THE CAUCASIAN PUBLISH KVEKY TIIUKflliAY, Uj MAUIOX BUTLER, hiiir hik! Proprietor. SUBSCRIBE. Hhovr this Taper to your neigh-. ; .ot ;aid advise him to sub t fccribe. I Subscription Price $1J5K) per I Year, in Advance. P RO FESS J ON A I , COUSIN . DR. A. D. MOO J IE, I'lIYHIcrAX AM) H!JI;OKOX, Having located in (Clinton will give .-jMciitl iittorition to Um d issues of women :.nd children. office on Methodist Street, oppo site ('apt C. Partriek's. oct3l-tf A M. LEE, M. I). I'HYHICIANVSllKOKON AND DkNTIST, Office in Lee's Drug Store, jo 7-lyr J. A. STEVEN'S, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SuilOEO.V, (Office over Post Office.) IrirMay be found at night at the nwidence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. je 7-lyr FAISON, 171 An.litNEY AND CoUNSELL- ok at Law. Office on Main Street, will practice In courts ofSampson and adjoining counties. Also in Supreme Court. All business intrusted to his care will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr WS. THOMSON. Attoknky and Counsell ou at Law. Office over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad joining counties. Ever attentive ami faithful to tht interests of all client. je 7-lyr J JJ. Attorney and Counsell 1 or at Law. Office on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will be g i yen to all legal business, je 7-lyr XT HANK BOYETTE, D.D.S. JL Dentistry Office on Main Street. Offers his services to the people of Clinton and vicinity. Every thing in the lino of Dentistry dono in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. teirMy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. je 7-lyr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HIT TREES. GRAFTED AND FOR SALE BY AT HOBTON, N. C. Every variety, from early to late, at only 10 cents each. My trees are, of course, adapted to the soil and climate f this section, therefore will live and bear better than trees from Nurseries from a distance. Every tree is warranted. If not as repre sented monev will be refunded. The trees can ba had at my residence or will be shipped to any point oruerea. Very Truly; W. It. WEEKS. net 10 3m I lob ton, N. C. FORJENT. TWO HANDSOME Two Story Brick Stores ! Just being completed, situated at the end of McKoy street, next to my old stand, suitable far mercan tile or other purposes. Also the UP STAIRS of the large Brick Store, the first floor of which is now occupied by J. If. Royal. This space is suitable for Barber Shop, restaurants, etc. For particulars apply to. decl9 -2t J. E. ROYAL. WW OFFER J ,000 BUSHELS PRIME Rust Proof Oats ! IN LOTS TO SUIT 1 Rare bargains in job lots of T O I J O O O . Aud a full stock of Fancy and Sta ple Groceries, Fish, Ac. Consignments of Cotton and Na val Stores solicited and carefully handled. HALL & PEARSALL, Wholesale Grocers A Commission Merchants, 10 AND 13 SOUTH WATER ST., Wilmington, N. C octlO tf MART E. PETERSON. JULIAN LEWI". Mary E. Peterson & Co., On Main Street, Near Murphy House. The only RACKET STOKE in Clinton. A variety of nearly every thing at prices that will astonish you. Come in and see. Respectfully, MARY E. PETERSON & CO. scptfii tf For 23 Years J T GREGORY has occupied his same TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT on Church Street. The great and orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes .Economy in cloth and money Will force you to give him a call. -Latest Fashion plates always on hand. j0ne 7th. lyr. VOL. VIII. A TIMELY GREETING. MKtRT CHRIST ASt CHRISTMAS CAROLS. INO loudly, O my soul, A peon to the Lordl His goodness, grace and lovo extol. And for his nerolei poured Upon thee as the seasons roll, Give thanks la glad accord. For on this harp day A star from heaven was torn. To blaxon out the humble way To whero our Lord was bom, And change earth's twilight, cold and gray, To spiritual morn. Itejoleo, my soul, and know That Christ Is born anew. Ills grace new mercies dally show. Ills works our work Imbue; And to the world his words outgo In endless love and true. Wiluam E. a Faues. "Merry Christmas!" ring ft out All ye happy festal bells. Through tho sweet magnolia grovos, Frozen moors, or snow heaped fella. Carols rise, and yule fires glow, Pprays of silver mistletoe Shine from out the dark green pine. Yulo tide, peace and joy be thlnel "Blessed Christmas I" ring It out, AS ye tuneful festal bells, Unto cheerless hearts, wherein Neither hope nor gladness dwells. Heavens smile, and