II , hk Caucasian. ; i;,'r:'or 1 j ! iclor. . v- tt'ivf yu a m-.itly , :, ., ..:'-!' n ''ir ! . , .. AM) WITH NKW TVI'K. ' how your appreciation by .i . no -i!-cri')cr-. j A 1V r-Cttf, PWting U W and Xew JM, TSrp hve tn d.!M to our Jol Office, nd ran now do work to ult vcn the mnt f ti.U"ou. (il In tut m umH of tb work c hav tlono In th lut ffv day. tejrAtvrrtl!if rte made known on appHcktkm. C AU G ASIAN H Xv.r-o Domocrncy nucl W Xxito Supromaoy VOL. VII. CLINTON, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1889. No. 34. KMTOiiS CHAIR. EPISCOPAL COlM'IL. A N I P I N S' AI urging only one kindof a-jjIOX. (t. SAXDEltLIX i merit, lie suggested that it he j the Annual (,o:mciI ol the j ba-rl upon the expanses or each Diocese of !'at Carolina met iri':ari-h. hi:ht dav. i i.i- tl: jjjmiori of The Caucasian and Opinion of others which we ,m Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. St. -laiiic-' Chun mi the ITJnd nit., hi '.. The Council I. eached by the 11 i i r II, H lllillliglOIl, an 1 heM three- rmoTwa v Thomas Cilltlp I J 'I I -tl i -1 1 T () if mg men should not be ,-t i to lto from home to tin- i diie:itb n to lit them he higher professional and .... ii. r up 1 I llf Callings OI IUU, U.I111 ,;ir I'm' verity should be so fos , ivd hy the State as to put it , i nil equal plane with the best I,e land. It has rendered mi..1 M i-viro to Nortli Carolina mil -lied lustre upon her. Wil. -1 r We iii'inii heard a. citizen of Cl iiton a feu days since, why immigration could not 1 South, and especially lortion of North Caro lina we would iej)ly I e lu I il"V ni:i' ni l hem tli de i urn t t till- p lina. I'o tint if siid citizen thinks that iiii:ni.:r.itiou will solve the pro Imc ii !' "bread wiuuiii ;'' for us that Li 's -ad ly mistaken. It is !i:! nmr.' peojde that we need hit nnrc enterprises andmanu t'.'.ci ind'ist iiis; and this we cm ii'Vuiiiplish ourselves wi th tl..- proper spirit of enterprise ami c operation. It is true we h.ivi -n't the lnuifiise wealth of N.nthc i, millionaires, but they tret their ealth? o it, and nine-tenths ough manuracturi nir. .lust so we can do, commence small establishments and let them g adually swell themselves with their growing profits. Tin-re is enough idle labor in Sampson county to-day to run a half dozen large factories, and there in enough capital that could be spread and saved if a large number would combine to star I such enterprises, or at least to do encughto induce outside ea.D'ta1 to invest. Shall we live the next ten years just as we are barely making both ends meet or shall we start a great indus trial revolution in this section by inaugurating such enterpri ses? Kithe- result can be real ized at the end of a decade. Which will we accept ? Atkinson, of Fayetteville, a grandson of the late Rev. IJishop Atkinson. In the afternoon session the committee on the will of Miss Smith reported that the matter had been submitted to the courts and their decision gave one half of the bequest to this Diocese, this half being estima ted at ir.,00). At night services were held in St. .lames' Chu ch and a sermon was preached by the Rev. J. M Hillya", of Goldsboro. Si: o.l JiAY, In the morning the P.ishop read his address and report of his work for the year just past, the report demonstrated -that the Bishop had labo ed faith fully. His work would have been almost unremitting had he not suffered from two severe at tacks of sickness, which pre vented him from accomplishing as much as he had wished. This report was very interesting. Th following is a summary of Ins year s work: Public services held, sermons and addres- i-es, no: ceieurauons oi Jioiy Eucharist, o(Jj baptisms, 10; con firmations, 207; ordination, 3; consecrations of -chapels, 1; lay readers licensed, 38 The l.ishop closed hid report by reference to the admirable work performed in this city by the Sisterhood of the Good Shepherd at St. James' Home Remaining in the city several days afte.- the close of theCouu cil, thiswiiter had the pleasure ... -ii-i. of visiting tins nomoana listen ing to the singing and recita tions of the children. Consid erintr tho aires and the lack of advantages in their home life, the singing and responses to the catachism and answers to cpies tiorjs on subjects of use in prac tical every day life, were ad mi rq.ble. These Sisters are, in an DKMVKRS A HUHiHT, WIT TY, HUMOROUS AND KM IM'.NTLY INSTRUC TIVE ADDRESS. A Large Crowd and Enjoyable Oc casion, in Spite of Inclement Weather. SUBJECT:-A PLEA TO TO ADOPT FARMING FESSION. YOUNG MEN AS A PRO- Tlie Farm the irat Antidote. Common sense ! What is it? Who can define it ? Who can put the label on the genuine ar