Ii THE CAUCASIAN. . . T" j luifvv i v- nnT tit? r a i iT a rir a t y uyu ! .-I.-B..H..K.. ,.:V TOMWV, I U r f( XX ' I I UKATTS nr. ?i fi.DioOtt", IIKYIVI noj MI U.oi.. S.VVi" mm fA.I.p Uj;.m- rUlKiiVl -) '.sr,;-1- -., K n;KS i.C:- -1 ; ta t?.p .ru- rv.iu to 'v . SUHSCUIIJK. Shew tins P." :cr lo your neigh bor and advise him to sub scribe. Pure JDomoornoy And wnlto BupromAojr- VOL. VIII. CLINTON, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1890. No. 16. Subscription JVice )jtl.r,0 per Year, in Advance. lvv 1,67 1 t day. i ... i PROFESSIOXAL COLUMN. DR. A. D. MOORE, I'iivsrriAN and si;i:;i:on, Having located in Clinton will give .-p'-eial attention to the diseases of women and ohildn n. ' dlico on Methodist Street, oppo site (apt C. Partrick's. oct31-tf m. lee, m. i). I'n vsk;ian,Suu(;kon am Dentist, Office in Lee's Drugstore, jo 7-lyr I A. STEVEXS, M. I). ) Physician' ash Si; no eon, (Office over Post Office.) tfaSrMay 1; found at night at the residence of J. II. Stevens on College Street. je 7-lyr r K. FA I.SOX, 11. Atti:ney and Counsell or at Law. (Mice on Main Street, will practice in courts ofSatnisonani adjoining couuih Also in Supreme Court. All business intruded to bis care will receive prompt and careful attention. je 7-lyr WS. THOMSON. Attorney ami COUNSELL OR AT LAW. Ollice over Post Office. Will practice in Sampson and ad- joining counties. hver and faithful to tin. inten clients. JJJ. At attentive 4s of all je 7-lyr K ERR. AND ColJNSKLL- TTOKNEY mi at Law. Ollice on Wall Street. Will practice in Sampson, Bladen, Pender, Harnett and Duplin Coun ties. Also in Supreme Court. Prompt personal attention will bo given to all legal business, je 7-lyr J 71RANK BOYETTE, D.D.S. Dkntimtky Oflico on Main Street. )IV rs bis services to tbe people of Clinton and vicinity. Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Satisfaction guaranteed. teif-My terms an; strictly cash. Don't ask mo to vary from this rule. jo 7-lyr N f I V A D V E RT IS E M E NTS. G. E. SUHIKRUN. Formerly of (ioldsboro, '. C Tin: KDiToirs ciiaiii. HOW THINGS LOOK FItOM OUR STAND POINT. The Opinion of The Caucasian and the Opinion of others which we Can Endorse on the Various Topics of the Day. I.roach him. Then the howling SAMRSOXIAX ABROAD. would come from the money leaches th-; life blood .suckers of the South a howl at justice to which they are ntrangers l bat day must soon come, or airetui trouble wnl be the re sult. HE The TELLS OF HIS ROUN DINGS. SUR- Wanners and Customs of Strange People. Is now located in one of tbe band some New I 5iiclc Stores Krected by J. K. Hoyal. He offers to tbe peojle of Samp son a line of CLOTHING, SIIOKS, HATS, CENTS' FUItNISHINO WEAK, ( U( M EItT l-S.Ct )N FKCTIONS, etc., an which be does not intent to be undersold. You will shotv wisdom Dy calling in heforo buying. jay23 ly For Truck 'Fanners! TKPCK FAItMKKS SPECIAL GrXJ ANO! T11K ItKST KKIITIL.IZEH KOIl l'OTA" TOES AND OTHF.H TlilTCK CKOl'A EVEH SOLD. Introduced seven years ago and extensively used since by leading Truckers along the coast, from Nor folk, Va., to Tampa, Fla. North Carolina Truckers will con sult their interest by giving it a trial, at least. Address for Catalogue, giving pri ces, certificates, &c., THE W1LLC0X & GI88S GUAKO CO,. ,anUMm CHARLESTON, S. C. RAILROAD HOUSE, NEAR THE DEPOT. Sample-noonis ami Special Con von ion c:s for Traveling: 31n. The Fare is the best the market affords, wbicb is always served in good wholesome style. Hoard, per day, only 1 50 " week, 4 00 " month, 12 00 The patronage of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. W. E. BASS, seplO tf Proprietor For 23 Years J. T. GREGORY has occupied his same TAILOR ESTABLISHMENT 'ju nurcn otreer. ine great ana orignal leader in low prices for men's clothes. Economy in cloth and money win torce you to give him a call. teirLatest Fashion plates always a nana. June 7th. lyr NOTICE ! TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! This is to notify all persons that -Mr. Ci. W. Iloneycutt is not a ten ant on our farm this year, and aj, 'ontraets, liens, or claims whatso ever, made on ANYTHING, on the jame, will be void, unless executed "i .either one of us. A. H. & J. B. CAHVEH Jan. 1st, lS9Q.