THE CAUCASIAN. Entered according to I'oUl lan at Clinton, N. C, an aecoml matter. la mail ri.l.VTON', N. C, MAY .'V), 1H-S9, THE CAUCASIAN'S RECORD. IHCULATIOX: 1,472. One year It wuh lews than 800, During the hist 11 weeks we have mailed over 19,000 eoies. The Alt. Olivff one year old. Tel. t grain is At ti.e recent examination of applicants to practice medicine in thi.i Slate, threw iien!? ol t 'lined liceriMC. . The present outlook irf that the next Sew York Legislature will he Democratic. It would have been democratic for the lant ten years had it not been for a republican Gerrymander. The Sixth Annual neHlon of the North Carolina Teachern' Assembly will convene in the Teachers' Assembly Building, at Morehead City, on Tuesday, .'lino 18th, on Monday, July !.!, .'889. If a iien'Hpaper's statements of to-day can bo relied upon to in (Urate lit luturo course, we would judgn that the New York World was gradually drifting into the debris of Harrison's administration. "That is a wicked joke on Wannmaker to print his picture as the American eagle with a ten dollar suit on, the noble bird perched on i fourth-class post office and the legend affixed : 'A ten dollar suit and a pnatoflice to agents who sell Wanamaker's goods.' " -New Heine Journal. The amount of filth, slime, trash and crime that is daily i-couped up by the metropolitan press is something .appalling. The effects upon the minds and hearts of young reader? is bound to be deplorable and degenera ting. We are careful that such stuff shall not find its way into our columns. MMpr aU The Wilmington Messenger has made a "ten strike" by se curing the services the veteran, ripe and well equipped Kings bury upon its editorial staff The Messeuger was already dai ly growing more popular, and now, with the acquisition of the Nestor of North Carolina journalism, it will boom as no State paper has ever done be fore. The U. S. Government has bargained for one half of the Sioux Reservation, containing 22, 000,000 acres in North and South Dakota, from the Indians at $14,000,000. The New York "World in speaking of the reser vation sys: A barrier to civilization, the great reservation stands between the peo ple of the East and one of the richest mining sections of the country. Save here and there at the agencies no white man in seen on the land, unless it bo some traveler on his way to the Bluck Hills. One may travel for days in fact, without see ing an Indian, for the buffalo are gone and little gam j is left to at tiaet the red man from his tent. A Washington correspondent s.vy s : "The Civil Service Commission has changed its rules by providing that hereafter the list of eligibles to Appointment in the Government ser vice and their standing shall bo made public. The President today approved the change." It is to be hoped that this change will produce better re sults. No doubt much fraud has been practiced, first by al lowing the examination ques tions to leak out to favored can didate, and secondly by certify ing for appointment the names of those who had received a low er grade. The above rule will have a tendency to check the latter evil. The S3 moan Controversy has been so easily and promptly settled that the question will be aiked, Why were special com missioners needed for tho pur pose? If our ordinary Minister at Berlin was