r 5 IAN. THE CAUCASIAN. ATTENTION. Will It pay yea to advertise in Thk Carcucux ? Ixok at our adwlisinj; col aons,' tad yoa viU how many are tsyofitla by It CAS I'UBUHI'KO KVKKY TUUB8DAY, Editor tiad Proprietor. ' r SUBSCRIPT Show thia Paper to your neigh-r tor and advise hlra to sub scribe. 3!Taa.r 33emooro7 Mad white BupromMoy VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N: C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1889. No. 3. LhtoSQO QbccrIbc la l&SSj to-day: Niibscrtptlou Price $UW per Year, In Advance. CAU 0 - J THE EDITOR'S CHAIR. AT THE CAl'ITAI HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUR STAND POINT. What In Transpiring at the Head of the Nation. ftteg. The Opinion or The Caucasian and the Opinion of others which we ' Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. Thirteen persons Lav e', been ar rested and are on trial at Lexing ton for the lynching which re cently took plac there. Some thing must be done to prevent further , taking of human, life in. ibis batharona inannar-iu-oor State, or we will t-oon have a reputation of which we will not be proud. Justice baa not been I u"e'y.' bo much abused in North Caro lina as to Justify it citizens in reporting to lynching for . pro tection,. Let it be put down. The court in the Cronin case has decided that the testimony of a witness cannot be excluded because he ha read the news papers. At this age of the world, when every intelligent person reads the press, it is absurd to exclude jurymen and witnesses CUMBERLAND NEWS. Cor. The Caucasian. Wasiiia'gtox. D. C October 2Mb, 1889. The Republican leaders, with the approach of the opening of the . Ff ty-First Congress, grow uneasy. For tbe nut time in years they possess the Presiden cy and both branches of the National Assembly, me re sponsibility is unavoidable. No more talk of the opposition of the Democratic party in ti e llonse, no more talk of Demo rr&rlc vetoes. "The Republican party in the coming session most meet the issues of the day The revision of the tariff, which the Senate bill of the last, session declared to be imperative, must be made. Ap propriation for purposes long delayed must bo levied. Quib bling and lying will avail little during this session. In lo?iug the House the Democratic par ty is fortunate, inasmuch as it ieayes its enemy with enough rope to hang itself. The Speakership fight is es essentially between Messrs. Reed and McKinley. Though Messrs. Canuon and Burrows are both here and working tooth ana nan ior election, they are THE FABMERS' EXCHANGE SOLD PRISONERS AT TEMPT TO BttEAK- JAIL. Brakesman Killed at Selma Other , J News.! '-' - from performing their duties in courts of law because they have in the fight only in the hope of sufficient mental activity to being the successful men in the case of a split. Mr. McKinley'a chances appear to be the best. He has raised a sectional issue that cannot but be injurious to Mr. Reed, whose State eannot control a sufficient number of members to afford any real ad vantage. Besides, McKinley rep resents, flrht, last and all the time, the millionaire manufac piayea oy ms &iaie m loruung turers. He belongs to them, the constitution, government and the coining session will be and history of this country than one m which they will need to for knowing the hardest rule in S?ntro1 tho sPeaker of the .. , ....!. .. ; -MXionse. take an interest in the current news. .The ruling of the Chica go court in this instance is in accord with reason and common sense. N. Y. World. "A boy . will make a better citizen, fpr, knowing the part the once cal ed giammar," is an expression used by Senator Hawley, of Connecticut, (who, by the way, is a North Caroli nian) aiew iveaks since in his paper, ithe Hartford Courant. There is a great deal of truth in this statement, and we hope it will cause our school teachers to do so me practical thinking. But of course, we have too much" confidence in the good judgment of our teachers to think they will be mislead into disregard ing in the least degree the im portance of pure English. But the idea is to stimulate a genu ine love for and a keen interest