THE CAUCASIAN. Entered according to l'os-lal Laws, at Clinton, N. C, as hecoml la mail matter. THE CAUCASIAN'S RECORD. CIRCULATION': 1,674. 18 months jigc it was Ion limn 800 Advertisers think of this. CLINTON. N. I.'.,--JAN. :;0. 1690. Golclsboro lia.s electric lights. Clinton lias none at all half the time. Coldsboro had a ?:i,00 ) lire Tuesday night. Six lions s are burned. The excentric Iledleburger, Virginia's ex Senator, of mixed record, i.s dead. The regular term of the Su- pseme court begins next Mon day, February '.in. The exam ination of applicants for license to practice hw will be held to morrow. The son of Justice Avery, of the Slate Supreme Court, died in Washington, I). C, a few days since from taking a drink oi carbolic acid tiirough mis take. The Postal Telegraph has reached Wilmington. We hope tin's i ew line will reduce the rates and bring the West mi Union, as well as the courts, to a s.-nse of justicH. The Farmer and Scotish Chief is at'aiu at lied Springs, N C, its oJd home. It is a good pa per and we wish it a long life of prosperity. We aro sorry that it was necessary for it to change back to a patent outside. Senato s Puller, of S. C, and Inalls, of Kansas, have both made speeches in the United States Senate on the negro pro blem. The former suggests the impracticable solution of whole sale transportation, the later of fers no solution, but u.akes a tirade on the South. Yes, he did spesk; the Kansas man, "Vhowe tongue is quick on Iriger; And he, no douht would skin the men Who want to skin the "nigger." IlepuMieanism means oie man power everywhere. Jt sig nifies despotism with absolute disregard of the rights of minor ities, or of those of majorities defrauded out of the iufluence of iheir numbers. The only textappropiiate to this latter day Republicanism is the Jack Cade doctrine : The simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can. N. Y. Star. The case of Win. E. Christian et al., appellants, vs. the Atlan tic and North Carolina Railroad Company, et a!., before the U. S. Supreme court has been de cided in favor of the State. This case is of importance, n-t only in the airo'int ot money directly involved, but In the amount indirectly iuvolved, and important consitutional questions decided. The State of North Carolina subscribed for $1,066,600 of the e.ipital stock of the Atlaut c and North j He is a fool, or worse. When Carolina llailaud Umu.anv. j protection is given anyone in organized for the iirpo. orjdustry an injustice is done eve building a railro id from Ueau I ry otl.or industry. The farmer fort to Goldsboro. Cl,ritin,, ai cannot afford to have the injus citizen of Virgiuh, who holds tice done him for the last quar soine of the bonds, sued ti.e : tt;r of a century partially off set road for settlement, Judge Ilrad-1 hy the pittance above retired ley delivered the-opinion-, say-1 to. It is like a man who lias ing that the case w v i. tnally i been stealing one bushel of com a suit against North Carol na.i a9v fmm lmnA;,rilw which could not be sued. MR. CLEVELAND AND 1892. Morrison Munford, edftor of the Kansas City Time--, called on ex-President Cleveland a -few days ago ai d found hi?r: as v.rn st as ever in tho causn of tariff reform and gratified at the in terest which the people are tak ing in the subject. In reply to apuggestion that e Democrat ic, party was lojk ng to Mr Clavelard as itsl,.. dei in 1892, the ex-1'residenl s.t.d : u.s to that, it is the cause and rot p.