II :i IV. t I J: I i V i 1 THIi CAUCASIAN. Entered uciotdit) to IWal I-aws at Clinton, N. C, Us ci'.iid das mail matter. THE CAUCASIAN'S RECORD. CIRCULATION : 1,603. One y.-nr ngo it was Jess than M0. Dor ing the la-t 21 weeks wo have mailed over 2,)(H) copies. Advertiser think of tHrf. CLINTON, N. ('., OCT. 10, 8M. SEVENTH NATAL ANNIVERSARY. With tin in.siu; I'iik Calva hian complete it Hyeiitli vol ume. W'o havo had sole control for a little more than a year During tin's time the paper has been changed fioin a "patent outside" to an all homo-print paper. A new Campbell power preys and much new typo have been added. The jor office has been litttd up for doiiitf first class work from a dodger to school catalogues, etc. We have spared no pains or energy to give the people of tin's section a live and progressive family newspa per, and they have rewarded our efforts by largely increasing our circulation. We have at all times cndeavuied to bo just anil impartial, and if at any time wo have appeared otherwise we as sure you that .such was not our intention, though wo have al ways ftarlesly spoken our sen timents when thought the pub lic interest demanded, as we think every journalist should. With next ipsuo wo commence a new volume and with the as sistance and co-operation of our friends we hope to continue to iir prove the paper. The New York baseball team has won the League Champion shit) by the skin of its teeth. The World thinks New York city will secure the World's Fair in the same way. Jn next week's issue will ap pear the first par: of "A chapter of Coincidence." a story of Ju lian Hawthorne, which has not yet been published in any paper. Subscribe now in time to read this interesting story. There is considerable differ ence of opinion a3 to the cor rectness of the. verdict in the Boyle case, and it seems to us there was room for a seasonable doubt as to whether the offence with which he was charged was committed. News Observer. The hew State of Montana has elected a Democratic Governor and a Democratic Legislature. This means two new Democratic Senators in the next Congress. North Dakota and South Dakota lis.ve both elected Republican Governors and Republican Leg islatures which means lour more Republican Senators. It would be thegreatest pos sible advantage to the cause of reform if we could have a Na tional exhibition of our politi cal bosses and allow the people to behold the true personality of the -'sliapers of the Nation's destiny." Such an exhibition would bo unique, to say the least. National Economist. We have received a copy of the Monroe Register, published and owned by Messrs. Under wood & Beasloy, at Monroe. It is a neat and readable eight col umn paper and will doubtless receive tho 1 eaity and substan tial support that it deserves from Union and adjoining conn tie?. Father Byle, the Catholic Priest charged with outraging Miss Geneva Whitakor, in Ral- eif h some inonthn ago, has been found guilty of the 4charge and was seutenced by Judge Arm field to bn hanged on the 29th of November. An appeal to the Supreme Court has been grant ed. Public opinion is divided as to the guilt of Boyle. Americans who fall in love have a decided advantage over foreigners "similarly afflicted. A writer who has been studying up tho American vernacular has discovered that we have 8 il dif ferent terrrs to express the state of beinsr in love which makes it a comparatively very easy matter when a, felloe finds it Decessary to vent his feelings across the front gate. Wil. Star. 'IIH PAUK CONTINHXT. A Trip from Kinibcrly to .folniu iirHburg. From a i.rlviUf Mb-rof J. It. PtU-to, form rly of tbia etiunty, l.itt now travelling in Afri.s.J JoiIANXESBKnO, SotTTII AFUICA.V leKl'CISLIC, August 13th, 1889. Continued from but Uue. There is nothing green, and ap parently the country is as level as a floor, (very different from the Capo Colony) but there is a gradual invisible incline as the town is two thousand feet above the altitude of Kitfberley, mak ing it six thousand feet above Eta lev;l. The Dutch farm houyes on the road are from seven to fifteen miles apart.with nothing intervening that would make one think that the coun try was inhabited. We saw no