Ma&tfjasM THE CAUCASIAN. Koterctl according to Postal Lawa at Clinton, N . C, a aecoud claw mail matter. . THE CAUCASIANS RECORD. CI ItCULATION : 1 , 6 6 0. Oife year use it was Jc than 800 Advertisers IMnlr of this. CLINTON, N. LV-DEC 12, 1869. THE GREAT DEAD. The curtain ha fallen un tlifl last sail bnt rrand and he roic pcene of thefcratettra3ti tly recorded in the world' his tory. The scene of action, blood and dlrotul conflict closed In the flood of spring-tide in '05 at Ap pomattox, but the scene of the tranquil and moral sublime closed last wrck at New Orleans. Yes, at 12.45 on last Friday rooming the fraud, kindly, christian and god-like spirit of Jefferson DavJs passed quietly and peacefully from ita superb tenement of clay and was waft ed to its eternal homo. "Death loves a uhlnintf mark," and here u i'.s masterstroke. The subtle wires throbbed out from city to city to every n ok and hamlet the sadly soul-thrilling message, and in a moment the trrnat loving and cherishing heart of our Southland was bow ed weeping around the corpse nf H Immortal chieftain. The message flasied over overy con tinent. The attention of this great busy, bustling and rushing world is wresled a the gigantic character of the man stands out in bold and irr poking relief, and the tremendous events of the tlon on earth, in aivutvvuw w -w - which he stood without a peer, swell up in memory. By his death the standard of living greatness is lowcrod. The pa triot everywhere can Kob aloft to his brave, puto, heroic, unsel fish, and christian character and catch new inspiration. We of the ycunger generation - who are denied the boon of having seen, known and heard the great departed, yet thank God fox having given us the il Instrious example, the beacon light of new and lofty inspira tion in the character of the great leader of our cherishsd principles and Southland. We honor himas the patriot of patri ots, and consider that his great est r,ct of loyalty to the princi ples of Jefferson and Washing ton was when he took up arms n.irn.lnat those who dared to trample upon the Constitution of our fathers. He sacrificed all for the cause which he and his people cherished and he alone of all has nobly, patiently and uncomplainingly borne the cross of martydom for us all. The God f nations has long borne him up under the burden. Let us to-day, in ou grief, shoulder his cross, and in our love ever keep green his mem ory. line day at the capital was de voted to the prog, am of exer- commemorative of the centennial celebration f the tnanguraflon of Gcore Wash ington. The S&nite and House of KeprepebtatiVr-s aHembled logetW tn the hill of the House. There wa inu-ic, pray er by the chaplain -.f the Senate and an sddress )y Chief Justice Fuller and benediction by the chaplain of the House. The excrc s.s were attended by the President and hi Cabinet, the Supremo Court, delegate to the Pan-American and Internation al Maritime Conferences now in sensiori, and all the principal olHcors of the government. Two coincidences the fun eral of Jeff Davis on the centen nial of the inauguration of Washington, the birth of Davis and Llnci'n occurred in the pa mo state, and in a few months of the same time. CATAKUII CUHED, health anJ sweet breath, by Shiloh'a Catarrh Itemed)-, l'rk-e 60 ct nt. Nasal Injector free, tor Hale by 11. II. Holliday. DrucgUt, C'llotoo, tnd W. I'. Kennedy, Warsa, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS wm$A it NEW ADVEBTlSEMENm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Tb laaporta&ea cC pcrtfytaf