. . . , , , ; : ' THE CAUCASIAN. I'L'ItMSl'En EVERY TIIUltPDAV, Bj MARI05 BUTLEU, Editor and Proprietor. Will It pay yoa to ad re Hi in Tns CAVCAsmt ? joo at oar Advertising SUKSCHIHK. umn5, and yoa will pm how Puro Dcmocrnoy nd AAlilto JSIvxirortirtoy Show Una Paper to your neigh bor and advise him to sub scribe. many are profitbur by It VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1889. No. 6. Iljtex S00 subscriber la 18S3; 1,025 to-day. .Subscription Price $1.50 icr Year, in Advance. ' Ei M ti 1 . l A 7 A 11 V AY fY 1 h-b Bi . i- , a , a AV lJ 2JL JAJd - -Ilk. sJL JL.PMJJL JlA N O : : : : . - -- - - - - ; . r I t . I v - GENERAL PITZHUGI1 LEE Governoi1 i Vifyitiiri.. We present to our rcadcrti a picture of tli dist:i!i3iinIiocl s;J dier and slatf.u:ar., wlio will tpoak at tlio Sampson County Fair on Veterans' Day, December 5th, next. He ia one of the most popular and prominent of tlio Governors of the United States to day aud irequcntly spoken t)f as the Southern candidate for (he position of Vice-President of the Nation. John Esteu ('poke, the popular Virginian uuthor, in his very readable and interesting book 'Surry of Eagle's Ne&t," which i3 a slory of the late war, thus describes the General on page 241): ' General Fitz," as his friends called him, was about twenty-si:, of low stature, and with a ntout and vigorous person. His face was rutidy and laughing, his eye bright, penetrating, and full of humor. A heavy blown iroustache and beard half covered the ay and insouciant countenance. Jle wore a brown felt hat, loop ed up and decoiated with a feather; a gray dre.' S coat, and elegant cavaliy boot?, against which rattled' his long sabre, ' General Fitzhugh Lee" seemed to enjoy the profession of arms to liko movement, fun, and adventure and was evidently a great favor ite with the army. Later on, in speaking of the disputed encounter at Kelly's Ford, lie tays : "I cannot describe it in its animated details; pome other hand must chronicle the splendid gallantry of the little band of Lee, lighting nearly four to one; and tell, too, with what dash and courage Fitzhugh Lee led hi3 men." This is one of the distinguished speakers who will be At tho Fair week after next. Come, see him and hear him. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR, HOW THINGS LOOK FROM OUIi STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Caucasian and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. Democratic ideas are spread ing. Brazil has deposed her king Don Pedro, who was the wisest ruler South of the United States, and st up a form of govern ment very similar to our own. It is now the United States of Brazil. The world moves. Gov. Fowle Las appointed As sociate Justice Merrimcn Chief Justice to fill the vacancy cau&ed by the death ot Chief Justice Smith. Superior Court Judpo Clarke has been appointed -ns fcsociate Justice, and Spier Whitaker made Judge to fill Clarke's place. The appoint ments are all good, but we agree with the Messenger that it seems to be a kind of Raleigh monop oly. Mr. Whitaker is a very astute lawyer, made quite a rep utation in the Grissom trial and has been chairman of the State Democratic Executive Commit tee for Eeveral years. E. Clarence Stedman, whose social and literary receptions are so noted for their intellec tual, improving and elevatintr character, in referring to the "Howdydo and trashy talk style," indulged in by most peo ple at evening gatherings of all kinds, is reported as saying : "That is very well for the fashion able people who have come together to show off their toilets the women to be seen of men, and the men to Kee the women; tmt why in the name of reason should sensible peO' pie, with something in their heads and nothing worth looking