-janlG--3t A Press DisDatch frotn Colum bia, S. ('., dated January 2orl, t' the Ainericari Pi!sh Associa tion, says : "The executive committee of the Farmers Association of S. ('., a political organization, wliich lias f"ev;'oiKj(l trreat strcngtli within tlie past two year.j i;as issued ati address to the Demo crats n tin; Stale charging that oleineut of the party now gov erning the State with gro.-n mis management, extravagance and inefficiency, and declaring that the State never has had a Re publican form of government, but has been dominated and rul ed by an 'aristocratic oligarchy.' A call has been issued for a con vention of Democratic fanners to meet in 1 1 1 i city on May 27th, lo nominate a complete State ticket." We sincerely hope that tl is is a mistake, and at all" events that the "Farmers' Association'' referred to is not the State Alli ance. If this: is so, they are traitors to the principles of the organization they claim to rep resent. The mission of the Al liance is not to inaugurate new political movements, but to fight for the correction of existing wrongs and iniquities through the party 1 ines as already drawn. In short, the existence of the organization is an appeal to Congress to relieve the. burdens of the producer, the farmer and laborer, to stop bleeding the many for the enrichment of the ew. The politician is exultant over the tolly .t the South Carolina movement and says. told you so,' that politics will )e tne ae.it Ji ot the Alliance. Jut we regret the movement not only as a citizen but as a member of the organization. es, such folly and unwisdom if it continues) means the death of the Alliance, but a death. ike Samson'.", the Democratic party will die with it. YVeluve o tsee better judgment prevail in this and other States- What can a uovernor or a btat .Leg islature ao to ameiorate the tatilf iniquity or improve the inancial condition of the coun try by a better banking system? Nothing! The Legislature is nothing more than a police court, and the Governor is noth ing more than the Mayor of the State But suppose South Caro lina had a farmers' Legislature (and if we are not mistaken, a majority of its members are now farmers) would itnot disap point the people as ours did last year? We have no sympathy with any one class that desires to rule. Our legislature should have representatives from every tmde, class and profession in proportion to the property and numbers of all. In the South the farmers predominate, there fore the majorrity of the Legis lature should be farmers. Hut that is neither here nor there, relief must come through Con gress. We must send men who cannot be influenced by the lob byist3 of rich men and monopo k i -a nes. -v majority ot the mem bers) of Congress today are the representatives of the people who are sufferinc from unjust laws, and if they were true to their constituents the Farmers' Alliance would never havo been born. Then let the Alliance fight through the primaries, up through the convention, and on through the election, for a man, whether doctor, farmer, lawyer or merchant, who has ability and known to be true as steel. If this were done in evey con gressional district, the next Con gress would be a revelation. Like Zeb Vance, every mem ber from such districts would carry on his forehead the label of an honest man, and the cor rupt ionists would dare not ap- A citizen calls attention to the advantages that accrue from manufacturing, and we join most heartily in advocating the establishment of such industries among u-. We cannot prosper as we ought unless wa make something to sell. We are con sumers and not producers. That should be reversed, and we should engage in manufactur er ing s. as to give employment to our laborers, and obtain them an income from the FA IIMINO WITHOUT TI.OW. HORSE AND (SM-nal to The Cai"CA!ux.) Lagos, West Afiuca, .ov4th, 1SS0. . Mr. Marion Butler, Editor Caucasian, Dear Friend We were de lighted to receive a letter from you recently informing us that The Caucasian would make for weekly vieits lo u in Lagos. It i u iklun Jinf t ri rwtri' flint rtna lij fori- I V-U W Kr IV bJJlVIr WHO IllMPN of n, nrf n i,a,r uoll iucmucn:.i . J xweuua -i uwuit .ui.r v.iu u. viw.V.