THE CAUCASIAN. '" Kilu-rvl a cir.liii' t I''ai l.uwa at rlintOTI, N.C., B M':H1 eU- IMUll matter. ( linton, n. c.-juni: i ' THE CAUCASIAN'S RECORD. 1,474. Oi.e year ag it W;n 1' than HM. I hiring the l.i-t 1- wcekn wo hive naiVd over 12,00-) opies. TLo recent llods have n-rouJit havoc and desolation in mnny parts ol our country. Bridges on many of the princi pal lines of railroad have been washed away and traflic and transportation greatly hindered. Aloii' the Connnrtiurh river in Pennsylvania tli results havo been most di.-2sti.u.-. On this river was s'tualed the latest artiHe'aJ lake In th' country, iind when the Mirin waters of the llond ponied into it from thti up cnmtiy the 'lain tfavc way and truiu-H of desolation and death beyond di i-er.ption followed. The town of .Johns town, I 'a., was swept from tho fare of tho earth almost in an instant and a reat number of it; unfortunate inhabi tant.s per-i-l.-d with it. The following telegraphic rej -ort lo the Wil in'iitfton Star ives some idea of the hoii i'i' 4 results: .Joii.vviow.v, Pa., .June, :5rd. As yet there h in telling hov many live- have n lif t. Adjutant (ieii enil Hayings who has charge of every tiling, .-tated this morning that In' hij -posed that tfieie were at hast two thousand people under the; burn ing dfbri-s, but the only way to find out how many lives were lost was t.i take a census of the people now living, and subtract that troni tlie c-'iill he fore the flood. It is a mo.-t distres-ing vi:;lit to see the relatives of people who are supposed to be lost standing around watching ei :!i b dy as it is pulled out, and acting more like maniacs than sine people. The water has subsided to a great extent and the .streets in the main part of town are free from .water. The falling water has l.ii I bare the terrihle work of the Hood,, and the full extent of the terrible disaster is only b'nig ascertained now. The streets are one sickening, foul smell ing mass of wood and debris, and the work of searching for dead bodies lias only begun. The latest estimates put the loss of life at from ten to twelve thousand. It is impossibl" to get any account of the number lost. Thousands of dollars have been raised all over the country and sent to ths relief of those who were scared, and a sanitary com mission has been sent by Presi dent Hairison to direct the re moving and burying of the de caying animal llesli, to pr3vent a pestilence following even worse than tl e calamity. vi: s ri: nx i at, com m i:ce-jii-:nt. (For The C'.uvasi an 1 Chapel Hill, C, June 4th. Chapel Iltil is a lovely and delightful place at all times, especially so at this season of the year. Hut the fact that this is the Centennial Commence ment gives to the place and the University an additional inter est. A large crowd is already 1 lore and it will be simply tre mendous by Thursday. liishop Duncan, of South Car olina, preached tho liaccalau reate Sermon to the graduating class yesterday. Probably the most interesting fi atir e of the week took place this morning ths Classday oxc'cises by the Seniors. This afternoon the speech by the representatives of the soci eties were delivered in the Me morial Hall. To-night the re unions of all the members of the societies will be interesting and enjoyable. To-morrow will be givcu up "entirely to tho Centennial Exer cises. At 11 A. M. the aJd;'ess will be delivered by Senator Ransom. At 12 M. will be the meeting of the . luinni Associa tion. At 2 P. M comes the dinner-at which tho Alumoi and trustees will be present, and al so delegatis from other colleges, a number of whom will ba in attendance from the leading in stitution of the country. The members of each