incompetent to perform a task apparently so trivial, why was he not super seded by a man properly, quali fied? Surely, three men in ad ditior to tUe resident envoy ivero not required to sustain th interests of this country in ii discussion of issues of no more importance than the control of a few coral islands in the mid dle of the Pacific. The Coin wtiiissioaers however, will be a blfc to-vigit the Paris Exposition at the public expense and perr Jiapa this was tjie real object contemplated, when their office was created. Once A Week. IC'oiitifAied f rom 1st !ge. in trust and confidence imposed j in the legislature. The old j constitution was founded on the j idea that the member cf tie; Jei-vlatur would be gentlemen I and wi-?e legislator., the present j that tliey will be dfflionert and j fools Thus the (Jeneral Afsein-1 bly is now trammeled and guard- i ed in all tort of wajv, to wit: : The election of the Governor is taken lrom the legislature audi is given to the people, the Gov-! ernor's salary is lixed by the con- stitution. lh bupretne Court joates, Chairman ; Ii. M. f'ru ji lias been made entirely indej en- ! per, M. M. Killett, W. II Thom- tlent, auu tne aupeuor court subject only as to jurtulKtioii. Legislature can Fpoud only ar tr it hasgi tten it and then not on lis members. . Can't now levy (axes :iriicu debt without yeas and riayr.beini put on record. Can't embark in new enterprises on the State's credit without a vote of the people. Uy provision in regard to tax ation the poor are protected from the rich and vico versa. In referring to the new provi sion in the constitution provid ing for the education of inebri ates and the Doctor took occasion to get in a very fo:cJble temperance lecture t a few minutes. The causes for these radical changes in organic law, he gave as follows : 1st. Universal suffrage. 2d. The obse vatiou of groat legislative frauds and corrup tion in other States Though no charge of pecuniary corruption was ever made against any uir tn ber f a North Carolina Legis lature before 18G8, yet legisla tive log-rolling has always pre vailed. The doctor pointed out as two very objcctional featu es in our present co:ititut:on: Filet The power of impeachment by a mere majority of the House and of delay ot trial by will of a majority of the Senate, and second the facility of amending the constitutor!. Iv a vote of 37 members of the House and 16 members of the Senate an amendment can be put to a pop ular vote. The conclusion of the address pointed out the dangers that arie from the conflict of labor and capital and other great mod- j ern nvils. Tf clian.res nr as frrent. I for the next 100 years as for the last, theie is no telling where j we will land. The young men i of to-day must piovide against j these dangers. Dr. Battle then in a vorv elo- Ingold, No.iioo, J. W. Lireen, See . . re: ary; jiostoffice, Ingold. quent and forcible appeal called : Cross Hoods, No. 4K4, John Ho-n, upon the young mea to show : 'Sforctary; posloUic, IIive. themselves wor.hyof th '"'"' trust which God had put upon I South lliver, No. 831, S. Ii. Page, them. ! Secretary;postoffice, Haw ley s 8to"e. rm . . , . Cedar Hill, No. 830, Fountain Ihis synopsis, embracing most Jackson, Secretary; postoffice, Haw of the points dwelled on, will ! ley's Store. give The Caucasian's readers ' I