BUSimS LOCALS. t5T "Want" and IlnMneaa Notter can be inxcrU'd in thU column at tn ecnfa a Mm-, " UOIWE KOIi KALK. A good farm hore, guaranteed .7 ywrs M, Bonml hihI will work any U'li'e. Will M?n for rali or jjoxl not. ' (.!'. Jkuomk, riiiituii, x. . The v;tciuit ! t froMtin W. A. JohnH)N xtor' will bo hM on Jan. 11 tli. The Spring ' t-rm of Mis- Mary Lou Brown' school in the Msi-onlc IvTmIc will open "Thursday Jan. 2:id ls;o. So to . F. IM well' for Jmvlry, HpertaclfH, Notions, I)ry (oods,(;ro cfrie, OrMif, Ajj!fs. (.'andy. Cakes, i. Attkxtiov ! J. A. i-V-r: -M 'h cost s:ilc commenced to-lay. lltrgain very day till he soil out. First-, i.ws MILL ItOCK from to jx-r pair. Address It. M. Hoy a i., OwpiivIUp, N..C. V. A. JoiaiH.'!! - ml ii XftV :ir ice iini," to ill I ; 4 t: -t i- a- too ousy to a 1 1" you want a Trunk cheap call at T. M. Fkrkemh. Amoi. the i-retty things I saw at tli- Fayotteville Centennial wiw some very pretty Hewers carved on marble l.y Mr. E. T. Marks. He in fotincd mo that he has worked in several large cities North before imilng to this State. He is now immnp-or of the Fayettevllle Marble Works for ('h:i. A. (Joodwin, the well-known .Marftle dealer of the old North Slate. Parties who are io i! d of jrftod, tirst-chi.ss work will do well call on him at Mio Raleigh or 1'ayetteville yard. "Kate Grave'y" Tobacco, the (. ;.( A.Vi's flight, at Ii. F. roVKLl. Index to w Advertisements. Carolina Veneer Works. A. F. Johnson, proprietor. Selling Out a Cost. J. A. Ferrell. M Alt Kin's. CLINTON. (Itfpoitid iy A. F. Johnson & Co ) 'orn. (how) . . i0 . 10 to 124 15 to 25 1.-, 13 to 20 20 to " 10 to 12. 0 4 50 to 5 50 03 to 05 Peas, It.-u-nn, ChU'kt'lln. ll-'va v lSiitti r, Lard. Fotliler. 1 1 1 til -! . Tlll lit HX , (llll ill 1 20 ii sib .inu l cnuw I'lpi - .' . . . ! Cotton, WILIINOTON. Spicitjj Turpentine, . . . 41 per gallon linMii. (strained) .... Jul per barrel (srood stntiiifil) . . S5 ier barrel Tar, ?1 ;v ier barrel Crude Turptntiiit, (Hard) . . SI 15 ( irgin and Yeliow Pip) ..... 2 15 Cotton, ..... Ui 'fiinler, per in.. - - - ;l 00 to 13 00 Attention ! We will advertise tree of charge for any articlt h that may have been lost, misplaced, or taken through mistake at the Sampson Fair last week. - Any one who has lost any article on exhibit will please send us a description of the same and we will try to trace it up. mm WANTED to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock!' Steady employment guar anteed. GOOD PAY for successful men. Apply at once, stating age. Mention this paper. lUbama Nursery Company, Hanti.ille, lit. deelO 2m-df Lumber BriJgcIIigh School. Spring Session Opens Jan. 6th, lbiK). A thorough, practical, wide-awake that means busmess.' Location healthful and l?oard ami Tuition quito reasonable. He sure to semi for Circulars lefore sending your children elsewhere. Address, J. A. MONUOE, A.M., Prin. dec2i; lm Lumber Bridge. N. C. RAILROAD HOUSE, NEAR TTIR DEPOT. S a in pQ Rooms and Special CoHtcnien e; for Trareliu? Mfn. The Fare is the Dot the market affords, which is always served in good wholesome style. Board, per day, only ? 