ticle? His Honor Judge Shipp probably hit the nail on the head, in a ct.rtaiu sense, with a new and i;ovel idea of this ar ticle at the last term of the Suncrior Court of Sampson. lie t defined common sense as the average sense or opinion of an indefinite number of individu als on any yiveu question. That is, tace the opinion of ten or one hundred men on some topic with which they are familiar and the general thread of their opinions would be the common sense view. But is there no such thing as individ al common sense? Or will an individual ho said to have com mon seme when his opinion will coincide with the average of the oil . hk TV oonuons oi ine uianv : uoes Ilrother JJaily une the term in this sense in his editorial of last week, "The Lord well Labors. It is not very creditable to the farmers of Western North Carolina that one merchant in Ilfiidersonville has imported from the West 5,000 bushels of com this year and? will import 10,000 bushels moie before au tumn. If there had been a crop failure in the section into which this Western com has bean ship ped there would have teen some good excuse for this; but in a land where corn grows well, and whe.e abundant ciops can be raised if planted, there is no well grounded reason for it. The farmer in North Caro lina who expects to prosper and get upon an independent foot ing with his granary and meat house in tlie West will find him self mistaken, if he lives to the age of Methuselah. Wil. Star. humble way, doing a wonderfu amount of useful work a work whose influence for good no only benefits the children them selves but extends to the homes where these children belong After addressing the children in words intended for their encour agement and the encouragement of the Sisters who had taught them so well and so devotedly, I was shown specimens of carv ing done by the little bys, and of drawing ant1, sewing done by the girls. The children are also taught how to cook. I was told that as many as 120 children had attended this institution at one time. I shall ever remem ber with pleasure the conversa tion 1 had with Sister Cecilia, who was in charge of this Home. Mr. S. S- Nash, commissioner from the Diocese of North Car olina, addressed the Council on the subject of appropriating a portion of the legacy received bv this Diocese under the will and from the estate of Miss Smith, to the support of a Rec tor at the University ot iNonii Carolina. He also, m the name of his Diocese, invited the next Council of East Carolina to join that of North Carolina in cele brating the centennial of the organization of the first Conven tion of churchmen in Nortli Carolina, to be held In Calvarj Church, Tarboro, next May. B5 resolution the Council cheerfully accepted the invita tion of the Council of North Carolina to unite with them in the centennial services to be held at Taiborough. They also fixed the 14th day of May, 1890, as the day of the next annual meeting of the Council, and Greenville, in Pitt county, as the place. They respectfully declined to accede to the request of theDi w-cese of North Carolina to make an annual appropriation for the support of a Rector at Chapel Hill. By resolution the securities and monies received from the legacy of Miss Smith were ap plied to the increase of the Per manent Episcopal lund. THIRD DAY. On the morning of the third day an earnest and protracted debate sprang up in regard to the recommendation of the Fi hance Committee that there should he a capitation tax put UDon each communicant in the Diocese in order to raise the cur rent expenses of the Diocese which includes the Bishop's sal ary, &c. Col. Atkinson warmly support ed the capitation tax. Kev. Kobt. strange opposed the per capita tax and addressed the Council at length, earnestly Mai Hughes on no 2d the .-11b- j-titute offered by Mr. Strange as piiliiiitr a premium on ra-isnes ot to do their duty. Col. DeRosset moved to lay he whole matter on the table, which motion was passed. The chief feature of the af ternoon session was tue report of the committee appointed by he Council cf 1888 to report to this Council on the "Proposed changes in the Prayer Book." Justice cannot be done this admirable report without giving t in full. This, its length for bids us to do. In the main while accepting the changes a'ready made it discourages any further change unless the work of revi sion be submitted to "a confer ence of all the branches of the nglican Communion." For my art I dread the issae of this revision anu coum wish it were well through with. What with revising tne jjidic, revising tne rayer Book and revising the Hymnal, we have had quite enough of revision and many of us