some idea of the able address, but even those who were for-! x x , , , ,t ! tunate enough to hear it, wJl have to see it in f u'l in print, ! read, re-read and study it, to ; fully appreciate its scope and j contents. On the other hand j i t , j those who may read lae address, but did not hear it, will losa the I t. (iilead, No. 873, V. II. Hack Doctor's felicitous style of de- j rety; v7 clillTt0LV . I voslien, No. 4 10, Sut- Iivery and the many sallies of : ton, Secretaij ; postoffice, Hobton. wit and humor and appropriate I stories about the men and times of the first centu:y of our State that so enlivened and simplified the whole add res.? to such an extent that even the children were interested in so mature a ! subject. We know of nothing that could awaken more interest in the student of History and givej him a desire to know more of j our government and constitution than this address and if it is ever published we hope the teachers of this county at least will use it for that purpose. The Superintendent of Public In struction of tho county, who heard the address, concuis with us in this opinion. We hope to be able to publish it, in our col umns some time toward the lat ter part of June. The county commissioners of Wake county have brought ac lion against, the Raleigh & Gai ton It. I?, to collect taxes on property lying in the .comity. Col. Hinsdale, the attorney for the road, admits that according toaSuprena Court decision of 1883 the company is liable to pay taxes on solvent credits, but under the Revenue Act they are exempt because the compa ny's bonded debt is large:- than its solvent credits. As to the Hodge suit against the 40 com panies for not making annual reports of the receipts and ex peaditures according to statute, they say they have never been furnished with blanks nor noti fied lo make to make sucli re ports. Is it posiible that there has .been an understanding be tween the railroads and our gtate pflicers? ' Alliance Dqartment. OlifJANlZATION. President Marion Butler; Vice-President K. Rich ; Secretary J. I. Kzr.oll; Treasurer S. A. Howard; liusine Agent A. ' iui. Lecturer N II. IVnn dl; Chaplain J. (). Tew; Sergeant-at-Arms .'. II. Jer nigan; Iorkeeper--(;harllo pier; Crum j :xecutiv Conunif tee-J. A. i as, W. K. I'igford. i Counnittee on the Good if the j Onler J. ... Gates, ii. S. IVter- ; Hon, C. II. Johnson. j Query Committee u J. Craddock, M. M. Killett, Abr.un Hobbs. Co. Organizer Isham Royal. tejyjTiiK Ca i:c asiax was adopt ed as the official organ of the Coun ty Alliances by ilieCounty Alliance, January VJth.j&g A Powerful Organization. Col. L. L. Polk remarked to day that s .me people have an idea that the Farmer.-.' Alliance is not a powerful organization and its business affairs import ant. To show what it really is he cited the case of the lively contest for the location of the State Alliance Exchange in Ala bama. Four cites competed but RirmingLaui got the prize. That place gave money and oth er property to the val'ie of 100,000. flie re will later b a State Exchange in North Caro lina, on equally as large a scale. The Alliance is becoming a grand affair, and 85,000 or 00, 000 members in this Stale wield a tremendous influence, partic ularly because of heir organi zation, and the way ii. winch they pull together. It is re markable to ub rve