THK CAUCASIAN. Kntcred according to I'oftal at Clinton matter. X. THE CAUCASIAN S RECOFiD. CUMULATION : 1,625. ill- it Win U'Hf than 8o(. A1 .rti-. r-t tliink of this. .j.i xtox, n.c, - xov.n. issa. ( iov. Fowle h is issued a hand some lithograph proclamation appointing Thursday, the 2Sth instant, aa Thanksgiving Day in Xo:th Carolina. Tha Sampson Fair will be a suc cess, so far as the attendance is con cerned. Then let us make it a cred itable success, as far as the exhibit is concerned. Jmlixe Gilmer is .said to have expre.sKsfl as Inn opinion that liolo will not bo allowed a new trial, but that h h .sentence will be commuted by the Gov ernor to a long term of impiis- unuHtnt. The enterprising Odelh", ot Concord, have commenced to erect what will bo by far tie lar'e.-t cotton factory in the late. It will be run by a fe'00 horns power engine .and lighted ly electricity. Ex-Senator Thos. F. Hayard -l' Dele ware was married lant week to Miss Mary Clymer. Mr. Hayard has juyt turned GO and his bride, who is a reat giand daughter ot (jeorge Cly mer, one of the uignera of the Declaration of Independence, is about -10 years of atre. liilly Mahono thought he would carry Virginia and be the next Republican candidate for Vice President, but the prohecy that the hope of the wicked shall perisk h;us been fill filled in the Waterloo which Jlilly met last we-ik. Gov.-eloet-Campbell of Ohio is a sturdy Scotsman of unim peached inlegrify and unsullied Democracy. The fight between him and Foraker was onu of purity and manhood against !emaogueiy and pusilanimous ness. Chairman Urice of the Nation al Democratic Executive Com mittee is spoken of as the probable successor of Senator Payne of Ohio. Murat Ilalstead lream't he would dwell in marble halls as Payne's success or, but his dream has been exploded by the recent downfall vl Republicanism in Ohio. United States Justice Harlan Las just rendered a decision that will compel Cross and "White to serve out the terms 3 or which they had beeu sen tenced. They" were convicted of forgery against the United S'.attsin making lalse entries in the books of the Bank to de reive the U. S. inspector. The Northern Presbyterians aie agitating the ievision of their creed. Dr. McCosh says the older and more conservative men should move in this mat ter and make the changes de manded by the people. The claufe in the catechism referring to foreordination, which is com monly called Calvinism, is the one that meets with most objec tion. A material train ran into the rear of the weste rnbouud freight on the Carolina Central road 12 miles from Wilmington on last Monday morning. The engine of the former and tho coach attached to the freight train were wrecked and fireman Smith, a promising young man, was killed,engineer Mears saved himself by jumping. A drum mer by the name of Blackwell from Durham was the only passenger in the car at the time of the collision and was slight ly injured. l'AYirrTKVlLLi: CKNTKN NIAIj. ayitevii.e, N C , Nov.5. Parties desiring to engage board during Centennial week, will do rell to give their names to the HT designed at once. In order to accomodate the immense crowd that is expected, We have asked the owners of private residences to open their coors to boarder?, who will be notified of their location, as rapidly as possible. Rates are two dollars pr day. No room can be given exclusively to one person. Those desiring accom odations please notify meforth "With. II. I. McDdffie, Chm'u Intelligence Committee. CUMBERLAND NEWS THE CENTENNIAL ROOM ING SENATORS VANCE, WADE HAMPTON AND HANSOM TO ATTEND. SThc County Institute Courthouse to be Repaired and Have Vaults. j Itog. Cor. Caucasian. 