clas will sit together, and there will be speeches and talks. It is ex pected that this will be one of tho most entertaining events of the celebration. At 8 P. M. there will be special memorial exercises with a roll call of the by classes and short speeches by representatives of each class The usual ComiLencement ex ercises of Thursday tfill be car ried out. Will give The Cau casian a full report fo:- next issue . E. United States Senator Jos. E. Jirown of Georgia is dangerou lv ill at his home in Atlanta. From reports there is little room to hope for hi recovery. CUMBERLAND SKWS. ANOTHER RAILROAD FOR F.tYErKENILLE A PROIS A HI LI TV. EX-PRESIDENT DAVIS WILL COME. Senator Ransom to Deliver the Cen tennial Oration. (Keg. Cor. Caivasiax. I-' a v ktt i: v i i.i.i-:, X. '., June 3rd, lss'.i. A meeting of the corporators of the Payettevdle it Albemarle railroad is called for June l"th, for tf.e purpose of organizing under the charter. An organi zation and a small sum of mon ey seen es this road for this city. The commencement exercises of the State Colored Normal School in this city took place last week. Prof. J. F. K. Sim mons delivered the address. A number of white people attend ed and say the exercises were ve:y ci editable. Mr. J. M. Lamb's little son seven years o!d was shot in the chest by a little neg o bov who was fooling with a pistol. The negro ran awav but ihe little boy is getting well. Over loO accessions have been made to the various churches he e since the Petisou meeting More are being made every Sun day, and the total will not fall far short of 200. Rev. F. R. Underwood, of Samp.-on, filled the pulpit of Rev. It. T. (J ray, of the llaptist Church, and M : (J ray tilled Mr. Undo wood's. We have heard several speak of M Unde. wood's sermon ;ti being thought ful and oiuate. The C. F. it- Y. V. railroad is abreast of the times. The I lay Street crossing h is been furnished with the litest im proved railway crssing gates. As a train approaches the gates fali, extending across the street, and a gong strikes to warn peo ple of the approach. It is a protection the pblic have need ed for a long time. The North bound train on the C. F. & Y. V. railroad ran over an old colored woman on last Wednesday. She was alive at last accounts. An adjourned mooting of the citizens for perfecting arrange ments for the Centennial next Xovember was held Thursday af'ernoon. The committee an nounced that Senator Matt. W. Ransom has. accepted the invi tation to deliver the oration. The committee of o0 will meet this week and sub committees be appoirted. A letter from ex-President Davis since the meeting conveys the gratifying news that his first letter was pioperly construed as he intends to be here, and may be expect ed. A private letter him also assures that he will be he e. So what doubt there was is dis sipated. Fayelteville will cel ebrate this occasion on a big scale, because it commemorates a big thing and she will have big men with her. A numbei" of teaches from here will attend the meeting of the Assembly at Morehead City. We learn that one or two are bound for the European trip. John Reynolds is in jail on the charge of assaulting a ten year old girl. This makes two prisoners in the jail a'vaiting trial at the July term of court for similar charges. The completion of the Max ton & Rowland railroad gives this city an all rail connection with Charleston, South Carolina. It is hoped tbi will hurry the completion of the Short Cut South of here. There is onlj a gap. of 25 miles. There is a general desire here that a military school be estab lished. There is a good deal of talk and nothing is needed but a competent man 'with nerve