TOWN OFFICKK3 : Mayou W. H. Thon.Hon. Trkahubkh J. A. Kt rrell. Chief of I'oi.ick W.J. King. Jaiix)K ('apt. Jiif. H. linon. CoMMirtHloNK.i'J W. v. fhoiuHon, J. A. Ferrell, W. A. .M.ii-on, J. II. Steven. T. II. Part rick. COUNTY OFKICKIW: Hhkkikf J- M. S-IX'H- Cl.KUK OK Kl I'KIUOK (V)tKT J. rt. IJizzclI. TttKASi'KKii J. It. Ueaman. Kkohtkk of I)KF.r O. F. Her ring. Coi'ntv Srr.vKvou Arthul I. Cokonkk Dr. A.T. C'ttnt't IioAI'.I) OK F.M.VATION--K It. It II. A. U. Hcirlnir and Warren Johnsor . ! oy m isrUox Kits ( 'iiplitiii C. Inr-j tric- .i. C. Hobbs J. M. Mari-hburn. Si.'i'KUIXTKM'KVT OK IlKAI.TII koii (Vlntv- Ir. J. A. Stevens. bTAXDAKI) KIir.l'KIl W. K.Iiea man. BUI'KHINTl.NOKNT OK CofXTV Farm James Shipp. Suit. Instruction l.-ham Itoyal. L.C. Hubbard L'.S. Con. ini.-sion-rr of the Fa-U rn Distric t l .Xorth Carolina. POST O.'FICK: (Clifton Ward, I'ortmasloi . J Mail goi.ij? hy rail leaves k;sU fKce daily at K:0" A. M., and l!:rr. P. M., respe-tively. Mail goin;; via llol ton, Newton (irove, Dunn, H am m's X I toad, etc., leaves 0:00 A. M. on Mondays and Thursdays. Mail K injfto Fayetteville, via Huntley, liloeker's. etc., leaves at o;io a. .i., . . . a m on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days. CIIUUCIIKS. Iiiii.tist. I'astor, O. r. Meeks 1 t anil :5d Salihaths of eaeh month. I'rayer meeting Tuea l..v .t 7 t. M. Sunday Hchool. Sun- day, lil'.M. I'resl.ytenan- Pastor, Dr. IJ. F. Marahlu, Services, 2nd and 4th Sun day's. Prayer meeting, Wednesday Rt 7 1. M. Sunday .school, 0 A. M. Mtthodlst Pastor, C. I'. Jeron.e. Services, (at Freshyterian Church) 1st Sieiday 11 o'clock, A. M. and 71. M. Sunday school (in Lodge) every Sunday at '.' A. M. Prayer meeting (at l'reshv'.erian church) Thursday nights id 7 P. M. Hector, Services, Sunday, 11 A.M. and 4:00 P. M. Si i day school, ii I. M. Colored IJ'iptist Second Sunday in each month at 11 A. M., .'I I'. M. and 7 P. M. MISCELLANEOUS : K. of II. Marion Uutler, Dicta tor, ineetn every first and third Fri duy night nt 8 o'clock. Hiram Masonic Lodge J. M. Marshhurn, Master, in;ets every third Friday at 11 o'clock A. M. Clinton Lodge.No. l'il, I. O.O.F., Dr. John A. Stevens, N. O., meets every Monday night. Library of t linton Literary Asso ciation over postolllce. Librarian, VV. S. Thomson. Clinton Loan Association Presi dent, J. Ii. Stewart; Cashier, W. L. Faison; Express Agent, Ed. Faison. Sampson liuilding and Loan Asso ciation President, V. A. Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer, J. S. Ui.zell. Hailroad Depot Agent, H. II. Holland, Jr.. Telegraph Operator J. C. Holmes. V. M. C. A. A. A. Butler, Presi dent. Meets in Courthouse every Monday at 7.W P. M. . - tm KmimiiP Tonrlji for 4th, 6th and 7th Ja- ilirial Districts, ISJ(h JUIMSK8 (Resident.) 4th District, Spier Whitakcr; Wake. ;th " E.T. 1'oykin, Sampson. 7th J. C. Mcllea, of Cum berland county. SOLICITORS. 4th District. T. M. Argo, of Wake (;th O. H. Allen, of Lenoir, 7th " Frank McNeill.of Itich niond county. TiniPH fr Holding Courts for 1S90. FOURTH .ll'DICIAT, PISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin WakeTan. Cth, Feb. 24th, March 24th, April 21st, July ith, Aug. 27th, Sent. 22d,Oct. 20th. Wayne January 20th, March 10th April 14th, September 8th, October lath. l'arnett February iJrtl. August 4th, November 24th. Jo!.nston February lOtli, August llth.November 10th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge (! raves. Fall Judge Armfield Pender March 10th, September 8th. New Hanover Jan. 20th, Apri i:Uh, September 22nd. Lenoir February Jlrd. Aug. 10th November 10th. Duplin February 10th, Aug 4th, November 24th. j Sampson February 24th, April 28th, October 0, December 8th. Carteret March 7th, October 20th. Jones March 2ith, October 27th. Onslow March 31st, November 3rd. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Bynum. Fall Judge Graves. Columbus January, 13th. March 31st, July 28th. Anson January 6th, April 28th, September 1st, November 24th. Cumberland January 20th, May 5th. July 21st, November 10th. Robeson January 17th, May 19th, September 29th. Richmond February 10th, June 2nd,September 15th, December 1st. IUaden March 17th,October 30th. Brunswick April 7th, September 8th. Moore March 3rd, August 11th, October 27 th. Judere liovkin holds court this Spring in the 3rd District, as follows: Pitt January 6th, March 17th, June 9th. Franklin Jan 20th, April 14th. Wilson Feb. 3rd, June 2nd. Yancc Feb, 17th, May 19th. Martin March 3rd. Greene March 31st. Nash April 28th. NEW