stars shine out All our yule decked homes about; Angels stand within the door Christmas tide Is come once morel Melon CLaae. THE MERRITT MATTER. HOW HELEN BLAKE BROUGHT ABOUT A CHRISTMAS RE CONCILIATION. Copyright, 1833, by American Press Association. WONDER what you'll be like at my ago," said Will iam Morrltt angrily to bis sod Albert, one day memor able in the lives of both. William Merritt was what the people called "a hard man to (ret along with." He was hard, just, sincere and severe. He began mature life as a natboat captain, and finished his training as sheriff of an Indiana county. A born ruler, at CO years of ago he knew absolutely nothing of any methods save stern command and force ready for instant application. To this he added a habit of perpetual fault finding. He had been going over the hoary harangue, with which somo old people have insulted young ones sinco the days of Homer, about the eood boys and the industrious young men of his early life and the degenerate sons of these days, when Albert's satirical humor rose. "You're michty little account now," said the father. "What'll you be at my age?" "I suppose," said Albert, unconsciously Imitating his father's sneer, "111 do like other old men sit and tell lies about the big things I did when I was a boy." It was ono of those insults which some men consider "the first blow," and the second fell promptly. Raising his broad, right hand. and foaming with rage, the father brought it down flat across the son's mouth. The blood flew from Albert's nose as he staggered back. He rallied, razed an instant on the father. then turned away with clinched teeth and set purpose. He sought bis confidant, Sam McCorkle, the drunken shoemaker's boy near by, who was of the same age as Albert, but knew fifty times as much of the tricks and devices of the oppressed. At 10 years Bam was an expert in evasive tricks; at 18 be was simply a prodigy. These two bad met and conferred often the sad, cynical skeptic, whose father was among tho well-to-do farmers of the commu nity, and the finished trickster, whose father was the outcast; they often laid out wonder ful plans of life in distant regions; but soon a fair young face rose before Albert Merritt's eyes, and be could not make up his mind to go. It was the face of Helen Blake, only a few years before his schoolmate. But now Albert was resolved. If Helen thought of bim as often as he did of her, she would wait for him to return, and if she were worth the winning she would respect him more for leaving the discomforts or. ms present me. Thus he reasoned. Late, that night two lads with small bun dle might have been seen, but took care not to be, on the river road, and was soon known to all the community that the;- had left the place. Of farewells the boys had add none. Albert had Indeed writUp a brief note to his mother, in which he had bidden her a l-by full of clumsily worded tenderness. "Hiss Helen Blake," and in which n as formally expressed the hope that. though absent perhaps for years, he would not be fit gotttiu. Thcso episllen ho took with lim in Wis flight, and a day cr two later en trusted them to Sam McCorkle to post, but that individual, fearful that the route of de- rjartare would be jruessod by the postmark, calmly destroyed them, although he solemn ly declared to Albert that lie had deposited them in the poetofflce of a considerable town through which they journeyed. And so the m boys were quite cut off from the old Id of semi-servitude. itber ioooU be sorry lor the night son fabnitotnral; that he Bhoukwbilw fits ' -j 7jl a kpark of ride or anger remains, tell any one (4 LU aurrow would be contrary to all recorded prbctaleuta in such cases. William Merritt was not the man to violate prece dents of discipline. He held Mmm-lf stiffly. wavd away the luLWt complacently, and said when he spoke at all: "Oh, bell soon get sick of Lis flirt boll be glad enough toooms back." But late summer yielded to autumn, aud autumn gave place to winter, and a sad CUristiuM day had come, for Albert Merritt had made no sign. ttbcti Ilekxi Bloke was told that Albert Merritt was a "runaway boy" she mercJy said, "Ah, indeed," and bent very low over ber work ; but she knew why he had gone know It, Indeed, about as well as he did. kre kxjg she and Mrs. Merritt seemed to have a good dual to say to each other. They SKldom if ever mentioned Albert, but it al ways seomed that the mother was much cheered