hTSlXKSS LOCALS. I if "Want"' and Itunine Notice can be in thin column at t-n wntna line. - - - ..-r Truckers can get the host Beans nt W. A. JoiinsonV. f ! T y .11 !! :a w t t a g tit t Mill.; die ij, T. M. Fkickkijs.'l Si mm Potatoes at W. A. Jihixsox'h. A -mall I A of cheap Flour just ro- ivt l at T. M. Fi;kki;i.i,'s. A f.-w "f those cheap Trunks stili mi-"M at T. M. Ff.kuku.V. IJiti-t'-i iarden .Seed and Onion S'-t- :t W. A. Johnson's. Tl.eiiu worth of Fl'KS, viz: Coon, j ;,, .Mink and Otter Hides, wanted M. II AN ST KIN'S. FOJl SALE. A line young HORSE, four years (,M, which I will Hell cheap for cash. A ''ly to M. M. Kim.ktt. LOST AT FA III. i'uk p.i-rof Socks. One white p.tir and one blue pair. They were rib Led at the top nearly a linger length. Any person having taken them thro' mi-take will pleas'- letum them to ;.?""";", me e.xnirntor may receive the same. Maiiion Brru:,i, Sec'y. MILLINERY EMPORICM. Whcn you co:i.e to Clinton call at j uie i Kins liuiKiiug, wnere you will find the largest stock of Millin ery ever seen in Clinton. The stocks of W. S. Partri.iic and of the firm of .Moore ,t Partrick have been consol idated. In addition they have add ed a large line of Ladies' Furnishing floods. Iifshort they will keep any lliing that a lady could desire. Fresh (iarden Seed at 15. F. Pow. i.ii.'s. Also the best (Jroceries. Jewelry and Spectacles a specia lty. A lot of onse Feathers for sale. Everybody come who wants any thing of any kind. Uice at f cents a pound. TAUCKEUS! Leave your omers with A. F. Johnson &, Co., for Seed Beans. They are headquarters for Seeds and their prices are always as low as the lowest. ja2:5-lt SOCKS MISPLACED AT FA lit. One pair of S:cks. Knit of very tine cotton yarn ribbed about a fin ger's length or longer. Narrow stripe of red at top. Any peraon who may have taken tin; atove from the Fair thiough mistake will do us a great favor by i (-turning them to this of lice so that we may hand the same over to the rightful owner. Very respectfully, Maiiion Butler, Sec'y. Prof. Loisette's Memory System is creating greater intoiest, than ever in all parts of the country, and per sons wishing to improve their mem ory should send for his prospectus tree as advertise 1 in another column. NOTICE! 1 have just received two car loads of Marble at my Fayetteville Yard. Also two hundred small five dollar Ilea;! Stones for infants. Parties who are in need of work in my line will do well to write or call to see me at my works. Respectfully, Ciias. A. (lOOHWIX. Old newspapers for sale at The Caucasian office at 25 cents per m id red. Index to Xew Ad incut.?. Notice J. S. Bizzell. Xotice1). I J. Nicholson. Wanted Wanamaker & Brown. Sale for Partition F. R. Cooper. Special Notice 1). A. Culbreth' Mrs. Joe .Person's Remedy Mrs. Joe Person. 31 AH Kin s. (LINTON. Ucloi-t'il liy A. K. Johnson Ac 'o ) ''n, (new) . . . IVas I!;i..n 10 to ' liirkc in l.' to Ku'vrs I!ccsw:i.v .... 18 to I'.iittcr, 20 to l.urd 10 to Fmlilcr i;i) "." 12 HI 20 J." 121 (;." Hour, ... 4 ,0 to .1 r0 Hide OS to (!." Turpentine, (liiii-tb ... 1 20 " (Virgin ami Yellow Hip) 2 . Cotton, . . . . . lid WILMINGTON, spirits Turpentine, . . . "8 per gallon llosin. (straim (1) .... I o p r i;u rcl T1 " (yood strained) . 1 (!.' per 1 arrcl 1 ar fl .0 per Imrrcl ( nule Turpentine, (Hard) . . ft 20 (Virgin and Yellow Dip) ..... 2 20 'dtton . 