BARBER SHOP When j ou wish an easy shave, As gcod as barber ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon At morniug, eve or noon: I cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. -My room is neat aDd towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything I think you'll find ; To suit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do I! you just call, I'll do for you. PAUL RIIERARD, The Clinton Barber. THE CAUCASIAN. CLINTON, N. CM FEU. C, 1 590, TAXIXO KAILKO VIS. The people in Maryland have the .same problem that we have in North Carolina: How ran the i be made to pay tax ? If ! there is any just way under Iiea-; . ven we intend to adopt it, and . I the Chronicle is glad to get sug-1 jgestions from other Slates. Thej i bill introduced in the Maryland Senate provides that nc railroads in that State worked by steam hhall be operated or do business as a common carrier, or haul any , ca:s, freight or passenge:s with j out a license from the Comptrol-, lor of the Treasury, to be issued j on the 1st of March, and not to j be issued unless the report re-i quired of the President, Secre-! tary, Treasurer or other officer be lirst made to the Comptroller, ; aru tJiat an laxes imposed oy the act be fust paid to tha State. The tax imposed is one per cent, on the first $1,000 per mi?e of the gross earnings of each road; on the total earning, if they are less than 1,000 per mile; two per cent, per mile on the next 3 1,000 of gross earning, three per oent. on the next $1,000 and four per cent, when the amount exceeds $3,000 and does not exceed $3,000, and when thai amount i-1 reached then live per cent, on all gross earnings above the same. The penalties for failure to comply with the law are rigid. The Chronicle commends the consideration of this plan to Senators Kerr and Aycock, and Representatives Carter, Holinan and Sutton, who have been charged by the Legislature with the special duty of devlsimr ways and means to tax the rail roads in North Carolina which now escapr . State Chronicle. Koiuai kablc Rescue. Mrs. Michael Cut tain. Plninlield. 111.. niitkcs 11 e Mtntcmcnl mat flic caudal cold, which si-ttlcd on her lungs; flu; was t.oated for a month hy her family ihy-s'u-ian. but grew worse. Ho told h.?r she was a iioncicss victim oi consumption and that no medicine could i iin: lu-r. Ilrr drughft suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a h ttle and to her delight found hers If benefited from She continued its us? and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, iew docs her own housework and is as well as she ever wa . Free trial bottles of this Croat Discovery at Dn. It. II. day's Drugstore; laig". bottles 60 cents and one dollar. KUNNINO DAY ANI NIGHT. 'Hie Favetteville Iron Uound liucket Factory noAV nins day and night to keep up with their orders. Mr. Denny, the Super intendent, tells us they have or flers in already for one thousand dozen buckets, &c. The com pany contemplates enlarging their capital stock from ten to twenty-five thousand. In that event a mammoth factory will at once be built and ti.e capac ity greatly increased. Fayette ville Observer. Sixty Dollars in Cash Prizes. The Swift Specific Company, At lanta, Oa., the manufacturers of the great blood medicine, S. S. S., have just issued a nice riddle book, illus trated with pretty engravings, in which they offer sixty dollars in cash prizes to the boys and girls of Amer ica who will correetly give the an swers. The following are the li.t of prizes : For the first set of correct an- swers, For the second set, For the third set, For the fourth set, I0 o S 7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tor the fifth set, ! For the sixth set, For the seventh se , 4 For the eighth set, :i For the ninth set, 2 For the tenth set, 1 For the elevent h to the (10th si t, each; Those wishing a copy of thi- 10 rid- dle book can obtain it free by send ing us their address a id mentioning this paper. SWIFT SPKCH'TC CO., Drawer Atlanta, (ii-oria. An old negro at Weldi.n, N. C, at a recent lecture, said : "When see a man going Lom with a gallon of whiskey and half a pound of meat dat's temperance lecture enough for me, and I sees it every day. I know that eve rything in his home i$ on the same scale gallon of misery to hulf pound of comfort." Smith field Herald. One Fart. Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an American statesman, it is a fact, establ idied by the testimony of thousands of people, that lloo 's Sarsaparilla doe cure scrofula, salt rhouui, and ott er diseases or affec tions arising from impure state or low condition cf the blood. It also overcomes that tired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives- strength to every part of the system Try it. It is said that butter wa? un Known to tne ancients, it some that we bought the othoi' day jras not known to the ancier ts then we are no judge of what constitute age. Hawkinsville (Ga ) Dispatch. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world tor Cuts. lirtises, Sores, Ulcers, Saltltheum, Fc verSores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all bk-.n .ruplious, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to uive per fect satislactitn, or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. u; ii. uolliday. " Every one is complimenting the Improvement of The Caucasian but we are not yet satisfied. We wish to make it better still. SUCCESS. As cm CP tf' lop'. e U In the morn, rrm th inr Artfm are rj What A Annr Laiijr orrr Umu m J . W lji a tkjrf gl- lbrrr In the y J What plraaura imni artio - hib On the cf Oial Ijesutifui W hat rair.fc7W bul rkr of hofv Aj) m t Rur' As clm-b up the h J:. cUiuh, Our hr. Vir Uiuaf Ijii. are mtt; I or Fat, ho l irpoujie o oil ttm. In of youtb aol cfjc?-rit. With hrcat that aw rai aaJ Im Ehe thajloM CMir tonliht of guM, An-1 tlrf! way stow- lorir) aati coli. As w climb A r toil ou through t. ojl an.l jui, Thr ar? hati'ls that r. i.'l KhrlLer aa'l feJ; Bait ofiro -t m ( to attain, Th'y wlJI hrui otir law hrt liU vf Tla tle wtrst of all critiwa to succeed -Know th'S aa m fajit on a cruxt. kitoir thU in the darkn-KS ai l lusU Ve who chruh' Aa ue ij'l on the heights ( nuii tm, vuccrsa srrua aa hard aa ibif-. Through th livj we may author Jid tU-aa Alono iiiay it tillJT turn tae-t; Anil the world, lyu: there et our tvU With its caviling JTauie and it sneer, We must jilty. tondme atid rw.t har. Where w e Ktartl Am v.e I. re on tbone liW;-l.t. we uiust live With the courage auJ j.riile of a K'xl; I-'or the world, it haa notijin to Rive I;ut the acourge of tlie Iuj!i uijJ the rot Ur thoughts must t- uuiAn aiul hroaii. Our purpfwe m'lst (hall"nc i:icn gaz'". While we M-elc not lhair hlame Dor their praise. An we live -Klla Wheeler Wilcox. A I orlune Jtit Ml-(l. nev Ilobison related an Otiinev Robison related an incident of the early history of the oil regions recently which may give the children of the present generation a vague idea of the magnitude of the transactions which tooTc place when oil was S and f'J a barrel, and joor people gained a competency bv scooping it off the burfucc of cretlis or gathered it from pools around the tanks which had overflowed. The story, as told by Mr. Kobison, was as follows: "Within a month after Col. Drake had struck the first petroleum ever brought to the surface in America by means of drilling, my father and the father of my relatives here bought a tract of land, comprising 1,280 acres, adjoining the farm on which the Drake well was located, for ,",50, 000. Not long afterward I was bitting in their office one day I remember it as distinctly as though it happened only, yesterday when an agent for an eastern svndicate walked in and offered $500,000 for the 1,280 acres. The owners looked at him rather in credulously for a moment, but before they could speak he had counted out on the table $500,000 in cash and drafts, which he offered for a deed of the tract. I was appalled by the sight of the pile, but my father and the father of these gentlemen retired for consultation, and decided that if the property was worth $500,000 it was worth $1,000,000. and the olTer was refused. Their heirs still own the land, and now it is valued at about $20,000. Where they could have got dollars we could scarcely get nickels. Thus you can see what seemingly fairy stories could be told of those days. They arc almost incomprehen sible to the present generation, but they were ml hot facts." And a sigh of regret that the offer had not been accepted, went around the circle. Pittsburg Dispatch. KinK Sliam Up I ens. This is an era of shams, and shams in dress, about which so much is said and written, are particularly notice able. It no longer pays to purchase "good things," ljecausc good things jro out of date as fast as poor things, and their extra cost is dead loss, hence expedients of ail sorts mark the ap parel, the furniture, the houses even, of this now almost defunct Nineteenth century. A very expensive cheapness has been