and pluck, and we will have a great success. Iluckleherrios have made their appearance on this mar ket. They are very nice, but not equal to the celebrated "Sampson Blues." Your correspondent real wiih a great deal of pleasure the ac count of the closing exercises of Salem High School, together with the sketch of Hon. Kemp P. Rattle's address. The bene fits of such a school can not be estimated in dollars and cents. Mr. W. P. Fife's little girl, j'essie, died on last Sunday af ternoon. She had been a great but patient little sufferer. Mr. Fiftf has determined to become an evangelist and will leave in a short while for Asheville, where he wi'l study during the summer with Rev. 11. G. Pear son, who ha- become a warm friend of his. His family will remain here. The fine rains came in good time, as the crops were suffer ing. There was some too much in this county. This is the Centenn al of the University's charter existence, but not of its real existence. The charter was granted in 1789, but was sixjyears before its. doors were, open to students This centennial ought to be followed by one ou a still grander scale l in 1895. Continued from 1st Paced besides, the farmer 1a today truly in a better condition than the factory hand a'ul laborers in all other vocations of life. Mythology tells ns that Hercu les could never conquer Auliu, son of fellus, until hn allu hi in away from mother earth, from which he received h's s'rength. So the hone.t, Indus trious and Intelligent fanner can never fail till he is allured into other professions. 8th. Farming inspires a love for freedom and libertv in its broadest seme, therefore it is an antidote to the centializing tendencies of the day. There fore they are justified in form ing alliances or any similar or ganization to check such leud ences. Our Constitnt'on has al ways found its staunchest defen de s in the farming class. It makes no difference where the farmer is, nor under w hat con-' ditions and ciicumstauces he may be, vet he i:s always the qirckest to resent oppression and therefo'e it is to be hoped that the South will never lose its charade', istics as an agricul tural section. 9th. There never was a time when the e was such a tenden cy to skepticism. Farming is the antidote to this, for a con s' ant communion with nature natu rally leads its votaries up to a noble religion. The fa-mer with a heart and soul and the least sensibility "finds God eve rywhere and in every th -rig." Lastly, in farming (or rathe. in the garden) was f und the blessing j of married life. This advice comes last, but would profitably be put into practice first. At this point a liavy shower came up and stopped the inimita ble speaker just as he was about to regale the young people with a treat which they would have re.-.iembered and enjoyed, not only through courtship and hon eymoon, but even all through married life. A review like the aoove is necessarily very imperfect, for it is impossible to do such a speech justice ou paper. You who did not hear him havo lost his genial manner and facinat ing delivery, the presence of which makes a ioor speech su premely interesting and the ab sence of which makes a good one tainw and dull. It is rep o ted that Whitelaw Ileid, U. ri. Minister to France, has taken up his residence in a house which costs him "20,000 a year, 5,000 more th in his sal ary. N E W A D V ERTISEM E NTS. SALE OF LAND- milE - UNDERSIGNED, UN JL der a decree of the Supeii or Court of Sampson county, having been appointed commissioner to sell the lands hereinafter de-scribed, will, in pursuance of a decree of said court, sell by public sale, at the courthouse dorr in Ciinton, on the 8th day of July, 1889, for cash, the following tract of land, situated in Franklin township, Sampson county, on tiio west side of Jila.