begin to long for a settled basis to rest 011. lUIDAY EVENING there was a service in St. James' and a sermon was preached by the Rev. J. W.Turner, Rectoi of St. Paul's church, of Clinton. On Saturday afternoon many of the Council, myself among the number, enjoyed an excur sion to uaroiina ueacn, in re sponse to an invitation tendered the Council by three of the city parishes. On Sunday morning St. Paul's church was consecrated, Bishop Watson preaching the sermon with usual vigor. Among those who took part in the services was the Hector from Clinton. On Tuesday I had a pleasant meet SUch a number ot the good .... v V "JlI . . visit to tne JJeacn oeyona tne DeoDie Gf Sampson. lie was i T: ,.t. . Ma rP -1 it i j QOUDiy TJieasou to i;uuib uu u.u occasion like this, for he had FKHHILAisoit VS. slave L.A- understood that Sampson lea 1JOIJ. tlio slfaft with fnnrtpfin such high schools, which like beacon 'nnared with VlSht staud nPon the moral and educational shores of a nation's nroress. The tendencies of hu- Bki.levoiii Hum School, Ora, N. C, May 31st. The closing exercises of Belle- voir Ilisrh School were held on Friday. The morning was dark and rainy, yet a large crowd braved the elements to hear the address by the orator of the day, who had made himself famous as a stump speaker, in the re cent State campaign. Mr. D. B. Nicholson, of the Clinton bar, the popular and efficient Read ing Clerk of the last two Sen ates, in a very timely and hap py manner introduced to the anxious audience, Hon. Geo. Wr. Sanderlin, Auditor of the State of North Carolina. Mr. Sander lin arose amid applause and in his most genial and appropriate introductory remarks put his audience and himself on the best of terms. He said that during the cam paign he was vtuable to come to this county and was happv to have the present opportunity to t immunities and blessings inj !sto-e for the honest faithful I land intelligent king of the soil j j to which the members of othe . professions are er tir slraiuei?. ot which the great bulk of the jYuiig men of to-day are blindly ! ignorant. A reporter interview ed a graduating class of thirty nine, at a Georgian college, as to the intended , professions of easn member, with tiieiouow-. result: 13 selected Law; 0 medicine; (J preaching; 4 mer chandising ; 3 teaching; 2 edi tors; 1 a mechanic; 1 a farmer. Only two of the entire class pre ferred to be producers; hence how important that we magnify the highjCalling of nature's no blemen, of those who produce something who increase the world's wealth. But the only trouble about this noble profession is that every body knows all about it except farmers themselves. Editors know all about farming. They can tell exactly when is the proper time for pumpkin pie trees to bloom and bear. Poli ticians know exactly what kind ofseed is suited to the various soils of each individual farmer just before election. College graduates give the poor farmer valued pointers and classic ad vice about how to check agri cultural decay in their com mencement orations; the preach er occasionally gives him amoek little homily from the pulpit on how to manage his business, and so on, with all the other so- OUR MAIL SKUVICR THE IMPORTANCE THAT NONE UUT EFFICIENT AND TRUSTWORTHY POSTAL ( LERk's BE EMPLOYED. A Few Reflections by an Ex-Clerk. "How do your people generally regard free labor as cor slave ?" SjMi-i.tl to 'ali-ai;ul. Mn. Enrron: As I have been for the last two years employed in the Railway Service of the United States, and upon one of the principal fast lines of Amer ica, (A. C. L.,) it has been my lot to observe the workings of this ponderous and gigantic method of distributing and dis patching the mail through every nook and corner of this broad land of ours. Take the daily papers of New York city the Press, say, at 12 o'clock at night, is started, and by " o'clock thousands of papers have been run off, folded, placed in canvass sacks, and are flying on t their destination ; and in less than 3G hours the people of Florida ars reading papers that were pub lished in New York over a thou sand mites away. Much to the credit of our r lilroads is this s . I might say the mail system of the United States is ubiquitous; railroads, steamboats, etage routes, horse routes, and where the country is rough and Jagged even foot routes. Some of these called learned professions. (The letters cost the government over speaker very wittily excepted five and ten dollars to send them, himself.) But all this is vary yet the aggregate whole reduces natural for the members of each the expense of all, and thus it one ot such professions realize goes on ; and to-day we can send