j The time for beginning the - series of inter cullejfiate foot , Entered according to l'osui iw atj games I near at liana ana THE CAUCASIAN. Clinton, N. C aa second ciaaa ma. matter. broken limbs and sklned fbins - will iojn make their appearance ; At the meeting of represeuti jtivesof tlio University, Wake THE CAUCASIAN'S RECORD. 1.607. . I 1euii ttl Trinitv tnnm 0.t OnovcArntrc it was left tnan ww. ' Advertisers tl.inlr of this.. electr-d President and Davidson College was admitted into tlie asoc'ation. CLINTON, X.l-'..-tr. 24, lfrSO. (Joldsboro now lights. h-is electric The Democratic party is unit ed, and when it is unite 1 New York li a Peuir-cratic State. New York World. A rare collection of American gemsareon exhibition at the Paris Exposition. It is said that ono fifth of them are from North Carolina! Chauncy M. Depew predicts that tho World's Fa'r will bo in Few York in 1892 and thatGro ver Cleveland will bo the Dem ocratic nominne at that time. Wanamaker has named a postofiiee In Wyoming CJ rover and the postmaster isThurman. A cver combination with Alliance Department. BIThe Caucasian was adopt ed as the official organ of the Coun ty Alllau?ea by f he County Alliance, Janu iry lOth.gf Alliance Trade Tieki t. I have had a lare suppl "eternal fitness."-ger. -Wil. Mrssen- Col. L. L. Polk editoi of the Progressive Farmer, will go to the AJlanta Exposition in a Hpeciai car sont from that place for him. lie makes an address at the Exposition. j . - The Goldsboro Fair is now in full blast and exceeds the brightest expectations of the managers, it is slid. The Argus says that its probably about the largest in many years. Mr. Randall denies that he te vised Gov. Hill's Atlanta speech when the Governor called on him here last Monday, as has been alleged by co'taln newspa per correspondents. A lawyer in New York C.tv was committed to 10 days in jail last week for contempt of court. lie entered the court room intoxicated and called his honor an intamous and corrupt judge. Col. John A. Oates, ho was representing tho Carolina Ve neer Works at the State Fair, re turned last Saturday. Ho said the exhibit, save the stock, sur passed anything in its history. The estimated attendance du ring the week was between 40, 000 and 50,000. Harvard's Seniors have elect ed a colored youth Class Day Orator of the next graduating class of that Institution. His name is Clement Morgan, and his home is in Washington D. CJ He is said to be by for the most polished orator now ai. Harvard, having won the Boyalston prize for oratorly last year. Gen. Green H. Banm, who our readers will remember, wa commissioner of .Internal Rev enue under Hayes, Garfield and Arthur, has been appointed Pen sion Commissioner by President llarriaon vice ''Corporal" Tau ner, who got out of office. He is an improvement on his pre decessor, but we fear will not be equal to the Jlerculean'tisk of stopping the tido or senseless extravagance which has been put in motion. Our Farmers' Column: SOMETHING I NTE RESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. "There ia no mnterial proKft-MtliMt i wll l:isrl and permanent without ai iru'.tural Irorcx:." Are j ou going to use home dirt or Yankee dirt monopoly dh.t fnud dirt to make jour next year's crop? Are you go ing to make your own fertilizer tilizer and permanently improve and enrich yo;ir land or are you going to wait till next spring, and then mortgaged your crop ahead for more of the stuff that has proven a curse to agri culture in the South? Have you built stalls enough to shelter each , one of your cows separately? Have you supplied them with surf and straw ? If not you have no tima to lose. Remember that twelve months is scarcely a long enough time in which to make a good crop. of Tivide Car-Is printed which I can furnish to sub-Alliances at 25 per hundred. G. A. Cllte, Com ty Business Agent. When you are tempted to use jute bagging, temember the g2, 000,000 .squeezed t ut of the Farmers lat year by the Trust. delegates form each cotton ex change in the United States to take into consideation and settle th? question of tare, on and to cotton cotton covered bales a ftanuHrd ".Jute bagging will never bo king m North Carolina" were the words used by Gov. Fowle last wek at the State Fair, when presenting the wedding gifts to the Bateuian Knowles couple who were married in cotton bagging. .JEW i ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Brooklyn base ball team has won the association cham pionship and an interesting series of games is being played by that team and the New Yorks, the champions of the National League. The World says that the World'? Fair and all else is taking a rest untii the interesting contest is dec! ded. .... .