THE CAUCASIAN. ATTENTION! CASIAN PUBLISHED KVEBY THUKHDAY, Bf MAEIOX Bl'TLEB, Alitor and Proprietor. Will it pay yon to advert! in Tub Caucxuax ? Ltrftk at our adrnrlWrm rol nirnvs and you will eee how many are profltla by It. 6 SUBSCRIBE. Show tins Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to sub scribe. Xuro Domooraoy Hixd Xivlxlto Bupremoy FM CAU Hiibmrrfptloii l'riee $lJiO per Year, in Advance. TUB EDITOR'S CHAIR HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. The Opfnion of The Caucasian and . the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. It is estimated that there are now lGOXX) miles of railroad in the United States, and that the annual increase Is from 3,000 to 12,000 miles per year. "You can't eat enough in a week to last a whole year, and you can't advertise on that plan either. Intermittent advertis ing is like intermittent religion, it only insures intermittent re: ward." The San ford Express, in re ferring to the license of speech, generally, iuduljrcd in by the average lawyer, in abusing his opponent's clieuts, asks: "Is this license of speech in the courts, the seat or law, necessary to the administration of Kw and jus tice?" In answer to our brother we will say that no lawyer, worthy . of recognition in the noole pro fesnion, will stoop to such lit tleness. Further on he uses, a sentence wl ich should answer his own question, it is' this : "Everv lawyer ought t6 be a pure and gddd irtairj iecituae he is by profet-sloH an embassador of Justice and troth.' The General AsHtfhibly of the Democratic Societies of Penn sylvania convened Hst week. Eight hundred delegates were presen t. j Ex-President Cleve land was unable to accept an invitation to. be present. The following is a p ragraph of his letter to ihe Assembly,- which created much enthusiam when read : "My appreciation of the value of these Democratic societies, us agents for the instruction of the people on political topics and for the accotn plisbn.ent of legitimate political work is well known, and there was a time when in the interest of good government and national prosperity they were more needed." Cleveland is certainly happy in expressing a volume of mean ing in a minimum of words. The existence and prosperity of these societies mean that Penn sylvania will, some day not far distant, go Democratic. HOW TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION AND BE MORE PROSPEROUS. The Savannah News says : "If every kind of business ih Sa vannah ,were advertised, not only would all kinds of business be more prosperous, but the city also would be greatly benefitted. The impres sion would get abroad that Savan nah was a very lively and growing town, and the result- would be a great increase in her business and a more rapid growth of her popula tion, "A few days ago the Morning News received an inquiry from Flo rida. 'A party in that &ate desired to know whether there was any one in Savannah engaged In a certain kind of business. There are several persons engaged in tha business in question, but not one of them is an advertiser." WHY CAN'T WE? Perhaps some of our readers have seen the statement that manufactur ing pays so often they are getting tired of hearing it, and have conclu ded that we say it just because some one else says so occasionally. We do not write it simply because some y one says so in a guessing way: du? t; we write it because experience Is ) is constantly proving it to be so right , at our doors, and because we wish : our people to see It and enjoy its ad i vantages. lVi It now comes in print that the , f i.t r.,.iA u ikaiciKii mtinj intwjiv tviiiv;ii lias uuci; established only about two years, is paying 15 per cent, on the money in vested. Why can't every town In the State get a few thousand dollars together and put it to work in some such small enterprise? It takes a large capital to run a big thing in cotton manufacturing and such like: but small capital will run smaller manufactories. We hope that the time is not ' far ahead when every town iu North Carolina and the en tire South will have some small man ufacturing Industry in keeping with Its resources. The aboye from the Scotland Neck Democrat are our senti ments and-we hope' the time is near at "hand when: gome of oar buoess j men: j wil Vadopt them. 1 VOL. VIII. What I Transpiring attheltead of the Nation. Iltwr. Cor. The Caucasian.! Washikqtox, D. C, October 21st, 1889. Mahone's friends here are quietly hedging. Now they say thet he has had no idea of beirg elected butonly went into the campaign in order to get absolute control of tho party machinery so that lie could fix npf the delegation to the next National Republican renomi nating convention. This'is not p. Very likely story, and it