llie rapidi ty with which iihws flies among Alliance people. The grape vine telegraph couldn't be quick er. Raleigh Co . Wilmington Messenger. DIRKCTOitY OF Sl l Holliday, N. ALLIANCES. Jay. M. Snell. Secretary; postofflce, Clinton Progress, No. , .Miss t allie D. Itoyal, Secretary; po-t ifliee, Clinton. Hope Well, No. 070. D.C. MePhail, Sec'y; postollice, lie.onan's X Itoad. ( WIlltftOnK- l :.V:i .T It I'irLnr Secretary; postoilicc, Clii.ton. ' 1J i0: " il- tary; postolfice, Delta. Keddiek, No. 1,120, JI. J. Hiven bark.Seeretary; postoflice, Magnolia. Laurel Hill, No. 58:5, M. M. Kil lett, Secretary; postoffice, Clinton. Ttve's Britl-'o. No. .rS2. 1). V. Tpm-. Sec'y; postoffice, Beaman's X Hoads. iveener'f, Jo. ovs, ii. w . High smith, Secretary; postoffice, Keener. s r 22 J, Secretary; tostonict, Ulackman's Mill. browning's No. 581, J. F. Hol- bngsworth, Secretary; postoffice, Dobbersvilie. Mingo Academy, No. 229, H. M. "n' Secrctar ltofiice, Giles' IUuif, No. 577, W. J. Craddock, 'cretary; postoffice, Hobton. Six Huns, No. 920, John W. Mc- Calop, Secretary; ,ostofli6e. Clinton. - New Hope, No. 8oG, W. F. nines, oecieiary; postoruce, Warsaw. Kings, No. (7i), Henry Herring, Secretary; postolike, Clinton. Piney Grove, No. G17, W.I.Lane, Secretary; postoflice, Faison. Deulah, No. 030, J. Moore, Sec rotary; postoflice, Warsaw. I T 1 1 r ." . " IT ' IV Tl.-ii .mion.. ,.,,.,.... .-;. .... ' Ked IITI, No. !)io, John J. Vnni;, btvretary; rotoffice, Purdom, No. 832, I). WAVilliams, SecreUuy; postoilu'e, Di.-suia!. Miiio, No 3-34, 11. M. Jernigan, Secretary; postoflice, Oiles' Mill. Andrew Chapel, No. 519, ii. It. Owen, Secretary; postoflice, Mait land. Poplar Grove, No. (51(5, I.. M. Lew ia, Secretary; postoihYe, Faison. Hall's, No. HI 8, T. W. ISarbrey, Secretary; postoflice, ilobton. Uoykin's, No. 015, L. ,'. Spell, Secretary; postoflice, Di vnal. Uland, No. S72 M.J. Moore, Sec retary; postoffice, Uland. Clinton, No. 570, i?. Peterson, Secretary; postoffice, Clinton. Oak Pudge, No. 329, 11. L. Lewis, Secretary; postoffice, Clinton. Eureka, No. 328, E. H. Howard, Secretary; postoflice, Hayne. Salem, No. GOO, S. A. Howard, Secretary; postoffice, Huntley Spring Hill, No. 355, J. C. Draugh on, Secretary; postoffice, Mingo. Snow Hill, No. 1,332, A. It. Her ring, Secretary; postoffice, Taylor's Bridge. Coharie, No. 654, W. S. Lawhorn, Secretary; postoffice, Maitland. Straw Panel, No. 580, B. Z. Black man, Secretary; postoffice, Bass. Newton Grove, No. 357, James Rouse, Secretary; postoflice, New ton Grove. Franklin, No. 74S, J. B. Seavey, Secretary; postoffice, Harrell's Store. Hickory Grove, No. 1,029, D. L. aicLamb, Secretary; postoflice, Bea man's X Koads, Lisbon, No. 871, Cora Bronson, Secretarv; postofflce, Lisbon. Evergreen, No. 1,510, A. C. Cash well, Secretary; postoffice, Tngold. .Clear Ilun, No , W. Lee Rob inson, Secretary; postoffice, Clear Run. - Woodland, No. 1,486, O. P. James, Secretary; postoffice, Way Cross. Mr. II. M. McDonald, of LaG range, N, C., says: "Dr. Boykin's 'Worm Killer' brought over 100 worms from one child in his neighborhood, and that it gives universal satisfaction." He sells more of it than all other worm medicine. NEW A D VERTISEMEN fS. Atlantic Coast I inc. WILMINGTON i 'dlim . B.usJ grucles. Coudonuocl 3oIiociuiu THAINS UU1M; UL'TiI. '17. No. 41 OA