i.. t00.. THE CAUCASIAN. C AU C ASIAN i-i;!iusii:r kvkky thuksday, IJj .MAUIOX BUTLEB, Alitor and Proprietor. t'KKATES tux&j a ee Us t EXI.ArUi IS BiaT a tU Uebr. REVIVE tutu? dull tovix-. KAVSC2 nftjr fnis niESEUVES mj k Urw tW.e. SECl'UK la ait buaxx. Therefor 4rU la )Ur jprf. oa tht prjl iv lUkMi la nrl. L&rrrc 800 mbscribcr In IS8; 1,673 to day. SUHSCK1BE. Show this Paper to your neigh !oi and arlvi.se liim to sub-i-rribe. mooroy and Wlxlto SupromAoy VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1890. No. 16. Subscription Iriee $1.50 per War, in Advance. 4 ; 4 T1IK EDITOR'S CHAIR. now things look from OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Caucasian and the Opinion oi others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. Ill 'eimblican exchange asks, "What makes G rover Cleveland so great a man In the estimation of the Democaats ?" It is be cause in his retirement he low ers above any public man in the country, while it requires the most strenuous efforts on the part of I'enjamiu Harrison to keep himself in the public mind. New Orleans States. ji:ffj:kson iavis ox ii:ksonvi LILI AN- and they had nothing else to give us. The cooks were our own men. In reference to the report that Captain Wirz beat the prisoners, it was certainly unjust, because his right shoulder had been Wirz was assured that The North has never ceased to howl about th supposed in human treatment of Federal orisoners at Andersonvilie nri- broken son. Mr. Davis' article on the Uf he woul.d 'Pate Jefferson matter, published in he Janua Davis with the Andersonvilie atrocities his sentence would be commuted. ' To which Wirz le plied: "I know nothing about Jefferson Davis. He had no con nection with me as to what was dewe'at Andersonvilie.' ' Mr. Davit goes on to show that the Confederate prisoners in the Northern prison-pens were treated quite as badly from the same causes i. e., lack of habitual food, over-crowding, the diseases or "men crowded to gether, home-sickness, etc., as were Northern prisoners at the South. PROTECTION AN1 TRUSTS. lias any business aright to irmw and prosper if it has to get special legislation to make it do so, to the detriment and by tax ing every pt-rson save the one enjoying the business? You an swer no, tliat tree Americans would riot tolerate Anything of tin kind. -h! but you are mis taken. How about the protect ed manufacturer and the un protected farmer ? The Game, Fish, Oyster and Industrial Association FaTr at New JJerne, which "was sue 1 a success last year, will be repeat ed this year from February 21th to march 1st. The historic and delightful old town of New I 'erne never does things by halves. We expect the fourth exhibit to eclipse in splendor any one of the three she lias formerly held. See what a high tariff and an inadequate amount of circula ting medium has done for the fanner in twenty years: The cotton cron of 18G7, which sej;gi elated only ,097,2.1; bales re turned to the farmers ?279,35 1,232; while the crop of 187, which was the largest ever produced and aggie gated 7,01(5, S33 bales only returned $2t:i,2Cl,G8). We make more each year and get less for it. Is it not time for us to think and act? There are many evidences that the Protectionists are grow ing alarmed at the wxtent to which some of the beneficiaries of the system are taking advan tage of their opportunities Here is the senior organ, for ex SAMPSON BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. CAPITAL STOCK f 100,000. Yes, read a book. Who read aboDk? You, young man. young woman, boy, icirl, any box. y. How often do you try reading a nooK as a nappy means oi A few days since we heard a man abusing banks for charging 10 per cent, interest. Yet that very man last year bought sev eral tons of guano to be paid for in the fu.ll. Ho scarcely made cotton enough to pay his guano bill, but still he does not abuse the fertilizer frauds for charg ing him 100 per cent, and mak ing him work for them like a slave the whole summer. What ;t curious thing a man is? ry number of Belford's Maga zine, explodes all the former grievances. He