would be jost as well for the Virginia Democrats to keep up the lively fight they aio making until election day. Statistics already collected by the Census Bureau show that the number of cotton mills in the, South have more than doable, since 1880. . G6v. Hill was warmly greet ed by many admirers daring the short stop he made here last Monday. He called on Hoii. Samuel J. Randall, and spent nearly an hour with him. Mr. Randall is much better, and ex pects to be entirely well before Congress meets. The International Maritine Conference met here Wednes day and organized by electing Admiral Franklin - President. Delegates are present from every maritime country in tha world except Portugal. A gentleman just returned from an extensive trip through the West says he Jound the people almost unanimously in favor of holding the World's Exposition of 1893 in Washing ton. Chicago has opened head quarters hero more to beat New York than with any hope of se curing the Exposition. Wash ington is second choice with both Chicago and New York. The members of the Cabinet are all quite busy preparing their annual reports, all of which have to be in the hands Of the President before he can complete his message to Con gress. "Heard the news from Mon tana?" asked a Democratic Sen ator of a Republican Senator. MYes," replied the Republican. "Well," said the Democrat "it appears to me that you fellows are pretty.hard to satisfy." Secretary Rusk delivered an address at the Agricultural Fair at I redenck, Md., this week. Mr. Ralford, the President s Private Secretary, is much bet ter and expects to be back at his desk next week. Ex-Secretary Bayard spent several days in Washington this week. The most of his time was devoted to his fiance, Miss Clymer. EPHS ANI CAYS. A newspaper in the Western States, called the Rocky Monn tain Cyclone, opened tfe first article of its first number as fol lows, says the Greencastle, Ind. Times : "We begin the publica' tion of the Rock y Mountain Cy- clore with some pftewdiphicul- ties in the way. The type phounder phrom whom we bought the outphit phor this printing ophice phailed to sup ply any ephs or cays, and it will be phour or phive weeks be- phore we can get any. We don't lique the loox ov spelling any better than our readers, but mis tax will happen in the best reg ulated ov phamilies, and iph the ephs and cays and exes and qus hold out we sha1! ceep (sound the o hard) :he Cyclone whirling aphter a phasion till the sorts arrive. It is no joque to us : it is a serious aphair." Kinston k ree Press. Those of us not yet fifty years of age have probably Jived in the most important and intel lectually progressive period of human . history. Within this half century the following in ventions and discoveries have been made : Ocean steamships, street railways, elevated rail ways, telegraph lines, ocean ca bles, telephones, phonographs, photography, and a score of new methods of picture-making, ani line colors, kerosene oil, electric lights, steam fire engines, chem ical fire extinguishers, anaesthe tics and painless surgery, gun cotton, nllro-glycerine, dyna mite, giant powder, alumnium, magnesium ard other new met als, electro-plating, spectrum analysis and spectroscope, audi phone, pneumatic tube, electric motor, electric railway electric bells," type-writer, cheap postal system, steam and. hydraulic elevatois, vestibule cars, canti lever bridges. All positive knowledge of the physical con s tit a tion of planetary and stel lar worlds 'have been attained within this period. CUMBERLAND NEWS. THE MARINE BAND TO AT TEND THE CENTENN I A L FIRE AT McKE ILLS' MILLS. Special Car to Co After President Davis. Iteg. Cor. Caucasian. I Faykttevillk, N. C, Oct. 21st, 1889 . The young ladies will soon hold their Book Reception at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, for the benefit of the association. The papers have it that the special term of couit for tlrs county is for the trial of crim inal causes. As the writer, who helped obtain it, understands it, it is for the trial of civil causes only. The bar meeting on Saturday arranged a calendar of civil causes for trial at the November term of court. As the second week is centennial week and the judge, jurors and lawyers are like most other people, not mnch business will be transact ed, as they will wish to see "the sights' and display their patriot ism. TheY. M. C. A. admitted thirteen new members Friday night. The membership is now nearly or quite 200. Mr. David S. Owen died at his home on Winslow street Saturday morning. The funeral services were held from the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon attended by . large concourse of citizens and the Knights of Pythias in a body. He was a man of