animals during the trip except ing a few deer and jackal?, and it :s said that carniverous ani mals have never troubled any one unless they are wounded. Donkeys are axtensively used here in place of horses, and li ons are very fond of eating don keys, and a lion often takes a donkey out of a man's team without showing auy desire to trouble -the man. 1 have just seen a newspaper account of a man traveling through this country with four donkeys hitched to his wagon, and while in ca mp one night a lion bound ed upon one of his donkeys and was carrying hiin away, when the man, in intense excitement, grabbed the donkey by the tail for the purpose of rescuing him from tho lion, and tho man was foui d dead next iLorning, from fright, tho liou having made a meal off the donkey and left the man untouched, and the paper stated that the man still retain ed his grip on the donkey's tail, which even 'death did not hever." Johannesberg, as well as I re member, without consulting a map, is about thirty mils south of Pretoria, the latter being an old town and the former, as you term it, a 'mushroom" town, as two years ago there were only a few houses, but the discovery of the gold mines has made it a phce of thirty thousand people, and still they come by every coach. I had some difficulty in getting a placj to sleep when I arrived here, but finally I pro cured a room with another man in a hotel, for which I have to pay 3.75 per diem, including meals, and still they think here that I should feel very grateful fir such fine accommodation for so little money. I can recom mend the salt and pepper here, but you will have to get out a search warrant to get anything to eat. It -is a n'ghtly occur rence for strangers arriving here to be compelled to sleep on t.'o floor, or an where thej- can find a place to lie down, as the houses ar e insufficient to shel ter the number of strangers now alii arriving. My room-maie teus me that he slept on a billiard ta.ble for three nights when he first came here, for which he was charged 3.75 per day, in cluding meals. Many large ho tels are in course of erection, and many are completed, but still there is not enough. This town is almost encircled with gold mines, there being mor9 than one hundred in this imme diate vicinity, and a great many people have made vast fortunes, while others have lost all they possessed, and Johannesberg, for gambling, is a second Monte Carlo. Everything is most aw fully expensive here, and it al most breaks my heart to pay the prices, and you may be sure that nothing but necessity temps me to make purchases. cigar costs 37 cents, (I don't like cigars); a glass of beer 50 cents, (I don't drink beer) and everything else in proportion. I sent out four shirts and other articles to be washed, which have not come back yet, but I have calculated the cost of the lot, so I will know whether it is cheaper to pay the washwoman or to forfeit the articles. There are some large snakes on exhibition Jire, which were caught in the Tiansvaal, one of them is th'rty feet long and can break every b ine in a sheep and swallow it with the greatest ease. They are of the "Boa" species and crawl about in the pen where they are kept, dart ing out their black forked tongues like a flash of lighten ing, and madd me feel like I was having a "night-mare," Everything pertaining to the government here is wdtWn in the Dutch language and I am often puzzled to understand things, as I do not understand Dutch, but most all the inhabi tints of Johannesberg are Eng lish people and a great many of them understand the Dutch lan guage. , I met a man here yesterday by the name of Patterson. He is from the south of - Scotland but we could not trace up any relation ship. He says I am a genuine Scotchman and would pass for one any where. There are a great many Scotchmen here and they have a reputation for stick ing closely to their money. They also seem to be recognized as being , the best accountants and book-keepers on accouut of their natural tenacity. It is a little strange that there should be such a marked difference in the dialect of the Scotchman and the Englishman, and one can readily recognize tho differ ence as enon an they