tba blood eao aot t ovwMUmaUd. tat wittest jwa Uood yam caaaot enjoy good ba2th. At tttls season nearly tmj ona acda a food medicine to polity, vltaHza, and enrich the blood, aad we uk yen t i try Hood' DofMiMor 8naparffla. ItBtreagUte&s rCCUIlai and bonds Bp the system, creates aa appetite, and tones the digestion, while tt eradicates disease. Tbe peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the yegetable remedies used gtra to Hood's Sarssparffla pecnl- Iteolf tor enratiTe powers. Ko 1 1 lOvll otter medicine lias sorb a record of wonderful cores. If yon bare made up your mind to bay Hood's Sanapaxflla do not be induced to take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by an druggists. Prepared by C L Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. 1T1 NSTITUTE :0: This School, organized three years ago under the present managem-mt, has steadily grown in numbers and reputation. The Spring Session will begin JANUARY 4th, 1890. Thorough instruction given by competent and experienced teachers in all of the departments, Collegiate, Music and Art. TERMS REASONABLE. Boarding Department under the supervision of the Principal. For further information apply for Catalogue. dec5 tf MISS MARY ANDERSON, Principal. Clinton School R F O REV. J. W. TURNER, A. M., Principal. MRS. J. W. TURNER, A?sistant. Fall Term Opens Monday, Sept. 2, '89. RATES OF TUITION . Primary Branches, per month, - - 8 A 25 Advanced Primary, - - - $2 00 J-mior. " ... 2 50 Intermediate, " " - - - $3 00 Senior, u " - - .3 50 Latin, Greek and French aro taught without extra cliarge. No contingent fee is charged. W litre tixpedieut, Country Pro duce will be received in settlement of bills. This School recently closed its first yaar with an enrollment amounting to 66 pupils during the year. for further information address, aus8-Uf REV. J. W. TURNER, Clinton, N. C. First-Glass Saloon ! winy iiiiti: Which is the Headquarters During the Fair. Last Store on Grog Rdw, bnt the best place in town to get wha you wish. jBSTWhile at the FAIR be sure to give us a call. Very Truly Yoars, RUSSELL & BODEiTHAMMER- Harrison's message to Con gress is good in some respects, in so far as it imitates Cleve land's message. Dr. Milburn, the blind Chap lain of the United States Sen ate, referred in touching, feeling and appropriate terms to Jeffer son Davis' family In the open ing prayer of the Senate Mon day. ; The Fanners' Convention which was in session at St. Lou is last week closed on Saturday to meet on the second Tuesday in 1890 at Jacksonville, Florida. The name of the greit consoli dated organization is now the Farmers' Alliance and Industri al Union. Col. L. L' Polk was elected President. The word couniry" was stricken out of the constitution before 4mer chandise." Yesterday was the funeral of the late, beloved and lamented Jefferson Davis. The Mother Earth has never before receiv ed back to its bosom a ten ement of cUy that had encased a braver and ucbler spirit. The -:o:- For Fancy Wines, L'.quora and drinks of all kinds come to EWADVERTI3EMXT9. -1 KEW ADVERT SEMENTS. riie Netr. Fall Stock CLOSING OUT NothinQ like it has ever been known in G linton ! Clothing ! Clothing ! More and better Clothing so'd for one dollar than could be bought in a uood crop yeur Tor double tliat amonnt.. We are willing to share with .the fiirmcr and are willing to sell for short profit?. Every day from now out shall bo A Bargain Day! Until our siock is closed ont. Br, BoyMn's Worm Killer. :o; La Geakge, N. C, July, 1887. Mr. J. P. Joyner: I gave