DIRIfJCTORY- TOWN OKFirEILS : Ma Von W. K. ThrMmon. TKEAHfRKH--J. A. KcTfIl. CHIEF" OK I'omck- V. . f.KIng. Jaiiok C';t. JiiH. II. iliori. Commiwionkh--V. . rjio!Wn, J. A. IYrrcll, W. A. Jt.l.un, J. II. Ktcwrns T. II. iVtrtrick. COUNTY OKFICKltS: HlIKKI KK J. M. hpcll. (,'l.KKK OK Sl I'KI'.IoU CoUKT J. . nizM'ii. Tkkam;rki: J. It. Iranian. IlEGHTKR OK IKKD-0. F. IlfT- rlnjr. (r.vrv Mi'KVKVok Artliul Ic. i CoiuiNKK I)r. A.T. Coojmt. IIOAI'.D OK KlllVATIO.N It. It. JJcll, A. K. Herring sml Warren JohiHor . -ov MlSHioNKiw Capf-tiii ('. Trtr-trlc-l- ... C. Ilohbs J. M. M:ir-hburn. j'EIU.VTKNIi:NT OK HEALTH fok County Dr. J. A. Steven. BTANIjAI'.I KEEI'Lll V. K.Iittl- man. HL'I'KKIXTKNKKXT ok Coc.vtv Faiim Jam Kliipp. Suit. Ii:u. Instkivtiox I-ham Itoyal. li.C. Hubbard I'.S. Con mi-HOM-cr of tlie Ea.-W rn Di-trict ol North Carolina. POST O I TICK: (Clifton Ward, Po-tmaslei . ) Mail goi.itf ly rail leaven kwk tV.cc daily at H;0.r, A. M., and 2:;',.-, I'. M., nvinftivcly. Mail Koin via I f oI tori, Newton (Jrove, Iiurm, IJeain in 'a X lioad, etc., leaves ;:D0 A. M. on .Mori. lays and Thursday.. Mail go ing to Fayetteviite, via Huntley, Worker'., etc., leaves at tJMMJ A. M., on TuenlayH, Thursdays and Satur days. CIICItCIIFS. I!;,,, list, J'astor, O. I. .Meeks. Services. 1 A and :M Sabbaths of each month. Prayer meeting 'l ues dav at 7 1. M. Sunday school. Sun day, :M M. rresbybrtan I'astor, Dr. U. F. Mumble, Service s, 2nd and 41 1 Sun THK CAUCASIAN. LINTON. N. C.,--JAN. CO, IKW. Till I NIVIIRSITY IrocrIy Ieelarel to ! the IIeaI of the Public Nehod NyU-m. Mr. (.'ha. I). Mrlver lectured at the University of North Car olina, ,'n the Chapel Thursday niht January lb'ili, before a Ia!-if and'enceon Public Educa- tion. He went outside of the cut and dried peerh on thin .sub ject mi often heard and told facts with which our mo-t inielli-'erjt men are loo little familiar, lie defined theclo.Hc relation-hip 1 e between the University of the Statrr and our public "schools, they belong to the same system and a e Hippo ted in the same way. And not until our public schools ave better will our col leges be filled with .Indents, be cause, although we have a irood number of preparatory school-, me large majority of children can take only a vear a most, only a year at them before tfowitf to college on account of lack of means, ai.d if the public schools fail to prepare them this far, they must .slay at home. WW - . ilei.ce we often hear boys say: "I cojld go to college if I could iret prepared day'rf. I'rayer meeting. Wednesday t 7 r. .M. Suni lay school, ) A. M. M thodlst I'astor, P. Jeron.e. Her vires, (at I'resbylerian Church) 1st Sir.dav 11 '.'clock. A. M.and7l. M. Sunday school (in Lodge) every Sunday at '.' A. M. l'rayvr meeting ai rresiv:enan ciiuirli) Thursday uijfniM ji i j-. :h. Kpiscop.d Rector, Service-, Sunday, 11 A.M. and 4:00 I M. Se, day scliool, 3 P. M. Colored IJ'iptist Second Sunday in each month at 11 A. M., II P. M. and 7 P. M. MISCELLANEOUS : K. of II. Marlon liutler, Dicta tor, meets every first and third Fri day night nt 8 o'clock. 1 1 Irani Masonic Lodge J. M. Marshburn, Master, meets every third Friday at 11 o'clock A. M. Clinton Iiodge.No. 124, 1. .0. F., Dr. John A. Stevens, N. (., meets every Monday night. Library of 'linton Literary Asso ciation over postoflice. Librarian, V. S. Thomson. Clinton Loan Association Presi dent. J. L. Stewart: Cashier. W. L. Faison; Express Agent, Ed. Faison. Samison Building and Loan Asso ciation President, V. a. Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer, J. S. Dizzell. Railroad Depot Agent, It. II. Holland, Jr.. Telegraph Operator J. C. Ilolnie.. Y. M. C. A. A. A. Butler, Presi dent. Meets in Courthouse every Monday at 7.30 P. M. Supreme f ourtn for 4th, 6th and 7th Ju dirial Districts, 1S90. t .ildoks (Residents 4th District, Spier Whitaker; Wake. " " J'j.T. l;oy kin, Sampson 7th J. C. McRea, of Cum berland county. SOLU'ITOIW. 