-k River and bounded as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a cypress at the mouth of Bloody Bluff Cove, thenco north 4-3, west 50 poles t the run of Spring branch, thence up said run obout northwest 127 poles to a b'ack gum in the bra, thenco s it li f j, west 108 poles to a pine on thj west side of the Negro Head road, thenco south 81, east yj poles to the edge of Flat Bay, thence with the; edge of the bay a northwest course 180 poles to the road leadinsr fro n Newkirk's b.idoto Andrew's bridge, thence i Secretary; postoffice, Dismal, as the said road runs nortli (51, east : Biand, No. 872 M. J. Moore, Sec 290 poles, thence north 50, east 32 t retary; postoffice, Bland, poles to a pint, thence north S(j, cast ; Clinton, No. 579, B. S. Peterson, IO.j poles to a stake o:i a branch, inence north oo east .Jo jK);es, thence south GO, -east 1" poles to a black gum on the road leading to the saw mill, thence south 7G, east to and with a ditch 0G poles to the turn of the ditch, thence the ditch north 72, east 20 poles, thence south 20, east 54 poles to a sweet gum, thence south 63. cast 77 poles to a white tak, thence north 8G, east to a persimmon tree, th-?nce, leaving the ditch, south 65, east 12 pols to a four limbed oak on the bank of the river near Mal puss landing, thence own the river to tl-.e begin .ling; containing 607 acres, more or les3. M. C. RICHARDSON, Commissioner. This 6th day of June 1889. tds FOR SALE. Boiler and Engine. I have a 20 horse Boiler and En gine, of Tanner's make, Richmond, Va. They are both in perfect order and as goad as new. With the En gine there goes tightening pulley and driving belt. Terms Most liberal. Will s?ll on time, with long payments. Tl f J. I 1 1 J 1 isnoi prooaoie ;.nai one iMiuis ui iu xsoner, win i ever strike such a bargain again as I will now give a reliable purchaser. Respectfully, JuG-lni J. II. ROYAL, MARVELOUS n rnn DISCOVERY. Only Omnlne Sratea f Memry TnlalMft four Baoka Laj-asd la ana readlaf, Niad waaderias eared. -Every child aad adatt aramtly fceaefltted. Great indaoemaata to Oorraapoadsno Clmm. ProRpeetaa, with Opinkma f Dr. Win. A. Hta. maad, ths world-famed Specialist ia Mind Disease. Daniel C.reealeaf ThompaoM, tbairieat Peyeholi ocist, J. M. Backley, 1.I)., editor o the Chrxnttan AdvacaU.N. Richard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astor, Jade Gibaaa, Jadak P. Benlamiaiand others, sent post free by Prof- A. XOISETTE, 23 T fifth At.( If, T, Alliance Department ORGANIZATION. President Marign Butler; Vice-President K. Rich ; Secretary J. I. Ezzell; Treasurer S. A. Howard; Iiusines Atrent Ci. A. Clute. Lecturer X. II. Fennel!; Chaplain J. O. Tew; Sergeant-at-Arms P. II. Jer nigan; Doorkeeper--Charlie Crum pler; Executive Committee J. A. Oates, Chairman ; 11. M. Cruji-; pier, M. M Killett, W. II TLom- j as, W. K Pigford. I Committee, on the Good of the j rw.. t i rw.w p. lf0 son, C. II .Tohuson. Query Committee U. J. Craddock, M. M. Killett, Abram Hobbs. Co. Organizer Isham Royal. ftairTHK (Jal"casix was adopl ed as trie official oran of the Coun ty Allianvea by the County Alliance, January l'Jth.f STUAW 1'O.M) ALLIANCE, NO. 580. i At our last meeting a query was brought up lhat the tax ou guano be reduced. It was deci ded in favor of the affirmative. Ilesolved, That the Farmers' AlPance establish banks of our own. fter debate it was decided in favor of the affirmative that jt would bd wise that each and eve y County Alliance in North Carolina to establish a bank of thei" own. B. Z. Plackhuun, Sect'y. May 30th, 