noble and gen erous impulses, and reatly be loved for his sterling qualities as a citizen and friend. Dr. J. F. Hhjhsmith, of Samp son county has loca'ed here for the practice of his profession. May success attend him. Mr. James White, of Sampson, is here studying medicine under Dr. J. W. McNeill. Mr. White is already popular, and is under the tutelage of an excellent doctor and remarkably success ful practitioner. Mr. W. E. Kyle, of the Yad kin Valley road has returned from the New York meeting of railroad men. About fifty young ladies and gentlomen are attending Prof. Bellezza s dancing school. Senator Ransom has sr cured the Marine Band, of 108 pieces, of Washington D. C for the centennial. The Secretary of the Navy promised him that it shall be ordered here. Secretary- of War also says we can have as many flags for decoration as is needed. The reading of these letters caused intense enthusi asm. Arrangementsare perfect ed for a special train,wlth right of way, to go after ex-President Davis and family. Miss Winnie Davis is to spend some time with Mr. Wharton Green. The Marine Band is the finest band in the world, and ha nev er been south of Richmond. This is a big attraction. A fire at a wharf on the river Friday burned about 56 barrels of rosin and 15 casks of spirits. Loss $400. McNeill's cotton gin, at the merchants mills, caught fire Thursday The alarm was giv ev and a quick response from "the boys." ani the fire was out in ten minutes. Only a few bales of cotton were damaged. Mr. W. B. Young, one of the proprietors of tlit clothing fac tory left Saturday night for Griflin, Ga., where he will be married Wednesday to Miss Kincaid. Rev. il. Bryan Grlnnan, of Ja pan preached in the Presbyteri an church yesterday. He left this morning for San Francisco, to take passage back to Japan. Mrs. Grinnan and children will remain here for several months. Last Wednesday Capt. W. C. Powell, of the C. F. & Y. V. R'y Co. was married to Miss Irene Tysor, Rev. T. P. Barclay officiating. Miss Ann Warden, aged 72 years died, at her residence on Ramsey street, last Thursday. Gen. Casey, Chief Engineer has recommended an appropria tion of $310,000, for work on the Cape Fear. HOW SHE FELT. The Times and Democrat is responsible for the following: A young Jady of this place says the first time she was kiss ed she felt like a tub of roses swimming in honey, cologne, nutmegs and : cranberries. She felt also as if something was ru uning through her nerves on diamonds escorted byrsiveral little Cupids in chariots drawn by angels shaded by honeysuck les, and the whole spread with melted rain-bows. ' CLINTON, N. C, THUKSDAY, OCTOBER ELEVEN THINGS. A "Woman Can IK That a Man Can't. She can come to a conclusion without the slightest trouble of reasoning on it, and no sane man can do that. Six of them can "talk at once and get along firt-rate, and no two men can do tbit. She can safely stick fifty pins in her dresi while he is getting one under his thumb nail. .She is; as cool as a cucumber In a half-dozen tight dresses and skirts while a man will sweat pnd fume and growl in one loose shirt. She can talk as sweet peaches and cream to the wo man she hates while two men would be punching each other's heads before they exchanged ten words. ' She can say "no" in suh a low voice that it means "yes.'"' She can dance all night in a pair of shoes two sizs too small for her and enjoy every minute of the time. She can appreciate a kiss from her husband seventy years after the marriage ceremony is performed. She can go to church and af terwards tell you what every woman in the congregation had on, and in some rare instances can give you some faint idea of what the Ivxt wa. She can waik half the night with a colicky baby in her arms without once expressing the desire of murdering tho infant.. She can drive a man crazy in 24 hours and then brin him to paradise in two seconds by simply tickling him under the chin, and there doe i not live that mortal son of Adam's misery who can do it. Boston Times. The Australian Ballot System. The Australian ballot system has been frequently mentioned of late, aud as a matter of in formation, we give the follow ing description of it which we condense from a very interest ing article on that subject in the September Forum: The polling places, or booths, are provided with an open place for the election officials and al so a screen. These officials con sist of thereturning officer and his clerk and each party is al lowed a scrutineer, the scruti neer being a non-voter. No other persons are allowed in the polling booths. The re turning officer has in his pos session the electoral roll on which are registered the names and descriptions of all qualified electors, arranged and numbered from No. 1 upward in tha al phabetical crde.'