? 1 i .1 ii i .i i . ii i. ii I 11 T n-IE CAUCASIAN. i'i i.t.!s.KiJ r.vr.KV tih:iI)ay, 15 MAiiiox isutm:r, ) U ! iO . Ik 1 ii iy. : how thin! 'a per to yourneigh- or ;vi;fl :idv;H'- llilil to Stlb- rribe. n!--;;-r:i:!::si 1'rtee per Ii i-rtr, in Adiaiiee. ATTENTION. CASIAN Will It ry 4a to advertijo In The Cavcxuax f--- lsuok at ortr axlvrtWru col umn, and yoo will m bow uuny are printing by It IjvriLt 800 jabwrlbet In ISM; 1,671 loday. I?uro Domocrwcy xtxacl Wlxito SupremnoT1' VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1890. No. 14. THE CA ( ro r ess i x a l colum x . i SKXSII5LK TALK ! t V ! ' i: ?. moore, '; ...M) st;i;f;i:).v, i Hi I MY i'x-.it-! iittcut iu ?Ii :. i i :A I'.irtri. !:'.-. linlon will 11 IV li.-.V.M S '.' of Irvt'l, ) - .!,! vi i'.'i . n,Si ;: in I..-' . I - i. I). C'v""M'i.v !" hi!, I .-- i!c;icc of . II i;o-' AM) li;NTl!-T, ' Stoic, jv 7-1 yr ,S, M. I). : ami Sukokon, over 1V-4 Ofliee.) ,i il at. 1 1 1 -i 1 t nt the -U-Yii:s oil ( 'olhge j'- 7-lyr UV A -NOR I II CAROLINA NE (illi). He is Opposed to Emigration and is not Ashamed that He is Black. FA IS! , ; 'i:'i.Y and Coi:nsi:m, o;. i L v. ); ': on Main Street, hi c'l.irt , of Sampson ami ,:' ; Abo in Supreme - i:t rnt' t to his ompt ami careful j-7.1yr ',; i t At V'Xin J)r. J. C Price, president of the colored college at Sal.sbury, N. C, and one of the foremost orators of his race, has just de livered, at Chester, S. C, a .speech that ia attracting much attention. In his .uieech lie siys : "I have no faith in the doc trine of a.-similatiou. The an cestral pride of the whits man, the j,' owing p: ide of the negro, forbid that this amalgamation take place .save on the high ground of matrimony, and there is only one intermarriage out of every l')0,()i)) Some blacks want this. I hey say that their mil wi- color js against them. It that attentive ! eouhl only be changed all would AM) Cot-'NSKLL-!,AV. -'..IIIJOII r,:it:.i. 5i' i J '.: at ATJ o:; t i : : i ; i . v H IT' of itil 7-lvr AM' ('oKNSlif.I-- AU )lii.-e on WiJl Street. Will praefn-e in ':lmlson, Hladen, Pemler, I !ani"!i :.n-l Dui-iin Coun ties. A'-;' ii. Siiprcnie Court. Prompt p( i o,i;.l atti '.itiou will l-e (ivento ;vll ly;al hushas. jv 7-lyr TIItANK UOYFn'!-:, D.D.S. Dknitsiky ''t' - : Oliice on Main Street. ii'c.t'P )lu;rs his HTvii:es to the people of Clinton ami vicinity. Everything in the line ol' Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaniMtoeii. tif' '3Iy terms are strictly cash. Don't ask me to vary from this rule. je 7-lyr 3A!UiOAD HOUSE, NEAR Til E DEPOT. tiii: CAIMTAL. !si:v!-:nty-iivi: yi:aks ago.; What Is Traiiiirin at the Ilea, I 'pj,e J iine.s Mcli'.s IXnr.o- ihn. Nation. jcrati Association of New York celeltrated the battle of New Samplf-Kooiiis and Special Convenien cs for Traveling Men. The Fare is the best the market ailords which is always served in good wholesome style. Hoard, per day, only S 1 oO " " week, l 00 The month, 12 00 natronace of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. V. I". UASS, HcpPJ If JProiu;ietor JEWELRY IM CLOCKS! :o: ;-eivo(1 a larac lot of . 'Jliis I v. ill guarar.- ;mi to be jll't as rcp- I" 1 have just i i'.U'ant .Tcwoli tec to tbc uurcl rocni.i,!. 1 si ; no cheap, "tire miilt "oods but c:;rrv a standakd i.t'K OF ar.i rmiXT cuo;..