1 50 V 4 week, 4 00 month, 12 00 The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. W. E. BASS, yep 19 tf Proprietor FGRJPT. TWO HANDSOME Two Story ..Brick Stores 1 Just being completed, situated at the end of McKoy street, next to rnr old stand," suitable far mercan tile or e ther purposes. ; AL?o the UP STAIRS j .... of the large Brick Store, the" first floor of which is now occupied by J. IL Kojal. This space, is suitable for Barber Shop, resteurants, etc. For particulars apply to. decl9..2t , t J. E, ROYAL. rw., . xr rouu ttAcrc Acnzs you are all worn out, really rood fcr nothing tt.m R"S IROX KITTiRS. uwui cure you i. ajd eive a poo.1 appeUtew Sold tj ail deaifs in UH-dicine. i LOCALS:" I . -I The 8iiu.jj m County Alliance meat! tomorrow. Dr. !. Heid l'r 1 ker will aMres the body. -Just us wf zi toprs ve receive an aeoll ff (,n Union meeting of tho South 11 White '.aV. -r Apwistioa at u.f. r .si i mmiRS'oiier r. u Fish Worth, who Iips teeii 5H'nding a few day-; th r. !ativ'S i ) FayHto ville, returned Tusday. V r ploased to learn that Cai't. W. IT Forvto and family off Lync'onrg, Va., will locate in Clin ton. Wo welcome them us citizen i in our mid-t. Mr. (. E. Alphin has moved liis Kock of goods into the store re cently occupied by M. E. Ilobbaand Jiro., where he can have room to do a larger bushier. Rev. F. I). Swinde!!, will preach in the Prewby terian church on next Saturday and Sabbath and hold the quarterly conference for this circuit on Saturday Jan. 4th Mis Lots Anderson of tho Fac ulty of thy Clinton Female Institute will be married to Mr. J. M. Mclvcr of Gulf, N. C, in the Presbyterian Church today ht 2: in p m. Protracted meeting will com mence in the Presbyterian church in Clinton on Friday before the sec ond Sunday in January, conducted by State Evangelist Morton. -Matt Faison, colored, who rob bed Mr. Charlie Butler's dwelling on Christmas day, was picked up by our vigilant Chief of police, W. J. King, on last Monay at Warsaw. He was with a gang of exodusters bound for Georgia. The young gentlemen who gave the Oyster Boast at Col. J. B. Bea tnan'n, wish to return thanks to the host and hostess and especially to Mi . S. G. Worth, without whose kind and etttcent supervision the entertainment could not have been the complete success that it was. --A halt a dozen or more young men are indebted to Miss Mamie Faison for spending last Friday e vening most pleasantly. At about ten o'clock the party adjourned from the whist and euchre tables to the dining hall where a deligtful col lation ot dainty viands was served. An expert from New York has been at the Carolina Veneer Works for a week or more putting in one of the Ilarker Sprinkler Systems. The The reservoir of water is on a high frame standing by and towering a bove the buildings. It the factory should catch on fire the sprinklers will work automatically. Almoftt a serious accident hap pened to a factory girJ, Miss Dolly Grifiith, at the Carolina Veneer Works yesterday. Her dress was caught in one of the rapidly revolv ing butter dish machines and almost Mterally torn from her. She was thrown violently against the ma thine, but only slightly hurt. Ninety five negroes have left Clinton since Tuesday morning for Georgia. Pity they did not take their families with them. A train of 14 crowded cars loaded with ne groes for Georgia passed down the W. A W. road Tuesday, More than a thousand negroes have left Eastern Carolina within the past three days. A large balloon, probably 3 feet in diameter, with a red light attached, but with no one in it, was sent up from Clinton amid shouts and applause on Christmas evening. Hundreds of gazers watched the fla ming air ship till it appeared as a star a point of light in the heavens. Can any one in form us where it fell? Mr.,Beunctt, one of the distillers here, bought on Tuesday, Dec. 31st, from Mr. Daniel Chesnutt a barrel of 1890 turpentine. The boxes were cut In the fall with the expectation of dipping virgin next spring, but so warm has been the weather that the boxes filled and Mr. Chesnutt ppKreeded to dip. Is tkere anything on record to equal it? The young folks' Club met last Friday night at the residence of