NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE CAUCASIAN. .il: V if: 1 V ' , 1" ' ":, .''T'v."'1 v i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 11 - rs c!.L -V.. .1 f ..... - - f J 'WW- urn," . fXiiAAJ A (i "... J n n 11 II II l! WW is IBM OffijU i i J TO J J.'f."i 1 '! ' - ' ' '- '.Vim : . ' v : ' ' J. A. !m . .'. : : .' . -' ( ' ', V :! , V f . i ' . ( !.).:; .! 1 ' ! S. VrM. "i i s:a.-' J. '' ,! s r ! . i i 'o;.'); . r. . 'j .' r, !!'. .' . ':. : ; : " ') ;V.:: j. v. - ' . w . T,' . i) i . t ... , . t " . v : . t PIES ENTS! S 'i'T, !'! !!. I .V.-T ! ! ' T I ' -! . i!i 5I'.i - ..' 'i'i ( ,,' i :,( - : -. . ' .' .-r :. i.'iTMii:.... ;. iu: I' . . . . . - ! .'iMl (.-., .N ' i i I ' ' ' - -A !jy "!' - il: . I ;;.' ' l)ix kt r'. ;!('., '"nt- .! iy-, '! i r: ; r ;:;;,! j - , ,-' J ." I ' ! ' ( : , .' i . : 1 1 . i ' s I . T (.X:.:.: V. . 1: J J ,1 !;?. I 'fit. '.) nr.- : . . i r: i: 1 i! iv T i' .1. : , '. r. .'-. in-sl-. lcn;.;i - 1 "as'... , . :. . . Man.Wc, i'-t'i vie--, J; ,-i . rid day'.-i. I'riiyiTi 'tin;-', W"tU .:-'ny Q V i r 'i.,ti.,.. u.'wu.i ' Services, f'. l'nhvtt ri. n a:. 1 ilux- . 'i"'i; iv"-'(.v.i Li.-.'ii02 , i i) v. rl V.-t i i.J.) .-; j .; !':! r ! I:'::'.-;). ;.) :i. c si. t i j - ; ;(i ; . si ' . .' i i ' -i; - ' 1 lily,--.- ' , I. . 'i - - 1 A 4jn.i1 .1 - M ;.. n,. i .-. orated Tea Sets (56 pieces) at $3.2o. $8.50 and mm 1 ti-1,) l.-t .Su-.iJiiv ll. A. i. :iiiI 7 V y. Smnl:iy cl'.o'il (in LoWtj) ';V ry S'.itt'Iaj ;it '' A. M. I'myvr hicp1i,i.' (..t l're-!v'.cri;.Ti ( lu'irli) Thcisilny Ki;iscrjal I! ci'r, -- , Ken UtK: Suii'i.iv, II A. i. nihl J.'mi P. X. .';' K-:t,;;.l, i". .?. 8m ;: 1 . . ... ... f O ;)': t Colore J li'!!.!--.St.-ri ..tii i-iu'-fl.- V ! i iii c;idi ni0!;l!i ni ! 1 A. '!., :s I. Y. j p.r and 7 V. :i. ! '.' MiSCKlJiANl-'.OlTK : L, " K. of IJ. A. V. Johnson, Dirta- j Irr, 11. !;. ;'v ry Uiii-1 !" . . Miht i H.r.nn M:.-iu' .'.'it. . ... .' V . 4 - -'- .-i0'. ."j'j ! . .. t; . V 1 1 J in. 10 ''-.M Library Lamps, Hall Lamps, and a beautiful line of Glassware and Faacj Lamps at astonishing LOW PRICES ! . ZSr VASE, TOILET BE TP, POWDER IiOXFS, COLOGNE 8TAND3 AND .PERFUMERY, 1 TOY 7Ea SETS, DOLLS, WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES AND BASKETS, CRUMB TRAYS, PICTURE FRAMES. : L. ipt! Carpets, Bugs, Laprobes and Gloria Silk Umbrellas. Silk Handkerchiefs . and Cashimere wrappers. ; ! Pi - If- Ciuf t jUil u uo . 2 u-n '.'sirt l " ;rootl you ; TO tJiif.i. I'r.-S.'v i : i 'Ii;il, ! I '. !,:; . " J). :: " the blood -:-zd nincns Fart'.w; . . 1 ('!'.'' M.-'l '.; ! C1:m-,; I..::: , H aio:.-.i i .!..; A;-".i :, :.. :f , : U"i!.ttK!, .Jr.. T( k'vu; ji i.Mo: -- . " .i . c, 1 1 . i i n h -. , ; V. ?.f. C. A .--A. A. i:i:!! r, J'tv-i-! f; (ii u. : t-- ;"! 'rtiLii'i. .