10 J TiiuLer. per m.. - - - 5 00 to l. 00 Special Xotice! All persons indebted to tho firm of Pope & Culbreth are requested to come at once and settle the same. The old business must be closed up. jan.1C-2t D. A. CULB11ET1I. An energetic man who under stands Clothing to represent us as Sales; Agent in Clinton. Superb new spring line now ready. WAXAMAKKR & RIIOAVN, Philadelphia. Largest Clothing and Merchant Tail oring House in America. janSO It NOTICE ! IT A VI KG THIS DAY QUAL J-J- ified as administrator upon t e estate of Xeil Watson, deceased. the undersigned hereby gives notice to all persons holding claims against the said estate lo present them on or before the 1st day of February, 1891, or this notice will be plead in oar ol their recovery. And all per sons indebted to the said estate will please make prompt payment. D. li. NICHOLSON", Adm'r. January 30th, 1889. It. nt u- u Tlr, , - .ue-vsrs. w . ft. j nom.vjn ami J.' A. Boaman have purchased thetur-! IntI,,? ltillory of Mr. T. L. Pugh. Married, on 'AVdne-d.iy, J.tnua- ry -i oy Kev. ('. .J. rome, Mr. Willie Turin-ran 1 Mi-Jmo P.u-eli, of Clinton. ! --'I he m rui.. ii iir. Hd,'c, in the j Presby terism church ye-rvrday rno--j ning, was impressive anil eloquent ! simplicity. We are pb-a-od to be able to state jthat Mrs. Fred. T. Atkins ;u:d Miss Madge F,ii-on, who have hi -en s.uf ; ferii:g with agravated e i- s of grip, ' nre hotter. liev. . I. W. Turner will preach i., St. Paul's Kpi-cmal chmvh on next Sunday, February 2nd, ls!M. The Lord's Supper will be celebra ted after the sermon. We are pleased to announce that a Dress Parade of the Samp-on Light Infantry will taJ'o place? at the Col-' lege Grounds on Friday, February 7th, at : o'clock P.M. The public is cordially invited to attend. The Sampson Building and Loan Association is proving to be a very popular enterprise. Tin r"!t bulk ol the citizens of Clinton and severit! from the country have al ready taken ,-tock, Messrs. Siewarl, I lines A- Be.t- man, have another largo and improv- ed dry kiln. This one is located at the end of Devane st nn-t on the rail road. We understand that they w ill soon move their planning machines to the same site. SJ'-C'iie of our esteemed subscribers in a letter says: "Much success to you and your high-toned journal. Your Thanksgiving and Christmas issues were perfect gems and every copy is replete with news and edito rials so chaste and original." The jail is empty. Why are the doors kept closed? Is there danger of any one committing forcible tres pass upon the property? .Let the doorshe thrown open and give the old rickety den an airing. Yes, let its open doors proclaim to the world that crime is on its ''outing." Mr. Loftiu lloykin, one of our most venerable citizens, tells us lint so far this winter has not broken the record within the memory of man. He says that the successful rival of the winter ISiH) is ls.L The winter was much warmer than this. He says that cotton stalks sprouted from the stubbles, grew up, bloomed and made cotton. The world is proba bly just a little off again and wabb ling promiscuously on its axis. Every member of ( linton Lodge, No. 124, I. O. O. E., is requested to be present at a regular meeting of the Order next .Monday night, Feb ruary :d, as business of much im portance will be brought up tor the consideration of every member. The shingle machine of Messrs. Underwood A: Uoykin, in South Clin ton, about three miles from Clinton, on Coharie, is now at work turning out about 10,000 shingles per day. They are shipping to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Capt. Wm. A. Johnson says that he will give a special drill every Thursday night to all the members of the Sampson Ijight Infantry who can attend. We are sorry that dis tance will prevent many of the members from teking advantage of this special drill. The untiring zeal which Capt. Johnson is showing on behalf of the company H'ill make it not only proud of itself, but second to no company in the State. The new armory of the Samp son Light Infantry was completed yesterday. Ve feel safe in saying that there is not a company in the whole State (iuard that is more ele gantly quartered. The armory is 2(5.9( feet, with 50 lockups, cue for the property of each member of the company. The material is native pine, finished in oil. In front of the armory is the cosy office of tho Cap tain. Sampson has a right to bo as proud