II I t -.4 i 1 i i ! : 1i 15! ;i t. 4' f i I i 1 I I j I -f ! f 4, f v 4 if 2TEW AD VERTteEMENT. CLINTON BlUJCc TOJtEU Dll. A. M. LEE & JSKOTHKIt. tarPerwiw need medicine on!y when they are sick and their live in danger; then they want the very let that can be had. Dr. A. M. Lee & IJrother keep only such: they alo carry a full linu of Patent Medicine, Essential Oil?, Perfumery, Triw. EnjrUhh Tooth lirusht. Medicinal Whiskey, Hotm- and Cattle Powderd and the bent remedies', for all di eaes and ailments of Horse, .Mttlefl, Cattle, Ung!, Poultry, etc. LEE'S B ackaehe Plasters In North CaroKi.aV mutiny clime. Their wouil'rou virtue, fakUs "till, Kxcrt an iuflsioncc sublime. In miniht'-ring to human ill; And many a p;ui;r alon our way. Ix-cV Planters l"th allay. You cm cure a bad case ' of liack aehe quicker v ith one of Lee's plas ters than by any other application, and after the biiekaclse 2s cured, you can still wear the plaster with com fort for a month, or longer. This plaster 1. a great discovery, and it is hard to find any pa.'n or ache that will not yield to It. Prepared only by T.J. LEE, Druggist. VVUt: .MKWCI.VAL WHISKEY. A pure and wholesome medicinal Htimu'ant is a desideratum greatly nccdeu. in .supply this want Pure Uarley Corn Whiskey, four years old, is offered to the public, with tin guarantee of its perfect purity and wholosomeness in every particular. This liquor is the jur extract of coKX and jiaukky, and is neither Drugged, Liquored nor Watered iu any instance. Hold only by Dll. A. M. LEE & DUO., Druggists. I.KK S WAKT SPECIFIC. a certain cure for wart on horses ami mules as Col. John Ashford, ('apt. Cornelius Partrick, Capt. W. Lucius Faison, Mr. W. II. Faison, Col. Abner M. Faison and hundreds of others in Sampson and adjoining counties will certify. Ho'd only by T. J. LEF, Druggist. WO It. MS IX houses. life's Worm Specific never fails to expel worms from horses and mules. Warranted in every case. Sold only by T. J. LEE, Druggist. IIOIWU AND CATTLE roviEus. Wo offer unuer this head tho best t ml it ion Powders in tho market, ihfjnro prepared by tho leading Diug House ef the. United States, liom tha formula of Dr. Williams, of England, the most distsnguished Veterinary Surgeon living. They are excellent appetizers, a general alterative and tonic, and can be relied upon a a remedy for all dise ases ot domestic animals. They are , composed or Licorice Root, Juniper Berries, Flaxseed, Gentian, Ginger, Iron and Ai.tiMony. Sold only by Pit. A. M. LfcE & Br.o.. Druggists. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS 0? Sampson County J Oil ONE OF MY DEPU- tfes", will he at the follow ing places, at tho times sta'ed, for tho purpose of collecting the taxes for 1889: Honcycutts, Monday, Oct. 14th. Lisbon, Tuesday, " 41 loth. Franklin, (Ncwkirk's Bridge) Wed nesday, Oct. lfith. Taylor's Bridge, Thursday, Oct. 17th. Turkey, Friday, " 18th. Clinton, (North and South;, Satur day, Oct. 19th. Dismal, Monday, Oct. 2 1st. Mingo, Tuesday, " 22nd. Westbrooks, Wednesday, Oct Newton Grove, Thursday, " Halls, Friday, 23rd. 24th. 25th. 23th. 29th. 30th. Little Cohario. Monday, McDaniels, Tuesday, Piney Grove, Wednesday, it Every tax-payer in each township is earnestly requested to meet me on tho day appointed and pay hfs taxes, as required bylaw. Respectfully, J. M. SPELL, Sheriff. September 19th, 18S9.