-.. Tlic attention of the ladiex in ca'.h-.i to the latest styles of i:i:kast rtv- -t'icv are ''tilings of bcautv !" Tiu" old reliaba: and standard SETII THOMAS Cl.UCKS always in stock, in various stv'a s ami sizes. Z"Jf lU'i'aii ii)!;- of Watclies and Clocks a;ul nicialinu; .l vclry is a specialty. All work I do e; guaranteed t9 ;iVe en tire satisfaction. IJespcctfullv. scj) ) -tf (r. T. ItAWliS. For 23 Years J, T. SESSOEY ban occupied his same taiut: establishment on Church Street. The great and orignal loader in low prices for men's clothes. F.conomy in cloth and money will force you te give him a call tiSTbatest Fashion plates always oil hand. June tth. lyr. le well. I believe that color lias nothing to do with the quv tion. Iila;:'c is a favorite color. A black hoisv! we all admire. A black h!i d ess is a gem. A black broadcloth suiit is a daisy Illack only lose i its prestige, its dignity, when applied to a hu man "It is not because of his color, but because of his condition, that the black man is in disfa vor. believer a olacK lace appears it suggests a poverty - -:tncKeu, an ignorant race. Change your conditions; ex change immorality fur moral ity, ignorance for intelligence, pov erty for prosperity, and the piejudice against our race will disappear like a morning dew drop before the rising sun. ''Cthers would have us disap pear bv emigration. Your dis tinguished Senator has just in troduced into Congress a meas ure intended to help us away. s for me I dt n t want to go. ("No, no!" from the audience) ibis sunny Southland, where lie the bleaching bones of my fathers, is dear to me, and I, too, feel to the manor born. ibis soil is consecratetl by the labcr, by the tears and the pray er of my ancestors. Talk about Ethiopia, tain. of Africa, but I believe that God intends the negro race to work out here in the South the highest status lie has ever attained. If anybody wants to go to Mexico or Kan sas or anywhere else, let him pack his trunk and go of his own free will. Let Congress appropriate if it wants. I will respectfully ask it to take back my part. "It maybe that God means us to go some day, but thst is not the way and this is not the time. Remember, friends, that long ago two little barcpies came to America. One landed at Ply mouth her load of freemen, the other came to Jamestown witb (heir. Cor. Tin; Caica-iax.! t Washington, I. -'., Jan. 10th. Senato; Vorhees is always certain ot a large audience, no natter what the subject is that he is announced to speak upon, so that it is not to be wondered at th.it the Senate galler.;-s should havn been parked to overflowing to heir his speech on the resolution offered by him calling upon the department of .Justice t :r info, ination as to whether the. United States At torney at Indianapolis acted un der its ins ructions in protect ing V. W. Dudley, author of '. : notorious '-blocks' of five" i -l.. i. from at rest, when he was re cently in Indiana. He spok of Dudley's crime as having in flicted an indeniable stain oii a memorable election and im peached its. ;esult. He said further Unit the fact of the crime was open, universally known and practically confu.-sed, and yet by vigilance in ob.-trueliug the law, at d in den ingand pre venting justice, the crime has thus fa: gone unpunished. The beneficiary of a polluted ballot b x ii-iw in high place had felt compelled to shield the corrupt Orleans on the 8th instant, the seventy-fifth anniversary. A lanrc gathering of distiugiMshed DemofTils were present, incln-l ding the Governors from many States. Over the chairman's sua!, m the ha1! of the Associa tion was the floral motto: '.ISlo. TARIFF ISEFOKM. IS DO. President Simmons in open ing the meeting saitl : "As your presiding officer, you have accorded to me the plea sant privilege of inviting you '.o the entertainment which now Alliance Detriment iearTHE Caicasias was adopt ed as the official oran of the Coun ty Alliances by the County Alliance, January 19th. sa ORGANIZATION. President V. E. Stevens; Vice-President R. M. Cm ra pier ; Secretary O. F. lie ring; Treasurer -J. R. tteaman. Sr.; t r r- i mtn amy pounu.