of its company as the com pany is of its armory. Clintlm Chapter No. Jo of U. A.M. Re organized. By authority of a dispensation granted by M. M. Katz, M. K. G. 11. P., of N. C, the surviving members of this Chapter which has been dor mant for a quarter of a century were convened by A. F. Johnson last Fri day evening and reorganized by the election of the following ollicers: Daniel A. Culbreth, H. P. Amos J. Johnson, K. J. Wilson, S. E. Peterson, C. H. C. P. Johnson, P. S. W. Dauchtry, R. A. C. J. R. McPhail, G. M. 3d V. E. G. Ward, G. M. 2nd V. B. Matthews, G. M. 1st V. A. Blackburn, Treasurer, J. A. Gates, Secretary. J. Dudley, Tyler, who were duly installed by P. H. P. Thos. G.Carr and the Chapter de clared duly re-instated. The first regular meeting will be held on the first Friday of Febrnary next. Many of the members of the Lodge having signified a desire to unite with the Chapter it is confi dently expected that it will become one of the most prosperous in this State. Dr. T. B. Carrhas consented to remain hero several weeks to as sist in the good work. FOR DYSPEPSIA Use Brown's Iron Bitters. Physicians recommend It All dealers keep it $1.00 per bottle. Gennlno has trade-mark and crossed red lines oa wrspnqr. ! Amounts ordered pai 1 by Com-5 mis.-Mner at January m.-etlnir IS'.)! are a- follow, viz: To II. V.. I'alsoj, f.,r services as county attorney, mo:.t!i-, ending Jan'y 1st, 1 -'., $o INI " J. T. Oregory a- high olli- cer of Orund J uror, I. of) : Dr. J. A. Stevens lor ser- vice-, as County Superin- j tendent of Health for six ! month8, ending Dec. :Jlst, j lss'J, 7:i 00 I " Josephine Johnson lor j cooking at Count Farm one month, I 00 " J. II. Itobinsou tor keej- iug jail one neuith, 5 J5 44 S. Carter for materia! and work on bridge, .", o 44 (J. W. Jonc conveying lunatics to asylum, s 00 44 M. I lan-tein for merchan dise for County Farm, 12 00 44 Martha Weeks .'I months suppon, :j 00 44 M. C. Carter :', months' support, 00 44 Ja-. Iliggs three mouths' support, " 00 44 T. II. Part rick A Iiro., rations for paupers, 14 98 44 D. II. Hatcher for lumber : 00 44 T. A. Herring for repair ing bridge, I 51 44 K. Peterson calling Court at I ec. Term 1 '.), S 00 44 J. S. Hizzell for stationa ry for office, 44 A. T. Drew for material and work on bridge, 44 W. J. Watson for serv ing notices on Overseers, 44 I. W. Doykinfor work on bridge, 44 Caucasian for publishing, pi'Lding, &(.'., 44 Jensy Carroll for three months' support, 44 o. T. King for serving no tice on Overseers, 41 A. F. Jo"iii:-on for mer chandise for County Farm 44 Dolly McCulkn for three months' support, 50 00 5 00 7 20 2 00 00 :5 GO 80 44 P.oaz & Frank Lewis for work on Safe, 8 50 44 J. II. 1 loyal for merchan dise for County farm and ration-, 59 27 14 J. C. Hobbstwo days as Commissioner and mileage 7 15 44 J. M. Marshburn two days as Conim'ner and mileage, 40 4 C. Partrick for two days as ehairmm 1. C. C. and oik; day at County Farm, G 00 44 ). F. I lerring for services as clerk li.C.'C. 7 GO Mayor's Court. The following cases have been dis posed of before I lis Honor, the Mayor: Stale vs. Willie Turner, A. & li. Defendant submits. Judgment sus pended upon payment of costs. State vs. Will. Harden, larceny. Defendant, being a small boy, was turned over to his parents to be punished. State vs. John Sampson. Assault with a deadly weapon. Defendant is bound ver to appear at the April term of the Superior Court in the sum ot $100. The bond was given and defendant discharged from cus tody. State vs. Lucien Chesrutt. A. & B. Defendant fined 5 and costs. State vs. John Russell andCJeorge Royal. A. & B. Defendants dis charged. State vs. John Peyton. Profanity. Defendant discharged. State vs. 3Iatt. Faison. Larceny. 