1889. DIRECTORY OF Sl'B-ALLIANCES. Holliday, No. , Jas. M. Spell, Secretary; postofflce, Clinton. Progress, No. , Miss I'altie I). Iloyal, Secretary; postonice, Clinton. Hope Well, No. 670, 1). C. McPhail, Sec'v; postoftice, Beaman'sX ltoadn. White Oak, No. 35;i, J. D. Parker, Secretary; postoftice, Clinton. D"Ita, No. 874, W. II. Bus.s, Secret tary; postoftice, Delta. Keddiek, No. 1,120, I I. J. Uiven bark, Secretary; postoftice, Magnolia. Laurel Hill, No. oSi, M. M. Kil lett. Secretary; postoftice, Clinton. Bye's Bridge, No. oS2, 1). W. Tew, St-c'y; postoftice, Beaman's X ltoads. Keener's, No. 578, tx. YV. High smith, Secretary; postoftice, Keener. Ingold, No. G-io, J. W. Green, Sej re ary; postoftice, Ingold. Cross Boads, No. 484, John Honi, Secretary; postoffic0, Hives. Iloneycutt's, No. 5S3, It. H. Fann, Secretary; postoftice, Huntley. South Biver, No. 831, S. B. Page, Secrete. ry;jostofiice, Hawlev's Stoie. Cedar Hill, No. 830, Fountain Jackson, Secretary; postoftice. Haw ley's Store. Maple Grove, No. 3-"( W. It. Lee, Secretary; postoftice, Blackmail's Mid. Browning's No. 581, J. F. Hol-i lingsworth, Secretary; postoftice, Dobbersville. Mingo Academy, No. 220, II. M. Warren, Secretary; postoftice, Giles' Mill. liluff, No. 577, W. J. Craddock, Secretary; postoftice, Ilobton Six Buns, No. 92G, John W. Mc Calop, Secretary; postoftice, Clinton. Jit. Gilead, No. 873, V. II. Itack ley, Secretary; postoftice, Clinton. Goshen, No. 44(5, Thorn s I Sut ton, Secretaij; postoftice, Ilobton. New Hope, No. 80G, W. T. Hi no., Secretar,; postoffice, Warsaw. Kings, No. G79, Henry Herring, Secretary; postoftice, Clinton. Piney Grove, No. G17, W . I. Ij-iiie, Secretary; postoffice, Faison. Beulah, No. G80, J. T. Nloore, Secretary-; postoftice, Warsaw. llermon, No. 747, T. IV. Britt, Secretary; postoftice, Clinton. Bed 1111, No. 925, jolm J. Vann, Seeretary; postoffice, Clinton. Purdom, No. 832, D. W.Williams, Secretaiy; postoffice, Dismal. Mingo, No 354, B. M. Jernigan, Secretary; postoftice, Giles' Mill. Andrew Chapel, No. 519, B. It. Owen, Secretary; postoffice, Mait land. Poplar Grove, No. GIG, U. M. Lew is, Secretary; postoffice, Faison. Hall's, No. G18, T. W. Barbrey, Secretary; postoftice, Ilobton. Boykin's, No. 615, L. C. Spell, secretary; postothce, Clinton I Oat IJirliTn Vn .1-a Ti T. T.ovvia Secretary; postoffice, Clinton. Eureka, No. 328, K. H. Howard, Secretary; postoffice, Ilayne. Salem, No. GOO, S. A. Howard, Secretary; postoffice, Huntley Spring Hill, No. 355, J. C. Draugh on, Secretin ; postoffice, Mingo. Snow Hill, No. 1,332, A. B. Her ring, Secretary; postoffice, Taylor's Bridge. Coharie, No. 651, ' S. Lawhorn, Secretary; jw-stoffice, Maitland. Straw P md. No. 5S0, B. Z. Black mail, Secretary; postoffice, Bass. Newton Grove, No. 357, James Bouse, Secretary; postoffice, New ton Grove. Franklin, No. 748, J. B. Se ivoy, Secretaiy; postoffice, llarrell's Store. Hickory Grove, No. 1,029, D. LJ JlcLamb, Secretary; postoftice, Bea man's X Boads. Lisbon, No. 871, Cora Bronson, Secretary; postoffice, Lisbon. Evergreen, No. 1,510, A. C. Cash well, Secretary; postoffice, Ingold. Clear Bun, No. , W. Lee Bob- inson, Secretary; postoffice, Clear Bun. Woodland, No. 1.48G, O. P. James, Secretary ; postoffice, Way Cross.. AUI.: y()U MAI)E miger;1l.lo bvln Qige-tiou, Coustinati-n, Dizzin, L.s of Appetite, Yellow iskin? M.iloh's is a positive cure. Iorhak-bv Dr. I:. II., Dru-Wt, Cliti'- ton, N. c. For 22 Years J. T i has occupied his same TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on Church Street. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes .Economy in cloth and money will force you to give hiru a call. . -Latest Fashion plates always on hand. . June 7th. lyr. 