1 Fayettkvii:, N. c, ) Nov. i i t h , 1 889. Decides the fine racing at the Fair next week, there will be foot races, wheelbarrow race, bag races, potato grabs, &c., as wf 11 as other amusements. Col. W. J. CJreen will deliver the an nual address, at 12 m., on Farm ers' Day, which is Friday. It is now said that the Dur ham & Lynchburg railroad will be built to Fayetteville. This is the road in which Mr. Julian S. Can- is largely interested While attending Federal Court in Wilmington last week we we were informed that the con tracts for the completion of the "Short Cut" railroad have beeu made. Surveyors arrived hero last week to locate the route out of the city. The people of Sampson are to bo congratulated on the assur ance of Governor Lee's being at the Fair. The Fair ought to and will be a great success. Rev. W. B.Oliver is in Wins ton assisting in a revival there. Mr. W. P Fife, the "Drummer Evangelist," is at home for a rest. His last meeting was at Washington, which was very successful In tho Presbyterian Church, Wednesday niyht, Mr. J. L. Ta tem was married to Miss Mary Lou Small. The County Institute, last week, was well attended and teachers were delighted with it and benefitted. Prof. Alderman won laurel . Friday morning addresses were delivered in Wil liams' Hall by Profs. Alderman, B. C. Mclver and Dr. J. A. Hodgep. Everybody is talking of the Centennial. It is all the talk. People from all parts of the State say that the crowds com ing will be immense. Senator Ransom's address will be mag nificent and the effort of his life. The fine -,500 display of fire works will bo the grandest ever seen South. This nil I be on Thursday night. The Marine Band is worth travelling hundreds of miles to see and hear. The band is to be here on Tuesday afternoon by the C. F. & Y. V. raiboad. Stlutes will be fired on Wed nesday morning at sunrise, from four p ints in the suburbs. On ITmisday morning one hundred guns will be nreci at sunrise. U 12 id. thirteen guns are to be fired in honor of the thirteen original States. At sundown forty two guns are to be fired in honor of the present number of States in the Union, Chief Marshal Carr and Col. Fred Olds, Quarter-Master Gen eral of the State Guard, were here last week completing their arrangements. The military camp will be at the base-ball park. The tents used at Wrights vill will be used. Ex-President Davis is sick in bed and will not be here. It is to be regretted. His letter, written on his sick bed, pays a grand tribute to North Caroli nians. It will be read on Thurs day. The grand and reviewing stands are about completed. The work on the six triumphal arch es on different streets are being put up. A New York firm com mences the decoration this week. The State and National flags will be hoisted at sunrise, while the salute of one hundred guns are being fired. The railroads aive ra tes at oue cent per mile. It will not cost much to come. The grand stand is ejected where the old State Ilouse stood, which was burned in 1831, and where the convention met which ratified the Constitution on No vember 21st, 1789. The Centennial ball is to be on Wednesday night. It will be the most magnificent event of the kind ever witne?sed in tho State. Wilmington and Raleigh are going to suspend business on the 21st instant and come, en masse, to the Centennial. Such patriotism is highly commenda ble. A movement is on foot to es tablish a silk factory in this city. This is the place for it. The survey of the h ayetteville and Albermarlo railroad has reached Troy in , Montgomery county county and the bondsmen of the iQt0 0Lr"ff lnq hPPn flrrPA nn late sher.n nas oeen agreed up- on. 1 lie amount ox casu 10 Dei paid by the 16th instant is g8,471.64. The Courthouse will be enlarged and fire-proof vaults put in. The whole to cost about ?2500. It is to be regretted that a new one is not to be buJlt in our town. Some visitors to the Centennial are already here. All this week they will be coming. The Superior Court convenes this morning with Judge Shipp (a nmala Thf" ft docfrfit 151 unusually large. There is bntj uuuauai y i,- - one capital case, and that Is V. A. Gautier for burglary. Mr.Alden Bowles, of Ashland N. II. was here prospecting last week. He purchased 2,700 acres of land from Mr. A. H. Slocutnb. Thirteen young ladle trill be in the procession representing the original States. Their COS tumc wilt Vw o rnTTirrln tr tji tTi A Stated they represent. I Senator Vance says he is go jing to bring a brigade of Char j lotte people with him next week ) The Charlotte Chronicle says it will be a Iar;o one. , uJr Hampton will te ia ne saddle next week