1 k'fendant discharged. State vs. (J. W. McMillan. Drunk enness. Judgment suspended upon payment of costs. Personals. Haver W. S. Thomson is in Wil mington on business. Miss Mattie Lee &. Lizzie Dortch, of Goldsboro, are visiting at Dr. A. M. Lee's. Misses Willie Bumgardener and Nela Vowle, of Virginia, are visit ing at Dr. A. M. Lee's. Miss Dollie I). King, who has been visiting in Duplin county, and enjoying the holidays, has returned Mr. L. II. llines, with the firm of Hines fr Mansfield, Xew York, is visiting in town. Mr. T. L. Pugh, who has been in the Naval Store business in Clinton for three years, leaves to-morrow for Thomasville, Ga., where he will pur sue the same business. Rev. Dr. Hoge, of the First Pres byterian church, Wilmington, N.C., has been assisting Evangelist Mor ton this week in the series of meet ings in the Presbyterian church of this place. ESTABLISH A I'd ILDIXU association. am. loan Then Renters will Heroine Owners. The llaleigh News and Observer says that an enterprising citizen of that city, recognizing the necessity of a desirable class f -cheap dwell ings, contemplates erecting a num ber of neat cottages, to be rented at ten dollars a month. There ate few of the growing town in North Caro lina where neat dwellings at mode rate rent are not in demand, and where they might not be built with advantage to the towns, and to the ) people, and with profit o the build ers. Xew Berne Journal. The Town of Tomahawk. "Tomahawk" is the name of a station on the Cape Fear and Yaddin Valley Railroad, between Wilming ton and Fayetteville, which was ac cidentally overlooked when other stations were mentioned in the Star a few days ago. It is in Sampson county, forty miles from Wilming ton and forty-two miles from Fay etteville. The place for the depot was selected a few days since, and town lown lots were laid off. Anew store and a residence is being built at that place. Trains on the C. F. & Y. V. Railroad pass Tomahawk at 3.05 p. m., going west, and at 1.15 goir.g east. Wilmington Star. - ( onBtjr L'xptaLtmiJ All Throngh the County. What SimponliB trr IMaic aa ley-Send u the new from your j ton-hip for thi column. Kvery ; -ulscriU r lo Tiik Caucasian Inn aright and is rejuesti-l tocontri-' bute itms of news in "he'' or her iitdxlilforhood for this column. We win not puniLsti your name unn-vs you de-ire h.-"fea LISBON. j During the warm weatfer the 1 FihIm of the trees in the mulberry j orchard of Mr. H. C. Mire grew about four inclictt and now have berries hanging oo them at leist an inch long. Hy the way Mr. Me ore say that he has never lost a piece of meat, lie lets the annual heat get thoroughly out before salting. Then packs down in hngsbead, flesh side up, using plenty of salt .-o that it will sure not all melt and let the meat touch. lie iours salt around the meat, between it and hogshead and over the top, making the whole perfectly air tight. Mr. C. (J. Robinson recently killed 5 hogs w hose agregate weight was 141.1 pounds. They all came very near dying with cholera last September. Mr. Haywood Boykin continues very low with but little hopes of recovery. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy is seriously ill at the residence o father Mr. J. P. Parker. PIXEY UKOVK. Dr. G. W. Sutton of Totten, Ark. has returned home from a visit to his brother in Duplin county and numerous relatives and friends in the Goshen section ot this county. Mr. I. F. Hill, of Faisons was married on the i!2d to Miss Kate Fuller of Raleigh, a reception was given the same evening at the residence of the grooms father, Mr. Wm. E. Hill. TUI1KKY. Miss Willie Bumgardener, of L. Virginia is visiting at Capt. E. Faisons at Elliott. dismal. Mr. Marion Butler, the county Lecture, will deliver a public lec ture at Boykin's Alliance on Satur day, February the Sth at 2 p. m. IIOXEYCUTTS. On my way to Salem High School I found the little clever fel low H. B. Cooper occupying the store of Mrs. Bomelia Butler, who has retired from business on the account of health; on my way futher I met