-r sonal considerations that shouln concern us. I am ?o well situ ated now th it it I consulted my own feelings I would pref : to have some one else take the lead. Men who 1 ave elements of leadership develop rapidly, and it is a long time till 1892. It is not a matter of men, but of principles. It would bft a pity not to cany forward the work which the party has so grandly inaugurate, and there not to be a halt until the ends aimed at are compassed and the people are in full possession cf the benefits and blessings which an accumulation of iniquities! called into existence by apathy . .1 t m m . ua one side arid seir-interesi on j the other have diverted from: thein. I rejoice in feeling that! the Democratic party in the re-! pository of the best principles! and purposes; that it? lanks teru with the intelligent young manhood of the cmntry ; that it enjoys a complete monopoly of every American policy, nctj merely sectional or time serv ing." tiii: faioii:ks anitiii: it n r. TA- The farmers demanded a hear ing before the Committee on Way ,and Means in regard to the tariff. We rejoiced when we saw the announcement. It was exactly what they ought to have done. Day after dav, del egation after delegation of farm ers ought to hive stood before that committee and made the farmers plea for justice justice to the great agricultural inter est of tiii?- country at the hand? of congress. They nhould ask for no more, and be content with no less. We were exceedingly glad when the news come that the farmers were moving in that direction and we began o hope that they would thunder so at the gates as to make their demands heard. IJnt it was a case of the moun tain being in labor and a redic uIoih little mouse being born. Mr. P.ringham, of Ohio, spoke for the farmers. He stated that the organiza tion which lie represented va,s composed of every shade of po litical belief. They differed on the question of protection and free trade, but they were sub stantially agreed that whatever policy might be adopted for other industries and interests should be applied to agriculture. If the manufacturers were to be protected the farmers should also be protected. Whatever protection should be accorded to agriculture ought to be triven. He asked for the imposition of uie lonowiiig uuues on larm IJ.yjiAx.n . ..o-iicjr, i.j i-iiia a. bushel; beans, 00 cents a bushel; pea, 25 cents a bushel; hops, 12 cents a bushel; potatoes, 2 cents a bushel; hay, $4 a ton; hides 10 pe cent, ad valorem; eggs, cents a dozen; apples, 25 cents a bushel. lie thought that ade quate protection should also be given to raw silk and live ani mals, but could not give the ex act duty that should be im posed. Such was the burden of his song- If others are jirotecled, save the farmers bt this coun try from competition in barley, in beans, in hops, and hay, and eggs ! The great wheat aud com and cotton and tobacco interests ware not once mentioned! Why? Because it is well known that all the tariffs in the world can not avail them anything. We hope the farmers of this coun try will repudiate this move ment made apparently in their interests and on their behalf. It is a reflection on their intel ligence. The suggestions of Mr. liringham, of Ohio, will proba bly be adopted by the tariff committee, and thereafter they will claim that they