Kpeak. Johanneftbeig is swarming with Jew, likft every other place where there b money to be mnde without any hard work, and they eeem to be always the most successful traders, which really makes It seem that they are the "chosen people." The "old share market ho.e at preeent is in the wildest hlate of excitement, and shares have been rushed up by the moneyed men to inflated prices. There seems to bo plenty of gold here but the mines are not yet near a state of develepment. They are now producing about a half million dollars worth of gold per month, and there is more than that amount being spent in this town ourtw buildings and imp! ovements every month. There is nothing new to war rant tho present boom in the price of shares and it is simply a gamble between tho specula tors. If these mines should come up to the expectations of the speculators this will be a wonderfully rich place, but if the gold in the mines should prove to bo only near the sur face and give out, there will be one of the biggest crash as here that you ever heard of and a lot of ruined people. As soon as 1 receive and dis pose of gome advertising matter sent me here, and do pome other advertising. I shall leave here, as it is too expensive a place to waste time at, besides it is very unhealthy, the sauitaiy arrange ments of the town being very bad, but there are more ciga rettes used here than any place in the country. Our .Fanners' Column. SOMETHING JN TERESTINH TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOU,. "There is no material progress that is well based and permanent without tterricultur.il lrogres." Work for the Hour. We have had beautiful weath er in which to save our hay and fodder. Have we done it ? Have we plenty of it? Then let us get more stock keep all -the stock we possibly can and raise enough home-made manure for next year's crop. Can we not do this and sayo the draining expense of buying la-ge quantities of commercial fertilizers that can never be worth to us what we pay for it ? Our candid convic tion is that guano has been one of the curses of the agricultural interests in the South, ard this interest, suffering from, any cause, all other interests suffer in consequeuce. The best far mer in Sampson county is ho who buys no fertilizer, and raises large quantities ot home sup plies. There is not such a man in the county to-day who is in embarrassed circumstances ; there are hundreds who are, who follow a different course. We have not had an opportu nity this year to prepare any thing special for exhibit at the County Fair, but let us make the best exhibit we possibly can and get the Fair again on its feet and then next fall we will make such an exhibit as any county in the State might well be proud of. Are you hauling serf and straw into your lots and stalls ? Are you building stalls for your stock, so that your manure will be under shelter during the win ter? Let us do thi3 and save the guano bill next year. Wo were at the farm of Mr. Giles Ciute a few days since and saw that he had a stall prepared for each cow and horse on his place. He says that there is as much difference between sheltered ma nure and that which is soaked and leached by a winter's wea ther, as there is between un leached and leached ashes; be sides it takes less to feed shel tered stock. . National Farmers' Congress. (State Chronicle.) The following have been ap pointed by Gov. Fowle delegates and alternates to attend the ninth annual session of the Na tion Fur in era' Congress to be held in Montgomery, Ala, Nov. 13-loth, 1839 : Delegates at Large S. B. Alex ander, of Mecklenburg, Altern ate, James T. LeGrand, of Rock ingham; L L. Polk, of Wake, Alternate, Joseph llhem, of Craven. Delegates from districts V. 1 A. B. Branch, of Beaufort, Alter nate, W. R. Shannonhouse, of Perquimans; Elias Carr,of Edge combe, Alternate, W. H. S. Bu -gwin, of Vance; J. B. Oliver, of Wayue, Alternate, Dnacan E Mcler, of Moore; W.F.Green, of Franklin, Alternate,- E. W. Atwater, of Chatham; Daniel Richmond, of Person, Alternate, B. F. Hayes;, of Fo:sythe;J.; Jl. Clark, of Bladen, Alternate, Da vid K. Bennett, of Stanly; R. R. Rheinhardt, of Catawba, Alter nate, Julian Allen, of Iredell; W. A, Graham, of Lincoln. Al ternate, W. W. Lenoir, r"-Va-tauga; Frank Coxe.of Buncombe, A llernate, A . 