at on their backsconduct themselves in this pues-in-the-corner fashion. But I take It that this is not because we lack good talkers, but because we lack good listeners. "It would be a most excellent thing if we could all give our minds to learning to talk decently, for when we do we will appreciate good talk in others more.and there will be better chance for something worth calling "intellectual society." What are you going to bring to the Sampson Fair? Have you good stock. Have you good poul try ? Have you good corn or grain of any kind ? If so, as a good citizen you will bring it to the Pair and prove to the world that we have a live and progressive .v -"-:.' , .W" , .s.oj:-- ' 5 O- AT THE CAPITAL.. What Is Transpiring at the Head of the Nation. . flteg. Cor. The Caucasian. 1 Washington, D. C, Nov. 18th. Senator Blackburn is one of the most popular, if not the most popular man, in public life, with the "boys". A little incident that occurred hero this week shows how he obtains and how he keeps that popularity. He has a friend here who is iu the toil3 of the law. An appli cation was to be made in his fa vor to one of the local courts and "Joe" Blackburn, as nine pt-ople out of every ten here ca.ll the junior Senator from Kentucky, was asked to join several other lawyers in this move on behalf of the prisoner. He readily consented, but at the last minute it was discovered that Senator Blackburn was nut a member of the local bar. Did he allow that to freeze him out of the case? Not a bit of it He .had himself admitted to the bar and took his place with the prisoners other counsels and now the prisoner is out on bail. The Three America's Con gress is back in Washington but owing to the fatigue of its mem bers regular sittings will not begin until next week. The delegates are enthusiastic over what they saw during their forty days trip around the coun try. Mr. Wananiaker does not liko the name of "Ananias" which Seuator Hampton's stinging letter has hung to his coat tail for the rest of his life. In view of the fact that Vice President Morton's big apart ment house in this city has be come, or Diaa lair to Decome a National issue, your correspon dent deems i only fair to say mai mere is no Dar-room, as such a place is commonly known, in the building, but, in r m . one ena oi me caie mere are a immber of tables at which you can sit and be se'r?ed-.with all the liquor you care to pay for. If Democrats are correctly in formed the next Democratic Senator from Ohio will be ei ther John R. McLean or Calvin S. Brice. One of Washington's most prominent printers ha3 been discharged from the Govern ment printing office because while on the street on the night of the recent elections, he gave a cheer over the bulletined an nouncement that Ohio had gone democratic. BiealV.es there a man with soul so dead, r.E.e; to h'mself has said, - Bis is nw oan, mi wEie" county. Then if vcur sen': is net dead, bring sdmethmg bring cverping worthj tg the Sampson Count) FairJ CASH PREMIUMS. OFFLKED BY THE SOCIETY. Sampson Fair Dec. 4th, 5th and Cth. DEPARTMENT A. w. a. faisox, Superintendent. Class 1 Sample Crop. For best sample of corn for bread" Ii.ilf buhei to be exhib ited, 50 cent:-?. For boft Jiiimiile of com for I stork, bushel to be exhib ited, f;0 cents. I For best sample of wheat, l half bu -;l oi to bo exhibited, 50 cents. ! For best sample of Held per.r., half bushel to be exhibited, 50 C3Jitri. Fo.' best sample of table poa, half bushel to be exhibited, 50 cents. For largest variety of peas, half bushel to bo exhibited, 1. For best sample of peanuts, half bushel to be exhibited, 50 cents. For best sample of rice, half bushel to be exhibited, 50 cents. For best sample of rye. half bushel to be exhibited, 50 cents. For