have dono for the farmers all that was asked in their n.ime, and that hereafter the agricultural pait of the community is estopped from asking that the tariff be reformed. The unclean thing is thus to be saddled, in part, on the backs of the farmers. Mr. Bringham misrepresented tho farmers before ('onyreHS. twenty-five years and when caught agrees to compromise by allowing hi? neighbor to steil back h pecfc per day, on the con dition that he can continue tj his stealings of a bushel per l.iy. The farmer wants justice and not a chance to help steal a little. "The feast of reason and the flow ?f soul." Pope's Imita tations of Horace. In one of Cicero's letters to his friend At ticus, he qu.tes a ver-e from Lucilius, a Roman pot before Horace, that is "fairly equiva lent to" Tope's line, according to the learned Ilev. W. Lucas Collins, author of a delightful volume on the great Roman ora tor, lawyer and man of letters. Dr. T. B. Kingsbury. . The man who is "alone with his thoughts" often is surround ed by the deepest solitude. Bome Sentinel. How we admire the ur:an who happens to catch us when we are doing a good .deed on the sly! Atchison Globe. Alliance Department. t&"Tll. CiLVASiAX wan adopt ed a- the official organ of the Coun iv Allian.-fs ly 1 he County Alli.intv, J i!;,:,r-V I 1 11 w ill ! :o h r W '. A. 1 hi d'n. a (icci-H the b.eturMi at CJhen Alliance on the .'50th, Mid :tt Ciiiitu on the olst ot January, and at Mingo Academy I"eli no. arv l,t. His address will be to tin; public lirt and to the Alli ance :;f terwjufls. 7... Alliance ot I demanded of Congress through one of their Senators, to pa-s a I, a allowing thj siirpbis in i'hc Trea:u:v of the United States to l.e loaned to farmers at '2 pe cent, on real estate securitv, wl icii is double ih- amount .... i . -. . ... . oi interest nam in mo oanic-:. To grant this would be par t i a 11 y retributive justice, but still not justice. It would hz an effort to paliite a wo:ig, whilu a wiong will st ll being practiced. Ths justice that the fanner neds is the abolishing of the tyranioal laws that wring from him the unnecessary taxes that make the surplus and at the same time make a few men millionairs, thereby giving them the dangerous power of money to v ike our already surfdom necks with mere burdens for Hob- individual profit. Yes, let the burdens he removed be l ie applying seductive oint ments to our vcunds. The pol.tical demagogue is a a .intional as well as a local curse, for he is eveiywhe 'e pe riodically, lie will soon make hi appearance. If you can spot him, be sure to boycot him. The lialeigh corrospondent of tl o Wilmington Messenger says: 'The 'bright cutte.' tiust tl. xiiht it had the tobacco grow e s and sellers in a titrht place. Tli.? e-ult is just the contrary. Til-; A tl ance took a hand. As a . .,,it cutters will no longer I li.i -i.ii'tft'l hilt. Will lw mifl, ,, lillot.s. T,,e uslul urooo n is three fou ths fillers tJ oue fourth cutters. So the buy- j LY.i or cutte s will have to buy. tl;-- fillers toget what they want.1 i de trust may hnd some new w y t" flank the Alliance. S c vtary P.eddingfield. of Wi.te, of the State Farmers' AI 1 aue, is the author of the bill ar,-i'nst trusts which the last legislature passed. He said to day that he hoped there would be results from the act. So far; it had been a dead letto- until! Judiie, Armfield this weekcharg cd the Durham :andju -y in j ; ejrard to trusts, and particularly the tobacco or cigarette trust, i lie is the first Judge thus to at I tack the hated trusts. Mr. I Jed-' lingfield said he feared the law ! would have little effect, as it is' a ve. y hard matter to net a net which will catch a trust. 