after a visit from Helen. In ber own desponding heart the mother said : "He Mil never come back, ho is too much like his father," a favorite delusion with mothers, by tho way. And so, on this sad ChristAas day, the two sorrowful women exchanged deep sympathies without exchanging a word on the subject nearest their hearts, and the mother felt that niglft as if voluuws had been spoken on the cubject, when in fact a had not been mentioned. And tWoalU Helen came of tenor and of toner, and some how after each visit the mother felt an as surance that all would be right, and felt it lust the same whether Albert's name wa mentioned or not. Now, after the first shock was passed, Helen Bliike nover folt a doubt in her bosom that nho would in (rood time receive some ord from Albert Merritt, and she wotud have risked much ou her conviction that she would hear before cither of his parents. though shj could not tuivo toll you w-hy, and proliably would not if sho could, for the best farm iu Jackson township. Vet she know it all the some, and visited tho Merrltts often, aud at each visit it somehow ft-ll out that eomcthiug rather singular happened. On one occ.'isiou she grew quite hilarious in remiuiwiences of a certain school exhibition, and tolil how the teacher hail photographs of tho whole class taken, a set for all, and how childish the pictures looked now, and how everybody had changed, though it was but six years ago, and then sho brought out the photograplifi cheap, tawdry- things they were, but among them was one of a tall, fab boy, with all the glow of class leadership in his eye, and light hair curling around a boM forehead, and under it, in round boyish script, was the autograph, "Albert Merritt." A pang shot through the father's heart, and he longed for her to talk of his boy; but she rattled on about Tom and Jennie and Mattle, and soon hastened home. But the mother noticed that Helen "had forgotten her pictures," and so they lay on the looking glass stand for many a day, where the father often saw tho presentiment of his boy, but ho never touched it, and they lay there tui Helen come again. This time Bbe brought a "story paper" for Mrs. Merritt, saying that the main story in it had Interested her very much; and after she was gone William Merritt picked it up and pished and pshawed and ridiculed the pictures, but he read tho story. It was a commonplace novelette of a son, who had fled from a harsh father and enlisted in the Fed eral army, and who was sick almost unto death in a southern hospital, and how in de lirium he babbled of home, and how a Sister of Charity wrote to the father, who came and patiently nursed his boy back to life and love and forgiveness. A commonplace story one of ten thousand war stories of the time but the father's hand trembled as he read, and he rushed to the field and drove his work with unusual energy and shouted louder than ever at his team, and at night was stern and silent and solemn to a degree that surprised even his long suffering wife. The other children would occasionally ven ture a reference to Albert, and now when Helen came the father would blame the run away; but she only listened quietly and ask ed if they had ever heard of him, and turned the talk to their school days. And so two years passed away and the third Christmas came. In celebration of the dav the Mer rltts were to be the guests of the flakes, and when they gathered in the big room of the great farm bouse it happened that all the young people present were of that last day class at the head of which Albert Merritt had stood. Of course Helen Blake never thought of alluding to such a fact "it just happened so," her parents thought but there were plenty in a class of eight young people who could talk as fast as they could think, and usually did it, too. And so the conversation rattled on about that glorious day, and the father, whose heart was literally pounding against his ribs, and whose internal strug gles were such that he could not tell whether he was eating turkey or oak chips, talked loudly and aggressively to those at his end of the table, and quite overbore Mr. Blake on politics, and finally offered to bet "the pick of his horses agin' a yearlin' calf" that his candidate for the presidency would have 600,000 majority over any man the other side could put up next year, JUMPED TO TEX GROCKD. Now Helen was quite satisfied in ber own mind that the Utile surprise had done its