Prof. G. E. Butler, principal of Salem High School, he said the prospects this session -vere good, that he had about fifteen boarders and expecting more. On my way further, I saw a new building in the branch, a thought struck me that I was going to get a drink, so I con cluded to go in and on entering the house I found i. was a rice mill and two or three pessels were beating rice and no one about it, 1 examined the mill and rice. It is the best constructed mill 1 ever saw, it is run by an over-shot wheel and two cog wheels and it only takes about one inch ot water to run the whole thing. 1 examined the rice after it had been cleaned and it is unbroken and the whitest I ever saw, I under stand this mill belongs to Mr. J. C. Howard, I never go in that part of the township but what I find something new. It is an honor to any one to live in that neightbor hood. Captain. NORTH CLINTON. Mr. W. K. Pigford, we are sorry to learn,Jis quite sick. Godwin Items. Weddings ! Weddings ! ! Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. N. Rhodes, by Rev. J. A. Puett, of Dunn, N. C. Mr. James McNiell, of Glenmore, Ga., to Miss Virginia B. Rhodes, of this place. Mr. W. F. Godwin, who has long been our Postmaster, of whom we were proud, has resigned his office, but we are glad to say that his sue cessor, Mr. James II. McXiel, will, we feel sure, perform his duty. The public school of District, Xo o, wnicn nas oeen so exceneniiy . II . it taught by Mr. II. M. Warren, wil close next week, Friday. For fear :if imposing on your val uable spaca I will e'ose. Parvus Res. 'GREAT THINGS EXPECTED OF SAMP SON. 'Agrienltural and Progretsive People Sampson Fair. A few mondis ago Sampson coun ty had a most successful fair. Her people a lean agricultuial and pro gressive people, and her Big Blues are the admiration of the whole count ry. We expect great things of Sampson in February- -New Berne Journal. Grand Lodge. The following are the officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons of XOrth Carolina for the ensuing year : Samuel H. Smith, of Winston, Grand Master; llezekiah a. Gudger, of Asheville, Deputy Grand Master; John W. Cotton, of Tarboro, Senior Grand Warden; Francis M. Moye, of Moyton, Junior Grand Warden; W. E. Anderson, of Raleigh, Grand Treasurer; Donald W. Bain, of Ral eigh, Grand Secretary. The most remarkable cures of scro f ala on record have been accomplish ed by H od's Sarsaparilla. Try it. Sold by all druggists, c J c Dyspepsia Makes U 1;t. t( tazxtj people iaitn,b', and crfua texts to aU-4'iracUa. tutxri after nilx.;. soar b&ch. i-k txidari. heart bent. k A appetite, a tict. - 2 r " tcUitc ttad tilr, toitrj to&cur. kad IrTrfa- . Urtty cf Ui bil. r D1SWO88 fcur.M? ot Ue ntr rtiBoa AftGf rtDj.iu!i. Ijiyia lo baling fpqairf, carr!u!. iKTitit ! attenUon, aM a n raslj like flood- horvi j jorSUa. Ulrh art g-Uy, sl ur!y an4 j efficiently. It touts Ue Mittach and etht r organs, regnlatrt the difeUou. create a j good appetite, and by thus Slclt ; orercomiEg the loeal ymi- ' ; toon remotes the syriia- MOadaCnO j thetie effect i-I tbe disease. fcanisLes the I beadacbe, and relresbcs the tlnd talnd. " I have tx a troubled witli djrlxT- I bad but litUo aWo. and what I did eat .. distressed tut. or did mc rV3arl Ltt'.e good. Ia aa hour OUrn alter eating I would expe rience a faUitiiess, or tired, aP.-goa reeling, as Uioaga I had not eatea anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and I rem U-Uig more cr less shut up hi a Sour room with fresh paint. La-t e u spring I took nood s Sarsa- 5tOITiacn rilla took, three bottles. It did roe aa Immense amount ol good. It gaTC me an appetite, and my food rolished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." GZ0EGE A. Taue, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by ill druggUtt. 