-very ?ii.ii(3;iv at V. ;. i'-'i .: a .i i'aiAtji c .S i i . ! V i . Iv. v H-i:-iUn ;:s, i' Yt, .;r , s piX LV!E PINS, EAR RINGS, WATCHES, WATCH CHAINS AND CHARMS, BRACELETS, NRCK LACES, CUFF HUT IONS AND SOLID GOLD AND FIIJ-ED RINGS. , ": ing you a merry Christmas. . Respectfully, ' ' A, F. JOHNSON & CO.' L M , . . ' C " . . (. i): 1 it r-i'. .v 1 X;;V ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -1,'iO i t'l' '1": ... (. a. PROl'ESSiONAL COLVM! A. i i;L.. ':;t ;' 'nu- : v t .; i lis ; ; 't IlMvia Vii;!t -Il r-ili'i 1. .-;- Caj ! Panri-!-.V. .n-t-'-n"-: , M. LEE, M. D. I'm y.-'k r. .v,S i; : :o !-.o: a n i D .:-, i j -1 ( - o'.f v.-n ;-m ' ;i;iVc, AK.1T'. '-: 5- o.'.f'f.o.- VV ;:iVi Jf':' ..Ul C f.i'.r at .?iV ' i ' IS 'iaiir v"; ; prc-;vtr-! ly 100!;! ',. - i 1, v ! clo. !T0 VISIT THE M'!:vlyl'J , - 12.": :, i ' i do i 1: v v.::. t i .'-iiiii . ' i . '?; -Jfn ion aarla;:-. O J - O T ING .v.'.- 1 . r A. STEVENS, I). r-iiiin' -i'J. 1 1 . St.-v-r.s .-n 1 Lf;mV. ) t'."t.-'. Ktn-(t. jo Y- iv.- I : on;u A, W . i . Jji &t 4 J 14" ..',.l!iic'?;-C.ujkHl fa.E- .vto;:m;v a.d t'ii.:-or.!.ii- .-:; AT i-A.1 1 . r 1 -1 I... v n ' i-i... I f .... r... - .... .'a - 1 . - - , 1 , . ..i.i t . iii 1 will practice in c.riit-. ;anijsi.-u ;v!.d Hdjoinin-r,''. A in h"U-.rr:no (;oi;n. All husiU"-.-? ntrrti to ins s. J) V. V'liy-M., ,L rent: ..'11 M:t .i.C' r-ir-;-i. i,.- j;:'iav anu I onN.u k-sder h'lririco .urjueii'" : oi:.-ii:i--' Lv;noiiy in cioui av-i'i money ' j - ; ; . ;s-.ViV ' ti"U"l ruvlHf fihvftys Dry Goods Store KoV.h. TI.-. Warreu Johnson, ! , v 00 you ! T1 - y-, . . i 1 8 OF cart' will'ivi ;voait'.ai 1 c i..-. atttntion. j-.-7.iyr 1 Venn.-. t.:ln Mr-. - -"lie '':;- 1 y . a y ar older ro i;'gtii!is in j.) kt-s f V V .An'onvKV vnp ()i-:-r.r.-! --. -r -.- ' vr-r lni'r wLat vest i?a :-.V..c!r. fnlrlccl; n Fatiov Sia- - on at La w. " "Yi-;Vb..a(i. ;.:rc. v. t. r,u-! !.- ' lV,:;'f:;jii;;;;; ..s--- i Office over Pest OITh.'. her Scop's ' 5 - V""' ' Ul ?" u'. ! Will practice ia SniniMi ml ivl-j' Spon.ce cake-, 7,1 i,s EiUu l.l U,: .. ; ,:'n'-i ''' U"y joiinnj? counties. Kver attentive faitlit'ul to tlir- interests of all client. j.7-lyr 7 V. KERR. 1 j 1 ..... . . . ArlOKM'.l A.M) Vjl,'ll.ShU.- or. at Law. Office on "Wall .-Street, "Will practice in Sanisoiu. "Jlade:i, . r " . . 1 o- ... , Ti ; u-:s i.-o!ir c.:l'. HciH-s-paais am. t'ny-., . anl. . .aCniI-- :ju new w n.m .,i: hi.-.ji.j, j vt..i uvf i'u;i.-tM-H.Knvu.-.i.jni:.'rite(i lile.-i ; vntf.!.-.--. iy p,;, .t' jat which we can sell them. R.H j t:t.- preserve., Miv. i:. i vu. : ,kI ;. i:;.;v the ikv,:: 1 AN!) 13 SOUTH WATi'S? NT., , Kerr, 30 cents. . .. j -VA.