I THE CAUCASIAN.! A GREAT LOSS- NEW ADVfch TI9KM&N IV. Fcflrcely had ceased the out rrard demonstration of grief over the death of Jffersou Ia t r u r, rv? d i rnvTrrrs K'.lt'.Cl M v'uWHl to l'.frUl S :lt ure v. C matter. I A : vin, around whose nuine is en tvinod jnn.-Ii tlip.t i. dear t tha ' "v-uf Imm i. ii.'i;j)!i, when the .v,';U- m fc . j t wa hwded and If yon bur muflt yoar mlod to bay t'vtjAt f'igipartila 5o njl be iaaccd to uke aj other. Hoed Saruparilla I peculiar cedlcine, jM5iing, t-y Tlrtua f, tta iculUr ejtnblaatlon, projortlon, ud prparatloo, cuTit.y: power sur-trior to any of tier article. A Boston ldy vtM kn!w hat f fe vanted, t.r.A iciki xanp;j is wcrtby lmiUUoo, telli Let exj-enence K-iow: To Get THE CAUCASIANS HECORD. '!i'('!'!..'.TIX : 1,671. 1 C-'-i- ".j ... ."-lilt: 1 U:- th.r.i mo t ' vr' oreI cvr lhe premature I ." '.W .k"' . 1 1 . r i i i f i 1- 1 " 1 . I ! ! Be vJiiiii -li te!: of SMthen hop- ! V..:- r,ifrf"1, lid n'H who CO lid ' Within J ti.-M? ;r!OTit!i the S.ulh h-A !o.-f. tu. f iis irreat- rst Jiit-u- t'r-'ou Davis and Henrv W. (Jr.'wiv. A ncont .nrv.v take. UcdloeV X.inna, on whirl. ithe celebraC - H'l s-tatu'f ff Liberty, from Xc.v j York K.'e ar.d rivm it t NV.v .Jersey. . iIad.-tont'.s hirlh tlay was las; Sunday. Orator, Statesman, a u tho;ydiidont and the leader oi a jrreat party at s,0 years of age h- is indeed a wonderful man j li v.- ieally and intellectually. !!;ir i.-in fends a deletfalion to witness the crowning of the kintfof Portugal, but refuses to mwnin the United States of Ilnizil. U'hat kind of a govern ment hi- vt- we ? Tim Russian influenza, or La J i ! (the grip) as it is com itionlj called, ?t:iH invaded Ame rica and thousands are suffering from it in the NortfK 100,000 ca-es are rej rted i ri Philadel phia alor.e. Several cases Lave been fatal in New York. It seems to be a more serious form of the malady than the "Tyler (irip tn -at was prevalent in M i". The committee appointed by the last Legislature fo examine the matter of taxing1 the rail roads that claim immunity frem taxes is now in session at Ital eitfh. Senator K. V. Kerr, of S;impsin, is cliairman. The oth inembtrs are Senators Aycock and Ilepiesenfativep Sutton.Car ter arid IIoleji:an. La rr i: The committee, after a preliminary savvey of the work" to he done, adiourned to meet .i,:'? in the April. 1 )ti! of next THE DAVIS LAND COMPANY. Hon. Jefferson Cavis died ow in about $-40,000. His proper ty consists of about 0,000 acres of land, nutsido of his home stead, which would be sacrificed if forced on the market for cash. Theiefore a movement has been put on foot for the Southern people to buy the land by pop ular subscript-oils, that is by by buying shares or portions of shares, at $10.00 per whole share, for which a deed or certificate of stock to the amount will be issued to the subscriber. Ex Congressman Wharton J. Green is atfent for North Carolina. We have been appointed agent for Sampson county; therefore we a e re.idy to receive subscrip to tin's popular and patriotic movement, which will be pub lisned, the amount forwarded and the stock issued. NEGROES SOLD AT 5.00 IN ARKAN SAS. A few weeks since a large nunibea of negroes left Faisons with a labor agent for Arkansiis. Last Thursday Henry Arm wood, one of the gang, appeared on the streets of Clinton. Ho had run away and come back to his abandoned home, which is in Piney Grove township, lie says that upon leaching their desti nation some were sold by the ajtfent into contract labor bond age at the highest bid, which was five dollars a head slave ry worse than that before the war. HeiH he gave them the slip and returned, as he happen-tt .1 i -1 l. . -1 cu i:t navH euougii money to bring, him back to dear old Sampson. Another negro writing back to his people says : "Tell ail who want to come West to pay their way; if they don't hell fire will be their portion. Ihave not time to tell you about Mississip pi; but tell alt to keep away from there." Lai er We have had au in terview with Henry Armwood, which will be published next week. What a delightful x Christinas Pay we had. Nothing to mar it except the inevitable firecrack er and fire water, both noisy and disagreeablo.