Mr. Abram Hobbs. The membershi p of the Club is about twenty five. The evening was certainly one of jollity and good cheer. A most palatable repast was seived late in the even ing. The young men of Clinton are certainly fortunate that the town is blessed with such girls as ours. -Mr. O. F. Herring, Register of Deeds, requests us to state that the combination of the safe in his office is out of order so that he can not o pen it, but that as soon as this diffi culty is overcome that all business submitted to him will receive prompt attention. But marrying can go on as u3ual, for our good hear ted Register has hal u3 to print a lot of license so that the loving couples may not be deterted from the bliss that ha to be. The youngladies' Club held its regular meeting on last Monday ev- eniHitat tne residence ot iur. vt . rd In spite of the very in- t weather there was a large ance. The genial and gra- lost and hostess did much to bute to the pleasure of the c- In' fact time did fly with such rtsilken wing that the hour for departure struck all with : Cinderilla 11 Ke aSAomuiueiti. a lie ucit uiwi- ing w-iB be at the residence of Col. J. RjJJeaman on Tuesday night, Janul f Hth. The appreciative hopelJl every young man is that the4f Jeligtful meetings may never Hublfi clenui at'.enS ciouaJ contn caiiiort sea hi 1r pocipone wnne we areinus. j The Carolina Veneer Work fa J over ran with orders. We under stand from the Sup. tht the f.irto ry h now filling an order f-m Jack sonville, Yin , for (SO Hi cran md 2'.0,00o berry baskets. They havs a standing order for :i many b;?ter dishe and or.tu .' loxes as tht-y are able to turn "Ut. Thf fa'-Mc.!'. of j th former is now al-oul one :..?!!Im ! and of tho hvter fifty t!.o.-! j r J month. l!Vl.nl(n ha! ov-ral m-rv sucn riterpri-ie, ': pulthn j would soon be 5000. Apintmiit f-jr aiajB Cirtait lr-t Sunday in January, 11 a. m., Halls; :. 30 p. tn., 'Aon; 2nd mj i day, 11 a m liethei; "nl Sun-Jay 1! a m Andrews Cliapel; S.:W p m Grt en's; 1th Sunday 11a m Magecs 3.30 p m Concord. We hope ever y member will 5e proentat the first meeting in January to nay what he shall contribute to the support of the ministry. Come one, om; all, and make your own assessments for 1890. J. E. Bkistowk, P. C. Kev. Mr. yittk'n Lertare. Rev. O. P. Meeks lectured m the Baptist church on "The Home" last night. He said: The homo lies at tlyi base of the entire social fabri c, hence the tremendous influence of the family life upon the nation.il life. Other social and ec oait c questions have toi lone divert-d at tention from the tV.mily life, and tend to disintegrate rather than ti build up society, lie called atten tion to several evil causes that as sail the integrity of the home, such as-foreign or European influences, the vanity of fashion, the open sa loon and the various social vices. These are the destuctive agencies of the home. What shall he the con structive agencies ? Some of those he mentioned are, the entire de struction of polygimy, just and uni form divorte laws, the bettor tilling up and adorning of the home, keep ing out bad literature by putting in that which is good and attractive, more time and attention of both fa ther and mother to the religious, so cial and intellectual training of their children at home, rather than to leave such important work entirely to the day and sabbath schools. He gave many interesting and instr uc tive points which space and time forbid us to mention. The Caucasian for ISSO. Father time is to-day on his sec. ond day's march around the 1890th circle by the christian calendar. That the "happy new year" may be a happy old year u twelve month hence is our