- .... - The State Fair was a great success this year. The exhibit was good and the attendance was large. On Thursday the number of visitors present was estimated at sixteen thousand Alamance county took the cak for the best exhibit, but the ex hibits of several other counties were not for behind that of Alamance. The greatest power in North Carolina to-day, i-ocially, and d ucationally, is He Farmers' Al liancc. Its growth is wonder ful, almost phenomenal. The order is only a year o'd in this State, yet has a membership of 85,000, 75,000 of whom are males. Its unity of purpose and elegant business system (which is being last perfected) make it all the more powerful. Probably inno State in the Union -is it stronger or better organized thau lu re. estabrsl bagging. We earnestly request the Hon. Evan Jone?", President Of the Farmers' and Laborers Union of America, to invite each cot ton exchange in the United States to s -ni properly accredit ed delegate to said convention. In the evtMtt that the cotton exchanges refu-e or neglect to participate in .said convention, then the delegates represent. n the producers shall proceed to fix the tare and prescribe a standard cotton bilging to which all Alliancemen will un compromisingly adhere. This action is necessary that manufacturer of cotton bag ging may b enabled to supply the demand at reasonable prices. Let Sub-Alliances take action immediately. L. F. Livingston, I'ren't S. F. Alliance of Ga. R. J. Siedge, Chm'n Na ional Cotton Com. 11. F. Kolu, Com. t f Agriculture of Ala. Atlanti, Ga., 0;t. 7, 1S89. The New Fall Stock NKW-VPVXBTISEMESTS - KKW ADVERTISEMENTS. L 0 0 i ; I t Something New for Everybody ! BRICK STORE If a merchant spends one hundred dollars in advertising and it increases hi& gross sales six hundred dollars he loses nothing, profit on the goods sold amounts to twenty per cent. If his gross sales are increased twelve hundred dollars he makes one hundred dollars clear profit by the advertising, or one hundred per cent, on his invest ment. Wilmington Star. The Pra-Xiit rts a Mo ley Crop. A few davs since little War ren, a son oi our live aui ener getic townsman, W. A. Johnson, dug the p a-nuts from a small patch of about one -sixteenth of an acre .vmcii in) piani.ea last May. He was surprised to find tint he h-id about ten bushels of good, souudpeas, which were worth 75 cents per bushel. ,He planted two quarts and used no manure. Th's is worth think ing about, for it means that the pea-nut will head cotton as a money crop. An acre of land that will not make a bale of cot ton will produce f;om G5 to 100 bushels of pea-nuts. These pea-nuts when bought by the merchants here to sell cost about 1.10 per bushel. But suppo e we estimate the average yield at 75 busho's per acre and the aver age price at only 75 cents pet bushel, and we have 55.25 Thi3 i3 not all you make. Thf tops of the pea make excellent forage, which will average more thau a ton to tho acre. In addi tion, the peas left in the g.onnd will fatten from two to th-ee' hogs. In fact these last two items will about pay for the raising of the peas, making the value of the pea crop a net prof it. Has any fanner ever made that much on cotton ? No. Has any olo ever made half of it? Do our farmers average a fifth of it? No. Do thsy average a tenth? W9 doubt it, for many are thrown in debt by the cot ton crop. In short cotton, as a money crop, is a failure. Then what shall it he? If we don't know, let us experiment. We can find a cash market for the pea as well as for the cotton. For the benefit of such as may wish to try