'ggMi merchant. P. MIDDELTON : or : rs'ortli C:irOliimf wrrn BROWER BROS., (COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 124H Vahlnftoii Street, iiiKjct fully solicits for them the truck of Fastern Carolina. arTke handling of II uckh lorries i a "pecialty. Hkfkkkmk: Irvui- National 1 Bank, New York, ut we prize as lour ttt-st reference all parties who have ever dealt with u. iny3o-lm II. K. WICK. p. n wick. wf;k & BRO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FRUIT AND PRODO, S. W. Corner Water and Dock Sts., IMIHjAD&LjI'IIIA. lA. Consignment solicited of Berries and Southern Produce. Kek E kexces Prod uce Na t ional Bank, Philadelphia, I'a.; Sixth Na tional Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.; Hun terdon Co. National Hank. Fleming ton, N. J.; Bradsti eet's and Dunn's Agencies; T. B. Pierce, Warsaw, N. C, W. Mcintosh, Charleston, S. C; A. It. Faison, Faison, N. C; Wil liams Brothers, Norfolk, Va.; C. L. Houghton; Portsmouth Va.; E. H. & J. A. Meadows, New Berne, N. C; J. L. Ithem, New Berne, N. C; C. P. Tatem & Co.. Baltimore, Md.; O. & A. W Mead & Co., Boston, Mass. my9 2m French McQueen, O F N 0 11 T II C A it O E I X A, : with : B. C. FULLEU, NO. 194 DUAXE STREET, NEW YORK, i ii o tj u c;e COMMISSION MERCHANT. Bkfeuexck. Bank of New Han over, New York National Exchange B.tnk, It. G. Dun & Co.'s Mer cantile Agency, New York; C. D. Myers, of Wilmington; T.B.Pierce, of Warsaw. Truck along Atlantic Coast Line a Specialty. apl 1 2m G.FURMAN&CO.. I'KODTJOJE West Washington Market, New York, SOLICIT CONSIGNMENTS OP ALL PJIODUCK. Guarantee Highest Price an;l Prompt Returns. Befer by permission to A. F. John son and Win. A. Johnson. STENCILS furnished on ap plication. apll-3m Established 25 Years. w. M 1IIXKS. D. H. MANSFIEfiD, I MAiteffiLD. (1ENEHAL PRODUCE Commission Merchants, 283 & 290 Washington & 187 Chambers Sts., isrmxTV yohk. North Carolina and Virginia Pro duce a Specialty. Represented by L. H. HINES. IIefekexck. - Second National Bank of Jersey City, N. J. iuch2S 3tn. jr.oxljc:i: 0MMIGS10N HOUSE, 8. H. & i:. H FROST, lOO Park Place, New York. ' Shippers desiring to favor U3 will be furnished with Stencils, Cards, etc., on application. PR01TPTXESS GUARANTEED I ItEt'EUEXCE. Irving National Bank; K. II. & J. A. Meadows, New Berne, N.C.; Borden & Bros., Golds boro, N. (J. Southern Sliipoing No. 50. ap25 2ni i EW AD V ERTIs EM EXT. I. R. WATSOX. A. F. PiSTEKSOX. WATSON & PETERSON- New Firm ! LOW PRICES! Sooi Quality What better do you want ? If so come in and we will sell and show you something better still. A full line of Family Groceries ! BPure Up-Country Corn Whis key a specialty. Opposite (Jonrthonsc Con.e In! Bespectfully, WATSON & PETERSON. lUT rj Tvl who arc weak. Nervous and ill Hi 11 DeVilitatfd. who ore autlcnns from ihe cflects of early evil I alir,th results tf ignorance or follv, will find in PEAKS' SPECIFIC a posrive and ir ranncut cure lor N'eavou- lability, t-m ii al weaknexf, involuntary titat los.. c c." Cures laranhrd,. Stud ix itul in Btantps u r Pears' Tit-atin; u Jis.a of n:s;i Uw-ir sum) J. 8. PEA lis Church Street.. X ahv ilie.TcH .: . NKW ADVEttTUEMESTS. A. F. JOHNSON'S Cheap One Price CASH STOKE Continues to be the CENTRE OF ATTRACTION! Every Department is Replete with THE Choicest Selection of DUESS GOODS DEI'AltTMENT. G.