my child one dose of Boy kin's "Worm Killer," purchased or you. It brought 368 worms. I consider it the best worm medicine made. Respectfully. J. W. THOMAS. Clinton, N. C, November 19th, 4889. Dr . R. H. Holiday, Dear Sir: I used the bottle of Dr. Bovkin's Wor m Killer bought of you, with following results : I gave two dose s to child of one year old, brougl t 33 worms. One dose to child three years old result 19 worm?, and a dose to a babv. which brought 2 worms. As a vermifuge it certainly excels anything I have ever seen. Yours, &c, JOHN HINES. Duck Ckeek, N. C, May 8th. 1884. Boykin, Carmer & Co., Baltimore, Md., Dear Sirs: Mr. A. Rudd, a very responsible customer of mine, gave a half tea- spoonful Worm Killer to a child last week, and the result was 35 worms. Mr. Daniel Pines used it with still belter results 75 worms from one child. Of course my pales will be larga. Yours trnly, E. S. SMITH. PRICE ONLY 23 CUNTS P13U BOTTIuK. For gale by DR. R. H. HOLLID AY, Clinton, N. C. oct241 m FRUIT TREES. GRAFTED AND FOR SALE BY W. R. Weeem, AT HOBTON, N. C. ' Every variety, from early to late, at only 10 cents each. My trees are, of coarse, adapted to the soil and climate f this Bection, therefore will live and bear better than trees from Nurseries from a distance. Every tree Is warranted. If not as repre sented money will be refunded. The trees can ba had at my residence or will be shipped to any point ordered. Very Truly; W. It. WEEKS, octlO 3m Ilobton, N. C. RAILR0AD HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. DBETTKEirNrESS 1.IQTTOR HABIT to mil th Wrld ther Is but on cmr. nr. Uaiaea' UoldeK Specific. It ta bt giTOn In eu of t or coffe wHhont thm kaowtodg of the yenoa taklagit, effecting peedr u4 penasneat car, whether the Mtieotua aiodent drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. Thoasaada of draakarda haa beea cared who havo takea the Ooldea Kpecifie ia their coBee wltkoat tholr knowl edge, esd today bellere taoy qait drinkiaf of their owa froa will. Vo hanafal aSet remit froat ita -daitaiftraUoa.' Ouree ejaaraateed. Head for cir. eaiar aad fall Vertical. Addree ia coeideace, tivLDia eneuifi W fco StiMt, CiaciaBatl, U SampleBooms and Special Coareiiion e f or TraTelingr Mab. The Fare is the bebt the market affords, vrhicb is always served -in good wholesome style. Board, per day, only $ 1 50 " " week, 4 00 " ..-- month, i f. r J2 00 The patronage of , the traveling public is respectfully solicited. W. E. BASS, sep 19 tf Proprietor Neuralgic Terxm And those troubled with nenroumen resulting bom care or orerwork will b relieTed b; taking Brown's Iron Bitter. Genuine ba trademark and crossed red Ones oqw tapper. i Of which we have cases s.fter cases, are now sold down t 2, 3, 4, 5 of a kind, and these small Jots must I r . Speak for themselves, all you uead is to take a look at them. the price and style will tempt you to bny. The prica i the low est, the stock first-class and yon never had such a chance. Buy from us and save Money ! Buy from us and be Happy ! M HAN STEIN, King Hatter and Clothier. $3 -JiJ? mJ 1 A L O CHAMPION FOOD c HAS HKENT Bought Chap and will be Sold Low! Conic. Buy and Ijc Profited. Your attention is specially calletl Ui my Urge ami completa line of i)UY GO IDS AND NOTIONS- To my excellent line of BOOTS AXDSHOKS, HATS AND CAPS, which will be sold on the closet possible margin. Also to the latest thing In (JAKl ETS, iilL CLOTHS AND OIL HUGS, which you should by al means see before buying. ?f rtT)nTTTn Here you can get any EMWSM'Ml&i. tain from a