sincere greeting and earnest hope for us all. Eess than two years since commenced our con nection with Thk Caucasian, and a little more than a year since we be come sole editor and proprietor. We have striveii to do what we con ceived to be our duty as the editor of a country newspaper. Our. swell ing subscription list (with nearly a thousand new subscribers) tells the story of an appreciating public. For this and the many kin'l things said of us nnd the paper we are pro foundly gratified. We make no promises for the com ing year, for we will at all times give you the very best paper within cur power. Our success will he measured by your kind, partial, ap preciative and broad and generous support, which we shall strive to deserve. Let every good citizen come to our assistance and help -s well v the subscription list to 2000. Masquerade Call. The Masquerade ball at tho Mur phy House on New Year's eve was quite a success. Nearly all the dis guises were complete and some of the costumes were very novel and pretty. The disguises of Messrs. W. S. Micks and Charlie Patterson were so cleverly done that they escaped the detection of auy one. Mayor Thomson, disguised as a lady, was charmingly sly and coy and very popular with the boys, much to their chagrin after the unmasking. Mary Herring, the little daughter of Mr. Henry Herring, personated the Farmers' Alliance. The skirt of her dress was pine straw bagping with the word "Alliance"diagonaI ly across it in large letters. The waist was of cotton cloth literally covered with cotton bolls open with long locks hanging. Misses Bettie Murphy, Muriel Richardson and Mamie Oates did great honor to our office by wearing costumes made of Caucasians. The editor was for once proud of what his paper con tained. Tht costume of Mfss Bet tie Murphy was, indeed, very pret ty. Every inch of it was ma3e of paper, the skirt and waist plaited, while across, iu a very artistic man ner, ran bars of the head line of the paper The Caucasian. She wore a very becoming and stylish turban of the same material, with Thk Caucasian head line forming the bar in front. She carried in her hand also a Caucasi an flag. Miss Mittie Beaman, bearing a U. S. flag, was attired in a striking and becom ing costume of stars and stripes, with a cone shaped turban of the same. Misses Ina Hobos and Rena Micks personated Martha Wash ington. Miss Eil lie Moore, a nun. There are other costumes that deserve special mention, but space forbids, if we can stop here without being invidious. : Just at 12 o'clock the bells tolled cut she old and pealed in joyfully the-new year. One more quadrille aud the party adjourned in the early mom of Jan uary the 1st 1690. All ThivJUL'h the County; V 4 I m int SaKipooaliaf $rr Mng aatf I Sajisr. t KPt0!ld 4 t5o n-V Kvory LXhlst MtVeriberto Tiik CaCCakIAX his k;!i 1,1 lurx ?:nl'llJ. A. WiliiaitwofEunic, Ha., i.s:!e iNsms o urw m "Ins Or ftcf , . f fieighl-hMMl for t!tw column. .' v" llnz a tVw dy- In v:5! not j' lhH-h ym r i inui ujtU vwn. y..j de-Ire h.c' V iU v. Er.kino Pope of Clialk 1 ev UTTT.r -:IARIK fel, X. C , plad u a vitWHni ,n,u Mis- , of 0-on- vilie ha-? U f.t MK ii-luv.: i',' merry Christmas holiday- with relative in Cumberland 'Hit laying of ::vs :u;d rail on the C. F. Y. V. R. It. is no-.v going on at anci m-.tr RjhoIkmto. Mr. Street Brewer iuid wife who have been visiting frismds anil re- f latives in Moore co iily returned home on the 2?th Inst-m: t- t.ik-j charge wf their -chool at Hayne. PlA'G." Toot ! toot ! ! went thy whistle aud in came the train to Roseboro for the first time on last Tuesday even ing Mr. Jojm W. Under wooJ received a painful hurt last