that their very : existence de- a letter anywhere in the United pend upon the faj-mers success. States for two cents, and any- The fascinating and mstruc- where there is an established tive speaker then proceeded to route in the world for five cents formulate his special pleas to All of this work is performed youn, men to adopt farming as by 4,500 postal clerks. If they the noblest profession. do not, traverse the road they 1st. Because there is no pro fession in which the motto: "Esse quam vidcri malo" is truer than in farming. There is less treason, and the Law prohibit his place being supplied on. So you can ot' the host and mot lrnty of men should be em ployed in tliisj ie-ular branch of the govei uineiit. As rt oaa't always do tin., our salvation Iiomt dep iul-i upon the establish ment of a Telegraphic Postal System. You ay there i no danger in this! There is! 1 know whereof I ispeak. Respectfully, J. C. Si.o i:mu. WOMAN'S SIIIi:Ull ciiu.imr.N i okm:k. Something lntertittg forth" Utile Folk. Prr. It l -t-ry woman' duty, tirt to lu-ix-H. w-nil to Urr family, and tliirri to mirit to npivr rn-at. nltr-tte jmit to an tltantaxr in-rry way jto.-iMo. (Knm ;oiii-y' july 1hW. Borders, or row? of ribbou, or insertion, or clusters of fine tucks tiim t tie skirts of trany gowns. latticed border of narrow black velvet ribbon, laid over light cashmere, are on dark cash mere skirts, and that part of tho bodies above the corselet also has this velvet trellis pattern. Yellow appears in many ways this season, as entire gowns,and as accessories in trowus of al most any color. Red in old rose tints, Titian red with yellow shading, and the less poetically, named brick reds, are very fash ionably made up in summer's fabrics. A new caprice combines surah silk with cotton in the combina tion of a costume. The vest and font, or side of skirt of su rah, draping upon it the fine, new cotton fabrics, which cost as much as the silk. ili-wr. .1 ' T t' !. r i U . A. Jl4B.n ) THE SI M r IT ALL. Tl- 1-M t.v lilllKD cru. Wlm tnultlU- tbr thin Ur Ut, AnJ om rrrx fr . Who Wrll ilMtirw M, rrrloU tt3f. Tli duo rMrtim -lf . To urr .im-i alfi w ill rlituU. !ul-ni-t roninJ tmn io. UUV HAS tillNE T MlluoL. Tti- lialiy hw font to livL ah wr! What will lb motlii-r tlo, W iiU nrvrr a rait to l-uuon or 4m, rti-a Utile lor ? How can ah ktft Hriwlf loi-y alt With tin- htllo tiiii.l.tnrf thiuf" aa Antltt r Iwkrt to till with lui-k; Anotbrr "lomt-b" to a. And the uiotlwr taiU at th door la r ll.-r lalv luarrh a war; And turn w ith oigU that U half rriU-f. And half a miiH-tUhitf akin to flirt. Mir- think of a iktwildr fut urr mora. Wh-it tin hiidn-n on t an Will iro from their liom.-oiit latoth world. TohaltW with lit- alonr. And not em thflwhy In Irft to rlm-r The di-tolate hoiur of that f ut urr yrar. sin- iii k ttii iranui-nt birr and llo-rr. Throw ii down in rarrlra uaalr. And tri- to think how it would wrui If nothinir wi-rc di4a4d; If tin' hour -r alwayn a alill a thU. How runld -h Ix-ar the on-llnr? A Ct' Tir." "What are pauses?" asked the teacher of the primary cl&?. "Tilings that grow on cata," piped the small boy at the foot. A Hfifdft SfitfBcf. Teacher "What is a depend ent sentence ?" Boy -One that hangs on by lis own clautw. " Till: TAIJLIi Itliiis iM-ciiMiid, "tluToarr hut a tew thinx" on wliii li health and huin-i di'icnd nmri' than on thf manner in which food in cooked." Sponge Fingers. Beat the yolks of five eggs until light colored and thick, add one tablespoonful of lemon juice, one cup of powdered su gar and beat again five minutes, then sift in lightly three-quarters of a cup of sifted Hour; if This question was asked by a Star reporter. i -it man nature; are euner 10 Drooa UDon tne past ana coniure up It was answered as follows by height pictures of what "might Gen. V. D. Garner, of Norfolk have been," or to foster hope by r . pa inting a roseate prospectus of ..Th ,-a mmmrunn VrP( wHat may De. in iactuiepoe- hibor is doing wonders, not only for try of manhood is, ' when I was Virginia, but for the whole South, a boy;" the poetry of boyhood It is teaching us diversified farming, iS) "when I will be a man." lhis and giving us all the products with tendency to look forward into tne iuture or oacK into tue past which to feed and clothe ourselves, rather than the single staple of cot ton, which was so long called"King." Counting the value of slaves lost by war. the South is richer today than ever before in its history, and its increase in material wealth during the next ten years will be greater was recognized by Johnson in the opening chapter of Rasselas: "Ye who listen with credulity to the whispers ot fancy, and