-f vo pay in nil'. It required twice as many hard licks to make these two bale they cost me as much is ?he one bale and ytt thev buy mot no mora money. Somehow or oth er it looks to me that just one half my labor has gone for no thing and somebody has got it without paying for It." "Say, Allen, can yon tell me how it is that I have to do twice as much work now for tht $1S0 as I had to do in 1870 ?" llen My advic to you, Mr. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. llusinees Agent G. A. Clute; Sergeant-at-Arms li. S. Pe- Adkin. i r tak liianre ra. ler.on; tiers and read and studv more ft I : Tv . r- t r -.i. : uupiaiu-in, . v,. ?. jitcjrf aboUt yourbusiues j irii.ee jer . o. r uueiuiu, i Andrkw' Chaff.l Alliance. No. 519. - IX MEMORIAL. Whereas, God in His infinite wisdom saw fit on tie loth of December, 18S9, to remove from midst sister Mary a. uwen, -V Assistant Door- eeper D. W. illiams; . liecturer Marion Eutler; Assistant Lecturer P. D. Ijockamy; Executive Committee J. A. Oates, Chairman ; R. M. Ctuji- emes. Especially is this e pler,M. M Killett W.K Pigford, !? "lf "lAT tt mark true as applied to thadis-lf, F' i)aniei therefore be it tinguished gentlemen some of J' " " Resolved 1st, T whom liavo come a long way U night to participate with us in this bariouet. f Aonlause 1 It has become appropriate with uSj cents per hundred. to celebrate the battle of New! f)ri.v,,u r r.i.lniivl Itisn.-,,,,-1 The Executive Comirittee of fi EV 8 A B E R SHOP. WhOii j on wish an easy shave, As ;f (vl us barber ever gave, Just call oi me at my saloon At morning, eve or noon; 1 cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. 3Iy room i neat and towel clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything I think you'll find ; To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do It von just call, I'll do for you. PAUL SIIEKA11D, The Clinton Barber. Sale of Land. TN PURSUANCF OF AN OR- X der ofthe Superior Court of Sampson couuty, I will sell, by pub lie sale, at the Courthouse eloor in Clinton, on 10th day ot February, 1890, one tract ot land situated in Taylor's Bridge township, Sampson county, adjoining the lands ol llay wood llegister, Ira Powell, Davis Powell and others, and known as ihe lands of Prince Boon, deceased The said lands will be sold in lots of 100 and 111 acres each. The terms of sale; 25 per cent, of purchase money cash, the balance on a credit of 12 months, with note and approv ed security. Title reserved unti purchase mouev is paid. W3I. S. MATTHEWS, Adm'r and Com'r M. C. iliciiAnnsox, Att'y. This 8th dap of Jan,, 1890. it SITTERS BROWN'S iRGli Cures Indigestion, oilio-isncss, Pyspersia, Mala ria.. Nervousness, an.l Oncra! Debility. Jrnysi- ciftus recommend it. At! dealers sell it. CJenuine haetrad mark aao crossed red unes on wrapper. freight of bondsmen. Two separate civilizations sprang into being from these two ships; but we are away from home. ITie red man nlone is at home tere, and he wou't be much onger if they keep on pushing him westward into the Pacihc When Congress legislates the lack men back to Africa it would be just as wise to legis late the white man back to Eu rope. When one goes the other ought to go too. I am here to stay. I have an unbounded con fidence in the future of the Southland. Her broad riyers, her rich fields and well stored mines will one day produce the richest harvest of prosperity the world ever saw, and I want to help reap it and enjoy it. "What though a man be kill ed now and then? lie who would try to crush us deserves j the pity not the crushed! Though a hundred men fall around me I will stand firm on the rock of my f iith with an unshaken hope. "The negrj is an imitative creature, and this is a sign of much hope. The Indian always does the opposite from what he sees the white man do. Hence he has gone down. It is just the reverse with the negro. A white mau gets a house painted white, with green blinds; the negro does the same. The white man