-Xorfold Land- mark. coiumaud more rwrlhnro far than ri.iv 'outhjrner Hinc; the war. Had he diad a few years tea !; he .vnlt! have been al- ni .t i;:kuw!j, hui. to.) speeoh- i. 1 it t N.?w I m-'cnd rji.ii i ' ' n' v"aw s??lCe- t!ie "ther i "a" """ ' a meeting oi the merchants of j I'o.ston, have made him famous its an orator of po-.rer and an ad vanced thinker and far reach ing sfateriman. His death, in his prime, ato.s years of ae, is indeed a great loss to the whole Xation, and especially to the South. Alliance Department. tdrTiiK Caucasiax was adopi eJ hs the official oran of the Coun ty Alliun-'es by IheCounty Alliancv, January liHh.ndr ORGANIZATION. President W. E. Stevens; Vice-President 11. M.Crura pler ; Secretary O. F. Herring; TreiLurer J. 11. leainant Sr.; Pusiness Agent G. A. Clute; Sergeant-at-Arms 13. S. Pe terson; Chaplain Dr. G. Y. Moseley; Doorkeeper W. J. Faircloth; Assistant Door-keeper D. W. "Williams; Lecturer Marlon Putler; Assistant Lecturer P. Ti. liockamy; Executive Committee J. A. Gates, Chairman ; 11. M. Crujj pler,M. M Killett,V.K Wgford, C. E. Daniel. Alliance trade cards for sale at Thk Caucasian office at 25 cents per hundred. There are over 2,000 Alliances in North Carolina to-day. The membership of the treat na- tioir-il on'anization is nearlv equal to the entire population of tlie colonies at the time of the "i'evol'itionorv war. Allihnee Notice. The Sampson County Alliauce will Convene in Atkin's Hall on Fridaj7, January 3rd, 1890, at 10:30 o'clock. The reports of Suh-AKhuicos, accompauiad by an accredited list of delegates, r.bo tie! be iu the hand. of the i 'et::ry bfove that day. The delegates aru requested to re port promptly at the hour nam ed. The same password will be used, owing to the failure of the new one to arrive. Dr. D. Reid Parker, ex-State Lecturer, will be present and deliver an address on that occasion. Respectfully and Fraternally. W. E. Steven, Pres't. It is only a question of time, and short time, too, as to when your rheu matism will yield to IIoodN8 Sarsapa rilla. Fashion is gently running away from vulgarity, and afraid of being overtaken by it. It is a sign of two things not far asunder. Epock. The transition from lonsjj, liugerinsj and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch iu the lite of th iiulirid ual. Such a remarkable event U treas ured in the memory and the agency whereby tlm good health i;as bet a at tained is gratefully bleared. Hence il is that'so much is heard in praise of Elec tric Hitters. So manv feel thev owe their restoration to health to the'use of the lreat Alterative and Tonic. If you nre troubled witli any disease i f Kidneys. Liver or Stomach, of long or abort stand ing, you will surely find relict by use of Electric JJittcrs. S Ul at 50c and 1 per bottle at It. II, Holidays Drugstore. NOTtCE OF SALE. G. W. Crumpler, f . , . etals. - ' parte.