4tli District, T. M. Argo, of Wake. m " . II. Allen, of Lenoir, 7th Frank McNeill, of Rich mond county. Times for Holding Courts for 1S90. FOURTH JUDICIATj DISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Roykin. Wake Jan. ;th, Feb. 24th, March 24th, April 21st. July 9th, Aug. 27th, Sept. 22d,Oct. 20th. Wayne January 20th, March 10th April 14th, September 8th, October 13th. l.'arnett Februvry 3rd. August 4th, November 24th. Johnston February 10th, August llth,November 10th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Annfield. Pender March 10th, September 8th. New Hanover Jan. 2oth, April 13th, September 22. el. Lenoir Febru uy 3rd. An;', loth, November loth Duplin Febru iry 10 b, Aug 4th, November 24th. Sampson February 24th, .nri! 28th, Oct b. r 0, l)'ceii!er M'. Carteret March 7th, October 2oth. Jones March 2 tli, )c ubt'r 27t'i. Onslow-March 3lt, November 3rd. SEVKNI'H .1 L'DH'I A I. DISTRICT. Spring Judge Rynum. Fall Jude f J raves. Columbus-- Jannarv, 13th. March 31st, July 2-lth. Anson-January Cth, April 2Sth, September lsr, November 21th. Cumberland January 20. h, Mav 5th. July 2lt, November I0H-. ltobeson January 17th, Mav 19tK September 2i)th. Riclunoml Fel l nary loth, June 2nd,September l-'ith, lKcemter I-t. BIade:i -Marcn 1 7th, October 30th. Brunswick April 7th, September 8th. Moon March 3rd, A-igust 11th, October 27lh. aiiU to SiM'ak a Wood Word. After suffering untold agonies for three years from rheumatism, and auer trying various remedies vi h out effect, I decided t trv S. s. Si After takings bottles I was en lire! v cured. Therefore I cheerfully add mineio uiema ly testiui nials which go to prove the great success of S. S. S. as a remedy for those suffering from rheumatism. John McDonald, McDonald's Mill, Georgia. MIIiUn Bend. The following extract is taken from a letter received from Mr. William McKain, proprietor of the Madison House, at Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.: "While I was merchaiidi.-ing at Milliken's Bend, in this during the year 187 and 'KS, I sold large quantities of Swirt's Siieeific (S. S S.), and during that time eve ry one that used the medicine was loud in its praise. Amourr ilmw vi vrit; ueneniien ny fs. . s. was a man since dead who had a cancer n its most malignant form. He I,!.. I spent a small fortune in trying to ef fee'ta cure, but vvithout sncee-is t. ter the knife had been used there was still a cancerous taint left in hi. blood, the wound never hesilinrr 1 finally persuaded him t.n trvH. ss ss and it alone eradic ated t be cuiicur mm ne recovered perfect health. I.1 .. Al A . ..... luminal time until hisdeath, which was several years, asvmnrem nfi, disease never returned.'' 'ot a Synipfoiii in Five Years. t I had scrofula in 1884 and entirely cleansed it frtm my syptem by tak ing seven bottles of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) I have not had an v symp toms of it since that time. C. W. Wilcox. Spartanburg, South Carolina. ftaTTreatise on Iilood and SKin liis cascs mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Gc-oria. s The new york shop cirL " Gremt ItMprTmaU la Her C dtU Dorter Bcat Tran. It will he renumbered tEat about eight year ago there was a popular uemwu upju uie noreiceppers lo&i (Leir-womca clerks ahoald Le treated more like human being than as mere automatons, that they should be girca feats behind the counter on which they could rest themselves, and that they should have tome apartment wherein they could etire and secure occasional rest from the constant strain upon their nerves and their bodies. The general clamor for re form in this direction led toamckt marked improvement in the way in which these young women were treated. The change came slowly, but it came ai ia&i, aiMi now uie pnjpneLors or the great stores have made admirable pro visions for the comfort of their em ployes. It may have been observed by shop pers that there is a marked