-tr HOLLIDAY'S "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE!" Don't wait to get sick, but when - you begin to feel bad come and get a dose of medicine and prevent sick ness. This is the proper use of med icine. If you will do this you will scarcely ever havo a doctor's bill to pay or lose months of time, and put your friends and relatives to such a deal of trouble. In addition to my complete line of pure and reliable Drug?, I carry Warner's Ixg Cabin Remedies, B. B. B., the S. S. S., Quinine in small t and large quantities ; Simmon's Liv er Regulator, Famous Specific Or ange Blossom, Cuticura Remedies, Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, the Golden Medical Discovery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prepared by tho Herb Co. of W. Va, Quaker brand.) Prescriptions carefully compound ed. Local and office practice upon re quest. Respectfully, augl tf DR. R. II. HOLLIDAY !ltfl C0 -3 Mrs. A. E. Murpiif. Owner and Proprietress. Tho Murphy Iloue is central ly located, with large, comfor table rooms aud attentive ser vant?. FARE, FIRST CLASS. FREE TRANSPORTATION FROM DEPOT. p AMPLE ROOMS FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Egy-The Traveling public are respectfully invited to stop at the MURPHY HOUSE. A DIES Kcediiig ft tonic, or children that want building tip, should take DXIOWX'S IIION BITTKRS It la pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indige tton, and Biiiousncw. All dealers keep it. III THE CAUCASIAN. CLINTON, N. C, OCT. 10, 1889. Continued from First Page. is appropriate legislation. Now in what shape this legislation shall come, I am not prepared to pay, and the discussion of this enbject would not come within the sphere of paper on this topic. I will close thin paper with tho foilowing summary: The re quisites for school organization are: A liarmonized community. A proper site with a good sub stantial house erected thereon, supplied with suitable appara tus. A teacher fitly prepared for all the duties ot the school room. A well matured plan of operation for the whole term. A prescribed course or study. A regular series of books. A proper classification, with regu lar attendance and proper dis cipline. HEIi HEALTH WAS KlIXLD. Her Life Wa One of Pal J, Hut She Is Sow Well. Mrs. Alexander Vaughn, wife of one of tho most prominent and ex tensively known merchants of Pres cott, Ark., writes the followirg let ter under date of April 22, 1889: I owe the preservation of my life under Providence to Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) For four years my health was wretched, ruined my life, a life of constant pain and misery and tor ture. Food soured on my stomach, and what I ate to-day I would vomit to m irrow. My sleep at night was broken with tho most horrible vis ions in dreams, so much so, that I could not bear to be left alone; chro nic diarrhoea, a painful cough that threatened me with consumption; my feet and ankles were twisted out of all proportion, and my limbs swelled more or lcs3. I could not walk except on a level floor, and then with difficulty, and for a while could not get in or out of bol with out assistance. The pressure of a finger on my body would leave its impression, and in short I thought I had dropsy, in addition to my other afflictions. Two doctors treated me faithfully during these four years but did me no good tho medicines they gave me were as useless as stagnant water. My friends thoupht I would die, suf fering as I was with such a combina tion of diseases. In 1887 I discontinued the use of the medicines I had been heretofore taking and began to take Swill's Specific (S. S. S.) Five bottles of this truly wonderful medicine was what worked the miracle of my com plete and permanent recovery." ButrTrcatisc ou Blood and Skin Di cases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Georgia. The good a man does is buried with him; but it is unpleasant ly suggestive that no allowance is made for this fact in measur ing the grave. Bait. American. Mercurial Poison. Mercury is frequently injudicious ly used by quack doctors In cases of malaria and blood poison. Its after effect is worse than the original dis ease. II. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains no mercury, but will elimi nate mercurial poison from the sys tem. Write to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of convincing proof of its curative virtue. A. F. Britton, Jackson, Tenn., "I caught malaria in Louisiana, and when the lever at last broke, my pystem was saturated with poison, and I had sores in my mouth and knots on ray tongue. I got two bottles B. B. B., which healed my tongue and mouth and made a new man of me." Wm. Richmond, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "My wife could hardly see. Doctors called it syphilitic iritis. Her eyes were in a dreadful condi tion. Her appetite failed. She had pain in her joints and bones Her kidneys were deranged also, and no one thought she could be cured. Dr. Gillam recommended B. B. B., which she used until her health was entirely restored." K. P. B. Jones, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I was troubled with cop per colored eruptions, loss of appe tite, pain in back, aching joints, de bility, emaciation, loss of hair, sore throat, and great nervousness. B. B. B. put my system In fine condition. i None of the farce comedy makers has ever had the wit to appropriate the "Rise Up and Shine" from "St. Paul" for a boot blacks' chorus. Exchange. How Is TlilsV We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cure J by taking Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole do, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo, O. Waldixq, Kixnan !fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. E. II. Van Hosex, Cashier Toledo National Eank, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price 7oc. per bottle. Sold by. all Druggists. It is said to have been a Bos ton woman who, an board a yacht, spoke of a motherly zeph er, meaning thereby a spanking breeze. Troy Press. COXSUMPTIGX SURELY CURED. To tub Editor Please inform your readers that I Lave a rositrve remedy for the above named disease By iU timely use thousands of hopeles: cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles ol my remedy free to any of your read ers who hare consumption if they will send me their express and post office address, ltespectfuly. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl sU New York Every one is complimenting the improvement of The Caucasian, but we are not yet satisfied. We wish to mako it better still. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The New Fall Stock AT HAS Bought Chap and Coxae, Buy and bo Profited- Your attention is sneeiallv called to mv lary and rnmnlpln iine of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS- To my excellent line of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CA PS, which will be sold on the closest possible margin. AI30 to the latest tiling in CARP ETS, OIL CLOTHS AND OIL RUGS, which you should by all means see before buying. nut Redroom suit down to a cheap, good S11;t the siz of each maiiH pocKei. ue sure 10 see my uuerry and Sweet Gum Suits, which are nice articles at modera te prices. I have bought very low a lot of TRUNKS and VALISES. I will give my customers the benefit of my good fortune by selling them low. The largest and most complete line of HARDWARE, CUTLE RY, GUNS AND PISTOLS to be found in the place isat my torc. Come and examine our CROCK FRY, GLASS AND TINWARE, where you will have the largest assortment to select from. BUILDER'S MATERIAL: Blinds, Lime, Hair, and everything needed in this line. Where can you iret BELTING, GUM A D RUBBER PACK ING AND BABBIT? The question Is answered by calling in to see me. A large variety of HEATING AND COOK STOVES, which will be sold lower than ever. Fresh First-Class Groceries Always on hand and sold at starvation prices. 