boat sample of oats, half bushel to be exhibited, 50 cents. For best sample of sweet po tatoes, half bushel to bo exhib ited, 50 cents. For best sample, of Irisli po ta toes, 50 cents." For best sample of turnips, half bushel to be exhibited,5Ucts. For best sample of cotton in SCCi2,T iot less than fifteen pounds, 50 cents. For best bale of cotton, 1.00. No prorniumn will be awarded unles- the required quantity be on exhibition. DEPlttTMEXT B-Fajim Im plements and Machinery. j. w. rowEi.L, Superintendent, (.lass 1 Farm Implements. For best mould board plow, 1 horse, Sampson made, 50 cents. Best mould board plow, 2 horse, Sampson made, 50 cents. Best subsoil plow, Sampson made, 50 cents. Best cotton sweep, Sampson made, 50 ceuts. Best harrow, Sampson made, 50 cents. Best 2 horse wagon, Sampson made, 2.00. Best 4 horse wagon. Sampson made, 82.00.. Best dump cart, Sampson made, 82.00. Best ox cart, Sampson made, 1.00. Claris 2 Machines. Best thresher, diploma. " reaper, diploma. mower, diploma, grain fan, 50 cents, groin cradle, 50 cents, corn sheller, 50 cents. Straw cutter, 50 cents, seed planter, each kind, 50 cents. Best sewing maebine,diplonia. " machine of any kind, not mentioned, made in North Car olina 50 cents. Class 3--Manufacturers of Wood, Iron, &c. For best lathe for wood, 50 eents. Best bedstead, made in Samp son or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best spring bed, made in Sampson or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best set of chairs, made in Sampson or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best dining table, made in Sampson or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best kitchen table, with draws and shelves, made in Sampson or adjoining counties, 1 00. Best window sash and blinds, each, made in Sampson or ad joining counties, 1.00. Best panel door, made In Sampson or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best nest of woodware, made in Sampson or adjoining coun ties, 1.00. Best rockaway,made in Samp son or adjoining counties, 3.00 Best buggy, mado in Sampson or adjoining counties, 2,00. Best pair of plow lines, made in Sampson or adjoining coun-l ties, 25 cents. Best buggy harness, made m Sampson or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best wa?jn harness, made in Sampson or adjoining counties, Best cart harness, made in Sampson or adjoining counties. 1.00. 13est double ox yoke, made in Sampson or adjoining counties, 1.00. Best axe handIes,not less than six, made in Sampson and ad joining counties, 50 cents. Best single ox yoke," made-in Sampson and adjoining coun ties, 1.00. . Best saddle and bridle made in Sampson and adjoining coun ties, 1.00. Eestuair of boots, made in Sampson and adjoining counties, 1.00. Best churn, made in Sampson and adjoining counties, 50 cent. Best Fpeeiinen of plantation, tanned leather, made in Samp son and adjoining counties, 50 cents. Best plantation dressed leath er, made in Sampson and adjoin ing counties, 50 rents. Best bee hive, made in Samp son and adjoining counlies,50ct3. Best dozen bricks, made in Sampson ard adjoining conn ties, 50 cents. Ik'.st baskets, with or without handles, made in Sampson and adjoining counties, 50 cents. Commit lee to be appointed at tho Fair. DEPA 11TMENT C Horticpl- TUKAL PltODUCTS. J. l. BOYKrx, Superintendent. Class 1 Orchards and Fruit3. For best variety of each kind of fruit, not lees than one peck to be exhibited, 50 cents. Best and largest collection of grape vines, not less than five varieties, 50 cents. Bst collection of peach trees, not lesj than ten varieties, 50 cents. Best collection of apple trees, not less than ten varieties, 50 cents. Best collection of pear trees, not less than ten vavieties, 50 cents. Class 2 