pursue with eagerness the phantoms of hope, who expect that ago will per- make up pouches for those points and forwarded by express trains. So we might say every foot of railroad in this while sunerficiabilitv with the farmer, nnntrv ha boprn traversed bva ' " " I :t.ii . not only because it tells witu postal clerk every 24 hours , and P'ie ave ran me ior him sooner than with others, hie w, ,,0t to work about eigh- baking these lingers, but if you lnualfo because the very noble- i.fian mt. nf twAiitv.fnin-. c.ontin ness aud lnrtepenrteuce ot ins ually on his feet, and -as rapidlj fu "ape on wuh greaseu paper work is uusuiteato tne iostering as xi9 hands can move. Were he 111 "aB-lu-iJii:, "" wuu and thriving of pretenses and trt rlall v five minutes as the train powueieu sugar aim oaite a uen shams. It is a nice thing to be flew along, some business letter cate bro u in a luick oven an editor and write learned ar- would be carried bv: some letter ' "neii koih. tides about things he knows from an absent son to a fond Two quarts of flour, one pint nothing about and which no one mother delayed, and the sweet- ot milk, one half cupful of su- else can understand, it is nice heart would sigh and sign. 'Tor gar, one-nan ae or. compresf- ching to be a doctor, scatteting the letter that never came." health and burying the results x0t only must he be able to of his ignorance, or when he WOrk. but he must study like a does not know how to cure a student, or he must have a mem- the flour. simple case ot colic, to looa. wise about his head and call it It is a nice thing to he a lawyer than during the past twenty, for as form the promises of youth, and they become more auapieu io anu that tne deficiencies of the present contented witn iree laoor n ffiu no day wjll be SUppiied by the morrow; only become more useiui, nut inai attend to the history of Rasselas, labor win rapiaiy accumulate prince of Abvssinia." the wealth ot itself, which is always any community," Also by Gray, in his Elegy when musing upon the latent capabilities that lay lost and buried under tne sod in a coun try church yard : Perhaps, in this neglected spot, is laid Some heart, once pregnant with celestial fire ; Hands that the rod ot empire might have sway'd, Or waked to testacy the living lyre. But Knowledge, to their eyes, her ample paee. Rich w ith the spoils of time, did ne'er un roll; Chill Penury, repressed their noble rage. And froze the genial current of the soul Full many a gem of purest ray serene, The dark, unfathoin'd caves of ocean bean Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air. ed yeast, one even tablespoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of lard. Rub the lard and salt into and understand that the proper- use of words is to conceal the Scald the milk and orv so strong mat it preuomi- uei, it, cuoi i u.uuu neat, auh nate3 over the other faculties, sugar and yeast to the milk, and is what we might term a make a hole in the flour, and meekness: and if the memory pour tlie mixture in without be not strong he must pound stirring; set it away in a warm truth, though clearly ignorant an(i pound, hard. drv. abstract, place, well covered, until morn of the fundamental principles aUri disjunctive names until it ing. Knead thor. Highly, let it of law. It is a nice thing to be ia a part of his nature. In fact rise until very light, and if you a politician and know how to he must do everything so well have time, knead it down a cou hide deinagoguery behind his that if the train were hurled Pie of times, letting it get very pretended love for the "dear fr0ni the track and you were to light between each time. Rol people." It is a nice thing to ask him an office, and he could out, cut into rounds, spread with The seventeen year locusts have made their appearance around A sheville. TheAsheville citizen says : Much inferest is manifested in the little insects which are now swarm ng in countless millions over the rees and shrubs in forest, grove and garden of this section of our State Our conclusion is that our visitors do not belong to the family of locusts which were one of the plagues of Egypt, and forcibly described in many portions of Holy Wrk, but are of the species cicada, and the lineal descendanfs of those, who seventeen ong years ago, deposited their tiny eggs m the twigs oi tne very trees which their offspring now infest. The first signs of their coming were numerous eruptions oi ciay over the surface of the ground. which, being overturned, would dis close a hole about three-fourths of an inch in diameter, where the little fellow might be seen beating an ig nominious retreat to deptns un known. The