases, and while dress and personal appearance are not all, they are lruck so much that fit teen minutes a diy spent in their inte est will pay heavier dividends in comfort and happiness than almost any other ill teen minutes n the day. Ohio Farmer. THE IlKV. GEO. II. TlIAYEH, ot" Boinbxn, I ml., s-a: ''IJ t i ;ny."i!l'aii(I wift! owe ourliv; t s ilob'.s Consump ti n u!c." For sali; by i'n. H. H. IIoi.mkav, DniL'.vL-t, Cliiit n, N. ('. SOMK OF Till: THINGS K11 TOKS HAVi: TO !(. Ho Wonder They Make Mistakes. Kroin the &iiik l!ai)i(l.(Miiin.).c-entinH. We apologize for mistakes made in all former issues and eay they were inexcusable, as all an editor has to do is to hunt news, and clean the rollers, and set type, and sweep the floor, and pen short items, and told papers, and write wrappers, and make the paste, and mail the papers, and talk to visitors, and distribute type, and carry water, and saw wood, and rea'. the proofs, and cor: ect he mistakes, and hunt the shears to wr.te edi torials, and dodge the bills, and dun delinquents, and take cuss ings from the whole force, and tell our subscribers that we need money. We say that we've no business to make mistakes while attending to these little matters, and getting our living on gopher-tail soup,flavo:ed with im agination, and wearing old shoes and collar, and a patch on our pants, obliged to turn a smiling countenance to the man who tells us our paper isn't worth $2 anyhow, and that he could make a better one with his eyes shnt. Some of the above troubles do not apply to us, notwithstand ing our leanness, though we have many things to contend with not mentioned above. COSSUMPTICN SURELY CUBED. To the Editoh Please inform your readers that i have a positive reme-Jy for the above named disease. By it timely use thousands of hopeless cases have ueen permanently cured I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to. any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Itespectfuly. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, -181 Pearl St., New York WHY WILL YOU cousih when Shi- loh Cure will give immediate relief ? Price 10 cent3, 50 cents, and $1. For sale by Dr. It. II. Holliday, Druggist, Clinton, a. u. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only Geaalae gystssa f Memory TraJalaff, Four Baoks Lenrned la sit readiag. Mind wasderisf eared. Erery child nad adalt irreatly benefltted. Great inducement to Oarrespondanes Clu.M. Pro. pectus, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. Hasn mond, the world-famed Specialist in Mind Disease, Ianiel (Jrernlesif Thompson, the neat Psrchok ormt, J, M. Buckley, D.U.. editor of the Christian Advocat. A. K Kirhard Proctor, the Scientist, lien. V. W. Antor, Jada;e t.ibsaa, JadahP. Dt niftiuin ana "iilf ni, seal pos tree 07 Iftof. A. XOISKTTK, 231 Fifth Aye., M. T Mrs. A. E. Murphy. Owner and Proprietress, The Murphy Honsa is central ly located, with large, comfor table rooms and attentive ser vant f. FARE, FIRST CLASS. FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM DEPOT. SAMPLE P.OOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Bgr-The Traveling public are respectfully invited to stop at the MURPHY HOUSE. MEMORY I . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, j I STILL IN To Put Prices Down. If you question this statement, cent Scarfs, 50 cent Shirts. 10 an 1 bio the amounts. I have bought thirty-five case of Straw, Fur and Wool Hats direct from tbe manufacturers. I can sell you a single Mat for less than I would have had to pay had I only bought or.e o tw o dozen of a kind. Now I mii?t say a word for our nook and corner is filled. I have have Suits from $1.00 in. Come pleasant for yon. No FoolishTess ! The war against my competitors customers are getting is an i That the best way to make money prove conciusivejy mat tne oesc way to save it m to deposit it in my establishment, and for every dollar deposited I will irive in good licnest goods ONE DOLLAR AND My Stock is complete in every Department, comprising Dry Goods, Poots and Shoes, Trunks, I he stock is all new, every article is warranted and satisfac tion guaranteed to everybody. The Goods mu.