it, we will publish an article soon on the best meth ods of cultivating the crop. The Cotton Exchanges are one by one breaking the contract to allow the eight pounds tare on cotton covered in cotton bag ging. Intact it really seeing that all the exchanges have joined the Trust. At the same time the Trut is organizing on a bigger scale and making its boasts that it will force all the farmers to use their bagging next year, Right here the jute men are. we think, reckoning ;r'iout their host. Tho Alliauco has resolved to use cot'on, and" its members have manhood enough to stick to it. At the same time our de mand for the eight pounds tare is nothing but right and just we must have ii, I!' wecau't gel it sooner, then our next LfigLda tare must pas. a l.uv requ.ung cotU.ii .to be sold at net weight, as tiie exporters now soil it in Liverpool, fixing the tare for the different coverings at 24 and 16 pounds lespectively.' HAS BEEN Bought Chftap and will be Sold Low! Come, Buy and be Profited- Your attention is specially called to my large and complete iine of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS- To my excellent line of liOOTS A,D SHOFS, HATS AND CAPS, which will be sold on I he closest possible margin. Also to the latest thiig in CARP ETS, OIL CLOTHS AND OIL RUGS, which vm should by all means see before buying. We have accomplished oar purpose duriug our five weeks sttj in Boston, New York and l'nllaaeipnia, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rnilE UNDEIISIGXED HAV- JL mg qualiued as administra tor of the estate of Prico Booh, de ceased, hereby gives notice to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them on or b:tor the 25th day of October, 1890, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to .-aid estate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. WM. S. MATTIIIS, Aclm'r. M. C. Ujciiardsox, Att'y. ' This 17th day of Oct., 188 9. 24-tf PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. A. M. LEE, M. D. Piiysiciax,S i? boko and Dentist, Omce in Lee's Drusr Store, je 7-lyr J. A. STEVENS, M. D. Maj. Finger has very decided views aiout the public schools. He bald to day there was en tirely too much laudation of a system of schools which .runs only three months and is ineffi cient. He says North Carolina will never have better schools until the people see that . better ones are needed. There is a great deal of goods sense in that obseivation.Ral. Cor. Messen ger. ; - Physician and Surgeon, (Office over Post Office.) f&-May be found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. je 7-lyr HE. FAISON, Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice In courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to hi3 care-will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr; Moimt (iilcad, No. 40. Spec. Cor. to The Caucasian. We have an ;nstitution wholly commendable before God and man. so, in accordance with the organized forces,should do all in our power to promote, increase the value of our united. brother and sisterhood of the Alliance. Then in obedience to the com mand shall we be ably support ed in the building up of the Or der with renewed efforts. The laws of progress is wend ings its way, alternately to tho superb structure, therefore hark! ye, of this the nineteenth cen tury, l.)ok forward for btte-: times; freedom we behold in the distance, and its guidance shall be triumphant at the dis pensation of time. The brightening of a new firmament on earth is near at hand, the signs of the time be speak with a prophetic view of -ts declaration. Our sub-Alliance, No. 40,mem brs are all alive, zealous on the line of progression. Think by next meeting will have all dues fitted up for the Canning Facto ry, &c. Miss M. T. M., Cor. Sec'y Mt. Gilead Alliance. THOMSON. Ittorney and Counsell or at Law. . r Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad Joining counties. Ever attentive and faithful to the interests of all clients. je7-lyr Important Circular. The following circular is sent out by the chairman of the national cotton committee in connection with the President of the Georgia State! Alliance and the Commissioner