in tho history of our State. In view of the approaching Centen nial at Fayetteville, every teacti or should put his pupils on the enviable record made by the Old North State during the ear ly days.Qfc our Government. EKCOURlCXTHFHOMrpXPER. Mayor McDowell before the Chamber of Commerce, at Char lotte, N.'C, recently gave some newspa- The rejection . of Mr. Reed would stamp the ingratitude of the Republican party. When to be named for Speaker by the Republicans was the emptiest compliment, Mr. Reed, as the leader of his party on the floor, accepted the nomination. It was given with the tacit under standing that should, the time come when the party held the majority, he would be entitled to the Speakership. It is an ill grace that now opposes him. On the first ballot the majori ty will vote for Mr. Reed, thro' duty to his party promise. The first ballot will not result in an election. It will be then that the lukewarm and time-serving members will turn to the next candidate in strength, and throw their votes for him. That man will doubtless be Mr. McKinley, and so I predict his election, The civil service law will doubtless remain undisturbed. The alleged selling of copies of questions in advance of their use in examination, will doubt less be referred to a committee. There are enough men pledged to the law in both parties to in sure its retention. The Blair Educational bill will be introduced early in the session by its father, and the Senator may be depended upon sound sense regarding pers. Hear him : "Encourage your home papers tp push it through the higher permanently, and must be taken 0 ly' dauKhter at death'sTdoor The Baptist Church at, Mag Reg. Cor. Caucasia. Fayetteviixjs,' N.-C'., Oct. 28th, 1889. The Cumberland Fair will be held during centennial week. The graud stand la nearly com pleted. It will hold 3000 peo ple, instaad of 5000. The prein- ium list is out, and may be had upon application to W. A. Til linghast, secretary. The peo ple of Sampson ought to send some of their fine products. Mr. Beuj. Hanzi, one of the proprietors of the Novelty Wood Works died last Friday. His remains were taken on Saturday to his former homein Askosh, Wis. The Baptists have a good preacher, and are endeavoring to raise a fund to buy a, parson age for him. Mess. R. T. Covington, of tbe Red Springs Scottish Chief and J."T. McKay, of this city have bought the Farmers Exchange. The two papers are to be consol idated and issued from here un der the name of the Farmer and Scottish Chief. We welcome Mr, Covington to the city, and wish success to the new paper. The publication of the fire works display on the night of November 21st has attracted a great deal of attention. It will be magnificient. Tar Heeldoin has never had her skies illumi nated with such a display. Chief marshal Carr has ap pointed sixty five assistant marshals from among the prom inent men in the state. Senator Kerr is one of them. Mr. Carr has gotten out a beautiful and costly card ad vertising the centennial. He is a pushing man and a liberal one. Geo. McNeill.a colored brake- man on the Fayetteville & Wil son Road was killed at Selma on Thursday. He was knocked or fell off the engine, and run over. His mangled remains were brought to his family in this city. Mr. John S. Allen, has accept ed a position as travelling sales man, with the Clothing Fac tory. The firm has six men on the road.work eight j five hands, want more and are doing a big aud successful business. The improvements at St John's church are marked.There memorial windows are in the new recess chancel. One of them is memory of the late Bishop Atkins- n, whose grand son is Rector of the church. The windows cost 100,00 a piece. Capt. J. F. Divine was here last week making arrangements to handle the vast crowd com ing to the centennial over his road. He asks permission from the town to extend the track down Winsiow to Mumford street. It is to be put down man on the 20th of November are out. They ;tre costly and are the first engraved work done in the state. Mr. McKee Bar clay, of the Carolina Engiaving Company did the work. Revs. T. P. Barclay, of this city and