Floriculture. For best collection of green house plants and flowers, 1.00. . Best collection of plants and flowers other than green house, 50 cents. iiest collection ot evergreen trees, 50 cents. DEPARTMENT D Stock. The following definitions will bo observed by awarding com mittees : lh rough brecls Animals ot a distinct and unmixed breed. uraaes Products ox crosses between thoroughbreds and na tives. FIRST DIVISION CATTLE. e. Peterson Superintendent. Class 1 Thoroughbreds. For best bull over 3 years old, each breed, 3.00 Best bull under 3 years old, each breed, 2.00. Best cow over 33rearsold,each breed, 3.00. Best cow under 3 years old, each breed, 2.00. Best bull 2 years old, each breed, 2.00. Best cow 2 years old, each breed, 1.00. Best cross bull 4 j ears or over, eacu nreed, i&J.OO. B-ist cross cows 4 years or over, each breed, 2.00. Class 2 Grades. For est grade bull 4 years or oyer, 2.00. Best cow 4 years or over, 2. bull 3 years or over, 2. cow 3 years or over, 1. bull 2 years or over, 1. it c. l cow 2 years or over, 1. Class 3 Natives. For best native bull, 4 years and over, 2.00. Best native cow, 4, years and over, 2.00. Best native bull, 3 years and over, 1.00. Best nativecow, 3 years and over, 1.00. Best native bull, 2 years and over, 1.00. J3est native cow, 2 years and over, 1.00. Best native cow and calf, any breed, 1.00. Class 4 Work Oxen- For best yoke of oxen 3.00. " single ox, 2.00. Class 5 Fat Cattle. For best lot of fat cattle, not less than 5 head, 3.00. Best siugie fat beef, 1.00. Class 6 Milch Cows. For bst milch cow, giving not less than 10 quarts per day, 3.00. " Best milch cow, giving not less than 8 quarts per day ,2.00. The cows ihust be milked dry in the presence f the aw a;. ling committee, then be parted from the calves not more than twen ty-four laours before the final milking. No animal can be en tered in more than ore capacity. SECOND DI VISION HORSES, MULES, &c. e. w. keek, Superintendent. Class 1 Stock Horses. For best stallion, thorough bred, under 12 years, 10.00. For beist mare, thorough-bred under 12 years, o.00. For best hop yeast bread, 50 cents. For best ma re, 4 years or over, 3.00. For bes t horse colt, 3 years old, 2.00. Jbor best mare colt, 3 years old, 2.00. i. or best horse colt, 2 years old, 2.00. For best mare colt, 2 years old. 2.00. For best horse colt; one year old,1.00. f or best mare colt, on year old, $1.00. For best mare, with horse colt by her side, 3-00. ior best mare, with mule colt by her Bide, 3.00. Class 2 Jacks. Jennets and Muletu For best jack, under 10 years oV., 5.0?. For best jenny, under 10 years old, 5.00. i or best mule raised in Sainp-i son county, under 10 years old, 3. Committee to be appointed at the Fair. CIiss 3 Speed Horse. For fastest trotter, time 2;40, open w the world, 25.00. For faste-t trotter, Sampson raised, 10.00. For fastest trotter, Sampson owned, ...00. Best pacer, 10.00. Best walker, 3.00. Class 4 Harness and Saddle Horses. For best harness horse. 5.00. Best saddle horse, 3.00. No stallion can bo entered in this class. All Exhibitors in clajs3 must pay the Secretary, at the time of entering, 50 cents for each entry ticket, and for class 4, 25 cents. Commiitee tc be appointed at the Fair. THIRD DIVISION SHEEP, GOATS AND SWINE. is. s. peteuson, Superintendent. For best thorough-bred ram, each breed, 2.00. Best thorough-bred ewe, each breed, 1.00. Best pair grades, 1.00. Best pair natives, 3.00. Best herd of sheep, not less than ten, 3.00. Class 2 Thorough-bred Swine. For best boar 1 year old or over, each, breed, 3 00. Best sow, 1 year old or over, e.ch breed, 2.00. Best sow, with not less than 6 pigs, each breed, 3.00. Best pair pigs between 3 and 8 months old, 1.00. Class 3 Grades. For best boar, one year