-of (Jrain S Iks, Moire Silks, China Silk, Plain ami Striped Su ah Silks, Henriettas, Cashmeres, Nuiisveilin,AUatros Sateens, and Plain and Figured Challies the prettiest fabrics if the -eason. Every young lady should have one. FANCY GIMPS AND LATEST NOVELTIES IN hUESS TUIMMINGS, KCC. New .style and nood qualities of Ginghams at 8e, 10c, and 12Jc per yard. Beautiful line of Embroideries, Laces, TuckinkT, Mull Nainsooks, Lawm and White (roods of all kinds. Figured Liwns a.t Tic, 8c and 10c. per yard. Full Line of Parasols, Fans, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Handkerchiefs and Table Linen, all-linen Table Napk'ns at ."0j pjr dizen. II vTS, UXDEItWKvR, ETC. Lf dies' Gauze Unde. wear. Ladies' Ribbed Vests at 2c each real bargains. Large and weU elected stoik of Cassimere, Flmn!jN, Cotton- ade and lineus for gents' and boys' wear. Gents' and Boy's Wool, Felt and Straw Hats in all the desira ble sh.tdes and Styles. Gents' and Boys' Merino, j and Linen Uirtlervvear, Linen Shirts, Collars, Cuffs and Sr-.arfs f Lace and Scrim Curtains, Creton NeW DeSlgnS 'es, Pougeis, Winder Shade., Cur- (tain Chains a id Cornice Polls. La-K assortment of Trunk, Valisns, Umbrellas, Hammocks, tc. A Jt AGE FOR SHOES. Our stock of SHOES is simply immense and embraces every thing usually kept in a first class Shoe Store. When other Stores fail to keep what you want, you a e sure to met n disappoint ment here. Our "Bijou" Button Sho3, at 2.00, is still the haoe WITH THE LADIES AXD THE WOXDEU OF OTHER MERCHANTS. JEWELRY! .JEWELRY!! JEWELRY!!! Collar Buttons, Cuff Bu toas, Breast Pin-, Ear llings, Scarf Pins, Lace Pins, Ladies' and Gents' Watch Chaitis and Charms, Ladies' and Misses' Necklaces aud L ickets. Gold and Silver Watches and j beautiful line of Plated, Filled and Solid Gold Rins at astonishing low prices. HARDWARE, GLASSWARE, ETC. Our :stoc.k of HaIwa:e, Crockery, Glassware and Lamp Goods lias eeeti veiy much enlarged and we are now fully prepaired to meet the demands of onr rapidly increasing trade. MANY CHEAP AND HANDY ARTICLES. The special attention of house -keepers is called to our Novel ties in House-Keeping Goods, such as Veneer Knife Boxes, Darn ing Baskets Ham Broilers, Egg Poachers, 'auce Pans, Patteut Griddle3, Milk Coolers, S:c, &c. BUILDERS' MATERIALS. Complete stock of Builders S.ipplies Sash, Doors and Blinds, White Lead, Paint, Oils, Varnishe?, Brushes, Glass, Putty, Ac. GROCERIES. You will find nothing in this department but the choicest and finest tfoods. Our Teas, Cotfees, Sugars, Butter and Flour are especially ?eco mm ended foi their purity and excellence. We kejp constantly on hand a large stock of Dwujht's Cow B and Soda, Ball Potash, Laundry So.p, S:noki:ijr aud Chewing Tobaccos, WaLhes, Wrapping Paper, Paper Boxes, Twine aud Coat's BottoT that we can sell to merchants at special prices. Give ns a trial before ordering. WALK UPSTAIRS. For the benefit of oil." customers from the country, who are not fully acquainted with the arrangements of our store, we will say that, owing to our largely increased business, we have been forced to keep nearly half of oar stock on thu second floo and when vising us they are lespecifully invite J to walk up stairs arid inspect the entire stock. Clinton IN NEW I have moved this week into street, nea ly opposite the Caucasian Printing Office, where I will be pleased to serve the general Dublin as in thn rkn-at It is unnecessary to tell you anything or my own make of Harness, for they always speak for their own merits when used. In addition I alwavs keeD a eood surmlv nf Knrthavtt Kr.Hna and Harness, which I will sell Also the cheapest and largest assortment of Whips to be found 1 XI Mi auyw:iere. u iien you come to lown dr sure tc call in and see for yourself. Respectfully, March 8tb, 1889. 