J. & Black, of St Pan Is, went to Carthage last Thnrsnay and installed the new Presby terian preacher Rev. A. R. Shaw. The work of building the grand and ie viewing stands for the centennial 111 commence this week. The grand stand will seat 2000 people. Six arches over the principal streets will be put up. The decorations will probaly be by a New York firm, their representative was here last week. Recent advices from Jeff Da vis aie that be will be here, as his health is improving. With the ex-President and tho Marine Band. 100,000 people ought to come. The cotton crop in this county is certainly very short. Our people ought to plant wheat this fall. Small grain pays. Hog and hominy and stick to it is a good motto, the good far mers say. A Chapter of Coincidence. A LARGE FORTUNE WAVER ING IN THE BALANCE. TIH5 MISSING II Kilt. x - tub Caucasian's ouiginal stoby BT Jt UiN niWTIlOBNE. OUR YOUNG FOLKS. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. Sotttethlar Interesting to Twiif Headers ofTbe CaucaaUut. rPrerwrf Cch week by W. A. Jowvmos. to whuta all ewmmaaintlou Uieaded tor li'i rOluma tboulj be addreMed.) DUPLIN NEWS. THE TUBE ROSE INDUSTRY A VISIT TO A. & M. COLLEGE (Special Cor. Caucasian.) Kenansville, N. C, Oct. 2Sth,1889. The tube rose gro vers of Mag nolia are busily engaged in pre paring the bulbs fpr shipment. This industry, for which Mag nolia is celebrated, is a growing one, and the prospects for this season are bright. The acreage is much increased. Capt. A. Robinson, our clever Seuator from Duplin, visited the Stare Fair at Raleigh last week and expressed himself as much pleased with what lie saw. He visited the Agricultural and Mechanical College, and tells your correspondent that he was much pleased with that institu tion and its workings. It will, he thinks, prove of great worth to the State in turning out young men well trained in practical knowledge of vgriculture and Mechanics. The matron, Mr.j Sue C. Carroll, who, by the way, is a Sampsoniau, is, Capt. Rob inson thinks, (and everybody else who knows her,) the right Womau In the right place. Mr. Sawyer, from Duplin, and Mess. Parker and Colwell. from Sampson, stand well in the in stitution and aie doing well. Mr. Hubbard, the'steward, fills bis place admirably Mr. D. . S. Cox, who has for months been confined to a bed of affliction with typhoid fever, at his home inKenansville, is con- valescin?. His many friends will rejoice to learn that this bright young man will be spar ed to his afflicted parents, who in the past few months, have lost two bright and promising sons, and had another ana an "P ouuu mem up, ior uie body." Its fate in the House is culture, intelligence and public however of grave doubt. There a Cliy are OJien lo.lr nnt mtm nn thAT?ormVUnjm guaged by the character of the paper it supports. Every place of importance must have the mighty aid of the' Press, a joarr uaimit! will 'pnhjish to the world its i ad van 'ages, its lifel sentiments of side in the House who regard such a bill as not only a menace to the perpetuity of educational opportunities in the South, but also as unconstitutional. With Tmt. fool in or tho rtAmnc.rti m'. jib wares, us srooas. its inanu-1 oaaiatai m-nr vni - . . ' ' UUA1VJ I U MMJkJXO dVVA A-U W T Alii laciorieej ana rennet like, a mir- the measure. jot -.iwaaijy aqisraeeas, inten- The meeting of the National wojis. ana yrygress oi lis peopie. Bonrd of Promotion of the pro posed exposition in Washington in 1892 was an unquallified suc cess. There were more than one hundred delegates present, re presentative men, -governors, mayors,' capitalist'', from every State from Maine to California. up, unless the road is complet ed to Pee Dee in a year. Upon good authority it is said the November meeting of the rectors of the Coast Line order the completion- of "short cut" The iew passenger depot Di- will the i majte me .statement that an able, dignified, conservative and progressive newspaper is of more real benefit toward advt r- tising: stimulating' and building a ci'.y than any other one ageh- i-jr or enterprise uiai sne can possess." "Gen.. Wanamaker is anxious to