work, but that evening her brother brought home the weekly mail, and in it, after all her weary waiting, a little surprwo for ber. It was a copy of The Tekeewnh (Kan.) Bugle, and great was the wonder in the family as to the why and wherefore of Its coming; but Helen knew. There wasnt a mark of any kind on the printed sheet, so he set herself resolutely to read every line. Sever bad far western publisher In the most heated cam paign a more devoted reader, and at last, la a leaded arttcle m the page headed "Local Intelligence," she found a list of toembers of a new fire company, and among the names was "Albert Merritt." A writer in the "County Correspondence" of the next issue of The County Democrat told of "our fair ladies who charmed the audience with their music" at a certain Christmas eve church festival, and, by request conveyed in a no inclosing the stamps, the publisher di rected a copy to "A. Merritt, Esq., Tekee- wah, Kan." And this sort of thing went on for eight months more, and the golden au tumn set In and the country was most mightily stirred over the presidential elec tion, and the Biakes and the Merritts began to look forward with strangely mingled feel ings to another Christmas. William Merritt was the same and yet not the same. His hair, which was just streaked with gray when bis son Albert had left him, was now whitening visibly. His broad, bur ly shoulders had begun to stoop. His hard eyes had lo6t somewhat of their steadiness. and occasionally there were lines Aemnting mental pain visible in his austere counte nance. His voice, too, sometimes quavered in a way that astonished no one more than himself. And one day just after the sorrel colt a wild, vicious beast, he was breaking to the saddle had almost thrown bim on the way to town, be had caught himself audibly wishing that Albert, who must be a fuU grown, strong man by this time, were there to help subjugate toe anmwtt, CAUCASIAN, Xu.aro Somocrnoy axx3. ""OtTIxlto Supromitoy. CLINTON, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER "OAS'T WI GET ALBERT BACK?" And so when Helen next paid the Merritt homestead a visit she found the fortrgs of the old man's heart ready to yield. Shcrhad the day before received a copy of The Tekeewah Bugle, in which she found the following paragraph half way down a crudely written account of a fire in that enterprising town: "We should utterly fall In our duty to our readers if we omitted to take more than pass ing note of the heroic conduct of one or our young townsmen, a prominent and efficient member of Avalanche Engine company No. 1. Of course we refer to Mr. Albert Morrltt, than whom a braver man never drew breath. No sooner had it become known that a child was in the burning building than, at the risk of his own life, Mr. Merritt rushed into the smoke and flames, dashed up the stairs almost at a bound, and, groping about in the stifling heat, found the infant, fought his way through the fire to the window, for by this time the stairway was burning, and jumped to the ground with his precious burden safe on his arms. He was greeted with such a cheer as only Tekeewah tboats can give. We regret to be obliged to tld that Mr. Morrltt suffered a painful, though not necessarily dangerous, injury in the breaking of an arm, which was struck by a falling tlmjjer. He was also rather severely burned. It Is hoped, how ever, that he will soon be himself again." This paper Helen brought with her but carefully hidden. She had determined, if need be, to show it to the stern father, but she proposed to hold it for the last resort. But her manner (for, though ordinarily calm, she was now much excited) betrayed her, and as soon as William Merritt looked into her face he knew that she knew something of Albert; and her unwonted agitation, as he gazed fixedly at her, convinced him that something was amiss with his son. Mrs. Merritt was about to speak when her hus band Interrupted her in strained, quivering tones: "Helen Biake," he said, "to Albert deadl Tell me the truth T There wf i a world of paternal love in the old man's voice now. But for a moment Helen said nothing, for she felt that were she to speak she would instantly and completely lose her self control. So with a deprecatory gesture and a white face she walked to the window to compose herself, while the father and mother waited In suspense. Aft x a lit tle she turned again to thern, and, with a re assuring look toward Mrs. Blake, who