of Agri cultural of Alabama, calling upon all Alliance men to stand by them in there efforts: Whereas, Receut information of a reliable natu e lias reached us, that a jute combine has been renewed upon a mo e extensive scale than formerly, denominat ed the American Manufactur ing Co., in which, pe haps all principal jute bagtfiiig manu . factureis are interested, - by which they xropo4e to iorce on the cotton producer for the j'ear 1890 their output. And, Whereas, It is absolutely necefsary that whatever should be done to prevent the same and to be efficien r, be done at the earliest possible day. There fore we, the undersigned, most earnestly request the Presidents of each State Alliance tci have a decided expression from their Sub-Alliances," Wheels and Unions, in favor of the exclu sive nse of cotton ; bagging for the year 1890, and " report the same to a convention at St. Louis on December 4th, next, at 10 a. in. ; Said convention' to be com posed of the Presidents of each State Alliance, Wheel or Union, or such representatives as they may select, and one or more CHAMPION FOOD Cures Hog Cholera. FATTKJS S hokses And cures diseases resulting from indigestion and overwork, Increases the yield of milk from Cows and impioves the quality. We have hundreds of certificates from reliable persons, all ovei the country, to prove above. It is Sure ! It is Inexpensive ! It is no ITuEBVfi ! IT IS IN VALUABLE T THE FARMER! If you h ive a sitrk beast buy a Vound and try' it. We have three testimonials, and can f urnish any number o;i applica tion to an one of the agents. Sanfoko, S. ('.. August 3rd, 15S9. Mt-ssrjf. J. C. Stevenson ifc-Tuvlor, Wilming ton, N. C. , Dear Slits : We have been using ''Cham pion Food'' for twelve months and lind that it does all that is claimed for it. It improves the general condition ot stock and will cure Hog Cholera. We feed it to our stock regu larly and would not do without it. J. K. ALLSRItOOK. Laukixbcro, X. C Sept. 17th, 1889. Jfessrs. J. C. Stevenson fc Taylor, Wilming ton. X. C',: Pear SikS: After using the half barrel "Champion Food" purchased of you we can readily say that it has fulfilled every repre sentation made for it so far as we have tried it. In no instance has it failed to benefit stock fed on it. We can particularly recom mend it for milch cows, calves and colis. We regard it ns the best stock food on the market. Send us another half barrel. Yours Trul v, ALEX. McKIXXOX & CO. Wii.mixgtoxX. C, Oct. 10th, 1889. Messrs. J. C. .Stevenson Ai Taylor : (Jextlemkx: The "Champion Food" you sold us has been given a fair trial, it is a suc cess, and we are glad to add testimony to its worth. When fed to our horses we "lind it aids digestion, creates an appetite and the animal improves at once; it is a great condi tioner, and a trial w ill prove its value, We have fed it to our cows and with them also it has proved a great digestive, both, the flow and the quality of the milk has imin-oved, the per centage of increase we cannot yet positively stilt. The food does all you claim in the line of tests we. have made; we shall continue its use and advise all the owners of stock to give it a trial. T. J. S0UTHERLAXD. W. A. JOHNSON, Agent, Clinton, N. C. J. C. STEVEXSOX & TAYLOR, oct 24-tf Agents for N. Carolina. WlVffijKrX Hereymi can et anv- ttaEKiCi . thinir from a -fine 'Wal nut Bedroom suit down to a cheap, good suit the siz of ea.li man s pocket. IJe sure to'sea my Cherry and Sweet (Ju?:r Suits, which are nn;e articles at moderate prices. 1 have bought very low a lot of TRUNKS and VALISES. I will give my customers the benefit of my good fortune by celling them iow. The largest and most complete line of HARDWARE. CUTLE RY, GUNS AND PISTOLS to be found in the place is at my sto. o. Come and examine our CROCK FRY, GLASS AND TINWAItE, where you will have the lanrest assortment to select from. BUILDER'S MATERIAL: I keep in stock a large supply of Sash, D ors, Blinds, Lime, Hair, and everything needed in this line. J NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS OF Sampson County OR ONE OF MY DEPU- 9 t:es, will be at the follow ing places, at the times