make a reputation by making a stir over reform? in the trans portation of our foreign mails. l here are elections in nine States this fail as follows: "Pennsylvania will elect State Treasurer. Governor and The NeworSbirsaysof him: officers. "ir Ptmastej;efl,eralWana- ''Virginia Governor and State maaer win lops, about him for. officers, matteytjhat refWining he x "Mississippi wilhfind-duite ear to :hihand i3tate oflicers. moreslmpdrtant ones than the "Maryland Comptroller and esUtVUsjunnt of JJntted, ates Attorney General. Postal Bureaus on foreign ships. "Massachusetts Governor and He has already adequate author- Slate oflicers. ity of law for all practical and beneficial use3. , But he is seek- ing for" booaidt'the institn- tron, of ocean voyages for mail . clerks' as a part of an interua tfonal 1 service no donbt 'seems well calculated to advertise ' ;the . Wranamaker; establishment among the magnates and crown ed-heads ott Europe. Even the -f: Fifty-first Congress "Nebraska Supreme Court Judge and two Regents. "Iowa Governor and Lieu fen ani uovernor and other offi cers. i " "New York State oflicers, ex cept (jovernor and Lieutenant Uovernor." of the C. F. & Y. V. R'y is certain ly a handsome and imposing one. It is finished in pressed rick. The second story is foi the general offices of the road. The Carolina Roller Mills commenced operation last week. The miller is from the wheat growing district of Indiana. EIrfht prisoners in-' a cell in the jail attempted to break out last Friday. When the jailor jpen the cell they rushed on him, knocked him down, when a desperate encounter took place. The jailor used his pis tol and a stampede endued. Only one negro was- shot and that was a slight wound in - a finger. They tried to back the jailor in the cell and release the twenty three or more prisoners in the other cells. A good deal of excitement was caused. Generous Wilmington sent $416.00 to the centennial fund, contributed by her citizens through the efforts of Col J. H. Currie. A former FayettevillKn sent his check for $100. The ex pense is heavy and this sum is gratefully received. Prof. Bollezza's Friday nignt soirees are very" popular with the dancers. They are largely attended. The boys are rigging out in new "swallow : tails" nolia has extended a call to the Rev. Mr. Gower, of Mt. Olive, as its pastor. Mr. Gower has accepted the call and the church is to be congratulated on s.ecur ing his services, for he'is a pro gressive and interesting minis ter. Some of our people attended the Goldsboro Fair, and many others would have gone but for the disagreeable weather.' L Continued from last issue. My compa nion hurried along. lookiug straight before, but seeming to bo unconscious of outward objects. After passing FL'th avenue, wo proceeded about half way down tbe block towards Sixth avenue, and there she stopped at the door of a rather dilapidated boarding- house. A quack doctor had hung up his sign in the front window. Miss Jadwin opened the street door, and 1 followed her down a dark entry to an other door at the further end of it. Thie she opened with a pass-key, and motioned to me t go in. I did so, and .found inyeelf in a poorly furnished dui ciean room, JooKing out on a back yard. There was a fire place with a small cooking- stove attachment to it, a couple of chairs and a table, a book rack with half a dozen books initJanda bed. On the bed lay a man, fully dressed: he lay on ms back, with his face turn ed toward the wall. He made no movement at our entiance; apparently he was asleep. I approached and looked at him; there was something unuatural in his attitude, and in the yel low-pallor of his face. I touch ed his shoulder, and immedi ately a sensation of horror crawled through mv nerves The man was dead ! And not only was he dead the hilt of a dagger stuck out from his breast; the blade was buried in hrs heart. Beyond a doubt he had been murdered. ; It took me some time to re cover my mental equipoisp. This was even worse than the chestnuts. In .answer to my questions, Ruth Jadwin stated that, on her return home the evening before, sue had found this corps in its present