rides in a buggy, the negro gets one too. The white man drives a horse, the negro buys him a horse. The white man buys a house, ihe negro does the same. It may be built in the gothic order, with rafters in view, but it's a house. This promises well- Rome imitated Greece; England imitated Rome; America imitated England. It's a help every time, aDd the ne Kro is following right on in the white man's steps. instrument of that : ucces-, and he thought it was high time that the moat disgraceful and most alarming episode iu the presidential campaign should be fully understood by the whole people, and that the pro per degree of responsibility should be assigned to the in-1 sttument by whom it was per petrated, and to those who tried to hide the offence, lie alao spokr, of Dudley's threatening Harrison if 1 e was not protect ed, and closed by saying that Mr. Harrison now had it in his power to exonerate himself by dismissing the corrupt United States District Attorney who had ordered a United States Commissioner not to issue a warrant for Dudley's arrest. The resolution was amended by Sen ator Edmunds and then adopt ed. Nothing is expected of it, however, as such orders, if giv en, are .not made matters of offi cial record. Redresentative Bynum, of In diana, is also after Dudley in the House. He has offered a resolution providing for the ap pointment of a select commit tee with power to send for per sons and papers foi the purpose of investigating the Congres sional election, including the "blocks of five" letters. Mr. Bynum says he never intends to let ui) on Dudley until he sees lim where he belongs in pri son. The World's Fair question will probably soon be settled f i i T ,1 11' now. ot. Jouis auu oasumg- on have been heard by the Senate commiut.ee, and to mor row will be devotea to hearing arguments in favor of Chicago an el New lork. in the House, the committee on Foreign Af fairs, which has charge ot the matter, has decided to report a bill, leaving the site blank, to be filled by vole of the House. If no hitch occurs the whole thing should be settled before the 1st of February hat wa bow Alliance trade cards for sale , . f IIIsrovlflence. at The Caucasian office at 25 thiugs for th best and that our loss is her eternal gain. Resolved 2nd. That in the r that we. who are iu svninathv the State Farmers' Alliance was death of sister Owen our Lodge and affiliation with the Demo-, in session in Raleigh last week. lias lost a .d member, the cnurcu a consistent, cnrisiiaii and the coinmunitv a trenial win not yet e maae puouci frieud , and that we extend to Col. L. L. Polk's resignation as the family of the deceased our sec.etarv was accented and Mr. heartfelt sympathy. I r m j v. c fwidimrfiftid nf Wakfl Kesoived dru, iiiatacopyoi I t Loco vnaAliif i.-kriu il w1 r e,u.uuy, uieeteu iw biuaatcu mu. (h tn;nnfAt, nf tbi T.ndcrp n He is a young man though, has copy sent to tlie family ofthe represented Wake in the Legis- deceased, and a copy to The ature. We iiopo he will prove Caucasian ior publication. erotic party, should choose the, uucilof he business transacted 8th day of January as one of festivity and rejoicing. Now, while it cannot be regarded as a great epoch, yet it is a great event iu the history of the na tion. Gen'l Jackson applause n'.ia tbr prmtv.il fisrm'A in 111 it. battle, and his subsequent popu larity dates from that victory. rIM... nz-li.., . r n-il ' certainly not say that hi was an excellent scholar or a p ofound awyer, but he was pre e.m'nenl y a statesman and a leader o( the people and by birth a Dem ocrat. Great applaso. lie was elevated to the chair of the Chief Executive of the nation, and the rapidity with which he was advanced from his boyhood shows the possibi lit-.es of the humblest and poorest children born under the banner of our nation. There is no such thing as caste in this natiou. Cries of "No ! no !" j We are rather like the ocean, from which any drop of water may come uo and glis.