. He also has a corresponding number of bal lots containing the names of all the candidates without refer ence to party. At the hour ap pointed, the polls are opened and one by one the electors walk in. When a man offers to vote, the returning officer ex amines his roll to see that the elector is qualified, and if no, then tho clerk checks off his name, writes the corresponding number on the ballot and passes it to the elector. The elector then goes behind the screenand with a blue pencil marks out the names of all candidates for whom he does not wish to v.te, leaving the names of his favor ite candidates as they are. He then deposits his ballot in the box and goes about his bus! fies3. After the day is done, the polls are closed and the ballots are counted by the returning officer and his clerk in the pre3 ence of the scrutineers. All im proper ballots are thrown ont and the legal ballots are sealed up and posted to the cleik of parliament. ine system seems to b an admirable one wi'h this excep tion. When an elector is blind or otherwise physically incapa ble, the assistance of the return ing officer may be called iu and it is manifest that if the system were adopted in this country where so many of our voters are "blind " in that they cannot read, the returning officer, if he were allowed to prepare their ballots for them, could perpe trate all sorts of frauds on the Ignorant. Dativille Register. The miseries of a Czar as de scribed by Berlin dispatches are enough to make every American citizen thankful ' that he is one of 60,00,000 sovereigns instead of being the Fovt reign oyer 90, 000,000 of subjects. Puck says: "Fortune knocks once at every man's door, but she doesn't vo hunting through beer saloons for him if he hap pens to be out. A, Chapter of Coinci Jeiice. A LARGE FORTUNE WAVER ING IN THE BALANCE! THE 31 1 SSI NO 1IE11L THE CAUCASIAN S OIUGIXAt. STORY BY JULU3C IMWTHOBSIC. Continued from last issue A newsboy came into the car, ani I bought a World contain ing accounts of Simon Ferdinan-dC',-the political spy, with a prtrait of his long, foxy coun tenance, and some notes of his career. After, giving his evi dence before the commissIon,he had disappeared from London, and wa3 supposed to be now iu Spain. Tbe newspaper account added that Ferdinando's life had been declared forfeit by the secret organization whose affairs he had betrayed, and tlmt we might soon aspect to hear of his assassination or sui cide. All this served to divert my thoughts; and the car, which was quite full, had reached Union Square, when a young woman entered it and took her stand opposite me, holding on by a strap. She was a comely ifirl, under twenty years of age, reatly and modestly dressed;her face was refined and cf pure outline, but she was very pale and looked distressed. As no one else offered to stir, I put my paper in my pocket, and arising, offered her my seat. She ac cepted it with a scarcely audible "Thank you, sir. Our eyes met for a moment, and T f el t spmething touch my hand. GUncing down, I saw that she was tendering me a bit of fold ed paper. It was an unusual and by no means a conventional proceeding on her part; but I had been so upset by the chest nut epieode that perhaps my customary powers of discrimina tion were in abejance; at all events, 1 took the note and put it in the side pocket of my sack coat. She sa' down. No one had observed what had passed. In about a minute I again put my hand in my pocket, took out the note and read it. Here it is: "1 have decided to give this to whoever looks trustworthy. Whoever you are,for God's sake, do as I ask. I am an honest girl. I am in bitter trouble. Something has happened that threatens to ruin my reputation and endanger my life, maybe. I have no one to ask help or ad vice of. W hen I leave this car, please follow me, and tell me what I had better do." There was nothing else in the note. After I had read it I re turned it to mv pocket and looked at the girl. My profess ion has enabled me to judge something of character by the face. This girl's face had no guile in it, and there was in her eyes a beseeching and withal terror-stricken expression that could not have been counter feited. I made up my mind to do as she requested. Though a lawyer, I am not too old to be visited by occasional impulses of imagination, not to speak of curiosity. The girl saw my con sent in my face, ard a suh of relief escaped her. She remained in her seat un til the car reached Asto" Place. Then she got up, and passed out. She gave me one glance; evidently there was not an atom of coauetry about her. I waited till the car was at tne cornr of t'oaper Union, aud then I, too, got off. She was walking toward