r-ays : "Andersonvilie was selected after careful investigation for the following reasons : It was in a high, pine-wood region, in a productive farming country ,had never been devastated by the enemy, was well watered, and near to Americus, a central de pot for collecting the tax in kind and purchasing provisions. The climate was mild and there were "no recognizable sources of dis ease.'' Pers: stance on the part of the United State to exchange prisor ers "caused so large au in crease in the number of the captured sent to Andersonvilie as to exceed the accommodation provided and thus augment the discomfort and disease of con finement. It was not starvation, as has I eo.'i i.llM,efl hot. nc rln.tnB.t.inn. unsuitable diet, and despond- ample, lecturing the Trusts and ency, which were the potent telling them that they must go agents of disease and death, out of business because they are Statements from gentlemen of "at war with tha Principles and high standing who speak disin- purposes of Protection," the terestedly are submitted as con- "pledge of Protection" being elusive on the question of 'quantity' of food at Anderson vilie prison." MENKWAI. WINDER'S WORK Quoting from a letter, Mr. Da vis says: "'I can with perfect truth declare as my conviction that General Winder, who had control of the prisoners, was an honest, upright, and humane gentleman. He had the reputa tion of treating the prisoners confided to his general supervi sion with great kindness and consideration. Poth the President and Secreta ry of War always manifested great anxiety that the prisoners should be 'kindly treated and amply provided with food to the extent of our mean.'" Again Mr. Davis quotes: "The Federal prisoners were removed to Southwestern Georgia in the early part of 18G4, to secure a more abundant supply of food." Quoting from Austin tflint, Jr.'s. "Physiology of Man," Mr. Davis says: "'Hie ettects oi saiiineais and farinaceous food (at Ander sonvilie) without vegetables were manifest in the great pre valence of scurvey. The scor butic condition thus induced modified the course of every dis ease, poisoned every wound, and lay at the foundation oi those obstinate and exhaustive diar- Oflkers ElectedFirst Payments lo be Made This Week. that "home competition shall effectively guard the people against monopoly and insure ul timate cheapness." Now all th's is precisely not the truth, and the trusts are simply carrying the idea of pro tection to its logical conclusion. The phylosophy of our tariff system is that the home manu facturer should be helped by the Government to obtain from the consumer an artistically high pribe for his product. Therefore, foreign products are so greatly burdened that the consumer will prefer the domes mestic article. It is the inten tion of the law that the Govern ment shall make its beneficia ries prosperous at the expense of the people. If it were not for this protec tive tariff most of the trusts tha" oppress the country would not exist. The exclusion of for- For several months The Cau casian has been ad vc eating the establishment of a Building and Loan Association m this place. On Tuesday night of last week a mass meeting of the citizens of the town and adjoining coun ty met in the Courthouse to dis cuss the outlook and feasibility of such an Association. Commit tees on soliciting stock and forming a constitution for the proposed organization were ap pointed. By Thursday night over $1 5,000 had been subscribed the stockholders met, adopted a constitution, and proceeded to the election of officers, resulting as follows : For President, W.A.Johnson. " Vice-President, Marion Butler. For Directors : J. H. Royal, W. A. Johnson, W. B. Stewart. Henry E. Falson, J. A. Fen ell, W. S. Thomson, Marion Butler, KKAI A HOOK. Our Farmers' Column. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. SOMETHING INTERESTING TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOIL. ESTABLISHED G. T. SMITH, Tli, re i no material nrarrrMtfcxt U well banishing anxious l noughts x nu rTmn-iit about xrrK-tmuru about something, you know not irif " what? Well, if you hare not ried it, the sooner you do so Big Hg. Uio srvnoi vnn n.111 flnA a rfinP- I 1r Tatiftm Va 1 tn rtf Vn 5 tnn dy for many of the imaginary kmed two hogs last week, Rd evils that beset your way. i.,- n an mrmth. nlA. jiuw uiMMi nave vuu inru ... ... reading a ing of lonel the boy or the young man feels, pounds. at a time when such iiatifica 1889, Vrin a pa . for lkth Sexes. A First-Class Ikxinlimr School SPRING TERM OPENED JANUARY 13TH, 1 W. The Bchool U dl tided into 8lx 1 V part meiitu, vU : Primnry, laUTnuill ate, Acdeauk( lrertory, MediciU od Molc. TUITION RATIJ: lUtea 1b Tuition have bwn mlucot to correspond with the tlmw. itimary, .... per month, J I oo. IntermMllAot i Ul !r month, t.2. i mermen laet, i , , ... . . . trtnn. i-u. book to cure that feel- weighing 545 pouuda; the other MstGnkle, - - - ir month, f 2.00. neliness? Sometimes 18 months, old weighing 345 ISndOra.le, . - ir month. 2.. i reiarmiory .-tMir"gmie in o jn'jarv uoya ami Kiri tor ron xtra charce. The following itudles will be Uusht without extra chargin Iaun, llltfi tion is not convenient, that he Mr. Need ham Warren, of Min-1 Matluncatlo. llbetoric. Book-KMlnsri Hotanv. Comtnwlal Arithmetic needs some association withoth- L0 township , killed Us t Friday nd, CommercUl Iaw. era . i . . I Music Dkp A BTMl.fr -I In cliarco of a first data teacher of experlenco Have a book to read. This P u i ana reputation (MM viaie uutei). miuon jr mwan, .-oex- mill iim PMiiplnnolinow When BU 4UO DOUaOS. n vuaigv iw ivwj iiuH.mcuk. will cure your loneliness, vvnen v Medical Depaktmmt I In chare of Dr.T.C. llnlluck(adltlnral-h you are reading a good book you Alfro, n..tiu f T.,rVv practical pbyalcian. Tuition per term, fS.uo o extra rh.np for n- are in the very best of company, ir Aurea anieis, oi iur&ey 0r text4ooka in ihUdeixtment. and you are listening to the very township, killed last Filday 5 Board Board ran be had in irood fauilIU near the whoul, everything best of language and you are hoirs that weighed 1,472 pounds, rurnuneu, rrom 4.w to o.w per monin. king the wise thoughts of 4, m we , . .,; r r?ry The Board of Directors met Friday, adopted a Constitution and By-Laws, and proceeded to the election of a Solicitor and Secretary and Treasurer, result ing as follows: For Secretary and Treasurer, J. S. Bizzell. For Solicitor, W. S. Thomson Chairman Johnson instructed the Solicitor to have the Associ ation duly incorporated under sections 2294 to 2300 inclusive, found in Vol. II, chapter 7, of the Code, and to prepare justifi ed bonds for the officers. Messrs. W. A. Johnson, J. S Rizxle and Marion Butler were making the author your own thought", and, to a degree, you are mould irg your intellect after the fash ion of his. "1 have no time to read a book."' says the younjr man or young woman. What a delusion! You have more time than anythini Let's see about it. How much money have you ? None at all, you say. How much lauded property have you to look after? Vey little, you k i sav. llow mucii bauK siock have you to claim your atten tion? I hardly know what that is. vou sav. What great busi Mr. G. W. Hobbs. of HalU township, killed 11 hogs that! weigh 3,200 pounds, an average of 291 pounds. The heaviest weighed 304 pounds. and Academic lXM;artment. This live and practical institution of tfuirnlog has grown like magic and it run on a firm. ajTtematlc baM, and receives tho teacher' entiro atten tion. For particulars in full mldre. Jai;23 If O. I. 8MIT1I, Principal, Clement, h. O. An unusual amount of meat has been lost in the county, but we believe that there is now enough meat in the county to feed the people. In fact we all eat too much meat. One-fourth of a pound per day is plenty of meat on an average. In fact we do not ea t half that amount per day, and did not when plowing and working on our father's farm. U tins rite 2o,UU0 peo ple would eat only twenty-two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, and there is nearly double that amount of meat in eign products removes the com- .ted on a coinmittee to e"11 a havethe Constitution