- By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Sampson county, ren dered in the above entitled cause, the undersigned, as commissioner of said court, will sell, on the 3rd day of February, 1890, at the courthouse door in Clinton, N. C, to the high est bidder, two tracts of land lying in saiu county, in lloneycutts town ship, belonging to the estate of the late Julia Butler, deceased, 1st tract containing 78 acres, 2nd tract con taining 80 acres, b'aid land U sold for partition among the heirs at law of said intestate. Terms of Sale Two-fifths pur chase money cash, balance in two equal payments, to be paid iu six and twelve months respectively. W. S. THOMSON, Comr. .mis uecemuer I8th, 1839. 4t Prof. Loisette'o DISCOVERY AND TRAININQ METHOD In (pita of adnltwratod imitations which mlaa the tKBOry. and pnotteal naalt of tha Oria-inal. In apitaat tha irroatuat miarepraaautationa bjr an.ioaa would-ba aompetitora, and inapitacrf "baaaattainataiob"him of ta fratt of hit Ubora,(all of which. dAnoiutrata tha andoDbtad aaperioritf and potmlaritjr af hia taaehinc). Prof. Lrfnaatta'a Art of Nwr Forettinff ia raeogniaad Uvday ia both Hamiapharaa aa marking an Epooh im Hamory Onltara. Hia Prospaetaa(aantpoatfraasia Opinion of people in all parta of thqrlobawhalumaet. oslly atndiad hia 8yatw by orraapondenea, ahowinc that his Svatam ia wwd only uMU boing tfvdird, not a ftsneards; tbaeiv boot oan.U UanMt m tincU rriuixruj, mnd-tmdrinonrtd. a. orProapaataav Fnrms and TaMJroonutla addr)a ' ' rof. A. LOISKTTE. 991 Fifth Atomka, N.Y 17 la oo tore rhr I went to bey Hood't SanaparUla tbe clerk tried to induce me bay tbeU own instead of HoofTi; ha told me tholr'a wouid last longer; that I might take It on tea days' trial; that II I did not like it I need not pay anything, etc. But he could not preraU on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's BarMparina was. I had taken It, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. Hood's When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I was feeling real miserable, luflermg a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and bad lor some time, like a person in con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparina did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friend freqneatiy speak of it," Jisa. Eixa A. Gorr, el Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Bold by ail draggUts. fl ; six for S3. Prepared only fry C. t UOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. I OO Doses One Dollar CLINTON DR. A. M. LEE & BROTH Kit. jPersons need medicine onlv when they are sick and their lives in danger: then they want the verv bet that can be had. Dr. A. l. Lee & Brother keep dnly such: thev also carry a lull line of Patent Medicines hernial uns, renunierj', Truse. .ngusn Tooth Brushes, Medicinal wniskey, Jiorseund Cattle Powdersl an I the best lemedfes for nil dis eases and ailments of Hors;, Mules, UHttle, Hogs, Poultry, etc. LEE'S Backache Plasters In Nu-th Carolina's euunv clime. Their wond'rous virtues, failclcss still, miti. an iHiiutnce suniune, Iu ministering to human il); Aiui many a pang alon our way LicV Plasters doth allav. You c m cure a bad case of Back ache quicker with one of Lee's plas ters than by any other applicarion, nnd after the backache is cured, you can stm wear tlie piaster with com fort for a month, or 'onger. This plaster is a great d vovtrv, outl it is hard to find any p;(;n or ".ache that Will not yielfj to it If to it. Prepared onlv T.J. l.EF, Drugsifit. by 1UUE MEDICINAL WHTHk'LV. A pure and wholesome medicinal stimu'aiit is a dnsideratum reatlv neede.i. io supply this want Pure n iJ'nir .m, .vvkey, four years U' 1! Vif to the public, with the guarantee ol it3 perlect uuritv and wnnioeomenes m evei-y particular. This liquor is the purJ extract ot corn and MARLKY, and is neither drugged, Liquorexl nor Watered in any instance. Hold only by DJl. A. M. LEE & BItO., Druggists lee's wakt specific. a certain cure for warts on horses ana mules a3 Col. John Ashford, Capt. Cornelius