improve ment in the personnel of the girls em ployed in the big stores. Purchasers are treated with more courtesy, and the interest in the purchaser is so manifest sometimes as to be almost the habit of shopping in other cities. This is based upon very sound finan cial reasons. Several of the big shops have entered into an agreement with tUeir employes to give them a certain percentage on their total daily, weekly or monthly sales, small, it is true, in each sale, but in the aggregate a very handsome addition to their salaries. J.ne result of this is a decided eager ness on the part of the clerks to wait upon mo customers ana an anxiety il.nt V.1I 1 l J mi .u 9uiui Lutuseu. j. bis is an SPECIAL " T O HOUSEKEEPERS! Our (Ii cery Department t.s now the most complete in ( liu iuii. i-t-ij iniii )u neei you cati get iroui iw at the Very Lowest Prices! KAUAI O AI ) NOTES. One durable, well-made, hand somely finished box-car a day besides the other work incident altoagieat line of travel and traffic is the output of the work-shops of the Cape Fear & laaKin valley Railroad at th present tim?. There are also under the shed several rn.spn- gercars which have been recent ly turned out. renainted. rennv.n. ted and mide comfortable for the increased thrnmr!. tro,.0i which may be expected within the next thirtv davs- Vn villo Ocseryer. K EW BARBER SHOP. When ; ou wish an easy shave, As gt e l as hirhcr ever gave, Just call o mV- :it my saloon At morn !';, t-vi. (r iioon; I Cut aim drcs the hair with grace, Ausuii nit; coiuour oi tho face. My room is neat and towels clean Scissors shartiai.d razors L-tn ' And everything I think vou'U rind sun i ne liueaiiu p ;ease tliemird And all my art ami skill can do ' I! you just call, I'il do for vou. I'AULRIIEIUUD, he Clinton llarber. Inlicritcd Rlood Poison. How inaiiv neonic iIkmc mo .n tress from soref, aches, pains :.ndnun tive t( ndem ii s are due to inherit-d hl.uul poison. Uail blood passes fn.ni parent to ehllcl. and it theret'm-i. fix. ,.i husbnndam wife to keep their hfod luie. mis is easuv accomplished by a timely use of li. It i: Ml.i..;,. i.iL.i I.-:!m. s.(.n(i to lilood U.ihn c..., At ! i ui a. Sook of most vouviiu in j roof. I ' li.e. Hill, Atlanla.tJa.. writes: "My jtw..s ;is were afllicted with blood pui- o . hich doctors raid was hereditary. ; I ; loth broke out in sons and ctup j ji .ii. which 15. 15. p. prompilv coutiol- .iiiu cured compl, tely." ts. S. JI. Williams", Saiidv, Texas wii i-s: -My three poor ailiu'ted child ' . who inherited blood poison. hav in iiroyed ranidl (li s a (lodseud." I. It. Wilson. Glon Alpine Station. X ".. Feb. 13, 1883, writes; "Hone ami ,u poison loreeil nis to have my k- amputated, and on the stump t! ere came a a ige ulcer, which grew worse every -'S unMl doctors gave me up to die I i'v weighed 120 pounds when I be'.'an "ke 15. 15. 15., and 12 hot lesiner... vd my weight to 180 pounds and made me Bound and well. I never kne w what ;."od health was before." Judge Lyxch's Rkoori). It U siated that in the United States last year there were 98 legal ex ecutions, and that Judge Lynch presided over 175 executions fhis is a tenible record. State Chronicle, mil the World thrre i hut one cure, lr. Uaiaes' tioldeu SpeciflcT .hVfcii?-i?LT!S & tnpof tea or coffee without I5l3DO wi""" of th Wo taking it. effecting VIS6' ""' cro. whether thi patient ui Kldeo epecin is their coffee without their knml au BfKUio Co., ! Blreet, CincUnM?. O.' Bneklen's Arnica saiv The best Salve in the world tor Cuts I1 JSCS. Sores. T'leera SIolrlMw, ! ' vero:es. Tetter fi..nnjir..i. . 11-. . . ""rl"-" "uu3, i;im. v.uiuo, , u.us. anu an sic:n Eruptions and positively cui-ps liiae X ' required. It is guaranteed to give ier- t "":'""-,Jlu' money refunded. 1 rice 2o cents ier box. For sale by Ur. 11: ii. HoLLIOAY. - Rinsrfngr Xoises In the ears, sometimes a roariug buzin" sound are caused bv catarrh, thi t ex ceedingly disagreeable and very common tllSjCaSe. J.OSS of snell . k. : . result from catarrh. Hood's Saiapa rilla, the ureal b ooil unrtf!,. ..A.. Ilirly Slleeessful romnrl.