- bill, T nilUil. 1 , . m m -v- -i , . I " - ' J " " imiue. ews anu UDserver. iani v r,-ai. tr it-, tinir to that unknown Sampson friend Kaleigh is determined to be who so kindly paid for and had an educational centre. The excel- The Caucasian sent to us. My lent and far famed institutions, mind ofteu runs back to m na c w i i t ii t live county, the scenes oi my ' - "childhood, the friends of my stitute, ao? already there, Iriu- boyJiood, the companions of sol ity College is going, and now dier days and to my faithful the wide-awakf. Ilaleighites are co-workers in the Master's vine- takiinrverv hnsii.e-lih stPnJ- But I wandering from the towards securing the Baptist Female "University. We will soon speak ot the classic shades; of the City of Uaks. "Why compel the peopla to pa interest on (Joverument credit through the bank, when such credit could be extended direct to the people without in terest ?'' Calhoun. Tin: fini:st north TjIna ioi:."m. CAltO- Winston Sentinel. The Statesville Landmark asks who wrote the poem enti tled "The Star of Bethlehem" and says it is generally credited to Major Thos. N. Cru-npler, of Ashe county, who studied law under Judge Pearson, entered; the Confederate army about the time he was admitted to the bar and fell i.i a cavalry charge at Willis' Creek, below ItxChmond, line on which you asked me to drop you a line, viz : "Something about my surroundings." Well to begin with we are sur rounded by water. The city of Lagos in which I lire is on an island, about six miles long and two miles wide on the west coast of Africa, in a lagoon or bay called by Englishmen Cra doo but by natives Ausa. It lias a population of near 50,000, of which 0,000 are christians and adherents to Christianity and the rest are Mohamadans and Pagans. Lagos is a colony of Great Britain, by whom its civil officers are appointed and a standing army is kept. The commander of the troops resides jut across the street from us, the colonial surgeon, a square above us on the same side of ' he street, the governor on the street in front of us, the marine and other officers not far away. These gentlemen are all clever, and have put us under personal obligation by many kindnesses long. There are many stiange tilings about this people bui the strangest is I heir religion, about which I have not time to write. The sadest is they are without God and without hope. I am within one hour's travel of oue hundred thousaud people who are in gross dardness lost. I am here to tell them the only way to salvation. I have preach ed to three hundred of them at once, and they listened atten tively. Always glad to hear from you or any of my friends. V are all quite well. I am. Sic, Very truly, C. C. Newton. cait. faiso.ws sii:i:cii Our KanibTs' Column. SO M ET HIXG I N T E 1 1 EST I X ( 8 TO THOSE WHO TILL THE SOU,. SCHOOL AIVKUTlEMENTS. "Th re U no mat. rUI (mi;r-llat i 'T,; r . . a iiiii T the Sampson L.ight Infantry. during the Seven Days' Fight, in w a more impreged with the 1802. The credit is right. A year or two ago the Sentinel re printed the poem at the request of Cant. D. P. Mast, of Winston. Capt. Mast was a friend to Ma jor Grumpier and once had the original manuscript ot the poem in his possession. There is no doubt that Maj. Grumpier wrote it. It is a poem, as the Land mark observes, of "very great shipping trade. men i anu wo uuius. is lar su- glory of England as we learn of its dcirgs and enjoy its protec tion. Of course England is not entirely unselfish in all she does here.for the exports and imports of Lagos are many millions a year and nearly all of its irade is with England. Lagos is called the Liverpool of West Africa because of its imrneuse Its leading ex ports are berry-seed, ground nuts, palm kernels, palm oil and ivory. Many of the people of Lagos and other African cities- live by trading, farming, &s. They farm and do everything else as dilferently from what people at home do as you can well imagine The tools of a farmer are an axe, bill-hook and hoe. The axe with a blade three inches wide is used for cutting down trees 1 did not