1 '"The fi'ht against jute bag-j g ing, so successful this season, j will continue without any abate ment it is learned." Why not boycot the iron ties as well as the jute ? There is a ! very heavy tariff on the ties, eavier than on the majority or other iron articles, which is so, we suppose, just because the farmer uses them. Ed. To Husinpss Agents. Raleigh, X. C., Jau. 25, 1890. I am now prepared to supply groce:ies in whole packages oxi.v n.t lnwpsf wlirkl ooo la to be shipped from New York! ' Chairman ; R. M. Cruji Charlotte, Baltimore, Philadel i PleM-IvHettV.K Pigford, phia, St. Louis, Chicago, Rich-1 U Damo1- mond, Rale gh and W il mington. j . . t Below I give a few sample prices i ArJ,I,ailCe trade cards for sale which a e subject tofluctuatioi s-1 fIIE O'casian office at 25 ..... , 1f ' cents per hundred. Standard CJrAnulated, n Conf, A American, No. 2 f.Oc I Uc i ok ! cov: KE. A No. 10 Uio 1. S. 8 D 10 " 11 12 5.40 20.1c 18Jc T. 15. & C. bagr. SYliUlS AND MWLASSKS. A No. 1 fine syrup No. 40 syrup Crushed sugar drop No. -10 molasses No. 40 Antigua molasses SOAP. Pure admiral brand 100 lb box Is GO lb box Is LARD. Fairbank's tierce. " 2 50 lb tins in case lJc 2Ce 23c 28c i:4c 2Sc 22c 3 35 2.00 5c 6c GJc Gc GJc lie 21c 2Jc 1.50 4 201b tins 0-10 lb tins 125 lb tins CHEESE. Large cakes STARCH. Large lump 40 lb box Peart laundry 40 lb box hominy and grits 100 Id bags 200 lb bbls UICE. 3.00 100 lb bags or bbls FEPPEK. Sifted grain in 120 lb bags Silted grain in small quantity I-YE. Best pure concentrated Best pure potash SODA. Kegs of 112 lbs Boxes of 60 lbs in Ih pkg N B Boxes of 60 lbs in I and $ pack agjs N B. 14Jc 15e 3.00 2.60 2gc 4c 41c FIOUK. Snoullakc in bbl 1 loan ok e in bbl President in bbl Pdeal l"c per Lbl le.-s in half bbl sack MEAT. 3.40 4.C0 j .Side? in box .'-too Aim) Wis.) Sugar and hums ; California hams 5Jc 11 c 31c 34e Vie Ke Sc lie Mess iK)tk jkt bbl (2oO h) sniff HKst. Hw-f bladd r 1 bid Aorted 1 !'. ACKKltS. So la CAMtY. lif-t plain - lb box L'otl lb box Coro.mut SALT. J. O. IJ. Wilmington, N.C. In 12 II sacks In 200 lb-ju-ks In -2-2 lb sacks 1IAV. liest timothy C. L, (1:1 tons) 48c 9sc 12.r.0 10. 00 1 iest '"ixi-d ('. L, (i:j tons) roKX. j Delivered in X. C. i i i i h-kcu, j2Jc Mixed :)ic". loss in bulk. WACONS. One horse, Two horstf, v. iits. Log, complete Dump, " ltoad, " STOVES. Cook, complete, Heating " skeos (bkst.) 22.50 3."( 42 3.".o0 20.00 r0( .o 12. 8. f0( 35 3.500J.C0 Oats, white, spring per bushel, Oats, black spring per bushel, Oatr, red rust proof spring bus ltye per bushel, OXIOX SETS. White silyer skin per bushel, lied per bushel, Potato per bushel, Tobacco in 10 lb lots of 1 lb 3SC 38c 40e 3Sc 2.00 2.C8 C4ill) 4.25 1.50 15c 13c 9c. 1.(50 .45 1.00 pku dif. varieties. SEEDS, ETC. Clover, red choice, per bush. " man. moth per bush. " lueerene per lb. alsike per lb. crimson per lb 11 Grass, timothy per bush " herds per bush. orchard per bush. Js.y blue per bush. Tall meadow oat per bus 1.25 Johnson per bush. 2.25 Italian rye, 90c. CAUDEX I'EAS. j Lightning excelsior per bush 3 00 Extra early Other varieties from 1.30 to ?5.75. 