substituted lor enduring in vestments. There are some few old fogies yet remaining who demand sub stance rather than style, and who trust they are getting an Al article by paving an Al price for it. Let 'em still hope I Do not disturb their cre dulity in advance. But it is none the less true that sham is king, precisely as shoddy ruled the world in post hel ium days. The source of this condition of affairs is not far to seek; the in creasing populations, the greed for money, the struggle to live, ail com bine to father shams and nurture pre tense. Make believes are the order of the day. Doston Herald. Ilia Last Concert. One of the most pathetic of sights was that seen in the Boston music hall at the last concert given by Mario, the once famous tenor. He was poor, and the hall was filled with persons who had been ardent admirers of this won derful art, and now that he had lost his art were willing to put money in his purse. The tenor tried one of his crreat songs, but his decayed voice refused to sing the notes. Again he tried, and again be failed. Then, with a sad smile, and a slow, mournful move ment of his head, he suffered the or chestra to play through the air, and retired from thestaare amid the silence of the pitying audience. Another pathetic story is told of Bottesini, a famous violinist, concern ing his last concert at Parma: It was a rainy evening and the man agers had forgotten to send a carriage tor the veteran, who set out on foot and had gone some distance before a passing friend perceived him and made him enter his carriage. Arrived at the concert room, Bot tesini tuned his instrument and began to rub his bow with rosin. The rosin crumbled in his hands, and, turning vj ms inenas wiin a sac nan smue, ho said. "See. it is so that Bottesini. too, will break up." xnen ne grasped his loved instru ment and drew the bow across the strings, but instantly stopped with a wondering look, for he felt something strange in the tone; Ids touch was an swered less readily and certainly than oi om. Once more he tried, and once more stopped, this time with a smile, saying only, "It answers no more." His au dience perceived nothing unusual m the performance, which they applaud ed as warmly as ever, but Bottesini seemed to feel the shadow of death. On the following day he was stricken with illness, and soon after the won derful hand was stilled forever. Youth's Companion. How is This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole do, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tion made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Drug gist, Toledo, O. Warding, Kinnan & Marvin, holesale Druggist, Toledo, O. E. II. Van Hosen, Cashier Toledo National Bank, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surtaces of the system: Price 7,5c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Sf'lV lVDX.TiSMni 1 NEW ADVERTISEyiEXTS. SPECIAL HOUSEKEEPERS! Our (Ii-'cery Department is Every thiiikT you need you I ton Very Lowest Prices! Canned (Joodn, (the very Kinds of Table JkJi racier All V IV Our Own Brand of Flour, "HE BEST IN Fresh linekwheat direct Leave yoiai orders and have your purchases delivered at your house FREE OF With thanks for past favors, we remain, very truly, WM. A. JOHNSON. If. Selling Out at Cost! My Store House For Sale or Rent ! Wishing to make a change in my business I will sell out as soon as possible my entire steck of gnods strietly AT COST, for cash. i mm mm at a lai. Come get prices and see. ffsT ("ash sale commences January 2nd. i CAROLINA Veneer Work Clinton, N. C. Manufacture every variety of Grape Baskets, Perfection Butter Dishes, Shipping Crates for Fruits and Vegetables. Quality and prices guaranteed to meet any competition. jan2 ly FOTSI 'When I say Cure I do not mean merely to stop them for time, and then have them re turn again. I mean A RADICAL CUKK 1 have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAILING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a eure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Uottxb of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will eure you. Address j H. C. ROOT. M.C.. 1 83 Faun. St NewTuU j X 1 no,v the most complete in Clin ran tret from us at the lest,) of all kiii!l-, just receive not to be found elsewhere. D THE MARKET. from mills. Maple Syrup. CHARGE. Respectfully, 4' Piso's Cure for Con sumption is also the best Cough Medicine. If yon have a Cough 'without disease of the Lungs, a few doses are all you need. But if you ne