as a honored gust of North Carolina . lie will be at the head of the procession with Senator j Ran som and Vance. Parties desiring to secure quar ters can write to Mr. II. 1. Alc Duffle, of the Intelligence Bu- reau, who will attend to their wants. Applications for board are pouring in. Fayetteville proposes to take care of the crowd here next wrek, let it be as large as it may. All houses will be open for the reception 'of the guests. Her proverbial hospitality will be maintained at all hazards. The object lesson idea hat cap tured the leadcrH of the move ment who arc producing our (rreat educational stride of the present day. "Where can there be found a finer object lesson in agriculture than-in the exhibit at Agricultural Fairs? Then help to make our exhibit worthy of the section which you repre sent. COXSUMPTIGX SURELY CUBED. To tub Epitob Please inform your readers that I have a rositive reme ly for the above uarued By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases Live been permanently eurcd. I shall be glad to mumI two bottles of my remedy Fit eh to any of your read ers who have consumption it" thej- will send me their express and post ottiee address, liespeclfuly, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C. 1X1 Pearl st.. New York. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. DR. A. D. MOORE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Having located in Clinton will give fpecial attention to the diseases of women and children. Office on Methodist Street, oppo site Capt C. Partrick's. oct31-tf M. LEE, M. D. PUYSICIAN,SimGEON AND DENTIST, Office in Lee's Drugstore, je 7-lyr J. A. STEVENS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, (Office over Post Office.) jfcaTMay be found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. je 7-lyr HE. A'l FAISON, TTDRNEY AND COUNSELL OR AT Law. Office on Main Streot, will practice in courts of Sampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr WS. THOMSON. Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive and faithful to the interests of all client1. je 7-lyr E. VV. KERR. Attorney and Counsell or at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be given to all legal business, je 7-lyr T71RANK BOYETTE, U.B.S. 1 Dentistry Office on Main Street, Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. tMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. je 7-lyr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HA V JL ing qualified as administra tor of the estate of Price Boob, de ceased, hereby gives notice to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them on or befor.? the 25th day of October, 1890, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to said estate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. WM. S. MATTHIS, Adm'r. M. C. Richardson, Att'y. This 17th day of Oct., 1889. 24-tf JEWt'LRYAHDGL0CK8 1 1 have just received a larse lot of Elegant Jewelry. This I will guaran tee to the purchaser to be just as rep rcscntdd. I sell no cheap, "fire auilt" S00,s out carry a standard link of looLij fkont goods. The attention or J ulc iauies i9 caucd t0 the latef,t 8t les ot Bit east fins thev are "thiuas f 'Til" ?ld,ro"!& Sd ,Un,lar.d SETI1 r,IOiIAb CLOCKS always in stock, . hl varU)lw alyles aild 8izcs Heparins of Watches and Clocks uud meudiu Jewelry is a snecialtv. All work I lc is guaranteed U sive en tire satisfaction. llespectfully. sepj-tf . G. T. 11A.WLS, FOR FUSE SHOES AND Good Cheap Shoes! GO TO CHESTNUTT A B ARENTINE, . ' 30 Front Street. Wilmington, N.C. ang 15 -tf JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L 00 Something New We have accomplished our purpose duriug our five eeks stay in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, The Best FOR THE LEAST MONEY! & 9- y ) $ FOR THE LEV 0 FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! O (D Best Gents' Furnishing Goods, FOR THE LE AST MONEY I They can't be bought for less money, for we have tried it with the rash. Now we propose to give you the benefit ol our efforts by also selling them for To! mm mi Our aim is to make our Store The Store, of the People. - Where you can Duy good" that come from manufacturers direct where you can buy an out-fit, FE0M HM1 FOOT, For nearly half the price than be rore you visit our store ana get our prices. - M. HANSTEIN, King Hatter and Clothier. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ? for Everybody ! Clothing, ST MONEY! O ' o o CQ i - CO buying elsewhere. Do not buy XT r H .mrrnrtcritrvTS 1 irn flriiinioww" ' The New Fall tocK A T J E. HAS Bought Chftap and Come. Buy and be Profited. Your attention is specially called to my large and complete iine of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS To my excellent hue of urwr ivneimpc! n a ts A Ml OA PS. which will be sold on the closest possible margin. Also to the latest thing in CA1U - EfS. OIL CLOTHS AM) OIL mean: see before buying. 'Nitt'KV-ritiKTrx?Fi a Here you can gel any- iM MraiM . thing from a fine ,Yal- nut Redroom suit down to a cheap, good suit the siz or each man's pocket. Re sure to see my Cherry and Sweet Gum Suits, which are nice articles at moderate prices. will give my customers the beuefit of my good fortune by selling tiieirLiow. The largest and most complete line or HARDWARE, CUTLE RY, GUNS AND PISTOL 3 to be found in the place is at my store and examine our CROCK where you will have the largest nmTllUDIO rrmtinr DUlLliLlV 0 lUaiJDIilllJJi upiy f sash, ds, Minds, Lime, Hair, and everything needed in this line. Where can you get BELTING, ING AND BABBIT? The question is answered by calling in u see me. A large variety of HEATING will be sold lower than ever. Fresh First-Class Groceries Always on hand and sold at starvation prices. 300 Sacks of Liverpool Salt just received. Remember that I am agent and DUPONT'S POWDER, which I sell at manufacturer's prices. I am now offering goods in every line on a smaller profit than ever before and hope to be justified in this course by largely in creasing the quantity of sales. Yours, for our mutual advantage, J. E. ROYAL. Br. Boyjtin's "THE BEST SELLING VERMIFUGE 08 THE MARKET." Receipt Furnished to any Regular Physician When Requested. Mr. J. P. Joynor: I gave my Killer," purchased of you. It it the best worm medicine made. Messrs. T. M. tfe R F. Powell, bns countv. N. C wrote us in Floyd gave his child one dose of A 1 11 C IT. tue resuii was oo worms. lie Read the following from one 1 T1 . ?lJ- kuowu rnysicians ana iarmers "That a necrr trirl 10 vears old.1 fj rt ses of the 4 Worm Killer," and uatea li dgevvay S. U., May xu, For fcale by DR. R. H. HOLLIDAY, Clinton, N. C. oct24-lm Many Things at Cost FORTHE A good line of Summer Clothing. mer Dress Goods. A lot of Shoes. aDsoiuiciy ai uusi, 10 mane room lor j?au ntocic. This is a rare chance for you to get the very best of bargains. MOVED Into my New Store NEW BRICK STOUE neit to J. E. Royal' a Coming in every day. Call In wnere. Best quality or Will be kept in stock. Good Bargains In the line of General Merchandise. "Everythinr we koenis a. specialty in quality and price. Before buying be sure to come in and sample and price our goods,, espiclally Fymi mimm liiii Oo which Aour price3 have contracted with the coming cold weathe.. CSive us a call, whether you wish to buy or not. Respectfully, CLOCKS MB BATCHES. Have yon one that needs repairing? If so bring it to H- B. GIDDE VS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i BEEN will be old Low! KUUO, wnicn you .suuum FRY, GLASS AND TINWARE, assortment to select from. If . I keep in stock a lar-e GUM AND RUBBER PACK AND COOK STOVES, which for RAILROAD MILLS SNUFF Worm :o: La Grange, N. C, July, 1887. child one dose of Boy kin's "Worm brought 366 worms. I consider Respectfully, J. W. THOMAS. ur.iminent inrchfl.nt In f!,ilnm. .Tulv. 1887. that "Rev. Mr T C. Boy kin's "Worm Killer," and 1 II a J wjsiiea an mieresiea to Know it." of the most prominent and best " J1 . -m-m- in aouin uarouna. lie writes nar him. took two or llirno An - j " w w v a. k w V passed 366 worms." 1884. 