record of the appearance b9en," of these pests in the United rnina of the empire of the dead, States was 1749. " "Ct: " L" At"" "tl mmmm amid the progressive evidences Mrs Mimosa "Now, Johnnie, 0f the empire of the living? go and kiss your little sweet- Matthew Arnold when entering heart and mate up the school at Rugby, always "Johnnie "No'm, I won't." lifted his hat in the presence of -mr -r a"i J3 ..11 I . . iurs. junnosa -tjo aim leu toe students. Bv wav of ex- her how much you love her and rjlanation he said that he did it how sorry you are." because it was probable that he Johnnie "Guess not. Pa eays wa& in the presence of some of he got into a breach of promise the great and good citizens of case for tellin' a girl that, and the future. So to-day I feel had to marry the old tiling. I like uncovering in the presence aiu't runnin' no risks, I ain't." these young people, arid at the ' 1 " same time entering an appeal - "Pa, will you get me a kite if to theirt upon their future course. I prove that a dog has ten tails?" Hence my subject : "Yes, my son." "Well, one dog . A plea addressed to young has one more tail than no dog, men in favor of farming as a hadn't he?" "Yes." "Well, no profession or calling in life dog has nine tails; and if one It is true that there are many dog has one more tail than no other professions that hold out dog then one dog must have ten more allurements to the young tails. Hand over the kite, man than farming, but it is also please." The kite came over. I true that there are thousands o be a school-teacher, save tne mark a school-mw and teach children short cuts to knowledge and hide moral and intellectual incompetency behind sanctamo niousuess and generalities. How can farmers evade all thebe de instantly tell you. a little melted butter and double To givh'you an instance, it was them ove; ; let them rise in the I low it Frit. A bay's description of having a tooth pulled expresses it about as well as anything we have seen: "Just before it killed mo the tooth came out." ASerrft V. ith tied. .'e.sie had kept a journal err since she could write a letter; but she would not lbt anybody see it, One day her mother asked her why she would not let anybody see it. She said, "I have a necret mamma. "But you must tell ine alt your secrets, dear," w Id her mother. "Mamma, said Jessie, very softly, "I have a secret with God. God is helping me to b a better girl; and I am writing in my journal what I have done every day that will please God." Some village Hampden, that, with daunt less breast. The little tyrant of his fields withstood; Some mute, inglorious Milton here mav rest: Some Cromwell, guiltless of his country ; blood. The applause of listening senates to com mand; The threats of pain and ruin to despise; To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land. And read their history in a nation s eyes. Now if Gray could philosphize like this upen the "might have amid the mouldering my tot io witness a tern- pa,u:, Urt,ac "vc" ble wreck. The postal clerk Uucen fakes, was badly bruised. He had been One cup of butter, one cup of distributing mail for the State finely powdered loat sugar, five of South Carolina. I approach- eggs, two cups of flour. Cream ceits aud shams? By elevating e(5 laid IUy hand on his poor the butter, add the sugar and themselves to the position of bruised head, asked, "How do cram again. Add the well educated and scientific farmers. you feeif He caught the words beaten yolks and flavoring, then Give your children a sound rudi- jrow ailj Field, two offices in tho flour and beaten whites al- irentary education by all meana, thatState. And there came from ternately. Bake in small round and give them a complete and his dry lips the husky whisper, tins and, when cool, ice. It thorough education if possiole. Howi3 in Darlington county, makes a nice variety to divide When you put money in the exception, Wiem, Jack." Field the dough' and add a few cur- bank ot knowledge, none, save in picfeens county, Charlotte rants U part , of it, and to an- God himself, can destroy it. aua Atlanta straight. The men other part add spice to taste 2nd. maimers enjoy an linmu- who C0mpOsed the postal clerks miy iiuui uva -.i'jf unaer Jir. uieveianu s aaminis- ijai OX LOW NECKS. breaK down, in tins nign pres- tra,Uon were above he average For neither Democrats or Jte- Fashion has rung the drath Home Happine. Dear boys 8nd girls, you can add very much to home happi ness, especially if you have a mother who is not very strong. or a grandpa or a grandma who Is aed afid feeble, by being thoughtful and mannerly. There is a right way to open and shut the door; a right way to