- ten upon the crest of the high est wave that rolls. Great ap plause. We honor men of Jackson s stamp because of his undeviating devotion to the peo ple whom he ruled. Especially his unflinching devotion to the party that placed him in power will cause him to be remember ed by those who believe in the Democracy of the Constitution as propouneled by Thomas Jef ferson.' The meeting was one Df great enthusiasm and the principles celebrated did credit to those who participated. GENERAL L.EE. HOW TO SUCCEED. equal to the important and one- rmis duties of the position of Secretary of the North Carolina State Alliance. J. P. Caison, ) M. M. Hall, V Minsox Sessoms, ) Com. Clinton School FOR REV. J. TV TURNER, A. Principal. MIIS. J. W. TURNER. AwlsUnU Spring Term 0cns Monday, DminWr :50th, 1SS1). This School is divided into five frrade: Primiry, Advanced. Primary, Junior, Intermedins nd Senior. Tuition raton accord ing to tho grades. Iaiin, lireek and French ar tauyhi without extra cliarge. No coutingt!t feo is charged. Where expedient, Count rjr Pro duce will he received in settlement ot bill. For liates of Tuition and further information addre, aug8-tf KEV. J. W. TURNER, Clinton, N C. Salem Higli Scliool, : ESTABLISHED IN 1871. : fVTtl03V BUTLKR V. 11., Nupt. A Boarding School for Both Sexes. Spring Term of the Session of '89 and '80 Opens January 0th. RATES OF TUITION. PRIMARY, INTEUMEDIATK ACADEMIC, PREPAPvATO per month $1 00 per ri) unth f 1 M )Hr uieutli f 1 87 1 ler mouth f $ lHr month 75 OUU PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A few days since we heard a gentleman say that the trouble with the farmer was that he did not work enough; that if he would produce more, that hard , j 1st (iraae, 12ud Grade, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, tY (JOLLEGIATE, The Uusiness eoiuw is especially fur young men. Tho cour?e of ntuJy is Hook KtH pin, Couiniercial Arithmetic and Huslness Law, with tho requisite amount of time filled up with studies Hoiectod. Tuition ier montli ?a.r,o. Latin or Freiu-h, iu addition to the studk-tt in any of tho above depart- nient.-!, '2 cents extra per month. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Iu tlii? depiirtment instruction! are tflven hi toth Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Tuition per month $2.75 each. When tho Vocal and Itihtru inenlal are cumhined, the pupil jeU twice tho amount of time for prac tice, with a reduction of per month on tho regular tuition rate?", i. v. ?l.(n per month. No extra charge for Instrument. A elass of girls in ELOCUTION will be started at tho opening of tho term. Special training in Heading and In Recitation. Tuition 7.rcenU per month extra. The Athenian Lit. Club aud l'hilotochnic Lit. Society, wparate orKHtii zationa tor the girls und boys rcHpectlvely, arc an attractive feature ot the .School. BOAED: Good Hoard, including washing. UkM, Ac. can lie obtained iu gtKMl families, convenient to the school, at from $6.00 to $7.00 ier month. For further particulars address, G. E. BUTLER, (U. N. C.) Principal, jy-i tf Huntley, N. C. CLINTON Ii LI INSTITUTE! The System is a Failure Let Us Have a Change lor the Better. In ante-bellum Umes we had times and depressed agriculture a three months term of school I -1. J 4.1. 