glect this eany means of tsuety, uih Bugnt vougn may become a serious matter, and several bot -5 tles will be required. Piso's Bemedy for Catarrh ta tbe Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Seld by dnwgtets or seat by maO. sua ts, T. ttacerane, warren, n. mmmm i mh sis A II . -r ' Chic dy U.4 mvk Wolf , of Piu, U-jtrn the Kroicbc in hi Boat after duck or hcldrk, and, having ispk-d one of th Utter birds ia the r. iiU-r near Lre's ULuid. trtJ for a aliot lie Lad mtuIIcJ almost within ihoL, and w&s anticipating securing the game when ping! came a nlle ballet and atruck the cakes on the bow of the float, the ice being1 used to deceive the birds. Had Mr. Wolf had a com panion with him in the bow, the bullet would liave struck hi gnu barrel a it lav over the front of the float The hunter wa.s somewhat disturbed by tbe sbot which he presc-med was, of course, accidental, but continued wul liu ' toward the shclUlrake. In a min- iping! caine a Mtoud slu t, this timedi irectiy over hi head, and Wolf, glanc ing in tue direction or the shot discov ered a man with a rille on the Phijw buig shore. Hie rifleman was shcnt ing j!irjc--l v ni the that Iniiiudi. it ly Wolf stood up in hi.s lxt and wuvnl his hand at the shotii er, at the same time, of course, frightet ing the shclldrake and losing the bird. The man on shore, w ho hails from Parker's head, was visiting friends in Phipsburg. and had brought hU rille along with v.hkii to shoot seals. Seing Wi if's t'nat. which, covered with i e, lo-'ked like an ice floe, and, noticing Wolf lying on the stern, he inferred that the sportsman was a seal taking a sail on the ice and so bhm-d away. When, however. Wolf sIihrI up the rifleman discovered his mistake, and feared that he had wounded his hu man game, llunning to the shore, he jumped into a boat and rowed out to the float, and was greatly rejoiced to find his supposed vict.m uninjured, but naturally annoyed toloNe his bird. Portland Argus. IiuUxiii: i:x(iaor.lliirj. A work on the 'Origin of the Hu man Reason." by iSt. (ieorge Mivart, has been subjected to some very ab surd indexing. The Indon Daily News gives a sample as follows: Mr. Mivart had referred on page 13(5 of his book to some articulate ut terances of a certain parrot which sounded remarkably like replies to auestions. This anecdote gives the in exer his great opportunity. He in dexes this twice under A, and thereaf ter under twelve other letters with va riations of perfectly fascinating inge nuit v thus: Absurd tale alxut a cockatoo, 136. Anecdote, absurd one, about a cock atoo, 136. Bathos and a cockatoo, 136. Cockatoo, absurd tale concerning one, 136. Discourse held with a cockatoo, 136. Incredibly absurd tale of a cockatoo, 136. Invalid cockatoo, rd tale about, 136. Mr. R and tale about a cockatoo, 136. Preposterous tale about a cockatoo, 136. Questions answered by a cockatoo, 136. R , Mr., and tale about a cocka too, 136. Rational cockatoo as asserted, 136. Tale about a rational cockatoo, as as serted, 136. Very absurd tale about a cockatoo, 136. Wonderfully foolish tale about a cockatoo, 136. This is all the more astonishing as the book is a very dull one. Milk and Lnuuiry The public anal vst of Halifax, York shire, Mr. Ackroyd, thinks that men tal aberration may sometimes be as cribed to the use of weak milk. In The Provincial Medical Journal, under the title of "The Milk Supply and Lu nacy," he draws attention to some sta tistics of admissions to lunatic estab lishments in Scotland. While the average monthly number of admis sions for the eight years is l,6Ui), in the months of May, June and July the number is 628 above the average, and 462 below it for the months of Oc tober, November, December and Jan uary. Moreover, the rise and fall are gradual; the number going up in Feb-. ruary, March and April, and down in Julv, August and September. Such variations, Mr. Ackroyd believes, have been -correlated with a number of other phenomena, and he desires to add one more to the list, viz., the sea sonal variation in the quality of milk. He has been at the pains to plot a curve for tbe years 18S5-86, based on over 33,000 samples of milk analyzed for the Aylesbury Dairy company, and the result of his investigations goes to show that there is a curious corre spondence between the rate of admis sions to lunatic asylums and the qual ity of milk, the former rising as the percentage of solids in milk is ob served to fall. orloas Waya of Bookkeeping. The bakers here have a rather orig inal way