1C H. EDMUNDS, M. D A lot of Hats. A nice line of Sum And variour other things will be sold and examine before buying else- ROYAL'S 1 STTM Killer, ani y em id ib Respectfully, J. H. ROYAL. NEW ADVERTISEMFA-j. C H A HPIOiTfood I r 1 Cures Hog Chole FATTiiNS HOUsr; And cures diseases reuUinr h indigestion and overwork. the yield of nilit k Cows and unpioves the uujlii Wo havo humheils of riL from reliable persons, allovA.r' country, to pwve above. ' It is Scke ! ; It is Ixex It is no HuMnrul It is invaluable to thk Kakj, If you have a Mck Utbcr nound and try it. ll We have throe testlmonUU can furnish any numler on aimiiT .:........ I . Ht SANTOKP, S. V.. Alli;u .Vd t l..urs 1 i V Stoi'nullll A' Ti i... . .' f - -. ntii ion, v. i IlKAR !MRH : W C toaVC iHt-H lin. jiion Food' for twelve months anj tz f it docs all that U claimoil for it. it in,. i th pi'neral condition of tKk aud lloif I'hoioni. e Ufa it to our tort h IUI 11111 WWIHU nu uu niilium II. .1. 1U Al.I.sllIh.a LAi RiNnrR, X. C, '.v.s,:H-i:ik.ij MoNKrii. J. f. Stvt'on . ' ... .vi..r.WiWt 1 kau Sik-S: AfU-r MxiiiK th,- lull l I Hliampion Food" uriiai-d of oU ,-t t rcailily say tlutt it hn f ullilli-d , i)ry I stntation mado for It o far a liivcirw it. In no intanr han it (ailed to Ut i htoik foilon it. We can iwrtu ulurkn mend it for mili-h cowm, ralvm n'l Wc H'ard it a the lt etork f(.Kl i market, .nd us another half Wivl. Youn Tnilv. AI.KX. Mt KINN(X4,v ' WlI.M!XOTOX, X. V., M. lllth. lH 5 ' Mcfsrv. J. C. Steveiiiton & Talor: ' Z (iKxri.KJiKV: The '('hami'iimi KinmI" ?1, 1 sold m has Ikh-ii driven a fair trial, it ii eem, and we are K'lud to add testimony tut i worth. When fed to otir lior.. (.(,;, aid dijjestion, ereuteH an tit.' iml . Htiiiiiiil i in nrovm at onee; it is x t'nut r,m tioiier, ana a trial will prow it talue, have fed it to our cowh and w iili tlx u it !i8 proved a great digestive. Im.iIi tb (.'. f and the quality of the milk lm. impnix the ler evntaKC of increjine we raimai i . ohltively Ntate. The food doe nil vnuoU. in the line of tests we have made; ,1 . continue It une andadvixe alltht otvat. stock to give it a trial. T. J. SOUTH KUUMi W. A. JOHNSON, Agent, S Clinton, .YC. J. C. STEVESSOX A TAYLOR, oct 24-tf Agents for N. (.'aroliiu - (Oil. V B- CIDEK. HEADQUAItTERS FOR REST PEACH A ND APPLE CIDEK, (Comer of VAm and R. R. Street) SWEET AND HARD CIDKR always on hand. In addition t: tills pleasant and healthy ilriiik. I keep Tobacco, Snuif, Flour, Potash, C'andies, Si)da, and Pea-XuU which are sold at lowest priw for cash. Respectfully, , rHQS J ATJTIKE, je 21-1 yr. RAILROAD HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. Sample Rooms and Special CoHvrnirf ; C38 for Traveling: Men. t The Fare is the bcbt the market affords, which Is always served in good wholesome style. , Board, per day, only f 1 M " week, 4 ( " month, 12 tt) The patronage of tho traveling public is respectfully solicited. W. E. HASH, sepia tf Proprietor. CLINTON Harness Establishment ! ESTABLISHED IN 18C7. I am now located on Fayetteville Street, opposite Caucasian office. I put up and keep in stock, or make to order, any style of Harness, from $13.00 to $40.00. I also make all styles and grades of Saddles, Bri dles, Halters and everything in thin line. Good, honest work at the lowest living figures, is my guide and motto in business. A large supply ot Northern Har ness anda fine line of Driving Whips always kept on hand. Call and ex amine. Respectfully, sep5-3in W. II. STETSON. S jj j I OFFER FOR SALE MY Turpentine distillery, loca ted on Elliot Street, in the town of Clinton. ' lte capacity la fifteen bar rel?. Everything in good working order. A.s Good tin Now. A bargain and a good business far a live energetic man. For further Information apply to THOS. W. PUG 1 1, tctl7 tf Clinton, N. C W. T. WILLIAMSON'S -BOGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IN NEW QUARTERS ON FIIETTEYILLE ST. Round Shaves. Hacks and all Edge Tools made, and Repairing done on short notice. I will keep on hand a large lot of Western Buggies (open and top) and Roads Carts. They will equal in quality and are sold as low as any like goods In Goldsboro, Fayetteville or Wilmington. . Respectfully, mch28-tf W.T. WILLIAMSON I ' Il THK tUAMiOf - , l-" WealuMM, XaUiis, Inui(eatk Md BUIotMnesB. take BKOWKf IROBT BTTTKBA. . It etm quickly. For aale by 11 d ert W BedidiK. Get the genuine. w ii