4? would be a thing of the past, eacit y ar a, u uie m i iu.,1 mx, x - l ? , i was distributed with little ex That the first part of h,s state- nAnSfi . u f h , , ment is true in many individual fnnA roiiected has ltowii to an cases we will admit, but the enormous amount, and we w'ould c iu3a for the general depression naturally expect an increased of agriculture is to be found term of school, but the average , &, T . , , . nA is less than two months, and in elsewhere. Let us take a broad manyof tlie counties the future view of the situation. During statesman of the country receive the year 1889, the farmers of about 80 cents per year to fit The Spring Session will begin the United States produced them for the duties of citizen- corn than ever before. SP- is not our public scnoot JANUARY 6th, 1 890. According to the report of the ef . c- -.t 0vrQi-p i v... mt,.t r.,i avt.nrinni Department of Agriculture the county superintendents, ninety- tpaiIPrs in all of the deDartments. Collegiate, Music and Art. total is over two thousand mil- six scltool boards, and ninety- TERMS REASONABLE. Boarding Department under the lion bushels, which is more than six county treasurers engaged in supervision of the Principal. For further information apply ior uaiaiogue. aeC5 tf MISS MARY ANDERSON, Principal. :0:- This School, organized three years ago under the present management, has steadily grown in numbers and reputation. The 3Ian V io iever Shirked a Kesponsibility. Lumber Bridxelliffh SchooL If you want to be he-ilthy you must eat regularly, as meat to day will not serve you for to morrow, io be prosperous m business advertise regularly Stop eating and you starve and die. Stop aelvertising and your business takes consumption and dies also. Spasmodic advertis ing is like having a "feast cf famine" more famine than feast as a general rale and is never satifactory. To take out your 'ad' in dull times is killing vour horse because he is a lame. In dull times advertising is most effective, as more notice is taken of printer's ink then than at auy o-her time. Lumberton Robesonian. MWfl A NEGRO'S ADVICE TO NE GROES. CoiitrressmDii Cheatham has made a speech strongly opposing the negro exodus. He address ed a crowd at Halifax a few days ago and gave the labor agents some round denunciation. He told the negroes not to go any where unless they were able to pay their own wa and go inde pendently. They will do well to heed his advice State Chron icle. TOO FEW. It is said tlat the -'decent" Republicans of Montana are ashamed of the course pursued by their par.y in that ttute But the de-cent Republicans are too f w to amount to anythiug, Wilmington Star. After the close of the war, While I was in prison and Lee was on parole, we were both in dicted on a charge of treason, but in hot haste to get in their work the indictment was draw.i J with the fatal omission ol an overt act. General Lee inter posed in the case of Gen. Lee on the ground that he had taken his parole and that he was, therefore, no subje ct to arrest. Ar other raud jury was sum moned, and a bill was presented against me alone, and am ending iy inserting speciiiuatiotis oi overt acts. Gen. Lee was sum moned as a witness bef ire lnt grand jury, the object being ro prove y him thatl was respon sible fo. certain things done by him during the war. I was in Richmond, having been released by virtue of the writ of habeas corpus Gen. Lee met me very soon after having g.ven his tes timony before tlie randjur, and told me that to the inquiry whethei he had not, in the speci fied case acted under my orders, he said that he had always con sulted me when he had the op portunity, both on the field aud elsewhere, that after discussion, if not befor, we bad always agreed, and therefore he had done with my consent aud ap proval only what h e might hive done if he had not consul tedj me, and that he accepted the full responsibility for his acts The evident purpose was to offer Lee a chance to escape by trans ferring to me the responsibility for overt acts. Not only to re pel the suggestion, but unequiv ocallv to avow his individual responsibility, with all that, un der exis'ing circumstance?, was implied, was the highest reach of moral courage and gentle - manly pride. Jefferson Davis in North A.raerican Review. - - - I 5-li4?k mortairamanf ff tVio rMll 1 i f two hundred million busneis ; . 