old or lover, 2.00 liesi sow, one year oiu or over, 1.00. Best sow with not less than 6 pigs, 2.00. Best pair of pigs between 3 and 8 months old, 1.00. Class 4 Natives. For best boar, one year old or over, 2.00. Best sow, one year old or over, 1.00. Best sow with not less than 6 pis, 2.00. Best pair pigs between, three and eight months old, 1.00. Best boar of any breed,(sweep stakes), 5.00. Class 5 Fat Hogs. For best lot of pork hogs, not less than five head, 5.00. Best lar?est fat hog, 4.00. Best second largest lat hog. 2, All thorou gh-bred animals are required to be registered in the Herd Book of the Sampson County .-grieultural Society; otherwise premiums will be withheld. Committee to be appointed at he Fair. FOURTH DIVISION Poultry j. ppaksall, Superintendent For the best pair of chickens or other fowls, 50 ceuts. Committee to be appointed a the Fair. CE PA RTMENT E--Hoftsehold Department, j. w. weight, Superintendent, Class 1 Lard. Tallow, Soap, Flour, Meal, &c. For best leaf lard, not less than five pounds. 1.00. Best cake of tallaw,' not less than five pounds, 50 cents. Laundry soap, (5 pound cer tificate) for making, 1.00. Dried 1 ruit, one peck of kind, 50 cents. Half bz rral Flour (Sampson or adjoining counties), 2.00. Meal, one bushel, 50 cents. Hominy, ouebuslie, 50 cents Bacon hams, not less than two (one to be cooked), 2.00. Beef, ccrued, receipt for cur ing), 1.00. Class 2 Dairy. For best specimen of butter, not less than three pounds, 2.00 Second best specimen of but ter, not less than three pounds. 1.0J. A written statement of the manner of makiug must be de posited with the Secretary, j otherwise no premium will be awarded. Class 3 Bread, Cakes, &cj For best stallion, 4 years or over, 5.00. - t s Second best milk yeast bread, 50 cents. ' ' Corn Bread, 50 cents. Best plate of Biscuit, 50 cents. Best Rolls, 50 cent. For best Cakes, (eponge,pound and fruit), 50 cents. The committee to be appoint ed at the Fair. Class- 4 Vlnegais, &c. w. k. riGFORD, buperintendent For best specimen of vinegar (Sampson made) 1.00. Class 5 Preserves, Jams, Ac. For best specimen of preserves. (home-made) 50 cents. Best jam, (homi-m&di. 50cts. ' marnialsidc, (home-made) 50 cents. Ilome-cnred Fruit, each kino, 50 cents. Committee to be appoiutedat the Fair. diss G Jellies, Syrups, Ac. For bestspecimeu home-made jelly, 50 cents. Bst specimen of home-made syrup, 50 cents. Class 7 Canned Fruits, &c. For best canned peaches, 5Cc. " grapes, 50 cents. if u (( blackberries, 50 cts. huckleberries, 50 cts. tomatoes, 50 cents. bean., 50 cents, corn, 50 cents. c ti A written statement of the manner of canning must bo de posited with the Secretary. Class 8 Pickles and Catsups. For best specimen of pickles, each kind, 50 cents. Best specimens ot catsups, (home-made), 50 cents. Committee to be appointed at the Fair. DEPARTMENT F. j. a. oates, Superintendent. Class 1 Domestic Manufacture. For best suit homospun clothes, 2.00. Best single wool blanket, (home-made), 50 centfa. Best single counterpaue,1.00 mattress made in Samp son county or adjoining couu- ties, 50 cents. Best 5 yards cotton cloth, 50 cents. Best 5 yards plain wool cloth, 50 c .nls. Best 5 yards woolen jeans, 2 Second best 5 yards woolen jeans, 1.00. Best 5 yards carpeting, 1.00. " coverlet, 1.00. woolen bocks, 25. cotton socks, 25. homespun plaids, 2-j. 5 yards flannel, 1.00. Class 2 North Carolina Manu factures. For best bale osnaburgs, Di ploma. Best bale sheeting, Diploma. " shirting, . " " " cotton yarn, all numbers, Diploma. Committee to be appointed at the Fair. Class 3 Patch Work, w. l. faison. Superintendent. For the the best specimen of patch work, 1.00. Second best specimen of patch work, 50 cents. Best specimen of tuftiug.each kind, 50 