-t go, and the money is Bound to come, there fore and reasonable offer will be accepted, no matter how low it is. Wlien you come to Clinton be sure and visit my store first and obtain my prices before you purchase anything elsewhere. JUST LOOK Af THIS LADIES ! I have 20 p eces of all Wool Cash me: s, in Black and every imaginable color, the regu lar price being $1.00 a yard, I am slaughtering at only 6 ) cents. Remember that the width of these goods is 40 inches. It will haudonily pay you for your trouble to coin and examine these my2- 2w OLD " Headquarters I I have j.ist been to Nrw York, Headquarters for Styles and mrta'ns, wli. re I bought a full lire of all the LEADING - DRK GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, F om a i lain hub.-4antial dre.-s t :in elegant su t for lad es, Als) a large 1 ne of Hats, lioes and Piece Goods, Su'.tei for the Spring and Kept in a mm mi A nice line of SUMMER COATS AND VESTS. Horse Collar!?, Backbandf, Traces and other Farmers Supplies. In addition tit the above, as my customers: well knew, I cany a full line of the best . , V . FAMj ly groceries. I carry nothing but first-class substantial goods, which I sell at the lowest possible margin. . ! RespectfuUv . : , ; W- GRACKLEY. March 8th, 1889. tf " - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, LEAD THE drop in and see my 10 and 25 25 cent Suspender, worth dou . Clothing Department Every not forgotten the little Roys; and see me and I will make it M. HANSTEIN, King Hatter and Clothier. has begun i.-i earnest and my tlie benefit of it. is to sav it, and I intend to FIFTY GEMTS. Valises jind Clothing. WAS I li. EDWARDS & a., (From Goldsboro, S. r.) HARDEN P. O.. LIN I ON, N. C. ; ' i S'liumer trade and everything JJ -v 1 mmwi :1EGE 1 J. E: ROYAL. YOU WiLL FIND UV .(X)IS ANIi NOTIONS of every 1.r:pt on. QUALITY, flrat-clrsn ; PRIC1-X, tl.e u,, r'Os.-n:ilc. 13 HATS! HATS!! IlATSf!! rry fyw I'r ces. SHOES! . n i- mouse stock SHOE is the cheapest and VUDWAliE! Everything H rec ivea. Tim !.& H. Scov.l lb has never yet ueen surpassed oy me invent on uf n,, Woik iecoms a pleasure whe i using uch an implement. IGUU1S! Read, come and 20 bar: els of N t'.op t:ula Mia--ses aim ivv irrieuun ojrrujj, 100 barrets of Flour (or all gr.'des), 1,000 biifhels of Prime White Corn, 10,000 pounds of Jr Salted Sides. ives but a fa nt for yourselves, The above gives Come in and see W. R. KING & CO. We take this means of, saying to our friends all over the country that we are still at our OLD STAND, on Wall Street, offering In the Ine of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Always give u a call when jrou come to town, whether you wish to buy or not. . Resp'M Remember that we cannot nil cur goods are at the lowest g ATTENTION ! Come to Shakes, Lemonade and Ice C earn Clinton IN NEW I have moved this week into street, nearly opposite the Caucasian Printing Office, where I will be pleased to serve the general public as in the past. It is unnecessary to tell you anything or my own make of Harness, for they always speak for their own merits when used. In addition I always keep a and Harness, which I will sell Also the cheapest and largest assortment of Whips to be found anywhere. "When you come to town bo sure tccall in and see for yourself. Respectfully, - March 8tb, 1889. 3m MEW AT J. NEW CLOTHING, SHOrES, DRY-GOODS AND HARDWARE. Es" une lot or Calicoes at o cents per yard, "ft Spring Goods will be cominy inconstantlv. Cash nmtmnpr. would do well to call in and examine stock before buying else- wnere. Respectfully, tJln NNEglORSTrlAT XnfeS A Smut 31 JVsCs Sold bydruggistS rBLKS IHK POWDESS-t KlmM Colors. FEEBLE8S 8H0S 1KD HARSKSDEESSISo! K IM B AilB R SHOP. When i ou wish an easy shave, As good as barber ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon Al.u.orning, eve or uoon; I cut and dres the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen , And everything I think you'll find ; To suit the face and please the mind, And all ray art and skill can do -If you just call, I'll do fpr you. PAUL BIIEUARD, The Clinton Barber. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ATTIB BRIG O F I Hats of Kin Wil, of Cotton, of Straw all the late styiwtt fr m.