1 L I layes, of S wai n The very worst form of in debtedness is that contracted by sernring advances on growing crops. It makes life a burden, labor, a punishment, without hope of enjoy ng its retu ns It reduces the farmer and his fam ily to a state of veritable slave ry. No people can pro.iei" un der vuen a degrading and delas iug hystem. National Econo mist. Alliance Department aTlTnE Caucasian- was adapt ed as the official organ of the Coun ty Allian?es by the County Alliance, January 19th.t ORGANIZATION. President W. E. Stevens; Vice-President 11. M. Crum ple Secretary O. F. Herring; Treasurer J. R. Beaman, Sr.; Business Agent G. A. Clute; Sergeant-at-Arms B. S. Vo tereon; Chaplain P: G. Y. Moseley; Doorkeeper W. J. Faircloth; Assistant Door-keeper D. W. "William"; Lecturer Marion Butler; Assistant Lecturer P. B. Lockamy; Executive Committee J. A. Oates, Chairman ; 1. M. Cruji pler,M.M Killett,W.K P gford, C. E. Daniel. Attention Brethren. The subscription price of the National Economist is $1.00 per year, but we have a clubbing arrangement by which we can furnish the paper to all subscri bers of The Caucasian at 80 cents per year. These who are not taking The Caucasian can net both papers (for the first year only) for $2.00. County Meetings. The Sampson County Alli ance was called to order in reg ular monthly session by Presi dent Butler last Fridoy,at 10:30 a. m. fter the body was or ganized he proceeded to install the officers elect with the beau tiful installation ceremonv, as laid down by the retuals of the order, and President Stevens tcok the char. The Secretary, Lec.urer and Assistant Lecturer sent in their resignations, where upon the body p oceedod to fill the vacancies, as follows : For Secretary, O. F. Herring. Fo.' Lecturer, Ex-President M. Butler. For Assistant Lecturer, P. B. Lockarny. The cotton committee made a report and was continued for further duties. It was resolved that each sub Allianca should appoint a com mittee of three, whose duty it should be to see that their neighborhood was represented by a creditable exhibit at the Sampson Fair, on December 4tb, 5th and Gth next. The following resolution was offered by Marion Butler, which was adopted by the Alliance : Resolved, That the Sampson Couuty Farmers' Alliance start and operate a canning Factory in this county, with a capital stock of 2,000 with 200 shares at 10 per share, Provided, that the sub -Alliances oi the county take stock to the amount of at least 1,200 and the balance of the stock be raised iy private subssription in whole, half and quarter shares. Resolved 2nd, That the stock owned by the Alliance should always be at Teast three fifths of of the entire amount. Resolved 3rd, That the man agemnt of the factory be plac ed in the hands of the County Business Agent, by and with the advice of the Executive Com mittee. Resolved 4th, That not more than 25 per cent of the stock bo called for by January 1, 1890, 25 per cent, by the 1st of March and the remainder by the 1st of July. , The Secretary was authorized to submit the matter to each sub-Alliance and to put two fifths of the stock ou the mark et for purchase by private in dividuals. Much other important busi ness was transacted, but it was not of a nature proper to be published. W. E .STEVENS, Pres. O. F. Herring, Sect'y. Sampson Ahead. Tho following are th e amounts contributed by the various Coun ty Alliance to the State Business Agency Fund as shown by the Trustees books Aug. 1st. Alamance, ; - 204 50 Alexander. .. 8 25 Anson, . .264 00 Beaufort, - 109 50 Bertie, - ' 177 50 Bladen, 410 50 Brunswick; Burke, Bunromb, ( Hbarni:, Ca mdem, Carteret, Catawba, Caswell, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Columbus, Cumberland, Currituck, Ciaven, Dare, Davie, Davidson, Duplin, Par ham, Edgecombe, Forsythe, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Granville, Green, Guilford. Graham, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jack.con, Johnston. 