Partrick, C'apt. VV. jjuuiusf aison, 4ir. w, Ji. Faison, Col. Abner M. Faison and hundreds of others in Sampson and adjoining counties will certify. So'd only by T. J. LEF, Druggist. WORMS IN HORSES. Lee's Worm Specific nnver fail t.. expel worms from horsenanH mniou arraiitexl in every case. Sold only by a.j. xjji.il,, uruggist. . HOIWK AND CATTLE POWDERS. Y5 . ffer unaer this head th ia ndition Powders in tha trior to h are prepared by the leading HllZTJ1 W State, milium ui ur. viiiiam, ui x.ugiauu, me most aistsngutshed Veterinary Surgeon living. They are excellent appetizers, a general alterative and tonic, .and can be renea upon a a remedy for all dise ases oi domestic animals. They are com posed of Licorice Root, Juniper Berries, Flaxseed, Gentian, Ginger, ai-uu aim Annmony. sold only by un. a. aa. ajjve & mio., jjruggists. .-7 FlNEglJORS'ThAT WASH OUT IorFade ONLV Sold bydruggist s PKEBLESS BBOXZE PAINTS- Colon. PKKRLESS LAUXDRT BLUIJCSl PEEB1ES8 EfiG I Vli-S Clora. JEWELRY AND GLOGESI J 1 have just received a larsre lot of Elesjant Jewelry. This I will guaran tee to the purchaser to be just as rep rcsentad. I sell no cheap, "fire guilt" goods but carry a standard link of GOLD FKONT GOODS. The attention of the ladies is called to the latest styles of breast" pins thev are . 'things of - oeauty i" . ' . . . The old reliable and standard SETII TOOMAS CLOCKS always in stock, iu various styles aud sizes. Rej airiag of Watches and Clocks and mending Jewelry is "a specialty. All work I dc ia guaranteed t give en tire satisfaction. i ' 1 ' Respectfully: - eci5-tf G. T. BAWLS CLOSING Nothing eyer been known in G linton ! Clothing! More ami hotter Clothing bought in'a good crop year lor fh.uhlo that anu We are willing (o share with the, fanner a Sell for short nmfH sell for short profits brery day from now out Khali be. A Bargain Day Until our stock n n Of which we. have cases after cases, aro now sold down 2, J, 4, 5 of a kind, and these small lots inu.-t iro. e Speak for themselves, ail you the price and style will temnt von est, tne stock first-class and you Buy from us and us and be 1 Bring iif your Coon Fox, Mink and Otter Hides. I PI Pi OUT like it has Clothing ! for one dollar than could be ount. ! and are, willing to is closed out. tl, need is to take a look at them, to hnv Tim i ' never had such a chance. save Money ! Happy ! M. HA STEIN, King Hatter and Clothier. i i m it -3 '?J M OUR NEW ts now re.iiiv mm! we invite 4 A f V - r. -ff : '-. St- And fortnnateiy nn f - i Ml y And we are eiiabie.l er 7 dH' v A Magnificent Stock of New Goods! - No Old Shop We always LEAD, never follow WM, A. .3 - - T T . - w Ska 'irhin;.:- to make a change li soon porirtioic my entire .-sleek eah. 3 iiai Jilt Wiat 3 Mif Comeget prices arid soe. JES Ca?h palo commences January 2nd. Respectfully U.LliNl-ONT, N MItS. A. E. MUIM'IIV. : : : : Sixteen New Large omfortable Centrally located. Sample rooms for Commercial Travelers. Attentive Servants, lare First-Class in Every Respect. Free Transportation from and to" Depot. The Traveling Public Cordially Invited to Stop at the Good Baraains In the line of General Merchandise Kvervthi. we. keen is a specialty m quality and price. ' ep,a ,oodfS!V;be SUrpt" - anilHampIo and price our j wAivt jr SeatS'v 0arpriCe' lnve- ntMctea with The nomln cm (live us a call, whetiier jou wish to buy nr not licaciHiUl'V, ALLIANCE Hobb's Old (VAXN'SSQUARE,POOrSITECOURTIIOUSE) ' i lie members of the Farmpr iu..'.. t - daring Fair. week. "and The "whltjl l town spectfullr invited to visit ou ua? erf wher -re" ed to meet tLem andaleo furnish them InvthWnoi b8 pleas' household consumption and farrn any tnir necessary for - Very TmlT and Frate.nally, Gv A. CLUTfi. ' County Bc?iness Agent ile -i K if A 1 r IS, Mi Vl t FALLS'! OOK your cu'Mti eavo-r-fd to ir.ptwti'm cf .ame. o;ir et?"ort nave Ixen to gif'i our customers c 4 W - Worn Goods, t Odl n7 nee ui HJNSON. 