week while haul ing timber. The falling sweep of a timber wagon struck and badly cut and bruised his uosi aud upper lip. Dr. J. A. Stevens was called in and dressed the wound. SOUTH CLINTON. We an; pained to learn that Mrs Everett Peterson i quite low. HONEYCUITS. Rev. D. C. Rogers of Harrell's Store a y iungman of about 20 years of age filled the pulpit at Salem on last Sunday. Mr. Rodgers has a very pleasant style and made a good impression upon his congregation. His mother JUrs. j lodgers has re cently moved her family consisting of herself and two sons into the neighborhood to getths advantages of Salem school. We hoie the school will continue prosperous and their stay in r.ent. the neighborhood perma- 1'INEY ;nVK. There was u much enjoyed social gathering At the residence of Mr. Daniel Kornegay on last Friday night. Though of an impromptu nature there was quite a number of young ladies and young men pres ent, and the evening wasspent as pleasantly as could have been wished for. WESTBKOOHB. Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, or. the 29th day of December, 1SS9, Mr. E. M. Lee and Miss Sarah R. Frazier, Allen Paugh try, J. P., officiating. The attend ants were as follows: J. M. Parker with Miss Nannie Frazier.J. S. Wil liams w ith Miss Nora Bizzeil, J. E. Warren with Miss Sarah Williams, J. B. Lee with Miss Annie Williams. HALLS. J. C. McCullen and little daugh ter, of Conway, Ark., are visiting friends and relatives in Sampson. TAYLOR'S BliJPGE. We have been shown, by Mr. A. H. Merritt, an old Spanish coin, made in 1808. It is silver and ex cellently preserved. Fox Chase. The second fox chase of the season by the Clinton fox club took place last Friday morning. The party .of fourteen started at 6 o'clock, at 7:30 the fox was jumped and after a very pretty and exciting chase of two hours the handsome aunimal was caught. The $10.00 in prizes offered by Dr. J. A. Stevens was awarded as follows: The $5.00 prize for the dog that lead the chase was awarded to the owner, Mr. Abram Matthis, the second prize $2.00 to Mr. Harvey Scott, the $3.00 prize for the hunter who firsc got to the fox when caught to Mr. Harvey Scott. But the most highly prized prize, the brush, the trophy of the chase was won by Miss Mittie Beaman, in whose cape it floated gracefully, "the cynosure of neighboring eyes" as the party returned homeward triumphant. Just alter the chase, when the aj petitesof all had been -whetted by the exercise, bracing air, excitement an i success, Mrs. M. M. Killett in vited the party to lunch, andaroy.il lunch it was. Never did a hungry party more enjoy a timely treat. Upon reaching town the party wa again invited to lunch at the resi dence ot Mr. R. J. Williams. The whole party is much indebted to our kind host and his charming wife for the handsome way in which they were entertained and feastof. Take it all in ail, we doubt if ever there wa in the history of the county a more enjoyable chase. The club followed up its success of Friday -with another chase Saturday morn ing, this time scoring a double vic tory, reducing by two the popula tion of the Reynard tribe. PersQiais. Master Richard Hubbard of Fay etteville spent the holidays in town. Mr. Eldrige Iee, a merchant of Dunn, gave us a pleasant call on Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson re turned last night from a visit to Wilmington. Rev. C P. Jerome who has been visiting ia Randolph returned last Fxiday night. Mr.' R. B. Strickland of McRae, Ga., was in town Tuesday stopping with. Rev. C P. Jerome. ! Mr. J. A. Fc rreil with children list vialtini? hr mothor. Mr. lir. Hansen Mcrphy of Pender Mr. Motley