300 Sacks of Liverpool Salt J5-Remember that I am agent for RAILROAD MILLS SNUFF and DUPONT'S POWDER, which I sell at man ufac Hirer's prices. I am now offering goods in eveiv line on a smaller proDt than ever before and hope to be justified in this course by largely in creasing the quantity of sales. Yours, for our mutual advantage, J. E. BOYAL. -:o:- Tbe largest, fullest and best selected slock of Millinery, Fanny Goods and Millinery Notions, including a full line of DRES TRIMMINGS for mi ani .mmm Can now be found at the old Millinery Stand of Wm. A. Join. son. Ever the Emporium of Art and the Latest Fashions ! Where you will be waited on with due courtesy by W. S. Partrick, assisted by Miss Anna Stanford. CA LL AT ONCE, and they will be pleased to show you through, and give yourself time to decide what you want. Very Respectfully, W. S. PARTRICK. Proprietor. BIG SALE OF A DRESS A W. G. Rackley's. Too busy to give particulars. Come in. MOVED ' into my New Store NEW BRICK STORE next to J. E. Royal's. Coming in every day. Call in and examine befere buying else where. Best quality of Will be kfpt in stock. Respectfully, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' mm mm BEEN will be Sold Low! & thiiiir from a fine Wal keep in stock a lar;e pply of Sash, D ors, just received. I1W I mm, fin n rr LnJ U uv W D GOODS T J. H. ROYAL. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. A. JOHNSON'S PALL O M EROHANDIS Will Soon Wait Its FAIR! We all expect to have a big Fair this fall, so we must get ready for it. We have just received a full stock of Consisting of Nails, Hinges, Screws, Locks, Bolts and all kinds of Edge Tools. Also a big lot of Axes, every one guaranteed to stand. We carry a complete line of STANDARD SHOES. Sold cheap for cash. Fresh Groceries Always on hand. Another lot of those CELEBRATED HARNESS just received nt xfrxr Dfvi'"T'-r ti r t -tt Also Tooacco, Cigars, Suuff, Tinware, Potware, Crockery and Glassware. We ask you to examine our Goods and Prices before buying. Respectfully. T. H. PARTRICK & BRO. Stewart & Hines. We desire to call the attention of all buyers to our arrange ment lor furnishing Bagging, aud Ties. Flour. Meat. Coffee. Snwir. Salt, Shoesy Hats,-Dry Gooda and J! xi m s uise to oe iouna in our now complete scock. We can give you special inducements on FA iiMER'S B AG QING AND TIES. fvff jia in and examine our W"etmBe Farmer's ohoes. Thev are ahead of anvthiriir for wear vnn havn triarl R.-ny'ht especially ibf ihefarmers, and reiuuueuiii nnaayajaciory. we nave exclusive sale of tnese Shoes. Also the famous James Means and Zeierler Shoes. We will ive yorrfalt.yalue Brirurna your Seed Cbtton est market price, -.o-- i ':.;-Very -:o:- W take this means of saying to our friends all over the country that we are still at our In the Line of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Always give us a call when yon come to town, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, OA? Remember thai we cannot offer specialties, as some do, for all cur goods are at the lowest possible price. . -ATTENTION I -Come to our stand for Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Lemonadevand Ice Cream.: Wtf AD V Etttl SE.U ENTS. STOCK F be Ready, Arrival! I. all other articles of ruerchan- every pair warranted, aud money for your money in all purchases. Will uav vou CASH, at th high Truly, STJfiWART & HIXRS. OLD 8TAND, on Wall Street, SCHOOL ADVEnTTSEMENTS. IAXXOUNCEMKNT.1 Kenansville Male A .V.i.ViS J l"nll Simmon lJecrin September IMIi Immo. Bovs I'rejmml for Collet Olrl Vimt for hiirhf r cb. in c ut Ui Intltutf. Special InJucctwuts offerl to tlio? .icclring to rrirr una reiijnou auvamapes uiwuriwjw. nn iri maiari. iiori private fkjBllU S$.0 to f 10.00 per month. I take picture in announcing mi rui. a. . .nr.innur, or l.lWn College, ulll lt nw next He Hah TurnWhM Uh MtUf4o. toiy testimonial from the PntUletit and Faculty or that ItMituti, whorv he -ervcl as Tutor in Urwk !a?t ysr. Me U a young un or uh1 MCftK-nt character ami tlccUIeU literar- t5iti. Me U a native tift'uu.u-r Land county, N. i 4a v ' - A ' U t I l .W. M. nu29 3in Or 1110 K. Clinton School FOR REV. J. W. TURNER, A. Mn frlncipal. MIUS. J. V. TURNER, AiMu.t. Fall Term Opens Monday Sept. 2, '89. RATES OF TUITION . Primary Rranrlies, per month, $ 2', Advanced