I kl May 5. VO. No. 25 Iai!y. IaJy. Su-uay. Lv U M :i. VI 40 Ji in j 43 m 'J Waiu Ar -.KKV Alt. I 1 Ar T;..W.r. I.V i U.l ). It- -j i Ar wT-Vi." - 1 bv i:-i-:i. 1 Z Ar i-ch.iii. Z in ' Ar l av t '" Lvt;ojdbr. '6 2 Lv Van:t 4 Lv M;u iio;a, 4 30 ArWi'.mint'ii i 00 V- : S4 !l i 4 pin K .! mu y 4o J j. 11 3o tkmns i.oinc; -Mitni. No 11. Daily. No. TS. Daily. N. hU. ox Sunda . LvWiimioi'r. 12 05am y ('0:nn 4 i0i.m Lv ilanolia, 121" 10 43 5 40 Lv Warttaw 10 57 5 .ro ' r (JoUdjoro, 2 2 1152" 653 Lv lifct'evilli Ar .Sclina Ar WiNmi ( ;o 11 00 12 10 Lv U'ilsou 3 0J Ar Koeky Mt. Ar Tai bon. 12 4ci)m 7 52..m 1 20 ' S 20 " Lv Tarhoro 10 20 :mi Ar WehLn 4 30 2 40 pm 0 40 " Daily except Sunday. T'-aiu on Scotland Nuck IJiaiah leaves IJalilax for Scotland Netk 2 30 p in; r tuniiu'' leaves Scotltud Neck 8 20 a in. daily except Suudar. TiHiu leaves Tarboro, A. C, via AltMinailo A: Maleih railroad, dail fcxeept Sunday, 505 p. in., Sunday 3 17 p. in., arrive Willianistou, N. C, 7 2J p. in., 4 55 p. in. Uolurniug l-avc Williamslon, daiiy except Sunday, 7 10 ii. m., Sunday 9 50 a. in., arrive Tar bio, 9 15 a. in., 1 1 30 a. ni., Traiu on Midland, N. C, branch leayes tioldsboro, daily except Sunday, 0 00 a. m. arrive Smiililield. 7 30 a n. Returning "eaves Sniithfield, 8 00 a. in., arrive (ioldbboro, 9 30 a. in., Tram on Nashville branch loa llocliy Mt, at 3 00 p. in., arrives 2-oli vine o 10 p. ni., Spring Ilipo 4 15 ,.. m. ltettiining leaves Spring Iloe lb 00 a. in., Nashville 10 33 a. in., K ck Mount 11 15 a. nr, daily, ixc-p"t Sunday. Train on Clinton l.iancii leayes W;naw lor Clinton, daily, exc pt Sunday, 0 0 . p. ni., and at 11 10 a in Ketui 111:14 leave ilinton at s 20 a in ant 3 l:i p m. eoniRCthi at Wr.iavv with 1, and 40, '2i ai,d 7e SoaliiUound train u tVdsou & Fav eUeville liraneli is Xo, .51, NoriL bound Ui No, 50, D.ily f.xe.ept oua.lay Train No 27, Sjii'Ji, wni suop oal v at WiLsoe Irolils'ioi'o and Man.dia Tram o 76 makes el. .se coi.ncti ;. at Weld )ii for all points North, d All tail viallicnimmil. an 1 daily, except Sunday via Bay Ii.i Trains make close conm-cuv lor ah points north via Ll chmon 1 an- Wash ing tun All trams ma sV.i.l bouVi:i W'ihnia lon v asliiiit m, a;i 1 liivo -?alni 111 I'ahioe Sleepvr atLa.Si id JUIIX F DIVINE, Gcl Supi. J It KENLV, Sup'i Trans, 'i' si'. w.-.i'l r.i-i.s Aeal. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL fljm HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as RHk. So dlgntsd that it can be taken, digested, and assimilated by the most sensitive stomach, when tha plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by the com bination off the oil with the hypophoa phltes la much more e flic actons. Ecmarkable as a f esh producer. Persons gala rapidly while tatlng it SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for the relibf and cure of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES. EMACIATION. COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for (hnsumptian, and Watting in Children. Sold Druggists. FlNEL0RSTrJAT nTirMUT IorFade ONLY SOLD BYDRUGGISTS PEERLESS BBOITZE P1I!TS rlAm W. T. WIIilJAMSONY. BUGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IS NEW QUARTERS ON FAYETTEYILLE ST. Round Shaves, Hacks aad all Edge Tools made, and Repaiiing done on short notice. Respectfully, mch2S-3m W.T. WILLIAMSON. WILL YOU fcUFFEK with Dyspep t1Afl,?d Llvec Complaint? iShilolfs Vitahzer 18 cruarauteed to cure you K. II. Holliday, Druggist, Clinton. TIIAT HACKING COUGII can be so quickly cure d by Shiloh'a Cure. VTi guarantee it. For sale by R. H. HoLLie dav, Druggist, Clinton, N. C. I lite rit the Sign TEW ! s Do you love your money? LOW They have just received another lot of that e-oni TilliAnno. aiiythjn ever put on this market. eiri ve you facial bargains in Calico.