and By Mr. J. T. Gregory, of North else. Clinlon township, killed a hog, 13 months and 10 days old, that weighed 321 pounds. Clinton School FOR 4 Can we afford to raise cotton to buy corn, hay and meat at any price ? REV. J. W. TURNER, A. M., Principal. MRS. J. W TURNER, Assistant. Spring Term Owns Monday, December IJOtli, 1889. Are you making plenty of This Rr.hl in divided into five trades: Primary, Advanced ness are you superintending il at manure for this year's crop, or Primary, Junior, Intermedial and Senior. Tuition rates accora claims Vour attention night and will you go in debt for guano, ing to the grades. day ? 1 only have to look after The farmers who are to-day in Lalin, Greek and French are taught without extra Pio couungennee is cuarnu. hcid oajji'uiwih, w - the best condition have used but little or none of this stuff. Home-made manure is the back bone of the farm. my own daily laoors, you say What dazzling reputation or grawing fame have you to nurse and watcli over closely : 1 am not known far away from my own door-sill, vou say.' Very well. So you seo with a great The way to meet "hard times" number of the young especial- tQ prepare for it. We all buy things we could do without and j fj.il to take care of the littles The waste on the average Bouth- n farm would amount to a I duce will he received in settlement of bills. For Rates of Tuition and further information addrew, aug8 tf REV. J. W. TURNER, Clinton, N. C. to domestic producers. i .1 a : l, z a in a:r: a Protec- .,rnf,nnf inor,' i o thft 11,0 K IIIJlV1 VllllU'VU 1 11 V 1 . - w Federal prisoners at Anderson vilie. "'President Davs had permitted three of tho Ander sonvilie prisoners to go to Wash ington to try and change the de termination of their Govern- ... ITT . 2 A. - 1 H-tlA-.W AAtJllTI Ion" as foreign competition iwBynuHJUBuuuim wmu comes in, the domestic Trust or cates of stock prepared by next monopoly must die, tor raonop- Thursday. The Secretary and Treasurer was instructed to have the Con stitution prepared for signing by the stockholders on next Thursday, at which time the Board of Directors would hold another meeting. The Board of Directors fixed Thursday, January 23rd, as the nlv is the breath oi a lTusi s nostrils. Protection decreases compe tition. That is its purpose and its result, while a Trust abso ntlv kills coniDetition. Trusts will continue to fatten upon the MUKCIIANT PKINC1S OF AU- day for the stockholders to sign X M X i Mjuxu. r, jli.. n. initio Constitution, pay X. X T 'in. nf flAiiT tn tion iees ana receive vuexr uci- M r i ... im out over tho CaDe t ear and tificates of stock. . i - i ment and procure a resumption Yadkin Valley extension from Fvero- Satnrdav. from 2 to 8 oi eiumuges. 1.110 Fii this city, was shipped yesieroay maa fivoi1 na nfficft r,onrs 1ror nf tlift f5iilnr of t.liPiP -.r.r ' r t m P. n I y. m., J nn w ; I at AnSei: " ' " ?tZ for the Secretary and Treasurer, sonville, and the effect was to! .ntrv the merchant prince of during which time, or before, plunge the great majority of 1 Antrwille. Messrs. G ire & Co.. the dues of each stockholder them into the deepest nielau- Lvin in a few days ship two or must be paid. cnoiy, jiouie-aicKuesa, auu ue- three more car loads of goods xo spondency. Caut. Autrv. who as indicated in NEGROES WANT VANCE u-id''j fii-r iitv I l.r Afocun iror'a nvfiolA nn All- The same Captain Wirz who try ville yesterday, merchandises To o1 ec Boodle. trirwi nnrl lmncr n.sn. murder- on a big Bcale and is engaged in 1 i i.'amantu hnildint? ud around him a town erwumiiy uicn ui.u.ciuuiw - o e t.n v.m.oflf r fi.o nniinnnv tnai Dromises LU Ull ui mo 1111 LI1U UVIIUV v ' - ' I . Let na tlie county to-day. saving and make both ends meet. By doing so in the re spect of meat alone we would be healthier, happier and more prosper.'Uf all except the doctors. 