Primary, - $2 U) Junior. ... g2 to Intermediate, " ... .j (m Senior, .... . w Iatin, Greek and French aro taught without extra charge. No contiii:eitfee is charged. Where expedient, Cunt ry Pro duce will be received in settlement o! bills. This School recently closed its amounting to GO pupils duriu; ror further information address, auS-tf REV. J. V. TURNER, Clinton, N. I. Preparatory School. (ESTABLISHED 18S8.) Fall Session opens l?t Monday iu August: and continues twenty weeks. One week for Christmas Rates of Tuition are as follows, viz : Primary, . . . per month, 81 (X) Intermediate, . . per mouth $1 75 Advanced, . . . per month ?2 50 Board, per month, including everything, $0 00 Tuition to be paid strictly at the end of each mouth. For further iaformation apply to W. A. HOURS, Prin., jyl8-tjanl InKold,N.C. Goshen High School. The First Session will open Thursday, August tho 8th. 18S9. and continue twenty weeks. Pupils, both male and female, will be instructed in all branch es of sudies usually taught in a first-class School of high grade. The most modern plans of advancing pupil will bo carefully pursued by the Principal. Ihere will be three departments, Academic, Primary, and Musical. Academic, . . 82.00 to 2.50 per month. Primary, . 81.00 to 8150 " " Music, . . 83.00 ' No extra charge for use of Instrument. Board can be had in good families, near tho School building. at from 85.00 to 87.00 per calendar month. Goshn, as a community of good morals, cannot bo surpassed in the State. Circulars, giving full particulars, will soon be readv for dis tribution. For further information write J. Jyl -tf Salcrni High School, : ESTABLISHED IN 1874.: MAUKrsT mm isir a. 11., snpt, A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES. Fail session opens on the 1st Monctav in AulikI. p.nl innilnnMf..r a term ofTwefitv Weeks. Tho School FIVK DKIllTMENTS, Viz: Primary, Intermediate, Academic and Preparatory. TUITION RATES. Rates in Tuition have been considerably mlueed to correspond with tho times. PRIM Alt V, per month $1 00 INTERMEDIATE. Hst, 9' " per month fl 50 2nd (Jrade, - per month ?1 87 J ACADEMIC, H81.0' " ' lrnonthfS25 ' ( 2n4 Grade, - - per month 2 75 PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE is to prepare boys and girls for col lege, rates intuition, which will -depend on the studies taken, will ikj made known on application. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Will be in charge of a first-class teacher of exrerienco and rci utation. Tuition, per month, $2.75. No extra BOARD: Good Board, including washing, room furnished, lights, wood, Ac., can be obtained in private families, convenient to the school, for from tfG.OO to $7.C0 per month. The School will be run on a firm, systematic basis and receive the teachers' entire attention. For particulars, in full, address, G. E. BUTLER, (U. N. C.) Principal, fr4tf Huntley, N. C. Man j Things at Cost FOR A good line of Summer Clothing. A lot of Hats. A nice line of Sum mer Dress Goods. A lot of Shoes. And variour other things will be sold absolutely at COST, to make room for Fall Stock. This is a rare chance for you to get the very best of bargains. mm CliOCES ANB WATCHES. ... ., - ; -. w a- ' ' Have yon one that needs repairing ? If so bring it to H B. GIDDENS, The old and reliable Jeweler of Clinton, N. where it will be pnt in smooth rnnnin? order on short notice. In addttion to repairing CI. cks and Watches, which is any specialty, I also do retiring of almost all kinds. Also carry in stock the DAVIS AND DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, and Attachments and Needles to all Machines. Give me a call, in the Atkins'-Building. Female Academy j ILL , .V. C. KM AW. lrlneiMU J. A. MrAKTMl'lt, A t l'r'.liriml. first ysar with an enrollment the year. hoi i da vs. to tho Principal, D EZZELL, Clinton or Hobtoh, N. C. isilivi.lwl info charge for use of instrument. THE