- r.. j?. which it cures by p-.fying the Mood' II VOU SUfler from raa.-l. ti. i. Sarsapnrnla, Uk peculiar medicine. improvement founded upon the inter est nf WTl omnlnro, o,l "I,.. and gives the latter an interest m their . . 1 1 1 J . . m m - . . i " - - V A Ul drudgery. The auestion of seals in ih tf has been always an important one be- "u3 ui me iiecessiiy ior room in the aiides between the confined spaco within which the clerks ro omigea 10 woric. i$ut an ingen- providing a queer little stool, which rweuiuies an orusi s sketching stoolin many resoects. though mnm uA and comfortable. This in many stores uuiugeu w mo lower part or the coun ter, and the rules rf tVio cinra rr.n ' llUilh eacred in a sale to nso thpsA strwfc at will. As most of the shopping is done between 11 a. m. and 4. p. m., this would seem to give the clerks live full hours during which there is little chance for rest, but this is obviated in this wav : Tho e Wks inent are divided into what on ship board would bo known as "watches." During thfl KiikV lituro in A ' O J vw.tj 1U C fc- ment where there are fifteen clerks noi moro tnan twelve are, with few ex centions. behind th Jut tnese twelve are understood to do ine i ail work of tho fifteen, so that at hourly or fifteen minute intervals "' "iay in turn nave a rest, lormerlv the nWVs to get a bito to eat whenever they wuiu uckW ecu. me customers demands. IWw, however, things are changed so that each girl or set of girls has a half xiuur m wnicn tney may eat their meal in quiet Not onlv thie. but in the big stores a room is'provided for them with tables and condiments where they have almost as many com forts as they would have at home. These rooms are usually in the base mpts, for the employers are com pelled as a rule to utilize eveiy bit of space above ground that they can se cure, but they are kept clean and com fortable by women who also care for tho cleanliness of the main store. There is, however, one exception, in a great store in Fourteenth street in winch the clerks are not obliged to go below ground to eat their luncheons. Here thev are cirpn n Vin- gnnWmnni upstairs, where they have all the f resh Qll 4 Yl ATT J 1 11 . " W wxjr visii auu uiso uie opportu nity to obtain warm fnrul fnAm A m " ' a VU1 tUTJ OAk- jacent restaurant oo iar as the accommodations for tu)ri nrr wrnno a-nri nun . i ti f.--r-e J-"jt umu Viliuauies which the clerks may have some de sire to keep in safety while they are attending to their dntifxs vided in most stores by small rooms where these things may be kept under lock and key, and which answer at the same time as dressing rooms, where the CWlr maw uan aress, and in the morning change their street costume- for it to a very mani fest saving of the latter. The routine of the employment of persons in the great stores is based to a great extent upon civil service principles. The department chief is selected because of his or her peculiar fitness for the position. But none of these vice regents of the proprietor is eiven rower of d - v T v. ou VXXA plove who has been more than a year in the store. Each one of these has the right to be heard, and if the excuses are satisfactory the person complain ing must give good reasons before they are discharged. Another thing that goes far toward making the shop girl morp content with her Tot is that in several of the stores her wages are yearly increased in proportion to her time of service. New York Times. A Chemical Ballet. At a banquet which was given at the Conclusion Of tW ftormon - w - VVU' gress of naturalists and physicians at dilhculty experienced by students in understandinc' Hie Cranio com noi i nrl c onI cmnf.f original method of fixing these in their minds. The audience was then treated to a Kil Wt i were dressed in different