HuUbanl or Wll- from vnuUm,n?rloa hts I"ng ft IVw- " 31. J. A. MCDOWP'1 ,J- Sni,i,r. i wbiK' visiting rt-Iativcs fn ttmouu- j ty dar-nj the holidays. s fP r xt.,i. . r t ! lr 51. Jli Ivor of Mioie v un- ty, tiay'g bridegroom, (Mclvcr -Anderson) was registered at the Murphy House last night. MLs Mamie Kai-on of the faculty of PeKee Institute, who ha been spending the holidays at ''ome, Capt. W. L. Faison's, re. timed ye-terday to Iin!eigh. ... Mr. James A. Mo-ek y t f the firm of McKimmon, Moseloy and McGee, Italeigh, N. C, and hU ife have Ireen spending the holidays with relatives in Clinton. Mr. Duncan E. Mclver of Moore county is in town. Our readers will rumemocr uiai ue came within a few votes of receiving tho nam ina tion for State Auditor in the last State Convention. It was for him that Sampson ea-t her vote till the last ballot. The r ulplt and tie Stairc. Rev. F. M. Si. at. Pastor United Brethren Church. Blue Mound, Kan., fnys: "i led it uiv luiv to tell the wha wouiVr Dr. Kinsr's New l)icowrv hut done tor inc. Mv hr.iua wi re badlv dia eased, and my parishioners thought I could l:ve oi:Iv a few weeks. I took live bottles ot Dr. King's New covt rv and am timr Found nap well, caininj 20 Iu;ii3 in weigiii.' ArthiT Love, Manager Loves Fu:m v l.nlt. . S t i : . . . . a Oiivh onioi:.aiioii, wins: Alter a thorough trial and convincing evidence i am cor.nuciit in jmiiijm ew Discov ery for Consumption, beats Vm all. and. cures when everything ele fails. 1 he sreatest kindness I can do mv manv thousand lriends is to urg them t. trv it." Free trial bottles at li. II. IIoHi- dav's Drug Store. Regular izo 5') etn and 1.00. !Niiiety-niiie per cent, of am- Ibition to try, and one per cent. of talent, is all that is necessary to success in whatever we un dertake. Rheaiiiatisni is uudoubtedly caused by laitie acid in the blood. This acid attacks the fibrous tissue? , and causes the pains ami aches in the back, shoalders, knees, ankles, hips and wrists. Thousands of people have lound in IIoodxs Sarsaparilla a pos itive cure for rheumatism. This medi cine, by its purifying action, neutralizes the acidity of the blood, and also builds up and strengthens the whole body. WHY WILL YOU COUGH when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief? Price 10 cents. 80 cent and tl. For sale by Dr. R. II. Holltday, Clinton, and W. p. Kennedy, Warsaw, N. C. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS made misera ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. For sale by 11. II. IIolliday, Druggist. Clinton, and w. P. Kennedy, Warsaw, N. C. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath, by Shiloh'a Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by R. II. Hoixiday, Druggist. Clinton, tod W. P. Kennedy, W arsaw, . C. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Sliiloh's Cure, we guarantee it. For sale by R. n. IIolli day, Druggist. Clinton, and W. P. Ken nedy & Co., Warsaw, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mis. Joe Person's Remedy, Goldsboro, N. C, Oct. 23, 1889. Mrs. Joe Person, Madame: About April, 1887, I treated Sam Privett, a lad about 15 years of age, for scrof ula, afflicting the glands of the nock. In spite of all treatment it grew from bad to worse, finally suppera ting and becoming running sores. In the latter part of that year you were in Goldsboro an saw the boy and proposed to treat him. I had done all that I could for him and considered his chances for life very small, and told you so, and that if you could even benefit him with your Remedy I would give you a certificate of that fact. That you have done your part the boy is now a living