sents. Committee to be appointed at the Fair. Class 4 Needle Work. For best specimen of needle work, 50 cents. Committee to be appointed at the Fair. Class 5 Embroidery, fec. For best specimen of einbroi dery, 50 cents. , , Best worsted work, 50 cent3. " geutleman's fchirt, hand made, 50 cents. ; Best - gentleman's shirt, ma chine made, 50 cents. Committee to bf appointed at the Fair , DEPARTMENT G maeton butler, Superintendent. Class 1 Shell, Wax. Bead, Rus tic Work, &c - For specimens of each, 50 cents, Class 2 Fine Arts. For superior specimens of drawing, 50 cents. For superior specimens of painting, 1.00. For superior specimens of photographs, Diploma. Committea to bs appoiutedat the Fair. , SF15CIAI. PBE3IIUMS. Offered by Business Men of Wil minjrton. $5.00 Dunlap Hat, by S. II. Fish blate, fbr the best harness horse. Ont-pair fine Ladies Shoes, by Chesnutt & Barrentine, for the best dress made of home-made cloth. A nice Rocker for lady, ($5.00) by Knoxville Furniture Company, for the handsomest painting In oiL (Not open for teachers.) One piece (50 yards) Fruit of Loom Sheeting, by Morris Bear & Bro., for the best exhibit under Class I of Department F. One year's subscription, by Mes senger, ($7 for one gallon of the best seuppenong wine. Three subscriptions (weekly $4.50) by Messenger, ene for bushel of larg est ears of com. The same toriarg est turnips. The same for largest pumpkin.'!? V 4 -'" '. iOne! years subscription, (daily $6 1y tftarrfbr the brat native colt, un de two years. - J "Thtee-rabscriptions, (weekly $1) by etaTTSTrobr the beat native colt over twuiyeari. i43ame for best yoke of oxen , Sarae for best inilcn cows. &i.00 by A. Hprunt 4 Son fbr the hct hotn-mjd roys au i table cov er. Parlor Brass Andiron. (5) by title A MarehlsKVi, for theltdy who exhibit the tet f Uk, wool and not ion embroidery. A pftir of har.d-knne Cologrno Bot tle, filled, worth $4, by M inula Hi other's Drugstore, for best photo crayon ir.ivui. One dozen flno handkerchief, for ho prettiiat l.idy on the groan-!. . J. Aero-i, ju lj;e. A fine Ucn t an for tho t.rettht b&by on the ground... A counterpane lor the be.t dlfilv of lYuit, et?. geutien.nn'u line hat for the argest exhibit of farm products. a ouary lap rt! for the larctft xbibit of fowle. lho premium otTeral for the aVve are to bo worth $10 or more an.l will ho paid by F. Ithehiiteln A Co. One barrel "IMiicety" Flour, bv Matt J. Uycr, for the largest exhlb- t m tJla r, Department A. one barrel "I). U (!.' Flour, by . L. Core, Ar tho largest and best exhibit of poultry.. Two tH- of ''t'liallenre" 8o.ii. worth 10, by It. V. Hicks, for the bet two exhibits under Class I, De partment !;, (quantity, quality and anety win be the tests.) One barrel "Point Lftco' Flour. by Jluhue A W utters, for bott loaf ot bread made from s:ineflour, to be iurnished by II. t w. Those wishing to compete for this prize wiil sond.their names to the Secre tary, who will have samples of flour eiu mem. MKl,by Hall A Pearsall. to the ady who takes tho most premiums on -iruele: tor household use. Half barrel "'hnnmifin Frwi.l worth ?10, by J. C, Stevenson A Tny or, ior nest nspiay ot product from dairy. Music Book, (?1.00): Poems by Weber, ($1.00) by 1 Ieinsbertrer's sook store, fr tho most artistically arranged spocuntns of wanipson grasses. "Banner" St turn Lamp, by Jas. A. Taylor, for best Crazy Quilt Work. ? 