15KAXS On SXAl'S. Imp. Kx. valentine per bush 2.75 Dwarf black wax per bush. 3.75 Karly molmwk per bush. 2.75 Special rates on garden seeds. IRISH POTATOES, Early rose per bbl. 2.10 j Peerless per bbl neauty ot llebrom per bbl. 2.40 SEWIXO MACiriXES. i ."si: rji noTinin fi? . . A New tww . ' nuoairs Onen $1215 $14,50035 32.10 loP 38.80 ion pluetons, 70.00 nnooMs. Per dozen, SlOSS FERTILIZE US. X.C. Fanners' Alliance official guano F.O. IJ. Durham, X.C, 21.50 F. (). 15. Ilichiuond, Va. 20.50 Any quantity from Durham, but only in ear loads fro... Rich mond. Edisto acid phosphate F. O.B. Charleston, S. C oIy in C. L. lo s. i2. Xo discounts on above prices. In ordering be careful t state what depot goods are to be shipped to and be Hurrf to give name of your post office address as it is VERY impor tant. Please condense your corres pondence for I am run over with business. Yours fraternally, W, II. Worth, S. 15. A. BSTSeals delivered for?2.25. ORGANIZATION. President W. K. Stevens; Vice-President R. M.Crum pler ; Secretary O. F. Herring; Treasurer J. R. Peaman, Sr.; Business Agent G. A. Clute; Sergeant-at-Arms Ii. S. Pe terson; Chaplain D G. W. Moseley; Doorkeeper W. J. Faircloth; Assistant Door- eeper I). W. v ui. aii; j Lecturer Marion Putler; i Assistant Lecturer P. n. ' Lockamy; executive Committee J. A. Xot One in Ten f llie people you meet from dav to dav lias perfectly pure, health v Hood. The hereditary scrofulous taint afflicts the large majority of people, while many others acquire diseases from impure air, improper food and wrong indulgences! Hence the imperative necessity ft r a rev liable l.ood purifier like Hooel's Sitrsa parilla, which tntdicates e ery impuritv and sives to the blood vitality and health! It cures scrofula, rheum, humors, boils! pimples, 'and all other alfecUons caused by impurities or poisonous erms in the blood. All that is asked for Hood's Sar sapanlla is that it be eiven a fair tr'a Keep doing, always doing. Wish ing, dreaming, intending, mourning, talking, sighing and pining are idle and profitless employments. ; Prof. Loisette's Ecaosv DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spite af ftdDHratd imittton which miss tba ilieory, rad practical result 8 of the Original, in spite ot the (mwseat misrepreMDtations by envious woald-b . competitor, and ingDitenf Mhua.tinnt.AMk-)i.; of the fruit of hw labors, (all of whieh demonstrate the undoubted eaperiontT and por-nlantj of hiateachuut). Prof. Loisette'sArt of Never Forgettin ia reeocniMd 5"-dy in both Hemispheres aa marking; an Epoch ia Memory Culture. His Proapectns (sent post free) riree opinions of people in all porta of the globe who have act ually studied his System by eonespondenoe, showhur that his System is twed only while beina studied, not ettervardt; that any learned in HngU readtno,mind-vandernirenred,tc. lor Pronuecrtua. Terms and Testimonials address Prof. A. NOISETTE, 3T Fifth Atcbm, N.Y "Vou-Wtioif- Snuerior to sll SnlistitntRa IVr A 5 Tl ii,"lri,k5'or Br Short ILMOI C.te. Pot i,s S.pli, ,rU WUsV Sold fcy roaatrr JfereaaaU. IW6W Mannractaiins- COh BAJJWOIUS. Ud. IT A1IM1H Unless a man keeps what the people want. This I trying to do at the NEW BRICK STORE, (Adjoining the Old Stand os J. II. IiOYAf. .t UUO.) I have bought cheap, for cash, a Large and Well Selected Stock v rxr Tvv- a rvf ajKt 4lAl J Builder's Material I am very sorry to learn we