fine '.Val nut IifdrMim suit down to a cluap, good suit the six of each man's IV sro to see my Cherry and Sweet Gum Salts, which hTi nice articles at 'moderate prices. I hav Losieht very low a lot of T11UNK8 and VALISES, will giv my customers the Lcnefit of my good fortune by selling them tow. The laigest ai.d most coinplet. line of HARDWAUE, CUTLE RY, GUNS AND PISTOLS to be found In the place iaat my utoro. and examine our CROCK ITiY, GLASS AND TINWARE, where you will have the largest assortment to select from. BTTIfHTOJO MHtttHHAf 1 keep ,n 8tock a ,are DUllililjli 0 lliCllljillrifJl supply of Sasb, D nr8, Hhnds, lAme, Hair, ai;d evervtliing needed in this line. Where can you iret 'UELTLNG, GUM AND RUBBER PACK ING AND BABBIT? The question is answered by calling in to see me. A -large variety of HEATING AND COOK STOVES, which will be sold lower than ever. Fresh First-Class Groceries Always on hand and sold at starvation prices. B300 Sacks of Liverpool Salt just received. Remember that I am agen t for RAILROA I) M I LLS SNUFF and DUPONT'S POWDER, which I sell at manufacturer's prices. I am now offering ;oods in every line on a smaller proQt than ever belore and hope to be justified in this coursw by largely in creasing tiie quantity of sales. .Yours, f -r on: mutual ?,d vantage, J. E. BOYAL. 3T O Lots for Bale AT ROSEBOEO, On me C " F. & Y. V. Railroad. Forty valuable lots will be sold at Roseboro. on Saturday, the 7th o December. 1S39. TERMS CASH ! This Stall. m is located near Owenville, 21 miles from Fayette ville, and is surrounded by a fin farming section. itespoctfully, nov2l lm SESSOMS & UNDERWOOD. Avoid Taking" Oold lYXASTl I Superior to HI SnWes itrninnin aaaaia; uin. Dttastlbla BUtaitu, Braaa, Tea Caia, Pie, HaCaa, WaBea, Jobbbj CakcvCan Bread, Raari rv Jriaa, araaiaiiBsja. Ballea Paaaian aaa Back. wheat. If aaaa4 eaaa t reata. Sala by raaatrr Berekaata. Draw Masiariac tan-taw Caw Bring in your Coon, Fox, Mink and -, - - . . - . -( Otter Hides, v " ;P.y Calling at P( )PE & CULBRETH'S And getting a pair of their Grain Polka Water Proof Shoes, at 1 Pi ' - uniy $1.00 per pair. Is the way we sell all classes of GOOD Goods Hats, Shoes, ranis uiotn, calicoes, flannel Suitings and all kinds of Indies' Dress Goods. Special attention is called to our No 1 Ladies Shoe for $1. Yours for our mutual benefit. POPE & CULBRETH: ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS. -A F Hobb's Old Stand, (VANN'S SQUARE, OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE.) The members of the Farmers' Alliance who come to town during Fair week, an i the approaching holiday season, are re spectfully invited to visit our quarters, where we will be pleis ed to meet them andalso furnish them anything necessary for household consumption and farm use. - Very Trnl 7 and Fratenally, Q. A. CLUTE. J County Business Agent. Cures Hog Cholera FAT'll XS HOUSES. And cures di-si raltin Intlijjestio'.i and overwork, IucrestoA the yield of mi!k frw, Cwa ami itnptovea theejualitv. Wo have hundred of crtiflrtu from relinMo iorti, all ovrt tha country, to prove Rbove. It u StTiE ! It rs lNcxiKxiivt ItwxoIIcmbuoI IT ISISVALUAnUETOTUEKAUti; If you have a Ick hoat buy t tound and try It. We have three testinwni&ls. can furnish any n amber ou appUf. tlon to nn one of the agent. Sivroiw, 8. C, AusriM .,), Mer. J. C, StTiaoa t Taylor, W llmiar. ton. S. C IEft nw: Whav htm Urine 'aaa pion l-'ood' for twrlve Month and fin J Ujj It doet kit that t rUimrd for IU It itnprT the funeral roodition of stock and a ui llojf tliOMT. We