posi tion. How it got- there she could only conjecture. Her door had been fastened, but the window was left open, and he might have got in that way or been carried in, supposing him to have been murdered outside. On discovering hiin, her first impulse had been to give the alarm, but fear of her reputa tion, of losing her place at Crashaw's, even of the charge of murder, had restrained her. She was alone in the world: she knew not what to do, to whom to turn. She had ended by do ing the most foolish thing pos siDle iocKing tne body up in her room and leaving the house She had wandered about all night, finally taking the resolu tion that had resulted in her ap peal to me. I watched her closely while she was telling tnis story, mere was trntu in her every tone andgesture.Still, she had placed herself in a very awkward if not dangerous po s:tion. mere was only, one course to pursue, aud that was to tjive immediate notice to the police. Leaving her in the room, I A taste for reading lll always take na into tha best possible company, and enable us to con verse with men who will in struct us by their wisdom, and charm us by their wit; who will soothe ns when fretted, refresh us when weary, counsel us when perplexed, and sympathize with ns at all times. Geo. & Hillard. I ANNOUNCED ENT.1 Kenansville Male Female Academy, KEJf d XS VJLLE, JY C Vnll Honmioii JJoBlna Soptombor Oth 1NHO. Doyt prepared for College. O UU pre nnml for hhjrher tUwm tit oar tt Institutes. Special inducements ottered to those dothrtag to prepare to teach or for buslnem. Music br exnerlMwwJ tnrhr fevt! arid religious advantages tm-urrKl. Free from malaria. Hoard la private ramllies f 8.09 to 110.00 per month. ' I take pleasure in announcing that Prof. J. A. MrArrhur. of lwlWm College, will aswlst me next seulon. He has furol&hod me with ntinfto tory testimonials from the President ami Faculty of that Institution, where he served as Tutor in Greek last year. He Is a voune man of most excellent character and decided literary botes. He U a native of Comber- ianu county, Tor farther particulars apply immediately to M. 81 1 AW, Princlpd, au?29 5m Or PIIOF. J. A. McAKTHUIt, Aas't Principal. Live for something. Do good and leave behind . you a monu ment of virtue that the storm of time can never destroy. Write your name in kindness, lovemd mercy on the hearts of thou sands you come in contact with, year by year ; you will never be iorgottenr xour name, your deeds, will be as legible on the rtXX. Fall Term Opens Monday Sept. 2, '89. dood deeds willsLine as the stars iva i r ur luiiiurnf Clinton School FOR REV. J. W. TURNER, A. M., Principal. miw. J. w. l Uit.NkK. Assistant. of Heaven. Chalmers. Sne Qitstieis for Oar Ytaig Frieidi tt Aatwer. 1. What two prominent North Carolinians have filled the posi tion of Secretary of the Navy ? 2. What Presidents of the United States were born in North Carolina? 3. What great poet is said to have been a blind school-teacher? ' 4. What str tegem was resort ed to by the Greeks in order to capture the city of Troy ? The best answer to this question with the name of the sender will be published. 5. Who conquered the world and what was the name of bis favorite war horse ? 91 $2 12 $3 3 25 00 60 00 60 Primary Branches, per month, Advanced Primary, " Junior. Intermediate, Senior, " Latin, Greek and French are taught without extra charge. - No contingent fee is charged. Where expedient, Count ry Pro dace will be received in settlement of bills. This School recently closed its first year with an enrollment amounting to 66 pupils during the year. tor further Information addrera, aus8tf REV. J. W. TURNER, Clinton, N. C. THE SAME OLD QUESTION. The New York World's build will have liner will be thirteen (dories hi crh tho w w endorse sue n, This is tnirteeniy nigh nough. The elegant, engraved Biiuwomvii, - I'liisDurir ijiininicje. w - ' tations to the centennial Sunset Cox, whose deith was recently reported by The Globe, used to say some undignified things while temporarily occu pying the Speakers chair. His humor was, however, nev er of that kind that was calcu lated to cause disorder, but