10.00, by Williams & Murchison, ?5.00 for best bale otton, not less than 500 pounds, nnd $5.00 for the bent specimens of crayon drawing (not photo. Not open for teachers.) Two barrels of I Jour, (or 112 It cash) by Adrian & Vollers, for the fastest racer, Sampson owned. $5.00 Family Bible, by Yates Book Store, for best specimens of 'rochet work (zephyr nnd thread). Ucntleman's Hat ($i!.50), lor the best trio of game chickens, by I. Shrier. One Box Soap (100 brs) (?5.00), by ifaflitt & Corbott, for best dis play of home-made garments. &,00-Ilnz, by It. M.McIntlre,for the best specimens China Painting not less than twelve pieces.) Handsome pair Ladies' Button Boots (55.00), by George It. French, for the best painting in watercoiors. Alderman & Planner, a handsome Lamp, decorated shade, with fixtures worih S5.00, for the largest llec tion of paintings, drawings, &c. (Department G) executed in 18S8- 89. Jim. H. Mallard one cream cheese, or best display of orchard fruits. SPECIAL PltUIillUMS. Oll'ered by Husincss Men of Fay ette vilie. Drive Well Pump (complete by cMillan Bros., for best sow and eight pigs. One box of fine Cigars, by John Martin, for best milch cow. two suoscriptions, 51.00 one year each of Weekly Observer; One for best stock horse; ono for best stock hog One subscription, $3.00 Semi- Weekly Olwcrver, for txjst set of harness. A gentleman's fine Hat, by Frank Thornton, for the most graceful gen tleman horse-bnek rider One pair Lnd.es' 3vid Gloves, by Frank Thornton, for the most grace ful lady horse-back rider. To rido three times around the track. tine pair Ladies' t-hoos, by D. II. Ik-li, proprietor of Cumberland Hons:1, for .he be-:t Butter rnado by a girl under sixteen years old. The girl to do both milking and churn ing. Ono pair Men's Shoes, by D. H. Bell, for bct native colt. One svtof isblo Knives and Forks (51.50) by IK G. HoIIingsworth, lor five yards lKt.t ho.oe-spu'i cloth. One dozen Window Curta'us ($5.) by S. Sheetz & Son, for ten yard best homs-iii-idtf enriwtiug. SPECIAL rilim IU3IS. Offered by IJ.tsin- Men ot'Ooht- bort. One pair Button Kiu Ladies' Shoes, ($.3.50) by lC Weil & Bro., for Iest hosne-niado vd spread. One La-1iftiMI.it. by l. E. Castex & Co., lor bet sjjoci'iien " dra"n linen. Ono barivl of Flour, by I. S. D. Sauls, for one peek each of a half dozen varieties of bwt field peas. On sacs ot Salt, bv JJ. M.Privett for a bushel ' largest yam ntatoes. One barrel of Luue, by li. M. Privett, for a bundle of the. best oats. Ladies' Rocking Chair, ($5.00) by Boyal Jfc Borden, ior boat Led quilt made in 1833 or 1S39. Two boxes of Cigars, by Matt L. Lee, for one gallon of best homo mode syrup. Ten yards Dres Goods, ($2.00) by Futchler & Kvru, for the lady who exhibits the best dre.ss made by her. Two boxes Cigars, by J.It.Griffin, for best Sampson made buggy. Fivefhuadred pounds Cotton Seed Meal, by Goldsboro Oil Mill, for best ten pouad sample of lint cot ton.. ' . - A Silver Cup, : ($3.50) by L. D. Glddens, for thi best exhhrft of cakes and pies. -- A Photognph Album (handsome veneer txiI 1vm) (IS.00) by Ux N. IL llobey A Co., Ooidnboro Dook Stons for best ppeclmcn or tUk broidery. One yean subscription to Oold. boro W eekly Arjrus by J. E. Rob. Inson. for bet exhibit of katttlnf of all kinds. One years tutcr!ntlon to HmU light, fbr Ixast home-mad socks. One boos, (a standard domic) by . Booeower, for boat urecimeo of wax work. Dixie Wow, by Wayne ArricoUa- tul work, fbr bast bushel ineaL of Sampson rabod com oam of milt to be gtren. Hl13CI AL rilKM I UM8L Ottered by lluAlttemi Men of din ton. A Cook Stove, complete with alt attachments (120.00) by W. A. John son for tho txt exhibit canned Bxxxts. Jellies, prwervt s and pickles. uue year's subscription to Tin Caucasian fbr tho best yield of com per acra with hotne-mada fertilizer. The Caccaxax ono year fbr tho best bale of hay aaved by any Samp son farmer this year. Tub Caucasian one year to tka farmer who furnishes a written state ment of the beat plan for making home-made fertilizer which ho has tried. Statement to bo published la The Caucasian after tho FalrJ Ono year's subscription to Tit 8 Caucasian to tho farmer who has on exhibit tho greatest variety of thorough-bred or improved stock. Ono pair Ladles' French Kid But ton llooU, ($5.Wl by A. F. Johnson & Co., fbr best suit of Joans of home made cloth. A buggy Lap llobe, by A. F. John son & Co., for tho farmer whoso ex hibit at the Fair shows him to bo tho best and most progressive farmor lit tho county. $20, by 11. E. Faison, for the fast est racer; ouo-thlrd mile, best two in three. (Joeky Club rules.) Itaco to take place Thursday. 