colors, to iwcu. mo vurioxza aioms. At Jqls command thpsA mlAwJ grouped themselves in various fash ions to show the chemical constitution of particular compounds and tfyeir re actions. The composition of benzole, and the formation of aniline and its derivatives. wrflnnWiiiUiir j eu. jjie ballet wound up by a reDre- "vuujuuu ui me iormuia ior robunte the rpw T-nl -ioi t V. n v a rormidable explosion. Annals of ( y lined (."oodrs (the very hest,) of all kind's jmt cd .x.. n iMiM i liinif jncacie.s not to tip. tomul elsewhere. A N 1 Our Owe Brand of Flour. THE BEST IX THE MARKET. Fresh Jhiokwheat direct from mill?. Maple Syrup. Leave your orders and have your purchases delivered at your ri r i ion 'lot FREE OF CHARGE. With thanks for past favors, we remain, very truly, WM. A. JOHNSON. pt Selling Out at Cost ! My 3tore House For Sale or Rent ! Wishing to make a change in my business I will sellout as soon as possible my entire steck of gnods strictly AT COST, for cash. i mm mm iwl Come get prices and see. Lash Fale commences J?nuary Jud. Respectfully, i i i i i $ 4 4 CAROLIjSA jeneer Work Clinton, N. C. A FRENCH DUDE FISHING. f i 1 I th!l never forget m fellow I ww j on dar last summer, juit ouUKle of i lrU, tithing in the Setixr. ' To ptriudr, U lr arc vry ttrict i over thre ia regard to fishing ad ' hooung. The seasons open ana shut ; like a jack knife with a snap, and I woe to Uw tnrMtgrrssor. tha crrtiun day in July, I think, the season opr iia, ! and loog before dayiight of the dy the lnks of tho nrtr all alone the ' Ii.is de IJoulone are lined with luhcr- roe hilling Uo by wde, almost elbor to elbow. I Ktrulln d.-irn ! I )m pi c. r one dar and nttm-ascd the jyrt Tttk- lngoui acigurl a omu two sous for a chair, and sul down to rt t a wrinkle in French fiJiin Vp i, lf i an hour all sat in silence with not a j movement. ITesenUv one fellow had libble, IllimfdlAli-f r i-vii-r prn u--i turiwnl on the little red l!at"on his ' Ime. The float navnl The man, with evcrv nerve train-d ' i - . i - i . . uu nvevea on uie lloat, breath- . iui exciiemeui, walchciL ine lloat dipDed tllin. Tti man tmiHI and the cork came to the surfice, but ! no fxsiu All aluujf the line of fisher- men lucre was .an OKicuhititm of t 'AliT The nut on a f mji piece of bait and waited. ' mseiiuy uie usu look IiolU aguin; i and this time he had him Cafnllr i he w orked him in to the bank, and an aueuuani slijpeU a delK-ate landing net under the lisli mwl i-ri.l iiim ... Uie hank, lliere was a err all alon;r me une oi imy or more lishermrn of "Bon. bon. tns ioli.'" Several hu dou- their rods and gathered anuud the basket, lined with Ion vr iti u Iti.Ot fVtA fisli was carefully plactl. He was u monster, nearly six inches lonpr, and must have weislod about four ounces. Then all w ent at itaaiu with renewed hope and courage. Presently a cab drove up and there descended from it a dude in an elabo rate sporting costume eveglaxses and a brood brimmed hat. YHlkin? leis Urelr to tlie hank a nifin li.,.l , - ov V ideutly been sent ahead to secure a iv sition vacated. A si-n-aiit l.rfirli Irom tllC Call ll fuldiurr placed it on the bank' cab ho produced a delicate rod and .... 1 rTM Butcnei. ine rou was put Ugcther; the satchel wasonenod nnH . kt.i iII t;i. ver bait box, a towel, a piece of soap aim uowi were piaceu on another stool alongside. The servant opened an umbrella and held it over the fUhprm.m'K lir...i ........ -v v screen him from the sun and the fish ing began. It was a lonir wait for a bite. J?mallv there was a iiUihl nn.i miss; several more nibbles and misses, and presently there was a fish, sure enoug-h. The j - - us avij the hank was mtense. With the aid of the landing net the lish was se cured. The servant tsavl i, 1qL- off the hook, but the lishernian an ticipated him aud held it up in tri umnh. Tint t) r wiw vpviUUUH t. t LI1U dude s gloves, and he took tliem oif auu uirew tnem awar. Things were frettinn- infrtif; exciting, and blank the expense. lresentJv another fish Tripoli i secured, tlie ser-aut dipped up water irom ine nvor anu handed the dude the soan and towol n-nA ln nanus. This was lvneatrd pwrr timn he caue-ht afisli All ihU Hm. darme had beOJl Wfllkinrr nn anA down, and approaching the lucky lish erman there followed an animated conversation with much gesticulating, seemingly a protest against such indis- cniuiuaie siaugnier. The dude waxwl The servant unjointed the rod, gath ered tin thft KfiVila nmKn. ,wl 45.,l. t "ioi viia auu lldii basket and placed them in the cab, ii.i.jj. lire uuuc entered ard was driven off with his catch, numbering about six, the ag gregate weight of which might have been two pounds an immense suc cess. I have no doubt this great catch made an item in next morning's paper, with the usual lie about the weight of the string and the big one that was lost. I had lpnvrwvl Tir.- T."'..., l, .1- :i Evidently- a little fishing goes a long aj im a xrencuman. iso doubt my little man went home, took a rose water bath and lay down for a rest aivci buuu a imiguing and exciting episode. I though to myself how I vvviou ive 10 gci mat chap out in the Rockies on a thorn bush creek, of a hot uay, ana matce him wade the stream, iwi aa occasional stumble over a slip pery bowlder and What a power of good it would do unu, auu wnai iun tor me! Forest axiu oiream. SWEEPING REDt In order to rtvlme our imment stork lffure takin, tory,the 1st of Man'h, we have Marked Down Prices Pants Goods, Dress Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Hoods" Gloves, Jerseys, Cloaks, Blankets, Heavy Shoes and Q A U 3? X 8 ? And for the next six weeks we will oftVr our customers ...,.. Clioice (Joods (no old shop-worn pols) for For Less Than Their Actual Worth ! Oall AT OXCK and make your selections. Xo Discniniiiatioii.-Oiii'IYiir tlictiiiiic (o Kwrv Iliivn Respectfully, A. F. JOHNSON & GO. D. R. Watson. A. F. I'ktkiwon The Tim nib nine. A Good Boy. "Been around town any, sir?" asked a bootblack of a man waiting at the .Detroit and Milirgntiu A 4 41? fay v4 urjwi iuj oilier '-No, bub, I haven't." was the re- j'Slian't I call a carriage for vou ?' 'o. I've no money to pay for such luxuries." J "Can't blow in $2?" "Not even two shilling, my bov." "Humph I That's too 1. "if I only lad a key to the police box I'd ring for the patrol wagon and let you have a ride and see some of the business streets for nothing." Detroit Free Artificial Diunoiuk. The diamond trade is much inter ested1 ln the remarkable artificial dia monds which came into notice. durino the Paris exposition. So perfect are some of the imitations that they puzzle dealers and experts. By the same cnemical anal vsi c arMA stones they are found to melfcat-only j wgree ox neat, and, of course .were exceedingly, hard iixfact, so hard that they would scratch, and almost cut mirrox- glass.- Com Jour- Manufacture every variety of Grape Baskets, Perfection Butter Dishes, Shipping Grates for Fruits and Vegetables Quality and prices guaranteed to meet any competition.' jan2 ly It has taken a long while for the inumb ring to make any headway in Jew York, but it is verv slowly irain- g'yuu. iir. jixey was me nrst "Tv. a nnfe uPn Ins thumb, and he has clung to it tenaciously for two years. It is a plain gold band worn just below the joint, and it was Placed there at first merelv as a lark It excited so much talk among the people who knew the burlesque actor that he has refused to take the ring off and has worn it ever since. Actors always have a certain following among young men whoso brains are not of danreroiiR -n-icrVi aA i, capable of devoting their energies to oi.ian niiiijrs. nQ smaii inmgs have taken the form of tVi there is a very considerable portion of rather young men about town who are iOUOWinSr jHF 1 ITM'b ovoml v V, O " J " Y I. Wi.. On Grog Row, Opposite Courthouse. REMEMBER, that we keep a cnoici: link of Tobacco, Ciart?, Snuff, etc., and alo a well selected stock ot Standard Family Groceries vvf GiAIX RKMEMEK. Ibat a rmer l,t;e of Wines, nrandic, W hiskies, etc., can seldom b found 1 a-The famous Rufus Weeks Rrandy (which all conitoi-e..r declare tlie best ever tasted) an be bought no where " l.e ' I ure up country Corn Whir e7 a specialty, 1 be patronage of the public : re-pcctfully solicited. 