sat with clasped hands and parted lips, Bhe took the paper from her pocket. "I would like to read to you an article from The Tekeewah (Kansas) Bugle," she Bald, in as steady a voice as she could command. And then she read the account of the fire, from Deadlines to dash, without a break, and with out looking up. When she had done she raised ber eyes. Mrs. Blake was crying qui etly and the old man was quite broken down. "Helen," he said, reaching out both bands to the girl, "it's no use. I cant be a hard ened old fool i:o longer. Cant we get Albert back hero with us? Hadnt I better go oottO Kansas and get him I Poor boy, may be he's hurt worse than it says." And then the old man let the tears flow unconcealed. That night a letter was mailed to Tekee wah, Kan. It was written by Helen, though unsigned, and here Is a copy: Mr. Albert Merritt: The account of the recent fire in Tekeewah and the bravery displayed by yourself on that occa sion has worked a great change of opinion in certain quarters, a change which would have come soon, however, in the natural coarse of things. Your father is very much broken and anxious to see you. A Fbiekd, When Albert Merritt received this letter he was convalescent, lying on the bed of the best room In the Tekeewah tavern, while Sam McCorkle was standing in the center of the floor telling some admiring friends for the thousandth time how "my parhere saved thaTgaTbaby." "I tell you," be said, "it takes the boys from old Indianny to do things. Now, I mind me one time before I came west of bow little Jimmy Jones fell Into the river, V I jumped right In without stopping to peel a bit" And then be reeled off a wholly imaginary yarn of his own bravery, while Albert smiled and the rest listened open mouthed. When Albert had read his letter he said, quietly: "Sam, I'm going home for Christmas. I hall start as soon as I can do it safely." Sam was astounded, but he did not remon strate, and finally concluded to go, too, "just to take care of Al," he explained to the boys. Bat secretly he was gladpf the excuse. The next issue of The Tekeewah Bugle con tained this paragraph: "Our well known townsman, Mr. Albert Merritt, is about to visit his old hqme in In diana, where he will probably spend the holi days. He k very nearly well of the In juriei sustained at the repent jbre. Hj wfll Mao- com pained by his last friend, tax. bam Mo- Corkle, the well known lightning rod agont. The stage was duo to pass William Merritfa house at 4:30 o'clock on Christmas eve, but the roods were bad and it was quite dark when, with a sweeping curve, it swerved to the side of the pike and stopped hi front of the bouse, in the open front doorway of which, in strong silhouette against the flood of light within, stood the burly form of William Merritt, his hands outstretched with trem bling hopefulness. "Come along, Sam," said one of the young men who dismounted from tho back seat of the high stage, "I need you yet." There was a cry, in which recognition, wel come and forgiveness were all blended from the figure in the doorway, and an answer from the taller of the travelers, who still car ried one arm in a sling. And a moment later William Merritt led this one into his house. "Mother," he said, "our boy has come back. In the ecstatic joy of meeting hU mother. Albert had forgotten Bom McCorkle, and when be looked for him that Individual had disappeared.- As he afterward explained, he dldnt feel like be was any use when folks was all a-cryuv and a-weepin' and falllu' on each other's necks, so he just sloped." But Albert did not look for Sam very long, He had much to tell of his now life in the west, where he had been fairly successful, and his father and mother and brothers and sis ters had quite as much to tell him. THERE WAS A CRY. The next day there was such a Christmas gathering at William Merritt 's house as had never been there before. Such roast turkey with cranberry sauce, and such juicy mince pies, and such mealy potatoes, and such fine, white home made bread, and such good things to eat generally as they who sat down at the dinner table partook of have never been ex celled. All', tho Blakos were there, and so were all the members of hat class of eight, whose photographs were the first weapon Helen had employed In storming William Merritt's flinty old heart. And Sam McCorkle, too, the drunken shoe maker's son, full of far western dash and his torian of the time "Al rescued