recognize one as au axe. If 1 had been lookiuir for an axe and come across one I ehould not have picked it np I did not believe it was one. A biP-hook is used for cutting bushes and an oval hoe with a a handle two feet long is used for digging up the soil. Ploughs are entirely unknown and it has never occurred to a native that a horse or an ox could in any way be used about a farm. Ox en are never employed for labor, and horses, except immediately in the city of Lagos, are used The Raleigh cot resDondent of I only for the saddle. Some of the Wilmington Messenger savs: J iarms ot Africa are ten aua Vm;r corrRsnondpnt. lmd nn even twenty miles from tne interview with Maior Finger, cities, but tlie crops that are State Superintendent of Public Uown are brought in on the Instruction. Maj. Finger says ueaas ot tne peopi . in a trip there are 580.000 uersons be- maae to the interior, twenty tween the school ages of six and six persons were alon? and al perior to any poem overwritten by a native of North Carolina. For the benefit of our readers who do not recollect it we re print it again : 4 'Ard God said, let there he light, unci there was light." When first Jehovan's high command IJmlo Knrth to her existence lea). Thick darkness la' o'er all the land And on thu bosom of the deep. (iod spake: and o'er the vomij carta i hashed. The "lor'mus liuht. unknown before ; And the bright waves of ocean Hashe.l Their sun-dyed jewels on the shore. Thus when sin's heavy mantle lav Line niubt. and o'er the earth unfurled. Shut out the liirhtof heaven's brib t da v. And dimmed and veiled the fallen world God loved; audio! a beauteous gem Kose flittering on the brow of n.ght. Hope 's siar the Star ot IJethlehem. And gaye all nations lite and light. Lord, as wedriw o'er life's d irk wave Let mercy's light be on our iitb ! Save us. Thy erring children save. From the red lightnings of Thv wrath ! twenty-one. Of these three fifths are white and two-fifths colored. Fifty-eight per cent, of this school population attends the public schools. The attend anee is in very nearly the same the baggage was carried on the head. Traders carry their goods in this way. A woman with her babe strap i ped to her back will carry over two hundred wounds m her nrnnnrtinn for hnth races. The head WitU apparent ease. It IS colored attenda.ee is not quite not considered reputable for a so large relatively. There will woman to labor on the farm, but be a new school census in most in the pursuit of their business of the counties which are beinc traders they bring the pro depleted bv the negro exodus. d"ce which they have bought here no census is taken a care ful estimate will be made. from the farms to the market. Many women make a living by selling fire-wood, which they Running Day and Night. sometimes taKe to the ci y, a The Observer says the Fayette- nistauce ol six or dgnt miles ville Cotton Mill is now running ou their heads. Some gather day and night, by steam and by large leaves which they sell to water. The. new vear, we a the nr arket womeu for wrapping glad to learn, starts out favofa- pap?r. The other employments blv for this enterprise. o women are noctseworK, spin- ning i men ao tne xi e ivmgi wasu- If riches have wings we vish ing, soap-making, and tbe man- they would occasionally flyover u facture of earthenware. our way. Epoch. I am making -my letter too Capt. W. L. Faison in turning over the command of tbe Samp son Light Infantry on the 1 7th instant to the new captain, W. A. Johnson, said; b'Ei.Low-SoioiEit.s During the winter of 1S81 and '2, a few of you who are here to-day as ac tive member, together with a number of others, who have re tired from the service, deter mined to raise a military com pany, and on the 28th of Febru ary, 1882, you met for organiza tion, and honored me with the captancy of the company. Since then, at each election, I have been honored with the unani mous vote of the company an honor which 1 assure you has been highly appieciated, and which will be appreciated the more as I grow older and look back upon the motives which prompted the organization and review the struggles through which we had.topas; and now that I