Broadway; I soon overtook ner, 1 lifted my hat, as if l was an acquaintance of hers "Mv name is Garget," I said "Tom Garset, Trinity Bu-ld ing. May I ask you? name?" "Ruth Jadwin," she replied "I thank you with all my heart, sir. I don'i know what you must think of me. I'm almost out of my wits. I I've been walking about all night." "What is the cause of that? Have you no home no lodine, at least?" "Oh, yes; I am goin there now. But when I ert back from my work last night I'm a girl at Cra? haw's on Sixth avenue and unlocked, the door of my roora-" She stopped, with a despairing gesture, and added: "It was too terrible You will understand why, when Ob, I can t see why sucn a thing should happen! Luckily Mrs. Foote doesn't know. She is the landlady." "Have you had your break fast?" I inquired. " , "No no oh, I can't iat yet. I have money. Wait till" We had been walking down Eighth slreet,had crossed Broad way, and were nearing Wash ington Square. Continued in next issue. 24, 1889. OUtt YOUNG FOLKS. Some thin? Interesting to Yoaa Headers ofTlic Cucln. Prepwd mck wrk by W. A. Jonwx, to wliocn all cutumuakatkMU ir44 er tol column boatd b md JrcMcd.) AS APPROXIMATION. It w&a in an op-town public school the other day, and the class in f eography was on Up. "William," said the teacher, "what do you call lh place where a river takes ita rise?" William was red-headed and weak-eyed and very dumb. He stared aghast a the tfacher. "Come," s&id she, repeating tbe question, "come, speak oat.' But William was speechless. Suddenly the boy , behind him whispered softly The source or head." William's muaclea relaxed. The sore head," he bawled. Philadelphia Pre. Sae QieitUu ftr Oar Yang rrtciii U Aaiwtr. 1. In what great battle were cannon first used ? 2. What wa& the greatest can dle ever made and how long did it burn? a What French King was called the Father of his coun try? 4. What Kin? and Queen of France were beheaded ? 5. Where is the erave of Christopher Columbus? 6. What is the highest tower in the world ? 7. Where is Stonewall Jack son's grave? ENIGMAS. X. 34. BY E. E. B. I am composed of 12 letters: My first is In friar, but not in mire. My second is in rise, but not in pies. My third is in heart, but not in smart. Hy fourth is iu druir. but not hug. My fifth is in liar, but not in fire. My sixth is in groom, but not in soon. My seventh is in thread, but not in said. My eiirhth is in rock, but not in clock. My ninth is in rhyme. JUt not in time. My tenth is in lie. but not in sky. My eleventh is in toneue. but not in sung. My twelfth is in steal, but not in feel. My whole is the name of a young poet at Warsaw. Answers U Questions aii EiigMs il Last IssH. 1. Methusafeh was the son of Enoch who was carried to Hea ven alive. He died before his fat er. 2. The Yosemite Falls in Cal ifornia are the highest in the world. 3. Th largest trees are found in California. 4. There are forty-two States and seven Territories. 5. Sampson county was form ed in 1784, from Duplin, and was nameu in honor of Colonel John Sampson, who lived a few miles from Clinton. 6. The longest day iu the year 13 the 22nd o June, and the shortest the 22nd of December. Enigma No. 33 Niagara Falls. We have received answers from the following: Norvella Spell, Hawley's Store. Lottie Williamson, Clinton. Eula Iteaister, " Ella Lockerman Huntley. IharlU Bronsou,' Lisbon. Janie Willia ..s, Chance. Allmand Griggs, Clinton. GO a 3 t3- ocg. i i " H i 3 o p " J 5' w-' H u G 2 3 2 3 M O 03 1 Q M " 1-5 u 2 ' W W 3 S3 to lj rH s -s fed H ... s -g o X SO No. 2. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. fAVXotrxrwrvT i Kenansville Male g KW.1.YSVILLEt v. a Infill SoMHion riot-iim Keptember DUw 1H8D. IJovm lMnpnKwl (nr (VIIm. rit.l.. i i i i . . . institute. Special liKlixvnients offrml to thono dextrin te prepare . of fpr bu,,lDa- Music by exiwleiral teacher. Social and renjrtoua . advantages nnurpai. Free from malaria. Board In' I take tlCrtUrn In llirtntu-tnr l.t Uollese, will awjgt me next seion. ttjr imuaoaiui i ruin me lTrauicnt and Faculty of that Institution, where he served as Tutor In (Irwk last year. He is a young munof mt excellent character and dorill IttorMrv t,.tnm it u . nAn. iwk. land county, N. i or further particulars apply Immediately to M . tV. M. SHAW, Prlnclpl, arJ9 3m Or PUOF. J. A. MeAKTHUlt, AmI Principal. Clinton School FOR REV. J. W. TURNER, A. M, Princiiul MRS. J. W. TURNER, Awlatant Fall Term Opens Monday Sept. 2, '89. RATES OF TUITION . Primary Branches, per month, - - $1 25 Advanced Primary, " - $2 00 Junior. " - ?2 50 Intermediate, ... a 00 Senior, . . . $3 60 Latin, Greek and French are taught without extra cliarge. No contingent fee is charged. Where expedient, Count ry Pro duce will