the baby, He was "Mr. McCorkle," an honored g&eet. and no one received greater respect than he. But he did not rise to the height of Lis glory till evening, for at the dinner table Albert would not suffer bis own praises to be sung in too high a key. But when Albert, seem ing to have something particular to say to Helen, whose great, brown eyes sparkled un- wontedly and whose cheeks persisted in blushing furiously, led ber away with him into a quiet corner and left the field to Sam, that individual chanted his hero's deeds to his heart's content and everybody else's de light, though he did not let slip the oppor tunities to tell of some things he had hiintlf accomplished in the west The close of this veracious history may be clipped from The Tekeewah Bugle of March 13, 1SC9: "Mr. Samuel McCorkle, the gentlemanly and enterprising agent for Flash & Hittem's justly celebrated lightning rods, has returned from Indiana healthy and happy. His friend and our former townsman, Mr. Albert Mer ritt, has concluded to remain east, where he will settle down apon his father's extensive farms. A little bird has whispered that the blind god had something to do with Mr. Merritt's decision to forego a shore in the golden future sure to come to Tekeewah. Those who are curious in this matter are dt acted to the notice in the marriage column on another page beaded 'Merritt-Blake.' Hxxbt Dawsox A HUMBLE CHRISTMAS DINNER. There was not very much on the table in fact, it wasnt very much of a table, being made of a dry goods box stood on its side. The room belonged to the grocer, but he had told them they could have the use of it for Christmas night. In the corner there was little, cracked stove, which was to hot that it shone like a big lump of Christmas cheer in the semi-darkness. Pretty soon "Swipesy" came in out of the roar of the city street. He had a few unsold papers under one arm and a small a very small bundle under the other. With him was bis sister Suae. They were orphans try ing to make their own way. She had had good luck and had sold all her papers. She took what was left of Swipesy's stock and ! spread a nice clean paper over the dry goods 1 l m i 1 1 i li. x ii 26, 1889. 1 ' i - "Oh, S I;:t ! anal um girt. Tb-To Kcu, u can of cuoktM corn bvf atid a little li s Of Zg. PivUumi the otir Ix-trna to or. In. There wu "Micrkey with a Irtla ruck t of WAV, x sugar, aud ohai lut sg :ioma c&bbav thai tito apvU wtsn-.u 41 tie rorwr bud cooked and givu him win big Urs in her ho':-t, lrih evus w.t-a be told hr about the diow. It alnX much, Mk-i.-y," she said, "but may the good saints make it taste a roUshin' s if twas as Idg a m barn aud cooked la a gowld skillet" There were five charter rortn'vrs of the dinner party, so to spook. " Rocks" fta) named from his manner of defending himself in hia frequuut "temps") came lr.'o the room next He too bad a httle buu.! which waa tradono with due ceremony. V. bun "Piper" came in he stopped a minute just inside the threshold, and hold tlie door open wfclb ha Devkoced to some ooe on the ouuida. "Vmou in," said he. "The MkraV be glad kt see ycr." Tbeo there entered a little f-.-iiow not mora ttian 6 years old. He was vary much etn barraawd, and hold hU finger to his lips. Piper, by way of introduction, sai l: 'Fellers and Suxe this "era little cove (Piper himself was a big cove, baviug seen thirteen years, and being the oldest member of the dinner party) "is comiu' to our Crt muss. lie's just gone into tho twiiier aellin' bis, an' be aiu't got no boodle. I'm a takin care o' him till he gita started. Seen For a minute an embarrassed silence hung over the little gi-oup. Th -n th-i l:ttl s peo;to opened their U. iru to the n woocier (,iad they were big hearts fo. sucli very small bodies), and ho was ono of the dinner party. tTper explalutd to him: "You Be"," tail llper, wj fellers and Suae had hoard a lot 1out Crismuss. We don know 'gsacly what it ia, but we do know that everybody, wot is anybody, has a Cris muss dinner. So we jea' chipped in, and and" (waving his hand around the room) here y ara" "But I ain't chipped in," said the new comer. 