103 00 S3 25 119 00 .119 50 " 80 50 2 00 1S3 00 33 ,S0 741 2Ti 57.00 442 25 302 00 61C 50 CO 00 IG5 00 95 00 258 00 565 50 53C 00 976 75 203 0J 574 4r 282 00 110 50 530 50 194 50 25 00 880 50 126 50 20 00 213 00 276 50 Lenoir, 542 50 Lincoln, 387 25 Macun, 1G0 00 Madison, 30 00 Martin, 291 08 McDowell, 80 00 Mecklenbarg, 634 75 Mitchell, Montgomery, 138 50 Moore, 252 50 Nash, ' 479 50 Northampton, m 50 Orange, 318 50 Onslow, Fasquotank, 69 50 Pender, 101 50 Perqumans ' 275 00 Person, 204 50 Pitt, 402 80 Pamlico, 58 25 Randolph, 311 00 Richmond, 475 00 Robeson, 1301 50 Rockingham, 62 50 Rowan, 335 50 Rutherford, 96 00 Sampson, jjjg- 5305 60 Stanly, 65 00 Union, 281 50 Vance, 319 50 Warren, 976 50 Wavne. 967 25 Wilke- 10 00 Wilson, 449,50 Wake, 690 10 Yadkin, 15 01 A True Copy. W. Gbaiiam rustee. DUPLIN NEWS. WHAT CONSTITUTES A PROSPEROUS FARMER- Jurors for October Court. Eastern Baptist Association in Session. Spec. Cor. to The Caucasian. Kexansviile. N. 0., Oct. 8th, 1889. The Eastern Baptise Association is injsession at Concori in one of the most prosperous sections in the coun ty, and is doubtless being handsome ly entertained. Mr. D. S. Cox and his sister, Miss Ella, are both yet critically ill. Mr. J. C. Cox who died "on the 1st instant was a model son and brother and his place can not be filled. D. B. Nicholson, Esq., one of the coming men of this section, was in Kenansville on Saturday. We are pained to learn that our friend II. O. McArthur is thinking of resigning his clerkship at Wash ington on account of ill health. It is said that Mr. J. B. Oliver has sold from one acre grapes that net ted him $250 and that Mr. D. Far rior has refused $500 for a two year old colt. The cotton crop is a failure and would barely pay expenses if up to the average. This leads us to say we ought to diversify t ur industries. Should wo not raise more wheat, oats and other crops, give more at tention to the cultivation of fruit and the laising of stock ? The only prosperous farmers are those who raise nearly all they use. Our commissioners were in session on Monday and in addition to their usual duties drew the following list of jurors for the November term of Duplin court: First Week. A C Price, J W It Bass, J H Carr, R H Dickson, W II Fussell, J B Kennedy, Jr., II K Outlaw, Eli Kennedy, G W Brad shaw, W H Blanchard, Fred Gra dy, Henry Swinson, J II Herrinr, W II Kennedy, G W Rhod!S, F Bizzell, J D Smith, H Marshburn, T W Boney, B W Matthis, B L Hill, V II Klssner, W H Bass, E Joyner, J H Thigpen, S A Strick land, T H Kelly, Cliffojd Owen, C C Boney, W S Lofton, Dan'l Tea chey, R Q Sandlin, G C Rhodes, D J Middleton, Win. S Brown, D D Wella. Second Week. W C Savage, T H Kineair, R J Walker, E F Bar low, A F Albritton, J J Blanchard, W L Middleton, J K Williamson, Jas. Enniss, T S Watson, John E Swinson, W. Whitman, Sr.. J M Archer, V N Shine, B F Faison, II R Maxwell, S A Bow den, J T Pope, Jr. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miser able by tliat terrible coush. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale by It. II. IIolliday, PruggisMJliuton. THAT UACKIMG COUGH can be so quicfcly cared by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it- For sale by R. H. II0LI.1 dav, Druggist, Clinton, N. C. For LAME BACK, side or chest, use SHILOH'S Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by lw.II. IIolliday, Druggist, Clinton, N. C NKW ADVERTISEMENT 10 Something: New We lmve accomplished our purpose during our five weeks stay in Iioston, Xew York and Philadelphia, A 1 1 v: m h3 The Best FOR THE LEAST MONEY! FOR THE LEAST MONEY! 3 (D 1 i FOR THE LEAST MONEY! o I CD 3 r-i Best Gents' Furnishing Goods, FOR .THE LEAST MONEY! They can't be bought for less money, for wo have tried it with tho cash. Now we propose to give you the benefit ot our efforts by also selling them for , Our aim is to make our Store The Store o: the People. Where you can Duy good" that come from manufacturers direct where you can buy an out-fit, FRQM1IEAD W mm, For nearly half the price than neiore you visit our store ana get NEW ADVEKT1SEMKST9. for Everybody ! )7v V Y rt YYW1 to Clothinc, o c a o o c-t- VJ I - Ul buying elsewhere. Do not buy our prices. King Hatter and Clothier. NEW A D V ERT IS EM ENTS C I DE H. HEADQUARTERS FOR REST PEACH AND APPLE CIDER, (Comer or Elm imdlt R. Strvt.) SWEET