-., Worsted , an J straw Wat-. The bol Broan Shoe ever bought for 81.25; Ladie,.' Fju.. Sh. from 8t p. . ;bsnv.i".-, C.o-ke y and Hardware at reduced prices, Croceriea a specialty. Examine our stock bf,.re buying elsewhere. A FEW QU JCSTIONS A SK E 1 II Y A FA Ii M E ll'S W F K. Johr, who buys Ch'ckans. Esrrs and ml .,iai,i 1-.,,, .....i .,...1 i -i .. . , - , ' lu Uttc, iiuu pivs iuo Highest prices lor ali ' he farmer answnr.-, if he juds The Caucasian, MOliUS A i.a.n.j, mm m.isi patronize Every one v ould do well to KW A D V ERT IS EM E NTS. NOTI'JE. HAYING QUALIFIED AS Administrator of H. S. Spivey, deceased, the undersigned I ereoy notifies all persons holdinx olai-n? agaiiii-t the estate of the said II. S.Snivey to present them on or before the 2oth day of April, 1890, or thi.-. notice will be plead in bar of their recovery ; and all persons in debted to said estate are requested lo make immediate payment. TIIOS. COOPER, Adm'r. h'FKWART, mt'HOIjRON & COOPEU, April 24th, 89.-tf Alt'ys. JtH. BY VHITUK OF A DECREE of the Super or Court of Sampson County, rendered in the case of C. and G. Cooper fc Co., against T. J. Blackburn fc Co., at the December term, 1888, the uu-1 dersigned will sell f:r cash, at the courthouse 'loor in Clinton, N. C, on Monday, the 3rd day of June, 1889, one 15 horse power steam saw mill, with saw, engine, and all ap pertenances. For full description of which reference 5k mado to mortgago deed executed by J. A. and A. M. Blackburn to C. and G. Cooper & Co., and registered in book OS, pages 116 and 117 of of Record of Mortgages in Sampson county. Said mill is in excellent condition, is now located near Clinton and w ill cut from three to nve tnousand leet or lumber per day. Also, at same tune and place, and by virtue of same decree, the undersigned will sell, for cah, a tract of land in Lisbon township, containing one hundred acres, ad josningthe lands J. C.Wright and others, conveyed to C. & G. Cooper & Co., by A.M. Blackburn by morta gae deed, registered in book (IS page 115 of Record of Mortgages of Samp son county, to which reference i? made for further description . F. It. COPER, iuy8 4t Commissioner. D. K. WATSOX. A. F. PhTKKSOX. WATSON & PTEfiS0H- New Firm ! LOW PRICES! 6ooi Qdalityi What belter do ycu want ? If so come in and we will sell ami show you something better still. A full line of Family Groceries ! - JB-Pure Up-Country Corn Whis key a specialty. Opposite Courthouse Come In ! Respect fully, WATSON & PETERSON. Mrs. A. E. Mubphy. Owner and Proprietress. The Murphy House is central ly located, vfith largo, com for- table rooms and attentive t-er vantf. FAKE, FIRST CLASS. FREE TBANSrORTATrON FROM DEPOT. "lAMFIiE ROOMS FOB OOAtilKKCTI. TRAVELERS. JSsSThe TraYelin public are respectfully invited to stop at the MURPHY HOUSE. DineriOTtoanSMhitei tanrtATH Fr mUb Light, PrltVV H Dl-estlbl Blscslts, BnaSTte imse, nee, aicpi, naaiss. piiii iwwnrh. ma. FOR DTSFEF8IA Use Brewa'a Irosi Blttcra. rhyslciana recommend it. All dealers keep it. $1.00 per bottle. Gennlne hat trade-mark and croesed red linea on wrapper. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. of the Do you want ood cheap? If m l(K)l) CS(K)DSand AVE PRIC ES ! Such Price were never known hef. 10. - -' "fs J '.v. iiitfia, si we must, J ihu follow their example. M. E. HOBBB W. R. KING & Co. We take til S lllPJlll. of snvino f.i lint ft'iiinlj oil .rkt 4 country that we are still at our offering its '.J 'A 7CJ ill J XJ XJ In the Line of f.KXKUAL MKUCHANDISE. Always Kiv u eall when yon come to town, whether you wish to buy or not. IJesjiecl fully. Keinember that we eai.not all ;.ur trtv-.rl.-4 are at the Invest ATTENTION! Come t bhalies. Lemonade and Ice C e Clinton IN NSW QUARTERS. T have moved this week into my new quarters on I dyetteville blreet, nea-ly opposite the Caucasian Printing Office, where I will be pleased to serve the general public as in the past It is unnecessary to tell you anything or my own make of Harness for they always speak for their own merits when used in addition I always keep a good supply of Northern Saddles nrnT' whlchJ1vvi11 sel1 at the lowest possible margin. Also the cheapest and largest assortment of Whips to ;o found J"-'""- nun you uoiiw to town 00 sure tccall iu and for yourself. Resnectfiillv. Marc st 18s9.-3, At My Mew Stand! Move (I To s (NKXT DOOR TO IIANSTE1NS, OS WALL STREET FORM FR LY OCCUPIED BY W. II. 8TJ5TSOV0 OKMLR" I l ave nu ved to a larger stoio so that 1 can carry a Larger and Fuller Stock of General Merchandise To meet the demands of my greatly increasing trade. NET Q uDS COMING IN DAILY '1-1. . . . 1 ., . 1 '1 M.otto j !,, Lowest Possible Margin," which "i' !Ilue. win De strictly observed in the future ho pure to call in before. buying. Rei)ectfully, T. M. FERRET ." Headquarters ! ?o: I have just been to New York, Headquarters for Style, and Baiga ns, where I bought a full line of all the LEADING DRESS GOODS AND From a plain substantial dres Hats, Shoes and S11 ted for the opxiuf- ana c- : . kopt iu a A nice line of SUMMER COATS xiorse coiiarn, Hackbands, Trace? and otlier Faime s Sm,miPS In addition to the above, as mv rnsfnmnta r.ii 1 full line of the best ' FAMjLY groceries. atn'i17 nofhinf? firt4t-clasS at the lowest possible mare-in. o Respectfully March 8th, 1889. tf H ACKLE Y. Bis: Shoe. c.ill on HOIIIW A Ml . fr Th- lr. ,. ,1 .in., vi'iii, .nm 1 r ti-, ,11111 7 liilO , a ami they uive the bigirest & BilO. .0:- OLD STAND, on Wall Street, ' 7n: a ok y: vf rt V3C -iltVr spcialtie?, n.s some do, for po. - . - i!l, price. Kami for Soda Water, Milk t:rii Harness 'S 3 see W- 1 : STETSON. mil. to an elegant suit for ladies Piece Goods, summer irjide and everything r, . mm f aND VESTS. - w AU " 1 ,arry a substantial goods, which I sell 1 NOHET torday.MarcIi w TRIMMINGS. PROFESSIONAL COI.r M PiiYf-itn.w.Si'Wjr.os am ivA. V. STKVKN M. i. lnv.:r; , m i: ahSrMA.v " fmnl t tih-r-id:M of J. II.Sievt: .:! i 1 TMiANK r.oYET i i , pK.vris.ruv Oftic.' on .Main tr ; 0;T. n hi vrvu-in . tii CtiuttMi ini't vK'iaHy. ! iu lh lino f iH'Siti.! ry .. nt f'vlo. H M-ii:c; !.; , IL Ai F. iso. , rr uvi:v am. . t . ou At Lam. Olihv n M.-.i.s will practiivlu courts i -viu.