am to leave you as your commanding officer allow me to ihank you for all the honors conferred upon me, and more especially ior your great re spect, confidence and universal obedience. I do not leave you as captain of the company from choice, but reluctantly being orced to do so by reasons of business relations which deprive me of the time and opportunity o give the company that atten tion that is needed to make it prosperous, and an honor to the State Guard. I hope each men: ber appreciates the motives that have directed this step, and will eel that 1 bear the same attach ments to the company as a re- ired officer that I did while on active dutv. l congratulate the company upon the election of Mr. W. A. ohnson as Captain of the com pany, ana Despeaii ror mm the kindness and respect due him as your captain ana teel assurea hat with your earnest desire and co-operatiun for the good of the company that he will fill the position with honor and credit, and that the Sampson jight Infantry will live .is an lonor to Sampson county ana as a credit to the State Guard lnen let us commence anew with the determination that we will do our whole duty, that we will attend all diillsand parades and that we will recognize only as members of the company such membbrs as are demoted to the interests of the company, aud are impressed with the fact that every effort to build up the com pany depends upon the individ ual effort of each member. Let nothing except sickness keep you a.wvy from your regu lar drills, and feel under obliga tions equally as much to attend all special drills. A good soldier i always char acterized by his interest in his company and the promptness with which he o eys orders. The only way to make the company successful and pleas mt is to place it upon a high plane of action, and banish from your 4 ranks any man who dare detract from its honor. The ladies have presented you with a beautiful banne. Cherish it as emblamatic of their puri ty and devotion to right and du ty and defend it against insult' and dishonor as you Wf,uld de fend them against insult and injury Let it remind you that they appreciate your services, and look to you for protection against wrong and oppression. I now formally take leave or you as Captain of the company and ask the privilege of taking the track ot eiboy when my du ties will so permit and to ask the further privilege of giving the company any further assis tance in my power. You are now placed under command of Captain W. A. Johnson.- (Ap plause.) Ufturdy for Ho? t'helrra. (SiMX'ial Cor. CaueaMan.) The following i said to be a certain remedy for hog cholera, and hope some brother farmer will yive it a trial : Take the bark of wild cherry, dry it in the sun or by the fire, then boil it to a strong tea. and feed it in slops to the hogs. It is also said to be a preventive of the fatal epidemic. C. C 1. SMITH rrindl. A KiiM-Class liuinliiur Srlml ior IU SPUING TKKM OPHNF.D JANUARY 1 ti ll. I'ntunry, Int-rm'li- l'riinnrv, IntermelhHt, IXtrr Than (Juano. Last fall we offered The Cau casian one year as a premium for the best receipt for home made fertilizers, premium to be awarde by the committee on agriculture department at S imp- son Fair. The committee deci ded in favor of Mr. J. L. Powell. Below we give the ingredients and his plan of preparation. Take 7 loads (--ingle ox loads) pulverized mud. bushels oak ashes. o bushels cotton seed. "i loads stable manure Or any other quantity in the same proportion and make into a compost heap, by spreading successive layers of the various materials in the or der named. If the weather is dry let the heap stand for 4 ilays, when it will be rea ?y for u-e; it wet 2 or -i days will answer. Mr. Powell uses this for cot ton and says it pays better than guano. Tin-School i divi.icl hitoSiv lk-jMrtinonts, vir. at Acaib-n.if . I'n l.inu.irv. !.!;.