5, by it. k. Faison, for tho test est racer for a single one-third mllo heat, (llaco Thursday.) (The $12 ottered by AdrlnnA Vol lero, of Wilmington, will bo Riven for the fastest half mllo heat on Friday.) $10, by H. E. Faison, for tho fast est foot race of 200 yards, to be com pote! for by three of tho moat corp ulent Alliance u.en in tho county, llaco to take place at 2 o'clock on Friday. One pair of Indies' Shoes, by W. G. ltackley, for five pounds best homemade soap, soft and hard. Ono Gentleman's Hat, by W. Q Hackloy, for the most Ingenious pieco of handiwork promotive of farm economy. A Silver Butter Knife, byO, T. 11", wis, for second best butter. A Watch Chali, worth $2, by O. T. ltawls, for the best home stocked plow. Improved Waterbury Watch, )so rles E) worth $3. by II. B. Glddens, for best display of Improved breeds of poultry (not le.s than three to bo exhibited. $5, by Capt. O. Partrlck. $3 for bes! bale of Sampson raised hay; $2 for 10 yards of beat homemade wool en goods for men's clothing. $2, by Mat this & BIzrell. for fat test beef on exhibit. $5, by Watson 4 Peterson, for best cooked foods,includingmeat,broadsf delicacies, etc. Ladies' Hat, (2.50) by M. E. Pe terson & Co. for the lady who can exhibit the best worked button holes, to be worked with silk. One Box of Tobacco. (13 pounds) by Popo and Culbrcth, for best five pound sample of Sampson raised to bacco. One Pair Kid Gloves,-by Mrs. Moore & Par trick, for the best ex hibit of arasene work. $2, by D. B. Nicholson, for tho best Sampson folded colt under one year old. $2, by F. It. Cooper, fbr tho fast est ox in one-third mllo race. (Go as you please.) One pair of Means' $3 Gaiters, by Stewcjrt A Hlnes, for the best native brood sow. $5, by J. II. Royal $3 for best exhibit of small grain ; and $2 for lest made suit of clothes for boy, made by Sampson lady. One pair Means' Shoos, ($2.50) by 'i II. Partrlck A Bro.. for tho boat milch cow, with calf. $1, by D. M. Partrlck, fur the best poundcake by girl under 20 years of age. Cl, by C. P. Johnson, for the best butter. A $2.50 Hat, by M. Hansteln, for best pen of t-heep, not less than 6. A pair $3 W. L. Douglas Shoe, by M. Hunstchi, for second bed bale of cotton. Ten yards Fruit of the Loom Bleaching, ty M. Hansteln, for best pair home kclt socks. Ten pound caddie of Chewing To bacco, by It. J. Williams, for tho best exhibU of fruit trees grafted in Sampson nursery. One Cream Cheese, by J. E. Boy al for the largest pumpkin. $1.00 in gold by Prof. Isham Royal, County Superintendent Public-instruction, for the best map of Sampson county, drawn by a public school pupil. M 1SCELLANEOU8. O-ie pair Ladies' fine Shoes ($4) by Wingo, Ellett A Cramp, Richmond, Va., represented by Mr. Creech, of Sclma, for best specimen of cotton embroidery. One barrel Silver Lake Floor, by A. B. Godwin, Dunn; N. C, for Dest farm horse. - ' - : One suit Men's fine Winter Under wear, by R. W. Rice, of Baltimore, for the handsomest "old" bachelor in the county. One, pair Gentlemen's fine Shoes, ($5) by. Win. - Badham, of Edento u, N. C, representing Wei mer, Wright A Watklns, of Balti more, for best bed-room set of furn iture itiade in the county. II

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