of keening accounts which may be called a kind of bookkeeping by double entry. When the carrier delivers a loaf of bread, which, by the way, is about five or six feet long, he is handed a wooden lath about a foot long by the party to whom he delivers the bread. From a collection of laths of the same size, one for each customer, he picks out this particular tstomer's one, and placing the two parallel, he cuts a groove across the face of both. Ia the final adjustment of accounts both laths have to have the same num ber of notches. Cheap, but ingenious. Prolles (France) Cor. St Louis Post Dispatch. A Boy wttlt a Fa tore. "Tommy," said a Chicago young ster s mother, "there is a great big blot on your copy book" rr.u"0 mamma- you're mistaken mats only a period. Our teacher is awfully near sighted." Merchant Traveler. Inherited Blood Poison. How many people there are whose dis tress from sores, aches, pains and eruj) tive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of husband an 1 wife to keep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, for book of most convincing proof. James Hill, Allanta.Ga., writes: "ily two sons were afflicted with blood poi son, which doctors said was hereditary. They both broke out in sores and erup tions which B. B. B. promptly control led and finally cured completely." Mrs. S. M. William. Sandy, Texas, writes : "'My three poor afflicted child ren, who inherited oloou poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. K. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station, X. C, Feb. 13, 18S5, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me ta have my leg amputated, and on the stump there came a large ulcer, which grew worse every day until doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to tafce B. B. B., and 12bot les increas ed my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." Neuralgic Persons And those troubled with nervousness resulting from care or or erwork will be relieved by taking JBrourn's Iron Sitters. Genuine fau trade mark and crossed red Usee on wrapper. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS XKW AP VERTISKM ENTS SWEEPING DlJnl In order to reduce our ::ninense sto-1; before taking :nv-:j. tory,the 1st of March, we have Marked Down Prices Pants Goods, Dress Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Hoods, Gloves, Jerseys, Cloaks, Blankets, Heavy Shoes and 6 DR 3? And for the next six weeks wo will offer our customers som,. Choice tloods (no o!d shop-worn goods) for For Less Than Their Actual Worth ! Call AT OXCK and make your selections. Xo Disoriinination OncPrh Respectfully, A. D. 11. Watson. On Grog Row, Opposite Courthouse. RHMEMBEIJ, that we keep a ciioK i: i.ini: of Tobacco, Cig , Snuff, etc., and alo a wki.l si:li;ctki stock oi Standard Family Groceries. AGAIN REM EM HER. that a finer line of Wines, lirandies, Whiskies, etc., can seldom be found. The famous Rufus Weeks Kraudy (which all coimoi declare the best evei- tasted) an be bought no whero else. Pure ui country Corn Wilis ey a specialty. The patronage of the public i rcpectfully solicited. 18 Come to T. H. Partrick Bro's for your New Year Purchases. Remember we have just received a full stock of J 3i Consisting of Xails, IIin;c.-, Screw.--, Lock-, Holts and all kind of Edge Tools. Also a big Jot of Axe, every one guaranteed t Htand. We can y a complete line of STAX1U1M) SHOES. Said cheap for cash. Fresh Groceries Always on hand. Another lot of CELEBRATED HARNESS just rceived at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Also Touacco, Cigars, Snuff, Tinware, Potware, Crockery and Ulasswa; e. We ask you to examine our Coods and Prices before buying. Respectfully. T. II PARTiUCK & BRO. r - . a m ai - - - - a J-f '? v? s?v CLINTO Y, N. C. MRS. A. E. MURPHY, ::::::: Owner and Proprietress. Sixteen New Large mfortable Rooms Just Added. Centrally located. Sample rooms for Commercial Travelers. Attentive Servants. Fare First-CIass in Every Respect. Free Transportation from and to Depot. The Traveling Public Cordially Invited to Stop at the MURPHY HOUSE. Good Bargains In the line of General Merchandise. Everything we keep ia a specialty in quality and price. Before buying be sure to come in and sample and price our tjoods, especially On which our prices have weather. Give us a call, whether you Respectfully, V M AY t - t1 IlirSiinic U) Kvrrv Diiut F. J0II10N & CO, A. K. I'KTKUSON. 90! 6 XJ X? wAve vax- jh ?At mm m mm contracted with the coming cold wish to buy or not.