1 1 ; iii for f S. IYer-sred only by C. L HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries. Lowell. !. IOO Doses One Dollar Notii c. We are ready to issue certificates for special premiums to the parties to whom such were awarded. Where the premiums were shoes, hats etc., the party or parties to whom they were awarded should send us the number or size desired. Marion Buti.kk, Sec'y. A Safe Invest incut Is one which is guaranteed to I rin ' you satisfactory rc-ults. or in ease of failure a return of purc hase jniee. Oa this saie plan you can buy fioiu our a! vertised Diuirnist a bottle of Dr. Kind's Xew Discovery for Onsuinption. It is guaranteed to brinu relief in every case, when used tor any alloc t ion of Throat, Luuss or Chest, such as (.'onsuinption. Inflammation of Luniis. Bronchitis. Asthma, Whooping C'ouh. ( roup. etc.. et It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, aud can always ho depended upon. Tiial buttles free at Dn. If. II. IIoi.i.ihay's Drugstore. Attention ! We will advertise tree of charge for any articles that may have been ost, misplaced, or taken thiough mistake at the Sampson Fair last fall. Any one who has lost any article on exhibit will please send us a description of the same and we will try to trace it up. Merit Wins. We desire to .say to our citizen?, that for years we have been selling Dr. Kill's New Discovery lor Consumption, Dr. King's New Lite Tills, mu klen s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do vot hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and w e sta.v1 reauy to refund the purchase price, it satislac tory results do not lollow their use These remedies have won their "reat nonularitv purely on their merits. For sale bvDu. 11. II. Hollioa v. I)rug-;.ist Beware of Ointment for Catarrh that Contains Mercury, as Mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell mid completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through' the mucus surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from repu table physicians, as the damage they will do ar ten fold to the good you can possiniy uerive irom inem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine, it is taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney A Co. pg- Sold by Druggist, price 75c per bottle. . CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To tub Editok Please inform your readers that I have a positive rente -ly for the above named disease. By it timely use thousands of hopeless cases hav been permanently cured. I shall be irlad to send two bottles of ray remedy free to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and post olliee address. Respecttuly, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl St., New York. SIIILOH'S C ATARUII REMEDY a po-ilive cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria aud Canker Mouth. For sale bv Dr. 1. II. IIoLtiDAY, Drusjcist, Clinton, and W. P. Kknxkdv, AVarsaw, N. ('. -IIACKMET A.CK," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cenis. For sale by Dr. R. II. IIolliday, Di-usist. Clinton, and W. P. Kkxnkoy, Warsaw. N.. C. NEW ADVERTIc5EIE"NTS Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Mrs. Joe Pearson's Remedy Will Cure Skin Eruption. I, the undersigued, do certify our babe, at the age of three months, was taken with a breaking out or skin eruption, which baffled the skill of our finest physicians for two years and never did get relief until 1 used Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, and one half bottle made a final cure. W. S. ROACH. Coxvilb, Pitt Co., N C. June 20, '88. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy Will Cures Rheumatism and Skin Eruption. Oxtokd' X. C July i2, 1888. Mrs. Joe Person Madam: As I have been very much benefited by the use of your Remedy, I think it my duty to testify to the same. I have for some time past been trou bled with Rheumatism, and also an eruption of the skin on thechest and shoulders; which was very annoying. I used your Remedy and was entire ly cured of the skin disease, and very much relieved of the Rheuma tism. I take great pleasure in re commending it to the pnblic. Respectfully, AS.. iVH.i.Y JO. For sale by Clinton Druggists and by Wm. A. Johnson, Wholesale Agent, Clinton, N. C'jjc "ZZZt& dec5 ly or o ato"1" :r&zm i SALE FOR PARTITION BY VIUTUK OF A DKCKKK' of suierior 0urt of! Suuiiii county, the undersign!, ; as oomtuisMonfT f said court, will i x ll ly puldic auction, at the court 1 , Iioum ilor in Clinton, N. C.. on Mtmdv, thr::nldav of sJ among she heir of lb Uvea Tew. un ht uic pur -f i! mskisijr tun li Ion ur.divldttl lu-ilf int rest lathe fi.l-' lowing tiset ef laid, situate n 1 )il) 1 1 t . il t .1. i t .li,.'iili'llutln.l. of Young Tynd.d!, J. !,. Tynd.ili.W. j I'. I Iouevtutt and ethi, contitin-: li.g utxtut I ."" xr-. i Tm:mi s.i.i: 0 r cent. cash, one half halani ii. nine nutnth- and! Une half in twelve month, with i ' j.r it,Ti-t fn.iu date ;V ale i ....t. i -t:.i until p:id. Title re-erved until pur chase iuoih v is paid in full. r. it. vv ii':::i, c.-m'r. This J.,n. itUh, lWo.--;t Oli I II CAROLINA SAMP SON t (). In Si : :.::ioi: C'orirr, iU kojjk lin: Cli:i:k. II. K. B rnctt, (i. W. Ih-nutt and I'lhers, heirs at Kw f Sam;on IhrrK tt, decrasvd, Vs. .1. D. Kt rr, Jist K. Jcrnig.m, the heirs of Henry Berm tt, the heirs of Harriet Itnhiiwtn, BoU rt II Bernett and Harriet Coor. To the heirs of Henry Beriu tt and Harriet Robinson, deceased, r.nd Ko Itert II. Bemett and Harriet Comt. Take notice that the above proceed ing has been begun in the Sujerior Court of Sampson county for the purpose of seding certain lauds be longing to the heirs at law of the said Sampson Bernett, and located in said county of Samson, for par tition among the said heirs at law. And you will further take notice that you are hereby commanded to be and appear before me, at my of fice in Clinton; on Saturday, the bth day of March; 1K!0, then imd there to answer or demur to the said ihj- tition; and if you fail therein the said petitioner.-; will apply for the rolk'f prayed lor in their ti tion. J. S. B1ZZELL.C. S. C. Sampson County. This Jan. 8th, lb'JO. 30-tit Sale of Land. TN PURSUANCF OF AN OK X der ofthe Superior Court of Sampson county, I v. ill sell, by pub lic sale, at t lie l ourth-juso door in Clinton, on 10th day of February, 1S'.0, one tract of land situated in Taylor's Bridge township, Sampson county, adjoining the lands of I lav wood Register, Ira Powell, Davis Powell and others, -ml known as ihe lands of Prince Boon, deceased. The s.'.id lands will be sold in lots of 100 and 111 acres each. The terms of sale; 25 per cent, of purchase money cash, the balance on a credit of 12 months, with note and approv ed security. Title reserved until purchase money is paid. WM. S. MATTHEWS, Adm'r and Com'r. M. C. Richaiidsox, Att'v. This 8th day of Jan., lhOrt. It Executor's Notice rpiIK UNDERSIGN ED II A V-J- irg qualified aa executor to the last will and testament of Jas. II. Lamb, dec, notice is hereby giv en to all persons holding claims against the estate of said testator, to present them within twelve months from the date hereof, duly authen ticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ui persons indented to saul es-i tate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment. J. C. LAMB, Executor. W. S." Thomson, Attorney. December 18th 1 889. 