was innocent and harmless and pro ductive of a great good fueling among the members. On one occasion, during the debate on ths cotton tax, Mr. Cox was in the chair, when a North Carolina Congressman arose and interrupted a mem ber from our sister State from the south of n. The gentleman fiom North Carolina desires to ask tbe gen tleman from South Carolina - a question," said Chairman Cox, solemnly: "and," continuing, "if it is the same old question it is ia'order. ' : In the explosion of laughter that followed, the. gentleman from North Carolina forgot nt- for terly theinterrogatiori he wish ed to propound to hn brother invl- member from South Carolina Ger- Durham Globe. went out in the street and hail ed an officer, who fortunately happened to.be passing. When we got back to the room "we found Ruth unconscious on the floor, fie' powers of endurance had reached their limit, and she had fainted away. The ordinary routine iu such cases was gone tiiroug'i with: but when I had an opportunity to examine the features of the corpse, something oddly fami liar in their expression caused me to put my hand in my pock et and draw out thj moruing paper. Yes, there could be no doubt ab.iut it: the portrait of Simon Ferdinando's f ace was an accurate reproduction of the dead man's face. The body of the great political spy lay be fore us. x urther scrutiny ie vealed the fact that the dagger that was hurried in his heart had previously been passed through a card, on which was written the wood Traitor, and the initials of the secret society which he had betrayed. Certain papers found in his pockets con firmed the identification. But this was hot all. Among the documents upon the body was a sealed f envelope, which, being opened; proved to contain a certificate of baptism and oth er papers, relating to one" Fer dinand Asten the self-same brother of the deceased Atnbros who bad been one of the ob jects of my search. I hw was not, of itself, sufficient to estab lish the fact that Fedinand As- Continucd on tbe Fourth Page.) ENIGMAS. No. 35. I am composed of 34 letters : My 11,43, 31, 32,10, 17, is a relation. My 1, 3, 12, 18, is to make beer. ly 5, 27, 24, 9, 16,isa mineral matter. My 22, 8, 5, 14, 33, 34, is to nurse. My 26, 19, 20, 21, is to slay. My 15, 2, 29, 15, is lofty. My 25, 23, 28, 13, 26, is a la dy's garment. My 7, 6, 30 is an adversary. My whole is an old and true adage. Na. 36. I am composed of 12 letters : My 2, 5, 3, is a valuable in sect. My 8, 10, 8, is a wild animal. My 6, 7, 12, is a color. My 2, 7, 3, 9, is a kind of meat. My 9, 1, 11, 4, is a plant. My whole is the name of the author , of "Silver Threads Among The Gold." Ns. 37. BY I. M. P. I am composed of 10 letters : M first is in goat, but not in kid. My second in box, but not in lid. My third in peas, but not in corn. My fourth not iu bugle, but is in norn. My fifth in eel. but not in fish. My sixth in saucer, but not in dish. My seventh in kid, but not in goat. My eighth m sink, but not in float. My ninth in love, but not in hale. My tenth in soon, but not in late. . My whole is something i havfe made and burnt. Goshen High School. The First Session will open Thursday, August the 8th, 1889, and continue twenty weeks. Pupils, both male and female, will be instructed in all branch es of eudies usually taught in a first-class School of high grade. The most modern plans of advancing pupils will be carefully pursued by the Principal. There will be three departments, Academic, Primary, and Musical. Academic, . . $2.00 to $2.50 per month. Primary, . $1.00 to $150 " " Music, . - $3.00 " No extra charge for use of Instrument. Board can be had in good families, near the School building, at from $5.00 to $7.00 per calendar month. Goshen, as a community of good morals, cannot ba surpassed in the State. Circular, giving full particulars, will soon be ready for dis tribution. For further information write to the Principal, J. D EZZELL, JylS -tf . Clinton or Hobton, N. C Salom High School, : ESTABLISHED IN 1874.: IVIVKiOTV HUTI ER V. II A FIRST-CLASS BOARDING ISCIIOOL Mmtf FOR BOTH SEXES. the 1st Monday in August, and continues for a