9 WITH Out at Cost ! l4 aie o: Ilont my wiismejvs i wiii r5.il I out a of rfti-irtly TOST, for 1 : Owner and Proprieties? HY s- L E :. 6 HEADQUARTERS, i fcand. ' .VATl r-.N-SI-Oij Mi ! t"' t'Hiv.H- r- i n v ! h M.H.vtv t,..!!.','.K ii V, tO J-IOY.- ;Vbiv,. '" "I T .S SLT.K T IS . 111 M ' ' It H!.VAM.r.r.KT(t Ti! i V' yon have a i -Mumi and ti v il. -iok , j We have ...thw tMinKnliU can furnish any numU ruu ! iion to :ui oi.e tf th h 'tits. .!( Srs. J. I . NcviiHim A r - inn. N. Ikak Sins : Wf lut i if a'.l ih it i i-U 'v.c i i-. j, W Sir sr.'iitrnl roixtition of .!..!!. ami li-fli.l.'r:i. We Iftl it i ,, ,.,ir l.irlv ait.! v.i!l not !.. Mt'i i jj " I. Vn.IMM Ki,, . t" ii ..... M!f: mv itt.uk tor U im far ;w w,. i,:. much i!liu il. c'u ri-uiuvr I"' ml it Tir niil.-h cows -;,U, AU ' " rpirnnl it the lt -t.xk fmM. , !H:ti k-i. S, nit us Hiiothfr lull ttrrrl Ymirs Tnilv. A!.KX.MthINN4M, Wir.viiTov, X. r.. 0.1. Mtluiw M nf. .I. C. f-UM 'non & Tavli.r: , .kmu mkv . i i,e ni..iiii.i,.n Kj- m!iI n. Us ii'h u irivon a fitir tri:il. ij j., j .-, aitl wo aiv i-i.ul U nill l. -tmi,.m t-t w.itli. Wlun f-,ll. i.Bs.t any .liwti.)n, r. iilM. un :., til.. u, uourr, una a inai win j.nivi- it ..!Ur. . have fil it t our .-(.ws an I w Uv n, it l a rsivo(l a;rivt cli-ti.. ! jj , HM.l the qu.llitj of tin UiiK li:is i:ii;,r,lt tin- xt re: ta-o of inr:i ( nmwt m NHUivly . :'hi- fo. I v.isnut in tlit-lin f u-ls w li-ivc Hi til- ' .u' oiilin'if (is und :nlisf a!i t!. mr ' t. J. M::nii:i:i.ANii A. JOIIN.SOX. Af.nt . r Chiiton, N.c. J. C. STEVENSON Ar TAYLOR, oct -I-tl Agents for N. Caroliiu. Tf any dalr aitya ti Tiaa ih- rr. t. TW.tW Ui botvoni, pt lilm down aa a fraud. Jlji ill If L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE 0Trtc."M.K ltl:,iV,Nl': HAKD-hKWi ll MICE. I'AAhJ? wf.i wm,t miok. ZnM i.Vl iyF'.mi' "ARMKKV MIOK. "I -l J'HyAi-tre vai.f mio. HOW u iiiiiTi ennrt AU luadu lu Conrreu, Butioo aoJ Lace W. L. DOUGLAS tsS SHOE laSY... Bee i MatnriaJ. nn Stria. LSett FltUn. Zl IK I Fold ronr dealer, writ. V. L. DOUOIlS. BKOCKT0X. MAtt FOR RALE BY M ItAVsTi:f.v, Clinton, X. ('., ami and T. W. Uxdekwoop; .cwtn Grove, X. C. octlO 3m W. T. AVILLIAMSON'S BUGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IN NEW QMRTEK3 ON FAYETTEVILLE ST KIT Hound Shaves, Hacks and all E'lffe Tools maIe. and Renairinff lone on short notice. I Will keen Oil hArwl a lama nf Western BupfficH (otHm and top) and Boad Carts. They will equal -luumy ana are Hold as low as any like gOOU In Ooid-dtnrn. V or V iimington. Jtespect fully, . nich23-lf v. T. Wir.r.r.i vunv H KADQUARTETIS FOR BEST PEACH AND APPLE CIDER, (Comer of Elm and R.'R; Street.) SWEET AND HARD CIDER always on lutnd. h addition to this pleasant and hcaltliy drink. I keep Tobacco, Snuff, Flour, Potash, Candies, Soda, whicit are .sold at hirvf ,.r-;a iorca,h. GCH) Pipes, of alUhles and sizes. Trv one. V Respectfully, je 21-lyr. r ! Ifanim ..EstahKslimcnt I j I ESTABLLSHKD IX 18i!7. 1 r. , ! M'n ow ted on. Fayetteville Street, om ositeCAirrABTAi m,.n I put up and keep in stock, or make ? I' ay style of Harness, from !vi to1$40-y"' I ako make all hi: x8"? 8radps of Saddles, Uri tilcrf, Ifaiten and ieverything In this Y a .is i - DEB -. ,, .. . mf-00d honeit work at the Jowest Jiving figures, w my guide and motto m busmess. -f,j, !arge supply ot ' Xorthera Har ness and a fine line of Driving Whips a W-s kept on hand. Call and ex am Ine. Respectfully, sepo-3m ' AV. H. STETSO.V.

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