staged, lor the purpose of collecting the taxes for 1889: Newton Grove, Thursday, Oct. 24th. Halls, Friday, 25th. Little Coharie, Monday, 28th. McDaniels, Tuesday, " 29th. Piney Grove, Wednesday, " 30th. Every tax-payer in each to wnship is earnestly requested to meet me on the day appointed and pay his taxes, as required by law. -Respectfully,-J. M. SPELL, Sheriff. September 19th, 1889. tt W. T, WILLIAMSON'S BUGdY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IN NEW QUARTERS ON FAYETTEYILLE ST. Round Shaves, Hacks and all Edge Tools made, and Repahing done on short notice. I will kesp on hand a large lot of Western Buggies (open and top) and Roads Carts. They will equal in quality and are sold as low as any like goods in Goldsboro, Fayetteville or "Wilmington. " Respectfully, mch28-tf W.T.WILLIAMSON. WANTED. F1 1VE HUNDRED CORDS OF Bl act Gum Blocks, for which we will pay $3.50 Per Cord, Delivered at the Factory. Call at the office of the Caiolina Veneer Works and get specifications. . oc 3-tf J. U CLUTE, Rupt. Where can you get BELTING, GUM AD RUBBER PACK ING AND BABBIT? The question is answered by calling in to see me. - - A large variety of HEATING AND COOK STOVES, which win oe soia tower man ever. Fresh First-Class Groceries Always on hand and sold at starvation prices. 300 Sacks of Liverpool Salt just received. jg-Reinembrr that I am agent for RAILROAD MILLS SNUFF and DUPON PS POWDER, which Isellai manufacturer's prices. I am now ofFerintr foods in eve v line on a smaller proOt than eve.' before and hope to justified in this coui'stj by largely in creasing the quautitv of sales. - Yours, for our mutual advantage, J. E. ROYAL. r boviohs worm Jiiiier. w y "THE- BEST SELLING VERMIFUGE OS THE MARKET." Receipt Furnished to any Regular Physician When Requested. :o: La Grange, N. C, July, 1887. Mr. J. P. Joyner: I gave my child one dose of Boykin's "Wo va Killer," purchased of you. It brought 366 w.orms. I consider it the best worm medicine made. Respectfully, J. W. THOMAS. Messrs. T. M. & B. F. Powell, prominent merchants in Colum bus county, N. C, wrote us in July. 1887, that "Rev. Mr. T, C. Floyd gave his child one dose of Boykin's '-Worm Killer," and the result was 367 worms. He wishes all interested to know it." Read the following from one of the most prominent and best known Physicians and farmers in South Carolina. He writes : Tbat a negrn grl 10 years old, near him, took two or three do ses of the Worm Killer," and passed 366 woi-ms." Dated Ridge way S. C, May 6, 1884. R. H. EDMUNDS, M. D. For Sale by DR. R. II. HOLLTDAY. Clinton, N. C. oct24-lui Many Things at Cost FOR THE aemxs mm A good line of Summer Clothing. A lot of Hats. A nice line of Sum mer Dress Goods. A lot of Shoes. t And variour other things will be sold absolutely at COST, to make room for Fall Stock. This is a rare chance for you to get the very best of bargains. MOVED Into ray New Store NEW BRICK STORE next to J. E. Royal's Coming in every day! Call in and examine befere buying else where. Best quality of Will be kept in stock. an DIM Respectfully, J. II. ROYAL. FOR FIftE SHOES W. A. JOHNSON. REPRESENTING AND Good Cheap Shoes! j ! WILMINGTON-OIL CO, GO TO CIIESTNUTT A BA.RENTINE, ' 30 Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. aog 15 tf Wil lpay highest eash " price for I COTTON" SEED ! Or exchange meal for same. ' Faimers would do well to see Mr. Johnson, at Clinton, before Helling. , ang29 2m AW 25 Wt A EH X H CO W h3 rsfelL d ft) Vmiim in in -iTT"ai1' - The Best Clothing, FOR THL LEAST MONEY! o O P 1ST.' SBO FOR TIIE LEAST MONEY ! CQ S25 o a1 mmm FOR THE LEAST MONEY 1 O CD 4 o o XJ1 CQ Best Gents' Furnishing Goods, FOR THE LIS AST MONEY ! V They can't be bought for less money, for we have tried It with the rash. Now we propose to give you the benefit ot our efforts ' Oar aim is to make our Store I . The Store of the People. Where you can Day good? that comb from manufacturers direct wuero you can Duy an ouv-ni, ' , r A For nearly half the price than ba ying elsewhere. : Do not buy before you visit our store and get our prices. t .-;.,- fc ;,.!.-. : .: y- M. HANSTEINi V King Hatter and Clothier; V