-. M - ' WiI;x' - " WW GflPRQ Kerr. 0 ceiits. -. - . ; "l.IT - : up. Call in and see my line ;.:r 'V. )-; 11 is al 1 new, j nst bought and la iO IjJljOlff marked in plain figures at a very O low margin. .We don't ask you wo prices to fit you. Whether you are a judge of clothes or not, ' you shall never pay us more than the lowest possible price at Stewart & Hiries. We desire tocal) the attention of all buyers to onr arrange ment for furnishing Bagging and Ties, Flour, Meat, Coffee, Stwr, bait, bhoes, Hals, Dry Goods and all other articles of merchan dise to be found in our now complete stock. . We can give you special Inducements on FARMERS' BAGGING AND TIES. Come in and examine onr Wetmore Farmers' Shoes. They are ahead of anything for wear you ha vi tried. Bongit especially for the Farmers, and every pair warranted, and moot? refunded if , unsatisfactory. . We have exclusive sale of tfcen Shoes. Also the famous James Means and ZeJgler Shoes. .We will gh a you foil value for your all purchw. i3ng us your oeea uotlon Will nav vouC ASH. at the hln- est market price. Very Truly... i i " lutckler& E ern, irriiLLfl. Mrs. E. V. r-v i t w 1 1 T i1Jkll .i I renner, iiarncit sum ihi-u.m V"UM" i r: i ties. in Sui remo Cone t. " ' -i , srtPvl. . ti ventosll legHl busiiHs. je 7-lyr Hereon, -i'J cms I are of the latest styles. You can pet anything jou want from 9 cent my line of Jackets and shawls. : -M - 1 liC IfllgeSi fMOCk Or jIlOCS offering at the Lowest Prices '."'nr.:ie. lMaj:Lbevr.e, Mi.? Lib ; Ul 6RANK ROYETTi"., Ui.F. fm Af:.. C!tt OiV.: his services to the roi "le of: ,.. t. nt, f Clinton ami vicinity. livery tiling ; . V):,.r- "' ' if 11 " in the line of IVntWry Aoi c M R- ' - "' ' ' -t; s , ,t. lest style. Sat isfnetyrtx K'l''-rcJt -b'ett. i C.y.-.-u-.' .L. rrli-, .vL".s. .J IMv tr:ti- are -triotly- cri.. ; p : -c- r, r,;.. ; . I) i;i't nsk fne to v;iiy 1'roui t a rvU'. , -; : Mil - itli i ! L'.iv j ;! ' . i .'- : I ". - X at:''N. JITiijmiiiry, : . - C fc. liar: i'. i'i ; Stylish, to suit everybody; and EVERYTHING ELSE Kept in a flrst-clas-s Clothing and Dry-Ooods fetore. Yours for Bargains, W. (. RACK LEY. f Pi & IT ..rt;c:i;) e. rs. 1 i IV;i:k !W I .'. "! 1. ... v i;.e '. Ui. . i ii 120 y.nvintV. ".flsi-n I K can 1. i;. I).. r.i 1'. hot ".j-iiicri.-a- J ET2S r;1 or ii. : , i - . - : T l. i ! VI-I T : j.-. . -: ...., ...... f 1 -JSaaSTV f r.t.!"; r.Ti E. F. VVilson, ! -' ; , V," (aiAi-TKU AN1 Ft)lt SAl;t B i i AT HOBTOK, T- C. O YAL'S ! 3 1 1 1 T' 1 AO n it en a a. in naz ana atciin- , f : - t T ij. . ! -I' 1 . i 1 ' . . .rl 3 ... T".."-'. t .1'! . .I'l T UlTlf'lf 1 '1.1 , A. L:.'lC'". 00. vrorbl kno it, he dnu all j . tif I Fiv? y:r:U l.:c:.'Jr:a:e cotton ui.Uj:n .niei kubl do in the f X Ve ual-:tatlcgly pronounce the Kwrv vi;rivty, from tolat jdo.I:, I.oui.