'Well, wot if y oint V can nex' time." 60 that was settled. Suae in the meantime had produced a nail from somewhere, and an old stew joa from somewhere else, and some broken crockery from still another place. YousTl make the coffee and warrm tho cabbage and meat, darlint," said Mickey. x ex are we oniy woman bore. So Suse went at It It wasnt long before everything was ready, and they gathered around the box. The savory odor from the coffee pot and stew pan had tickled the twelve little nostrils, and the six mouths were as eager to taste the poor little dinner as ever yours was to pick your succulent Christmas turkey bones. T.hey feu to at once. "fm f raid the coffee aint very good." said Sure. But she smiled the satisfied smile that every housewife smiles while decrying her own dainties, and was as pleased as you ever were, my One lady, in similar circumstances, wnen Hooks exclaimed in answer: " Finer 'n Delmonico's, I'll bet" Before very long the dinner had been eaten. They sat around and talked for awhile, and the little 6-year-old fell asleep with his bead on Muze's knoes, and her fingers reed loviugly over the little fellow's dirty forehead, anil by -and by she loaned over and kissed him. The tallow candle burned low In its trreon bottle candlestick, and when Piper rose and queried: "Hell, fellers andJSuze has wo had a merry Crismussf" A fervent "You butl" went from ti.e mouths of every one but the o-yoar-oi i, and he smiled in his sleep. i ne a inner party wes over. D. E. M. The Drumstick. Roliold my rotund wealth of meat, With all its Juices, rich and sweet I IIow firm, how solid, aro my parts. And how I go straight to the hearts Of children, with distended Jaws, In wait to hide me in their maws. Ah ! how I love to lie instate Upon the table, while you wait With eager eyes and teeth that burn. Until it comes to be your turn. How crisp my skin, and, oh 1 how brown. And how I tickle going down ; And, then, my bone, 02 1 whr t delight, To pick it till it's clean aad white. now would you like, wi Christmas Day, To tramp till noon aad then, woll say. To come back home, well almost starved. And find me waiting, nicely carved? Bet ween your finger and your thumb You hold me up, thus (yum, yum, yum!) I tickle every Derve, I thrill Your stomachs, and I All the bfU, And with all men I oothlng lack In fact, I have the inside track! Ton Massoh. "A merry Christmas p far and wido Rings out this wish on overy hand, A greeting glad this Chrlstmastlde, Be-echoing through all the land. Tramp (to little Willio, who has opened the door) Have yer had ycr Christmas dinner yet, little boy! little 'Willie No; we're just going to eat it now. Tramp Then perhaps, if 1 wait around, I can got some of the eatables left over. Little Willie (feeling of his stomach) There aint going to be anything loft An Awful Possibility, little Emma Mover, wont we see Trii Tingle agin afore next Tris'mast "No, dear." "Umhe. Mebby he might dlt sick and die afore nen, an' neu we'd be in a bod ax." Kentucky State Journal. Would Catch Up. Customer Qn restaurant) You may bring tne for my Christmas dinner, waiter, a nice cut of turkey, to be followed by a piece of mince pie. Waiter Yeaur. WTO you have cheese also, sir I Customer Yes; you can let ths cheese fol low the pi No. 19. SCI HX)L A II V For Boys I will open a School in Clinton the Si:0OD MONDAY IN JANUARY uext. Tuition from All the branches of Liu;lisli, taught. For further particulars &Mrr s& declJtf MISS MA RY C. FKURKU Clin on, X. C. Clinton FOR REV. J. W. TURNER, A. M, MRS. J. "SV. TURNER, Assistant. Spring Term Opens Monday DeveinUT IJOtli, ISSil. This School is divided into live Krado.: .Primary, Advanco l Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Tuition riUv actor.l -ing to the grades. Latin, Grek and French aro taught with ml ixtra charge. No contingent too is charged. Where expedient, Count ry Pro duce will be received in settlement of bilJ4. For Rates of Tuition and further information addren:, aug8 tf REV. J. V. TURNER, Clinton, N. C. Salom Uigk Seiiooi, : ESTABLISHED IN 1874.: iiViiioiv uurnii:i v. j.t sujit, A Boarding School for oth Sexes. Spring Term of the Session of '89 and 'yO Opens January Gth. RATES OV TUITION. PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE, J?, 1st Grade, 1 Gnule, t 1q nmlr ACADEMIC, PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE, The Business course is (specially for young me::. The course of htu ly is Book Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic and Hupincstt Lnw, with t!n requisite amount of time filled up ith studies relented. Tuition jm i montli $3.50. Latin or French, in addition to the studios in any of tho :bove depart meuts, 25 cents extra per month. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. In this department instructions ar given in loth Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Tuition icr mouth $2.75 each. When the VoenI uud Instru mental are combined, the pupil gets twice the amount of time fur prac tice, with a reduction of $1.50 per month on the regular tuition rate-, i. e. ?4.00 per month. No extra charge for instrument. A class of girls in ELOCUTION will be Marled at the opening of the term. Special training in Reading and in Recitation. Tuition 7'ceii;s per month extra. The Athenian Lit. Club and Phiioterhnic Lit. Society, separate organi zations for the girls and boys respectively, arc an attractive feature ot the School. B O A K D : Good Board, including washing, lights, Ac. cmi be obtained in j;o-jd families, convenient to the school, at from $tf.J0 to $7.00 ikt month. For further particulars address, G. E. BUTLER, (U. N. C.) Principal, jy4 tf Huntley, N. C. P INTON FEMALE INSTITUTE ! ULI :0:- This School, organized three years ago under tho present managein-mt, has steadily grown in numbers and reputation. The Spring Session will begin JANUARY 6th, 1890. Thorough instruction given by competent aud experienced teachers in all of the departments, Collegiate, Music and Ail. TERMS REASONABLE. Boarding Department under the supervision of the Principal. For further information apply for Catalogue. dec5 tf MISS MARY ANDERSON, Principal. NOTICE. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Superior Court of Sampson county, ma'c in the case of J. II. Turlington vs. Arthur Vann, the same beirg a proceeding for the partition of tersonal projerty, f.r the purpose of makingmid patitn, the undersigned, commissioner ot said court, will by public auc tion, for ca-h, at the Courthouse door in Clinton, N. C, on l-nday, the 3rd day ot January, lS'.W), the property descnlvu in the jM-tutoti in said cause, con-iti.-ig of one su am engine and loik r, 18 hie ier, Talbett make; saw , saw and b: carriage, cut on" saw and all the belt, shafting, apparatus and appluMM-if usually connected therewith. ANi ono cotton gin, 40 ww, belt atid w ire rope used or connected therewith. Also one cotton pr- ss, I'.rook' make. Also on; grist mill, rocks and all the gearing, 1 Its, lixlurea, Ac, con nected therewith. All of which is in lloneycutts township, Samp-on county. F. R. COOPER, Co;i!niis.-l.ner. This Dec. 12th, 1889. 4t. NOTICE ! HAVING THIS DAY QU L ified as admin sSrntor upon the estate of S. O. Sutton, deceased, notice is hereby given all the credi tors of said estate to present their claims, du'.y proven, on or lx-fore the lltth day of Noveruber, 1800, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to faid es tate will phase make prompt settle ment. S. R. DAUGI1 TRY, Administrator. Hexey E. Faison, Att'y. December 12th, 1889. dec!9-6t Many Person Are broken down from overwork or household cars Brown's Iron Bitters tebuOds the system, aids digestion, removes ex cess of tale, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. attention; Will It pay yoU to adrprti In Tits C i casan ? Look at our drtrtlMn& col umu?, and yon will seo bow many are profltin by it. Limx SCO subscribers in 1S8; l,C69 Uvday. KRTISKM KNTS. and Girls. $1.00 a rrouth up. Latin, Uuslc and Art will U School Ikt ine.ith f 1 oo jkt ji onlh ?1 ;o per jiotith fl bl Imt month $? !ir fx-r month f2 75 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r2 v. i o. nouns JBSUWUfcflt Read the following testimonial.-', which are a sample of the hundred we have received : J. C. H(nns, Hobton, N. C.--I used a pair of your Plow Line Rins last year. I find they are eaier for the horse, convenient and a great protection to plow lines, and would not be without them. Can recom mend them to every farmer. J. II. PACKER, Keener, N. C. I Iouton . J. C. Il'obbs, Esq. I have tx-en using your U'.m Ring and am well pleased with them W. R. WEEKS. Address, J. C. HOURS, dec5 tf Hobton, C. Executor's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED II A V ing qualified as executor to the last will and testament of Jas. II. Lamb, dec, notice is hereby giv en to all persons holding claims against the estate of said testator, to present them within twelve months from the date hereof, duly authen ticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. J. C. LA3IB, Executor. W. S. Thomson, Attorney. December 18th, 1889. 19-6t Saws you- I JtjPlsw-Uni i 13

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