The School is divided into Fall session opens on term of Twenty Weeks. FIVE DKPARTMENTS, Viz: Primary, Intermediate, Academic, and Preparatory. TUITION RATES. Rates in Tuition have been considerably reduced to correspond witk the times. PRIMARY, - - - per month tl 00 rvTVRM vniATP I ,st Onuloi " I month 11 60 INTi.UMf.UIA 11 2nd Grade, - per month tl 87 J iPinvxtir 1 1st Grade, - . per month $2 25 ACADEMIC, jnd Grade, - - permonth2 75 PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE is to prepare boys and girls for col lege, rates in tuition, which will depend on the studies taken, will be made known on application. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Will be in charge of a flrst-claas teacher of experience and reputation. Tuition, per month, 32.75. No extra charge for use of Instrument. BOARD: Good Board, including was-hlng, room furninlicd, lights, wood, 4c, can be obtained In private families, convenient to the school, for from $6.00 to $7.00 per month. The School will lie ran on a firm, systematic basis and receive tho teachers' entire attention. For particuUrs, in full, address, G. E. BUTLER. (U. N. C.) Principal, jy4 tf Huntley, N. C. i- Answers ts Qaestieas as4 Eaismas Last Issue. 1. Cannon were first used in the battle of Cressy between the English and trench. 2. The greatest candle or wax taper was made by the French people and burned in the church of Notre Dame while their king NEW A pVERTISKMKN ' S. JEWELRY AND "LOOKS. I have just received a Urue !t of Elegant Jewtlrv. Thi I will puarar. tee to the purchaser to be ju.t a n -rescntU 1 tell no cheap, "lite gui'l" goods but carry a stajtdakd me of gold front ooods. The attention of tlx lnlirB ft en 1 !(.-! tn tlm latit ntvlefc John, was a prisoner in tngiano. 0f bbeast piks thev are ''tninizs of Tt n-ata anr imlM in lanirtli arti I iM.aitt w The old reliable and standard SETII THOMAS CLOCKS always in stock. iu various styles and size. VaJ Heparins? of Watchen and ( 'locks aud niendini Jewelry is a cialtr. All work I do it guaranteed t i:'ive en tire satisfaction. Respectfully. sep5 -tf G. T. It.VWL-. NOTICE burned for four years, until King John, released from prison, returned to France. 3. Louis the XVI and Marie Antoinette were beheaded du ring the French Re volnt ion. 4. Columbus' grave is In Ha vana, Cuba. 5. The Eiffel Tower in Paria is the highest in the world. 6. Stonewall Jackson's grave, uaving Tins DAY QUALIFI- also Gen. Lee's, are at Lexington, 1 11 ed as administrator of I. D. God- I win, notice Is hereby given to the I creditors of said ('eceased to present ; their claims, duly proven, according to law. within twelve months, or , this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those persons in debted to said estate are respectful- ; ly asked to come forward and make ; immediate payment. JSAIATI McPUAIIi, Ad'mr. IIexeky E. Faisom Kt'y KCpt.2Gth, T8S9.; NEW ADVERTJaEMENTS. Notice of Sale ! cY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER J of sale, in ease of Moore vs. Cain, the undersigned will , on No vember 18th, A. D. 1889, at the Courthouse door in Cllpton, N. C, by puW.ic auction, for cash, sell the following lands, lying and being In Lbbon township, nearC. F. 4Y.V, Railroad, adjoining the lands of J. C.Robinon, deceased; Wm. Smith and others, being lots No. 3 and 4 in division of lands of Robt. Cain, and ; containing 56 acres, ...ore or less. IlErfRY E. FAISON, Commissioner, dc. Oct. 15th, 1839. 17-lt Virginia. Enigma No. 34 Fred. L. Mer- ritt. We have recei ved answers from the following: : t harli j Bronson," Lisbon. Georgia Cooper, Owenvllle. Maggfe " Bass, Warsaw. Notice of Sale! '. BY VIRrUE OF AN ORDER of the Superior' Court, in case of 3foore vs. W. A. Herring and wife, the undersigned will, on Mon day, November 18th, at Courthouse door in Clinton, N. C, by "public auction, for cash, sell the following lands, located In North Clinton township, adjoining the lands of R. J. Pearsall, C. F. Herring and the Six Runs, being the lands on which the defendants resldend containing 160 acres, more or less. JAS. S. BIZZELL, Commissioner, Ac Oct. 15th, 1889. 17-4t