will be compelled to buy. regular price. I will give you Groceries ! That can bo BAILEY BROTHER'S you can get it- Come and buy where you x.v vuu ijmiw; uiu ciever ineriis, .unes .jacKson ami .loiin Turner, will be pleased to see and serve ineir many means. Yours, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. VIRTUE OF SUNDRY executions in my hands, in which AV. A. Faison i.s defendant, or one oi uie aetenuants, 1 will ex- nose to nubile s.Ia f bidder for ens h. nt tho Pn,-i hQcQ I door in Ciinton, on Monday the 24th day of February, 1890, the same be- i ing Monday of February Court, a i certain tract or land of the said W. i A. Faison, situated in part in the ; county of Sampson and in part in the county of Duplin, beginning at the said W. A. Faison and Morisey corner on th, rnn nf Trlr,. tZlZZ .u..uiro,u. , tuiWi SBaUip one chain of Red Hill Branch, acor ner of the land formerly belonging to A.M. Faison, then with the di viding line between said W. A. Fai son and A. M. Faison, a direct line to a holly on Buck Hall, thence with the line of said W. A. Faison divid ing his lands from the lands of Boy ette, Herring, Brown, Peirce, Black more, Ballaam Boyette, J. R. Fai son, M. C. Blount, the C. Thomson land end the Morisey land to the be ginning, containing 3,340 acres more : nr lo., Ca, ;n JZa u homestead of tne said W. A. Faison. which has been allotted to him out of said tract of land. Sheriff tmntnCn i ?n5?"trfc,amPson-'0- 1 J. M. SPELL, January 22nd, 1890.--4t to canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock! Steady employment guar anteed. GOOD PAY for successful men. Apply at once, stating age. Mention this paper. Alabama Nursery Company, HtutiSYilla, lit. declS 2m-df ' ana ud saiu run to tne nuhiio. rrni . . '.: leading from Clinton to AVarsaw, VilTtuL?: V , then with said road toward Warsaw. fther o the delencbant?, Vivie to a stake on said road, to vi iS ?!TsMrT' Fili- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IS FOLL 1 ( O F TO 4 78 Hiiv T)Jyi I jt i n l'sj n ti1 iwltii ,5s' I'itcli Forks, full the celebrated Collins' Axe. In fact, anything in this line you nee 1. Mf if that i-o much of our home m sat has So I have bought a large supply all the benefit of my good fortune. yMlothe:- Family Groceries, in view of the hard times, will also be .old almost at cost. I would call special attention to my celeb. ated CHALLENGE FLOUR. relied on fo- family purposes, I Pure Mountain Corn Whisky a Specialty. TOBACCO when once used is ahva will be sure to get a good quality and where your money will for our mutual advantage J. H. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N ORTII CAROLINA, SAMP SOX CO. Tx ?ii:iERron Court, January 7to, 1890. j W. L. Faison, Cashier Clinton I,oan j Association, j Against 1 L-h aison adrainistrator of A. M. faison, deceased, William A. Faison, Vivie Devane, A. C. Dix on and wife, Mollie F. Dixon; Na than W. Faison. F. L. Faison, De B. IT. Faison and A. Moscly Fai won. Sh"Tt7? " was(DOUf". y th P,aintff t recover judgment on n0te m ' A. M. Faison, .le- The above action was b roup ht by ,.,aSrtl. Mnl W X Faison, one of and Mosely Faison for the sum of 1,200, due October 26th, 1888; and for a foreclosure of a mortgage on two tracts of land, known as the Fortner and Mears places, made by the said Abner M. and W. A. Faison i to the plaintiff to secure" the faid note. And the defendants, Nathan