witness, and I shall not hesitate to furnish your Remedy. in any similar case I may be called on to treat. Very truly. THOS. HILL, M. D., Wholesale Agent. For sale by Clinton Druggists and by W. A. Johnson, Clinton, N. C. deco ly HOLLIDAY'S " "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE!" Don't wait to get siefc, but when you begin to feel bad come and get a dose of medicine and prevent.sick ness. This is the proper use of med icine. Ifyouwilldo this you will scarcely ever have a doctor's bill to pay or lose months of time, and put your friends and relatives to such a deal of trouble. In addition to my complete line of pure and reliable Drugs, I carry Warner's Log Cabm Remedies, B. B. B.', the S. S. S., Quin ine in small and large quantities; Simroon'sLiv er Regulator, Famous Specific Or ange Blossom, Cuticura Remedies, Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, the Golden Medical Discovery, Horse and Cattle Powder (1 pound packages prepared by the Herb Co. ofW. Va, Quaker brand.) Prescriptions carefully compound ed. Local and offlce practice upon re quest. Respectfully, , augl tf DR. R. H. IIOLLIDAY. DRUJTKEXXESS LIQUOR HABIT iai ail ffc Werld there i bat ae emre. . Dr. xtaiMs' ttldem Specific r It caa fee rlTea la a tmpvt tea or reSee whitest tb kaowled ot th smoa taking it, rffectisg a apeedr and tenuat car, wfeetker tha Mtieart u a aietoata 4 linker r aa aleohotic wreck. Tbewaada ef fraakarda aar beta twi whaks takes Ik 6pl4a Spaciftc ia thr ceaea wUkoat tkatrkBwl dfa. aad today toiae. tkev ait dnakin at tkWr ?.fT? o wamfal aStct naalta freat Ha fadaUaictoatroik. Oana caaraateei. aaa4 for cir eaiar aad fall aarttcaJara. AUnm la eaaaaratt. "THE WHOLESOME EDUCATOR OF If TO MEW SUBSCttiBER8 C g r aw ant aaa w Jain aaa i m a . W aaad rwa 4aQata ta 9 atdrae ataa- aW H I m Oa Ladfar wtB k anrt ta r TMMM XX 'if a at JaBaary. ta ae4 aWa Jf SaTWrt Vwi, thn eoapajua f af tM-Lattnr- tn f O The Otory of a Foreakon Inn, (AttMAttTott) fyAnr n :cn vh t. Ufa In British America, 1 JJr. n J;. imutg. th Tulu ragita rtraira kandrad Xadia&i of tha Hortkvaat: how ha vbaa riattiBf aa taa ladi aattlaaanta ---rir. m , uwm , duw am Honorable Henry W. Groc!- C.-aoUi MriM'of atx artk2 & lia -Wosrfcl Ikraloptua&t f ttm Xaatrtv' ' av u American Cookery, ( mrf or ATicit)7fy ji; , rartou; Giriaf tkA rttdxma why it ia iaparJacf, ud aona tra y by which 1 1 my ba Is p wti ' Nihilism In Russia. zo irartmann? x,hh,t. Lao Hartmaan, a fntlTa fria Ssiaa catbaritiat, baa baas donaaetel with tba mw S. itria tixfi a C St ... r rfar'1 " ba HSbiliauut aeToJ "L . 1 A prtWptt ia plot tokOl tia Cr. mei u tlowirr p tba istar rUwa. ii;.,,w.,... ialo.maUaa aa to bow tbia udAtbar oraat aekaataa w-a -k. .-j i v. ,?ZlrTr,'r?. . f lora of ererj trna Amnrrtoan tor wr toraaf ycranuaeaU EXTRA SOUVENIR SUPPLE :MEKTS, AsuMkf tbeae UXita2j illuitraled fwr-pae wm'rv which wCl ba mattrt tomrj ' Written for tU " Ladgtr" by Jr.WMttier ia tia 82cd yaar. AaoUw eouToairwill u'abaau'i'uBjCutVt wi j r Honorable "James Russell Lowe Tht Lrdsvr will Mntnln ku.i H.u.i .. . ... . . ical eJtetdie, TraTcla, Ult Other Mrf. Prances Hodeson Burnett. Mrs. Margaret Del and.", Mrs. Florence Howe Hall. Mrs. Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren. Mrs. Harriet Prescott Gpoffcrtf. Mrs. Emma Alleo Brown.' " Mary Kyle Dallas. Marlon Harland. Clara Whltrldge. Judge Albion W. Tourgee. Marquise Lanza. .juuowiyuuu muucj ta.i uc sent at our ns t)j i t Uiiicr Monty Onlcr, Eaak CI.cck or ' 'rt' ?r J Ti -SendStx Cents for Sample Copy and Illustrated Caloncr An.- JuncLn.u.U t.' 