-ii, women and children. gSS" HEM EM BE U, M V most i-opular ev;r sold In this market in thi lin that you can imagine. A new Invoice of Stovs jM make them H-imlfer and be wtser and happier : idea of tbe tremendous ftock of goods which I have Just rfvirt. hen my clever salesmen will take pleasure in serving you Kespecuuuy, J, ;0: fully, SET 1ST m off sr specialties as some do, for possible price. our i-tand for Soda Water, Milk Harness QUARTERS. my new quarters on Fayetteville good supply of Northern Saddles at the lowest possible margin. W. II. STETSON. Wbea I st Ctnre I do not taean inertly to stoji Ui-b fur s tins, and tlioa have theifl re turn ngara. I iiu A UAOKJAL CCiiti. ' i st maUd Uie disease of JcTTS, EPILPS? or I FAIXIla SICKKSS, A life-long study. I WAKRAjrr ray remedy t CDKK tlie worst casas. Ih cwase others liars failed is bo reason for not now rnceiwnc a care. S;ad at once for a treatise a ad a Frbk Kottui of nay Infallible UBMXUr. Gie Expess aad Fo.t OiUce. It costs you.nothlni fur a trial, and it will ear you. Addrees ' t H.C. ROOT, M.C IS3fDU!LST,ilcvTinK - . 7 Tho Original Wins. , C. V. Simmons. St. Ixniis, Prop'r al. A. Simmons L.hrcr Medicine. Ett'4 If . th u- s- Court osiTATS J. II.ZcUtntPsopr A.Q.mmes Li W "emulator, Est'U by Zcilia i8ta. W. A. S. t,. f. has for jfi tear ' i i rcred IvmossTioN, IhLioJsjsass, lTsrEPsuicaUtaASAca bost . AtTETiTE, Sova Stomach. Etc V Ksams, Pastor M. JL. Ctmrch, Adaras. Ten a., writes VI Ithmk I should aave bcea dead but for yew Genniae M. A. Sim moos Lhrer Medicine. IJist sometimes had to substitute 1 "Zeilin's staS" for your Medi cine, bat it doa't aisswcr tbm purpose." rtr l n f i vjii J.reP!Tcd Pcke of y out Liver lcdiciue, aad have used half of it. It wkslike a chana. I waat sa better Liwr RnrnWd. . j - r c more m cuis'i GOODS STOR E. KOYAL. PROFESSIONAL OOLUMX. T. J. LEU, DRUG GIST, !luin !Stroot OPPOSITE COURT IiousF ' Has been closely studying the eases of our domestic animal the past fifteen years, nn.l having completed, under the direction and supervision of the lnoht eminent Veterinary Surgeon In famuli., tt full course of reading ns reuirl at theeelebrfttel Ontario (Canada) Vet erinary College, would 1h plenslto giv his fellow countymen, FREE OF CHA1M1K, The best advice of wiik-h he h, .-a-pable as to the proper treatment oi all diseases of our domestic animals. ftaT" Mr. Lee always keejw at his Drugstore a full line of renusliw for the diseases of llnrsii. ruu KHogs and other domestic animals. ' April lltu, 1889. tf J A. STEVEN?-, M. D. ' ' Physician ixn Siutr:r.iv . (Office ver Post Offlt-e.) lOrMay be found at niirht t tu residence of J. If. Stevens on 8treet. l 7i rr A. M. LEE, M. D. PUYPICIAN,SlJnGEOS AND DeXTIsT. Office in Lee's Drug Store. Jo 7-1 yr HE. FAISON, Attorney and Counsei.l- on at Law. Office on Main Htret. will practice In courts ofSaummmsnd adjoining counties. Also in bupretue Coart. All business Intrusted to hi care will receive prompt and careful attention. Ie71vr EVV. KERR. Attorney and Counhkll or at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Dladen, Pender, Ilarnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme CVjurt. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business, je 7-lyr T71RANK BOYETTE, D.D.S. JU. UENTISTRY Office 'on Main Street.' Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Every thin; In the line of Dentistry done in tbe best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Je 7-lyr WS. THOMSON. Attorney and Counsell or at Law Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad Joining counties. Ever attentive and faithful to the interests or all clients. je 7-lyr STEWART, NICHOLSON & COOPER, Attorneys and Counselors t Law will practice in Sampson and adjoin Ing counties and in the Supreme Court of tbe State. All business en. trusted to us will receive prompt and faithful attention. Office over Stew art & limes' store. feb J tf Piao's Cure for Con umption la also tb best Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough without dlaeaas) of IM Langs, few doae ara all younesxl. But If you ne glect Uiia eay means of afely. tbe allgbl Coogb may oeoome a aeneoa matter, aad Mreral bet ties will be required. J 5 Paxrs lUsoedy for CMarrk k ths to Cse, as disss BsM bydranaas or soat by bmO, "ml js,T. ti nuns, warrea. ra. Careata, aad Trsdo-Ksrks obtained, ndsUr bostneaseoiidactadfor M odorato Kooa. - Our Offleo U Op posito U. S. Fatoat fleo. We has ao aaa-afeactta, an UgfZl direct, benos caa traosact patent bosiaess to" time aad at teat ewa thaa taoss reo t WssBiactoa. Send model, dxswisc ar abets.; wttb ft2 oa. Wi ad rise if psten table or.aoi. tr ebarca. Oar fee act tf ns till pstset h weajsd. A book, - How to Obtaia faba,H to accaal cueats ia Mac awe, cowrt I - f.i. A - Mm mi v r

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