3m MW GOODS! A 1 Jo NEW CIXWHING, 8HOS, DRY-COODS AND HARDWARE. t&" One lot of Calicoes at 5 cents per yard- 8 Spring Goods will be coming in constantly. - Cash customers would d. well to call in and examine stock before buying elsewhere. I KEW A IV ERT1SEM EXTS. J of every disc 'iptioi, Respectfully, Harness QUARTERS, my new quarters on Fayettevill at the lowest nnmihlo manrin W. 1 1 . STETSON. T -:o:- ADVI-UTlSKMF.Nfs CLINTON X Drug Stouil DR. A. M. LKK lUiOTliKi: tdrlVrnm uw4 mJi.-ii,,. ,v when they are lck ami jiV( ( iljutgrn then they Hunt tin- x r" tt that can be had; lr. . j Jk Brother kvp nly nm h: tl.. N carry full I In or 1'aU-nt iU,iM j, , vntUI Oils IVrfUmcrj-, Trns...' Knglbh TMth Bruhix" M.u, ju"5 W h bkey , 1 1 ore wul r t - , rt j, , anil the bct reintxiie u,r .ill ,i a. i aba ' Utile, Ilojrs I'oultry, ft,-. LEE'S Backache Plasters In North Carcliua's unnv l n Their wund'wui ttrtiMja.ic-c,.'., i Kxtrl a mrtupiu o ubliuu. lu luinUUsriug to liummi il!. Aud many a pun;; Utij Ui v..1v. IxeV PUktci doth allay. You c-n cuiv a hal r it ...i che quicker w ith otn of .),. ters than kv nnv other ni-nii..n.... ami after the luwkat he I rurl, uj can still wear the plater with IU. lurt lor a mouth, or longer. J hu ilastcr i a crreat diwov-rv. n i it i. hard to flinl any pa!n or uhf th.n will not yieht to it. .nh by T.J. UIK, ltruecUi. l'CRB MKIUC1NAI. WHUKKY. A pure ami wholesome nlii i!,' wtltnu'ant is a aWiuVnitum irt..ii. needeti. io niily this want I'm.. Barley (!orn Whis key, four v u , old, is otTered to tho iMilie, with i;, uarantoe of its erfect purity mi l wholiwnneness In every lart ti nl.n Thi liquor is th pure axtr:u-t .. (tlKNUIltl IUP1UY, And i tioill,. , Dnijrjrea, l.touoreJ nor nti. in any Instance. Sold wily lv DU.A. iM. LKK it 11 HO., Di ui i.kk's WAItT Sfm-lfic. a certain cure for warts m and mules a Vol. John Alii..r.l, ('apt. Cornelius Partrick, i'nj.t. '. laictus riuson, Mr. . II. Fai-mi Col. Abner I. Faison and hu!i.Ir-.t-of others in .Sampson and iutjoinin coutitios will certify. Se'd onlv i.v T. J. Llvl", UncUi. WORMS IX UOILSI S. Ijec's Worm Sinciflc never fail, u exHl worms from horsrs ai.l muli-.. warra.'.teu in every ease. Sol.! , 1 . J. 1.1-.-., Diuiki. iionsi: and cattm: imi iu ils. We ffer untter thin h ad tln ,. t mi lion Powders in the market. 1. . are prepared by the leading .ug House el' the United Stale, oui th j formula of Dr. William. of England, the most dietMi?m.,li,-i Veterinary Surgeon living. Thev are excellent appetizer, a general alterative and tonic, and eau be relied upon a a remed for all dUe- aes ot domestic animals, 'lliy hiv coujposed of Licorice Hoot, Juniper lierries, l laxseed, Uentian, (linger, Iron and Axtimony. Sold ndy l.y Dr. A. M. Lkb & Hrto., lruj;ttiU. LIVE JY QNO SALE StaMcs. WE ARE NOW J.OCATKD on Railroad street, in our new quarters. Wo will, at all times have ou hand n lot of FINE HOUSES AND MUI.KS, liUQQIES AND HO AD CAUTS, which will be Fold chean for ah cr on time, with good security, come ana examine our stock. ltespectfully, J. F. SOUTHKHLANDACO., de6-4m Clinton, N. C BLYMYER IRON WORKS. LAJtGEST M ANU FA CTU Ii K I i? :of: SUGAR CINE MACHINERY IN THE U. S. Having been appointed agent f-r the above firm, in tho counties of Sampson, Duplin and Pender, would be pleased to hear from any one in want of anything in that line at . manufacturer's prices. Be sure to order in time to secure promp delivery. Address, A. S. COLWELL. Wallace, Duplin Co., N. C April 11, 1889.-tr (ft ID tijSf, Mrs. A. E. Murphy. Owner and Proprietress. The Murphy House is central ly located, with large, comfor table rooms and attentive ser vants. FARE, FIRST CLASS. FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM DEPOT. SAMPLE ROOMS FOB jODMMERCTAI. TRAVELERS. C-The Travelim? public are respectfully invited to stop at the MURPHY HOUSE. Mm