AND HARD CIDER &lwyvou luuid. In addition to iiii pleasant and healthy drink. i Keep TVdiaceo, Snuff, Flour, Potash, Gandica, Soda, and IVa-NuU which are wld at lowest price for cash. Respecif ully, je 21-1 yr. RAILROAD HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. SaiNttrKoins aa4 SprrUl Caulra. r lor iratruajr am. The Fare U the ho.t Ihe market rtflurd, vthifb in alwny Korvinl In friHKi wholesome fttyle. lloatd, per day, only t t M ," month, 12 00 The patronage of tho traveling pulilir U rtpoctfuUv nolk-ltcd. W. K. BASS, scplt-.tf Proprietor. Z. f. MATTHIS. a. aiuiM- HATTHLi & BIZZELL, A First-C lass Giocerv ! Everybody mast eat, and eating h the most expensive thing hi keep ing boly and noul together. Then wih-o you must buy, the flrt question 1, whore to buy? Come to our store nnd find your answer. Wo sell out our stock fast, there fore luivo a fresh lot of Oroeerlen 011 hand nnd uro able to pell on a small profit, liccrtuso we turn over our money quick. Therefore it Is to your interest to buy from us. M?p5 liu NOTICE. XTAV1NU 11118 DAYQUALIFL x od as administrator of the (v tnto of of John 8. Parish, deceased, notice is hereby given noall credi tors of wild estate to present their claims, duly proven, within twelve months from the date hereof, or this notice will Ite plead In bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, by note, or otherwise, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. W. 8. THOMSON, neptl9-4t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ITAVINO THIS DAY QUAL1FL 11 ed as administrator upon the es tate of N. J. King, deceased, notice ia hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said cstato to pre sent the same, duly pwven, ac cording to law, within 12 monts, or this notice will he plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate, in any way, will please come forward and make Im mediate payment. It. T. KINO, Adm'r. IIexky K. Faison, Att'y. Sept. 2nd, 1889. scpS-et A Big Bargain FOR SOMEBODY. Being worn out and unable to do farm work, I will .sell my farm 011 Six Runs, C miles from Clinton, con taining 205 acres, about 100 cleare l and under good fence, adapted to T growth of corn, cotton, and anything i grown in this region, and with good , seasons and work makes fine crops. ; Very good houses, excellent water, very healthy and a desirable place to live at. I would sell at a low price, if application is made within the next three months. Now some person desiring to farm can get a wonderful bargain out of me. oct3 tf It. J. PEARS ALL. JEWfcLRYAIiDCLOGKS. I have just received a large lot of Elegant JeVclry. This I will guaran tee to the purchaser to be ju.t as rep resentor. I nell no cheap, ''tire guilt" good but carry a standard limb of gold fkoxt 000D8. The attention of the Indies in called to the latent style of itiiKAST imnb thev arc ''things of beauty I" The old reliable and standard SKTIl THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock, in various styles and sizes. &iS Itepainu? of Watches and Clocks and mending Jewelry is a specialty. All work I do is guaranteed ta give en tire satisfaction. Respectfully. 6.5-tf U.T. HAWL. NOTICE. H AVING THIS DAY '. QUAL1 Fl ed as administrator of J. D. God win, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to present their claims, duly proven, according to law, within twelve months, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. Those persona in debted to said estate are respectful ly asked to come forward and make immediate payment. ISAIAH McPHAIL, Ad'mr. Heserv E. Faisox, Att'y. Sept. 26th, 1889. 6t. T For 22 Years JT. GREGORY has occupied his same - TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT' .V on Church Street. The great and orignal leader In low prices for men's clothes. Economy in cloth and money will force you to give hini acall. tSrliatest Fashion ' plates always on hand. June 7th. lyr. HESLEYfltliNl "tute, STACarXOJCTIBGIKIA. Opens September Wth. M89. Ow f tb ' in the Union. IHtinnwheU!TBteflii ljmv. -AST, KWCCTlOjr, c. Cllte "n-?fi PiU from nieteBtte. TenM low. inJaeementa to persons ,dtTJ,nfn the great Inducement ef tbie CBLIBBATStf V ULGl H LAKCJiOOL, write tor a CatalefM