W. Faison and Mollie F. Oixon and her Husband, A. C. Dixon, are herebv J notified to appear before the Judge t the the next term of our Superior Sampson, at the courthouse in Clin ton, on the 1st Monday before the 1st Moniav in March. iRftn. and nn.! swer or demur to the complaint of I thP Plaintiff. filH in ihb ,w; i the plaintiff, filed in this action. JAS. S. UIZZELL, C. S. ('. janl6 Ot Sale of Lots. TWEl&Y-FOITR TOWS Lota for Sale on the C. F. and Y. V. ltailroad, at IIive, It is one of the lest places on said road lor a business location. Terms very liberal. Apply to J. J. IIIGIISMlTir, Or LOYTK CULBIIETII, . janlir 2t Hives, N. C. wu, i-. j. xaisou, ve 11. ii. raison am IMhum V..hj Slu-nliiC -in1 Si nv. sujiply of Mechanic's Totds and been spoil', but since this is so for rYih at one-half cent below always keep. 's usd. Herf! is the only place ROYAL. OF PURE CUD LIVER OIL 2i2 HYPOJJHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. So f isgalsed Juu it cam t taken, digested, mmd utaail,ted by tb MstslU-re stomach. vtUen the plavln oil ran not b tolralld and by the cob. btnatUm r tb ol 1 with the aypophea. pblts is mttcb mora fQccla. Bcaurkftsto u ttt prdicer. Persons gala rapidly while tiling tt SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in the world for tie relief and core of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL OEBILIITY. WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CMRONIO COUCHS. Th4 great remedy for Consumption, and Waiting in Children. Sold w Druggists. TOilT- FIGHT Tns Original Wins. .Simmons. St Louis, Prop'r AI. A.S:mrnons Liver Vfedi 11. Ccilin, I'rop'r A. Q. Simmons Liv er Jleiruliitcr. Ksfd br Zeilin - - A S. L. M. H 11. f nr ... cured IXDIOESTIO-W. BlI.Iol?S! Uvspepsiaick HeadachiXost A.-rKTiTE, Soia Stomach. Etc. i.CT. 1. U. Kcim. P,.,, l( v O IChurch, Adams, Tenn., writes": " anuuia nave Decn dead but J"ur genuine ii. A. Sim mons Liver Medirine. I h. IiJlRC sometimes had to substitute n "Zeilin'x ituff" (.: tZOiltiTs I cine but t don't answer the bftiit, Memphis, Tenn. says: I "ecejTed a package of your Liver Medicine, and have used half of it. It works like a charm. I want no better Liver Kee-ulator and r... j. t. i.nrci. taeor The taioi j co more ci ZciUn's mtxtuxc P5 FOR THE ULOUU, BKOWS-g IRON B1TTKR8. ftew quickly ror gale by all dealers la BMdidBe. 0t the cranio. NF.W ADV ERTISKM KXTS, CHAMPION FOOD Cures Hog Cholera FATT NSIIO'lsKs. And euro t;iMiv r"Mi.ti:4 i'i lndietiei ami overwork, InereaM- the yb-ld ot ini'.k i r ra Cows imd iniplove- inequality. Weh:ive h inuiotls of n-rtiti -v, from reliable p rns, all ov.-j ;;. country, to prove above. It is Sna: ! It is 1 Eri:-' t ; It is no lIi Mrt o ! IT ISINVAlAWlW.KTOTllE F VKMI .; If you have : sick le.i-t luv t ound ami try it. We have three testimonials, can furnish any nundHron aj'ph, . tion to an one of the indents. trm:i), s. .Vutiot :'.r.I. k ! r. .1. '. St. i i;n A Ta lor, X I'.m;!;.. tn. N. '. 1'kus Siu: W- li.oo litt ii uitu h I-,,. iou Knl" for Ivv lc uiontli-. :n. lin.l i', ii it tloi . all tliat i i laiuM'tl for it. It ij.ij-rm , . tlio tr-i-f:l -oii.litiii of xttu'L Hint . i'.', Ilos li"l l':i. Wi' 1 1 it toourto. ls i, lull :ni'l wnu'il i:ot tin M itliont it. .1. u. .t.t.i!!:i' !v l.l KlM-t Hi.. N. ' ,-lt. tTlll. Inn , Mi .1. '. Mr i II-.OH ,V T.i lor. Wilmii,. . ton. . '.: l'KAll : --Aft. I' U-iiu' thr Ii.iK !