- ! !.! Mnl. TUITION UATKS: uaics in l union nave l-'n reluct-.! to orrcjni l uth the tiuic. .r month, ?! oo. lt irutW, - - -r month. i -nl tirade. - . ivr mo.ith. SI .7 Arado:,,ic,!.1;t.;,;' " t month, 5.;.m. t Jnd inulc, - - - jh r month, .V. Preparatory Collegiate is to j.n-jt.iro boy- and girl- for coll. v without extra charge. The following studies uill ho taught without evira charge: 1 .it in. llnJi Mathematics, lMietoric, llook-Keopiug; ll.ttany, ('oiiiiiit-rtiil Arlthnu ii and I'ommereial liv. Mt'sic Dkpautmkxt -l in charge of a first chu teavher of exiH-rieiiiv and reputation (Miss Vinio ISizzel). Tuition i-r month, .Vi. No ex tra charge lor use ot instrument. Mkdu al Dkiwktmpxt ! in charge of lr.T.C. Hulhx k, :nltstin;iii-h- ed practical physician. Tuition jw-r term, $". No extra churgo for u- ot text-books m thi-i department. r.oAun Hoard can U had in gixwl families near the school, every thing furnished, from sl.ooto $;.oo H-r month. Normal Method taught in the Primary and Academic Department. This live and practical in-titiUion of learning ha grown like maic an I is run on a firm, systematic bai, and receive the teacher entire atten tion. For particulars in full uddre-s, jar.2:j If (1. 1. SMI I'll, Principal, Clement, N. . Clinton School FOR $$1 1 (tJ 33C ) REV. .1. W. TUIiNT.i;, MRS. .1. W. TURNER, A. M., Principal. Assistant. Spiing IVnii Opens Monday, DtvemluT 18vSl). Primary, Advanced Tuition rales accord- How to Save Meat in Warm Weatlipr- Mr. John T. Bellamy, writing the Star from Enfield, N. C, in relation to the lo.-s that so many farmers have sustair ed this sea son in failing to "save their ba con,' says : Meat may be saved in very warm weather if, as it is cut out, you have a kettle of boiling brine. Dip each piece of meat in th's for about one minute; take it out and lav it aside to cool, and while cooling have a quantity of pulverized nitre (ni trate of potash) dust, and sprin kle over the flesh side of each piece about a dessert-spoonful, whicli will be absorbed by the meat in about half an hour then pack the meat down, flesh side up,";with plenty of fine salt say one inch deep all over the meat. In a week or so over haul and resalt. Years ago I used to put up from 25,000 to o0,00(J pounds of meat every winter, and never ?ost any, or hesitated to kill in warm weather. This School is divided into live grades: Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior. ing to the grades. Latin, (J reek and French aro taught without extra charge. No contingent fee is charged. Where expedient. Country Pro duce will be received in settlement of bills. For Rates of Tuition and further information address, augH tf REV. .1. W. TURNER, Clinton, N. C. Salftiii Higvk Sclioel, : ESTABLISHED IN 187-1.: MV18 10IV I$lJrnl"W ,V. li Knpt. A Boarding School for Botli Sexes. Spring Term of the Session of '! and 'DO Opens January 0th. RATES OF TUITION. PRIMARY, - - - permeatli l on INTKUMKDIATK, j ACADEMIC, x.r ti onth per iioilth l"r month per month ?2 7.1 The course of duJy the per First Step of Prosperity. Extensive preparations are be ing made to plant larger crops tnan usual during the coming spring. Our farmers are grad ually coming to the conclusion that it in best to raise an abun dance of grain and less cotton. The decadence of agriculture is a sme sign of national decay. When farmers prosper the coun try is prosperous. Every trade and profession is dependent on the farm. The first step to wards prosperity is to raise, as far as possible, home supplies, and save to the co ..munity" ;he t tirade, nd tirade, J 1st (irade, ziui i rate, PKEPAUATOKY COLLE'il ATE, The Business course is especially for young nier. is Book Keeping, ('ommer.-ial Arithmetic and Business Law, with requisite amount of time filled up with studies selecti!. Tuition month S3.f,0. Latin or French, in addition to the studies in any of the above depart- i . - . . . i ments, .ccms exua per mourn. . MUSIC DEPARTMENT. In this department instructions are given in both Vocal aiidlnslrunon- tal Music. Tuition per month !M7. each. When the oeal stud lnlru- mental are combined, the pupil gets twice the amount of time for prac tice, with a reduction uf $l.i0 per month on the regular tuition rate-, I. -. ?4.00 per month. No extra charge for instrument. A class of girls in ELOCL 1 ION will hef-taiteu at t lie opening of tno term. Special training in Heading anu in iiecilations. tuition .cenl per month extra. The Athenian lit. t. luo anu l'liiioTcennic