18 90! Come to T. H Partrick Bro's for your New Year Purchases. Remember we have just received a full stock of Btuineu Is Basineas. 1 J Cum I do not mean mrty to stop them for urae, and then have them re tcrn again. I MAJf A RADICAL. CLfil. -I ha? made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS. Ahte-Ion? stody. I wakrakt mj remedr to . CUM the worst oases. Because other hare nued u bo reason for not nowrecemng a eure. . ncuik auu ji r KEE isOTTLH ! IsniUBLS Kemedt. ive EzpreTa and Post Oflir it costs yon nothing ior a I trial, and it wUl eu.-e yon. Address ' H.C ROOT. M.C., l83PtABiSTKEWToH 1 ii Piso'a Care for Con sumption is also the best Cough Medicine. If you have a Cough without disease of the Icings, a few doses are all you need. But if yon ne glect this easy means of safety, the slight Cough may become a serious matter, and several bot tles will be required. Piso'a PfitnAifv aV.- ..M.k I Btst, Eulest to Use, ud Cmpwt Sold br dniaTsist rw K. ..n n 1 Triif?J?"s"rance Agent (out west) What did Mr. Npwmmei. cot- ? Assistant He wouldn't talk with me at all; said ho was too busy to huui. auuufc uie insurance. "WeU, I'll hang around his house uj-mgni ana snoot holes through his ..iuuuwb, wiu wuea ne comes down town In the morning1 you hide behind ouiue varaai iui ana put a few balls through the top of his hat. Then when he reaches his office I'll arop in and talk life insurance aj?ain." New York Weekly. Army Ijfo I jfot an Eay One. The supposition that armv life is an easy one is a civilian's delusion. No occupation on earth is more exacting. The reveille is sounded at daylight, and the soldier must be up and ready. Be tween reveille in the morning and "taps," at 9:30 at night, he has to at tend the maiority of thirty-three bu gle calls, and he is on his feet most of the time till 'retreat" at sunset The officers are busy at nearly all times over new military problems. They are called to mount and manage new artillery that would have struck dire dismay into armies like those of Ca$ sar, Hannibal or Alexander. Today TTi 1S, science, requiring all the skill of the best navigators, the most able engineers and the finest electri cians. All the known means of defense and destruction are availed of, even down to the last electric triumph, the telephone. Baltimore American. An Objection. "Mamma," said Harry, as he walked into the parlor with, a rebellious air, MUun;t going to have light hair any I!7 notp his mother "Cause it ain't nsi v ipe yourpen on it Hhout ita leaving treaks.-ajerchant Traveler- Consisting of Xail,,Hiie,, Screw.-, Lock-, Rolls and all kin.l of bdtfe lools. Also a hi Mr .f Av00 ' . Kiri'1 stand ' v CI ,JIIlJ K'laranteea t tot cash"" aCOmp,etB line of STAXnAKDSItOES. SoldcLe.,. Fresh Groceries Always on hand. Another lor of those CELEBRATED HAIIVFSS ir r . it ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. "AU.M.bS jint rnceived Also Touacco. Clears. SnufF tj Glassware. ' ' are, urockerv and We ask you to examine our Goods and Prices before bnyln Respectfully. ' T. 1 PARTEM & BRO. - - -wr- -mgy iJ aj CLINTOV IV MRS. A. E. MUHI'nY, ::::::; Owner and Proietre.,,. Sixteen New Large Comfortable Rooms Just Added. .t"S S:SSi'i Cym -.U1 Tr.ve.er, Free Transr.rtatn f iTh0'" P- The Tra?enn, PuKic 6 ",S to Stup at the Good Bargains ood?Sp51iybe 8U!:'t,, Cmein ndPle nd price our On which onr nrJ.rr-'' weatw? P " We n""'ea with the coming cold Give us a call, whether you wi9I, to buy or not ivespeciiQiiy,

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