-a Urren, o0 cents, j :rt,ni... . ; . ; ; : at only 10 cents eaeh. "My wees iuv j r:'s .a;r c iri-t, Mi Lib ; .. . live anti bear better Ih.u, trees tro-n.1. V'.: ' J,'- vf?, . ; . : ,t m rrthc-v:ul h:- :.i . .. .it. .ut.iii- Ii ".-,.d s..-L- If s iv- I i-i t rl. n " . (:'.'..'' n?tiL V'.';. I LiilGE BRICK STORE NEXT TO J. E. ROYAL'S. In add.tion to the lare, selected stock of ,: trMHWim-m j I'jli Tif- t - " . , ; '' Soft Stop which saves piuns from wear trees v.i. b.- had at li(y1 isnice i,rl Tufb'd u,'. ii:.'. Av.,d lien- -''Wk l ,.-v -j to-aI1 -OUt:daS room. A vonder- i vr. U- :ii.iK-.ltoa.;yi-iatoiaeiea-E N - . . , " ; 1 ' ' lh- :-, 1 inati-n. - . 5 1 !' VlTI- varisoi n-,nnel, Mr. A. . , - . , r r . . -ro-,7 J-v," H. MILLER & CO. . nUor.: N.'O. i lAni., Cl.'v. - - J-r.'R iK'UM-UMt."- ' '" , ' " oro. C I tcest and most roliaLle in tho world. - . ' , - . ' . r T&tfiU4 Mentions ued in Whiri I have been carrying, I have now alarge stock of Flour all at our-stor and examine the cow ' : and OUiej; nrsi-Ciass J?amiy . , .; 4 . CIGA lS, TOBACCO, &0 fure Up-Connty Corn and my own make of Corn Whis- specialty. The leading Dry Goods, Clntbin, Boto nd Shoes,, GnU' Fur nishing Goods i and Carpet dealers, wish ' anhonnee to tbir friends and customers, in. Sampson and adjoining counties, that they have now on hand one of the largest stocke ever kept bf one firm in Eastern Carolina, which we wllLsell lover thau any house in the City. ' I k ' "';..'"' QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS; AND FAIR AND SQUARE DEALINGS TO ALL, is our motto. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere Mr. Dennis Cobb, who is in our employ, would T (clad to see his many friends, Restectfullv." f e t.,7-. FUTCKLER & KEKN. 'k i i i j A. F. Ectebsox. ipeit Wlm .. t .t. :: ;-. . J r. i u . On Grog Row, Opposite Courthouse REMEMBER that we; keep a choice link of Tobacco, Cig ; ouuu, ew;., ua aiso a wull selected 8tockot r4 Standard ; family Groceries. AGAIN REMEMBER, that a finer line : of Wines, BrandieJt Whiskies, etc, can seldom be found, w ; :i i V : tS- The famous Rof is Weeks Brandy (which all coonolseors declare the best ever taAted) "nTe bouirht no where else. Pure up country Cornwhisky a specialty. 7 The patronage of thefcublic i respectfully solicited. D. R, Watson. u Have yon one that neds repairing? If 6 bring it to ; The old and reliable jewoler of CUaton, N. where '" it will be pot smooth running order on hort notice, -v-? i , - - In arid it inn tAMMlrlnvriwiin nr..i.u Jlij. nnrtaltTi alt?pai? hnost'ali kinds. Also carry la stock the DAV AND DOMESTIC SEW 1 NO MACHINES, m! Attachments and Needles JTT - ryrVlT A 1 . 1 . f.w A oxw M ajmtm-mjmw Attacnmeni AX. JlUI Ah to all Machines, Give me a call, in the AtkW ClUIn2. 4 A .' 5 " . "1

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