1" prisoners under his charge. most important places between inontion these facts to show wiimmgion anu x ay v. tie vine. that he (Captain Wirz) was not Wil. Messenger 16th During an interview bv a cor TPsnondent of the Baltimore - A Sun, Vance said : "It is this constant interfer lv time is about the sjui total of all possessions. Now we venture another ques tion, though auite a delicate one. How much knowledge have you? I know so little, you say, that I am sometimes asham ed to go into intelligent society. The writer would not put this question and answer it thus did he not feel the very embarrass ment here described. The other questions. How much traveling do you expect o do in your life ? Where do you expect to go? I may never be able to go e 7ond the bonnd- ry of my own State, you say You say you have no money, no land, no bank stock, no great business to look after, no lame or reputation to nurse, no great store of knowledge, no nope 01 travel to gain knowledge. Now for ttje last question. How much time have you? had not thought ot that, you sa. Suppose we caleulat little. Every day has twenty- four hours. The most sleepy- headed needs only eight hours in the twenty-four to sleep, (and this writer is compelled to have his.1 That leaves sixteen hours for work and other things Twelve hours a day is more tran the average man works, That leaves four hours for re creation. Suppose you just waste two of these honrs as you do now, perhaps. Then after sleep ing eight hours, working twelve, doing nothing at all for two hours, vou have two long hours j wr irood profit iii the hands or a CI - - - A yankee, where we get in debt. Salem Higli School, : ESTABLISHED IN 1874.: IVIVltlOIV BUTL1211 A.. 1$., Kupt. A Boarding School for Both Sexes. Spring Term of the Session of '89 and '90 Opens January 6th. RATES OF TUITION. PRIMARY, - - - Ih-t 1110.1th $1 00 f 1st Grade. - ikt n onth 1 HO INTERMEDIATE, 2 Grade, - ir nonth $1 87J ininmfin (1st Grade, - . per month f? 25 ACADEMIC, 9nA r.r. - - ier month $ 2 75 PREPARATORY COLLEGIATE The Business course is especially for young men. Have you planted any rye ? Are you going to plant any oats? W 11 you save any hay? You -w . 1 A. V answer no ; 1 don i raise mose 4ii iyiitci vmj hut whv don't v .11? id ttnnlr KaeDin?. Commercial Arithmetic luiiifci;. j. v-vj, - J I ' an. requisite anu month 3.50. 3 25 Tho course of Htudy and RuHinesK Imw, with tho u m tvut u.l. 1 ia . -vv t""mi . . . . , . . , . . , rr . . 1 1 . nfllmo filled ui with Mtutiien wiecieo. 1 union ih.t Are you compelled to do tnis m yar like you did last? You jtin or French, in addition to the studies Ih nny of tho above depart- ta ortra nor month. can raise vuese in uuui t.uu w msuwi ...vUv your corn, cotton, pea and po- MUSIC DEPARTMENT. tato crop. Try them ; they will In this department instructions an given w iwm ocai anu 1 minimw H 3 ta Music. Tuition per month $2.75 each. When the ocal and Instru- payyou. mental are combined, the pupil gets twice tho amount of time for prac- lo with a rmlnrtinn uf'Sl.50 ner month on the regular tuition rates, I. e. A phenomenal yield of corn fine ner month. No extra charge for Instrument. 255 bushels 01 one acre In A class of girls In ELOCUTION win bonarieu at i no 'lH;ng 01 mo Marlborough county, S. C, by term. Special training in Reading anu 111 ivecnuuo. iu,uu 7, J. Drake, and the growing of VienUnLlt. Club and Philotechnic Lit. Society, .eparat oncanl eighty bushels of wheat on one MSSfbrtho girls and boys respectively, aroan attractive feature ot acre by Henry F. Barton, in thAfichooi T3 O A x U Good Board, including washing, light, Ac. coi be obtained In good families, convenient to the school, at t rom G.00 to S7.(0 ir month. For further particulars address, G. E. BUTLER, (U. N. C.) Principal, jy4 tf Huntley, N. C. Utah, only show what high cul tivationintensive farming can accomplish. W il. Mess. More Grass. The greatest labor-saving con trivance of the age is, more irrass. more pasture. The farm- grass, more pasiure. iuowhu- . tt 1 0 l 1 er should select the level ground Lumber Bridge lllgll OCIIOOL of the farm for ti lied crops, and plant the hilly and rolliug fields Spring Session Opens Jan. Cth, 1890 in gras". irass reeos siock, anu stock feeds the farmer, noi smaller farms necessarily, but more errass. on all the farms. h.ith biir and