( -.. Adjoining tun'.ic. in suj , Co art. Ail bu.hoi intru-ti-,1 t , care will rvtvive prompt an.l 1.1, Attention. U- 7 : f WMCEUli. Ji. ATlOKNtY AMi (u 01: at Lav. OnVe o;t Wall?-,.-,-:. Will ir;u tiitj in Sumj IVmlor, Hitnu'lt ami Ji!!iii r.-urt! lie. A1m in Supremo ('mni. Prompt (H'rsonal ntteuttoii . i;: ; jjlvcn to uil v ltuiius. j. 7-1 1 7' S. TIIOMSC VV ArrOKNKY A N. k: at Law. tlflUv over I'o-t iiH , . Will practice in SampMnj ;ml ;,,. Joining counties. Kver utt. is;.,. and l'.iltht'ul to the Intnt -t ot ii client. j.- 7-i ; qTeWARTT N H'ilOLSt )N O COOPER, Attorneys and Counsel ors t 1 .1 w will practice in Sampson aixl a. I j. , . ing counties ami iu the Supi Court of tho State. All liu-ine-- . , trusted t us will net ivepiom;.! t,, i faithful attciktio:;. (Mlhv i.vcii, art A limes' More. 1'. h 1 ;r ASK FORTr! THE SELF-THREADING In it are com bined the fin est mechanic al skill, the most useful and practical elements, and all known ad vantages that make a sew. ing machine desirable to sell or use. ELDREDCE MFC. CO. reiory a&l Wfcoleula CSce, BiM&ers, HL S iratmth Art., Chicago. Jtroswl Street. Ifrvr York, When I gay Crr.B I d. tiot men, t Plop tiicm for time, aii'l fii.-n li.-vo tin Ti-. turn BRarn. I mkan A It.VKKJAL LL1: . I have made Uic Jii,o:;ao cl FITS, EPILEPSY r-r FALLING SICKIiEKC, A llfe-lonir rtudy. I wa iota nt i iv vm.i i . CUUIS the worm chhc:. Ilr .hu.t- ni,r r I. . . failed la no reason for not uiv rcc i - n in. . Send at once for Atrcntioe amla 1- ;:..7,.iru of my Infallible Hcmruv. liivo i and Tost Ollico. It cru yut j..i Inn i t a trial, and it will euro you. Adurrea " H. C. ROOT, M.C., I S3 Pearl Sr., K'? ,,r t Tho O; Isina! Wine. ,CI.Sin'n"" St. l.:-..i Ti. j -r Ji. A. timnifins I.ivi r Mi u. . ,-. i'). in ll-.c L. l ;., ,rAI,; I K.3. wflil liac- Ik i'r y-n r (.juikm .!. 1 r Cs. ."wis iivtr .ici;i..:ic. I l',orf: I "Zeilin's li.ia' SI..,i I taunts! fine, hvt it a-n't 'ansv.if i;. T "''".''fin;!, Trnn. r . I I 'fcrividt. j-acUr.;:o ;.f youi I.... 1 v ..donc,and ht.-c vscd hali..l .t S U warkshUc a cl&rni. I wai.t : , 'I I tUtr I-iver i:. -!;!:,!, r a...l r r P, I V Piso'g Cure for Con sumption is alao tho beU Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough without disease of tlio Lungs, a few dosos are all you need. But if you ne glect this easy moans of safety, the slight Cough may becomo a aerious matter, and several bot tles will be required. Beat, Eaaleat to Ce, cod CheapsaC BgAirAlsllrJIHI 811 br dru fit nr ntmt 1. - - -" WUXBUTTOK raTOBITa oering rnacnine With drop leaf, faney reover, two lane drawers, with nickel rlns. and a full sat of Attacbmanta. sooal to any Singer Machine sold for aVK . w.' trial in your borne, before payments aakad. Bar direct of tha Muofumren. and uts ProOta. basldea setilna; eartlOcataa of war WttM for Uuaa yaara. tiad for testimonials to CO-OPEEiTIYE SEWHa MiCHHE CoC South iith Stsmt. phiuldixfhuu tji " - - kVWX FAT THE TSUEIQUT.I Neuralgic Persons And those troubled -ith nerroasoeaa resnltlna; trom cara or overwork will be relieved by taking Brown's Iron Bitters. Genuine hat trade xwkas4 crossed red Uncaoo mrappiu P 1 i Oc'.ri J,v, l:iii Vs-..f. . I vK. I'vsrrrsiA.Sic-K hp, I.., ,Trv T, V- l-tor S.I. ' . V ft K li'iirh, A!.itrr ,T. r.n.. v.ri-.. : i i

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