be received in settlement ot bills. This 8chooi recently closed its first year with an .enrollment amounting to 66 pupils durin the year. For farther information address "igStf REV. J. W. TURNER, Clinton, N. C. Goshen High School; The First Session will open Thursday, August the 8tb, 1889, and continue twenty weeks. Pupils, both male and female, will be instructed in all branch es of sudies usually taught in a first-class School of high grade. The mosf modern plans of advancing pupils will bo carefully pursued by the Principal. There will be three departments, Academic, Primary, and Musical. Academic, . . $2.00 to $2.50 per month. Primary, . fcl.OO to $150 " Music, . . $3.00 ' No extra charge for-tise of Instrument,.. - , Board can be had in trood families, near the Selionl hnlldlnir. at from $5.00 to $7.00 per calendar month. uoshen, as a community of good morals, cannot be surpassed in the State. Circular, giving full particulars, will soon be ready for dls ribution. For further information write to tho Principal, J. D EZZELL, jyl -tf Clinton or Hobtoo, N. C Salem High School, : ESTABLISHED IN 1874.: MARION HUTI ETt A. 11., Knpt. A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING Fall session opens on the 1st Monday in Augwtt. and continue for a term of Twenty Weeks. The Kchool FIVE DK!PA.RTME2SrTS, Viz: Primary, Intermediate, Academic and Preparatory. TUITION RATES, llates in Tuition have been considerably reduced to correspond with the time. PRIMARY, - - - per month fl 00 . TVTPinn?TtTATP f 1st Grade, "- per month $1 50 INTERMEDIATE. 2ndrade, - per month $1 87J AfMiwum (1st Grade, - . per month $5 25 AtAUfiant, 2nd Grade, - - per month $2 75 PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE to to premrc boyt and Kl:to for col lege, rates in tuition, which will made known on application. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Will be in charue of a first-clas teacher ,f experience and reputation. Tuition, per month, 12.75. No extra BOARD: Good Board, including washing, room furnished, lights, wood, AcM can be obtained in private families, convenient to the school, for from fC.OO to $7.00 per month. The School will lie run on a firm, systematic basis and receive the teachers' entire attention. For particulars. In full, address, . E. Jy4 tf NEW A DVEirriSEM EN S. JEWELRY ARD "LOCKo. lliavejust rc-ih'nl a l.r li t : Elc.'iint Jewelry. Thi I i: guar.ii. tec to ihc piinlwvT t- Ik- ju.t as rt'i rescntal. I tll i cheap. "lite ui!t" giod hut carry a ktaxiiakji OOI.D FltoXT omiw. Tin; attcmi"U ot Die l:ttHc i calKri to Uiu latot style of B J! EAST FIN'S the v arc tuirij; of beauty !" The oM reli .hlc ai.d rtanlaril rtETII THOMAS CLOCKS nlwayt in stin k. in yariou styh-s aul 7.ti. Mr Uepa riu of Watclun hiid ( lucks aud niendiMd Juwt-lry is a niwcially. AH work I iU. in guaranteed t gU'e en tire saltafacti"!'. Ueciieetfullr. NOTICE 1JAVING THIS DAY QUALIFI 11 ed as administrator of I. D. God win, notice is hereby given to the cieditors of said f?ecesed to present their claims, duly proven, according to law, wilhia twelve months, or this notice will be plead in bar of their, recovery. Those persons in debted to said estate are respectful ly asked to come forward and make immediate payment. ' ISAIAH McPllAIL, Ad'mr. HEJTEKY E. FAI803T, Att'y. Sept. 26th, 1889.-6U LtsTiLx SQO subscriber la IMS; 1,607 to-day. Female Academy, tv.r I . t. . .! I . He hat fumtahed me with aatlufkc- SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXEcj. to divided into . depend on the studies taken, will be charge for uso of Instrument. BUTLER, (U. N. C.) Principal, Huntley, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Big Bargain FOR SOMEBODY, Being wo n out ami unable to do farm work, 1 will sell my farm on Six' Runs, G miles from Clinton, con- ' taining 205 acres, about 100 clearel -and under good fence, adapted to growth of corn, cotton, and anything ' grown in this region, and with good seasons and work makes fine crops. , Very good houses, excellent water, very healthy and a desirable place ' to live at. I would sell at a low -p. ice, if application is made within ; the next three months. Now some 1 person desiring to farm can get a wondeiful bargain out of me. oct3 tf It. J. PEARS ALL. KCVf n Anne ii cunn w u rt si u tm o il u r When you wish an easy shave, As gcod as barber ever gave, T.. ..11 . i. f usi vuii vi me to, my aaioon At tf.orning, eve or noon; I cut and ilrem the hair with grace, . To suit tbe contour of the face. My room Is neat and towels clean, Scissors tbaro and razors bvn. ; And everything I think you'll find ; , To rait the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do ' T mam II Till - - f - t. PAUL 8HEBABD, The Clinton Barber.