little, is to be the! The Raleigh correspondent of the Messenger says : "Saturday night a labor au'ent told me that Peg Leg Williams had. since September 1st, mov ed 16,000 negroes out of the State. That looks something 1 Hr sn exodus. The agent re marked, with a smile, 'you ob serve that we are hustling them right out of your black belt." The estimate that 35,000 have left the State since January, LSS'J is conceded by the agents lo bo a moderate one." We mo.!t heartily concur with him when h says : "Let tliH dissatished negroes go. There slmnld not be a voice raised against their going. Those who remain will do bet- tpr ivork : work with hea t as well as with hand. It will be better for the white man as w ell us for the negro." We believe that since the war the negro has been a tax on u, that he consumes more than he p induces, as a class. the monster he was afterwards represented to be, when his blood was called for by infuri ate fanaticism. .. The facts alluded to satisfied me that he was a human man. The real cause of all the pro tracted sufferings ot prisoner.- North and South, indirectly due to the inhuman refusal of the Capt. Autry nou: has been a phe- J . i f. TkT XI once on ine part 01 ixormeru , i f politicians, that causes moat of tenal success, and we expect . , ' amons, the colored to see Autry yille grow and pros- people of the South. Why, at per under his guiding innuence. this moment 1 have in my aesu. letters from colored men in my jXx x v.. I l?Ii-r L ciss OTTn.' I I A1AU. jjiave iisxuis U1C kUDCnu,r. .- iioahn no time a - I m (1 Bv .mt 9- anm a llUb LUlyl ' www- THE MOUNTAIN SPINX. itepUDlican oenaior auuu, - . calcula. of sixty minutes each and every t of rr0snerity to the day for reading. iaKe ouuuay South ye Gf the Svuth can for rest and worship, and i"R h.-,ve i?reen gr?s for cattle and other six days in the week give gheep au te winter through yon two hours each for reading wint,.rs are mild, with lit making twelve nours a wee. ow and i,,. With plen- A thorough, practical, wideawake p. J H O O 1 , that means business.' Location healthful and Board and Tuition outte reasonable. Be sure to send for Circulars before sending your children elsewhere. Addrew, J. A. MONROE, A. M.t Prin. dec2G lin Lumber Bridge, N. C. Goshen High SchooL Will Open Spring Ttw Mooday, Jaaa- arj Ctl , TK School will Ik; run under the -same manngemfcivt ai before," 1 Wo feel grateful for past patron- ae and trust fr a continuance ol the 8:imc. For further particulars address the principal, ' J.D. KZZFJJx, dec2C. -tf Jlobton.N.C. Uoney claimed tobedue lor po- given y- u j, m u, In Surray county, North qlitled.ktoanrtb - w t . m -..HAMtvnlIAl I M v-k An tt TVIXK l llt'Mni X.XXj XX v Federal government to exchange olina mere s a " to do ty-f our hours of the extra tune, prisoners of war. naiuxai t--ZTrtV. Y 7 "TS iiean and alloting half as many days 1-1. r i ni I tir moa nV-fl. 111(11111 LO.111 i J tiv "O i...vu... " - Mr 1 HO glCUiliCBl) UllliVyUltJf O.J J- I m i .nnna nerienced in procuring meui-p"-""-. 4, mnJ- aMr,af ... i A x. si ir ii au fx m w i . in i.iin in in WBrH iiniin t-"i i ;i. iiunic v j i rines and antiscorbutics, mese uewuia. - " - . rr JT"1 -a t.v- in the rear and leave - - i m -m x. 2 - t il a luii. .a t i sv t n xx mn rir I I I I iimii 11IU.UU i"iniu.ua uu j, - i ; . I r. nf t.h Federal government. mont plains, ime a SiKn iiui hours a week. There are htty-two weeas m . a5S lnerc js not a ay vear. and that gives you six var ronnd .exceDt when . . m 1 i UIL wx-xw j v i - hundred and twenty-iour mmr SUOws covers the grouud, that wo cannot pasture cattle on grenfood. Grow grass, farm- e s. Blue grass, red lop, orcnaru ..,a nnil timothv these are t. 1 IVv'U NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW ADVERTISEMENT in the year spare lime for read NOTICE ! HAVING THIS DAY QUAL ified as administrator opon the estate of S. O. Sutton, deceased, notice is hereby given all tho creui NOTICE. HAVTHG QUALIFIED AS administrator of Enoch Wiln, leceased, tho underfcigned lurehv notifies all pennons lo.aiug the best. And native grasses are tors of said estate to present their tt,,ailist the deceased to pre- - w m I . . 