1 , ,..(iTTin schools in the State. Anincreas more than was produced the year ed leyy .g impossiblef as the '88, yet the corn crop of '89 is constitutional limit is already not worth as much in the mar- reached. What remedy can be Vpt oa Hi ft eorn cron of '88. Just busrerested to better our condi- thinkof it! The average price Won? Private educational en- Spring Res-ton Opens Jan. 6th, 1890. -j q, terprises suuer in iiruiimuj' io , 7, ... t of corn in the United States to- & bU(j gchool) we ail knQ A thorough, practical, wide-awake day is only about 28 cents per ana the mere pittance doled out H C II O OL, bushel. Thee there is some- each y eat ought to make us feel thflt ,n0an3 busine-' Location thin ' also the matter, somethinsr ashamed of our educational sys- healthful and Board aud Tuition . ' .4. .. 41.- torn Lftt ti have a change for a uite reasonable. Be sure to pend Daair wrong ; auu wroiiir that the All it is that tem. Let us have a change for quite reasonable. B . . the better, if such a thing is tor Circulars tfore tance ism ibleThe Farmer and Scot- children clwhcre. pursuit of. Unjust legislation UJsn chief. tells the story. This govern ment is under the control of Plu- Xot One in Ten tocracy-money-kings, who are Of .the pe you "-t from day to day I 1. ivv t. I"- ' ' ' driving the JirodUCer to Starva- hereditary seroful-ns tiui.t anikts th tion ill the midst Of plenty, by large majority ot !-,,!.. wliilo mauy , - I ULllCIS iUt UIIU til"-.--.- .- ii' i.i imi'ui- .wi, ambting on the nara-earnea impro,K.r food aiij wr.,u4 i.tduh'tiu-. llence tlie uhik r.iuvc mxi'.-Hiij u r a re liable blood purifier lik'! Hu ll's ir.irs;i- oarilla, whiv-li tradica'u-s eeiy uupun'v and gives ti tho blood vitality anl lu altii It cures &t:rotula. rheum, hii.e.-rs. u--:l sending your Addrews J. A. MONROE, A. M.,Prin. dec26 lm Lumber Bridge, N. C. Gaslien High Scliool. Will Open Spring: Term Xondtr, Jnn rr 6th, 1889. Tbo Kcliool will bo run under tho same management as before. We feel grateful for past patron age and trust for a continuance of the same. For further particulars address the principal, J. I). EZZELL, dcc26 tf Ilobton, N. C. products of his labor. Oilicial. National. Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union, piDjplo. and nil other m'Vc .us caa-ci ' I bv imi)ui-it;cs poisM;.i:i -er,i:s i;i the Washington, D. L , Jan. 3, VO. blood. AH that U ak.:d tor !I.-.(iNSa; At an early day the Ritual, salai. tluitUe uhv,, ti - nut. p containg form for burial service, " , I ulll hP uhiished and issued COME SOUTH, lOWU a. t llso, the Con front tnis oflB.ee. titutlon and Statuary Laws of the Order, with sitrple and prac tical tules of parliamentary ua.ge. me.e hooks wni oe printed in neat aud durable style and will each bear the mi print Young men do not go 'A est any longer, and ;f Horace Gree ley were alive he would substi tute "Go South " Mr. R. o ild, ina recent l uuihc e)f the Fo rum, shows by fa.-.ts .ind figures that small iarm. mi longer pay J.1 1 C 11.. V I OI ine seat ui 111c auuiui wx- . ve- n ,.f .. ,r-Q11f. -, -,,.1 1 3 -nt , . n 4-1, I 111 tut; icni, auu b..4.u -i. , der. Rituals andatlonal Con- , r .. . , ci. stitutions without such imprint will not e recognized as official. Ihi-i ofnee can supply State Secretaries only. Members ot the. Order must apply to their State Secretary. By order of the President: J. 11. Turner, Sec'y N F. A. and I. U. do farmer in the East and South had t ette" stay where he is. State Chronic!