1 0-G t Notice of Sale ! BY VIRTUE OF A MCCIIEE of the Superior Court to create assets to pay debts, the un dersigned will, on Monday, Februa ry 21th, 1S90, at Clinton, N. C, by public auction, sell the lands belong ing to the estate of S. (). Sutton, de ceased, in two tract". First tract of fifty acres, on west side of public road, adjoining lands of W. 11. L yette and others. Second tract of fifty-three acres, more or less, being the rest of the land described in the petition, ad joining lands of S. R. Daughtry, W. A. Boyette and others. Terms of Sale 25 ier cent cash and balance with 8 per cent, inter est, due November 1st, 1890, and title retained. S. It. DAUG11TERY, Adm'r. Clinton, X. C Jan. 17, 1890. tds Executor's Notice. riMIE UNDERSIGN HAVING JL qualified as executor to the laot will and testament of W. II. Moore, deceased, hereby give notice to all persons holding claims against the estate of the s -id W. H. Moore, to present them within 12 months from this date, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said esttte are requested to mako immediate payment. I). A. CULBRFTH, A. M. LEE, Executors. This 21st day of Nov., 1SS!. Gt JEWELRY AND SLOCKS! :o: 1 have jus received a large lot ol Elejaut Jev.ehy. This I will guaran tee to' the purchaser to be ju.-t as re resented. I i-ell no cheap, lire yuilt" goods but can y a staiiaiu like of cold front ooons. The attention 1 the ladies is called to the laUt styles ofuisEAST f.ns thtv a:e "tnirijis of beauty !" The old reliable and standard SET II THOMAS CLOCK? always in stock, in various styles and sizes. t& Repairing of Watches and Chu ks and mending Jewelry is a spec's" y. All work I do is guaranteed t i'e en tire satisfaction. Respectfully, sepo-tf G. T. It AWLS. CATAP.BII CUBED, health and sweet biealh, hy Shiloh's Catanh Rem edy. Price 60 cent. Nasal injector free. For sale, by It. II. Holm day, Drusgist, Clinton, uid W. P. Klnsedv. Wai-saw, '. C. FOB LAME BACK, side or chest, use Hiiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale bv It. II. IIolliday, Druggist, Clinton, and W. P. Kennedy, N E W A I)V KRTISKM KNTSn WE . t.i... i i . ih.uuv our during tl. M'Vstn and shi ui'kIi sj. ramer wmi:. ( mi vent.iry snririsl tis, yet wo Not gi. lit. in des, ,ir U 1 ,v.. iuu.-.lir. ( li.1M' yei- l.ifor.' w. l.ught ur St-rinc this vetr. Wo shnll . ;1 ('!i(a: r,os tue MOCK. II our fr It K w are sotding, tliv will sirel v Tlu-ienre hundreds ,,f ...Id Suits. Cat-, l'aufs. Vets lu an 1 Shis. I hey enn !. iMMigM l.r less tlinu c.m. Store is not large enough Tlierefurrtoery thing Our mammoth store must lAMI Bring in your Coon,Fox, Mink and Otter Hides. Respectfully, tA MECKLENBURG me exgj.xi;s, noiLKiis, s,i ir mills, Pit ESSES, ULXS, nilE.1T.lM mux mills, rei'.iiu voi:hs, PirEFirrixas, S1I.1F J1XC, dec 19 3 m U O 8KBOEO On the C F. and This depot, t..:H future of Ro.sehoro, is 1 in a Sine section, g-Mwl l.i in ns land, w.-U timbered, one mile from Owl-ii-ville sixty-ta-. mile-, f.-im Wiliniiigtoii .md twetity i;iil -s from Fayetteville. A place sure t build up. Ijots for ale on : i :ironau! t; :ns. For lu. ili. r partiriilais ad'Le,-, janlG tf NEW AIjV: !i T!M:.M EN'J S. - '; - . t - f ri;'L(0L0RSTHAT .-Y vtu Smut -avash out INcrFade PBS. BY s .3 DRUGGISTS ? - nr.r,ZE pi!(TS - Colors, . ... .:i..-i ..t; jbUV Hi I I50. 1 VVtl.VtZ IVfc rOM'SECS - i Klad 7 Colors. I ..;.!! KilOK aM li ill MISS liUESSJ.Ili. STIVE m,' -l.vk.. Full an 1 Winter - k left on our h.u?t wnrm Our n- 1 s.iblour St.h k- and v"il d tbi ia. and tin i.t'.rf ttl I ... . n ... l . ill rtll mn Ioa r Ihmji t to hold our winter and TOOK l. elo.vd o it Before . . . ..... I ll King Hatter and Clothier. WORKS, WiE.E'ES, Manager. 9 N. ( '9 J PULLE ) S and JlEIilXd Y. V. Railroad. ' hrenvil'o, N. (; f9.l7!WI. z: 1 0. HOCUS 7 Lea l the following testimonials, hid: are a Sample of the hundreds c have r i eei ved : J. C. H tinw, Hobtcn, X. C.I used a jur of your Plow Lino Kintrs last year. I lind they are easier for ihe horse, convenient a:id a great protection to plow lines, and would not Ihj without them. Can recom mend them t every farmer. J. H. PACKER, Keener, N. C. IIohtox. J C. Hobb-f Esi. I havi heeii uing your Itim Uingi and am well pleased with them. ;J W. It. ".VEEKS.JJ Address, dec.- tf J. C. IIOBB3, "5 Hobtoa, N. C. Zamfa P.wdin$

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