-.irii ( 1 1 1 1 1 j i i - 1 1 loiI' pin rli i-i'il of on i i , ui ri'H(lil :IV lii:it it 1i:i fllliilli l it 1 1 I r. n utation ii) iil' for it o far a r lim- ti ,. ,! it. In n-t iii'taina- h.i it f ailril t- li. ii- tit f-toi k fi-il on it. WVcan Jiai t ii-ulat l i - i .in ini'inl it for mili li i ov. calt' and . . h. Wo ri .Uil it a t!n ln-t i-t'H'k fooil on inarki t. Si nil ii- anot ln-r I.alf li.itli I. oin 'I'l iitv. ALKX.Nl. KlNNoNA i . Wll.MIM.1nS, . . Oi t. lUli. In- i. Mi-r. ,1. '. MiM iiMin V Tu lor: (iKMl.tiinv : 'I'lic " liaiiipion Kimi.I" .-m Milil ii lia liirn jrii-iia fair trial, it i a n. !. ami m- an- i:.A to aM tc-t uii.-nx to i . wortli. Wlion fnl to our liori ur lin.l ' aiil iliiri t ion. i-riati- an npn-titi- ainl Tli tiliinial improx at himt; it j-a ri'al i-oii-li-tiotur. anil a tt ill w ill proM- it.iliii', . Iia-fi-il it to our io.iikI with tin in it lias proM-il a nva! lir-i ivc, Imtli tlii-it-- ami lln- iiialil of tin- milk lias impro . ,!, tho pi r ri'iilairi' of inrn-a-i- Hi- raniiot , JHiMtivrly tatc. 'I'lio fooil tjnrn all oi i l.ui-i in tlir !iin" of ti-t i'' maili-; ui- -lu:l rmitinui- its n-i- anil :i1 all l!io o iin - . t stork to i- it a t rial. t. .i. sorrm:ui. ami W. A. JOHNSON, Ag.-nt, Clinton, .. C. .i.e. sti:vi:xso. A; tayi.oi:, oct -1-tl Agents for N. Carolina. Ifny dalr y Tie lias tli Vr. T.. rtonrlu flhorl without uaiii anil prlow tainiM-il on Ilia bottoiu, put Uim duwu as a frauJ. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMEN. Hflt In thn worlit. flismlns his S.I.OO liKM INK II ANll-M-Wr l MIOE. 4.(KI IIAMI-SKIVKI) WH.T MIOK. W3.50 I'OI.ICK ANI I-JIKMKIIS' MIOE. H'i.r.O KXTKA VAM'K t'AI.K MIOK. WOKKINOMAN'S MIOI-;. i.O and mi. in tUtYH' M HOIir, SIIOF, All made lu Conirrrsa, Buttou and lce. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE LADIES. Rftt Material. Itt Styn. lictt FlUloC. If not sold by ynnr drain-, writ W. L. DO LOLAS. KJtUCKTOX. UASSk ion salt: p.y M Haxstki v, Clinton, X. ('., and and T. W. Itmi:iiv)mi; Xewton firovo, X. C. octlO .')iii W. T. WILLIAMSON'S BUGGY AND CARRIAGE FACTORY, IN NEW QUARTER'S ON FAYETTEYILLE ST aT Ilound Shaves, I lacks and all Edge Tools matlo, and Itepairiny done on short notice. I will keep on hand a large lot ol Western Uuggics (open and top) and ltoad Carts. They will equal in quality and arn sold as low as itnj like goods in Cjoldsboro, Fayettevi!i or Wilmington. Kespect fully, mch28-tf W.T. WJLIJAMSOX. C I Dti L HEADQUAUTEIiS FOR UES'I PEACH AND APPLE CIDEU. (Conier of Elm and It. II. Street., SWEET AND HARD CIDER always on liand. In addition to tins pleasant and healthy drink. 1 Keep Tobacco, Snuff, Flour, Potash, Candies, Soda, and Pea-Xuta which are .old at lowest urices for cash. 600 Pipes, of allfctles and sizes. Try on. Respectfully, jel-l yr. CLINTON Harness Kstablislinient ! IE.STAIJLLSHKDI.V I8G7.J I am now located on Favettevillt Street, opi osite Caucasian' oflice. I putupand keep in stock, or make to order, any style of Harness, from $13.00 to $10.00. I also make ail styles and grades of Saddles, Bri dles, Halters and everything in this line. Good, honest work at the lowest living figures, is my guide and motto in business. A large supply ot Northern Har ness and a fine line of Driving Whins always kept on hand. Call and ex amine. Ilespectfullv. f0i - sep--3iniJiW. II. STETSON.

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