'itrarahaTMrfiaraaS! NEW ADVERTISEMENT, j eneer Clinton, N. Manufacture every veriety of Vegetables, Grape Baskets, Perfection Butter Disdierf. Quality and prices guaranteed to meet any competition. jan2 ly MECKLENBURG TDA1T WAHT7C1 ii II li II II I U! . II 13 H r Sm i UH charlotte, EXGl.XES, BOILEltti, SA IF MILLS. PRESSES, GAYS, WHEAT AAD COLA MILLS, REPAIR WORKS, PIPE FIT TI.YCS, SIIAF1IXG. PULLE 3 ,V and HEL 7 IXG decl9 3m A CMstmas and Hew Yc Greeting to You Remember we Lave ja?t received a full stock of 3u3T g 3Ej 3X) ConsisUng of Nails, Hin-e, Screws, lmk-, Colts n,.d all kindh of Edge lools. Vla.) a big lot of Axes, every one guannt. el to stand. - . . We carry a complete line of STANDARD SHOE. Said cheap for cash. Fresh Groceries Always on hand. Another lot of those CELEBRATED HARNESS inJ received at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. . J rceivea Also Touacco, Cigars, Sunff, Tinwaro, Potwar: Cockery an-1 Glassware. We ask' you to examine our Goods and i'rices before buying. isespe itmuy, the, leading writers! CELEBRATED ARTISTS: SPECIAL FEATURES Herbert Ward. Otanlcv'Comn Ituln la kia axsknUoM ia Afrit, la t. ncrth of IL Ft, la wkki Vt. Ti calrrxxi klmaalf fcr a&d km .. qiunwa timaaa or aaa bow ba cU kit rarlM witMa flra baadrad aaiaa f ki. T aonn urcemear Whittler. i aad Humor, naid eTcr7tUlaff luter. -i; - t ih fci. fc,i. ! Contributors for 1890 Robert Leuls Stevenson. Anna Shelids. Josephine Pollard. Amy Randolph. Frank H. Convorse. C. F. Holder. Dr. Felix L. Oswald. Rev. Emory J. Hayne. Julian Hawthorne. Prof. W. C. Kltchln. Robert Crant. Address : EOEEST SOITSR 3 SOWS, . :w WMh X EV ADV EUTi SE M EXTS. Wor I J. Shipping Crates for Fruit a, Of it A s w A I 3 eSU.1 MtUlIlOrS. i4 Mn . a t. an rt Us tvaaa n U A jw. :adr-jw a Kh-mj. 'V, iivcri iU M. V1. Kaitlfs. Trc.Tisi Dunn Sri'sh. Co)r F. Paracri. Co?, "horns? VV. Knr.v Rev. '2r. John r. Pfn' Rev. Dr. Jane McCfr-. Prof. S. r". rjrt-ycns. Prof. J. H. Cor?e?oV. Jerries rr.r;:r.. Rev. Or. H. M. flttj: Mareld Trc lerl ' ti. to V l . k t-- 'Vill tj(.-n ni i Ivr -i M.tnlr. Jam:--r; Giii, lv . Tin- S-f (',! 'i!l li. r!U :!!ld'I '.Jul -aiuo iii.ii, mc.it a hejyrtv We f-e! grateful fr y.i ?. r--i ag; iUi.l til' sarn. For i . a i .Mii'.iii n tf fMr'lud-ir Mr- 1. 1. i.y.yj .i . ll. r i ii'- priii-v. j le X, t: i i t P',". C.r . Vrf,. Plisnptl r h aivtbO bet Cougli Medicine. Jf yoi lav9 Couab without dlii'xKM) of th Imnjru n f.jw doana are ail you uockI. liutifyoun lilect tLif t-y iavun of tftHr. tho a-ufclit tuij taar 1001119 a acrioba rae'Ver nw aevoral bot tler ti.; l i, rti .IraJL i.. -"1 t? '-t -1 v" 'i tiJ a? t n. t. umaeium. - tb at-wmm K. r'.tff. I'-v-r'f A.CJRilr.rM I-l- t) M A. 5. I. M. fc Irt j ... 1 ihul-i feivr rrf ilfad Vua ' J , 1 iawa rvrf kfiJl&.. I 'f f: i -tf--V !l IA. 1' -.' ph. tars r?xa. f A C't A I riXS, HPlXUFSir or A life-lot t&4f. I WAil5fr rr7 rt-rei- it Ctnt tke tccri cm .H.fat-.jc ,jsr n'n tailed in &o r n !-r r.r.t r. -.--. r.-rrr rci,i f-ea4 at0raf4ratrc'tA ar.i Y,n J-,t; of nr IsrAiirsLfc b!- u . Exu-.t aad rort .. It v,- !h.t, f.t a fc al. a4 ti t-re ji,a. .Jinn H.C. R!30T,M.C, itifXiij.fr, r;rt;?s D al Tra.l-Mrk ebit&. asd aU Pairtu feaaiosM CoaCtciBti to Moderate r hi. trar Oatc U p pMttt f. g. J ateat of. S. W taa aa attt-se, ail faaaaxa eiieet, brnoe caa tn&aart virct aaacaa te k ar ad at Icaa tt mm tisaa aecaota tra - bc&1..,oot;'J tt-. ar!!i oVarrfe. Coa. arirVw il.lamakM ar But, ra of CAft-T. Oarfaaaot !m t.-l ra'woK k avcrad. . t)Mk,BwiiOKiihMa.',nairf atcat to aetsal elksta is rK Csate. cacxtr. at hi v .N J i "ji'. IJt. J. K.Gr.vtw iL4 cr 7i" X-nt 'ftut. ilin-f.Jtf,T.M. T. I T I le-.v i a y ' c( . L.,, , t-l-dirne, ts ,.! ballet ,t It. tl ',... v. .. . T . r.a r lrl