feed It to our u k r. Urly and would not do without lu J. U. ALLMUtoog. . Lkiktk'Bnta, N. ty, Srt. 17th, !. Mranni. J. t Stvenon & Taylor, M llmla. ton. N. V,t Ikab Sir : A f trr twinjf' tin half lorrW t'liamjkn Foo;'." purrhaiNHl of you wr readily My that U hit fulfllh'd rrry rrprr. entaUon nude for tt so far aa w liav trW4 it. Id no intano baa it tailed to Wartt atock fed on it. Wc ran particularly rrrua mend it for milch eowa, calve aud roiu. We regard It aa the beat atock food on ta market. Send ua another half barrel. Youra Truly, ALEX, McKISXOX k VO, WltMIXOTOX. ST. C, Or!. 10th, W. McKitr. J. C. Stevenson A Taylor: (iKvn.KMBX : The "Cliamjiiod Food" ya fold ua has been given a fair trial, it it a im eoaM, and we are glad to add tentiuionv to It. worth. When fed to our home we 'find K aid digefltion, cret an aptetite and tit animal imnroveaat once; it ia a great cundl tioner, and a trial will prove ita value, nuve fed it to our cowa and with tbem 1m it has proved arrest digetiv, ioth thr flow md the quality of the milk has inipnrd, the per centage of Increase we cannot rn positively state. 1 lie iooa aoea an vou nua in the line of testa we have made;" we kIuII continue ita uxe and advise all the o m m of etock to give it a trial. 1. 4. OUUlJlr.ltl.AM. W. A. JOHNSON, Agent, Clinton, .C. J. C. STEYEXS05 & TAYLOR, oct 24-tf Akents for N. Carolina. Tf any dealer aaya be luu thm W. C IVSo Khoea withoat Baina Md Birloa staanpaii tit bottom, put film dowm aa m fraud. IV: L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE QCNTLEMEN. S Best tn the world. JCramlna kit SJM OCNDUnt HAirfMiKWItD SHOE. 4 AH) HANO-8KWKD WELT AHQK. 3.SS WORKITfOMAN HOt IMMdaps BOYS' SCHdoL IHOIi All BiaOa La Cotm, BbUm aMLaa. W. L. DOUG LAG G3 SHOE ldT... It Dot sold lTToa alr, mtm W. Mm WUUUMM, WMJCXTOlfe FOR BALK DY M IlAXSTKijr, Clinton, N. C- and and T. W. Underwood; Newton Grove, N. C. octlO 3m W. T. WILLIJIMSON'S BDGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, I REV QU1TES OH F1TETTEYILLE ST. Bound ShavM. TTanVa and all Edge Tools made, and Ilenalrlncr done on short notice. I will keep on hnd a large lot of Western Bupeies (open and top) and Roads Carts. They wiJi equal in quality and are sold as low as any like CTOOda In fn1rlahnm Vdtra avllla V, m. K1Ul or Wilmington. itespectfully, mcli28-tf W.T. WILLIAMROX. 01 DEE. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST PEACH AND APPT,T?nTTiF.R (Comer of Elm andlLR. Street) SWEET AND HARn trrnvji alwayhon hand. In addition to this pleasant and healthy drink. Ikeep . Tobacco, Snuff, Flour, Potaih, ' . Candies, Soda, which are" sold at IntrMl nrt vww r-wa for cash. 600 Pines, of all K 1m nl sizes. Try one. ' Respectfully, CLINTON, N. O. MRS. A. E. MUBPIIY, : : : : : : Owner and Proprietress. je 211 yr. Sixteen New Large Comfortable Rooms Just Added. : Centrally located. Sample rooms for Commercial Travelers. Attentive Servants. Fare First-Class In Every Respect. Free Transportation from and to Depot V The Traveling Public Cordially invited to Stop at the ' CLINTOJV Hariiss Establishm nt ! - -: I ESTABLISHED IK 1867.1 " . am now located on FayettevIIIe i.r5i, upi osire UAUcAsiAjr offlce. I put up and keep in stock, or make i;?0eI' aP.yrtyle of Hnes from $13.00 to 40.00. I also make all styles and trradMi r fiAA.. t-i dies, Ilalters and everything in this ' Good. hnnvaf , ' - " Mw wg ivnoa In business. A lartre SUOdIv Of Knrf hrn tTan. ness andaflna iinanrrwi.i..wkin. always kept on hand. Call and ex- uuine. lUtriA(tfVW sep5-3m ; Y. H. GTETG027.