1 1. . .a. I . n j - good. Rural ( Va.j Messenger. HAVE YOU TAKEN STOCK? In J.867 it is estimated tuat there were paid for advertise ments in this country $iu,wu,- from your lfl.V! in the rear and leave you --rarB lust even five hundred hours for ucfctw -'i I - i iiiv.. T - - - . , Av m rr 1 lira 'o nTn ITl V I Vf. I W 11(1 1 121.1 1 I j.x.v-, . I ' . . . r-r I . v o r 11 ll rn IV I d.U Uri u Tf in thfl act nf rising. The nut their shoulders to tne nar- juuup V.nw Ci 3 x.x - w ix , I.-. r w llxlll colirl rnck. several rison wheel wart me to nen claims, duly proven, on or oeiore ,nein tm or iefore the 16th day the 12th day of November, imhi, or j )f jauu.iry, 1891, or this notice wlLT this notice will bo plead in bar of J jK. pjeaje,! in bar of their recovery, their recovery. .All persons Indebted to the de-- All persons indebted to said es- j nmt are requested to make prompt tate will please make prompt settle- Mlynient. ment. S. R. DAUGHTRY, j1 B. G. E. DAUGHTREY, Administrator. Administrator. - - -r . t "1 1111UOV1X OH IX X " m r- I . m 1 I.. AV 1 1 ? . I mm A T" IH I I 11 WT CBtlA U. - ' mi IIU7 Z ri III III 111 U2 Lrvi I 1 "W -w i an old Wound)and a few fa.tU- Tb, K t tL7r monev. -14 ES this plan, at the end of the a ppj, yoo mlIE UNDERSIGNED HAV- i nr -arwitvi I I i I I il I I itii l , , vi xxx xawab. i mt x uxx v w w -w ml i m..Aaj-hin I uii i - & x x Ma trial certain Eederal .wit- ance 1U anV VnteiS: XSS3to , "the Sen- much time ; ?f?fc& SSi Itrt- about 1.500 feet ate, "I am aimost too tender- Andjt.s Niciioixi.v A Cooper, Att'ys. January ICth. 1890. -4t ne Wirz) killing-certain prisoners in August. 186 1, when he was actually absent on sick leave in Augusia, ueorgia, at to tnuo. Qouting from the words ot a Federal misouer. in relation to the food served the prisoners. of which, in quantity, there was no lack, "it was the ordinary diet of the Confederate army, gc.iv. - IT ' : , - -, w .. i.vi mnct wisftmen ohnvo iiio ninin. and can do seen neariea 10 ao suuu au ujiuu"- uuu , v v x j I t r Aintanfa nf mflnv miles. tflhin niflce of business. in sionfifi mfriean. I ones tion in my mind.is k;vx x v a Customer "G Imme The new Piasome lempie wmcu uu. Ufe . v. a... ttit,Tt thi over Read it must usivo the Masons of Chicago propose face . with ttJStWUi. scriution. Bi .reclin. will. co3t ?2,000,000. deb or the poor d a k.es j Nect Demo- physic!,."- The idea is to nave it compiewu - i - -f witnm iwo yeor. un. t can set it down as a dead sure I JL ing qualified as executor to thing that he nas siock in vui i the last win ana wuu!u . -. S30 000.000 and is drawing hU H. Lamb, dec; notice U neteby glv- ou,iw,wv I -ii naHuinA holding 'claims regular dividends wu. dt. - .r-f M teltator.to present them within twelve months some from the date ' hereof, duly authen- I no rca,u uuu-" -orilr Url.ikv n I ticateo, or vnis uuw r : which destitute of money, lands, bank whisky . me.8ir.but in bar of their reeery.;. L xj "no"- . ' i xii persons maeoieu vj ruu ro tate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. , j; C LAiiB,Executor. W. S. Thomsoh, Attorney. . lecember 190x3-19- V . the observation oi that those who read books are not all their lives question in my uuuujh wu.v, , , tattnn and Druggist "excuse me,Hii,uufc willsnffer the most, the .Sen- stoc '"Pto ot Iknow- to purchase any wbl-ky you to,, upon being bruught face to Sg.l?"it man have a ph?siciao-8 pr.- But, ahem, Lawrence I am a Amer- money, ican. NOTICE. HAVING QUALIFIED A8 as administrator upon the mUU of Rebecca Tew, the under-sizn-d hereby notifies all persora Iioldiog claims agamct mo w ; the said Rebecca Tew, to present fhem to him ftr settlement on w before the 15th aay oi January, ox, or thiB notkre will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to the said Rebecca Tew are requested to make immediate pay ment. J. 1 TYNDALLjAdm'r. NiCHOMOS & CooireB, Att'ys. This Jan. 6tb, 18909-6t I; fj i lv n r ; 1 1 f I At "i 3, 1.

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