-. AE05THLT REYEI OF UTUG SUBJECTS. Bf (A Fonmo$t Writtrt in tht Worff THE rOBUM hu won the highest'plactj rtadMd by any periodical ; for It pub-, lishfts articles by mora autboritatira write and by more worker along instruoj tire lines of activity than any other publica tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each aide. It is fi nan-, dally Independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or "interest. It is never sensa tional, but it aims always to be instructive Th. Fosm U of CTMt value to that rrt frfmy eoT. wort which d. , P,. J" eom-nt questions. Two aeu ar h4wdJy eooucb lot dU n by tud4l.-rti. AUUO J(WU HART, of Honor. I eonslderTm Towcn aa fornlhtogtlimotot4,mwmt and rmpatlMtfc aodl tk t a thoohtf 4 writer can flod to addraa la any laatX.frcf. AUXAHDiM WINCHllL, tf Unlvtrtltf of Ultklgn. Th Tomxm continue to bold lu ptac aa th f orinoat f ern mapjlne tut U variaty, Ue value, ao4 U weic&t of its cootribuUooa. TH HtH tQM TIMti. There has come forward no problem of grave importance since T FOttCM was established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long in advance, iotthb -Fobum'8 discussions are always of problems of present concern. Every such problem 1 that the Year 1890 will brine forward will be discussed, whether in politics, or religion, j or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a repjT djt T-Mrvnirpr j it cisusLEuaeniiuir uuuoms iwxu vuuo uu w w Affects the Farmer." 1 JOHX O. OiJUJBLB. Ta CVneii nn! inn IncurflTslo 1 Head the followirur Mr. C. II. Mor- 4Speaker J. O. Carusue to Senator Cullom'i recent article on "How do'wn with'Ahsceto of Lungs, and THE FOBUM PUBLISHING COMPANY, 253 Fifth Ave., 2T..Y lie Was Puzzled. Farmer Adkins : "I don't un derstand it. In 1870 I owed a man ?180 and brought one bale of cotton to towu weighing 500 pounds and sold it and txk op tlie note. I was owing another mau this year the same amount and brought two bales to town and sold it to-day and it took the last cent to pay it. I couldn't for the life of me understand how it is that it takes just 1.000 pounds of cotton to-day to pay the same amount that it took NOTICE ! TTAVTG THIS DAY QUAL- XX friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Be gan taking Dr. King' New Discov ery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on yfarm. Itisthe fin est medicine ever made." II ified aa administrator nrou Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, the of 8. o. Sutton, deceased, says: "iaa it not ueen ior ur. notiCe is hereby given ullthocredi King's New Discovery for Consump- torg of said estate to present their tion I would have died of Lung Trou- claims, dnlv oroven. on or before bles. Was given up by doctors. Am tne day ot- Noven.ber, 1890, or now in best of health." Try it. Sam- tni3 notice will be plead in bar ut 1 .111 . A. T-k II Tf TTnrvv I pie Douies iree at ur. j.v. xi. xiuxax- i their recovery. day's Drugstore, Clinton, JN. lv. aii per-oa, indebted to said es tate will please make prompt settle- Keep doins, always :oing. Wish- ment. 8. It. UAUQIXTBY, ins. dreamiiiir. intending, mournin-r, i Administrator talking, sighing and pining are idle I Hexby E. Faisox, Att'y. and profitless employmente.OSSS December 12th, 1889decl9-6t CO Cent u Kumr. Sibtcriptims nmio at UJt . $3.00 m Int.! Executor's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAV ing qualified aseiecotor to the last will and testament of Jas. H. Lamb, dec, notice Is hereby giv en to all persons holding claims against the estate of Bald testator, to present them within twelve months from the date hereof, duly authen ticated, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate are requested to como forward and moke immediate payment. J. C. LAMB, Executor. W. S. Thomson, Attorney. December 18tbl999.--19-6t - ff ft p

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