iu. Mocieiy, separate organi zations for the girls aud boys respectively, are an uttractive feature ot the School. B O A. I ? D : (iood Board, including washing, lights, Ac. can be obtained in good families, convenient to the school, at f rom ?;.I0 to 7.0) or month. For further particulars au'ln-s, C. E. BUTLER, (U. N. C.) Principal, jy i tf Huntley, X. C. Goshen High iScImkiI. Will Open Spring TVrm 3Ioinlaj, Jaiui-j ary (itli, issi). J N K XY ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 -IOUJ J s V S the The School will be run under same management as before. We feel grateful for past patron- A si rn II IN TIME NINE!" S A V ES acre and trust for a cititmuanei Vast outlay hitherto sent to dis- the same taut States for corn, hay, oats, flour and wheat. Plant com! Plant corn! Farmer and Scot- ish Chief. For further the principal, particulars J of ddnvs dcc2t; -tf 1). EZZI Holtto :li N. Fanioirs Stall-Fed SampAan Ucef. M John F. Carrel 1 has a lot of beautiful stall fed Sampson county beef cattle at his sail in Front street market. There is no better mat in the world than this famous stall-fed Samp son beef. Wilmington Review. NOTICE. H ! D-n't wait to get hick, hut w hen you Oegin to fc 1 bad come and get ; a dose of medicine and prevent .-ick-i ness. This is the proper use of med ' icine. Ifyouwilldo this you will -carc-cly ever hax'e a dK-tor's bill to pay or lose months of time, and put your friend and relatives to such a deal of trouble. In addition lo my complete line of pure and icliahh: Drug-, I carry If you will look around you and note the most successful farmers in your community, you will Dnd that they arn those who raise, to a large extent at least, their own corn and hay and provision crops. Rural Home. Nowadays the humblest Rus sian peasant can be as muuenzial ae the Czir Bingkampton lie publican. AVI-0 QUALIFIED A? adm nisi afo of Enoch Wilson, deceased, the hereby notifies all per: claims against the dece sent them on or before be pleaded in bar of their n-cov.ry. j .. Mll,i cattle Powder (I m.und All wtsoih in.l.-l.tel to the Ie- i ,i0f.lf!l,r, .IMPiHi llV Iter!, ,. ceased are requested t- make promi-t , : ... . 0ui!a-r hrand.l Proscription-1 carefully coiiij.ound ed. Local and ollice practice uioji re- piest. ltesjH--tf ully, i Warner's Ijog Csdun Bemedies, 15. t i' s; u i ill unuersigueo ,ui(1 !;ir;,4, (lIillltil it s ; Simmon's Liv-on- ho .in gj lieirulator. Famous Speciiic Or- o lo pie- ri.i;,.nri ii.i.,...i;. die IClh d ..V . .. '..vllrtti. i'r.-ili.tlon .ft il'hi ;n . ' Ol J ail Uill V, 1 l.'l , oi iii.r. ruin, n i.i i .1 payment. li. i. Ii. DAI iill 1 151 , Administrator. Nicholson & Cooi'j;i:, Att'ys. January ICth. IStK). Ct We pay too little attf ntioti to our country roaas. me inau ner in which Southern country H NOT I UK. OUAl.lFIKD AS iiu-i ii' in:, u. ii. iiiH.i, iii.w NOTICE. VIRTUE OF AN EXE- ecution in my hands in fa vor of J. V. (Jure & Bro. vs. Bich- to civilization. or AVIXG as administrator upon the fstat.n of HelH'iTu Tew. the under-i ard Ilobbs. I w ill soil, by public fUaUS iilO WUIIVCU ia u. uisiiiwce . . . ' ,, .. . ' . . 4, I 1,: 1 1),,..,1 irnrno SlgneU nereoy neiines an jwioi s auawu, mr wn, i uiu iiiiii llOlUing Claims agaiuci ine esi: ie iii I tier, Jti inw t-wui iiio'-st m.i m v uu- the said Bebecca Tew, to present ton, o i Monday, the 2ith day of February, ulMJ, the lollowing de scribed tract of laud: In Halls town ship, adjoining" the lauds of J. A. persons ui-il ort, it. ii. vaison, Hainan urui and otliers, containing thirty-lour ar.d three-fourth acre. J. M. SPELL, Sheriff Saini. on Co. January 23rd, 1890. 4t The Best Place. lion. W them to him for settlement on D. Kelly, the oldest member of before theloth day f January, lfeOi, Pnncrrflss. who flierl recenth'. or mis nm.ee m iwu ... ua. i i. . uAr.r f;o.,ia of their recovery ' f IV deyted to the said llcbecca Tew are North Carolina is the most be.u- rtiuegtedl0 m.lke iminediate pay- t.f ul and ncnesl portion ot uoa s ment. j. l. TYNDA LL, Admr. earth upon which my vision or Nkholsox & Coopeh, Att'ys. feet have ever rested." " This Jan. Gtn. IHM. 9-Gt

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