move from one part of the r.oin to the other; a right way to sit down, to rise, to hold a book a right way to do every thing that is worth doing at all. And, yea, wo have known children to give their parent sad hearts by neglect of these little home duties. It is more easy to do these right than to do them wrong. One very ugly habit Boino young people havo is that of calling aloud the name of a brother or eister, or even that of a father or mother, who may be in another room, or up stain) or in the yard. A polite person will always o to the one whoso attention is required and speak in a low and modest tone of voice. The home might bo made far uiore pleasant by observance of many of these littlo matters. nre age men in nearly every other profession soon wear ouf and become mental and physi cal wrecks. It is not ove:' man ual work, for that can be reliev ed by a little sleep and rest, but it is worry and an overtaxing of the brain with business details. Therefore farming is the anti dote to worry the kind of wor rying that kills. 3rd, It is an an antidote to dissipation and crime, follies and temptation the greatest crimes oi the day. 4th. It is the antidote to po litical excitement. 5th. It is an antidote to the slavery to fashion of wives and daughters. 6th. It is an an antidote to chronic inertia, sometimes call ed laziness. For who ever heard of a lazy farmer ! Though, un der ordinary circumstances, eve ry man is as lazy as circumstan ces will permit. But he mii3t work is ever present to the farmer. 7th. It is the antidote to the modern craze for wealth. Also an antidote to the" want of wealth, for no class of men know better how to bear poverty, and besides, the farmer is today Continued on Second Page. publicans were retained on any knell of what was once the com other grounds than prohciency. fort of long and thin-necked Jut under Mr. Harrison's admin- women. Half of the smart wo istratson Democrats were dis- men of Pai is have given up col- missed regardless of examina- iars altogether, and wear their tions and qualifications, to make gowns cut closely around the room for negraes to worry the neck. The effect at first is very people of the South. How odd, after the tall collar. and ong? rather showy neckwear which The postal service is the most have been worn with tailor- l m . -m A I important ot all tne government made gc rns during the past brauches. tor every communi- three or four year.-. But when cation, both official and private, the wearer has a prettv neck is entrusted directly to the care the effect is taking. The own of the postal clerk. We are al- ers of scrawny or unlovely necks most at the mercy of the-e would never adopt the fashion men. They.see each other every in America Wil. Messenger. day. And how quick a concert i 1 -1 1 4. - ,l Ol action couiu oe proiuuiga.i.eu i SI IF "WAS. to quiet work, (t or its more like work than holding an office) We overheard a girl remark and our country would be utter- to her beau, the other night at ly pjtralized, for no man, be he I the lawn party, that ?he was a ever so bright, could commit to great stickler for euphony. And memory twenty or twenty-five he gallantly responded, "Those thousand names (more words three words yon-for-me fill than was used by th greatest life with thrilling strains of writer in the English language) soul-entrancing melody." And under a couple of years; in the then she gulped down another meantime what would become I spoon of ice cream, bit out a of your . mail? Suppose just shoe-vamp like morsel of cake, before an election these men all and seemed contented and de belong to one party. They quit. I lighted with the way matters FAchman has a right to quit, were progressing. Wilson Mir You coald not prosecute him for ' ror. Wine Word. If we knew the exact value of things we fln-uld be com para -ti cly free from envy. Mv dear boy, don't begin a flgh but ouco bazxin sta to the finish and pik up the "fiag-meut-'. What a min can't prove never ruined any one yet; it is what he can p. ove that makes it hot iorhiin. .Don't forget thin, my boy: There are ten thousand ways to miss the bull's-eye and only one way t i hit it. There are two things that everybody th'nks they can do better tfcan any body ehn punch the fire and edit a paper. There is a pedantry in all things. Any man who loads up a double barel gun to kill a cock oach with is a cockroach pedant. There are lots of things in this world we can't explain, and that ii just what makes the things jre can explain the more certain. Pride is located half way be tween vice and virtue, and a lit tle of it won't hnrt a saint, and a good deal of it often helps & wiener.